BLEACHING MY BROWN HAIR BLONDE AT HOME (aka me panicking for 14 mins)

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel i'm doing something a little bit different i'm dyeing my hair blonde bleaching it today um as you can see this is the state of my hair i have these really small money pieces i have blonde highlights i got this done in december for christmas so i have some roots coming in and yeah i really hated my hair when i got it done i'm experimenting we're in lockdown again in belgium i have very little hope so this is how i'm coping if you want to know what i'm using i'm using the blonde me schwarzkopf uh nine premium lightener up to nine levels it's this and i think it's like proper salon stuff and this is the blonde me 30 volume developer this is what's going to be going on my hair hopefully it works i also stopped at krabot and bought these things if you're american crowdbot is like a walgreens anyway you know where to buy that stuff and then i just went to the pharmacy to get gloves especially because i cut my hair but also you just need gloves and i guess i cut my hair i just cut my hand this weekend so i definitely don't want bleach going into my hand but anyway you should use gloves because your hands will be dry forever i'm sectioning my hair into four parts hopefully four equal parts although that hair doesn't look as much as this hair so trial and error i'm not a salon person okay i'm now done mixing the powder in the developer as brad mondo says you wanna really mix it well and we're just gonna get started i'm also kind of surprised that it's blue but um yeah so here we are i'm gonna start in the back so should i be starting in the back i don't know that's all i gotta say yeah here we are also you might hear like car sounds because i live in a city and i needed to open the window because of the fumes in here i don't want to lose brain cells i'm a data science major it's a competitive field i need my brain cells well i'm just gonna say that that's soaked i also know you have to get like every single strand and i don't really know how to get every strand like there's a lot of strands out here well i guess i'm gonna move that to the back and just let that be for a minute oh is my hair so thick i don't know is using a brush too advanced like should i be blobbing this on my hair because i know it has to be drenched in bleach especially probably the first time and um i'm just feeling like my hair isn't really there right now i do think it's lightening already okay my hair is officially drenched in bleach as you can see it is lifting um 20 minutes yeah it smells rank right now um i think you're supposed to wait 10 minutes to start doing your route although i could probably do it sooner because my root is really um darker but anyway it's virgin hair so it doesn't have to be lifted as much um so yeah i'm going to wait 10 minutes or so and then it will be sitting for the last 10 minutes with everything else so here we are oh should i sit with the cap maybe i'll do the last i'll do the last minutes with the cap i am quite a lot lighter uh it's been 10 15 minutes maybe 20 minutes with all the time that i was going through my hair and so last 10 minutes of the timer i'm going to saturate my roots so oh i don't know i probably need to take smaller chunks oh this is stupid i don't know where to start with it let's just start here i'm really praying guys honestly i hope everything's fine if you can't tell i'm kind of stressed with this old thing but i think the key right now is really just soaking the hair i have thick ass hair i really should probably be having help with this i mean the thought process was there okay no time to take a pit stop let's go i mean this really feels like mission impossible can i just say that you see the panic in my eyes right now i'm like freaking out i have like what what are they called uh widow's peak like baby hairs and they're really giving me a hard time okay i'm gonna tell myself it's okay because when i do my second round like my friend's gonna be here so i'm really trying but if it goes wrong like she can see for me she's gonna be my eyes oh yeah that's dry as [ __ ] that area is dry as hell i'm seeing a lot of different colors to be honest let's hit these guys up with some what's up i'm sorry i'm like losing it honestly okay do you see the amount of colors here right now this is a lot for me to take in yeah my timer is up okay well we tried honestly that's all i can say you can't tell me i haven't tried okay i now have a bag on my head like a bandana and we're done even if this doesn't come out right we are done for the day and then i have to wait another day okay so if you can hear i need the water to get to lukewarm and i live in an old building so it takes a while but i have this purple shampoo that i'm gonna use and same conditioner um might not be a good brand because i bought it from like a very discount store in belgium but here we go super excited okay this is my hair after drying for one hour obviously i've done a terrible job look at this that shit's brown i will say that my hair isn't fully dry in fact my hair can take six hours to dry it takes forever i just want to draw this to your attention basically we're having we had a hard time i thought because the ends were more wet that they were darker but this is honestly still brown at some bits so i'm kind of [ __ ] because like parts of it are quite white where i don't know if i can go over that again with bleach without it falling out um we did decently at some parts i've come to the acceptance that no matter what happens next we're not going to have a perfect outcome i'm just hoping that the toner is my saving grace because everyone looks atrocious and then they put a toner on and it looks great okay it is the third day aka yesterday just did nothing to my hair i straightened it obviously don't mind this i was going to put it on um i straightened it the bottoms of my hair are still pretty dark but i strained it so that she can better like part my hair and i also think that might be a reason why it's so splotchy is with the texture of my hair a lot of like i get clumps and like curls and all these different things so i don't know if that makes a difference it probably could because some of my hair sticks together more with my natural texture but anyway here's where we are i know that it's darker in the back but that's why we're getting help and i gotta say i feel bad for her like my friend has some work to do and i will also say that we've never neither of us have ever done this okay hello everyone it is now friday this has been a four-day process so far i'm supposed to be getting my toner in the mail today but uh yeah we'll see about that this is what we're looking like it's still patchy we have some white bits some yellow bits some darker bits but i think this is as good as it's gonna get honestly this is what we are looking like and yeah very shiny today i think my neighbors are having a wave upstairs so this is what i'm looking like i think this is light or as much bleaching as i should be doing um getting my toner today i think my boyfriend's gonna help me welcome to the finale finally of my hair it's blonde there's also a little bit of pink tint to it i used this rose bleach london temporary color that's supposed to wash out in three washes and it's already been like five and it's still in my hair a little bit so don't really know what that's about but i did have a pink hair moment you'll see here and i'll show you i was originally going to use this toner from bleach london as well but the package came like five days late and i didn't want to have like bleached yellow hair when i was with my boyfriend's family and everything so i did end up using a box dye i'll put a picture of it here i did that at his house um and it turned out like this of course this is not very fresh it's been like three weeks now of blonde hair i will say i don't think it's for me the blonde life isn't for everyone um i thought it would be fun i don't regret it it's nice to know what you look like blonde now the question is over in my mind i know what i look like blonde and it might have been a mistake but you know it's not forever i'm just gonna wait like at least another month maybe after my finals are done for school and probably go back to brunette although i do like the freedom of being able to like temporary dye your hair pink was a look for me not gonna lie this is my final hair transformation it's still [ __ ] up because i also still cut it myself so anyway i'm enjoying what i have while i have it in the moment uh i don't think it's terrible but yeah we did our best thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed i hope you're not extremely underwhelmed with the results i look quite different i think um but yeah i just took this now because every time i think oh i need to finish the video i don't have makeup on and i'm like okay nobody wants like a reveal when i don't look like i put effort in you know so anyway thank you so much for watching please subscribe if you're new here give it a thumbs up it really motivates me to put in the time to edit and everything and these are tattoos have a great day
Channel: sazburt
Views: 9,587
Rating: 4.8909092 out of 5
Id: N5zq6G0s2cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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