Blade Ball Mod in Among Us

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today we're playing the blade ball mod in among us as you can see I'm the impostor of this mod I have some abilities at the bottom left I'm going to slowly unlock by actually buying them in the store as you can see in the bottom right there's rounds and every single round certain people are going to be eliminated from the game until the last one remains I need to make money those and I can actually make money by doing this I can grab someone I can grab Bibble and we're going to go into a little bit of a challenge really quick hey man hey how's it going you want huh I'm challenging you to en TI battle o a e i r m u a what the no please too easy and just like that I already made $30 now we can go to the shop and we can buy our first ability oh it tells you what you get leg slice time freeze or cut purse oh I can start actually stealing money okay we're going to do that first we're going to actually start stealing money cuz we have a camouflage ability that actually allows me to do so let's camouflage as let's camouflage as sidles really quick okay sidles has money right there wait we can just steal from sidles right away uh hey man how's it going let's just go cers no I uh s stole money from give NOAB by S by why is he so fast my why is why is he so fast no he wants me to reveal myself give give me give me all right I'll just take some more money from you give me back my money no I'm not giving you your money I made him slow I'm probably far enough finally wait oh my gosh dude it took forever to shake him off I already have $29 more let's go right here let's buy the force field ability okay so that actually got me the leg oh we got the L slice ability all right we're going back to sidles let's do this turn it to sigil hey man Sid Hi man how's it going what is it he stole my money he's follow him why did you do that to yourself he stole my money he sto all my look at look how slow he is now okay I say we steal some money from Biffle really quick too just give me your money thanks thank that's my money give me my money I'm pretty sure we're good to start the first mini game already actually let's go to the shop and buy the freeze ability we have some abilities we can play with let's un camouflage and start round one here we go oh gosh one survive for $20 okay what's happening so we have to keep hitting the ball round and people die oh it's going to me whenever it's red that means it's going straight to me we have the abilities of course like the freeze ability who fro it doesn't even have a outting yeah oh oh this is no dude how Okay so does okay nice let's our oh look oh look is out force field oh I have a shield ability for 5 seconds easy no this is easy this is too easy too easy too easy oh the teleport fre I froze it and now I'm going to send it to you oh me why would you do that and then you and then you I might tell ability to should I use it t this uhoh was dude this thing is going faster and faster As It Gets Hit come on easy no so oh he's dead okay one more person needs to die and then the rest of us can get money okay okay then Pat okay where is that where is that oh oh my goodness hey boys we are the best of the best we got that was not go $20 wants to touch swords celebratory don't say that ever again why we need to do some other stuff really quick to make even more money I can afford the rage deflection ability let's go boom we have wait no no what ability did we just get through that The Chopping Block ability and we have a Time freeze ability okay we're going to try something I'm pretty sure if I go time freeze go time freeze just like that no one can move oh it's frozen for 20 seconds that's so good Pat's up here Pat's right up here let's go up to Pat what is happening why can't I move he has no idea let's go chy block hi Pat oh gosh hello he can't even see me time is completely Frozen he is gone for an entire minute okay no one else is around let's just uh pretend like we were frozen in time that was awful hello oh the time is better oh gosh oh yeah were you Frozen suy and I pooped oh oh Mitch were you Frozen let me guess you were just standing there right you were frozen froz wait how much money do you have Frozen and I'm a unicorn I'm not tell how much Mone do you have it starts it starts with zero I'll say that do you have 0 can I have S me your money no I may or may not you know what I'm going to spend my money I'm going to buy how much money do you have ow God how much money do you have can I have it give it to me I'm pointing at you I'm really poting I'm punch this you punching that what I'm stuck I'm stuck okay whatever okay so we did that we got some more oh no we only have $3 wait I think this is the thing right here yeah look you can see the exclamation on this let's boom I think deflection training oh it's oh I just what happened hey guys hey dude hey I kind of uh super messed up the um the flex not good at anything you do I'm going to prove I'm going to prove how good I am I'll do it right now here we got boys and got one did two right now now now now now let me show you how it's done bro okay step back watch ready yeah let's see Gary let's see it yeah wait what is he just spaming so fast that you can't even see the ball okay that's that's how how no it's not you're not a real Samurai dude you're a you're a little cheater G okay the next ability I need to unlock is $50 so I think I could probably steal some money let's camouflage into let's camouflage as Gary we steal some money from P this is perfect go right up here hi P how's it going cers what my money $20 thank you wait I can freeze time again just froze time look at they're all Frozen in time right now this actually perfect leg leg uh let's cut his legs I said Hello can anybody and let's M no I can't wait what the what is going oh my okay perfect that is actually perfect and I'm frozen hello that was awful Biff son Biff I I just responded no no no no no whenever she died I heard her yell Gary why would she be yelling Gary bi why were you right next we should kill him so scary all right Sun bring your sword out come on bring your sword out I have no legs legs to a sword out hear me out what is su's faking no legs because he's the impostor how am I going to cut off my own legs Z look at me in my eye you tell me suy you look at me at my brown eye not looking at your brown eye what does that even mean oh no your pouch I'm not looking at your pouch leave me alone okay let's put my sword away no need for the Indi that violence I can almost afford swap let's do a quick task I think I have a couple yeah look up here yeah I could go right up here and we just go what I do oh have to SP oh SP space yeah I do it oh all right sick well if I ever call reactor they just can't fix it anymore sick then we can't afford the next ability let's go swap ability that's going to give me a new ability as well I'm pretty sure I said the ball bounce yeah uh should we just send it out really quick let's go let's just go B bounds oh oh he just stunned her wait is that going to hit every uh here I sa we camouflage into as Gary just so we don't look too s still slow no it's just flying around wait wa is he this is very this is very awkward get out of here Gary leave Gary I think the Dead one is not the impos is that ball no it's not okay okay un camouflaged that is way that's a little too sucks I kind of wish I didn't do that let's free time again I feel like this one's pretty fun we're going to steal some money really quick what's the most money out of again I see me I see you and I see M uh my money I I think just lost some money I I heard some jingling okay I need $60 to get the next one which is a sword Boomerang imposter ability I say we go into the next round though and we get some money uh through that b b bivel Biv hear me out should we do the next round and then team up and take everybody out together me and you me and how you holding it up yeah y I'm holding my SW that's not how you hold this sword look at me what the heck he is ready to strike oh gosh you I'm I'm calling the button I'm calling the button we're sunny sun this is how I'm going to help you I'm I'm going to bring your legs back here you go here we go round two survive for $60 oh here Here Comes watch out oh Gary oh nice what's happening oh wait it's who froze it who froze it back to you wait did suy have an extra life suy I had an extra life oh Gary there goes Gary oh no okay here we go tus you set it right oh some used it back let's go player swap oh I sent it to bful when I did that oh rage no I'm I'm in Rage mode oh boy what am I oh who wants it next who wants it next oh my gosh yeah guys I think uh good job guys I'm really proud of60 hey let's all pull our money and give it to me okay everyone share your money on three ready one 2 three4 100,000 million okay that I just feel like you're lying okay well we have $93 now that's actually perfect let's buy the pulse ability we have three more things to get we have the meteor ball in the Life potion I think that's what that's what Sunday bought that's how he didn't die when he got hit at first but let's try this a new ability and do some more stuff such as uh I think we can do this one is this a game yeah oh destroy scarecrow right out three and then two and then run up okay then there's one over here I'm literally I'm going to get first place and yeah I i$4 from that let's 7 Seconds how explain explain the 4.6 seconds I got seven built different zud I'm built different I found the perfect route I'm not telling you you have to tell me you have to tell me because you're the Imp going to see what happens okay no I'm sorry no I will duel you I will make sure you will get DED here go to the shop get steal from Biffle actually that's perfect here let's do this let's turn it to Sundy cuz he's way down there just walk straight up to Biffle hopefully he get some more money really quick suy man I'm going to need that thank you I appreciate it I appreciate it I have a sword boomering ability and a wait I have the ball boun just uh yeah just you kidding me I just hit him with the ball okay perfect he's stunned there for a little bit I also have the sword Boomerang ability how the heck does this thing work let's go uh let's just do it on Sunday sword Boomerang I just it follows my oh it follows my cursor oh hey Sundy and hey hey man no no leave the blade away leave the blade oh my God that thing is op wait if I do time freeze with that will that work how I think it will okay we're going to try that when Sunny comes back alive we have $95 we can afford the next item I can disguise as Gary okay no Gary died but I can disguise that's actually going to give me that meteor ball hey what's up Gary hey man how's it going let me just do that really hey hey you literally cannot run away from me come on get away from me wait when comes again I want to do the time freeze when Sunny Comes Alive all right first we'll just go over here hey man Gary is that actually you please what do you think is actually Gary give give me your money no I was saving up for that's perfect let's go time freeze I want to try something really quick if I do this and then I send out my sword Boomerang I want to see if I hit Sund I'm I'm going to leave Pat alive cuz I feel like that' be kind of weird let's hit Sunday with it look my sword is on Sunday and then bring it down to Biffle cuz he's down here too put it all over he just farted and I think as soon as this ends are they both going to die let's go 3 2 1 oh they will uh my science is indeed complete they will both die uh let's get the live Pusher really quick that's going to let me live through one more hit we just need to do a tiny bit more to get this final ability 42 is the top score for this what is this oh it's Fruit Ninja okay we literally just need to hit the fruit okay go Apple there we go we got how did someone get 42 how did it look him dud that make okay no we're going to see if we can beat that oh my okay dude some of these like fly by really fast it's actually hard I can't hit a single bomb I'm pretty sure that'll literally just end my game instantly oh I missed one no no no oh I finally missed one dude I hear a bomb there's a bomb there's a banana oh they're coming faster actually wait I might be able to catch up 37 come on I need more more fruit more fruit come on no dude I was one off from look them okay whatever we still got the money we got $77 Hat's still alive what else can I do really quick oh there's this thing down here yeah we go right here oh I need hit this little Mark thing dude this is going to give me so much money as well and go boom Oh I missed oh no no no no no the timer's going to run out and then go boom perfect oh my okay we are making a lot of money we're already about halfway to where we need to be uh let's just K F this there we go as Pat and then I'm going to go hey man let me just have your money no no no no I was trying all right you're a monster and you're a monster don't talk me don't he deserves it I literally think we need to do like one more like maybe one more oh hey Biff how's it hey bi how much money do you have and why is it $24 why do you have $24 how do how do you know I have $24 what do you mean no you're the you're the impost I'm going to tell everyone we're going to get you voted you know why you're not going to tell anybody why what are you doing to me let me just go cut one more thing to get the final ability be right back that ball has hit me I almost got stunned by my own thing let's go this spam space bar yeah there we go how much money I just get exactly $20 hey Biel in 3 seconds you're going to die I just want you to know that okay I am truly sorry zud's just Z why did you just zud I the Thunder ability what is it no Z no I am Thunder oh look oh wow that was a lot more yeah that was a lot more op oh you're going down in this next game okay oh am I oh no wait no Pat don't call meeting Pat whatever you do don't call meeting please no whatever you do wait I get Thunder stuck one more time there we go yeah let's charge real quick oh we have all the abilities oh wa hey he's alive all right we're starting a game now here we go boys we have to survive to win who's going down who's going it's to many it's at me it's at me it already took one my that was my extra Health it already took my extra Health swap players okay oh he's in Rage mode for field oh Pat you just killed Pat with that are you kidding me uh boys I really hate to uh sa this um really quick let me just took n's ball away from me seted to oh no no come on come on we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine R deflection come to me yes who's going to oh Sun Sunny back up I I'm in Rage mode Sunday what do you mean how are you deflecting this how oh man how is it going my man Biffle um all right there we go uh Hey Biff ability do you have this really cool ability it's called meteor ball it's really expensive and only uh I'm pretty sure only I I have it cuz I kept stealing your money why is everyone cheering for you uh please don't use meteor what does that do 3 2 1 here we go go on set back and forth Swap and the r they don't make me use my me you're not going to use it I'm too that please beautiful please betiful when's it coming 3 2 1 that I can block this mid your ball hey guys I'm the blade ball Champion which means you're all away everybody okay I'm pretty sure I just won blade B let's go GG
Channel: Zud
Views: 142,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among Us, Imposter, Among Us Mod, Zud, Among Us Funny Moments, among us, new among us role, among us mods, among us impostor, among us mod, among us imposter, among us animation, animation, among us song, ssundee among us, zud among us, among us custom mod, among us funny moments, zud, Blade Ball Mod in Among Us, among us blade ball, blade ball, blade ball among us, roblox blade ball, among us roblox, among us roblox mod, among us roblox blade ball, ssundee blade ball
Id: 13W_aNL0f5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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