Black History in the Bible Part 1

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[Music] he's standing [Music] don't you let this opportunity [Music] good evening everybody this is pastor wendell jones here at changing your mind ministries thank you all so much for tuning in another wednesday night we are excited about what we're going to do we're deviating from what we normally do on a wednesday night you know what we normally do which i really enjoy doing is that we take sunday's message and then we break it down further on wednesday night and since this pandemic i've been missing my people because on wednesday we normally break the sermon down but we also have that exchange they get to ask questions they get to talk about the things that that stood out for them in the sermon and so that's what we normally do on wednesday but it's it's february it is black history month and so what i wanted to do i want to do something a little different it might even seem a little controversial but that's okay you got to take some risk in this world what i want to talk about with you is black history in the bible and what i mean by that i want to show you our listeners uh the roles that black people darker complexioned people played in our holy script in this bible and i want to do it for several reasons and we're going to talk about that in just a minute so come on pray with me father we thank you so very much always thank you just for this privilege i never forget god that it is a privilege to even allow to to mix my voice in with all of these other voices these gifted men and women that you called to speak on your behalf and to the lives of your people thank you god for choosing me despite me and i love you for it now i thank you holy spirit because you are so real inside of me and you illuminate my gifts and you allow me to participate in the expansion of this kingdom and for that i say thank you please draw tonight those into our viewership who need to to to get this word get this teaching so that we can combat some falsehoods that are being perpetuated throughout this world that we can see clearly how mindful you are of all of us thank you master in jesus name amen all right let's talk i don't plan on keeping y'all here too long tonight but i want i want to begin this conversation we're going to come back next wednesday with some more information but just want to um just what i said have a conversation with you i think it's so important i think it's so timely right now to talk about uh this topic here uh because you know with things that are going on right now in our world and and and how the church has been has has put itself in the forefront of some of the political issues and things that are going on in our country right now and and and let's be honest uh uh the church has taken a beating some of these things with some of the stances that we've taken and and and one really is in in um in the aerial area of racial reconciliation and so what i want to do tonight for our viewers and just talk a little bit because i want you to see um how mindful god has been of us and so tina put that first slide because because i'm about to say some stuff and i want the slide to be out there so so they can see this because the first slide tells you the purpose of of this study that we're getting ready to go into and so here's what i want you to understand listen here's the here's the truth the bible has been weaponized against black people it has it has been weaponized against us which is why some of some of us uh run from the christian faith some of us who may have even started out in in in the christian faith have left the christian faith because of the reality the truth that the bible has been used against us and and if you're familiar with any of the history of slavery in this country the bible was used against us uh in many instances to to to make sure we were docile to make sure that we wouldn't rebel against uh slave masters and and and those who were domineering our ancestors that is just true it's the truth but here's the thing i want you to understand is that anything placed in the hands of someone with malicious intent can be weaponized against anyone else it does not mean that the thing that they are using is evil in itself it just means that you can take whatever you can take the bible you can take a biology book you can take a geography book you can take you can take the banking institution you see there's so many things in life that are not evil in their intent how they're not evil in their design they're not malicious in their design but if you put it in the hands of somebody who's determined to do evil they can use it as a tool cell phones can be used as a tool to create evil the internet can be used as a tool to be a blessing or evil it depends on the intention of the person with it and so i don't want to act like i'm not aware that the bible has been used to justify all kinds of stuff in our history it's being used right now to justify some things that i really don't believe represent the heart of god and so that's what i want to get you to understand is that please don't punish christ don't punish or reject the word of god because somebody twists it and even if you study this book god shows even in the book he doesn't hide it how men and even satan at the beginning of the book takes the word of god the words of god and twist them for malicious intent you see that happening in the garden which was a signal to us that this is going to be perpetuated throughout life and it absolutely has been which is why god admonishes you and i please study the word for yourself study to show yourself approve because as you dig into this bible and you realize that this bible has been used to justify slavery and then you see the scriptures that speak to slavery and what have you but then you see so many other scriptures that that speaks to the freedom of men the equality of men you see the politics of jesus throughout the new testament where he stands up for the least of these where he protects and speaks out and turns over tables for the marginalized how he chastises those who are operating in a caste system that were born into higher echelons of society and remind them that you are no better than the people that you are now oppressing he's a guy that hated oppression he did hate it so much he wired in us that we'll bucket after a while because no creation of god wants to be less than this his or her intent so i get it i understand how the bible's been used but i'm hoping that you'll give it some consideration tonight that the bible was neutral it was just put in the hands of people who decided to use it against us scripture absolutely echoes god's desire really to see us equal equal on equal footing as he repeatedly as i said stood up for the marginalized uh he refused even as you read in the new testament he refused to leave the gentiles out you see in the old testament the the the tribes of israel the descendants of abraham isaac and jacob who eventually formed uh uh jacob became israel and israel now has become a nation and those people that god uh scripture refers to as the chosen people referred to as the chosen people because they were should have been the first people to be the example of god's holiness and righteousness but then you see jesus further expand on that in the new testament where he does not leave out the gentile and the name gentile represents anybody outside of the lineage of abraham isaac and jacob it's all encompassing outside of that family bloodline everybody else falls under the category of gentiles and he brought his gospel his word his words of freedom his words of elevation his words of healing and deliverance he brought it to the whole world that all men might be saved because god wants a family that's on equal footing we get these words delivered to us by paul when he says there is neither jew nor gentile neither slave nor free nor is there male or female for you are one in christ jesus that's galatians 3 and 28 also in the book of philemon where he's he's he's appealing to a former slave owner to receive this brother back who was once his slave a runaway slave he said he is a believer of god he's a believer in christ he was appealing to him receive him back as your equal as a brother so there's there's a lot tons and tons of messaging pastor what about the thing when god talks about as a slave under your master and what have you i struggled with that too but here's his here's the understanding that i received one day and talking about and just thinking about this and asking and praying to god like how how do i explain that in into this modern uh group of people this 2021 uh populist who who who can see in scripture where god you you were saying how uh the slaves should handle his slave master and um this is what i've got this is this is what i heard and you get to decide how you feel about it in my prayer time i had god to remind me of the talk black families you know what the talk is the talk is that is the conversation we have with our children and especially now nowadays uh where um police brutality is is in the forefront of many discussions uh uh both in our homes but also on the national landscape as well and what we tell our what do we tell our sons and daughters we we tell them cooperate cooperate with them why because the most important thing as a father the most important thing is for you to survive that moment i need you to survive that traffic stop i need you to survive him pulling you over or coming up to you in the mall or whatever i need you to survive that so that you can get home to me because here is my promise to you if you feel like you have been mishandled as your father give me the opportunity to go fight for you and god really appealed to my heart when he reminded me of that and he reminded me he said do you think i'm a do you think you're a better father than me he said there have been times when i have to when when he's had to admonish us to survive the moment behave in a manner that might even feel a little bit beneath you and i know sometimes if you pull it on the side of the road and you're being mishandled by a police officer it encroaches upon your dignity it encroaches upon your self-worth to have somebody talk down to you when you know you've done nothing wrong but sometimes as a father to tell my sons listen just just just swallow it for now and survive the moment god says there's been periods of time in history where he had to tell his children just survive the moment because your father is working on something and that begins to make sense to me because listen i know we want god to make change happen like this but that change we've been asking god to do is change that has to take place in the hearts of people you people you're a person how difficult is it for to get for for a person for us to even in us to inspire a person to change and god being the guy who won't strip man of his will has to continue to do things to influence to inspire man to be to be put in a position of being able to be corrected so that he'll change yeah i wanted to change faster and yeah we got to do our part i'm not saying sit somewhere in a prayer closet and wait for god to do it god is raising up men and women like myself and you we have to do our part to kind of expedite this thing but i understand why god would say some of those things in the book now in the text in the script in the bible a loving father still wants his children to survive moments while they execute a greater plan some of us have to survive moments so that our our children won't ever have to experience it so that's what i really believe that's behind that you get you get to take what i just shared with you examine it uh receive it or throw it out that's your choice but i'm just sharing what gave me peace of mind and gave me some understanding and so what i want to do over the next couple of wednesdays is is is as the slide says one of the first things i want to do is combat the falsehood of racial superiority while at the same time combating the falsehood of racial inferiority i want us to realize that nobody by design is superior to someone else and also in that same vein nobody by divine design is inferior to anyone else our lot in life will be determined by the application of god's word and his principles that are designed to give us a quality of life i need us to get that your lot your outcome god's desire for that is that he gave us this free will but he also put truth and wisdom in the earth proverbs tells us that over and over again proverbs the eighth chapter wisdom is screaming in the streets god is saying i put all of this into this creation so that if you sought wisdom as the principle thing if in all you're getting you will get understanding you will be able to grow in this and be able to become all that you want to be but here's the reality that's god's intent but we have an enemy too who wants to infuse us with fear that makes us believe and practice scarcity mentalities where where only we believe certain people can be great certain people can excel certain people there's not enough room for everybody at the top i just don't believe god designed that world this way but we have an enemy who has perpetuated that lie and so it has resulted in us having these caste systems as in us having all of these forms of isms racism sexism all this stuff because we want to believe only a certain amount can have and so we got to make sure we put systems put systemic processes in place to make sure that people are born in and remain at level at this caste system that we've created that that that serves as the engine of our economy i just believe man i'm right i feel like i'm rambling a little bit but i'm on my soapbox right now i just believe that the idea that god had transcends the ideas that man has created out of fear and a need to feel exceptional not because you obtained wisdom you went after but because you were born with a certain skin tone that's a falsehood nobody is superior because of your skin and nobody is inferior because of your skin we will become what we expose ourselves to that's what you see right there to expose uh the result of a lack of exposure and conditioning what i want us to understand in this series is that we are byproducts of what we've been exposed to byproducts of what we've been exposed to i think one of the greatest tricks of the enemy is to make us be at odds with the word of god because in it is the heart of god and principles on how to live a transcendent life when i say transcended that means that we can get over get around get through man-made barriers like racism and all kind of foolishness that's born out of fear he shows us how to do it he shows us how to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask a thing but we have to be exposed to these principles we have to be exposed uh to higher levels of thinking because whatever whatever here's the thing that's so wonderful about you that proves that you are fearfully and wonderfully made if you can just get exposed to it you have the the elasticity in your mind to expand and to be able to handle a new information and become great at it listen to me whenever we've been allowed into an arena that's been closed off to us previously the exposure proves the magnificence of the creation us that god has made again not saying one is superior then another god has designed us all that way all that way i want to convince you of that and not only the exposure but then there's the conditioning all the conditioning refers to is the false information that's been perpetuated and and fed to us over and over again because here's a principle that's true about you and me it's capturing scripture it says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he also in ephesians what i like to quote a lot it says we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but we wrestle against principalities meaning that this thing is set up for you and i to fight each other flesh and blood but what the battle really is is against principalities and that word principalities means first things or the thing that i was taught first my conditioning i am fighting what was given to me to tell me what i can be i'm fighting what i saw the examples that i saw i'm fighting uh what was prevalent in my community in my home uh whatever was practiced before me i'm fighting that because those are the things that were establishing my limits or trying to establish my limits and so when you live in a world with all of these isms racisms and sexism and all these other isms it's based on messaging messaging messaging just keep telling you they're showing you there's putting images before you to make you believe that you're less than all that's doing is conditioning conditioning conditioning what my heart it is conditioning my heart which is why god also tells me to guard my heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life that word issues means limitations borders boundaries so whatever keeps being poured into my heart i begin to believe that that represents my limitations in life even though that contradicts what god says about me see my environment and all these systemic things that are put in front of me want me to believe that i can only go so far i can only do so much that you can only go so far that you can only do so much but then god comes back and says something crazy like i can do all things through christ who strengthens me wait a minute now that's that's not what i see on tv that's not what i've been told that's not how i've been taught that there's only so much i can do because i come from this family there's only so much i can do because i'm this gender there's so much i can do because i'm the skin color but jesus said no no no that's not what i made that's not who i made i made you in such a way you can do what all things all things i just don't have time to do all things but get this watch this listen listen listen if i was designed to do all things then and and and that has to be tempered by time because i can't do all things but the fact that i have the ability to do all things it must mean that the few things i'm called to do i can do if i can get over my conditioning the lies i've been fed and then get my get myself in a position to be exposed to wisdom wisdom which means to be skillful in warfare and skillful in administration skillful and warfare skillful in the battle where's the battle i just told you the battle with me and you if i'm fighting you because you're a different color you fight me because i'm a different color you all we fight each other because we're the same color and we think that we only that ain't but that ain't but one slice of pie that one of us got to get to first then i've missed the battle because the battle is not external the battle is internal because it's my conditioning that's making me fight you in the first place it's my conditioning that told me that you're my enemy it's my conditioning that told me that we live in a world that's scarce of of supplies and and and resources and that i got to get mine before you got to get yours and god is saying that's not the world i made [Music] not only is that not the world i made that's not the person i make did y'all know that that that um i'm a nerd so i'm always reading some stuff and learning some stuff about us which always takes me back to god and always takes me back to this whole notion of being fearfully and wonderfully made did y'all know that to be categorized as a genius you only use 10 to 12 of the capacity of your mind and we treat geniuses like they're in a class all by themselves but to to to reach the status of genius you're only using 10 to 12 percent of your mind's capacity so that must mean that the majority of us are dying only having tapped in single digit capacity of our minds now think about that and i contrast compare that to god saying i can do all things if i'm able to do the stuff i'm doing utilizing five six seven eight nine percent of my brain's capacity no wonder god can tell me i can do all things imagine if i can get over the 20 percentile if i can get over the 30 percent it's just 40 imagine if i could use it all i've been designed and it has nothing to do with my color it has nothing to do with my color and so i want to be and hopefully inspire you to be in that second to last bullet point to be a champion to champion god's desire to make us one i put john 17 20 and 21 in there this is one of the uh final prayers of jesus before he went to the cross and he said my prayer is not for them he's talking about the disciples he says father i'm not going to pray for my 12 right now i think he might know it was 11 at the time because judas had already gone so i'm not really praying for them right now he said i i want to pray for those who will believe in me through their message he knew that they after he died they would minister to and and this bible would be constructed and we'd hear these messages a long after the death of christ i want to pray for those who are believing me through their message that all of them may be one they may be one one within themselves and one with each other he said father just as you are in me and i am in you when we are introduced to god we introduce to god as elohim in the beginning god made heaven and earth that word god is the word elohim which means god in the plural form so that our introduction the introduction to god is the father the son and the holy spirit working together to recreate the earth to recreate this garden called eden and we see god functioning in tandem in unity and they and they're powerful together so much so that they can create they can take this this place that's full of void and darkness and chaos and they can come in and carve out a section of it and create a garden and not only create a garden create a man and it shows you how incredible it is to see them working together that was the that was the they were they were showing us how this thing ought to work and so jesus is reflecting back on they said teach them how to do what we do because he said because remember now he said let us make man in our image in other words let us design mankind in such a way that they realize that if they come together work together they can reflect our glory they can do what we do they can function like we function they can take a piece of a world that once was chaos and put that thing in order and spread it and grow on and on and on if they learn to work together so here he is before he goes to the cross having a reflection of that moment when they set all of this in motion and he's saying help them realize they got to come together and then the thing that really grabs me is the last part he said may they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me to me that's a sad statement he's saying if they don't figure this thing out if they don't figure out how to come together the world's gonna have a hard time believing that you sent me are we facing that now absolutely because people wonder how can that be of god and allow all this injustice how can there be a god allow all the systemic racism how can there really be a god he prophetically was declaring like if they don't come together it's going to be hard to convince the world of my existence it's going to be hard to convince the world of my benevolence it's going to be hard to convince the world that i so love them it's going to be hard because they won't see the evidence in the people because they're too busy at each other's throats and so what we want to do i want to show you how god used us all well no i want to show you how god used black people dark people to carry out his word not again hear me now my intent is not to say we're better than our white counterparts i'm not that's not the goal i'm i'm not in this to create another fight i'm in this to destroy falsehoods so that we can try to become one try to become one so we can live in the power god says we ought to have what once that's a thousand but two says ten thousand look at the look at the blessing he offers of unity genesis 11 they that nothing can be nothing can be denied of them because they're on one accord he says uh if two or three gather together in my name i'll be in the midst he said i'm not gonna show up unless at least two of y'all can get can get along he's been pushing for unity and so my job and let me go and say this my my my job is is is not one that's exclusive of of other races but my calling my present calling is is to those who look like me primarily because i'm trying to help this portion of the body catch up to where we ought to be so that the entire body can be blessed our growth as black people is not to the detriment of other races it's to the benefit of the whole thing no weak parts no no no ostracized marginalized systemically castigated part pushed out parts it's foolish when you think about it because god is trying to tell us we connected whether we want to be or not and so if we if we can accept that then you want all parts to be at full throttle all right i said i was gonna get y'all out of here early and i stayed on that forever but it tapped into a vein of mine because you get to hear my calling come out all right tina let's talk about my man adam on the next slide so god used people of dark complexion and i want you to understand this again i'm not saying one race is superior to the other but i'm also not saying that one race is inferior either nobody's made superior by divine design and nobody's made inferior by divine design what i want to do what i'm hoping to do is that if i can convince you to accept that we have the same origin we can then embrace being one body fitly joined together and we'll quit cutting off our nose to despite our face to spite our face we'll quit trying to minimize one part of this body that cripples the whole thing and so adam let's talk about adam a little bit adam the popular definition for adam is that is that of the name adam adam means mankind and it does but with many of the words in scripture uh you have to dig until you get to the root meaning many words of byproducts of a root word and when you begin to examine the root word of the name adam it means as you can see the dusky tawny having dark skin swarthy shadowy pull that out of the brown driver bricks hebrew lexicon that's what it means and so it is explaining to us because with the bible the bible oftentimes the people were named based on what they look like and also what prophetically they would become and so adam was the name was a reflection of what it was made from what he looked like the first of many human beings that god made that all of us are descendants of was dark it was dark and it goes on to say you know that when god formed and he formed them of the dust from the ground that's the next bullet point of the dust from the ground and that word dust is translated as the word clay so it's not you know sand is light-colored and you can't really make clay out of sand and so it's it's translated as the word clay or the word mold m-o-u-l-d what mode is is is a dirt found in the regions of africa that is a dark it is it is really uh uh it's filled with this thing called humus h-u-m-u-s humus and what humus is it is it is decomposed plants animals some weathered stone as it says here and so it creates this top soil and it is dark in color and so when god put his hands in this dirt and began to form this organ that we call our skin to wrap around these other organs that he had already created the end product the end result what stood before him was a dark human and listen you know what what i you know i i study the bible i study psychology i study all different brands of science and and i'm always fascinated when science comes back and and confirms god as if god needs to be confirmed but science says this makes sense it would make sense for adam to be dark if you understand you know the the the dominant and recessive genotypes the dominant the dominant color in terms of skin is based on the degree to which melanin is in the skin or the darker the skin the darker the skin here's what you have to understand is that and the light of the skin it is a recessive genotype a dominant genotype can produce a recessive in other words a dark skin a dark skin let's put it in just plain language a dark-skinned person persons can produce lighter skinned people but lighter skinned people that recessive gene cannot produce a dark skin so it would make sense for us to fast forward and look at the various shades of humanity that they had to emerge from a more dominant genotype a dominant color which gives credence to the fact that adam was dark now here's the interesting part he was dark but god wasn't calling him a black man we created race because we were trying to separate people god was creating his first human who had the ability to produce offspring that looked different makes sense to me he just finished creating a garden he just created a garden with with multiple colors and beautiful flowers and different colors of roses and different plants and it was i could only imagine how incredible it was makes sense to me that when he created his representation in the earth that he would continue to create something that could create a diversity of colors he seems to be fond of that look out your window he's fond of a diversity of colors look up at the sky he's fond fond of a diversity of colors i think he likes the way it looks so i get it and i put in a little side note that the recreation of god's tabernacle when they made the tabernacle again and the tabernacle uh whether it be david's tent or whether it be uh um moses creation the tabernacle was was covered by black goat's hair uh to keep out the external light and so the only light that was inside the tabernacle was the light that came from god but the darkness the dark covering was a reflection back to god's original tabernacle adam god dwelled inside a dark complexioned temple we just called him a man they called they explained that later on in corinthians said when paul asked the question do you not know that you are the temple of the living god that you're not just a man or a person you are a walking temple and that the light of god is inside of you that that means that christ got us back to what adam was the last adam got us back to what the first adam lost that he was a walking tabernacle with god living inside of him he lost that when he said and so when they were preparing to create something that represented what god wanted they made it dark as well now again god wanted someone being fixated with black and white he wasn't creating races he was creating children he's creating his children but the reason i'm bringing it out is because of this is because this bible has been used to convince us that god really didn't care much for us and that god was okay for us to be mishandled based on the melanin in our skin when in reality he started out with melanin and it makes sense because the melanin is protective it protects you from the sun it protects you from various things it becomes this this the skin is really an organ this organ is is more durable durable to the elements the darker it is and so if he wanted his people to survive it makes sense but i can tell by his word he had no intentions of us being at odds with each other because of it but sin came and fear came and division came and here we are let's look at the next slide tina let's talk about eve so what did god do god decided it wasn't good for man to be by himself so god wanted to make him a helper i helped me and so he put adam to sleep and he pulled from adam adam's rib he pulled from adam's body enough material to create a woman and i got some interesting points in there that i want to share with you um that was in what was interesting in my study i discovered that no they were both referred to as adam because adam adam adam was was a representation of all the humanity what was going to come and so eve came from adam and so both are referred to as the representations of the beginnings of mankind eve was not called eve until after the fall he she didn't have a separate name from him which didn't mean that she was less than him that means that she was one with him but after the fall which resulted you know the fall resulted in them listening to god's enemy which created the vision between the husband and wife which created tension between the husband and the wife of scripture later says that they would be at odds with each other and so then she was given the name separate from him just a little tidbit of information but it's also reflective of where we are in society but also scripture shows that god tries to reverse that thing and he tells us that we have to become one we have to cleave we have to leave mother and father meaning not not it doesn't mean not speak to them anymore it means you might have to leave their information because it might have been conditioning that works against this institution of marriage and he took her from the rib of man which is symbolic of her protective nature she protects her husband's organs she takes his heart she protects his person and he does the same for her that's so much more i can explore and that shows you again god even with the two god is still trying to create a body that's fitly joined together it's god trying to show you that you're separate but you want that we ought to still be able to come together work together in tandem and benefit one another and grow together which is what he intended for all the society to do so it makes sense for him to start off that thinking with the first two but i want to drive this point in here where he says when adam sees her for the first time he calls the bone of my bone flesh of my flesh in other words this dark complexioned man is looking at this woman that god has made from him and he realizes you look just like me you look like you came from me he said the only difference between you and me is that you have a womb you are a wound man wound man whoa man but you look like me so the beginnings of civilization were two dark complexion people we came from the same place and two dark complexion people can create offspring that look different they look different from each other hmm what's my time tina because i want to save some of this for the next time how long we've been going huh i'm gonna stop we got other slides i'ma say some of that for later we're gonna stop right there just kind of which palette a little bit but we came from the same place y'all and i hope you know it makes us feel foolish to try to act like we we're different let me say this again nobody by divine design is superior and nobody by divine design is inferior we become what we expose ourselves to and so that's why a lot of these systems have been created to keep you from exposure but we hope to begin to tear some of that down because if we realize that we are on the same team it makes no sense to hope that one of my teammates is less than me imagine the formidable force we could be if we remove the barriers and allow people to grow as much as they so desire let it be a matter of choice and not a matter of systemic oppression god granted man choice the power of choice choose who you're going to serve choose who you will be god said i put all the resources in the earth for you to become uh who you ought to be but i also reserve you i allow you to i give you the right to choose don't take my choices away because you think i might encroach upon yours god has made enough for us all i promise you that before we go i want to extend an opportunity for salvation somebody might feel convicted somebody might feel drawn into god somebody might be convinced again that wait a minute maybe i need to give this faith some more great some greater consideration i want to invite you into the faith and it's a simple process you just have to repeat this prayer after me say this with me say father i thank you for jesus i confess with my mouth that jesus is lord and i believe in my heart that god raised him from the dead and because of my confession and because of my faith the bible says i'm saved i belong to you god now teach me holy spirit who i really am and then i promise you god i will give that person to the world for your glory in jesus name amen thank you so much for those who said yes to god tonight i'm excited about your new beginning and your new walking your new life things are going to get real good for you it's going to be some difficult it's going to be some stress going to be some changes that you got to go through but change is difficult but the reward is worth it so embrace it stay connected to us get connected to somebody who's willing to teach you what god thinks and says about you so that you can grow in it and you can change your conditioning because you're being exposed to the truth about you now and the truth about your god i also want to give you an opportunity before you go to sow into our ministry if this has been a blessing to you tonight so so we can keep doing it no gift is too small whatever you feel late on your heart to do we'll tell you right now thank you on the screen you see the methods to which we allow you to give to us you can go directly to our website at forward slash give you can find us on the giveaway app out there just type in change your mind ministries greenville south carolina you'll find us we'll come right up uh you can give through our cash app at dollar sign we are cym and if you'd like to mail it to us you'll see the address there on the screen as well at nine beth drive greenville south carolina 29609 if you're watching on facebook there's a little donate button down there in the right corner just click on that and they'll send that to us as well i also want to give a huge shout out to our friends on youtube those numbers are growing out there and so we're so glad that you guys are following us out there on youtube as well please stay tuned please continue to pray for us as we try to hear god and try to continue to serve up some substance for you so that we all can aggressively pursue life that's our life's mission here at cym again thank you all so much for tuning in pray for us be with us on sunday as we continue the series that we are in entitled love songs having a good time with that and we'll be back here on wednesday night uh to talk a little bit more about black history in the bible also well before we go cym tv we're gonna be here at seven tomorrow night on youtube and facebook as we do a flashback to one of the old sermons and on friday we're going to feature one of the ministers in the house we have some incredibly anointed people who really know how to break the word down and make it relevant to your life so make sure you you set your timer put us on your calendar put us put us somewhere where you'll remember to come back and check us out thursday at seven friday at seven all right thank you all so much for being so supportive of us we love you until next time much love
Channel: wearecym
Views: 486
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 5_vfCWKNxVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 48sec (3048 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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