Skirt and dress Rigging in Blender

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hi everyone this is perrick from p2 design reading dresses and skirt for hand kid animation is a big topic and it can be addressed in multiple ways i animated this card by end on top of an existing wall cycle in less than 15 minutes in this video i will show you one of my rig setup i also use for the game no ara it's not too complicated and it's pretty flexible let's get started [Music] for this presentation i built a simple scope model that can be attached to trident the character used in my animation course alive at some point our skirt rig will be attached to the hip spoon of our character i will build the rig in the separator match so i will go into object mode press shift a and add a new armature i will rename it armature skirt for the time being for better readability i will make sure that it appears in front of everything and i will display it as wire in the armature properties i will also display the name of the bones and their axis i will now create the first row of deformation boats your real flexibility may depend on the number of bones used to skin the skirt to keep it simple yet flexible i will add a bone every three vertices i will start by leaving a relevant name to my first bone with the prefix def or deformation my snapping tool is set to vertices so whenever i hold ctrl by moving the head or tip of the bone it will snap onto a vertex the top of the skirt will mainly be skinned to the hips so i place the first bone a little lower and i will now extrude it by snapping it every three vertices downward once i'm done i will disconnect the bone by pressing alt p and then i will scale them down for better readability you can switch to individual origin to be able to scale them all at once once it feels clearer i will just rename all the bones then i will recreate the same chain of bones three vertices away i'm using the same snapping method as before and using control r i will modify the roll of the bone trying to align its z axis with the normals of this cut this is not a big deal this will just make the animation a little more intuitive following this emitted i will create all the bones around the sketch note that for the bones on the side i will give them the suffix dot l for left side this will allow me to symmetrize the rig a little later on once half of the bones are created i will select the bones on the side with the dot l suffix and then in edit mode i will right click and choose symmetrize blender will create the bones on the right for me with the right naming we can now skin the skirt to the rib go back into object mode select the skirt first then the rig press ctrl p and choose with automatic weight this won't be perfect but i don't want to waste time in this tutorial with painting the skirt i can now merge my skirt trick with the character rig in object mode i will first select the skirt trick then the character rig and i will press ctrl j for better readability i will first select all the skirts spawn then i will select the hip spoon and i will move them on another layer as usual i'm using the bone layer manager add-on by my friend twin you will find a link in the description you have to address one problem now as i move the bones the skirt is no longer reacting the issue simply comes from the amateur modifier since i merged both rip together blender can't find the previous rig anymore when the modifier or constraint doesn't work you can see its icon appearing in red to fix the issue i simply need to find my rig in the target object now everything is back to normal one final tweak i will perform before we jump into rigging is to skin the upper part of the skirt to the hip spoke i will give full influence to the hip spawn for the first two loops and then i will just create a slight falloff i will start by creating the main controllers for the skirt i want it to be aligned with the first bone so i will select the front and back bone head and snap the cursor to it from there i can press shift a to add a new bone from there i will select the tip of the bone and i will lower it the idea is to align it with the next row of bones i can easily do this by pressing g and d to constraint its motion along the z-axis and then hold ctrl to snap on the head of the next bone i will then extrude one bone pair row of bones using the same method pressing e to extrude the bone z to constraint it along the z axis and holding ctrl to snap it on the bonehead finally i will select the whole chain of bone and press alt p to disconnect the boots this is how i always create my forward kinematic chains so that i can then move the bones independently while they are still parented one to the other just probably that i was missing the fifth bone so i created it and i was good to go and name the bond properly skirt 1 2 3 4 and 5. the most obvious choice from there will be to simply parent those row of bones to the corresponding controller this way whenever i'm manipulating the bones later on they will follow but i'd like to be able to scale the skirt to spread it without having those bone to get bigger the fix is pretty easy we will simply use an intermediary bone in edit mode i will select all the small bones the ones that are deforming the skirt and i will then duplicate them and scale them down using individual origin this way they get scaled but they keep their current position i will press shift h to hide everything but the selected bone and then ctrl f2 to batch rename them and i will simply replace def by mch for mechanism bow i will switch to post mode by pressing ctrl tab again i will press shift h to isolate my selection i will then select one of the bone give it a copy scale constraint and source the amateur and the root bone this is a good way to isolate the scaling of any bone from there i will select all the other bone then go to pose constraint copy constraint to selected bones now i can get back into edit mode press alt h to reveal all the bones and parent our deformation bone to the corresponding mch bone be able to select through the bone you can press alt and right click once i'm done the main controller will allow me to move the main bones rings and if i scale one of the controller you can see the ring spreading but the bones inside of the ring doesn't get bigger the last part of this tutorial is about isolating the rotation of the hips and the rotation of our controllers to do so we need two intermediate bone so i will extrude the new bone from the head of my controller and i will call it mch skirt socket and then i will make sure that this new bone is a direct child of the hips then i will duplicate this bone and i will scale it down this will be our mch intermediary bone and this second bone will be the parent of our main controller finally i will parent this mch intermediary bone to the root bone now our controller is no longer parented to the hips because it's now parented to the mch intermediary bone which is a child of the root to make it follow the motion of the hips i will simply first select the mch socket then the mch internal dri bone and press ctrl shift c to add a new constraint i will add a copy location constraint and then a copy rotation constraint if i now rotate the hips of my character our controller we follow the location of its parent and also the rotation of its parent the cool thing is that we can now choose whether it's following the rotation of the hips or not by simply playing with the influence of the copy rotation but there is one tricky issue we need to address when i twist the hips controller since our controller is no longer following the rotation of the hips it doesn't twist long so how do i keep this nice behavior where the scale seems to be falling but i also get the twisting from the hips it's just in hanging to get the answer please consider giving a like to this video this will greatly help me growing the channel so let's see how we can do it i will give myself some space by hiding everything but the bone that we are going to use first thing i want to do is to scale down our skirt bone so i will enter edit mode and i will hide the bone i don't want to use and i will scale it down then i will press shift d to duplicate the bone and scale it up this new bone is going to be our skirt master in a way the main controller for the skirt since this bone is a copy of our previous cut bone it will behave exactly the same way it won't follow the rotation of the hips as long as the mch intermediary bone has its constraint switched off so let's bring back the twisting to our original skirt bone i will select it enter edit mode and i will parent it to the hip spoon this way it will follow all the motion of the hips including the twisting so if i now twist the hips of my character the skirt will fall but unfortunately if i rotate the hips from left to right it will also follow and i don't want that but we can see that our master controller is not following the rotation and is kind of hanging let's see how we can control our skirt moon with this master controller i will first select the master controller then the skirt bone and i will press ctrl shift c and add a copy location now the skirt bone follows the position of the master bone let's repeat the process and add a copy scale if i now scale the master controller the skirt bone will also be scaled so now how do i get this squat bone to follow the orientation of the master controller but doesn't follow its twisting motion a solution is to add a dumped track constraint and once i've added the dump it track constraint i want this bone to target the tip of the master controller not its head and this is an option available in the constraint itself i will push the value to 1 and now the skirt bone is targeting the tail or tip of the master controller so if i now rotate the master bone we can see the skirt bone tracking it if i move it in space it will follow and if i twist the hips it will still rotate along its y-axis so it will twist because the damped track constraint doesn't affect the twisting of the y rotation of the bone and this is how i generally rig dresses and skirts for noira the main controls allows me to easily shape the cloth while the little tweaker bones allows me to fix any clipping or adjust the shape of the skirt if i need it from there you can improve the rig by using custom shapes i have a dedicated video if you want to learn how to create them and with this you should be good to go to animate your character skirt this is the end of this video i hope you've enjoyed it and i will see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Pierrick Picaut
Views: 84,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender3D, modeling, shading, rigging, B3D, p2design, sculpting, digital, animation, cartooning, rendering, CYCLES, tutorial, Pierrick, Picaut, Pieriko, 3D, Computer, Graphic, blender, eevee, VIDEO GAME, rig, animate, stylised, best, Blender, art, digital art
Id: 55bJB5Wmd_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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