Houdini-Level Yarn in Blender 3D

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hey guys welcome back to another tutorial today we're going to be learning how to create this threaded yarn animation in blender 3D as you can see we can get some pretty impressive results with not that many steps so follow along enjoy and comment if you have any questions first I'll delete everything and add in a path and scale it by two then I'll subdivide it two times next I'll give the path some geometry and close the Caps make sure to raise the resolution of both the path and the bevel for a smooth result go to your x view and duplicate your path to create multiple strands for your yarn adjust the width as needed and then right click and convert to mesh now add a simple deform modifier twist and increase the angle to about 5,000 or so you can experiment with this now we have to add the shape that we want our yarn to follow for this I'll just choose a simple curved spiral Taurus you can adjust the settings as needed or copy mine next apply a curve modifier to the yarn and use the eyedropper tool to select the curve scale the braided knot to your desired size and increase the yarn scale if you need to before we add the hair system you have to apply your modifiers next I'll add my hair system with these settings enabled you'll need to experiment with this to get the desired result now it's time to add my custom Shader this Shader will be applied in a variety of St styles to each strand of the yarn for a unique look I will apply the duplicated material to each strand with a slight Hue variation to each this will give us a super Unique Look I do this by selecting each strand in edit mode and assigning a new material slot here is the Shader node setup so that you can copy it exactly the way that I have once I have my colors looking the way I want them to I switch to render mode and I add in my hdri environment texture if you want a more dramatic look you can add an a area light off to one side next I frame up my camera shot and I get as close to my subject as I can I like to use a strong sense of depth of field to give that soft background look to get a more dramatic effect use a very long camera lens and a very low f- stop you can see that in this shot I'm experimenting with the lighting a little bit and I've also added a background plane made of glass with a high roughness to give an even greater sense of depth of field even though we're not actually using depth of field we can sort of fake the effect with a blurry background using a pan of glass the lighting really matters here to make the material look good so I would suggest experimenting for best results here's another example of a very similar scene with completely different lighting and look at how much more dramatic the result can be if you just experiment a little bit now to animate your yarn along the path all you have to do is key frame the X position of the yarn now I'm hoping that the key takeaway here is that you absolutely need to experiment to get amazing results in blender there is no one siiz fits all this tutorial will not work for every single situation but it is a basic guide to at least get you started and you can see by the examples here that you can get some pretty awesome results with just very few steps also remember that my settings won't work for every situation and you'll most likely want to change the setting for the amount of yarn twists the hair particles materials lighting and other factors such as how fast your yarn moves along the path for example in this shot I'm extremely close to the subject and I'm using a camera lens that would never be feasible in real life with an extremely strong sense of depth of field you can see on the right hand side that I'm also using a color ramp to control the color of the yarn itself and the Shader really goes a long way in fact the Shader self is really the real magic here behind our scene thank you guys so much for watching my tutorial I hope that it was useful and you could take away some awesome information from it have a great day and comment if you have any questions also I will be posting the source file on gumroad for you guys to download
Channel: KennyPhases
Views: 11,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: geO6B4NDcF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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