Blender Archviz MASTERCLASS | Archvis Tutorial #3 | Guide

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hello and welcome to this next imesh Master Class video this could be another interior visualization tutorial where we're going to cover everything from the very beginning from an architect's floor plan all the way up to a finished render just like the last two videos we've done for the last two years this was going to go over all the topics that you need but in this one I'm trying to go for a certain aesthetic which I keep seeing on a lot of portfolio websites for architectural visualization and this aesthetic is a very soft lighting with a certain focal length and certain colors this could be a very modern piece but hopefully if you can follow this tutorial all the way along you're going to have a very wow factor image which you can for sure add to your portfolio and hopefully gain some clients in the end now as you can imagine this tutorial is quite long but quite short for what I'm trying to achieve I'm going to go from an architect's floor plan all the way up to a final portfolio piece so there's a lot to cover in a short amount of time and in every single video I always get so many commenting that there's a better way to do something or there's a more efficient way of doing something and if if that's what you prefer then go for it I'm going to presume that you have some sort of understanding on how blender works so if you find a better way of doing something then please go for it my specific topics which I want to cover in this tutorial is going to be more covering how to get to a certain aesthetic the type of lighting which I'm trying to go for and the coloring and generally to try to make it look like these images which I keep seeing online all the tiny details in between which I might have missed or briefly gone over it in a slightly different way if you think there's a better way to do it go for it please but but I'm sure that you're going to learn a lot of interesting things and some really good techniques on things to look out for when trying to achieve such a final interesting portfolio piece now halfway through this video I will start populating the scene with 3D models and as we are a 3D model website we'll we will be using imesh assets we do have a lot of free image assets on our website so do check that out but if you find other free resources online then please go for it but we will be using imesh assets to complete this scene if you do want to follow along exactly then please do check out imish at the time of making this video it is actually Black Friday so we have quite a good offering at the moment but if this isn't Black Friday I'm sure we're going to do some sort of um some sort of deal in our description for people who are discovering us through this video so that you can follow along exactly but one thing I keep seeing every single week even though I've been saying this for the last three years if you're using 3D models for architectural visualization that is not cheating and I wish that I don't need to keep saying that um I keep saying I keep using the same example so imagine that you are a photographer and you have been asked by a client to photograph a living room they're not expecting you to come and photograph the living room and also model also build all of the furniture yourself who in their right mind would ask a photographer to also build all those all of the sofas beds tables you know they'll be they'll be there for years before they can actually get the photograph and that is the same concept with architectural visualization you are visualizing the scene to try to make the scene look as aesthetically pleasing as possible you need to choose all the right furniture all the right coloring the right composition the right lighting it's not about modeling the furniture and I just wish that I just don't need to keep saying this every single video every single time I keep seeing comments on all of these various Facebook groups blender groups on somebody's architectural visualization piece and someone comments to say did you model this furniture and they they respond no and then somebody says uh oh well you're just cheating then it's just I just cannot I just can't by using pre-made assets you're gonna be able to complete your work a lot more efficiently and your clients are going to be much more happy if you were to model your furniture yourself there's a chances are that you're not going to be very good at modeling your furniture anyway so your clients are just going to see bad bad models if you are a 3D visualizer then please use pre-made assets the benefit the benefit of imesh is that you'll get instant access to 1 500 assets at the time of making this video so you'll have an instant library that you can choose pick and choose from and find something that should work for most clients okay so there are six topics I want to talk about in this video there's going to be finding mood boards and finding the right colors importing the floor plan and making a usable room add in the key Furniture items and materials and trying to find the camera positions and some basic lighting then go into the smaller details the smaller final lighting and the finer details including materials and and fine colorings before going to completing the render going going over some render settings and then post-production and some tweaks now throughout this video also I have to apologize I'm using a mechanical keyboard which is very very loud so please ignore that I'll try to get a quieter keyboard next time right I think that is enough of an intro I think we should just get stuck into it um if you know how to do certain things then please skip to those parts I'm going to try to remember do to add those chapters but otherwise um good luck with this tutorial and I'm sure you're going to end up with an absolutely beautiful piece please comment on the video if you're unsure on something and I'm going to try to respond to every every person every single people's and uh yeah good luck okay so let's talk about mood boards for everybody who is just starting out especially you can't possibly know all of the Styles all of the furniture and all of the details that you could possibly want in the visualization there's no possible way that you can just have an understanding of this before you've even started even professionals they will use mood boards every single time so that they can get an idea of the feel and the look that they want to go for in their finished piece that's across the whole all creative all the creative fields and Architectural visualization is no different so that's what I've done here I've put together a mood board of the type of images which I want to go for to give me some ideas of the type of lighting the type of feel and everything like that that I want to go for hopefully I've already shown you the final image and if so you'll be able to see by looking at this that it should look quite similar to this quite a similar aesthetic in general the lighting is going to be very Dynamic with strong Shadows strong blacks and also lots of highlights the lighting is not necessarily 100 natural but it still doesn't look unrealistic it's almost like a photographer has come into the scene and place a very specific lighting into certain areas to give a certain look that they're going for and that's exactly what I'm going to be doing this tutorial as well also the focal length on a lot of these images are going to be quite High they're going to be using a focal length of probably around 60 to 80 millimeters so that it removes a lot of the perspective so the images are going to look quite flat but to me that is the aesthetic which I'm trying to go for and there are various images here here which definitely Follow That kind of vibe and that's what I really like in these renders there's also certain renders like this one which uses glass and the use of curtains which I really really like and so there's certain details throughout these mood boards which I'm going to pick up and try to use in my renders as well of course the idea of mood boards is not to copy exactly but just to get some inspiration and some ideas here is another one here which uses also some glass which gave me the idea of using more darker glass which is what I'll be using in the tutorial and we can also see when looking at these visualizations here in these renders that a lot of the images are very monotone there's very simple coloring going on here and usually just a few colors for example this one's gonna be mostly black and gray with a bit of green a lot of the other ones are going to be maybe age with some black areas and that's the kind of look that I'm going to go for as well of course if you want to bring in more colors then please do that but that this is the specific type of vibe that I'm trying to go for now after looking at these visualizations I also saw the idea of doing a studio one of these renders came up and I thought that's actually really good idea for the whole tutorial as a whole so I try to split it up into three renders so I'll be doing a living room a kitchen and a bedroom as a full Studio kind of piece and I thought that would be quite fun to achieve as well now in the previous renders I did actually use a a mood board program on the computer but just for this one I've literally just used Pinterest because I think Pinterest is just very good at suggesting other images if you want to download these images to your own computer so you have direct reference then please do that okay so I think that's enough from this side of things I think that you get the the idea that I'm going for so let's move on to the next step so for this tutorial we'll be working with a rough floor plan that I've put together now I'm not an architect so I'm sorry if these plans are not just standard but they should give you a good idea of what to expect if you're working for a construction company architecture company or professional interior designers there's a good chance that they will have professional cap plans available if they do not please request this and they will try to get hold of them and send them to an dxf format if they only have a DWG format then you can use an online converter and sometimes they will offer you the 3D model itself but these are notoriously difficult to work with because they'll be made in CAD software so don't offer them A reduced price just because they've given you a 3D model because you're going to need to rework it anyway but they can be a good point of reference to understand how the building is going to go together if there are no cab plans available then you're gonna need to go on site and measure these rooms yourself just be sure to measure more areas than you think take photographic references with a tape measure and that will help you later if you forget to measure something also be sure to charge them for this time often cap plans are filled with a ton of information such as Electronics to water Outlets to Furniture you'll want to go into the CAD software and remove these layers and hide them before importing them into blender now I understand that not everybody has CAD software so you're going to need to import the file into blender to do that you're going to need to make sure you go to preferences and go to here and type in dxf make sure these are both enabled and then convert your file to a dxf format then go to file import and select that file now as you'll see it's going to import a ton of information and generally it's going to be really far away from the origin point but we can go into here and the idea is that you're going to need to sift through the information and just try to clean it up a little bit inside a blender here you can see also a ton of stuff is also parented so you're just going to want to go through here and find the most important pieces I think this piece is probably one of the most important parts I also want to select some of these architectural pieces and just try to get most of these in and then once that's done you can then join everything together and then probably delete everything else so now we have some easier cleaner plans to work with you'll also want to make sure that this is to the correct scale so in the original cab plans there should be an area which tells you how long a wall should be and then if you go into these plans this is a curve but if we go to F3 and type in convert to mesh then we can go over to here and make sure that we go in edit mode select here and select Edge length now if we select an edge it should tell us how long that edge is so now we can see that this wall is 6.37 meters so we can compare that against the plans and check that if that is correct now some of these plans might be made in inches some of them might be made in two centimeters sometimes it's a factor of 10 out if that's the case you just want to select everything and just do s point one but the idea is that you want to scale the plans to the correct size so that when you're working with it later on it's all going to work correctly right and as mentioned I have together a little floor plan it's not going to be architecturally fully correct but it should give us all the information that we need to make this tutorial if there are Parts which are missing and such as the height of this recess I'm just going to tell you throughout the tutorial but if you get these plans from the architect and there's no information there often the architect will also send you some sections which then you can use to check the height of certain areas and that will basically be a cut through the odd that'd be they'll basically be a cut through here so there would be one that potentially goes through here through these skylights and through this recess and then you better see how high these areas are but I'm just going to tell you throughout this tutorial what I'm going to do is I'm going to attach this file and I'm going to put a link in the description and you can just import this in it's probably just going to be a DOT blend for now right now that we've imported this the first thing I'm going to do is move this to a new collection and I'm going to call this plans and then we could just give it a certain color such as brown so from the very first step because this is going to be multiple renders in multiple rooms we're going to want to make sure that everything is organized and easy to manage next the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to actually start working on the the shape of the room itself so what I'm going to do is I'm going to press shift a and go to single vert and add single vert if you don't have that you're going to want to go to F preferences and type in extra objects and then enable those right with that vert selected make sure you've got vertex here I'm going to do a shift tab to enable snapping and make sure you've got it set to vertex mode then I'm going to go over here and then I'm just going to press e and do these like this now this is where the door part is actually going to close and then this part is going to be where the door kind of overhangs a little bit so I'm just going to do it from here but there won't be too much visual difference going on if you don't if you do it to these edges instead this part of the actual wall is going to be a glass wall um I've just put that as a reference generally there should be some text here that would say glass but this is going to be not part of the actual structure of the room so I'm just going to ignore that here and just go up to the top and continue over here then I'm going to get to the windows now we can see that these windows they're going to be generally the last part of the room before it goes to the outside area so I'm just going to go to here and I'm just going to go straight down and work on that we will add an extra plinth here which will be 20 centimeters high and then we will also extrude this part out until the outside wall but we can ignore that for now so I'm just going to continue going around and go like this I'm also going to ignore the recess but I'm just going to add some points here these points are very helpful because they will add an extra Edge which we can then use to extrude later on so let's just go like this and go all the way around and save for here we're gonna oh now we want to go straight across here and then this is going to be the kitchen and this isn't a recess this is an actual part of the construction so let's go all around and then select the last the first one press F and now they're joined so now we have the actual shape of the room we're not going to work on these rooms so we can ignore them we won't see inside them but we can extrude an edge later on when we want to right so next thing we want to do is work on the actual room Heights and try to make sure that we then add in the windows and doors so what I'm going to do is we can first see that this is going to be the ground level generally this these two sides will be filled in but this is kind of the symbol to say the the level of the floor is going to be a zero zero so let's actually just move everything down before we continue okay these are now at zero zero and then the next thing I want to do is Select this Edge and we can see that it wants to be 2.45 meters tall and my units for this particular project are set to meters if we go over to here we can see the units end up I've got it set to meters and that works quite nicely here so what I'm going to do is go into edit mode and select all the edges and press e z and then 2.45 so now that is going to be the height of the room now as you can see here my inside walls are actually red slightly red and that's because I've always had I always have enabled face orientation but for you you might have bright blue and bright red but what I have done is I've gone to edit preferences and for themes go to 3D viewport if we scroll down here we can see that we have face orientation back and front now that refers to these colors here now for you it's probably going to be bright blue but I kind of don't need that information I'm going to turn that all the way down and then for the red value I'm just going to set that to a low value like this I want it to be that I can see it all the time but it's not going to get in the way um and that allows me to always make sure that my normals are going to be facing the correct direction and as these are going to be the inside walls that's going to be incorrect I don't want the normals to be facing this direction so I'm going to select everything you can do shift n to make sure everything is facing the same way and then do alt n and click flip so now we can see that the face is now going to be facing the correct direction right the next thing I want to do is actually add some some Heights so we can see here the width of the door and the height of the door and the same here we can see the width of the window and the height of the window now that now those are the cuts that I want to work on now so what I'm going to do here is we can also see that this door is also 200 centimeters so what I'm going to do here is go into edit mode do control R add a loop and bring it down to the bottom so it's directly at the bottom and then press gz200 oopsie gz2 so now that's 200 centimeters tall and now we can see that we now have some nice Loops for these doors so with those selected I'm just going to press e and extrude those out so now we have some doors I will delete these bottom faces because these are going to be part of the whole floor on the bottom and now we can work on the windows so we can see that there is a step here and the height of that step is 20 centimeters and then then the window itself is 210 centimeters tall so there's different ways to approach this and it's entirely up to you you could add a loop cut here and go to the bottom and press gz 0.2 and then you can if you'd like uh join these together and add those plinths but that's not necessarily so important you can add the steps later and that's what I'm going to do so what I'm going to do is now that we have this Edge that's 20 centimeters tall we can then work on the loop cut that's going to go tuned in 10 centimeters up from that so let's just add a loop here it's probably going to be higher than this point let's go gz to this point and then do gz 2.1 so now this is now this is going to be the height of the window itself now the window doesn't start until here there's an outside edge so this wall does go like this and it goes out to the outside edge and but the window itself has an overlap so we can see we see here that the window goes into this corner part so that's what we're going to take into consideration so let's go to here and then just add some Loop Cuts here and go over to this part here and then there's another one here and then let's do it for the other ones as well now these are probably going to be different for your plans um but if it's not entirely clear you can always ask the architect because sometimes they just don't put certain information in that's important right so now we can see that this height is the height of the window so let's select these faces and then we can extrude these out so let's extrude this to here and then if you want to delete that face you can so now we see that this is going to be perfectly fine and you might be wondering oh but we haven't done the outside walls or the walls have no thickness but that's not important we won't see the walls anyway right so now we have the walls the windows and now we can work on these recesses so there is a recess here and there's also one here now for these recesses I'm just going to use one of these Loop cuts that we already have because then that should be around the height around the correct height anyway so let's just select these faces here and I'm going to extrude that out to here and then the same for this recess here I'm just going to use this one as well now this one the purpose of this one is just going to be for like a bookshelf or something like this but again I just wanted to delete that bottom face and this one as well the idea is that we now we can select the whole bottom face and press F and now we have the whole floor I will just bring this up just a tiny little bit just so we can see them and then we have this here now I'm going to work on just creating this step now like I said you can use some of these Loop cuts that are already there or you could just make a new object and it's not super important and what I am going to do I'm just going to make it a separate object here so let's just duplicate this and use the edge because we have it ready let's just bring that over here and then select that face and then just extrude it over here and then let's do the same thing shift d bring that over here and use this one right this one is a bit too far over so let's bring this over into this corner now generally there will actually still be a bit of a step here but whatever for the purpose of the video it should be fine and then let's just duplicate this over because it's also already built and bring that into this corner and let's bring this one over now this one's a little bit longer so let's just bring this over here right so now we have the steps and now we have those areas so what we can work on next is let's work on the ceiling so what I'm going to do is go into edit mode select this whole top face you should be able to select the whole thing press f as well now we can't now see into the building and what is a useful thing is that what you can do is go over to here and press back face culling so now we can see entirely always into the room and that's very useful especially for architecture you can also change the focal length so you might want to go quite low so when you're in the room you can see quite a lot of the room um because with 80 it's kind of a bit cramped so you can just reduce this and see inside the room okay so for this next Point what I'm going to work on is this glass wall now this is a very technical detail and that the architect should send you some details and that might look something like this so these are like extra details which show you specifically how this piece is going to work and if they don't and then maybe there's a chance that they haven't figured it out themselves yet um but for this video what I'm going to do is I'm just going to make this point extruded and then make the glass sit inside the Extrusion so let's go over to here and I want to add some Cuts so what I'm going to do is just press K and add a cut here I will do some snapping later let's just do this roughly here you can also do this with Loop Cuts if you're working with perfect quads but it doesn't make too much difference here so let's just now make sure that these are in line with snapping g y and p x I'll make sure to apply and g x right so now these are in line we can now select this Edge and press e and let's just extrude this a little bit so this is where the glass is going to sit inside this little now this is probably not going to be 100 correct um and the construction might be done in a different way but for this for this visualization it should work fine and you can't actually see into this detail anyway okay now the next thing I work on is these skylights now what we can do is again cut these out but what you can also do is do a Boolean so what I'm going to do is Select these edges because these are already done for me and let's just shift d bring these to the top and then separate these so now we're going to work the work with these and let's just join these together select them all press F to make sure that they have a face and then extrude these up up a little bit make sure there's enough thickness for the roof generally the roof thicknesses are going to be quite thick so make sure I bring that up like that then what I'm going to do is just join that to this wall here and I'm going to select these here then press F3 and Boolean and we can see that one of them has worked but the other one hasn't so what we're going to do is also just bring these down a little bit make the calculation a little bit easier to work with right there we go and these are the settings so I've got Union fast and swap but I don't think that one actually does anything here all right so now we have some skylights so what we're going to do here is just delete these faces and that works nicely now don't worry that these aren't perfect quads because it doesn't really make too much difference it will make some difference if you do want to do more Cuts or do more stuff and you have to kind of cut things out yourself but in general this is fine we don't really need to do any more work to the ceiling so that's going to work perfectly next thing I'm going to do is add the more architectural elements and that for me is going to be some of the windows and doors so what I'm going to do here is go to the image asset manager I'm going to go to my door folder and I'm just going to import this folder right and I'm just going to bring that in place so we can see that this door is slightly too short so let's bring this over to here so this Edge is against this Edge and then let's just add brings over here let's go container mode for both over okay and then let's also bring this down to the bottom are you snapping here right and is this tall enough I could probably make it a little bit taller because I think this Edge is here so let's just make sure there's some overlap something like this right the door is opening the wrong way so we can see that on the plans the door should be going this way but that is not the case so what I'm going to do here is Select this object and go to object mirror and this way so I can bring that back over and now that should open in the correct way and as you can see we haven't worried about the other room but we won't see that anyway and if anything there is going to be a little bit of a gap down here and we're just going to see Darkness anyway um but what you can also do is if you wanted to move this up just a tiny bit so there is a bit more of a gap underneath otherwise this could be scraping against the floor and then let's just copy this over and move this to the front door so the door is going the other way for this one so the door will be opening in the opposite direction so let's select the store rotate that 180 degrees and then let's put that in place as well now generally the front doors are going to be a little bit different and I think I've made a bit of a mistake in the plants here but never mind that does go right up to this Edge but the doors are generally going to be a bit thicker so what I'm going to do here is move this over here like this and this is The Edge I've created so let's actually bring this over a bit more like that okay and generally also the door will have more locks and other things but we won't be able to see that anyway so let's just leave that here right the next thing I'm going to want to work on is these windows so we can see here that that there is a um okay I've just realized that when I removed these skylights I actually did um remove loose parts so I'm just going to join those back together again let's just select this all and join things back to one object right and then bring these objects back right so the next thing you want to do is work on these on these windows so we can see that one site is going to be opening and the other one is not so we can work with that so let's find some doors so that what that look mostly similar and we do actually have some eye mesh I think I've got it under Windows okay and this one should work fine so I'm just going to add a point here and append that in and bring that roughly into place and we can see that the window starts at this corner so let's bring that in turn off snapping I'll bring that in you just bring it into the wall just a little bit so there's no edge here and then let's go into edit mode and bring this window over something like that now let's bring this up and there we go okay and now at this point so there is a mistake that I have done and that is kind of also fine that's also my fault because I don't haven't created the full plans and these are the kind of things which you will also come up against so you've done these plans that you noticed that now the window isn't hitting the top of the roof and you should then ask the client for a section so you can see how actually this window is constructed and at which point it goes down and where this piece goes so that is kind of my fault but I guess that's also part of the experience you will always be finding these pieces which no which don't line up and how they should they don't work um so according to my plans they don't work so what I'm going to do is just work with that um and fix that here so it's going to be quite easy let's just add a oh let's just add a loop cut here and bring this over to the end of the window and let's have another one here just bring it over to the same edge here and now let's just delete these faces and then we can oh and then we can just Bridge these together right and sometimes there will be a bit more of an overlap like it will go somewhere like this but it doesn't matter if it's going to be entirely flush so we're going to bring that over like this because there are sometimes pieces which are like a piece of plastic which go down and meet the window so we can just say that it is that part and I'm not going to be actually doing any renders facing this direction so that's also that's also fine let's bring this over maybe a little bit like that right I would want to do the same for these ones as well so let's just delete this Edge okay so that works fine now we want to work on the this window now this window doesn't actually have a door so what I'm going to do is just duplicate this piece over and move this over roughly so it's just against the wall and then I'm going to foreign but we only want but now we only want one side we only want the piece which is the glass so what I'm going to do is add a mirror move this up to the top and then what we can say is bisect and then we can flip it so now if we go like this we can see that we are cutting into the window and now we have a perfect window so we go so let's um bring this up at the top and we might want to apply that in a second let's just see I've actually made that basically perfect I think that should be fine and then for this next window what we want to do is just duplicate this over because this is a similar one there is just one window that opens and one that doesn't so let's bring this over here like this and this is a similar construction issue here there is going to be a little bit the windows the window is actually going to start about here and then there's going to be like an additional piece which connects to it but let's just bring this over well we literally won't see this piece anyway and bring this over here and why I'm saying we won't see these pieces anyway it is ideal to actually make sure it is correct the first time around but I'll be here all day if I make sure everything's 100 correct let's bring this window over there we go okay now we have the windows and these things we do see some weird um Z fighting here but that is simply just because I have the clipping too low so I set that something a bit higher now it looks a bit more pleasing now for this window we will actually have that open the origin point is in the wrong place so let's just make sure we fix that set the origin Point here set origin to 3D cursor right now we can do this uh we will change that a little bit later now for Windows is very important that you make sure that you have the correct material so you want it to let in as much light as possible you don't don't have any Shadows so you want it to look like glass when you look at it but you don't want it to affect much in the scene at all of course real world glass does reduce does have some Shadow and does reduce some of the light going into the scene but for architectural purposes that's gonna be so minimal that the outside is probably going to be Overexposed anyway that you won't really see it won't really make too much of a difference um but what this does do is it makes it much faster and it renders a lot quicker so we're just going to use this node setup which is already part of the glass that's basically saying if it's a shadow rate or a diffuse Ray it's going to be 100 transparent and it's very important you add this onto your glass right then so now we have the the doors and the windows and for this one you can add a skylight window up here but I don't think we'll actually see that anyway um so let's just ignore that for now the next and final probably construction piece that I'm going to do is I'm going to add some just turn off back face coloring I'm going to add some light portals so let's select this face shift it so let's select these edges shift s cursor to selected and then we can do shift a and add a lamp now if you're watching this video when path guiding is available I don't know if you'll actually need portals at that point but um let's just add these in anyway and let's just bring this down and make sure that fits nicely over this Edge foreign okay and then let's go to here and set that to a portal and that's telling it that there are there will be some outside light and the outside light should be going into this room so let's just duplicate these I'm going to do alt D and bring this over and that's why I did alt D because if we decide to change these values for whatever reason of this light maybe it's not a portal anymore and you want it to actually have light then they'll all copy the same value so do the same again and then we can also add some over here great so next thing we're going to do is actually work on the glass so over here I've represented that as a checkered line um again the plans will have specific details but for just for this video I'm just going to add um some some cubes I'm going to Bevel the cubes and that'll be my glass now we don't haven't I haven't actually added in where the door is going to be which is a mistake on my part so what I'm going to do is just add in the glass and then we can add in the door where we feel like let's add a cube now according to these plans I've created it does go right up to this this Edge but it's probably not it's probably going to go have a bit of an overlap but whatever you're whatever you want to do and let's put this over here like this let's just duplicate this rotate that 90 degrees and then bring this over here like this and then we can bring the bring this over this will go all the way up to the top so let's just bring this up like this and now we have some glass now to make the door I probably actually do that a little bit different I probably bring this over a little bit um actually duplicate that and then bring that over and then and duplicate this piece and bring this over here like this and then we can bring this up to the door height and then you can add the doors in okay then when you have that door shape created what I'm going to do is just add a bevel and just give that a bit of a nicer Edge right the next thing I want to do is add a door unless this is going to be a glass object what I have found is that we do actually have an object in in imesh which will work quite nicely and if you go to here you can add a shower door which also comes with the hinges and stuff like this so what I basically did is I was a pen that in to delete all the pieces which are not important such as the shower and delete all of these edges because what we want to have is these hinges maybe there's like this plastic piece which connects them both to stop any wear and tear and we can do that and that's basically what I've been working on okay and I continue with that and then what I basically did was actually just delete this piece and then we can bring that into place and move that over like this okay and then it will look something like this I'm not going to go into too much detail but I basically just made sure that I overlapped these hinges so they go over the glass and then I make sure to make move that over correctly and I've opened it just something like this these pieces are those plastic pieces I've just added them as a collector that adds a nice little detail to that object okay and now for the actual material and the glass material I will be using the advanced glass material that I created and that is available over at imesh I'll also put the link in the description um but I will unplug the volume so you can add a volume and in a lot of my test renders I was actually having a volume I gave the glass some absorption which basically made it so that the edges of the glass have a nice natural look but because that will cover so much of the actual final render and we want to actually see into the glass and see what's behind it a lot more it made the render times quite considerably more so I've just disconnected that for now for the actual base color I made it not fully white because I wanted to be a little bit darker um so that when you can see through the door the bits which you can see through will be lighter when you can see the glass it'll be a little bit darker but the rest is the kind of basic values that I've got added here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to select this object here and give that the same Advanced Glass Shader material if you're using the imesh asset manager then you can add that in using that and that is basically what you can do here and just import that and add that on one benefit of this material is I've already set up the alpha channel so we can actually see what's going on inside it the annoying thing is that we can't actually see any of these technical pieces Behind these windows which would be nice if blender could release that so we can actually see still some of these details right I think that is generally going to be most of the details that we want to add for the main construction um so I'm going to do is just organize these files and move these to its own layer so let's select everything here and let's move that to this new layer and call that construction you can name that whatever you like but I think construction works for me and these are all when you import the assets through the asset manager it will create its own category you can keep those if you like but for this purposes of the video I'm just going to remove it for now okay now I'm going to give that a orange color so now we have the plans and we have the construction and now we can work on the other parts of the scene what I'm probably going to do just very quickly is I'm going to actually just add this floor because I think that's going to be quite important so let's let this face um and let's just bring this over the reason why I'm selecting this faces because it's one that's already created and it just saves time all right let's bring this over here this will basically be the Terrace and bring this over here and we can bring that up as well there might be a step here there might be some other detail but again that should be details which you can see in the plan but for this that is good enough and I don't think we'll actually see it anyway so let's just leave that there okay so I think we're in a good place now um and now we can move on to the next step okay for this next step which is going to be key Furniture cameras material and lighting it's just gonna be like the basic setup for the main room so the main purpose of this step is to block out the scene and try to get an idea of what we're looking for test out a few Furniture Arrangement ideas and test some lighting and the key furniture for me is going to be the main block Furniture so this could be like the sofas the tables the the beds like the main focal point of the room because then the rest of the room will follow where these pieces of furniture go and as I've already created this scene I know where I want to have roughly the furniture and roughly the furniture which I want but this is a very good time to experiment with different types so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start by adding some of the seating so I'm going to go to my sofa folder um again these are all available at imesh and I think I'm going to go for this one here and append that in and it's going to be a little bit too big so let's just scale it down and I'm going to put that roughly in place so I think that's gonna be a nice place for this sofa but I'm not going to need this piece so I'm going to delete that piece again you can choose any furniture that you think will work here maybe you want to go for a more stylish scene and then something like this will be could work quite nicely as well again with these kind of objects you can scale them a little bit they do have some play especially these kind of sofas they're going to be block sofas so the the part where the seat's going to go there could be quite low to the ground but obviously don't go too crazy but I think scaling them by roughly 10 higher 10 smaller should work quite well if it is a specific piece of furniture which the customer wants then of course you're not going to want to scale it too much okay so let's just move this one over here I think what I what I want to do is get some light in from here so there might be some light coming from outside that we can get onto the back side of the sofa from this window and then this Alcove will be where the bookshelf will go but we probably won't see that anyway so let's just leave that in there like there like that the next thing I want to do is add in a bed let's just add this one in here and we will be changing these the materials quite a lot a little bit later on but let's just add this in here okay and for the next part I will be adding in a kitchen now we do have some pre-made kitchens and the one which I actually used in the scene I'm actually going to upload that to imesh as well but I will just import that into the scene from my other test scene okay so when you import the kitchen you just want to make sure that you fit these in nicely like this so I have made it so that it will fit nicely into this Edge and then this piece will fit into this Alcove I have got a little bit of an overlap here but we won't actually see that from the angle that we're going for but you can move it over but just for the purpose of this video I'm just going to leave it where it is so these are going to be for me the main focal points so this is going to be important for me to now figure out where is my camera gonna go then we can work on lighting and work on the base materials for the scene so one thing that I want to do is make sure I add a camera and go into that camera what I'm going to do is I'm going to set this to 90 degrees and I'm going to lock that here you don't want the camera to be slanted in any way I say this in every video you don't want it to be like this like this now all the edges they're going to be sloping and that's going to give the impression of a sloping or a it's going to give you an uncomfortable feeling if you go on any photos online for architectural photography architectural visualizations they're always going to be square please make sure your cameras are square otherwise you'll feel slanted I have done a video um archivist top tips which goes over this in a bit more detail and to why it's quite important of course you there are some beauty shots which you can do like this but generally if you're going to be looking forward into the scene you want to have straight walls next thing I want to do is go over to here and set this to 1 350 because I will be putting this on social media and generally in social media you want to be more portrait but if you want to do another kind of angle then that also works the next thing is that there's a lot of room on the outside of the camera which is going to be very distracting I want to focus exactly on what I'm seeing and nothing else so I'm going to go over to the camera go to viewport display and the past part two I think it's called and slide that to Max now in a lot of my references the camera focal length is actually going to be quite high and for this kind of shot can look very aesthetically pleasing I think I think probably a value of about 60. and then we can move this around and now this as this oh I've got to lock it now it is locked we can move it around without worrying that we're going to be looking slanted and then what I want to do is just move this into into space now as we have a backface coloring turned on we want to make sure we disable that right now otherwise we're going to not realize that we're outside of the room and this is something which is very useful for architectural visualization that we have the ability to clip and we can cut into the room so if we slide this up we can now clip into the room and we can see more of the room which we wouldn't have been able to with a standard camera now this does cheat a little bit but generally clients from my past experience if you're not cheating too much and you can see a lot more of the room to them that's more important than not using any clipping and really trying to fit the room in and ending up with a super low focal length so I'm going to play around with this until I found a position which I think works for me okay now this is the position which I've found so one thing to take into consideration when you are working with cameras and where edges line up if we move this over just to this Edge like this that's gonna be too close and that that light that edge is now going to line up with the edge of the camera which can be unpleasing and you then become not too sure what's actually going to be happening at this corner so it's better just to give these edges a little bit of space um the same over here so if we go right up to this Edge it's a little bit unpleasing and it you don't really get any context here so I'm just going to move this over and make sure that there's no kind of edges which over which line up except the same thing for this let's say we close the door just a little bit like here ignore that it's not on the right pivot like this we get this Edge and they line up which makes it really hard to understand what's happening at this corner and that's a general theme that you should be taking into consideration throughout your whole architectural visualization career especially let's say you had a curtain you had this curtain and it lines up exactly at this Edge just move the curtain over a little bit you don't want these edges to lead into each other because it helps separate the objects from other objects okay so I think that this is a good position for this camera and now let's work on some of the other cameras so let's duplicate this one across over here oh and this one I've also um set the focal I've also given it some depth of field and I've set this to value of eight which is quite high if you want it to be even more dramatic you can set a lower value but don't go too low I've set this to 8 because I want most things to be in Focus but then the things which are further away will be add to focus and I've set the focal point just to be on the edge of this sofa if you look the the eye your eye is going to be led to probably this point of the of the photo so that's where my focal point is going to be so for this one Let's Line this one up where we want it to be okay so I think something like this we can see a tiny bit of the Terrace here but later on I will be adding a plant um so that isn't too important if you wanted to work on this and if you want to go a little bit further back then you will want to make sure that you include the outside wall here and you want to work on the Terrace I'm just trying to save some time if I don't need to do it I'm not going to worry about it but if somebody is probably going to be taking over your project later on it's probably going to be a nice thing for you to complete this part for them so let's just bring this in like this and as I said earlier I have closed the door a little bit so that it kind of leads into the room and it brings some interest so over here we'll have the reflections of the outside scene and then the inside will be where the focus is and we'll have maybe some details around here and we have some lighting and all sorts like this so I think that's gonna be a nice setup for this one and then as we have a very lovely kitchen going on over here we want to see maybe into this direction here so let's let's also work on that I think actually on this one I've also changed the focal length yes this one is a little bit this one's a little bit wider or a little bit actually more narrow but again you can play with that to what you prefer okay and then this is going to be my last camera and then let's just check where the focal um the depth of field is going to converge is that the right word depth of field is going to focus and that's going to be here so that's about right I'll probably move this over a little bit more because over here is going to be some chairs so I'll probably want these chairs to be mostly in Focus here and yeah then that's good I reckon that's going to be nice for that camera so now would probably be a good idea to actually label these so over here I have selected this camera so if I press the um Point uh full stop button on the number pad it will take me to that point so I'll name that as the kitchen shop actually this right camera at the front kitchen shop and then right cam uh living living that's right and then uh name this one bedroom then I'm going to select these cameras I'm going to move them to their own layer and I'm going to make that a yellow okay now just as a little bit more explanation of what I want to see in this particular shot so this one will be leading to the kitchen now I could go closer like this and go further down on the focal length but if we do this render we then have no context at all where this is happening whereas if we go back we can see this corner edge of the sofa so if we want if we go to the living room shot we can see that this is the sofa here we can see into the bedroom if we go to the bedroom shot we can then see the bedroom and we know we know where that is we can see a little bit of the kitchen but in general that will be covered by a lot of Reflections you can't really tell what's going on in there so for the kitchen shop if we were to go forwards we'll have no idea where that is so we want to make sure that that's a bit further back so we can see this sofa Edge and now we get an idea of where this sofa is so now we can get an idea of where this kitchen is as well so the next step that I want to work on is probably going to be the materials and the mood so after looking at my mood board I can see a lot of the walls are going to be like a darker color and then I want to have maybe a lighter floor as a nice contrast so for the actual wood floor I thought that a nice white one would probably work and I'm probably going to go for this one here and that is one is available over imesh and I don't have this one yet so I'm just going to drop that one into my wood floors folder so now for go to blender and just reload this with floors we can see that wood floor is here let's import this material okay now we can see that adding this wood floor has now added wood floor material to the whole room but we obviously don't want that to happen so what I'm going to do is just quickly add a separate material for each and then we can work on what the actual material is going to be so I'm just going to select the uh top face select by normal now it's going to select all of the top faces but probably don't want these Alcove pieces selected and probably not these pieces down here and then I'm just going to give that its own material and then we can now select the bottom floor as well and just deselect this and then select top one as well okay and then press Ctrl I now we have all the other faces and just remove the Terrace okay now we can add that and then we're going to do is call that pause and then call this one ceiling now what I want to do for these walls and one thing that I'm always looking for is to have a nice glossy map and a nice normal map the diffuse map is not going to be so important because as you imagine you will be painting the wall all one color anyway there might be some slight variations but for me the most important thing is going to be the roughness map and the normal map so I went online and I found and look I found CCO textures and they have a nice gray plaster here which has lots of detail which I imagine will come out nicely in a normal map and also some nice glossy variations which could look pretty cool for um for the actual wall texture so this is the texture which I've downloaded and then I'm going to show you what happens after I've imported that okay so this is the gray plus so this is just the roughness map and the normal map plugged in um as you're watching this video if you don't know how to set up nodes then I would recommend you watch another video and come back to this at this point um but the most important thing for me is setting the base color and I've set that to like a gray of this value because I think that will be quite nice value and add some nice mood to the scene I've also then gone um to viewport display and set that to the same color and then for the ceiling I want it to actually have the same material as this but instead of being a gray I want it to be a white so let's actually go up to here and select everything copy that with Ctrl C go over to here and delete that and do control V and then I'm going to set that to a lighter value maybe something like this okay nice so now we have a a room we have the wall color the floor color and the ceiling color but obviously it's not unwrapped so that is what we're going to do now now the beauty with these kind of scenes is that it's going to be very easy just to do a quick smart UV unwrap now if you do have certain walls and you do and you are focusing on in on a certain area it might be ideal to actually unwrap that correctly but as this is just gonna be a very quick scene and the the actual materials can be quite subtle anyway we can just do select everything and do you and smart UV unwrap okay now that we have Smart UV unwrapped it at this point because we don't really have any lighting it's very hard for us to actually see how this tiling and how the texture is going to look in the scene itself but we can set it as a very rough guide for now just to see how it's going to work and check if the floor size is about the correct size and then go on from there so what I'm going to do is enable node Wrangler that is edit preferences and node Wrangler and then what you can do is hold down shift control and click and then we can view that output directly so we can see that material like this I do actually have a hdri turned on and that one is called in that one is called artist workshop and that one is from hdri Haven but that's not so important because even with that turned off we're just previewing these nodes anyway so we don't really need any lighting at this point but we can see that the texture size is generally way too large so what I'm going to do is go over to here change the mapping to something like 20. and we can see that there is some banding happening here but I don't think we will necessarily see that because as you remember there is this one is just the glossy map we might see that there is some roughness or glossy variations going in Stripes like this there might be some tiling so we can see some repetitions happening here but as you'll remember in the finished scene there will be some glass going down here so we won't even see the ceiling and there might be some some lamps going across the ceiling which will break that up as well but I do see that this is diagonal so let's just fix that [Music] Zone and just rotate that okay so yeah there's definite banding happening there so we might want to change that a bit later but just what I'm looking for at this point is I don't want the texture to be too large I'd much prefer it to be smaller and what I'm looking for specifically is just these micro details and they just want to be a very fine very fine layer of detail happening across these surfaces it will be very very subtle so we might not even see the tiling so I'm just gonna leave that like that for now I'm going to do the same for the walls let's just view that output that one is also very very large let's set this to 20. and we can see here that there there is a couple of tiling pieces here but there will be a plant going across just like this so that's going to cover most of that so all that we can be left is nice micro detail on the back wall this is all going to be covered so we won't see that anyway but this should be just a nice point for us just to continue that's actually remember to set that output like this and then for the wood floor I think this one might already have the displacement plugged in already so I'm just going to disconnect that and just work with the bump map instead so if I just view this output we can see how that's looking so this is generally going to be way too large if we set this to something like four when you're working for a client they might specifically ask for wood planks at a certain size but just for visual reference like this I think that should be more than enough because later on we'll have a sofa going across here and then maybe something here and then the rest we won't really see anyway so that is just nice for now that is almost correct um but that's enough for us just to move on and just continue with the next step okay so for the next step we actually want to see the materials so I will be using hdri for that just to bring in a little bit of light but that is not going to be the focus of my light that's just going to add some nice Ambience but it's going to be not contributing much at all so the HDI which I've chosen is going to be the one and it's called Urban Street and I'm going to be using the 2K value because the resolution doesn't change anything to do with the lighting realness um the 2K version works if you can actually see the hdri and it's in Reflections or you're visually looking at it then you'll want to use a higher resolution but for this reason I'm just going to be using the 2K version I'll be using my imesh asset manager and I'm just going to click import and that will import this here like this now if you have some other nodes in here already it's probably going to shuffle things around and but these are this is the main setup that you want to have I will be using the urban street because also that is going to be for a street um and as our scene will be actually going into an urban setting that fits quite nicely and also there is a very overcast Sky I don't really want n to have any direct sunlight with this hdri it's just meant to be for um background Ambience but what I do want to do and that's going to be a little bit different is that I'm going to change the saturation value from to zero and that'll make a black and white scene because what I want to have in this particular scene I'm going for a very specific aesthetic which I've seen in other references and I want to have as much control as possible over the lighting so for this reason I just want to use the hdri as like a more ambient lighting that's not going to be contributing any color information to the scene so I'm just going to set this on like this we can roughly kind of see how that's going on let's just turn that off and we can kind of see how that's doing it's not going to be contributing much to the scene and but the way that I will be making light into the scene mostly is going to be using area lights now I know some people are probably going to be thinking that you cannot get realism unless you're using hdris only but that is just not true I see a lot of people online and they get stuck in using the same lighting method so they they think that they can only make realistic renders of hdris and they don't try anything new and the reason why I'm making a big point with this is that I want people who are watching this tutorial to try something new there are so many different ways to get lighting into your scene there can be hdris area lights sunlights the Nashita Sky texture Point lights there's so many different ways to add light into the scene try something new because then you might find a style which you much more prefer you might prefer to use area lights because you have more control over it and you can still get realism most people have probably seen a brochure with Furniture now these brochures are most of the time photographed inside in a studio with no natural light they have artificial lighting set up so they have their own form of area lights they have area lights to to focus the light on specific areas of the scene to make it look like it's actually lit from the environment so a normal person looking at a visualization which uses the same method of lighting such as a studio lighting with a specific area-like placement their eye is tricked into thinking oh yeah I'm very familiar with this type of lighting this must be real so the eye is very familiar with this kind of lighting and that's what I'm going to be using for this I'm just going to be using aerial lights to place very specifically the lighting which I want to go into the scene now if you just want to use a hdri go for it but there is a very specific look which I'm going for and that will involve area lights to be lighting most of the scene we can see already that there's some nice ambient light coming from outside and you'll find at the very end point that it will still be a very realistic render and I hope that you learned something new just don't get stuck in one way of doing lighting try new things and you might find something which you really enjoy so to do that what I'm going to do is I'm going to add a big area light and these are going to be more of the main focus of the light so you grab this point and you can point any face and it will face that way and we're just going to bring this down actually make this a bit bigger and I want that to be shiny into the room like this and we can just see how this looks and there's one thing which is now part of blender that's really cool and that's being able to change the spread value so let's try something like 46. now we can see we have much more angular lighting with stronger Shadows so if we check that out again if we check here there's some like a nice sharper Shadow here but if we set this back to 180 there is still a sharper Shadow here but it kind of gets lost very quickly there's no more detail left so if we change this to like 10 we can see that the Shadows are much stronger so let's go for something like 46. and then I also want to copy that over to the other side so I'm going to go into the camera view let's do a test render and watch this render as we move the other lighting over just do click this one to Shifty I'm going to do shift d because I might want to change the values of these later but now we can see we're already adding light into the scene okay I've just changed these values just a little bit and this is you can say kind of the direction where the sunlight will be going because this this will be quite a concentrated beam going in this way we can say that the Sun or the main brightness of the sky is going to be facing this direction let's go back into the camera view where we actually have some of the other objects in the scene and we can see where we might want to play some more lights okay so one thing that I would quite like to have I want to have some focus more here on the sofa and maybe some more light going into the bedroom because the bedroom is very dark at this point but we can already see the Moody aesthetic which I'm going for is already starting to be apparent but it is nice to have some nice contrasted areas where it's maybe a bit brighter we can actually see what's going on so for that I'm going to actually duplicate this one maybe make it a bit smaller and then I can actually make that face this sofa like this is do something like this and face that into the scenes this is hitting the sofa and this can be the same concentrated beam okay and then we see if we can actually see this one in the scene okay there we go so now we have a really nice Focus going on here from this so from this light here so if I move this other way it's gone if we bring that back we can see it it might actually be worth also turning on the denoiser here at this point because it helps clean up and we can see the materials and lighting a lot easier okay and then I'm probably going to want to do the same over here let's just move this one over okay and I've got this light here okay now this light is adding a bit more focus on this part of the bed but I think we want some more light so I want to bring some more light into the actual scene and let's just bring this around [Music] foreign to maybe a bit wider something like this and now that's adding a bit more light into the back of the room because at the back here I'm also going to add some cabinets and stuff like this so I think that's going to be nice in the scene but we're going to have to be careful so this is actually going to be hitting the ceiling here so if we go to the actual room we will be able to actually see where the where the light is actually going to be intersecting with the ceiling so that's one thing to keep note if we're going to see it later on but I don't think we're going to see it from now on so I'm just going to use it as a beauty light okay so this is going to be a really nice look and I think this is coming along quite nicely okay and the next part I want to maybe add some more light in here because this water is going to be way too black right now so what I'm going to do is just duplicate this light from here and bring this over like this make it a bit smaller maybe and bring that over here maybe make it a bit taller like the glass itself okay and let's make a bit brighter like 20 okay so now we can see this actual wall effect here and we can actually see how this is going to look in terms of as she has turned off the d-nosis we can see the detail so we can see how the final look of this and if the normal map is going to be too strong or not um but I think I think that's probably gonna be fine I might actually want to reduce that a little bit uh to the walls maybe 2.5 okay I think that's probably good fine you can see that there is some detail on the wall you just don't want to have a completely Smooth Wall because that is very unrealistic um generally there is going to be some variation there so that's gonna be fine for now okay so this is looking really nice I think this is getting the aesthetic which I'm looking for the next thing I want to do is now start adding some of the smaller details some of the smaller lights change some of the smaller materials and in general start populating the full scene because I think that this look that we're getting is very close to what the look is that I'm going for so I think that this next step is probably gonna be the most fun part to be honest this is the part which I enjoy the most the whole construction's done I've got the lighting and the camera which I like so now I just want to work on fine tuning it and making it interesting and that is a good concept to go for so you want to block it out and get work smaller and smaller and smaller smaller details smaller details until you have a finished product actually before we move to the next step what I'm going to do is actually just move all these objects to the same to the same collection so that everything is nice and organized foreign call this lighting call this lighting and we can set that to another color maybe orange oh let's change this to Blue okay what I'm going to do is I'll also select the sofas and move these two this own layer called um say um living room let's select this bed and move this to neglection called bedroom the next thing I'm going to do is work on again some of the more bigger objects and I'm going to work my way down to the smaller objects so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go and add a coffee table I'm going to go to tables and coffee tables and then I'm going to select this one here so this is a nice one which we recently released now most of these objects are going to be coming from imesh and this is going to be the paid subscription and if you do want to follow along exactly like I said you're going to want to get the subscription to imesh um there are obviously other free resource resources online and things like this you might get a model yourself but when you're doing architectural visualization you're not expected to model the furniture yourself it's a waste of time use pre-made assets and then you can very quickly build the scene architecture visualization is about the visualization the cameras the composition the materials and lighting not about your modeling skill if you want to follow along exactly I'd highly recommend you get a the subscription if you're watching this at Black Friday time we have a Black Friday deal going on if not then there will be another unique code in the description which will be having another offer check that out and you should be able to get this a discounted price just because you're very nice and you've been watching this tutorial up to this point so yeah I'm going to continue if you don't have this exact furniture and you don't want to buy imesh that's also fine just find other sources to get 3D models and I'm going to talk you through the reasons why I'm going to go for these specific items so then you can also choose appropriately so this is the coffee table which I'm going to go for um I'm probably going to make it a little bit smaller and move it over a little bit like this the reason why I chose this one is because it already has like a frosted dark glass the same and this can be a similar effect to the glass here so what I want to have is some details which kind of match each other so this is going to be like a dark glass and this is going to be a dark glass as well so I want to make sure that they they are similar let's just make this camera a little bit smaller so it's a bit harder to see okay and then the next thing I want to do is also there's something here there's like some empty space and one way that I like to feel empty space and that is with stuff like plants and of course we have some plants so let's go into our plant library and I will be using this monstera and I'll append that in now this one does actually come with like a fur on the Block you probably don't want to see that so let's just hide this from the viewport and it should make things a bit quicker but it still might be a little bit slow but this is a very beautiful plant so let's just use this and drop this into place so we want this to be on the back wall somewhere [Music] so I think I think a placement like this should be fine I did make this plant so that it can actually go against an edge which is one thing which I freaking hate when I download Plants online they end up being so big and you end up having to put them like two meters away from the wall so there's actually some space so I did make it so it can't actually go up against the wall and hopefully people can appreciate can appreciate that um and what I'm doing here I want it to be going off the camera so it is leading interest in this direction um but I don't want it to cover too much of this area this Edge might be hitting too close to this page so maybe some overlap would be a little bit nicer um maybe something like this but I think that should be quite nice we can do a preview render if you want to and just see how this is coming along okay so one thing that I'm immediately seeing and that monstera is almost pitch black so we need some more lighting and one way to do that is actually add some more actual physical lighting one thing that I like and one thing that I've seen some of my references and that is using some spotlights so we're going to do the same thing we're going to add some spotlights probably going to go for this one here I'm just going to pen that into the scene and bring that up now what you can do is edit this quite easily so you select this object and then we just want to select these I'm actually going to edit that one here and go into this mode here so I can see what's going on and then I can bring this over into place so roughly where it needed to be and I also want it to be completely flush with the with the ceiling so let's bring it down just a little bit like this and then we'll do some Cuts later and then I just want to place these and and make these ones connect so what I'm basically going to do is do this for this so also select these points here take this and then I'm basically going to make them connect like this and I want to create like a cross here I'm going to do that now I'm not going to waste the time in this video and I'm going to come back in a second when it's done okay so this is how it's going to look but now we also watch we do want to see this uh this piece let's actually bring this piece down a little bit more so we want to make a cut in the ceiling here so I'm just going to select these pieces and the ceiling I'm going to go top view and then we can just do some really quick cuts [Music] okay now with these Cuts created I'm just going to select the faces [Music] this one's hitting there I'm just going to extrude them up okay now these are in set there is a little bit of a join here but we won't really see that too much anyway okay now with these lights the beauty of these spotlights which are created and they're available at imesh we can really Point them in any direction that we like and they'll follow they will look nice so I'm going to show you the angles which I have so I have one light coming down here that's going to be hitting this edge of this sofa here and I'm going to have one Spotlight which is the reason why I created this in the first place and that is to be hitting this uh monstera leaf and then I've also got another light coming over here this one is going to be hitting this coffee table and that's going to be created some nice lighting against this Edge and then there's also this one here which is going to be facing and also contributing to that that nice light which is going to be shining in about the same point now these lights they do also come with an IES light which is more realistic and it has a nice fall off just like a normal Spotlight and we can kind of see how that's going to look here like this you can quickly see that these lines are quickly adding up so it's just nice just to quickly turn this off if you want to okay so we can now see these effects going on here if you one thing that I really like about these spotlights and that is that this glow is very realistic when you import this for the first time you might find that this emission value is just too strong like this and it's just going to end up blowing out the whole thing so you can no longer see the detail but I like it to be set like this so it still looks realistic but you can still see this nice details going on here and those are also the details you want to also remember if there is detail in that light you want to be able to see it otherwise if it's completely blown out it you know it's not really contributing much okay so this light isn't actually doing much this monstera so I might need to add another light here somehow but we can see that there's a nice Leading Edge against this coffee table there's a now nice light here and it kind of looks like the lights are on like it should be which is kind of giving like a nice evening Vibe now and these lights also I really like having a value of uh 4800 so going throughout this tutorial I'm going to be using all of my artificial lights inside I could be up with a value of 4800 if there is like a light which is going to be more of a um like I'm going to add a light here which is going to be more of a focus on highlighting an object rather than an actual artificial light I will make that as just white okay so how can I add more light to this and like I said I'm going to add a highlighting light so what I'm going to do is just go to here and let's just change the view down so we can actually see I'm going to add a new era light and I'm going to move that over and focus that on here foreign I've gone with a value of two just a little bit of a highlight so if I turn that off it's gonna be black if I just set that to two it's quite nice and I've gone again with the same kind of spread like a 46 spread now you'll also notice I've just imported this from the other from another scene and the color of the monstera is also different so I'm going to talk you through that now so what I basically did was the color of the monstera is nice it's a very realistic green but what I did find is that it didn't really fit the mood of the scene and the green was just too overpowering so for these leaves there's different materials here I basically just tweaked the material a little bit so you can see here I've added a hue saturation which is going to be going into the color which is going to be going into the base color this is just a bit of dust as like an additional Shader to give some realistic dust on the monstera but the actual color information itself this one here I want it to be a little bit darker a little bit desaturated a little bit darker and also the Hue to be a little bit different so these are the values which I've got here basically just copied this across to all of the leaves so yeah so I think before it was like one and it's just a bit too much so that is just one thing that I've already controlled and that is also a concept which we're going to be doing quite a lot here we want all of the colors to work in harmony make sure that you're looking at your color swatch if there's just one color which is just doesn't fit in you just want to tweak it you just want to work with it and see if there's another color which you can pull out of that specific material okay so I think that's looking really nice I think that we're getting a really nice Vibe here and talking about materials so one thing I also like to do throughout my scenes is I like to make sure that all materials are very similar throughout so if you're using a nice material this is a this is one of my favorite sofa materials that we've created at imesh and I think that it just has a really nice color which fits this Vibe this sofa in the back has a different material let's try and connect them and make it so that they have the same materials and then that should work a bit better so let's click on this one see what it is it's called beige fabric so it's easier to find and click this one and let's just find out what the material is let's go foreign okay so it's this soft lever and then let's just change this to was it beige fabric beige fabric yeah okay so now these have the same material so if we do another preview we can then see I'm going to turn on denoising Source a little bit quicker we can then see that they now should work a little bit better together so this sofa is now quite lighter um you might argue that there's a bit too they're a bit too close to here but I think because it's in a darker setting there's still a bit more of a difference which which looks quite nice but now we can see that this bed also fits into the scene a lot nicer if it's the rest of the vibe that we're going for okay so now for the next step so one thing that's a big open area and that is this big piece in the back there's a lot of empty space there so we want to fill it with some details again looking at my references there are some really nice shots which are using some sorts of clothing closet which has some nice detail so that's what we want to go ahead and do now so the following along as previously I'm just going to go to here and set this to storage and let's choose one so this one I already know works so I'm just going to append that in here let's bring this up to the floor level and then let's bring this over bring this like this and then I'm just going to do alt D and bring that over because I want this to be covering both this piece is going in the wall but I don't think we'll actually see it here so that's also fine if you want to make that perfect that you should probably do that and make that only have this many doors but for this reason I think that is fine so now if we do a render preview this one does already come with lights inside so it should already highlight quite nicely and as you remember we also added a light in here which should be adding some nice light on to this area too okay so that is already instantly added some really nice detail to the back of this room it's adding some interest but we're not finished yet we want to go into the smaller details so maybe like a bedside cabinet maybe some lighting here some plants and some curtains as well I think so I'm just going to go ahead and do that now and then I'll be back in a second once I've added those objects in okay so now I've added in those objects so what I've basically done is I've added a few curtains because I think curtains they break up this area quite nicely it is a bedroom with glass walls so they probably want some privacy um even though this is a studio apartment you know maybe they have guests um and then they can spread over here if they if they need to I've added this one over here and I've just crumpled this up a little bit the good thing with curtains is that they have a lot of um because they're fabric they have a lot of play in them so you can stretch them a little bit you can shrink them a little bit and they still will look like a curtain and look quite nice so I've added those pieces in I've also added in this light which is also I mean everything is available on image but I quite like this light because it's like a nice soft light that adds some interest over here and I've also added like a book and these things this thing here and again uh this bedside cabinet and one over here now I did realize that there isn't actually enough space over here for the other bedside cabinet but maybe they like they prefer to sleep on this side of the bed but as this is your own piece you can if you want to stretch this piece out further if you want to but I've hidden it basically we can't see it anyway so but that's also fine um over here I've added a pan pass grass because I think personally they're my favorite ones I always think they look great and if you just look at these colors how perfectly these all work together perfect plant that fits in a lot of situations I've added some candles that sit in the front and I've just tweaked their colors a little bit I've made them a bit brighter because they were just a bit too dark so then they kind of fit a bit nicely with this but the colors also contrast this a little bit more I probably tweak these maybe you could tweak these a little bit so that they do they are more similar but I think in general that is a really nice touch and lastly there's a book here because somebody who sits here likes to take notes about something but in general you want to make sure you add some elements which make it really feel like somebody actually lives here and maybe there is some story to tell so shoes are a good one you can add some shoes here like some maybe somebody has just sat here and maybe they've just left an item and they've just gone off to the other room add some sort of Interest here and that is believable or what makes it feel like you could just jump into that scene for example if this was completely square that might look less pleasing you know that's just too neat maybe just turning it a little bit could add some really nice variation so now I think that they I think that this is almost done the ceiling I keep looking at it it looks really disgusting at the moment I I'm probably going to tweak this a little bit but um I'll come to that in a bit um I think that this is maybe a little bit too dark there is a light on here so it would be nice if there was some sort of light being cast down here and I think some sort of cushion could be nice here because it wants to be a bit more comfortable I feel like um I think that that is probably fine so let's add a cushion and let's add a light here and then I'll be back in a second oh actually the cushion um I'm probably gonna look in the seating see if I have one already made because this could be quite a minimal scene so yeah I'm probably gonna add this cushion here I'm just going to import this whole sofa and then going to extract the cushion itself and then place that in okay now when you import cushions there's one thing to note is that you'll probably find that the cushion doesn't fit exactly onto the sofa that you're trying to work with so there's a thing called proportional editing if you press o you can't enable this mode and you want to make sure that you have it set to smooth and then you can adjust this cushion use the middle Mouse wheel to scroll this out you can then move this so it fits nicely onto the onto the the object you don't want there to be a too big gap and you don't want the Gap to be non-existent one thing I do find with fabric materials that if there's just a little bit of a gap it can look a bit more realistic that it kind of leads underneath and has a nice Dark Shadow underneath but not too crazy that it looks disconnected so I think that is a nice touch and it should already be look at the material um it should already be a nice material and color which fits nicely into the scene anyway so that's good next thing I want to do is add this light okay so this is the light that I've gone for again it's an interior light which is going to be more of an artificial light so I've set the value to 4600. I've set the spread to 60 so there's a bit of a spread but that'll also mean that they should get some on the on the curtain here now this won't be 100 realistic because there will be a lot like going down but not up or to the side which you might expect from this light I still find it doesn't look unrealistic and it still has just a really nice touch and a bit of glare and light to this object okay so you can see that light being cast on here and it doesn't look unrealistic to me this looks like it is being cast here if you're looking at this you think where where is the light coming from it must be from here if you wanted to you could always turn it and add some light coming cast onto here as well but in general I think that looks quite nice so let's check that with the new cushion and I think that's looking pretty good I would probably say that this is being pretty close to um completion so I'm going to move now on to the kitchen scene so let's just see how this kitchen is looking uh cameras and kitchen shots so it's very black there's not much going on here so we want to add some more lights going in over here and then let's add the details as well so the first thing I want to start working on is always going to be the lighting I want to see how the lighting works in the scene so I'm going to go over to here I'm going to go to lighting I'm just going to look at some ceiling pendants and I already know I'm going to go for this one so I'm going to click on this object here and append that in it down now this is a really nice light and it will also cast light onto the reflections on the on these areas too so that's one thing that we wanna make sure we don't lose let's bring this to the ceiling um again that's just like a stopper error point that goes in and holds that part of the light up okay I'm gonna set this to 4 800. and I'm going to turn it on on off and then that should add some light in over there okay that's cool and then I'm just gonna see how this looks from the living room shot because we should be able to see some there we go so we see the reflections over here which is a nice touch and I think that's cool so now let's work on the other lights again it's too dark over here okay so after some experimentation I ended up resorting to this light here um it's got quite a wide spread but and I've also lowered these a little bit so what I wanted it to do if I want to bring that down a little bit more these portals um I want it to just cast some nice light on this wall here as if it's you know it's the same light direction as these ones very roughly uh so it's casting some light here um and I think that's probably fine the next one is the lighting for the the kitchen I will actually make these lights come with the kitchen but basically what I'm going to do is just add some area lights underneath here so to simulate LEDs in the light in the in the kitchen as this will be part of the model I'm not going to go over this part exactly but I'll be back in a second to show you the end result okay so this is what I've ended up with again I've got a black body and I've set this to 4800 and I've just added these underneath here probably move this over a little bit more and underneath every single shelf there is going to be a light so that should add some really nice lighting here and again we can already see that we're getting that nice um aesthetic which we're going for on the other scene and now the lighting is done I want to Now work on some of the more furniture items some of the bigger items and then work down to the smaller items again so the most important thing for me is um this area here and then I'm going to add something small over here so I'm going to add a bit Clothing Rack here and then some chairs and I'm probably getting a chair here and yeah we'll see how that works so what I'm going to do is I'm going to add a foreign [Music] my cursor here and just append that into the scene and then let's rotate this it is a little bit too big and using artistic license let's just reduce it a little bit and we just want to see the Leading Edge here because this has a really nice detail so that's the only thing that's important here and then I want to add some chairs here and then the back area so let's add a chair and I already know this is the one I want to go for it's again it has a similar kind of color going on here but I'm probably going to change the back wood a little bit but this actual Vibe of this chair is what I'm really digging so let's append that in and that's over here like this I might make the chest a little bit narrower and then I'm going to do alt d and rotate this over like this let's turn off render preview okay and then let's add in a couple more here and I think that's fine one thing that's always nice to do with chairs is just to make them a little bit off not make them 100 perfect okay now for the actual wood I am going to change the lid a bit because I do think that the wood is just a little bit too dark yeah because as you can see here the wood is too dark so I'm gonna I'm gonna choose a lighter wood but I miss asset manager I'm going to go to woods and let's see if there's one which I think looks quite nice [Music] um I'm probably gonna go for the wood 35 let's import this material and then let's select this wood and then let's give it this material instead okay now that's already lighter and we can already see the effect going on here I think that the string also has a bit too much color so I'm just going to reduce that a little bit to 0.5 and maybe increase the value to like two so now the the the string is also going to be like a similar color to here but it should be in in general terms all matching right so now let's work on the back wall [Music] okay that's looking pretty good I think for these items here what I've actually done is I've actually given this one A Whiter material and this one is also a a lighter material because I didn't want any color information going in from these particular objects I wanted to be all in harmony so that's what I've ended up going for so they are like the blocking items I do think we need some maybe some more light here so I'm going to add that more light in here and then I'm going to just fill these shelves with plates and things and then also add a sink so a tap and then maybe some decorations here I think we actually released some decorations recently which would work really nice here so I think this one would it's literally the same colors so I'm gonna go for this one maybe drop in at half here and half over here then I'll add a area light and then I'll be back in a second okay so this is now populated we now have another Pampas because I think that's also going in in working quite well with the rest of the scene and I've also changed some of the materials in this one so I've made it so that the the wood itself the sticks and the Pampas itself is going to be whiter because there was too much color in there and I've also given the material on this object here I made it more of a white material than what it already was and then for the highlighting light so again there's no color information it's just gonna be white but it's just gonna be a nice highlight that should be enough over here and it could be facing towards these chairs to um to bring some nice light over here now you might be thinking oh but that's unrealistic because there's no actual window here but that doesn't matter so imagine a photographer has come into the scene uh they're finding that they don't have enough light on these objects they are going to bring their own light anyway so that isn't 100 unrealistic and I'm sure your client if you show them such a render they could be like wow this is amazing they might say um this is too bright and we can darken it but in general for this specific render I think it looks great so that's what I'm gonna go for the next thing I want is maybe a bit more of a light on this Pampas here but the rest of the items are really working quite nicely one thing I did over here is that this tap was actually rotated like this like straight which is it's a bit hard to get any context of what it actually is so just rotated it a little bit so now we can actually see it's a tap but yeah for the light on the Pampas uh what I'm going to do is just let's just duplicate this one make a bit smaller I'm going to make this to a point five five I'm going to make it Focus onto the Pampers itself you can also set these two discs if you prefer it doesn't make too much of a difference and I'm going to set this to 40. so now there's a bit more of a focus light on that so if I move this out the way we can see it's darker I'll bring it back it's just a little bit a little bit lighter so that's nice okay it's one thing that I'm really noticing with this right now along with the ceiling which is looking pretty disgusting is that this chair has a very strange color to it in this particular scene I don't think it matches this color and it doesn't really match other colors in the room so this is more going into the green Direction but it would be nice if it's going into the more of the red Direction so we can see if we can tweak that a little bit um so let's have a look here so there's this is the color okay so is that going to affect the color here okay that is affecting the color so let's uh bring that back and then let's just bring this over here like this I think that might already that might actually be all that we need okay yeah I think that actually works perfect I think that looks closer to this maybe you can desaturate a little bit um but I think that's working pretty nicely I'm probably going to leave that there for now I think this tutorial is also already incredibly long but hopefully you get some ideas from Concepts that we're going for okay so this is gonna be the final room I've just gone into the camera view for now just to get an immediate impression of what I can see so the first thing that's coming to mind is the reason why I put this camera here is to see the reflections the problem is the reflections are black and white but we want to actually see the reflections so what I'm going to do is go to the world tab um I don't actually have a reflection saturation value here so it should be too difficult to make just add it onto the end so let's add a mix Shader let's plug that in here and add a light path node and then we say is this a glossy array if it is yes then that will be with color if it is not then that's going to be the black and white so basically all the reflections coming through here will be with color but the rest of the scene will still be illuminated with the same lighting as we had before so that won't really change if you think that that is a bit too oversaturated that green is a bit overpowering you can add a hue saturation node here and then just reduce that a little bit if you want to but I'm probably going to leave that for one for now and then maybe adjust it later in uh post-production if I want to but I do feel like these colors are a bit overpowering right now but that it doesn't help it's not help that the rest of the scene is very monotone but let's see if we can bring out some more colors in here so one thing I'm going to do is I'm going to add a carpet with um maybe some shoes because the shoes for some reason always work nicely in the bedroom somebody's just walked in and getting ready for bed so let's add a finished detail let's add a carpet and move this over here like this and then let's also add some clothing again all part of the eye mesh collection and we can see how easy it is to make visualizations I do genuinely think that if you're looking to get into Arc face that this is probably one of the best investments I don't mean to like blow my own trumpet but I do think that for the library that we're offering for such a price is basically unheard of um so yeah anyway something like this maybe these are two similar so let's just rotate one a little bit add some more variation somebody's just kick them off let's rotate this a little bit like this one maybe like that yeah I'm trying to see how these are working together but I don't know if it's too close or if it should be closer but I think some Edge so we can see this edge here will be nice um I also want to make sure that the focal point is here and it looks like it is and okay so I think that should be fine and like I said I want to add some sort of plant here so as this will be an outdoor scene let's go to Plants outdoor [Music] um I think that this one is probably one I'm gonna go for I think something with a bit of color will be nice because it is such a monotone scene um let's add that in okay so I'm just going to bring this over here now this is going into the floor now that is one thing that you need to take into consideration is what is the purpose of this scene is it for a client does it need to be 100 accurate if yes then you would probably want to move this off a little bit and maybe have it so it is possible to be in a pot but as this is actually better uh I quite liked it how it was here but now I'm thinking it might be better over here I think maybe a bit of both so I think that would be quite nice to be honest and let's meet this boy from the thing now the idea of this is to be out of focus add some color and make it so that this corner isn't completely bare and I think that will work quite nice okay now this is a little bit too dark so I'm gonna add another Beauty light here turn off the rendering [Music] maybe lower value and set this to something like 40 so this should be a nice highlight onto this plant I reckon okay yeah that's already you can already see the immediate difference here so if I bring this off it's dark bring it back there's some nice highlights so this Leaf also has some nice glossiness and Reflections for switches being lost so if I bring this back we can then see some Reflections here another thing to note because we have an area light here and then area light here we might be seeing those in the reflection so what I'm going to do is go over here and set this to turn off the transmission and the glossy so that's no longer be affected this is actually a light which I only really want to add diffuse light into the scene so it's not too important for me not to have these turned on but that you could probably leave that one on if you want to it's not too overpowering but and I think it was too accurate so I think that's fine and then the final detail this wall is a bit too plain so you can you can all you can either add a piece of artwork you can add some some planks so if you follow my other tutorials you know that I'm a huge fan of adding planks so let's just do that now let's add a mesh Cube [Music] now I want to give this the same material as the wall but you can also give it like a wood material let's select everything unwrap and then the edges are too sharp so let's add a bevel set a little light bevel if you want to smooth it you want to make sure that you have a shading hardened normals and then turn on auto smooth okay there we go and we might want to also adjust the UVS but I'm not going to go into that too much now I reckon saying that to a scale of five should be fine and yeah let's see how that looks okay I think for that that's going to be wrapped up I think that's gonna be fine and I'm just gonna get onto the rendering because this is uh already dragging on quite long but the main concept here are are correct so the camera is facing into this room there's depth of field that's quite strong maybe it's too strong um but it's going into this room so that the focus is on the edge of this chair and this area here so there's some story going on here with some nice interests so there's a there's a definite focal point of this camera and that is the main focus uh maybe it is too dark here and maybe a lighter frame would be more appropriate but I think right now that is fine let's just check out the other cameras and this is the main living room shot again this ceiling is too strong so let me just let me just actually add a mixed RGB and set this to a value of like this so it's quite rough this but yeah so this General shot I'm really liking the curtains add a nice way to break up this uh area the the glass itself is quite black so if you were to peek through it you can see that there is a difference in the in the lighting and this whole setup I think is just working really nicely so I think this works really well and then for the kitchen shot I think that all works nicely too now the one thing to take into consideration here is I think this shot and the living room shot are closer together um in terms of color but there is definitely some colors that are missing so this one it has a lot more Reds and um terracotta colors going on but the living room shot doesn't so you might be worth bringing in some terracotta into some of these areas and then also in the bedroom I think that one is the most different from the others but that does have the Terracotta here but I think in general they are close enough together to work but if you want to make these renders all work together even better that is with post-production so that is what I'm going to get on to next you can of course tweet these colors add some more light onto the background and make make it so that the renders are closer together and do share more colors um but I'm going to move on to the post-production side now okay I've just come back to this and I thought that it could do with one final detail before I start rendering it and that would be a light that sits into this little little section in the top now this is not entirely necessary but I thought that it just adds a nice little touch up here I always think I always think these kind of glows look pretty nice again I've set the value to 4800 because they are not highlighting lights but more of actual artificial lights and as for lighting values these two here have the same value of two I gave this one at the back which runs along here and the same value of two but I found that the perceived light value because it's going through the corrugated section was a lot less so I've set that to a value of 10 and now the perceived brightness of that light all looks the same and it looks like this light is continuing along so that I feel like finishes off that section really nicely and now I'm probably going to render it hopefully I don't see anything else I want to change but that should be fine for now okay so when you get to finally to rendering you will be very limited to your vram on your GPU if you're doing GPU rendering which I'm sure most of you are I have an eight gigabyte GPU down here um which we can see and that is what I imagine most users will have if you have less vram then things can get a little bit more difficult and you'll just need to optimize things a lot more your best friend in the whole wide world it is going to be the simplify Tab and turning that on and making it set to texture limit so setting I'll basically set this to 2K I set this to 2K in my test renders and it looked perfectly fine there are certain details such as the wood floor which could have been better with a 4K texture but I will promise you that if you go too low it doesn't make too much of a difference if you try to remember this is going to be rendering at roughly about 2k when I'm finished with it so that full scene is 2K so if you have imagine your 2K texture is this big on this sofa you're not going to see the difference in in texture size but the texture limit as considerable detail to the vram another thing to take into consideration is the amount of textures that there are actually in the scene so for example in here in each of these objects which are hidden behind one bit of glass and two bits of glass is are some clothing so let's just hide this there's some clothes here so each of these clothes has one two three four textures we won't see any of these the only thing we might see is the diffuse so we can very easily just remove all of these plug in the diffuse and be done with it now there's only one texture and I guarantee you're not going to see the difference the same for this object here so this object is has a clear coat material and it has some glossiness and normal Maps it has two two principal shaders so we can just remove all of these we're not going to see any difference I can guarantee you can do some before after renders if you like but this has already saved considerable amount of vram by removing these the same for this one just go through all of these objects in the back and just remove all of the unnecessary textures at this distance between these glass you're not going to see any detail other than the diffuse map just make sure that your glossiness values are roughly about correct and it will it will look fine of course if you have more vram go crazy but we are limited unfortunately in blender with vram coming from Corona and v-ray when we mostly render on CPU you are not limited in whatsoever and we can just throw everything at it until you hit run out of your computer's Ram which can be 64 to 128 gigabytes or more so that is one thing to keep taking consideration as for the actual render size I will be rendering at 200 of this rendering at higher percentages is actually better for the denoiser so what you can do is if you set this to 200 you can then lower your sample count by four so if you do divide by four you can lower it by four because basically oops if you double these values you will be increasing the size four times so if you increase that by four you can still get a very beautiful render I think that the denoise is actually trained on higher resolution images so they perform a lot better and there's just generally a lot more a lot more information in those renders so you can get away with lower sample counts but for the actual for this actual render I will be going higher and I just want to preface I've set the noise threshold to 0.01 so I think if that's correct that is one percent noise so I want to wait until the the image has rendered so much until there's only one percent noise left or it will hit 400 4096 samples so for certain areas let's say you have a perfectly white table here this might hit one percent noise before this Pampers grass so when this bit has finished rendering and it's hit one percent noise threshold it will then stop rendering and it can then focus on other objects instead so I've set it to say if it doesn't hit the one percent noise one percent noise threshold um I want to just keep rendering until it hits 4096 samples some of you might think that that is a hell of a lot and it is this is going to be a production ready render I want this to be as high quality as possible I want it to be as many samples as necessary so the denoiser doesn't need to do as much work the denoisers are made by Ai and they have mistakes they will remove detail which should actually be there so don't give it the opportunity to remove all of that lovely detail and set a very high render time I see a lot of people doing renders and they say wow this rendered in two minutes and I just say well what detail are you losing because you're only rendering it for two minutes let it render for an hour if you're not in any rush just let it render in the background you know go to bed set up all your renders and come back in the morning you have everything done but to the max maximum quality there is a big problem I see in blender uses 100 relying on the on the denoisers and I just really need people to get away from this the renderer is doing its best job to most make the most realistic render as possible if you then completely destroy it by adding a denoser on top you're just removing all of that lovely details so that is for the detail which I'm going to use if of course it's going to take three four hours to render and you don't have the time then probably don't do that and also if it is probably going to take three to four hours then there's a good chance that you probably need to optimize something anyway but these are my default values so for this one I've turned off denoise this basically means once it's finished rendering it will apply the denoise onto the image but I want to have more control so if I go to the compositor I've added a denoise node here which can be found here denoising data and that basically means that after the render you can then decide how much of the denoiser you want to apply to it so if I was to add a mix here and then a mix in the denoise to the final image I can then say I want it to be the 100 denoised image or I want it to be the 100 noisy image and so you can just adjust it a little bit so I often find that 0.75 Works quite nicely so the denoiser can't work too much but it does take off a lot of the unnecessary noise off of some certain objects okay and if I go down here so light paths I've set these all to 32 and for transparent I set that to 50. now that's only because I have the pampass and that will slow down your render quite a lot so if you set this to a lower value the pan pass will start to become black because there'll be lots of overlapping transparent planes which is why you need a higher value if you go for another plant you don't necessarily need this and somebody commented in the previous video that said if this is set to 32 and you set this to 50 then it will cut at 32 that's not true um the transparent bouncer bounces are independent from the total bounces so that you can set it as high as you like and you're not going to be capped by this value so I will set this to 50. clamping indirect and direct I set these both to zero because clamping it basically reduces the value of the light in the scene which brings it to be more unrealistic I want that to just be full lighting 100 as real as possible there is a downside to this that it can cause fireflies and you get there's some random specs throughout the scene but I do find that having a 4 000 samples can get rid of that but if you are having problems set this to a value like 10 we'll set this to a value like three if you're having a lot of problems but generally I don't seem to have too much problem if I set this to zero and it will look better under film uh Blackman Harris I would probably set this to 1.1 so the the lower the value the more sharper the image gets but then you can have problem with aliasing where certain edges if there's high contrast Edge so if it wants a bright light and next to a very dark object you can get Jagged edges so be wary of that but I do find that for aquiz a lower value is quite Pleasant now I another uh interesting thing to check is also persistent data so let's say I want to render each frame so I maybe I set up a one camera to render the next camera to render and following the next camera to render I will probably enable persistent data that means that every time it goes to the next render it keeps hold of all the information and just moves on to the next camera without having to do all the calculations all over again then that is very useful so I'm going to leave that enabled and make sure that you've also got it set to filmic in terms of the render passes these are the render passes which I have enabled in this particular render I'm not going to be going into light groups and light groups are part of the lights themselves we can add them to a certain group so when the render has totally finished you can then have additional render passes so you can just highlight these lights for example and then get a render pass just with those lights so then you can do some mixing afterwards to adjust the values if you want to I'm not going to go into that in this tutorial I think it's already quite a long so I'm going to ignore that for now but you can enable those but I think just for this video I think I'm not going to go too much into these I think that these uh these are probably fine maybe set the indirect glossy enabled and we can mix that in later if we want to but I think I think that's probably fine in my previous tutorial I have also gone over uh more into the render passes so do check out the Arc of his tutorial too if you're interested in that but that is probably fine okay so that's probably fine for the render password render settings the next okay so next thing I want to do is also go through and make sure I do some cleanup so basically certain objects are not seen by certain cameras so I want to make sure that those objects are hidden when they are not necessarily going to be seen so what you can do is just select all of these objects that are going to be in certain cameras and then move them to certain collections such as kitchen and then later on you can hide them from certain cameras if you need to and then you can do that for all the rooms so for this particular camera we won't be able to see anything that's in the living room so if we select all of these objects here we can move all of these into the living room shot and then we can just turn that off oops and then we can just turn it off when it's not being seen so if we go over here it makes no difference here and then that saves on vram and it should make things a bit render a bit quicker okay so that is now everything's set up and I think we're ready to render what you can do if you wanted to was set certain cameras onto certain frames and set it to render as an animation so it just does one after the other you can also move things to certain scenes so that they'll render one scene after the next but I'm going to save that for another tutorial I don't know some people are going to be commenting that saying there should there's a way to automate that and there definitely is but there's no harm in just rendering one go to the next camera turning off certain things and rendering that camera okay so I'm going to render that and once that's done I'm going to move over to photoshop okay so I'll come back to this a few days later and this is the final output from the last image which I rendered and we can also see that I've also done the living room sorry the kitchen and we've also done the bedroom and I've also saved these out as a tiff and it's very important to save these out as a tiff so if you go to file save as on the render make sure you set it to Tiff and 16 bit that's to make sure that you have as much data as possible if you do have some Alpha information that you want to take into consideration then you can also tick that box too but this for me are the settings which I used in the compositor which can be found here all I did was make sure that I've had I enabled the denoise node which is found like this just denoise make sure you leave it as accurate and leave this one enabled because that makes it as accurate as possible and then when the final image rendered I just plug this in like this and then I save the output okay and then with that saved all I'm going to do now is go over to photoshop okay now that we are inside Photoshop the reason why I like Photoshop is because I like the camera raw filter we can be found here and Camera raw filter because that walks you through all the steps for editing and you can do most of the editing that you need to get the image finished of course there are other steps which you could take later but I'm just going to go over this for now because it's so powerful and you can really pull out your image and make take it to the next level just with this filter if you're using Affinity photo that also has very similar tools but I will be using Photoshop for now and I'm sure you can translate the edits which I do over to Affinity photo I believe the Affinity photo is about 30 or 40 dollars for life so if you're on a budget that's definitely way to go but I really like Photoshop so I'll be continuing with that so the first thing I'm going to do now is after I drag this image into here it says background but what I want to do is turn that to a Smart object so now that's a smart object if I ever if I was to do any edits for example if I click camera raw filter and then if I click ok it then saves that here so then I can go back into the camera raw filter later to make the edit if I do not do that then the edit which I create is going to be baked into the image and then I cannot go back and change things so always make sure that the image which you're editing is a smart object okay so in the camera raw filter we can see here that it's just a list of edits which you can do and then there are some also some more tools up here which are very very helpful and which we will be using a bit later so the basic section I won't be touching this too much but that's very helpful for changing the temperature I know some of the light values and also some vibrancing saturation values I'll be using this just a little bit here I think mostly I'm just going to turn down the exposure just very very slightly because I'll be bringing out some of the other lights in the highlights I think that this as a value of zero is probably going to be fine and let's just maybe turn up some contrast just a little bit these highlights and these sections I'm going to do in the curves so I think that's probably fine for now might just turn down the Vibrance a little bit okay so it's not too much of an edit but that should be fine for now okay so I'm just going to minimize that and go to Curves so if we look at this graph we can see that this area over here are for the highlights this over here are for the Shadows so we can see most of the image is in this Shadow area but not much of the image is in the lights so if I was to adjust the lights we can see that it makes quite a big difference but nothing too crazy it falls to just the darks we can see it makes much bigger impact because that's where most of our colors are I'm going to use this section a bit more lightly and I will adjust the lights even more because I have a bit more room here so what I'm going to do here is first start with the highlights so the highlights are referring to literally the highlights so if we look at all these lights here if I turn this up to the max we can see that the highlights are brought out and the Shadows kind of makes it go very flat the good thing with being a tiff is that we do have a lot of information but we are losing some information down at the lowest highlights but what I'm going to do is just bring this up just a little bit like this because I think that the this area which is going to be the most focal point of the image I want that to be highlighted more and then if I bring up the lights we can see that it's mostly affecting this area down here as well so let's just bring this up like this so now we have a nice highlight here and I think that's working well the darks like I said I just want to be very careful with this but I want to bring those down just a little bit and the same for the blacks okay so we can see here that this area is now starting to pop out and the rest is starting to get quite black these areas are also very very black so I think I'm going to try to bring those back a little bit and the way to do that is I would use this adjustment brush so this brush you can basically brush on any of these effects so if for example if I set this to temperature minus 100 and paint onto here we can see it getting very cold in those areas which actually looks pretty cool to prefer so what I want to do is because I want to make mainly bring back the highlights I'm just going to bring back the exposure something like this and then I can paint on where I want the bright areas to be so we can see that these areas are coming back and it doesn't look unnatural it really does look like the lights are creating that and I think that maybe this area is just a bit too dark so let's just paint a bigger brush on here like this and I think that's looking pretty good okay so these area these highlighted areas are looking pretty good um but I also want to add some highlighted areas to the back now if I was to click now I would be creating a brand new brush and that's what I want if this was red that means I'm going to be adding to that same brush but because I want to edit this area separately I'm going to go over to here and make sure that this is white and then I'm going to add a brand new brush so if I right click and just do this and then I can paint in some light over here maybe some light over here and that's making that area brighter so now I can adjust this separately to the other highlights I just painted on but I think something like that is quite nice okay and now another thing that I'm noticing is that these are very red and there's no other red in the image so so this is really popping out to me so I want to reduce this redness here so I'm going to make sure I have a new brush selected that I'm going to paint over here over these red areas we can see that it's getting very bright because it still has the exposure value turned on but I'm going to turn that down in a second okay and then I'm just gonna use the Rubber and maybe just remove it from these curtains okay okay now I'm going to turn this exposure down so that should be look like there's no edits at all and then I can also just adjust the Hue maybe bring it more into the oranges so it's more like the lights themselves maybe just for very very little okay and then I'm going to turn down the saturation something like this but maybe I might add a bit more here okay so now we've removed most of those red areas there is still a little bit of color there but it's not too crazy the rest of the images is very black and white so that fits in better now rather than that red okay so my computer was completely failing to keep up with the recording for some reason and after editing it I realized that it was basically unusable footage so there's a section now which I'm going to try to re-record and then I'm going to continue on from where I was recording previously okay so from this point what I want to do is maybe add some more highlights here so I'm going to make a new brush I'm going to go over here and just paint in some highlights here maybe take some off of this dog let me make this a bit bigger make a bit softer I think it'll be just be nice to have some highlights on the side of this bed okay and then what I want to do is I can see that these blacks are just way too black so I'm going to click on this one which I've already done then I'm going to go to shadows and just try to bring that up a little bit we can see that we can now see the detail on this section so bring that up now something like that is nice I think that's way better than this because things are getting lost you would not be able to do this without a tiff you need some you need an image which can hold a lot of information so this is a good thing with that file format okay now that's done I'm going to go back to edit and go to detail so for detail what I want to do is add some sharpening so when you're adding sharpening what you want to make sure is you find a part which is already the most part in focus and then adjust the sharpening there if you try to adjust the sharpening for an object which is already out of focus then you're just going to end up sharpening far too much because you're trying to sharpen the wrong part of the image so I'm going to go to this section here and this part is going to be in Focus so what I'm going to do is just put this up to something like 36 and I think that is enough you don't want to go too crazy because that really hurts your eyes but just enough to bring out that edges a little bit like that and I think that looks pretty nice the next thing I want to do is the color mixer okay now for the color mixer I've just reset the values back to what it was and I'm going to talk you through this so what we want to do is you can adjust the brightness the saturation and the Hue of different colors in the image and it's really helpful to use this button here so let's say that you think that this green could be brighter you go to luminance click on this button and find the green that you like and then you can bring this to the to the right and it's brighter bring it to the left and it's darker now this is very subtle because these this color is not very saturated anyway but you can make it a bit brighter and it kind of makes this section in the middle here a bit brighter which is quite nice I'm gonna I'm gonna go to saturation I'm going to do the same I'm going to bring this down just a little bit and for Hue if I bring this to the right it's going to make it more blue if I bring it to the left it's more yellow so I think the yellow is very much in line with the image but I think that's just far too much so would be nice to have a little bit of green left so let's go something like this and I think that's going to be fine for now okay now go into effect what I want to affect here is the vignette and that adds a ring around the image which can always really help with Focus the image into the middle so I'm going to bring this down just very lightly something like this and then you can adjust the the midpoint and in this case I don't want the ring to be so close to the middle so I'm going to bring this out to something like here and then you can also adjust the feather amount if you want to so this is very sharp or you can soften it up a little bit so I reckon something like this should be fine and I think that those are all the edits I'm going to do for now for using the camera raw filter hopefully this is very similar to what I have done just a second ago but I'm re-recording it so anyway I'm going to continue on from where I left off okay so I've gone online and I found a glare image which looks like this if you search for glaze or lens lens flares you'll be able to find some images which look like this so I've just grabbed one and I'm going to bring it over to my light and I'm going to set that to screen there we go and I'm going to make sure that's centered over oops I'm gonna make sure that's centered over the image sent it over the light sorry okay and then I'm just going to reduce that maybe it's something like 50. so we can actually see the light as well okay you can also bring that up just a little bit more okay then I'm going to duplicate that and to do that you just click and drag and drag that over to this button here and then that would duplicate it so I'm going to bring that over to here and then we have some glass which are a lot nicer than you'll ever get out of blender and they still look very natural so actually let's make sure that these are definitely centered okay and then we can also add them on other bits so uh so when there are like specific highlights like this where they're very very bright we can just bring those down here like this and maybe onto the top of this dog and then do Ctrl T and then just make it a bit smaller just to add a nice highlight onto that dog and that's how I do my lights so you can render these out and try to use the flares and stuff inside a blender but and I just find it a lot easier and I genuinely think that these lens flares that you get online just look way more accurate so that's what I'll be using here okay and the next thing I want to do is try to give this an instagrammy Vibe and that would be basically by bringing up the blacks so the blacks are not too strong and it kind of looks like a fade I think is what Instagram calls it but as this is gonna be like a portfolio piece and a bit more artistic I'm going to try to I'm going to try to emulate that effect so at the top of here I'm going to click on this button and click on curves now to do that what you can do is just slide this up and then you're telling it that the blacks the lowest black value is going to be this value so bring this to the top the lowest back the lowest black value is going to be white so that means the whole image has gone so I want to bring up just it to something like this but we can see that it's adjusting the whole image and I don't want to do that I want to bring up just this bottom area here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to find maybe the biggest Point here and click make click here but then if I was to do the same again it still adjusts the whole image it already looks a bit more appealing but it's still not quite right so I'm going to add another point like over here and then that will keep this curve in line and then if I was to adjust this we can see that I'm now only adjusting just the black areas so I'm going to do that very lightly something like this so now if I do this we can see that these blacks look a lot more appealing here so if I go into the monstera plant we can see these black areas are very these black areas are very black but if I do this they get light and done I generally think that's quite nice aesthetic and that's kind of the aesthetic which I kept seeing on all of my references so that's the image that's what I'm going to go for here okay now that image is just looking quite good I think that it might be too dark at this point so I'm going to go back to the camera raw filter and I'm going to go to the curves and I might just bring up the these bits see how that looks okay I think that if I was to re-render this I'd give this error just a bit more light okay and I think that one more effect which I think could look quite nice is to give this plant a bit more light so one way to do that is that you can create a mask inside a blender but I haven't done that so I'm just going to quickly paint over the top so I'm going to select this camera filter add a new brush and I'm going to go over to the plants [Music] then with the exposure toned up I'm just going to paint over here like this very roughly and then adjust this something like this and then I'm just going to remove around the edges the thing with these brushes they always look still very accurate even if it's just quite rough okay so that gives a nice glow to this Pampas plant okay and another thing which I think could be a bit brighter are these curtains so these curtains are getting very lost into the background but I think that they should stand out a little bit more so over here they blend very much into the ceiling so I'm going to do a cut out here and then I'm going to edit it so I'm going to be back in a second while I cut this out [Music] okay now with these selected again I would recommend that you go on to YouTube and search for how to create masks inside of blender but just for now I've just done this a very rough cut out but this should be good enough for this tutorial so with that selected I'm just going to go to so I'm going to click on this button here and click on levels then I can just bring this up and bring up the brightness for these curtains so I'm just going to go like very roughly like this and I think that already looks a lot better okay I'm just going to bring this down below the curves because that will look a lot more natural up here so that looks better already again I'll just make sure that you go around to make sure that your your masks are correct um I think I've just done it very roughly right here okay now I can see that there's actually a mistake in the render itself and let's say you don't have time to re-render it because this curtain is going through the wall you can actually fix it quickly inside of Photoshop using this stamp tool over here on the left so I'm going to make a new layer just above the edit the main edit I'm going to set the stamp tool to current and below and then if I hold down the alt button and right click I can bring this down like this I'm going to click on a point maybe here and just paint that in now we can see that these points are disappearing this the good thing is that curtains generally have a lot of wrinkles and creases so I can just reuse these pieces [Music] there are some duplications happening here but that already looks better than the mistakes anyway foreign [Music] and after we can see that I've just fixed all of those pieces and that looks a lot better okay so I think that's probably fine for now I'm going to leave that there and then I'm going to move over quickly to the next image so with these layers here so this whole section here is for that image itself this is like a beauty pass over the top which I might want to reuse for the other images so what I'm going to do is Select these ones here and then click on this button to put it into a layer and I'm going to call that living room and if you right click on the folder you can set this to a certain color like red and then what I want to do is then add a new image so if I drag this into here there we go and we can see that it's already picking up that layer which is nice and just to see how this is going to look because I have already done some edits I can drag these edits onto the new image here so if I was to click on the smart filters hold down the alt button click and drag you can drag that onto here you can see how that's going to look okay now with this dragged onto this one it's very very bright in certain areas and that's because we also brushed on certain exposure values so if I double click onto here we can go over to the brush section and just delete those brush entries that I created because those are not going to be the same for this image and that looks a lot nicer okay now with those brushes removed I think that looks a lot nicer but we do want to color in some more bright areas so what I'm going to do is go to the bright section and so this part I think can be highlighted a bit more I also think that this can be and this bit as well perhaps we can add some bright areas over here because this is getting very dark and maybe over here because this is a focus there is already a lot of light over here so I'm going to leave that as it is okay and because we've already done those over edits so there's the vignette there's the there's the sharpening and all those other details I think that's looking pretty good and if I click ok and I think that this is looking pretty good I think that this is looking quite in line with this other image over here I think it would be nice if there was more terracotta colors in this image like I said earlier because this is kind of feeling like a slightly different image over here but it does still have a similar kind of vibe in terms of the lighting and the focal areas so it's a very Beauty kind of render that maybe your clients wouldn't like something which is as artistic but it definitely has some sort of wow factor now one thing which I didn't really mention while creating this scene is I didn't really bevel these edges on the walls but you can do that but I found that in the past the amount of times where I beveled the beveled the edges then I needed to separate the floor or the ceiling for certain reasons and then the bevel gets really strange then you can get light leaks in these Corners um so I just left it off for this tutorial but if you want to Bevel these edges I would recommend it because it does look more realistic because these are very very sharp but as these are in the distance they are cut they are getting blurred anyway and there are some denoising artifacts anyway so you can't quite tell that they are super sharp but that is something I think that you want to take care of also over here there is some aliasing happening here so this is a very sharp contrasted area so this doesn't look so appealing so you might want to blur these edges to make that a bit softer if you wanted to you can also inside a blender add a glare node and then plug that in and that would have probably saved this point over here but I think just for this tutorial I think that that is fine so we can also see here the point which I was kind of aiming for in terms of the wall texture that the light areas where the light is reflecting you can see that the wall isn't completely smooth so there is some nice textures going on in the wall which is often something that is missed and also in the ceiling there is just a very light texture nothing too crazy but they do but there's definitely a texture on the ceiling so nothing is too smooth and as I rendered this image and it's a texture size of 2K we can actually see that the floor might do with being a higher resolution but it's so subtle that it might not necessarily make any difference but it allowed us to render more objects anyway and then what you would do now is then move over to the final image which is the bedroom if I was do the same thing I would just literally drag in the drag this in and simply grab this filter hold down the alt button drag this on and see how that looks I think that looks pretty fine I think that this green is way too overpowering so that's something that I would adjust but by copying the camera raw filter it's giving us a very good starting point just like before that's probably it for now I really enjoyed making this render I really enjoyed finding these references and trying to find a specific style that I was going for and I hope that this has given you some good ideas of the kind of quality that you can get out of Cycles I think people think that Cycles is free and you can't get good quality but this is absolutely a production ready and professional grade render um I hope that this has inspired you to make some of your own kind of renders and if you ever have any questions do mention do try to mention it in the comments um of course like I said it was very hard for me to try to cover every single specific detail um so I'm sorry if I miss certain things but hopefully this has just given you a good idea of at least some starting points okay and if you're watching this video about Black Friday time then we do have a Black Friday offering of 75 for the whole entire Library um if you're not watching this at Black Friday time then do read the description because we might do a second offering just for the people who are watching this tutorial um so do read the description um but for now it is 75 which is for the whole entire library of 1 500 assets at the time of making this video which will be an insane deal if you were to get that that would be saved five that would be five cents per model if you downloaded the whole entire Library which is actually ridiculous because at most other websites they'll cost you anywhere between like five to seven dollars for the same amount so that'll be about seven thousand five hundred dollars worth of assets so that's uh ridiculous so all you need to do is once you've signed up you just go to the shop and you can just download any item you like just hover over and download anything we keep this Library updated every single month there's new models coming out and every single month is not just quick models but actually also incredible models that you won't be able to get in most other places we think that some of our models are just incredibly top of the line blender quality stuff so if you're interested in that do check out imesh um it would be probably the best investment you make all year guaranteed uh so yeah thank you very much for watching this tutorial I really hope that you guys have learned a lot from this and I hope that it's giving you some ideas on how you can make some incredible renders inside of cycles and hopefully push your portfolio to the next level and really ultimately just to try to make sure you find the clients that you're looking for and trying to make money so thank you for watching and I'll see you guys very soon
Channel: iMeshh
Views: 51,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q1Mo2o5j4MM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 56sec (8096 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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