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No let's go Donna's cousin blades and stay with them candles that's pretty gay what is it bullshit or Johnny beer what are these giant dick look like boobs we doing the game's on if Cody's not coming I need you to leave find it like candles all right Sam whatever dude dick what's up pussy fart how's it going dude it's played do you know recognize me ha ha oh love is habla espanol their words repeat we're scouting I don't know dude he's mine fucking jerking off on his YouTube channel or some shit what are you doing we're just about to go out and see some sights yeah we're about uh sighs let's do it okay I really never should worry for Cody he's gonna eat whatever is gonna be finger in his own ass all day time to go see some Spain dude I'm trying to get culture to shit what brother spoke before I came here apparently some cool shit I don't know I didn't fucking read it heard you got some beer in here what uh or I say it don't--it services that Spanish this fall though Vito oh no don't make me do it no has a job hmm it's gross I feel like one so should we go get a croissant or what those six banished early thirties not funny right for sure like that you always are going to defense remember that okay so boys what do you we like to do in Spain oh dude my time here in Spain has been phenom three things I've done but they were do things at least beach dance party in fact check that shit out got it written on the sunshades boom Oh alto prosciutto love that shit like really thin pork favorite sites like I've heard they've got a lot of different different types our pre sugar here you know I can't tell one for shooter from next dude pull my fucking meat connoisseur know my butcher no I push push Curtis Curtis knows you don't you don't actually really you know really hook up Cody did I totally did Oh God Cody's dad is the idol with that you see that she's into me so was she there so what are you enough to we're going to be so it's always do you yeah I was gonna be to do yeah I was killing it dude a visa is sick dude I was killing it you ever heard that Vengaboys song we're going to Ibiza that was me I want to be then I killed it who's you're going I just alone put that on the side of your face got a pimple with this yeah yeah oh talk to carnies you not do that no red spell straight off this BMX loser the girls women near man movies and teeth eco and that's coming from a player like me dude I'm telling you girls here top-caliber dude I've even learned a few pickup lines yeah like Spanish applause guys being in Spanish here or in order to impress immunity mean for example number one shoes but miss now good no one has yet to work your yeah another one yeah mucho Caliente that means you're fucking sexy so it's good jug's de leche Justin milk go sorry says I'm just charge for milk I mean I say other shit too but none of it really makes sense much just Spanish words I know Miyama blade-bone de la cerveza donde los dirtbike dude no oh my god this is that weed 220c good a chances on this thing I've had something red I tried to import my dirt bike here I tried to import it it just for the week to get around yeah I don't want to write one of these little game open I want a fucking BB but you know the import tax was like hella high the last it was not to be I've been getting around otherwise I'm brown Spain yeah I rent a rented a tandem bike but I should ride around by myself you pumped for the costume museum hell yeah dude Casso is one of my top three favorite artists number one Picasso number two Michelangelo number three Salvador Dali number four Armin van Buuren took art history second period before I dropped out of Vail school book is at Tanya's last I for coffee what is this coffee for fucking Mouse I'm so strong with a bomb can I return it absolutely one thing is actually really really sweet now too sweet yeah you got the audio sir yeah they've got hacked in change the frequency so I'm looking to 1/2 FM radio stations around here the plane Lincoln Park right where we going where we going - we're going to necklace there 24-hour Fitness right here don't love it this is the arm farm how's the gelato bud honestly thinks a lot it was gay but conservationists it's still gay this press those ice cream do you like something back home normally a priest gogurts better than this shit you know why grab and go one hand eat and wonder if I died yeah yeah perfect what is not Volusion oh yes ok I did all right let's go or do that ok get in till 8:30 Public Interest whole fucking country is it took a nap all the same goddamn time fucking ridiculous are you kidding me I'm a big believer in no days off because I'm always on my fuckin grinds how many days office none that's how many days off ok discussion takes half of every fucking day off the King jacobi time spent a dirtbiking fee maintenance to the dirt bike three fine new dirt bike I am tired though I could go for a nap if you're down it's kind of a psyche kind of goods no days off I'm just I'll take it's just someone I'm dead dude Xena shit dude if this view is a brand it be fox racing imagination this whole state yes my favorite siesta starts with an act just if no siesta dude Spanish word for King fucking legs Church box they orbit we're not Samantha lady complement their babies with lemon juice mix your gear kind of Maximus um I don't water down my dear that's why I drink or slightly no what are you doing what do you do here's a favorite sugar Logan Paul obviously are you down maverick I'm a maverick dude Audrey's gonna fucking maverick Kimmy the best dude I love the way from screams everything good it good morning hahaha fucking sick screams everything super dose of it but with that stand defense do today responding oh dude no not real fun oh come on yeah me too I'm gonna go I'm gonna go check if there's a red light district so I'll see you later charley horse ha ha ha ha fuck you fucking finally but what the fuck is this shit what is this shit a code is first merger this is merge be sure this is merch I just suck you possess free genius it's good cover yeah where can I find it if I wanted to like cop one or whatever I think represent comm sauce critic oh okay cool and the sales only steel is only available for a white out how many more days they get to eight something like that I'm sorry oh yeah okay cool not that I'm second-guessing kind of a wild guess anybody's garbage and I fucking ate it [Music]
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 466,921
Rating: 4.9773159 out of 5
Keywords: blayze, cody, ko, barcelona, spain, travel, cody ko, cousin, ibiza, Cody ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: lUT_ADJCglo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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