Unlock the Secrets to Making a Professional Looking Glass Product Render in Blender!

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Hi friend it's hunter from interactive and in today's video I'm just going to show you how to create a simple glass Shader here that you can use for your bottle renders now glass is a little bit of a difficult one uh however mostly the difficulty comes from lighting it and so you've got to play around with your lights a lot but I'm going to show you how to set up the Shader in this lesson which is actually quite simple so this one has a bump on it which I'm still working out a few floors in this and how to fix it but I'll show you how to set up just the general glass Shader which I've used on both the glass here and also the liquid inside so if we take a look at that it's pretty much the same setup with the transmission pushed all the way up for the glass you can actually use a glass Shader so in here I've got the glass and I've actually got two materials in this shape here just one for the displacement the other one for the glass and the displacement's been pulled off this one have I just show you how to set up this one if you're interested in product visualization our blender course is the perfect place to start learn how to create impressive product CGI that looks professional and realistic with lifetime access to updates and new courses you'll have endless opportunities to grow and refine your skills enroll now and take the first step towards becoming a pro in product visualization all right so let's get rid of this one and we'll get rid of the displacement as well I'd say by default you'll probably have something like this I've actually got this set up onto it which for now what I'll do is save a new document and then I'll just get rid of this and we won't worry about the bump for now and so basically all you have to do is just go shift a we'll search for just a glass and then we glass bsdf so by default this is pretty good uh setup and a good Shader so you can see it's super easy super simple but you can add a little bit more to this to just help um a little bit inconsistency however in this case I don't think I want a denoiser when I go to render it and that's because just because a denoiser makes the glass look fairly fake and it makes it look too smooth um and it sort of wrecks the look so it's better to just pump up the samples let it render for longer especially if you don't need to do any videos then you can have a nicer glass look without it looking it just looks smooth when it works like that so what we can do here is I'll go and add in the noise texture shift a noise we'll just search for this and we can plug this into we'll plug this one into the normal however we need something in between that so we'll add in a bump and if we plug that there we'll plug that into the height the factor and then we'll plug this normal into the normal and so you get something really extreme we'll also add on some other things We'll add on a mapping which we don't really need but we'll add it anyways we'll just select those two press F to connect them and shift a and we'll add in also a texture coordinate node like this and we can plug the generated into the top vector and what we'll do now is we'll pump the scale of the noise up really high so we'll push it up to like 500 and that creates this sort of uh it sort of looks like a really rough effect it also makes it look glass look really frosted and you can see that our little glass over here also has it also I'm aware that this is probably not the correct drink for this bottle or this liquid but we'll continue on and all we have to do here is just punch the distance down so I punch it really down really low um almost so it's not visible I'll put in something like .001 and you get something like this it's still a really frosted look so we've got to push it even further put three zeros in like a five or something you can also drop the strength so I think I've put this down to like point one and this will just help out this will help out more so on a bottle that you'll see it more glasses a little bit harder to see but it just adds that little bit of texture that helps out the glass and then so what we can also do is actually I added an extra UV and I just took a section of this and we have a look at a UV editing select all this you can see that's really messy but I just basically took a section out of the center of here and moved it and made it bigger and the reason is because I've got a displacement here that I can use to displace the glass so that's just a white and a gray layer and so if I go back to layout all I did for that was split it like this so we've got a glass Shader here if I go into here and what I'll do is go into UV and I'll just link these deselect it press L and now I've got selected just this area here then you can add a new material in your materials slot here and you can actually assign this selected area so you can add a new material and then I'll go glass however here I've got a glass displacement I'll use that but what you would do is go glass and then you duplicate it and call it glass displacement like so I'm just going to use what I've got there already and then you can move this section to the correct layout and so you'd bring up an image and you just make sure that it's over this placement and then what you can also do is come down to materials here you've got to come down to the settings here and make sure that you've got this checked here so you'll go displacement and bump to make sure that the effect will pop up then what you can do is come down here and you'll just add in your image you're adding the UVS here so that that it maps to it and then you will plug in a displacement image and that's just our image that I showed you before plugged into the height of a displacement and I've just changed some of the settings change the scale and the mid level will stay the same because I've got a 50 Gray and if you want to learn a little bit more about displacement then I have got some other videos on it and there's another video that goes over creating like a textured effect across the whole of the glass so then what you can do is plug the displacement into the displacement on the material output and you get this sort of effect now as you'll see right now it doesn't look that great it's like really Wiggly and so if I have a look in my subdivisions here I've just added two subdivisions and the render one has got three and three you don't need to I just add them in makes a little bit easier to adjust but you could put this one as six and that would work fine but it looks Wiggly now because I've got the viewport displacement set to one so then if I go ahead and render it so there you go so it shows up really nicely it hasn't really got any of those crooked edges that you see and this will go ahead and render out and you'll get a fairly nice result from this you can also adjust the displacement and that will help it out so you could adjust this if you would like but that's basically how to set up a glass share we're focusing on this so it's super simple you can use the glass that's already there within blender and it's pretty easy to set up and it gives it out a pretty good result as I said at the start of the video I think most the result comes from the actual lighting of the glass and it's extremely hard to do because it's very reflective surface and you get all these Reflections there you go that's how to set up a glass Shader I it was a little bit more of an advanced tutorial you can of course head to our website and we go over a lot more stuff in our course more in depth and explain how and why anyhow if you enjoyed the video make sure to follow so that you can get more tutorials like this one if you have any questions drop them down below and I'll be sure to answer them all right I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Interactiv
Views: 4,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, Blender, Cinema 4d, animation, blender, blender 3d, blender beginner tutorial, blender tutorial, lighting, modelling, product vis, product visualisation, shading, texturing
Id: jCsEm0cqjWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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