Blender animation tip - space switching

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hi everyone this is period from peep to design I'm super happy to release this new video which is a bit special to me based on this character animation I will add inanimate on to it making it jumping into the air and falling back onto his head flawlessly achieving this in less than five minutes using space switching to do so I will used a trick I've learned following original liquor latest course on animation sharpen a little disclaimer here I'm not paid nor endorsing animation choppa or Richard liquor world his animation course is just mind-blowing the tips he shows are just amazing I haven't yet finished the lecture but so far everything is a playable in blender Richard is an Annie Award nominee and his head of animation at poly Arc working on nose he also used to work for Bungie on destiny too and his animation skills are just amazing the video editing in this course is perfect these are short videos very explanatory each video is covering a specific topic on mechanism this is not the cheap course but the value you will get from this is incredible but beware this is not a course for beginner but if you have a bit of experience in animation or even if you are an expert and you want to level up and learn new tips I can just truly recommend this course so far it has been a game changer for me if you're watching this video you're probably a blender user and you might be worrying because this course is in Maya but trust me we can achieve the same thing in the end without any problem and this is what I will show you now and there will also be a little announcement at the end of this video this is the very first trick he shows into his course when this is already mind-blowing let's get started so as I explained before I have this character I hide animated for Noir and the variation of the model as an element since they will be sharing the same rig and same animation I will need the emit to match this current animation but that will be way cooler if I add some physical animation to disarm it making it leaving the ad and falling down back onto it okay no problem this is my job so I will do it I will play with the location curve of the helmet and I will try to make it live yet and move into space before getting back onto his head the problem is that I get weird behavior from the helmet when moving in space while I'm moving its Z curve it get ups but a bit backward on the next frame it's going forward and I'm now fighting with the animation counter animating it instead of playing with the animation while I like fighting sports I hate fighting with my curve and this is because the ailment is parented to the end of the character which does make sense it will follow the movement of the ad but it means as a child that is local axis will be modified in world space meaning that his z-axis won't be aligned with world space and whenever the and will rotate this axis will rotate to or actually all exists will rotate and they will rotate on each frame since the ad of the monkey is moving so I will have to counter animate on every frame and this will make both my animation are the to achieve and the result not that good so the cool thing will be to be able to get rid of this parent relationship without modifying the cure free to do so as a rigger I would create more advanced mechanism with slider and then I would have to animate the sliders making sure that they match the current animation or if I was as clever as Richard I would create an empty then we will constraint this empty to follow the transformation of the ailment so let's add a copy transform constraint source the armature the name of the bone is ctrl L Matt so I will search for it and now my empty is stuck onto the ailment but it's not parented it's constrained by the bone mean that his local space is aligned with the world space and it's getting transformed by the constraint typically the kind of thing you will learn in my new regen course what I want to do now is convert the movement of the constraint empty as if it was not constraint meaning that I will take the current movement he has the benefit is that I will be able to edit the animation while I can't really edit constraints for the sake of demonstration we will just focus on location I will first clean the element animation I've tried to do before by removing every keyframe but the first and the last on the location channel I will then get out of pose mode select the empty and bake its current animation so I will press f3 to open the search tool type back and use bake action I will check visual cane and press ok the animation has been baked meaning that blender has created a keyframe for each frame recording every transform channel of the empty it means that the empty has now the same behavior in space as if it was constrained but I can get rid of the constraint and the cool thing is since this behavior has been converted as an action or an animation I can modify it so now if I constraint the ailment with this animated empty jail Matt will follow the animated empty selecting the helmet controller gets him back into pose mode I will add a copy location and source the empty now the ailment is following the empty and since it's a line with more space when I will work on the z curve for example the motion will be up and down it won't go forward or whatever so what I will do now is to spot the frame where I think the Ahmed should leave the head and the frame where the Almaty is supposed to get back onto the edge and I will limit the animation there because this is where I will be walking I will isolate the location curve because we are not working on the rotation of the element here and I will walk only on the Z and Y axis I kept the side view for the purpose of demonstration obviously I will need to also rework the movements on the x axis so I will get rid of the keyframe in this time frame I will convert both to vector and then I will just add a new keyframe on the z axis where I think the Almaty should all the beat into the air I will have a quick look see if I'm pleased with the result I feel like it should start a little sooner so I will move on to frame 15 and repeat the process and then I can play with the curve of the z axis to make the Alma to stay a bit longer into the hair to stylize the beat the animation and I will be done I don't need to edit the y axis I just needed to set it to a linear interpolation since the element will be moving forward at a constant the last step is to transfer this animation onto the ailment so I will just make the visual action the thing is that since the unmet is constraint whether it's parented or not to something like the end doesn't matter the baking will deal with the contour animation because it's using visual King so it will just take the motion of the ailment from what we are seeing on the screen press blender is creating a new action for the image so we won't be messing with our current animation we just need to copy the location curve of the baked animation of the Elm at get back into our current wall animation and past the curve and we are done the wall process real time took me maybe in less than five minutes while if I wanted to do it let's say the traditional way this will take me maybe 20 to 30 minute and the result won't be as good it will look very very bad compared to these results just compound the motion path of the helmets on both animation on the right the curve looks like the perfect exercise of the bouncing ball why on the left I don't really understand what's happening but it's not physically correct nor visually appealing so again big things to reach out liquor for sharing this kind of tip and this is the most basic tip is showing his course is a coal mine and at the beginning of the video I was telling you that there might be a little announcement at the end of the video and the time is now I've got in touch with Richard and now we just finished the blender version of the rig for East Coast it will be soon available for free on his website alongside with some Adam from my buddy Finn Richard is super excited about blender and I'm super excited about that we will announce the release of this free rig in a few this is the end of this video I hope you've enjoyed it and I will see you very very soon
Channel: Pierrick Picaut
Views: 39,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender3D, modeling, shading, rigging, B3D, p2design, sculpting, digital, animation, cartooning, rendering, CYCLES, tutorial, Pierrick, Picaut, Pieriko, 3D, Computer, Graphic, blender
Id: Ut8KCfYKuzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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