Fused Together Mod in Among Us

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today we're playing the fuse together mod in among us as you can see I'm the impostor of this mod my goal is to build a team of six people first in this game in order to win as the impostor everybody is racing so I have to get abilities and I have to grab people and do certain quests such as I can go in here and I can help this old man them Young Rascals done suck me through this tree get me out of here and the treasure I stumbled upon is all yours Sonny all right come here I'll help you old man grab me okay I'm going to grab you come on oh there we go up Arrow come on okay we're doing good right arrow is at it do is that it boom we pulled them down byby these young whipper stappers might have a good heart after all here take this as a side of my gratitude thank you old man what are you giving me oh gosh oh we just got a whole bunch of glue that is what I can use to start sticking me to other crew mates together now we need to decide who do we want on our team okay uh I could get sigils or bi H Sunday I don't know okay guys I have to start building my team and uh s you're looking a little lonely man come here are you come here wait what the heck no no there look how tempting bi is right there my friend oh go you already have a friend okay no leave me alone I'm building my team and it's going to be my friends and best friends we're about to be the best of friends in the whole world let me go right up here and put you in and then go boom Oh greato what is going on boys okay so we're going to switch every 100 seconds and that is so right now I have two imp I have three imposter abilities but I can't be too sus or else SOS will know that it's me but we do have have a Dro ability s you want you want to jump with me let's go jump do I have a choice no you really don't right now and then I can go right over here into med bait we're going to get some more GL losers wait how did you get here no because I wanted that glue go away from me I'm going to Dr look for glue yeah I'm draw no mo in as well where else can we go oh let's go in the office why are you following us how are you following leave us alone we're the better team not you following you he's doing it on purpose can I can I go okay we can fix the meeting table that's fine let's go meeting table and then grab the glue no you can't you can take over in 55 seconds for using glue to fix that doesn't make any sense I don't know sidles nothing in this mod makes sense at all okay I'm going to use my impossibilities here in a little bit I'm going to let him take control after 45 seconds and then that's when I can start doing stuff guys this will make sense in a little bit I promise tles I say gameplay we try to get one more person on our team and they'll we challenge another team to take them down and diminish them make them sad how does that sound hi hey Gary hey man how's it going hi to me don't do this I don't want to here put you in there and then okay really I am I stuck here now this welcome welcome to misery you're stuck on the team but hey boys we are switching in 6 seconds oh wait we we're all switching we're littleit in oh and bi in charge charge that's what I saying I can't move anymore now but I can start suing people I can use to override oh I can do the my control now and then we can I'm not wait how did I get I just get wait what hello why am I lead wait how' you guys so fast okay I'm out of here guys what is happening I can do my other ability too I have a glue grab ability where are we going where we going what are you doing wait how are you in I thought oh no yeah we just switched what is happening we got to get some glue or do do something useful okay I have the other impossibilities I can do as well okay su's in charge right now so it's mind control into suunday and then I can Grail let's go right down here and then let's go glue grab I'm not do I'm not doing anything I'm not doing and then let's go boom what do you mean I'm just grabbing them I just made so much glue that's my glue when I said we needed glue I didn't mean that I should steal it that's not good wait are they up in the air right I'm not doing this I'm not doing take it out what are we doing dles where are you taking us what are we doing why listen I'm just doing doing what needs to be done all right have you thought about that cool yeah kill why you want to kill me what do you mean kill me sorry sorry I just got wait hold on I want to do I want to do something then just follow you wait no no no it's not I can't I'm not controlling this it's not working don't have all these like no hold on you're not I mean what wait a minute Gary are you the impostor okay no no no no no if s is telling the truth and he is being my controlled the other team can put other people on our team in charge I I don't know what's happening I don't I don't understand at all wait honestly on the bright side I just got them stuck in the okay well I was I mean sure I'll take it I didn't I didn't really want this just yet this guy just stole my glue wait wait should I we Chen should we challenge should we Challen you guys instead we 33 challenge I'm 33 challenging so t a war we have to win this three people good here we go here we go here we go the first person at 500 and it fills up of time oh oh oh wait look at us a team two with wait who's that Pat and Kate hepped us someone save me from what is happening let's take their best player wait are we taking one of their player what is happening what hello Nico why am I holding Nico the best player no get out of here Nico yeah you sacrificed all your teammates you can't abandon me no I'm abandon here I you glue shot I missed okay sick dude it's I 60 glue we could get a fourth person to be on our team and be stronger there's mits right is MIT a strong player low no no absolutely not MIT is weak oh gosh you know I'm going to do a quest let's do a quest all together that sounds fun here we go y me boats and pces from a stor help me fix it and I'll make it worth your while okay now what what do we do down here oh oh this is what uh Sundy used to attack us earlier what okay grab that piece yeah that's what I'm saying know was Sun there we go okay three out of five is it are these the last two I don't know I'm just guessing I like to blame Sundy all right come on get the last one the heck is going on here we're doing a quest oh did it we built it look at that yeah get out of here stupid team y be be gone men be vessel so for that you can have my booty what why do you want his booty I don't know no no no all mine yay bye s you're stupid and you smell that excuse me I'm a what s s time was I'm pretty sure I know who the Imposter [Music] is let's bring him right over here Fus good oh my that could have been a voice thing they're just going out wa yeah yeah oh gosh wait this don't just fly by what was that I don't know okay boy okay sidles how much glue do you have right now I have 100 GL BL okay Gary is your name sigils oh sorry okay6 seconds until my turn I have 160 we could end up getting the abducted building cuz that's 50 points and then I can abduct them and then put them on our team blue abduct dude yeah man you just thinking we're made of glue how did you just take control so early I'm confused because it's my turn oh look look oh I can't that clears me I'm guys what is happening does that put it down put it down one he's stuck this is not this is very sad that looks a little S I just stole their glue okay wait did you just stick them down Gary I might have done that Gary so you stuck them down and then where are we going I don't understand I'm trying to get us glue dude look check this out no okay sick dude who is doing this oh okay I almost have the glue no it's fine I got the glue we're fine okay boys we need to add a fourth person to our team who should we get we have to do something very smart I think we have to abduct somebody oh no no you know who's on a part of Team mits should we get Ms should we get mits we uh where oh m is right here that's actually she is hey MIT slow down hey hey we we're all fighting over now we alls is our no I know I'm now in high demand thanks guys I think you're the only one that's not on a team right now this is very sad for you oh nice let's go and now we have team baby four people on our team can one of you challenge right now do is any of your guys just challenge off cool down cuz we have four people we could take apart the Sunday team right now I can challenge can you well I don't want to really wait this whole thing wait 59 seconds it's okay if we wait the timer then we can do the office and then we can have enough glue to go ahead and take down the entire or I could just go ahead Gary right on the bright side Biffle doesn't even know how to use his brain oh go you doing oh heing this could take the entire team look at our score it's going bu four at a time because they only have three we have four wait Gary you are correct oh my God so game over right now okay all all right don't play with your food don't play with your okay F me what okay fine sure wait wait who got picked what who the heck is that who I think it's me who is this wait wait Sundy what happened what happened to you wait are you the real purple wait we're jumping wait yeah hold on okay wait we fix we put you in here I got idea what okay where he where he go he's right there get him get him get him Gary get him okay he's stuck SI dud okay listen that's not dude what is happening I have a new ability D I have a Fusion Monster ability I that on them let's go right here you look Nico and Biffle are together right now let's go mind control into Biffle can you right now monster and put the fuser oh I sped it I do miss sub going after someone I actually don't know who it's going after right now wait a minute oh God wait Gary what just happened you're kind of being real sus right now uh Sundy we need you now suy no I don't want to be on your team you just okay all right you take control it's fine I don't I don't I don't like being Char Sundy and Gary are now clear cuz Gary's and su's I mean I have enough points here you can just join our team if you want there you go I want to be on your team welcome but I got mind controlled so I'm cleared too oh yeah I'm sure you've been yeah I've been byol as well sigil is right I'm sure we've all been okay I'm doing this last Quest cuz I haven't done this one yet damn chicken just keep on running off I tell you maybe I had to just stick them all together somehow that mean what is that oh gosh look I have to do okay now you have him sick dude you know I'm grabbing this chicken po listen we need to get poison we have an Abdu ability we could take someone from the other team and get more points okay on I'm going to take this chick and put them right here can I use can I use mine make I want to be the leader do you want okay well I can't really set it to you cuz I'm not the I at the end this is going to take forever to I know unless like okay I need one more chicken where's the chicken and then let's go okay what does this former one to do with all this Quest log updated is sick what's happening okay oh gosh oh God what's happening oh what is that oh that what is that I don't know well ain't that a mighty fine piece of craftsmanship dat this your token what did he just make this is disg glued upside down I don't know but okay I'm taking all these Point what is going on wait I have 110 points can I have that glue I how much glue do you even have right now okay I have a 100 oh okay well I guess I'm in charge okay I'm going to take apart the other team a little bit here let's go mind control actually I need to see who's together right now B oh it's Kate right now let's go my control on to Kate just like this here we go I don't I don't think this is what I'm supposed to be then let's go monster and then spawn the monster like what like right here maybe yeah I I am not in control I'm not in what do you mean oh gosh run away run away run for it why did it go after ni I'm pretty chill listen I'm chill like that guys you don't have to are we getting bi on our team yay wait we need one more wait we can also take another team down we could challenge a team about to win what do you mean you're about to win no you're not about to I have an auto clicker I have an auto click okay that was a little uh weird timing it is kind of weird what going I'm not doing this right Sund right I'm not doing this Sund stop Sund why GL I had so much glue dude my glue watch that have any glue GL still we only need one more we need one more what do you mean you're not doing this this is not me I have a post mind ability I can put a post right here this is me did you just take sigils from us how dare you oh my sigil bombed us Sig it's not me it's not guys killed Kate what is going on so confused right now what is going on okay we took him all right that's fine and now he's in charge you see what Happ Sig sure okay well I'm going to go in now right right good timing was my control as Sig so what's happening I wait wait oh what the that's not me I'm not wait no no no no now I'm getting you do I believe you now Ian I I I was literally what okay okay yeah what's happening I was literally literally someone explain to me I don't like this team I don't know one by one okay wait so who is the most sus is it sigils or is it Sunday cuz it's probably Sunday I was literally in a canister when a monster ate someone I just kind of wanted to blame you to be honest I'm new here so not me I also am handsome yeah you are run s run run what's happing fine wait did he just hi Kate what's going on oh it definitely killed someone he just killed the top where we going what's happening why why is m in control okay never mind you're in control dude okay boys I'm actually worried so do we win as a team or is it just me cuz I say we win as a team right if winning I think we just need to win wait I I need any more and then I can win oh that's it okay go go get it get it Go being can't you listen listen I'm clapping can I move while I'm clapping you hear that he has that you said you couldn't move last time oh God what is happening why did Gary just die I am mind controlled okay you know what you're mind if you're mind controlled you dra to click and look them I want to see this happen one 4v5 I'm not mind controlled anymore I'm mind control it's wait wait no it's not me can you just fight can you just fight we got to take apart their team come on we can get the last person right now this is so confusing no one has any idea what's going on head this is this is our points are going up five at a time oh no oh gosh what is happening a monster oh look look oh no wait did they just give up guys keep pulling ni keep pulling I'm going I'm going above I'm going above I'm going above what's happening I thought the C was I thought the C was 500 what's happening um [Music] okay okay sunny we have how many points do you have right now GL I only have 50 okay no no you get abducted go to the other team we got to take them apart so they don't win and you could take or rope just okay that's I don't understand we yeah we can take one of them apart oh right there yes do it do it do it do it do it wait I was the only smart one on that team yeah I'm sure you I'm sure you were wait where's P inside the Pat in the glue wait Pat I'm here I'm following you but are you try put me in the machine no I who are you can I'm free okay I think he suay okay Gary okay boys I need 20 more glue and then we can win together as a team I promise let me just go right here I love wait as a team as a team we're winning as a team I don't think that's how that work final is coming together your final plan yeah as a team obviously what oh God oh God oh God yeah yeah yeah get him get him Gary get him nice thank you that thank you wait what are okay okay all right are you guys um are you guys serious right now Pat in this wait Pat I'm wait we have seven people okay boys well I just want to let you know I can release Pat wait how what oh what the thank you oh wait I don't know Pat run Pat run oh he's getting eaten I can see it in the Mini screen right now oh gosh he is he we die as the huh what do you mean I'm the Imposter we really should have saw that coming when we blue to him what do you mean I'm the impostor I would never I would never do that in my life here let me just really quickly here let's just take out n and p or bounc oh that's us to it's not all right boys do you have any final words cuz after 10 seconds uh I can use my fuse Friendzy ability yeah Mama that's not good words okay now no yeah go call M boys go call come here s come here get in my bubble get my bubble Miss hi hi what do you think you're doing what do you think you're doing come here there was me all time let's gra that and Biffle come here here we go I look up no oh boys it was fun playing with you and building a team but I'm My Own te I'm getting out here boom get in the lava and burn aive let's go sh be timers and skybags done walk the plank let's go GG
Channel: Zud
Views: 151,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among Us, Imposter, Among Us Mod, Zud, Among Us Funny Moments, among us, new among us role, among us mods, among us impostor, among us mod, among us imposter, among us animation, animation, among us song, ssundee among us, zud among us, among us custom mod, among us funny moments, mogus, zud, Fused Together Mod in Among Us, among us fused together, among us fused, fused together in among us, ssundee fused together among us, among us fused together mod, fused together, amogus
Id: OAXHv0fiMo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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