Make Cloth Or Fabric Unravel And Unroll In Blender 3D

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okay everybody we are going to make a bit  of cloth unravel from a rolled up position   so I've just got a default uh file open right  now get rid of the cube for now we're going to   bring in our flag now I've got a Canadian  flag and I have an Icelandic flag so we'll   decide a little later which one we want to use  best thing to do in my opinion is to drag them   into the scene like this and they'll be used  later for texturing okay so shift a to add a   plane and this is going to be our flag  so tab into it let's uh scale on the Y   like so hit s for scale and Y for y all right  let's go into shading well we've got that selected   like so and we'll just hit new right here and  then down inside this grid area just shift a   go to texture and image texture bam just like  that and then inside out here are our images so   they will show up on our plane here if we just  plug in the color to the base color now it's off   no worries Ctrl t with node Wrangler installed and  we're going to map this correctly so we want to   change the Z rotation minus 90 so it faces me and  to be honest that's actually looking pretty good   as the Canadian flag I'm I'm pretty happy with  that I think I've cut the scale of the Y just   right from the get-go okay so now that we've  got our our image onto our our plane we need   to turn this into a piece of cloth super simple  Tab out of edit mode like so and we're going to   head into the tab on the right hand side for  physics properties hit cloth and then um we're   going to change this to a cotton so there's  presets over here in in this list here you can   put denim leather rubber silk we're going to go  with cotton just a nice a nice light cloth if we   we want to see our physics simulation happen so we  hit play and it just drops out of sight no problem   we can fix this really fast so the easiest  way to fix this is to tab back into this   select everything and then we're going to go  control we didn't have to select everything   actually come to think of it but I usually do is  just select everything Ctrl R and we're going to   make a bunch of Cuts here essentially subdivisions  just in One Direction a bunch we're gonna I want   this thing to be pretty cool and uh yeah left  click to make that stick and so now we've got the   Canadian flag with a whole bunch of subdivisions  in it so it's going to roll now what we want to   do is we want to pin one of these Corners because  it's going to roll out so we're going to pin this   vertices and this vertices here and to do that  we head over into the um vertex group panel here   which object data properties of vertex groups is  right here hit plus we're going to call this pin   group and then hit assign and what that'll do  and if we deselect we can see that nothing is   selected and if we select pin group hit select  it's going to reselect these two vertices and   what this is going to do is it's going to pin  these two right where they live so if we hit play   again which is the space bar nothing happens  because we need to set the pin group for the   um for the cloth which is down here in shape and  inside a shape is a pen group so we're going to   select our pin group the thing we need labeled  pin group and hit play now you can see that our   flag just falls down and starts to wave in the  no wind just waving due to gravity so pretty cool   um yeah just Falls like that so now what we want  to do is we want to make it twirl outwards as if   it was sort of wrapped up in um in a wrap in  a circle you know like a newspaper would be or   something like that somebody's just rolled it up  like a maybe like a sleeping bag or like a like a   flag Okay so first thing we want to do for this is  uh hit shift a and we're going to add in a curve   now I've got extra curves um in my list here so  I can hit curves files and just go into the uh   preferences and add-ons and then add in anything  that says curve and I'm going to hit archimedian   and I'll show you the difference there's only two  if we open up this panel down here and there's   two different types of Curves we could use an  Archimedean or a logarithmic now I personally   prefer the Archimedean but you can choose either  one and we'll take a look here we're going to   add a bunch of turns let's put I don't know let's  put maybe six or five it's not that big of a flag   and then a radius growth we can up that and what  that'll do is that'll give us our what the radius   should be in growth this is a pretty big so pretty  big circle here so let's let's bring this way down   to I don't know something that I think is going  to be appropriate for this flag something like   that and this is where we want to set all of our  stuff so don't go away from this don't click away   don't do anything let's put let's put six steps  to 24 is fine radius growth looks pretty good for   a flag and we don't want to mess with height now  I'll show you the difference between archimedian   and logarithmic if you put logarithmic and we we  can mess with the expansion Force you see how in   the middle it's much closer but the outside is  much further so you can have this kind of look   where you sort of wrap something up and the  outside is a little looser than the inside uh   kind of idea but again we're just going to go  for the basics the archimedian and that gives   us our curve that we are going to wrap our flag  on okay so click away from that we're good hit   tab to come back into object mode we've got our  curve still selected so we're going to rotate it   on the X of 90. sorry nope the Y of 90. rotate  y 90. and we can then see that we've got our   spiral but it's facing the wrong direction  because we want the flag to roll down   to the right so it's going to be all  wrapped up and it's going to roll outwards   so to fix that we're just going to go r x 180.  and then our Z 180. okay and that should be about   right so there you can see that our top Edge this  edge here this left Edge is going to be at the   top here and the rest will be rolled up so that  when it rolls outwards it'll roll downwards okay   so next thing we want to do is Select our plane go  into modifiers and add a curve modifier select our   spiral and then change the deform axis to minus y  in this case we're using minus y because uh I'm on   the y-axis here so if we move our plane around g y  you can see that it starts to kind of Ravel around   and stuff like that and right now it's sort of  intersecting itself because the spiral is just too   big kind of idea so but it is wrapping up we are  getting the effect that we want probably like that   right okay so we've got too much spiral that's for  darn sure so what we can do is we can go into our   spiral and we can see where it's kind of going  so we'll hit C and we'll just start selecting   verses that we can delete and we want  to kind of end on something that we know   we're going to need later to enter X delete the  vertices and we might start deleting them from   the inside actually because what we're going  to do is delete some of these from the inside we'll end off sort of where it already ends off  X delete okay so now we're getting somewhere all   right so hit three to go sideways and we're going  to grab this vertices here we're going to hit G   but we wanted to actually say hit Escape first  we want it to move the others as well so up here   we'll we'll select the connected only for moving  moving vertices around with proportional editing   on okay so hit G and this big huge circle is  going to give it's going to be the influence   of what we're moving things so if I make it really  small then I'm only moving the one but I want to   move a few so let's move over this way and then  actually we'll just move it a little bit more down   something like that and then this one can come  over let's make this clean something like that   and then G make our influence a little bit bigger  something like that because it's going to sit on a   ledge here all right so Tab out of that come over  to here and grab our flag and move it on the Y   something like that you see how it's moving  with that curve check this out so you see   we have way too many spirals here but what  we can do actually is just scale this down   and we can have more curves in our flag so go  back to here actually this shade smooth this   thing because it looks kind of weird g y wrap our  flag back up into its curve just a little like   like that okay so the top Edge is going to sit on  top of a cube so shift a uh add in a mesh a cur or   cube I mean and um bring it down to kind of where  we want it to be so our flag is going to come off   of our Cube so g x hit three and we just want to  get this really cool I'm just scrolling in and G   Zed bring this down you know what we might  do actually we might just take this edge   here so we'll tab into this select this Edge  hit two select the edge and then control B   and we'll bevel it something like that that kind  of looks good okay Tab out of that uh hit three G   and we'll just move it up to sit there now right  now we have our flag set up to spiral outwards or   it should spiral our words when physics takes  effects we can we can check that in a second   um and we want it to come off the cube so we  hit play now it goes nuts all right so that's   no problem don't worry check this out first  thing we need to do select our flag grab your   curve Chuck it above the cloth in the modifiers  and we'll hit play again and it goes down but we   have a second problem it's not touching the cube  so bring this back to First frame reset our Sim   go to our Cube add a collision physics property  and there's nothing to do and hit play again   and Bam there we go our flag rolls down and  off the edge where it sticks because of our   vertex group that makes it stick and it just  unrolls now the other thing that's happening if   we look at this carefully one more thing look at  this what is happening here that's not how Flags   unroll so the way we fixed that just take that  our Sim back to the beginning get our plane go   into the collisions for our physics of the cloth  and click self collisions and then hit play again   and it just unrolls ever so nicely and that  is how you make cloth unroll inside of blender   right that's it for this one hopefully that's been   interesting and useful for you guys  and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Graeme Bull
Views: 11,441
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Id: 72ky9ez0W3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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