Blender 2.8 Beginner Tutorial PART 13: Joining and Creating Meshes

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Hello everybody and welcome to Part 13 of the Blender 2.80 Absolute Beginners Course In this video I will show you how to join meshes In difference to the previous video where we separated them As you can see I just quickly duplicated a cube and by selecting two or multiple objects we can join them to the active one meaning this one from the selection we have right now To do this we just go to the Object Menu here and press the Join button here You can see those two meshes are now a single object and the Pivot Point is within the active cube Let's just do it again I will duplicate the newly created object three times I'm doing the selection and with my selection ready when I hold the SHIFT and click within the selection somewhere let's say here this is now an active object so when I press CTRL + J which stands for Join as you can see here the newly created object has its Pivot Point within the previously active selection You can see it behaves like this In Blender we can also do "Joining" within the Edit Mode but it works differently When I access the Edit Mode and duplicate my cube lets delete those faces and by the way when I hit X in the Edit Mode you can see the list is much bigger than in the Object Mode so here when I just press X I can delete the selection and that's it in the Edit Mode it's a bit more complicated and I'm gonna describe it in detail in the next video For now let's just delete the faces so you can see we have those boxes open right now and when I select an edge here and now select these two edges I can press the F key which stands for Filling and I'm able to create a new face out of the selection so the F Tool kind of joins the selected geometry elements and fills them with a new geometry this also works for the vertices so if I let's say duplicate these two as an edge and click those two and press F you can see I'm able to build a new edges out of the selection By the way the tool can be also accessed from the Vertex --> "New Edge/Face from Vertices" here so you can see the shortcut is F Let's delete this face and by clicking the vertices only let's start creating new geometry Let's say I'm gonna duplicate this vertex here Select this one and press F I'm gonna select this one with this one and press F again If I select all four of them and press F I'm gonna have a new face You can see we can build geometry in different ways I can extrude this vertex so it already gives me an edge or I can duplicate it and then by selecting four points and pressing F key I can also build a face As probably mentioned before there are multiple ways of doing stuff in Blender The faces can be built either hand by hand by picking the points like I'm doing right now or by extruding or by many many other different ways This newly created box or this newly created piece of geometry could be also simply extruded like this by pressing the E key and then by moving the corner points around It all depends on your modeling preferences, the situation and the thing you're modeling etc. so there are many different many different things that define the way you're modeling something at the current moment I would encourage you to play around with this newly presented tool so just duplicate the geometry pieces by yourself try joining them try playing around try deleting faces at least for now and yeah break things apart and see you in the next video where I'm gonna describe the Delete Tool a little bit more in detail Thanks for watching!
Channel: chocofur
Views: 47,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.8, blender 2.80, blender tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender 2.80 tutorial, blender beginner tutorial, blender 2.8 beginner tutorial, blender 2.80 beginner tutorial, blender create face, blender edit mode, blender create geometry, blender fill face, blender fill tool, blender join mesh, blender join objects
Id: QXYjU0WX2nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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