RIGIFY vs. AUTO-RIG PRO! Who will WIN? Who will be the VICTOR?

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i heard you lack rigging and making animation in blender and video game engines quick and easy for a reasonable price well i've heard the same thing about you only you do it for free and you come pre-installed with blender i think we should compare our features that'd be great i'd love that okay then let's do it all right i'm not stopping you why is there electricity i don't know i'm not sure riga five versus auto rig pro built in versus external free versus paid who will win who will be the victor hey guys welcome back to the channel so i bought auto rig pro off of blender market a while ago which is one of the more popular add-ons for blender that's out there and i was pretty pumped to play around with it if you haven't heard of it auto rig pro is a rigging and animation add-on that has a ton of features like an automatic rigger modular armatures where you can modify the structure a bone map for easy selecting animation retargeting game engine exporting better pose controllers and much much more many of which i won't touch on in detail in this video but i'll put a link to the add-on on blender market if you're interested to learn more with all these fancy new features though it got me thinking how does it compare to blender's own animation and rigging add-on riggify this is a free tool that is already installed on your computer you just have to enable it so is it worth dropping the cash for something more in the midst of the almighty paid autorig pro can blender's free rigify match up for this comparison i thought i'd look at five major areas of the rigging process number one alignment so lining up the bones to the model number two binding or how we attach the bones to the model number three the rake itself so the controller is used to move the model around number four automatic weighting or how the rig influences the model and finally number five exporting to game engines so let's jump in first is the alignment process so with rigofy it's relatively simple just shift a and add in the armature then scale move and rotate each bone so that it lines up with your model this process is a little bit more on the manual side and you should expect to take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes to complete this stage especially if you do the finger and face bones you can make use of the bone transform tools and blender to better line things up like roll or things like the snap to volume function which snaps your object to the middle of another object's volume which can be helpful when it comes to fingers the face bones are very detailed as you can see you can delete these without messing up the rig generation later on which is a good time saver if you're doing a simple character without facial animation or lip sync with auto rig pro it's even simpler though you just select your model's parts then click here to initiate the smart rig feature then from there you define the key parts of your model as directed by the add-on such as the neck chin shoulders spine and ankles if you want it gives you the option to configure the facial bones as well which are much simpler to align than rigifies in my opinion a lot less busy it also has a feature to easily define the eyes of your model which works really well at automatically weighting just the eyeballs and not the eyelids and orbital bones surrounding as we'll see a little bit later on in the video with everything lined up just press go and a majority of the bones will be lined up quite nicely for you i find that i like to go in and make some minor manual adjustments however to clean it up especially with the fingers but the app does such a surprisingly good job at aligning things that usually these changes are super quick so in terms of a grade for alignment i'm going to give rigify a b plus all the bones are there for you but quite a bit of manual adjustments and lining up are needed as there is no automatic alignment feature for auto rig pro i'm going to give it an a plus the automatic alignment feature works surprisingly well at times needing little to no adjustment okay on to area number two binding so how do we attach the bones to the model for rigify it's quite easy just select your armature and then press the generate rig button to generate an animation rig once you have your rig select all the pieces of your model then shift select the rig press ctrl p select automatic waiting and you're done your model should now be controlled by manipulating the different components of the rigify animation rig super easy for auto rig pro very similar process select the armature press the match to rig button to generate an animation rig now select all the pieces of your model then click the bind button now your model should be controlled by the auto rig pro animation rig also super easy so for binding i'm going to give rigify an a plus very easy to bind just press the generate rig button and then ctrl p can't really get much easier than that and for auto rig pro i'm going to give an a plus as well same process very easy to bind just press match to rig and then the bind button and you're done next up i thought i'd look at the rigs themselves and the features they offer for riggify the rig is amazing it comes with just about everything you would ever need to animate a character in either a realistic or stylized way the hand and foot ik controllers have an ik stretch factor that you can adjust to give a more cartoony stretching effect if you want there are ankle rule toe curl and foot extension controllers you can hide controllers if you find there are ones you aren't using there are controllers to curl the fingers which work well if you want to make a fist however it does require some manual adjustment and if you try and curl or uncurl the fingers all at once as you can see here some pretty funky stuff can start happening ow there are great facial controllers to control things like eye tracking eyelids nostrils cheeks and forehead there's an ik to fk snapping function and it works with blender's pose library to save multiple poses so you can jump in between for auto rig pro the rig also comes packed with different features very similar to riga five you can do the hips shoulders and head hello it has ik controllers for the arms and legs you can adjust the ankle roll and toe curl you have facial controllers for things like eye tracking eyebrows cheeks and eyelids it has controllers to curl the fingers which is great you can add even more controllers like twist and bendy bones you can also add extra limbs which is great for monsters and creatures an awesome feature auto rig pro has is the ability to determine a custom fist shape so once you have your fist shape configured like this for example you can use the add hand fist function to have it open and close with a custom controller so for the rigs i'm going to give rigify an a has just about every feature you would ever need to animate a character not much left wanting here and for auto rig pro i'm gonna give it an a plus has all the controllers you would need to animate secondary controllers extra limbs plus a nice custom fist feature as well okay so now onto automatic weighting for rigify i found it to be quite good you can see here with the leg bending the hips knees and ankles look good nothing too jarring in terms of weird deformations in any of these pivotal areas with the shoulder we can see as we raise it there is some odd stretching and deformations that happen around the armpit and elbow but nothing that couldn't be taken care of with a little sculpting and some shape keys the fingers curl nicely as well into a fist for the face not too bad the eyeballs are affected by the eyelids which isn't the best but most of the waiting is half decent all things considered i would say that the only area where it is perhaps lacking is in and around the eyes you can see here that the eye tracking controller sort of affects the eyelids maybe a bit too much and the eyelids definitely leave something to be desired for auto rig pro i found it to also be very good with the hips knees and ankles to form nicely with nothing too funky going on oh my with the arm we see a similar result as with riggify some odd deformations around the armpit and elbow but nothing that couldn't be fixed with a little adjustment and the custom fist feature really shows how well the fingers were weighted i was really impressed with the waiting for the face particularly around the eyes the eye tracking works flawlessly and the eyelids we can see don't deform the eyeballs themselves you can see here though that there are some waiting issues around the eyebrows and hair so some minor adjustments needed there but the rest of the face was done very well overall for rigify i'm going to give it an a no glaring issues around the deformations in the legs and only some minor stuff in the arms and face that could be fixed with some shape keys and weight painting for auto rig pro i'm going to give it an a plus i love the automatic waiting for the eyeballs and the deformations in the legs and arms were a little bit clean and finally the last area exporting to a game engine this is the area that i feel rigofy perhaps lacks the most there are a bunch of different tutorials on youtube that show different ways to adjust the rigofy armature so that it can be imported into a game engine like unity for example but i have had mixed results there's also a free add-on on github that can do it automatically but it hasn't been updated for a while so i'm not sure how well it works now all in all there is no quick and easy way to export a riggify armature into a game engine that i know of which adds a layer of complication for sure for auto rig pro this is an area that it definitely shines just click on the check rig to make sure that there are no issues that need to be fixed if there are you just need to click on the fix rig button and it's done next just click the export to fbx then pick the game engine you want and you're done that's it it's that easy so for exporting i'm going to give rigify a c on this one there are some resources out there to help you export it out to a game engine but it will take a little bit of manual work for auto rig pro i'm going to give it an a plus the process to export the armature so that it's compatible with unreal engine or unity is only a few clicks which makes things super quick and easy okay so that's it for this one as a final overview i would say if you are a casual hobbyist that likes to make characters and do still poses for the gram or animations in blender rigify is probably more than you need but if you are an enthusiast looking to make your own game i would definitely recommend picking up auto rig pro it will make every step of the pipeline easier so you can focus on making your game the best it can be anyways thanks for watching guys i hope it helped and we'll see in the next one so who won he said who will be the victor all cool to start and gave us southern accents for some reason yeah i don't know this guy's lame look at my butt we both know i won we're the same model
Channel: Russell Midfield
Views: 48,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.8, blender tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender sculpt, blender character, blender character modeling, blender retopology, blender character design, blender stylized, blender stylized character, stylized character, blender 2.9, blender 2.9 tutorial, blender 2.9 character, blender UV unwrap, blender texture paint, blender rigging, blender unity, blender unreal, blender unity character, auto rig pro, rigify, blender rigify, russell midfield
Id: Ve3C9Xj6b38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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