Blacks in the Bible - The True Identity of the Hebrews - Part 1 of 7

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you know normally our moray milton um teaches each shabbat and i rather enjoy sitting there and uh listening to him teach and commenting when appropriate but um he asked me to do this today and um this is really a presentation that stems from um our blacks in the bible series that i did a while back but um really the focus is the true identity of the hebrews that's what we're going to be talking about today and it's an appropriate topic to discuss before we go into our ten commandments series um as milton read this morning in exodus 20 we read all ten commandments and you see that the most high spoke those commandments to the nation of israel it's very important to understand who the nation of israel is not that any man or woman is exempt from the requirements in torah however it's very important to know who israel is because israel were the ones that actually heard it from the mouth of the most high so we're going to be talking about that today now let's see if the clicker works do i turn on my pushes it's on yay okay so the goals of the presentation today are to number one proof there were some black people in the bible okay because some people don't know that they doubted all the movies all the pictures we see don't necessarily depict that two um show that there were always black people among the nation of israel some people will admit there were black foes but that they were slaves all the time no black people were in israel finally uh we're gonna i mean next we're gonna explain the history and the geography of israel so that we can identify who israel is and then at the end we're gonna explore the prophetic relationship between biblical israel and modern day blacks that is what we're going over today so let's jump right into it um genesis chapter 10 i recommend that everybody um become very familiar with genesis chapter 10 it frequently is referred to as the table of nations because it lays out the origin of all people after the flood as you know um there was a great flood and the only people that survived were noah and his family and in that family he had three sons shem ham and japheth and from those three sons we have all the people that we see here today so um shem you'll see to the far left was the father of eber and from eber comes our father abraham we always refer to father abraham it's very important to know that abraham comes from noah's son shem okay and i'll go into the meaning of eber later but just know that eber is the root of hebrew or many people believe that it is ham was the father of cush also known as ethiopia mitsurim also known as egypt put also known as libya and kanan and lastly japheth we will see is known as the father of the gentiles or is at least referred to in genesis chapter 10. i'm going to quickly show you a map of the territories occupied by these three sons i got this off so you guys can look at it too that top red portion predominantly around the black sea and the caspian sea is the territory of japheth um beneath that you will see blue territory primarily around the arabian peninsula and that is the territory of shem although i have seen other maps that will put some hashem's ascendants in asia as well and then the yellow territory is africa and right here you're seeing only the northeastern corner of africa but as we will see going through this it uh ham took over a whole continent of africa and then there is a small green portion that i'm not going to talk about a lot but that is the descendants of ishmael that's the territory that ishmael took over and of course blue shim mixed with yellow ham you get green okay so this is just a close-up view in case anybody couldn't see i know it's hard for the folks who are here but hopefully the people online i don't know if they can't see it at all okay sorry about that all right but um note that japheth is largely in europe and asia minor shem the middle east formerly considered northeastern africa and then ham is mainland africa let's talk about japheth first genesis chapter 10 and verse 2 says the sons of japheth were gomer magog madai javon tubal meshech and t ross from the verse 5 says from these the coastland peoples of the gentiles were separated into their lands everyone according to his language according to their families into their nations it says the coastline peoples of the gentiles let's look again at that map that red torch territory of japheth you'll see it encompasses the northern mediterranean sea the black sea and the caspian sea these are largely coastlands with all those seas these lands now include modern-day greece turkey kazakhstan azerbaijan romania bulgaria russia ukraine and the former soviet territories in other words portions of europe that's where david and his descendants dwelt okay now some people will say that noah's three sons were all different colors that's what some people say i'm just putting it out there in the forefront i think that's a little hard to do if we if they all share the same dna but those that believe that say that japheth was the white son of noah i think they believe that because um jacob settled in europe and you know lands that are now occupied predominantly by white people so i'm just going to put up a little slide here i'm sorry people online can't see it but i wanted to display pictures of people who are children of black parents you know what we consider 100 black or mixed parents so the twins these are literal twins came out the same woman at the same time on the left um one is black one is white to me the white one looks black but he thinks of himself as white so do his parents they actually came from a black father and white mother the middle twins the two little girls came from two parents who were biracial notice one looks 100 percent black the other one was 100 white and then the last set on the right these are black children their moth their mother is brazilian actually both their parents are brazilian blacks and those are their children now the you'll see two black kids and two or three what look like white kids those kids are actually albino but you wouldn't know it to look at them because they look just like blonde white people do they not all those people came from the same exact parents so what am i trying to say when people say they were all you know different like noah had three sons they're all different they're really not i mean they're still same dna maybe different skin tones but all black does that make sense okay um let me see all right moving on to ham i mentioned earlier um ham and all the nations that he gave birth to i display here their pictures again in verse 6 of chapter 10 it says and the sons of ham cush meets ram foot and kanan we're going to go into a lot of detail about ham the reason being everybody admits that ham was black everybody all the biblical scholars no matter what color they are nobody disputes that ham was a black man and all of his kids were black so that's why i'm gonna spend some time on it even though israel came out of the line of shem i need us to understand who ham is and um how ham relates to shem so bear with me here's the geocam again this map only focuses on the northeastern corner of africa but i can tell you that um pam's territory took over the whole continent let me say this ham they think means hot okay makes sense after is pretty hot from what i heard all right the first um son of ham we're going to talk about is put what's just um an ancient name for libya you see here an ancient depiction of libyans i'm going to zoom in here on their faces notice their dark skin tone their braided hair i mean not all together different from people we see with locks today or braided hair or what have you those are ancient libyans i know we've been focusing a lot on libyans today understand there's been a lot of mixing a lot of moving around if you were in the united states 400 years ago people would look a lot different right than how they look today so this is an ancient depiction of libyans um they were a north african nation all right another another son of ham is canaan canaan's descendants occupied land bordering the eastern mediterranean or the sea coast nations of palestine today this includes modern israel lebanon parts of syria and jordan here is an ancient depiction of a canaanite okay notice and this was rendered um in egyptian hieroglyphics no the afro and he's captured here tending to what looks to me like a nubian ibex and that creature even today lives only in northeastern africa and israel that's a canaanite interestingly enough kanan also means merchant according to strong's they were the merchant of the sea and the descendants of the canaanites included the phoenicians and the philistines so think of canaanite as merchant seagoing people here is a close-up of a philistine notice his hairdo i don't know if it's dreads or what but clearly something only we can do with other kids all right not trying to be difficult i'm just saying all right um that's the hebrew for what we now call egypt it even says it right there on the map um to the west is the land of the libyans that we now know is foot here is a here are some depictions of egyptians note again the deep brown skin tones braided hair it hurts me to no end that in every movie egyptians are depicted as really tanned white people and i i say that only because i mean think about it were we to make a movie about ancient rome or greece or let's say braveheart and let's say the movie was made braveheart and all the people in the army were black would that make any sense at all so again we love truth for true sake it's not a matter of trying to be better or anything it's true for true sake here are egyptians as they depicted themselves all right and i just want to i'm not going to go into detail but again here are some of their architecture they still cannot figure out how they built that great pyramid of visa they tried to do it with modern technology they could not do it they have no idea how it was done um the the monuments the p it's hard to see from where you guys are sitting but look at the size of those people compared to the size of the monuments again i don't even know that we could do that today this is queen nefertiti off to the left look at her skin tone after however many thousands of years of feet look at the black color on her hat and how faded that is so you can imagine how she originally looked and then again there's a depiction of you know the interior of an egyptian building and again brown skin tones truth for truth sake people egyptians came from ham name means hot in africa okay gonna move on a little passionate about the subject okay
Channel: The7Meek
Views: 113,400
Rating: 4.717001 out of 5
Keywords: History, Jews, Hebrews, Blacks, Africans, Ham, Shem, Japheth, Bible, Israel
Id: AQrc9RsbZ8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2012
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