Blackmagic's NEW 2024 Releases | Everything You Need to Know!

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new video hubs new ATMs new video monitors audio monitors a whole new D Vinci resolve replay units the list is endless Blackmagic has just done the mother of all product drops at us ready for the start of NAB 2024 I'm going to try and dive into some of them and kind of pick out the ones that I find exciting I think you will find exciting as well and go through some of the bits that really are exciting me from this announcement so let's get straight into it because there is no time to waste and I'm going to kick straight off with ATM Blackmagic kicked off the whole thing by showing a new video Hub it's got 120 by 120 inputs and outputs not going to focus on any of that go and check it out if you need that thing I'm going straight into ATMs here I'm going to try and do this also as concisely as possible so one of the really interesting things is up until now really we only had the ATM 4me or constellation 4me the at14 constellation 4K sorry if we wanted to do uh 4K obviously there was the 8K out as well um and you had the television Studio HK but there wasn't a 2me version of the constellation there wasn't the uh 1me they have now completed that lineup which is really useful for me because I was just about to pull the trigger on a 4me for a project that didn't need that many inputs and outputs so I'm sure there'll be many people in the same position let's just go through it very very quickly so if we go to the tech specs first of all the two I'm going to start with the 2 that's what Grant started with the 2me constellation HD by the way is one of my favorite models this is essentially just bringing it into the 4K world not much has changed it in terms of feature set and stuff like that the front panel for example is exactly the same but the key part of this model is that you now have uh 20 inputs which are all 12g so will support up to 2160 at 60 frames per second and also all standard converted as well on the outputs you get uh I believe it's I can't remember on this model it's 12 yeah so you get 12 outputs again AL um independently assignable so you go into the software control and you can rout whatever you want to those outputs they're all Orcs outputs up to 2160 uh at 60 frames per second so it's bringing this um there's the obviously the tur me HD model we now bring it into the 4K world just to Rattle off some of the other key points on here and I'll show you this as well if we go into uh this area here you can see we also have two multiv view outs for this unit so you get two separate multiv views and they are all Ultra HD as well which is really useful to have so they've been upgraded to Ultra HD this unit this 2me also has a bank of 40 steel stores so usually you only get up to 20 media slots to load in Steels this one has 40 and it's also doubled the amount of frames that you can use in animations like Sting as well so you can use up to 400 in uh in Ultra HD mode as well which is really nice uh the one of me which we'll cover in a second has half of that still has super source and things like that it has six DVS in total so if you are using the four from Super Source you still can use the two additional DVS um and that's pretty much that unit it's going to come in at 370 300 we wish $3,795 and I don't know if they gave an availability date for this one the 1 me I know they said would be available from today so it's possible that this one will also be available from today I'll just show you the 1 as well uh it's a whereas this and I love this this 2 because it's a one rack unit so you can get a really small setup size the 2 is uh also a one rack unit but it's the cor the thir or the 2/3 width I believe it is so you could stick this next to a web presenter fill just one rack unit and you've got a 4K switcher and a 4K encoding encoder and streaming device as well so Yep this is really cool um this is priced at $1,795 for the 1me as I say available apparently from today exactly the same as the if I just show you the 1 HD looks exactly the same not a massive price jump either 995 to 1,795 considering you're getting ult ult ra HD uh and on this you get 10 12g SDI inputs and six Orcs outputs again 12g Ultra HD compatible one multiv viewer uh and you don't get Super Source in this model you've never had Super Source in the 1me model it's uh only been the 2 and the 4me I believe so that's the new a0s cannot wait to get a hold of those as I say very excited on those because I think they complete the line and whereas a lot of people might have been like oh I want a 4K workflow but really if I want a proper 4K workflow the only option was to get the constellation 4K which is quite a chunk of money if we look at that you're spending almost $99,000 and you probably don't need all 40 inputs and 20 outputs the 2me is a great solution at 3795 with 20 inputs and 12 assignable outputs now staying in the ATM line the other thing that they released which I'm going to be honest I'm staying reserved done here I don't know how I feel about this product is this the ATM micro panel now what this is designed to do is for those ATMs that maybe are in the rack on the other side of the room this is designed to be a control surface for them and if we just kind of zoom in hopefully they've got yeah they've got a photo here we can see some of the features on there um and I'll talk about some of the buttons that you get on there it looks a little bit like an A10 mini and it certainly seems like it's been designed that way but with proper Keys um and buttons and also even a physical fader as well which is nice now the reason I say I'm staying reserved until I can physically get hold of this unit and try one is because it's got uh USB on the back fine but it also runs over Bluetooth and it's battery power as well not sure how I feel about that when using it uh and trusting things like Bluetooth when using it in a a client production for example and the way that this works is you connect it to your computer via either USB or Bluetooth and then it's essentially controlling the ATM software control so from what I can see you have to have ATM software control running on your Mac or PC and you're connecting this device to that now the reason I say I'm staying slightly reserved is it wasn't clear how in Focus ATM software control has to be does it need to be front and center of the screen or can ATM software control be minimized into uh you know minimized and and sitting in the dock and you can be doing other stuff on the computer and this will still fully interact and operate without any issues or connection issues or anything like that that's to be seen I am going to try and get one of these units and get hands on and I can answer that question once we have done but in terms of what we have here like I say it looks a bit like an A10 mini but you got a lot more functionality for example you know you've got the ability to bring on and and cut on or transition on the two DS dsk you've got full functionality over your four Upstream key here you've even got the ability you can use this with a 4me because you can control you can see at this top area here you can control each of the four Mees so it's a very powerful panel you've got a physical trans T bar so you can do those fade Transitions and as well you can cut up and and put on to preview up to 20 cameras because you've got 10 physical buttons here plus the shift which will give you a second Bank of 10 so if there aren't any con connection issues with this and it works seamlessly I think it's a really cool product especially with it being priced at 675 however the one thing I will say is I do wish that this could have been done over the network maybe I'm not saying I would trust Wi-Fi but have Wi-Fi built into it so you could control the ATM over the network without Reliance of another computer or have a hardwired ethernet connection in there so you could have done the same thing I personally would have loved that ethernet connection with Poe so I could power it all with one cable would have been nice I'm not sure whether this for example will replace what I do in a lot of my current build where I basically have a stream deck for recording a for controlling ATMs that are put in a rack but we'll see very keen to get hands on with this and I'm sure a lot of people will be feeling the same and wanting to try this out and seeing how well it works so that pretty much completes ATM I'm going to touch very quickly on da Vinci before we get into some IP stuff so let me just cave at this by saying I see myself very much as like the Vinci begin in a more medium I guess now that I've used it for a number of years there were so many new uh features released in Da Vinci that I couldn't possibly cover them in one video so many that just also were so Advanced and I'm sure there are many people who are more on the pro side that will find many uses for those there are fantastic people on YouTube giving tutorials uh Around Da Vinci if you're a beginner I highly recommend uh checking those those people out I'll try and put some names on screens of some of the people that I watch watch and enjoy um so I'm going to going to try and um maybe just pick out one or two features from the D Vinci announcement of which there were many that I think are interesting now um I'll start by saying that they did bring out a number of things there's AI played a huge part in this announcement you've got AI based tools for tracking and noise reduction you've got AI based tools for audio transcription to be able to directly edit your timeline by using the text uh and audio and basically editing via text file uh it's got the ability to assign who is and work out who is speaking so it can say you know uh you can rename people so you can have all the lines that I spoke and all the lines that Jack spoke and things like that it's very very clever lots of cool features go and watch the announcement if you want to find out all about those but the two I really want to focus on uh and the major one that I think will interest a lot of you watching this video because everyone has has been sort of asking for a solution for replay especially when using their ATMs how can we bring in replays and there's been multiple ways with things like hyperdex and and software like vmix and running that into ATMs the Vinci have just announced a broadcast replay solution built into the Vinci resolve and I am going to do a whole separate video about this when it gets released and and we can start playing around with it but for now I'm just going to do a very very brief recap because I'll be honest even I and I was in a a Discord chat with a lot of the other streamers and and commentators on Blackmagic I found it quite confusing and I know some others did as well but the fact is black magic are now delving into the re the replay World which is really interesting and I think is something to keep a very close eye on I'm going to just cave at this and say as well right now this only works with quite a bit of additional Hardware but that magic are you looking to utilize uh to to bring this to to ATM mini workflows as well and I'll explain a little bit about that in a second so how does this work they basically built a replay system inside of Da Vinci resolve right now how it works is you have to have hyperdex um any of the new hyperdex will be supported there'll be an update for the hyperdex coming soon and you also have to have a Cloud store it looks like so these are black Magic's uh network storage devices and the way it works is is you have each of your individual camera inputs feeding to a hyper deck a hyper deck is then recording those camera isos but it's recording them directly to the Blackmagic Cloud store device over the network so that is why the update for the hypex is coming to allow all of that hyperdeck um line to be able to if we just go to the hyperdex here to be able to record over the network right now if we go to hyperdex which is in here the only ones that can currently record over the network to a Cloud store is the extreme and funly enough the hypex shuttle has the ability to do it but I believe what Grant said is all of these units here are getting that in a software update so you record to the Cloud store the Cloud store is then on the same network as Da Vinci resolve and that is how D Vinci resolve accesses those files in real time at low latency and it basically brings those recording files into D Vinci resolve where you can access and work with them even while they're recording so the recording is growing and you're physically seeing that growing file and the timeline growing uh and Source media growing within Da Vinci it's really cool that allows you to do two things it allows you to work with that those files while they're recording so you could be doing an edit with those files let's say you wanted to do a montage of for the end of the show you could be doing that let's say you wanted to use it for social clipping and clipping Parts out and posting it on Twitter you've got the ability to do that but the really interesting thing is they've then built this replay feature which effectively allows you to firstly view a real-time feed coming from your switch's multiv view again I'm a little confused about how this works and and how it's fed into Da Vinci and they didn't fully explain it so when we get handson with some of this equipment I will definitely be showing that more clearly in the video so you can see all your cameras you're then able to set what are called points of interests I guess you would in traditional terms You' said it say it's an inpoint but it does a bit more than that um and then they've created this whole playback engine where you you can now ingest the footage into the Vinci create a replay and play back that replay directly from Da Vinci resolve back to your ATM switcher if you're using an ATM switcher now um for that they were using uh I believe an ultra Studio to send key and Phil back to a switcher I don't want to get too comp in this video I also want to delve into it more myself but the overarching thing is you can now create replays within Da Vinci resolve and you don't have to export them and put them onto a hyper deck to play them back you can play them back immediately from Da Vinci resolve back into your switcher it's really really exciting stuff um the workflow looked pretty simple but again I'm going to stay reserved on that until I've uh I've got hands on with that system so that was the thing that really really interested me there were more features in Da Vinci like for example they had um intell tracking they had uh the ability to easily defocus background in shot and two really cool things that I thought one was called music remixer which basically allows you to completely change a music track so it had these dials where you could be like okay turn the dial down for voice remove the voice or or just turn the voice down turn up the bass turn down the guitars turn up the drums so now you can completely tailor what your music is sounding like or music track is sounding like on your video and also Auto ducking they've done a lot of work and introduced Auto ducking so that um you can use that on any track you want to manage the levels as well so um just going back to the replay cuz there was one bit of Hardware I wanted to show uh and I'm skimming over this pretty quickly hopefully we can find it in D Vinci resolve they have brought out this which is the replay speed or the replay editor Dent resolve replay editor you will notice it looks very similar to a speed editor but with a lot more buttons and this is because it does the job of a speed editor but also now introduces more functionality to serve that replay purpose as well now what wasn't clear is whether you would be able to use the replay system I'm going to say easily without this device without this piece of Hardware I think you could do it by setting in points and an out points and points of interest and and using just mouse and keyboard but I can absolutely see the value in this product in purchasing this product if you're going to be doing replays on a regular basis especially as it is only priced at $495 now they didn't give a date of when that would be available um but we'll have to we'll have to keep an eye on that as well so that's a brief overview of what is new in Da Vinci and I'm going to say brief because a lot more was announced but that's certainly the part the replay part that really excited me and I can see this as I say not just being used for plays but being used for montages so like clipping the best parts from a from a let's say college football match and then you play it at the end of the show that emotional Montage for social Clips this is now going to make it easier than ever that when a moment happens in a college football match within a matter of seconds you're able to clip out that that part add in any sponsor at the end add in any logos on top or graphics on top and Export that straight out to social media uh this is going to really revolutionize and I think Quicken that as well now I couldn't do this video without mentioning cameras because that was the other big thing here uh and then we'll talk and finish this video with some IP based stuff as well so I'm going to skim over the camera stuff very quickly because I am more of a broadcast I person I focus on the ATMs and technology technology like that I am not a cinema camera guy and I will make this point here in this video everything I'm going to show you is in the cinema camera line that's what Blackmagic focused on here they're not broadcast cameras they don't have a lot of the peripherals and the things like the studio cameras or even the pocket cameras have they're not designed these cameras I'm going to show that have been announced are not designed to work with ATMs and stuff like that but saying that they released this bad boy the black magic Ura cine it is an absolute Beast it is uh the second generation or has the second generation their Blackmagic design 12K sensor in so it's a 12K camera it looks absolutely beautiful and some of the test shots that they had with it were stunning it has a 12K sensor you can see there 35.643953 [Music] got a little excited thinking we would get an ndi there built-in ND filters it's got this cool USB viewfinder there's loads of things uh internal m.2 memory these little memory modules can just click out and be put into a dock for easy access it's also if we can get a picture of the back here got a 10g ethernet port so you can access those files a bit like you access a Cloud store over a 10g network because of that ethernet port it's also got streaming capabilities built in as well so it can stream uh SRT is what they mentioned it can stream SRT to a streaming bridge on the other side of the world so that your client while you're filming a feature feature film can be sat 3,000 mil away watching exactly what you're capturing which I think is really really really cool um they've got it's got It's got loads of things it works off a Blackmagic OS as I say I'm not going to delve into this too much because I am not a cinema camera person if you want to learn more about that check out the Blackmagic website and also check out the launch video as well now they launched this camera they also then hinted or not even hinted they showed it a version that would be coming out in the future although they they didn't say when it would be coming out in the future but it's this exact camera or this exact camera body with a 17K sensor uh they don't know the price that it's going to be while this one is around or starts from $ 14995 the 17 K1 they actually haven't put a price on yet but the 17 K1 will feature an LPL lens mount while this has uh I believe it was a PL and EF it's just scroll down here PL uh a locking EF Mount and an LPL Mount are available for the 12K one now they did bring out another camera as well this one was the Blackmagic I think it's called Pixis 6K I'm going to call or P how would you say that now it's called Blackmagic pixer 6K cinema camera but it's the one that everyone has been asking for for a long time a box camera and the whole idea of a box camera is it gives you the core and then you can kit it out however you want and to be as big or as small and agile as you want it to be there's plenty of mounting points on there for you to put cheese grates and whatever handles EF um um electronic viewfinders and things like that you can really customize it however you like uh it is frame 6K 35 mm sensor so I believe it's the same sensor that recently came out in the pocket version or what they're calling what do they call that camera the cinema camera 6K I think it's the same oh no no slightly different but this has got a I know it's it is the same 36 mm x 24 mm large format sensor 13 stops of dynamic range and it records in 12bit uh raw and has the Gen 5 color science as well and this has the same functionality built into the Ursa that I just showed so that you can record in Blackmagic raw and it also records proxies at the same time in h264 that can then be you can have both of those sent up to the cloud uh if you want to um or just record send up the proxies so that people get get working with proxy straight away and then The Boll footage uploads when the bandwidth and time allows now one thing I did show on the uh on the Ursa just quickly just to round stuff off off with the where is it the ursini you can kind of make it out from this picture let's see if we can get another picture from the front maybe if I go to the tech page there we go two antennas on the uh back of that that is because it also has super fast Wi-Fi built in for that streaming and the ability to upload footage to the cloud the Blackmagic 6K box camera that we got here and I'm going to call it the Box camera cuz I don't know how to say it actual name doesn't have Wi-Fi built in it does have Bluetooth but if you want to upload those proxies you're going to be using either the USBC port with a iPhone or Android device for tethering or the 1 gig not 10 gig which was a surprise for me but the one gig if we've got a picture at the back there we go one gig ethernet port which you can then use to connect an e internet connection to this camera those are the basics of the camera again feel free um the model sorry I should just mention it comes in two models I believe there's a 299 5 version which is the EF Mount and then there'll also be a PL model which will come in at $3,195 for this both cameras by the way I think considering their Cinema cameras uh certainly the the cine 6K reasonably priced within the market um so I don't think I think picking up that 6K box camera for $3,000 is pretty reasonable indeed there is one more um line that I do just want want to mention but before I do that let me talk to you today about storage because with these types of workflows uh storage is key but also having people being able to access that storage no matter where in the world they are is becoming more and more important and that's where I use Lucid link Lucid link is the new way for Creative teams to work together on projects in real time without having to download and sync media locally it's fast simple secure and acts just like a regular hard drive connected to your computer Compu locally but with all the benefits of a cloud storage solution take this footage I've just shot in my studio as an example that I want my remote Editor to get working on traditionally I'd have to either send them the SSD or wait hours for all 200 GB to upload to something like Google Drive and they'd have to wait for it all to download at their end before starting on the edit with Lucid link they can get started straight away and could even have instant access to the footage as I'm uploading it there's no wait to download the full file because Lucid link streams only the bits of the file they need as and when it's needed let me say that again you don't have to download your media first just to start working instead play your media in real time directly from the cloud Lucid link revolutionizes the way you store and access your files making collaboration simple and allowing you to work seamlessly together from any location in the world as if you were in the same room no more wasting time with complicated VPN setups or slow far transfers and because it appears just like a physical hard drive plugged into your computer it seamlessly works with all your existing apps and tools with your files being in the cloud you don't have to worry about running out of storage either Lucid link is fully scalable and can handle as much data and as many users as you need another benefit is that lucid link provides you with a single source of Truth for all of your files so there's no more confusion about whether you're working with the latest version or if some of your team are working with out ofd files and it's secure it uses military grade encryption for all your data to ensure that the only people that have access to your fils are the ones that you grant access to so say hello to seamless collaboration realtime performance scalable storage Global access enhanced security and a single source of Truth for all of your files try Lucid link today by clicking the link in the description to get started with your free trial and let me know in the comments below how you find it so the final product line that I did want to talk about in this video is the 2110 IP solution that the Blackmagic are rapidly growing out and I think is going to play a big part in what they do in the future as well so they've announced a bunch of new products here let's just go into them effectively what this is allowing you to do is allowing you to take your uh SDI cameras as an example but it can be any really video and audio source and it's putting it on the network so then you can have them being accessed via other devices on the network as well and it allows you to create an incredibly flexible uh infr structure of video and audio so they started off by actually saying they've created a brand new codec because one of the problems what that they were facing was that um to send Ultra HD so 4K at up to 60 frames per second it just wasn't possible to do that over a 10g copper cable so they've created a new codec that codec is called Blackmagic ip10 codec and that allows them to send up to Ultra HD at 60 frames per second down single 10g ethernet copper cable connection and so they' created a bunch of these new products to suit that and and to to use that codec as well so they already released this which is the Blackmagic 2110 IP converter 3G that doesn't support up to Ultra HD it only supports 1080p but these new products do so the first one they came out with was the Blackmagic 2110 IP mini Ip to hdmi to hdmi names yeah it's already giving me compulsions effectively what this is doing is it's taking uh video signal on the network and then allowing you to Output it over HDMI so this would be great to send a 4K signal you connect up your 10g ethernet cable uh to this device and then plug it into a monitor like a TV doesn't and that's it you can send whatever signal you want to a 4K TV and so you could have these dotted around uh in different locations which is great in fact they might even have some examples here uh of these in use let's see on this page yeah so here's a great example we can see uh just a regular copper cable feeding in and then an HDMI cable connecting up to this TV and that could be used as a director's monitor or something like that the second one was the uh where we go there we go we've got the mini bidirect 12g so the 2110 IP mini by direct 12g this does exactly the same thing but for SDI so you plug your 10g ethernet connection in on one side and then you get a bidirectional connection on the other in terms of for SDI so you can go SDI in and then convert that to 2110 and put it on the network or you can send a 2110 signal out via SDI to whether it be a switcher an SDI monitor or something like that now then for those by the way these these copper versions do also support Poe as well so you can um include power because obviously power can be carried down the Cobble cable they also created these fiber versions for those times where you need to do longer runs and so copper cable wouldn't be sufficient enough you can then use Fiber with these SFP modules they can't carry power down them so uh they don't include power but you've got the HDMI version and the birir version as well they've also created just to feature very quickly uh versions for a rack so you can get the same things but in a rack and actually they've got a rack version here which is you could connect up to four devices so it then puts four video feeds on the network as an example here and a 8 device version for fiber as well I'm not going to go into these too much because I don't really think it's uh for you guys it's more for the broadcast industry although some I do know some people high up in the broadcast industry that watch my channel so hi if that's you uh and then they've done this one's interesting I'll Focus ever so slightly on this which is the Blackmagic 2110 IP presentation converter the idea is this is a bit like a stage box for those times where you're um doing a job or maybe you've got a conference or something like that and there's a Le turn at the front and you need to rather than running a bunch of cables the idea is you run one cable which is a 10 gig ethernet cable to this box at the front and it gives you everything you need so you've got the HDMI in there which you could use for the presenter to plug their laptop into then you got an HDMI out which you might plug in to feed a projector behind them you've got the SDI out maybe you need to take a feed into another switcher or something like that another screen you've got the audio input so that would be their microphone so the lecton mic pluged directly into this box and you got a line output as well so if you needed to feed speakers and all of those things could be transferred back to wherever and be put on the network via that single 10 g2110 ethernet connection so that's a really interesting product I see that people could invest in this the only uh thing that will be seeing is will people want to because you kind of then have to invest in the rest of the 2110 technology so I think this will probably be the the product that people will test out first maybe we'll see um and then the final one I want to show you is because to make all this work you need good networking so black magic have actually just gone you know what why don't we just create our own ethernet switch which is exactly what they've done they've created the Blackmagic ethernet switch which is takes all of the hassle away on the the need for like a basically an IT department to set up things correctly by creating their own switch which is designed for 2110 IP workflows and on it it's got 16 10 gig ethernet ports and it's also got two 100 Gig uh ethernet ports as well which are the qsfp ports and so the whole idea is you plug in all your converters and cameras because I'll talk about that in a second up to here they'd all be able to see each other monitors because they've also announced the video assist has 2110 built in all of your devices up to the ethernet switch and then they can all see and root things to each other on the network via one single coule cable this also will provide power to the device as well so one of the things that Blackmagic announced is if you have uh a Blackmagic Studio camera 4K Pro a 4K Pro G2 or a Blackmagic Studio camera 6K Pro that has a 10 gig ethernet connection built into it they are going to do a software update for the studio camera to allow that 10 gig ethernet port to basically turn it into and be allowed to be used on as a 20 2110 uh 10 gig Port as well so you'll be able to incorporate that as part of all of the other devices that I've shown so you could then have a single ethernet port connected to the ethernet switch that I just showed which would power the camera and then do send all of the video back to whatever devices you rout it to on the network do all the um tally and camera control everything over a single connection without needing Blackmagic camera converter boxes which you would have done in the past so exciting times in my opinion for uh for IP based stuff I won't get into it too much because I think there's we're still going to see possibly more stuff from Blackmagic in the future I can see a 2110 based ATM coming or possibly updates to existing ATMs to allow 2110 so that you could just uh plug your ATM into that ethernet switch and suddenly all of the cameras are available to you over the network as well it doesn't seem so farfetched now that Blackmagic had brought out a lot of these products so yeah that is a very condensed version of what Blackmagic announc announced at or before NAB 2024 if there's a particular product that you want me to dive into cuz I am hoping to get Hands-On with a lot of these pretty soon let me know if there's any questions put them down in the comments below if you found this video useful please do give it a thumbs up it's been a lot it was a 2hour live stream I think I've condensed into about 35 minutes for you hopefully I've done a good job uh please do give it a thumbs up if you think so also if you want to see reviews of some of these products cuz I am going to get Hands-On with them make sure you hit the Subscribe button and turn on the notification Bell and if you have any questions get them down below but if uh you need specific help with your setup my email address is on screen now you can ping me an email and we'll sort out a onetoone Consulting session to get your questions answered once you've done all that guys and your probably bank accounts are feeling a little more hurt after this announcement I will see you on the next video
Channel: Alex Pettitt
Views: 20,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic design, ursa cine, URSA Cine 12K, PYXIS, blackmagic pyxis, blackmagic box camera, pyxis 6k, nab 2024, NAB2024, NAB 2024, blackmagic nab, atem micro panel, atem 1me 4k, atem 2me 4k, ATEM 1M/E 4K, ATEM 2M/E 4K, DaVinci Replay, Resolve 19, davinci resolve 19, resolve 19 beta, Multi Source, Point Of Interest, blackmagic 2110, pyxis 6k footage, ursa cine 12k footage, davinci resolve 19 features, first impressions, hands on, tutorial, micro colour panel
Id: 5Ju6sIWkNyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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