Blacks in the bible Part 2 Feb 11th 2018

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you coming and helping my wife and I while she has been fighting the flu and she's recovering well and yes and and so the doctor and the doctor told her that she had to stay in for at least a week and so you know she's struggling because she wanted to be with us today I was struggling Wednesday because I stayed home with her you know I did I did the husband Lee thing you know what I mean and you know get some brownie points for later you know but and she's watching by way of livestream sir by the way yeah so and so by Friday she she she looked a little whole lot better on Friday and I said how you feeling she's feeling better I said okay I was gone nauseous but I came out on Friday and I came here and and pastor Glenn I we were doing some some remodeling here and I don't know he that we had the sound booth here and they put another door in and all in one day just like yeah it seemed like everything just it's like let there be light boom and there was you're not a piece and so he did a tremendous job and we have couple other things that we're gonna be doing you know as the days go by and so I just want to thank God for gifts being in the house skills and talents and you don't want me to put a hammer in my hand either yeah and so it'd be demolition instead of yeah so I just think God for passing limb but everybody's gonna thank you so much for all of the food the soup and the everything else the the jerk chicken and yeah I mean you can bring some more pie you know I don't know not this one but but I just really appreciate everybody's uh you know seeing the church come and you know be a blessing to my wife and I are doing this time so she will be back I believe on Tuesday for the preachers corner so be encouraged she will be back and on fire and so she you know she was at home and taking a little story whether she was at home and you know the recovering and all of a sudden you know one of our grandsons got sick and brother Cottrell and so so so the Kim drops over drops Cottrell off to the house and I'm like what's going on you know and so you know I'm like you know you got to bring me some some masks and everything because looks like this has turned into the hospital over here and and so and then Tyree he was on the phone like he wants to come over and so I said I'm coming to get you if we're gonna go down we're gonna go down together [Laughter] so I got the grandkids over it and so Kyrie got a little confident everything going on and I said so you got to speak it Kyrie you know I always tell them I'm walking in divine health you know you got to speak it say it out your mouth carry on walking and divine health you know and so I'm just blessed and fortunate that the Lord has kept me from all that I said in the name of Jesus truly this house every bug Roach and everything else leave but just kidding with you listen our sister Jimmy is doing an incredible job I know this is her last Wednesday she says she's happy but but this is her last Wednesday teaching at the family training hour in the Pentecostal church the hour or two so the family training hours she's teaching on connecting the Christ which is foundational truths foundational teaching that she's teaching and doing a tremendous job and I believe the last one Wednesday was on holiness how many know that holiness is God's standard of living for his people all right and holiness without the Bible says follow peace and holiness without no man shall see the Lord so it's hard to live holy when you don't have any peace right and so we have to follow peace we need to apply the peace of God in our life and holiness comes easier when you have peace and so look at somebody tell them get the peace of God in your life come on shout Shalom my brother right all right and and Shalom actually means to be well in every dimension of your life all right and so is so when when you want peace then you have to confront areas in your life that aren't well okay you have to confront it okay and so and so if you want a good New Year's 2018 confront the things in your life that are not specifically well for you all right and it's okay because God wants you to be well all right to be made whole to be healed to be able to function in the holiness and in the purposes of God let me move on I get the teaching right there right and so and so the reason why you know I mentioned system is because you know in the teaching on Wednesday night is because we're gonna segue I know we have our business meeting coming up on the last Wednesday at the church business meeting and we just lay it all out let you see where the money is going we like financial integrity because yeah and so because that's what the church needs because of all the chaos in the world we want everyone to know that that this church kingdom celebration center does things with integrity and so yeah so pastor Johnnie oversees our finances he and my wife together and she's a great mine when it comes to finances and so they team up together along with Minister Charlene and so the financial committee is what I like to call it and so but pastor Jonny will be sharing with us on the finances here whether good or bad he's gonna show us and update us of where we are on today on 2018 okay and so and then in March starting the first Wednesday in March we're gonna teach a new course or series entitled understanding the kingdom right understanding the kingdom because I believe it was last week when I was sharing about the name kingdoms celebration center and you know and many of you don't know why I named it Kingdom celebration center and so I said you know I kind of threw it out there that would you like a teaching on the kingdom and everyone's like yeah you know do that and so and so I was conversing with a dear friend of mine and and he just shared with me that his wife has a teaching on the kingdom of God look at Jesus and so I say you know cause for me you know I I love when God uses people and so she will be teaching understanding the kingdom alright starting the first Wednesday in in March and that is none other than our dear sister the minister herself pronounces right Aretha Scruggs and my wife has approved this message and said that she had been to a conference before and and sister shrugs was teaching and said she's a powerful teacher so I'm looking forward to it amen and I pray that you are tuned that you would bring your family out because it's family training hour and you cannot be developed and become stronger as a family until you get in the presence where you can over the presence of the Lord and you can hear the the teachings of the Most High God that would strengthen your family unit amen amen and there's so much destruction in the african-american culture when it comes to the family structure and so that's why we encourage you not only as people of faith but even as people african-american families that come on out and become stronger in the Lord all right the before I'm gonna call the youth we have because for Black History Month we have our young people doing something to Express their knowledge of black history and so momentarily we're gonna have one of our dear sisters come up and share something wonderful with us okay but before she comes I would like to just acknowledge some of my dear friends that are here with us on today and and so we have this on Thursdays I don't know if you know it and some of you know because you know I like talking about entrepreneurship and and and finances and so forth and and so we have on Thursday nights here in the cafe we have a team of us that that are sharing about finances in particularly on cryptocurrency anybody heard of cryptocurrency all right okay with one day we're going to be paying tithes and bitcoins alright y'all laughter come on alright so you're gonna get it next year this time it's gonna hit you okay but so we we are a team of brothers who come in on and sister their sister I can't leave her out right so that we come out and we share and they strengthen one another about cryptocurrency and other forms of trading as well and just just entrepreneur and having the mindset and our our model is that we want to raise up army of millionaires but that should make you want to come out right there amen all right so but I just want to just acknowledge my brother a brother Q we we call them brother Q equation night just to say on this here C on I did I always say on okay and and I love this brother's name them about the car introduced I love his name his name is Christian that's number one and in his last name is Cooley all right brother cool is in the house all right and well I thank you guys for coming out and know a couple of other other brothers that intended to come out and one brother Lenny he's at home he had a flood in his basement and so we want to pray for him and we know that hole yeah having that flooded basement kind of thing right and I'm brother Michael who who i'ma still get him to sing one day for us you know he's got a great voice he's gonna come I know he's missing on today but he's encouraged to come on as well amen amen so thank you Mike the crypts knobs we just talked about the blood brother we've met with the Crips now just one all right okay we'll get back at the spiritual also - last week we introduced you to a wonderful young man that's running for the senatorial office and and brach brother Ricky Vaughn the y'all remember brother Ricky came up introduced itself in and his plan for running for office and his intentions and and today I have two wonderful people who are also in the arena that's going to help our communities and so I want to first of all I want to bring up dear sister who I've known her father for a long time now I know he worked used to work with the Board of Education and so forth and he always greeted me with kindness every time and would just share good information with me to try to help a little me out okay and then I met didn't even know but I didn't even know you had a daughter all this time but I met his daughter and she shares some wonderful news with us now and I'm gonna access she would come and just kind of share a little bit with us will you help me please welcome sister gesina Stanton got a microphone get rid of microphone yeah there you go come on up here system I'm not one of those churches that don't allow women in the pulpit come on and I want people on livestream to hear what you got to say as well thank you thank you I appreciate it I just want to send my well wishes to the first lady as well and I want to thank everyone for such a warm welcome I mean everyone came up to me and was had such positive energy in a positive spirit so I thank you you can really feel the Christ in this church and I thank you for that thank you so I don't want to take up much of your time today I am with the Maryland emerging leaders pact and this organization we founded in order to help young specifically minority leaders to get involved in the political arena and of one of your members who I don't believe is here today but Quincy Barry Bay she's over there yes you yes please stand please think she is actually going to be speaking at our event we're holding an event on Saturday February 17th at 6:30 at Hoyt cinema also Mike Rogers who's running in district 32 for delegate if he could stand as well he will be speaking at our event and both of these young emerging leaders are here in order to try to engage the community and to get your feedback because I don't know if you're aware of this but there is a very very small number of minorities and county offices right now and we're trying to increase the number and you know the other thing that I wanted to point out is well is that when I was in high school in college there was a lot of talk about this being a lost generation that the generation was lost and I'm hearing that again but what I would say to that is that if you know the Lord that I know and one of my favorite parables is Luke 15:11 3:32 and that's the parable of the of the pair of the son and of the lost son that comes back to the Father and the Lord knows that none of our sons and daughters are ever lost and that's what this organization is for it's to try to bring leaders into the communities that are entrenched in the church and the communities and bring them out so I just want to thank you Bishop Palmer for for all that you've helped us with and all of our prodigal sons and daughters that we're bringing into the fold we also just want to thank you as well and I leave some information in the back and I hope to see you at our event thank you thank you thank you okay yeah I was trying to get you to help her down but this is okay all right we're we're learning but this is a good organization that she that she's with and so definitely make sure that you get the information that she would leave that Miss Stanton won't leave with us at the service okay and so and I have a she mentioned this young man's name and I had an opportunity to meet him a couple of weeks back and and he shared with me matter of fact it was that since the quincies meet-and-greet and and so we had a good opportunity and he shared with me his plan and then it also went out into one of his meeting greet out in the hand over a Jessup area and and I love what the brother stands for and so I'm gonna ask brother Mike Rogers who's actually running for the House of Delegates amen and yeah somebody acts up Mike if you will come on up and just gonna share with us a little a little bit of how the Lord is leading you he's ex-marine and marina my right arm okay army yes cool army thank you thank you very much Bishop yes sir and I want to thank everyone in the congregation pastor Glenn who had a chance to talk with a little bit morning and obviously Quincy who I support fully for giving me the opportunity and I'm gonna be very brief and I just want to let you know that if you go to vote Mike Rogers comm you can see a little bit about what I stand for but in essence it's education the economy the community and our country so as someone who served nearly 30 years in the military I believe in giving back it's all about service and as the scripture says seek you the kingdom of God first so that's really what it's about and so with that I'm gonna turn it back over to Bishop Palmer and thank you very much for coming out Monday night and I'll be around afterwards to talk to anyone who has any questions thank you so much thank you sir appreciate it you don't have to help him down not this way I make sure that you ask questions he's free and available for you to access any questions you know is your vote that council you want to make sure that you're voting and getting to know those who are running for different particular offices and so we want to make sure that you ask the questions why they have availed themselves here and and see if it lines up with what you believe and what we're pushing for and so forth amen and we have our dear sisters in the house always got to mention her name since the Shaniqua because she want we're winners sister Shaniqua Henson Johnson she just got married she got married and she won and all kinds of things would happen great things were happening for her in 2017 and now the sky's the limit here in 2018 and I hope that just think I can hook up with you if you guys haven't hooked up already but Annapolis City Council District six Ward six right that's where my other church was amen and so thank you for coming out and being a part of the service or being a part of Kingdom celebration center and and miss Quincy I nearly found friend and yeah at brother Eddie on the ways that today brother Eddie and thank you so much for everyone coming in and been an encouragement to us and so I'm going to at this particular time move forward in the service and we have our dear sister who's gonna come and share a little bit about Black History and does she is none other than the cutest girl I know and her birthday is right there with mines in April just alright and I'm gonna access them out of Celle if she will come and share with us alright I too by Langston Hughes I too sing America I'm the darker brother they send me to eat in the kitchen when company comes but I laugh and I eat well and grow strong tomorrow I'll be at the table when company comes nobody'll dare say to me go eat in the kitchen then besides they'll see how beautiful I am and then be ashamed I too AM America give it up thank you so much that's Maricela y'all Casey did a great job Langston Hughes alright alright I hope you're having a good time in the presence of the Lord are you having a good time I hope you're you're friends with your neighbor they're sitting beside you it meant good good I hope you're comfortable I know that the think the weather was a little shifty outside and so they kind of shift things here in the in the house I know it was warmer early it was so hot I said let me you know turn it off and they turned it off and then it was still hot and I said throw a little AC on and so now is a little cold and I'm just testing your faith knowledge but that we're trying to get it balanced out and for you but I hope you're still comfortable and it's nothing like the presence of the Lord I tell you and and and no matter how comfortable we can get I know that when we go to Africa and you know I have some of the one of our pastors have a makeshift structure that's not even completed it's just wood hang you know hanging up that's the frame is just up and they're out in the in Naha I say desert he there I didn't in that hot environment like that and so for us to have a little heat and a/c and all that another we can worship God yeah see Americans are spoiled trust me we're a spoiled people we're like spoiled brats you know you ever having a spoiled child or seeing one in the grocery store and and the parents didn't do anything and they just I felt it over here right yeah and and you wanted to take the initiative to go help the parent out that's how we are Americans that's out you know we yeah so I want to make sure that we that we we can give God our all no matter what the condition is no matter what the condition is I wanna we're gonna continue in our series I think it's started slide number 24 I believe it is brother Randy that the media team is doing a great job where where's my dear friend we're calling up here for a second I'm gonna get the word out but come on up here brother a Tebow I guess won't call him Tebow Tobias come on up here I saw something this morning I just thought I'd bring him on up and this is my friend here man this is good now listen last Sunday that's his mom over there y'all just said yeah all right so last Sunday we had Eddie James ministries here and I had a wonderful time didn't we and and I had came out AI cheated okay I went in the back I watched a little bit of the Super Bowl and and I snuck back into the service but when I came back the church was on fire and this young man went in and Holy Ghost was all on him and yeah I just I love to see children worshiping the Lord that's when you know you got a good church when the children freely are not forced but freely love on Jesus and so this young man went in and he could have step I can't do it but you man you couldn't rogue like they say and I'm telling you he went and he went in deep and and I it just really touched my heart and I've been blessed by it and every time I just think for a moment I start thinking about brother Tobias and I promise you the Lord you continue to stay with the Lord he's gonna take you to immeasurable Heights okay in your life that you never had to blow your mind what God can do and did you see them on the drums this morning the Lord is already starting it bless you man bless you love you love you [Applause] the that's Tebow ya'll Tebow all right let me get into the Word of God I don't my wife told me don't be long-winded today and I said who me I'm going to try to share and then we're gonna pick up and so part two part two today we've been dealing with blacks in the Bible and part 2 today we're dealing with were the question were the Hebrews and Jesus black okay that's a good question isn't it alright for what we see and so we're going to by way of biblical reference going to show you and then unveil to you perhaps what Jesus looked alike and the Hebrews right not see bruised that's unscriptural is Hebrews that that's the coffee joke there right all right okay all right blacks in the Bible father I pray right now that your word will come forth and that the teachings on this afternoon Lord God would be substance Lord you said for mensch and I live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of your mouth and I pray Lord God that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and so lord I ask that what's being shared today which strengthens somebody's life edify them comfort them heal them and bring them forth into new dimensions and you know God and that their life would be able to please you and glorify you this we pray in Jesus name and everyone said amen and amen all right so last week I got to turn it on doing Donna all right so last week there we go I'm gonna do just a little review from last week so we talked about Noah and his three sons right Noah and his three sons ham Shem and yes it or Japheth is what we say in the English dialect right and by them the Bible says by them those three brothers right there the nations were divided in the earth and so they spread it according to after the Tower of Babel and so the Japheth Ickes or Japheth and his and his family settled in what we call today Europe okay and the Bible mentions the Isles of the Gentiles and I told you last week that no African or person of color was considered a Gentile back in biblical times okay not even in not even in the New Testament so when they referenced Gentiles they were actually talking about European or people of a Eurocentric okay all right descent and so but and so we got it you know of course today we just anybody that's not a Jew we call him a Gentile that's not actually in the biblical times what it was okay because when they saw a need the opening they saw Ethiopia right when he saw somebody for cush I did would say cush I or they'd seen somebody from Egypt this is the Egyptian okay and so that's if you see that even in the New Testament Simon the syringe okay so which is Libya area there you know and so we see that so but when they referenced the Gentiles it was referencing those who were from the aisles of the Gentiles up north okay we got that understanding all right now Shem who settled in the middle what they called today after 1948 they call it the Middle East but before 1948 it was called Africa okay it was considered Africa all that land that's in the Middle East was actually considered still yet Africa only until 1948 I'm gonna show the reason why we did that the be later okay actually next Sunday and so yes so you have Japheth Shem and ham who said was the progenitor of all Africans not necessarily all black people but all Africans okay and and so ham and his descendents settled in what we know as Africa and the Middle East okay or Mesopotamia area all right we're actually Abraham and all of them came from alright so we got that that was the review from last week so ham what maybe look something like this okay I had to pick cute guys like me I said so help me look like like the brother here right and then Shem somebody say look like my little nephew will look like this okay not right don't tease me okay and Japheth will look like or Japheth will look like this that makes sense does that make sense to you and they were brothers okay brothers now we know that and it's said scientifically that all races came from the black gene because black can produce any complexion okay we got that understanding now right okay but of course the white brethren cannot produce a black baby it's just scientific is you cannot show me anywhere in the world at any given time that that has occurred but I can show you and even take you through google and show you where black people hit white babies okay all right so all right so it's nothing then to say that Noah actually had one of his sons was Japheth that perhaps looked like that okay all right and then Jim may have looked like Jim and him may have been a little bit darker all right so we kind of get in the feel of where we're going so this is a little review we talked about last week so we talked about Shem because I want to I want to deal with Shem as we're dealing with blacks in the Bible because we're going somewhere on today so Shem and we talked about Shem and one of his a decent his name in the English we say Amen but in Hebrew was actually FA okay FA or ever and they actually we're gonna get there on the last Sunday okay all right and so and so and then eventually a bear we got through his lineage Abraham Abram which we call Abraham and Abraham begat Isaac and Isaac begat Jacob but you know the story and Jacob was his name was turned into Israel alright somebody say Israel alright or is your il who you want to say alright cuz the L is very significant right because God put his name right that's why he says if my people who are called this is a very significant scripture alright we quote it because we say we're called by Jesus name name whatever but when it was actually quoted in the Old Testament God's people was actually called by his name alright so when he had Abram he he changed his name to Abraham he put his name in abram okay and and so and so he did the same with jacob he changed jacob name and called him israel l i put his name in alright so whenever god's gonna use the man he's going to put his name on that man alright so Jacob or Israel had two wives okay I don't start another religion here yes yet he wasn't a Mormon he had two wives though I and you understood the story from last week Leah and Rachel and he had two concubines okay Bilhah and Zilpah and between the four women that he had he produced twelve sons all right it doesn't reference the the women did the daughters that he had but he did have daughters as well alright so but Bilhah and Zilpah Paul and Leah Rachel had twins now look went like this Leah started off first right set it off on the left y'all's I was Leah alright so for Reuben Simeon Judah Levi and she had it's a car in Zebulon as well alright Bilhah had Dan and Naphtali alright and Zilpah had God God and Asher okay and then you see Rachel had Joseph and Benjamin alright so I highlighted those in yellow because Bilhah and Zilpah the concubines were actually women of color we talked about that last week they were women of color and they produced Dan and Naphtali and God and Asher alright these four young men complexion was a little bit darker than the rest of his bread their brethren alright and their brethren look like Shem that we saw but now you have a mixture of heme ice or Hamitic blood and Shem I submitted all right and so they have a mixture here in Dan Neftali gad and ashur so so far we have four sons they had him mythic or if you want to call it African blood in them four sons of Israel okay four sons of Israel so far all right that had that mixture okay and who remember last week with the word mixture Arab the word Arab actually means mixture or mix alright so now Abram has Israel actually has Arab sons it's gonna get you is gonna get you okay let me move on so today we could talk about a young Semitic brother named Judah all right everybody loves Judy because we talk about Judy in church all the time cuz you ready to get our praise on was Judah you me Oh Judah praise and you just start dancing and shouting and running around church and everything all right but that's not we're gonna talk about the day so Judah was a son of Leah and he began to have children as well right so we're gonna read Genesis 38 verses 1 through 5 okay now and it came to pass at that time that Judah went down from his brethren and turned into a certain a doula might whose name was Huayra or Hira alright so here I was his friend okay he was in a doula my brother he was his friend Judah and dubler a doula my friend named Hira hung out together and Judah saw their a daughter of a certain Canaanite y'all remember Canaan came from ham so Canaanites were black am i right you still with me okay all right so Judah saw a daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was sure so sure was the father's name sure and the Bible says and he took her and went in unto her y'all know what that mean we got children in here okay and she conceived and bare a son and called his name all right and she conceived again and bare son and she called his name Oh name and she yet again conceived and bare son called his name Sheila all right so Judah the Canaanite shores daughter's name worth bath sure because the word bath means daughter like bar means Sun so bar mitzvah and bath Mitzvah if you ever know they do it okay all right so Beth sure was her name so Judah had hooked up with bath sure and they produced three sons she was a black woman and they produce three sons her own Anne and Sheila am i right okay man they were people of color all right they had a mythic blood as well as Semitic blood okay so now you have Israel has grandsons not just from Esau because each these are married three black women to Canaanites and an Ishmaelite you see that and now you have Judah who hooked up with a black woman and has three sons and so now Israel all Israel has three grandsons Isaac had three grandsons that were black nines got three more grandsons this black you got it okay all right so and you can understand why this story is so important you're like why is he telling me this it's nothing to do with Jesus I want to shout and dance alright and see and say that because you know people in other organizations or religions or whatever say all we do is do a shout a song and dance and we're not teaching people anything and so all of our young people especially in college or in prison or wherever they may be are going to these other organizations like the African Hebrew Israelites who don't have the Holy Spirit don't know who Jesus really is and so while we're doing our song and dance and feel-good services they have been taught who they really are and they feel purpose and they feel yeah and they come out and they come out and then they're defying the name of the Lord Jesus Christ because somebody or some preacher or some passes I won't take the time to teach us who we are that's why I'm teaching what so save your song and dance for the for later are we gonna dance but we got saving for later come on talk to me all right so the story goes on like this that Judah sets up his son his eldest son said look I got a hook you up that's what he did their customs back in the day so what did he do told his friend the Abdullah Mike brother said look we're gonna go hook up he goes down and came in again you know of course that's where he was used to going when he partied and he hooked up with bath sure so let me go get my son son daughter from where I got the hook-up man okay you know it was a father-son thing you don't understand yeah I know you right so he furnished this beautiful young lady named Tamar now remember tomorrow right in the Bible okay so she was in the scriptures and you can see she was a cannon eye woman black just like me right so she was black alright so and so now her marriage Tamar but the Bible says he was wicked so God took him and and so when God took him tomorrow is left a widow and Judah said don't worry don't worry I have my other son and it was their custom then for the others on America they could bear children and the children though would be in the brothers sons I don't try to figure that out young and restless okay as the world turns alright so and so and so Oh Dan says look I mean with all that I don't want to do that but it goes here they marry but when it was time for him to produce a child he did something else I'm trying to fix it up you understand all right and so when he tried to do it his self fix it up didn't want to do it he rebelled against God and what he's put to do and then go wipe them off earth and so now take Mars frustrated she was like look I don't have any children came producing the children because now both of your sons for some reason I get bad luck and and so and so Judah just look don't worry about it I'm just gonna praise the Lord no he didn't say that Judah says look I need you to have a little patience until my youngest son comes of age where I can give him to you and then y'all can have relations okay this is you know have you read this story okay okay good all right so I'm not by myself here all right and so take more weights the Sun actually gets older but Judah didn't do what he said he was gonna do so one day and so now now Beth sure dies Judas wife dies and so you know after a while I think I decide to gather friends crying and took him about two weeks no I'm sorry he got herself together and then you know his friend higher are the deulim I came back over there bro you know me you know I gotta take you off me you looking a little lonely so they go out back in the Cayman people and to the keneniah and Tamar hears this information that Judas out partying and she know he's looking for something seven digits ten in Maryland all right and so he's out clubbing trying to pick up a woman I'm just trying to relate to do you really alright and he's trying to pick up a woman and uh and so Tamar gets this information and when she receives the information she disguises herself the bible says like a harlot y'all know what a harlot is right okay are we fixing it up real good here all right and so she's disguised herself like a harlot and she goes in and she she sees Judah they both at the club you know he probably got a little couple of drinks on you know those old drinks like mad dog 20/20 knowledgeable wild Irish Rose knobs so he and so they're talking and he doesn't realize who the harlot is because she disguises ojeda covering on and and so and he's like so she says okay I I like the signet ring you have on and I like the bracelet that you have you know I had to be a brother because he got all this jury on going to the club any any and and he had his staff and give me that give me give me your ring for collateral give me your ring yeah give me your staff and give me your give me a bracelet okay and cuz he said I'm gonna hook you up but I got to go home and I got to do and when I go home and then I'm come back and I'm a payee I'm afraid real good but he did he took too long right and it the Bible says about three months later she started showing a little boo right three months later and and around town everybody started hearing that tape my aunts pregnant how in the world did she get pregnant she don't have no husband or anything like this and she's walking around town with a little bubble right and so and so when you know the Abdullah my brother hero comes that he hears about it he runs to Judah he tells Judah he said look man something might right man because you're you your son's daughter did you was trying to hook up with Sheila she already pregnant and I don't think you're stealing the baby yeah you know I'm telling you you need to read your Bible cuz a whole lot of drama in the Bible right all right so listen and so he was like well bring her to me cuz I'm gonna partner Zach was he gonna get burned today so she so he comes but she didn't call me up to hand it was like so you know you're gonna Majid you to look at all hot and frustrated and everything like who you been with I got this let me go to my trunk no see listen what but but she brings and shows him the rank the signet ring shows on the bracelet shows him the staff and he drops to his knees as I all your more righteous than I am and so the story goes on she produces a child with Judah and they have twins you know everybody that ran in the family twins ran in the family am i right okay so the twenties name was Perez and zerah okay for ears and zero alright we're going somewhere with this all right for ass not for real I know if I hurt somebody I picked it up in the spirits of I said for real no our phrase and zero all right these two brothers now these grandsons of Isaac they're mixed with Hamitic blood okay now you're asking the question why is this so significant what does it reveal okay but before you do that let me show you now that this is the fifth tribe that's mixed with him mythic blood we're not finished but this is the fifth tribe that's mixed with Hamitic blood and they already semis or shemites submitted which still are people with some melanin in their skin okay but now they're mixing with the darker hue of Africans now so now their bloodline is getting darker now this is the fifth tribe of Israel this mix all you seeing it okay all right we're gonna get back to that question a little bit later but I got to move on Joseph y'all remember Joseph right so Rachel finally has a son and called his name Joseph and he was thrown into his in the pit because of the brothers was envious of him y'all know the story had a dream and he was sold into slavery in Egypt or Africa right okay after interpreting Pharaoh's dream he was not only released from prison but he became second in command in all of Egypt he's in Africa and he's a fa brother a Hebrew brother that's what that's in command and Africa the pharaoh said him up his brother came couldn't even identify or distinguish Joseph from the Egyptians when they finally after 15 or so years after finally seeing Joseph they couldn't distinguish between him a Hebrew and a Gyptian Kemetic people why so during his four years in Egypt Pharaoh had gave Joseph a wife to marry she was an Egyptian or Mizraim black African woman and midok okay her name was I seen it or a synapse however you want to pronounce him I say I seen it all right so she was the daughter of pot of fire free stuff on now together joseph and aseneth had two sons Manasseh and Ephraim y'all remember those two sons in the Bible now these two sons had Hamitic and some MIDI blood their mix you see it now they were counted as two separate tribes they were allotted land to separate pieces of land once they got to the promised land so now that makes seven tribes out of 12 y'all with me for real you still with me is this okay you teach something else okay good all right all right so this is seven out of 12 that's more than 50% okay of of Israel that's mixed with Hamitic that means darker complected brethren blood here in Israel it's in the Bible you see it don't you see it in the Bible I'm not making anything up it's right there for you in Jesus name okay and then no one's gonna take this slow after it looks like me typing write one thing all right his brothers so they eventually die Joseph and his brothers died and Israel became fruitful and multiplied and became exceedingly mightiest what the Bible says and the land of Egypt for Africa was filled with them them other people it was filled with people who crossed from the other side crossed over the Euphrates Hebrew watch it Israel went into Egypt with 70 people came out delivered with 2 million or 2.5 million estimated people they became a nation and the nation of Israel was birth in Africa the nation of Israel was birth in Africa so why would they call it Middle East even the land that they took over was considered Africa was owned by hair mites why would they call it Middle East I'm just asking I don't know maybe you know can you tell me so gaunt raised up a delivering named Moses that Levite he was raised up in the palace of Pharaoh who was a black man of course but Moses himself was a Hebrew watch this why couldn't Farah immediately identify Moses when he was a child a baby was brought to him apart from his own people if he would have brought if they were brought Moses and Moses was real different he would have kept him like he kept the rest of okay all right just wanted to point that out Jesus on the mainline here we go all right so before Moses death I gotta move on before Moses death now I'm just highlighting stuff in the Bible if I can't give you all details what I was in tickets about 10 years all right so before Moses death he appointed a successor to lead the Israelites in the promised land his name was oh sure the son of nun better known as Joshua okay actually is Yeshua just like Jesus name okay all right so as English people put Jay in it all right Joshua y'all remember Joshua right where was he from he was from the tribe of Ephraim that means he had him mitad blood isn't as amazing that Joshua was a man of color who led two and a half million people across the Jordan and conquered Canaan and had to every seed the promises of God so god bless black people back then why can't black bless us to be more than conquerors through Christ gee I okay all right I'm just trying to get you a little something that okay all right now this is how this looked when they conquered the land of Canaan and it became Israel this is hologram maybe you can't see from that side I need to show you this 7 out of 5 out of 12 look like him seven out of the 12 look a blended mixture of them both if not dark blended mixture but 12 are 12 were people of color seriously no matter what the complexion was they were all people of color and so but if you see where I have the names that are written in the white box in red that's the portion of land allotments that were allotted out to them so you see all seven Asher and Naphtali Manasseh and Ephraim God and Judith see all that land Judah head just get Simeon head a little pocket within that land okay but those seven who were mixed with him medic blood they had the majority of the land so tell me how did it look if they had the majority of the head look like 90% of the land this is Bible just read the book of Joshua is in though this is the allotment I didn't make the map somebody else made the map I took the mat and I did what I had to do to show you what it look like that's how I was looking so Israel was looking just as black as Canaan was when they took over right let me back up though look let me digress toward another little disclaimer because I'm not against white folks I said that last week I'm not against anybody Eurocentric descent right I just want to show truth for our history that's been whited out since 1500 so somebody has to speak truth and we can't just sugarcoat it or just cover keep on moving kind of thing because we got too many people they're still in bondage and people who are rejecting Jesus because we're not telling the truth call me conscience community guy or whatever you want to call me but I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and him alone his Savior of the world my ass that's what I believe so don't want you to get it twisted but I'm showing you some truth alright Bible says the truth will make you free so let's go back to Judah why is the story of Judah and Tamar important when he got the video ready why is the story of Judah and Tamar important Mathew going through the book of Matthew chapter 1 verses 1 through 3 and the Bible says whenever I could get it to say something you want to create a stunning website the devil is a liar this was about this y'all back there messing with no line all right and watch this Matthews one verses one through three said the book of the generation of Jesus Christ the Son of David the son of Abraham Abraham begat Isaac and Isaac begat Jacob or Israel and Jacob begat Judah and his brethren and Judah juda begat Perez and zerah of Tamar whose lineage are we talking about Jesus the Christ little question we go answer that question too but you see it right now so this right here all right does this actually my question does this prove that Jesus or Yeshua of Nazareth was a person with a good amount of melanin in his view asking question I'm probe probing can we probe does it make sense but let's go on a little bit further five generations later from furet his great-grandson salmon y'all love salmon just it's just it just hits me every time all right salmon marries a woman from Jericho which was in Canaan she was a candidate woman her name was rehab y'all remember may have been in the Bible right Rahab got a piece of the posse Sango ain't gonna yeah I'm helping the people of God but I got to get me some so she married salmon and because she helped Joshua the two spies so they had a son named Boaz boys got cousins no I'm just I'm not gonna take it out y'all know y'all seen the YouTube okay sober so boy y'all want to get in trouble on that one all right so boys whose grandson was Jesse what's the key if King David's father you don't see this david marries a hittite which is the cannon night woman black woman named Bathsheba y'all remember that I think I mentioned that before they have a son named Solomon Solomon ISM is mixed David already from the lineage of Judah for ass mixed darker it gets the darker people alright so David and they have Solomon and from that lineage of kings remember Jehoshaphat we used to say jumping Jehoshaphat right your mojo he's a black man Hezekiah now Hezekiah Walker talk about the king here King has a kind so all these Judah heights if you want to call them that they were people of color mixed with him minik and Semitic blood all right this proves even more of the melanin in Jesus skin tone by time Jesus gone so you may say this I get the he posed the question all right now let me give you this nowhere in the genealogy of Christ are there any Japheth Ike's mission nowhere I went back over a hundred times couldn't find no Europeans people of European descent mention in Jesus bloodline not absolutely not okay I mean this thing is typing although Joe had nothing to do with Jesus skin color because this was going through Joseph's bloodline I knew somebody's gonna ask that question if he wasn't thinking about the acts the questions so I can answer it alright just in case you wanted to act though you find a lot later so Joseph had nothing to do with Jesus birth right because he was the son of God that's what our Bible tells us right but because Mary also was from Judah she will have the same lineage as her husband so she was black hip melanin in her skin okay just the easier you debaters no I'm just play all right so uh and so she also was from Judah now we're gonna move on so where did the painting of a white Jesus come from we're gonna answer that question right after this video presentation I hope you I hope this is okay with you getting anything so far anybody getting it okay all right okay all right easy credit ripoff here we go this is fantastic what did you paint this judging what this Oh last week what I call it black Jesus black Jesus now this is what the brothers need through these super happy Michael it's only a painting not the second coming sure is a shame to keep this in the closet hey since both are just sympathy oh Jesus a black family should have a black mama sees that bear she's gonna kill you Jesus may have your soul my mama gonna have you behind this oh that's not he's hanging in the black history Junior what made you paint Thank You his face came to me in a vision it seems to be coming to me in a vision Oh would you say that again [Music] I'm in pull my status Ned the water no wonder his eyes are red like fire this one drinking muscatel Michael did you know this was mad do I know sure but that's not important it's just a symbol it is important Junior before I tell your divine skinny arms of your divine stringbean body why did you pick up all people Ned the wino for black Jesus well he passed out in the gutter and he's the only one who's still long enough temporary layoffs hmm okay actually that wasn't the that was a different one I don't yeah okay did you get the point right Jesus so so where did the paintings of a white Jesus come from right the making the making of a white Jesus brought to you by gods this painting of Jesus by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503 ad was one of many depictions of Jesus as a white man his original painting was said to be of his lover Chisari Borgia the son of Pope Alexander the sixth or Rodrigo Borgia that's who that is that's not Jesus that's Borgia himself that's the painting that da Vinci that's the first paint he did many of them he posed just as long as Ned the wino or how about this picture by da Vinci this is called Salvator Mundi or savior of the world okay it was early 1500s again by da Vinci so from 1500 AD on to the present time we have Jesus this Jesus was from Israel this Jesus was from Judah that we just explained you pee or let's look at some paintings of Jesus before 1500 AD how about this one this is the earliest known painting of your Shore and his apostles in is in Compton in the competent Museum in Cairo Egypt today and this was painted before the 6th century okay if that's not enough how about this Jesus all right because you say alway Egypt was was in Africa so they painted it Jesus they look like then but this one is on the church wall in Russia y'all know where Russia is you can't get no whiter than Russia and we have this one as as several pictures picked up some that just to kind of highlight for you here's Jesus getting a little bit lighter he's appearing through the closed door painting by Gucci OD yes him okay in 1308 got a little bit lighter there didn't he okay but this was the it ELISA we're okay alright so ah but you can still see the melanin in the painting oh how about this one you sure heals he heals somebody here and this was in 1320 the 1331 date range and this wasn't found in Italy as well okay and this was before 1500s before Pope Alexander de 6 decided he wanted to paint a picture of Jesus yeah yeah just used my son who's a murderer a drunken homosexual don't care anything about Jesus he's in he's a cardinal and we wonder why the church is so screwed up before after somebody ain't telling the truth but kingdom celebration senator's gonna tell the truth not to not to degrade anybody else because that would become wickedness unto me but through the Holy Spirit the Bible says to teach the truth in love and to show you the truth so that it would be liberating to you and that you can share it with others and so from this point on you can share it with your family for your seed in your sea seeds so that they will have confidence in a sense of person purpose and dignity you know and a responsibility to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ you know so that your family can be blessed next week I'm about five four eight and a half and the can't get no taller than that brother all right not just messing with all right so revelations wanted of course you know this son of man and whether you want to say this was a typology of him and you know wasn't literal wasn't literal that could be true it could be metaphor whatever could be true but he used this metaphor that his hair was like wool that his eyes was there's a flame of fire and his feet were like unto fine brass burned in the furnace okay so if Jesus and the Jews were black that's what we are now discovery then why do they look like this in Israel today join me next week right here why did he look like this they say they're Jews I just shows you everything there in the Bible but this is present from 1948 on to today these are the people who consider themselves Jews and have repopulated the Palestinian land or state and now our dear president has claimed Jerusalem to be their capital stay with me next week and we'll talk more about what happened to the black people and who are they god bless you standing your feet I hope this message has been a blessing to you in its entirety we're going somewhere we're going to get there's there is there is your traditional word there's going to be at the end and let me say this also on the fourth Sunday or the last Sunday immediately following the service on the last Sunday we're gonna be in the cafe Minister Randy and I are going to answer any questions that you may have from our teaching on blacks in the Bible so we're gonna we're gonna have an open discussion if you have any questions concerning the teachings hold them write them down hold them until the last Sunday in February so that we can dialogue about it and then we could go from there okay and I just I just pray that you're getting some revelation some divine information some cognitive truth and I pray that it strengthens you and your loved ones and and we're going to take this we're going to take this to be therapeutic if you will and healing for us and I pray that you can share it as well and and we're also going to have the PowerPoint made available for you at the end can give it to you now because you may want to come back and teach next week all right so I'm going to give it to you at the end for those of you want and we can email it to you so that you can have all right and so so don't forget though the last Sunday Minister Randy my son and I were gonna be sharing and answering any questions into the fullness of our capacity for you in Jesus name we're gonna pray father I just thank you for the time that you allow us to fellowship together here today that you I believe are unveiling truth to us that's gonna break up demolished a lot of strongholds break up fallow ground in us calls us to have a better understanding of who we are that we can follow you closer maybe we can understand even more by the end of this teaching while we go through some of the things that we're going through as people of color and I pray right now father God that your people would be strengthened don't let them take this lightly let them uphold this word with dignity and honor as they serve you know God you said no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper every tongue that rise up against us in judgment thou shalt condemn it and you say that this is our heritage for those who serve you and thank you now Lord God I ask that you would bless your people bountifully in Jesus name and Jesus name we pray and everyone said amen and amen kay you just honored the Lord and just give him reverence and praise we're we're getting ready to get the bend
Channel: Kingdom Celebration Center
Views: 5,145
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Id: aPPxmTe8znE
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Length: 80min 55sec (4855 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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