Why Blackbeard NEEDS This Devil Fruit! (not what you think!)

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Blackbeard's ambition has finally been revealed and it's significantly cuter and a lot more disturbing than we all thought it would be Blackbeard wanted boa Hancock's fruits like he he really wanted it and I have questions but more importantly I have answers to said questions because it seems about as unusual as an uneaten cherry pie in the general vicinity of Blackbeard for him to be targeting the marameronomi but there are three reasons why Blackbeard is so desperate to get his well-oiled sausage fingers on this rather plump and buck some fruit because this move isn't as arbitrary as it may seem the marimaranomi might be primarily used as gag fruit thus far but it is so much more powerful than we give a credit for which is why Blackbeard immediately ceased partying with his two women and one old man in chapter 957 stating pack your bags onto the ship if the Navy is only going to take it I might as well claim the prize after which point the fanbase had a wide variety of assumptions as to what this thing could be by white I mean two one is the Blackbeard was going to take this opportunity to snatch himself a bit of a sneaky Road poneglyph fearing that if the world government were to gain control of it then this would make his life mildly more difficult and option number the second was that Blackbeard had his sight set on an ancient weapon either pluton Poseidon or if you're really unlucky Uranus I'm quite surprised that his Target was this particular devil fruit because the question does need to be asked why is he planning on consuming it himself and fulfilling his dream of becoming a Kawaii anime girl whatever I do you forgive me because I am beautiful is this really Blackbeard's end game the most destructive paramecia the most Sinister logia and the most bizarrely appealing man boobs I refuse to believe it but at the same time who else are we looking at here his crew aren't exactly what I would describe as aesthetically appealing and I think each and every one of them call for one of my favorite Shakespearean insults Vine face is not worth sunburning oh and fun fact Shakespeare was actually responsible for one of the world's first recorded yamam jokes with villain I have done thy mother well to try and figure out exactly where this fruit is going to go I put up a poll and asked all of you to vote for who is objectively the sexiest member of the Blackbeard Pirates and in dead last place we found avalo Pizarro who can best be described as horny whilst in 10th place we have the sickly docu and in ninth place we found ourselves with Vasco shot a man spawned with the unfortunate birth defect of having his genitals on his face and as this video goes on we will continue to discover who the most attractive Blackbeard Pirate is but this has been a bit of a tricky topic ever since Paul Hancock was first introduced is the marameronomi naturally overpowered as crap or is it only overpowered as crap because it ended up in the body of a woman with assets that no amount of extra seas in the word thick could ever come close to doing Justice one thing I should point out is that the mirror marinami was originally intended to be a gag fruit and not only that but it was originally supposed to be like a lot more suggestive Oda has stated that on no less than a very specific 13 occasions he considered introducing a fruit known as the error aeronomi AKA the erotic erotic fruit and he finally succeeded in this task on the 14th occasion by toning down the concept and adding in more General emotion because that is going to be important when it comes to all of this black beardery marimara is an onomatopoeia meaning to fall down drunk essentially signifying someone ever so overcome with emotions which leads us nicely into option number one Blackbeard wants this fruit because its power is not dependent on physical attraction the idea being that it enhances whatever emotion the user generally elicits and in the case of our Hancock that would mostly be raging erections but if someone else were to consume the fruit then we could end up with a whole different variety of emotions if Peppa were the user then everyone would be overcome by cuteness if kaido was to consume the fruit then people would be paralyzed by solid fear and if Sanji were to dine on this fruits and Delight then he would turn people to Stone with pure cringe imagine it would be very similar to something like this Frozen with the Whitebeard expression in the case of Blackbeard or any of his crew that could also be fear but potentially even and discussed but if things do work that way then it's undeniably one of the strongest fruits in the entire series and if it doesn't well it's still ridiculous because the thing is this fruit can take effect without any emotions in play at all and Bo Hancock actually demonstrated this at marineford by turning parts of the pacifist or into stone so what happened there was Boa Hancock so attractive that even emotionless itty bitty Robo peens could not resist and in fact did vegapunk even give the pacifist to genitals I for one would like to think that he did but one of the most shocking aspects of the miramarunumi is that it is potentially one of the rare devil fruits that bypasses haki it can't necessarily be defended against because haki is a direct reflection of willpower and if you think to yourself even for a second the damn she's fine then you're gone you end up being rock hard in all of the wrong ways seasoned hockey veterans are not safe as Vice Admirals can also be casually caught up in their own thoughts as can Commander level combatants such as Katarina Devon and Vasco shot to be fair though a lot of this might also be a result of Hancock's own hockey overwhelming her opponents I think that Hancock is often underestimated when it comes to a bit of the old fight battling but she is still a conqueror and was basically Born To Break people the problem is that the rules of haki are kind of inconsistent also this video is sponsored by Macarena a casual 5b5 Mighty meki shooter good for all sorts of Pew pewing powering and even zap zapping I'm a very simple man I see enemy Mech I want to shoot enemy and this game gives me exactly that what I love most about the game is the sheer variety of skins and paint jobs you can give your machines of Destruction there's a new battle pass season and they've also got a lineup of Oktoberfest events featuring prizes such as a new pilot ball it's completely free to play on Android and iOS right now and you can use my link or scan the QR code to get bonuses worth 25 we're talking about one firelight skin one Prodigy crate and one plasma cannon 4 to help kick-start your game and if you're quick you can add me as friends and we can play matches together so don't wait around but for now it's back to you me problem is that the rules of haki are kind of inconsistent and mostly exist to stop Trafalgar law from easily becoming the most powerful character in the series but nobody is going to stop our quest to Crown the most attractive Blackbeard Pirate with stronger clocking in in eighth place who I will remind you is a horse and usually this is where I would judge the five percent of people who voted for him but on this rare occasion our options are uh well they're pretty bleak narrowly defeating a literal horse in a beauty contest test is San Juan wolf who despite his wolf's name I think pretty firmly covers those in search of a big old bear and in sixth place we have van Alger the first normal all right I probably shouldn't say normal but the first semi-normal looking person to be fair he has a sharpshooter so if anyone is going to find that G-spot it is him the second reason why Blackbeard may be after ball Hancock's fruit is because it may yet hold secrets that we are not yet aware of such as the potential of it being a mythical Zoe and cleverly disguised as a paramecia such as being the hitohitonomi model Medusa which is the general inspiration for Hancock and her powers to begin with this option strangely enough does fit Blackbeard's Ambitions a bit better because after attaining a logia and paramecia I think what we're all expecting is a Zohan to complete the world's most disappointing fruit salad it would make Blackbeard quite Unstoppable actually not only does it negate your fruit Powers not only does it negate the very ground you stand on but he also uses your own mind feelings against you personally I'm not the biggest fan of this idea and the only reason why we're even discussing it is because of what happened with Luffy the truth behind his devil fruit has opened up a whole new wheel of cheese where we must now suspect everyone and everything just on that this does make me look back on dress Rosa very differently when Burgess decided to steal Luffy's devil fruit I thought of that as a yeah why not kind of maneuver that kid over there has fruit I jesus Burgess I'm a fruit collector so Emma put that kid's fruit in my Jesus Burgess fruit collection but I'm starting to wonder if Blackbeard knew all along and bird just specifically targeted Luffy knowing that he was a mythical Zone if anything perhaps Luffy's mythical zoan is the one Blackbeard wanted to complete his master plan although the thing with that is that Luffy was there Burgess was there and it was more of a fated opportunity whereas Blackbeard went out of his way just to hunt down specifically Hancock's power prepared to fight against both the Marines and the Kuja Pirates at once so there is one more big reason why Blackbeard needs this fruit but first let's parade the fifth sexiest Blackbeard Pirate according to your votes and that is Jesus Burgess and it honestly makes me wonder would he have gotten more or less votes if he'd kept that paper bag over his head meanwhile in fourth place is our swordsman shooter you're really rocking that completely transparent bod and Del bronze medalist is demon Sheriff Lafitte for the people who are really into that sort of Clockwork Orange Vibe but who will be crowned the ultimate Blackbeard Pirate sex symbol martial D teach or Katarina Devon we are going to find out after talking about something that's that's actually relevant because the third reason why Blackbeard needs Hancock's fruit is not so much to wield its power as it is to use as a key which all has to do with the petrification ability 1059 had Boa Hancock specifically state that those who have turned to stone will remain stoned even if the user of the Miramar enemy dies which is both terrifying and exciting because it brings up the potential of discovering past figures who have been petrified like for example thanks to Toki we know the devil fruits have existed since at the very least the void Century so imagine if there was a character who was petrified and remains in stone to this very day having undergone their own roundabout version of time travel but there's also someone even more obvious and it's practically a synonym of stone being rocks we know so little about what happened to this man but if he was petrified then Blackbeard could absolutely be on a mission to uh what would the word be destonify him and thematically just like how Odin wouldn't be Odin if it wasn't boiled rocks would not be rocks if he weren't you know literal rocks the scenario would go something like the user of the fruit was on God Valley they sealed the deal with rocks and either died heroically gruesomely or both and the fruit ended up in the rather chunksome hands of the world Nobles who would later force-feed it to Boa Hancock and Blackbeard found this statue because get this he he really likes archeology in the SBS of volume 88 Oda gave the real world nationalities and professions of each worst Generation member such as Mad Monkey Rouge from India who would manage a cabaret Club then there's also basil Hawkins from Egypt would have spent his life as a very fancy interior designer but most importantly we have Blackbeard from Somalia who would have become an archaeologist in a very fitting set of circumstances teach likes to learn he shares a shocking amount of commonality with Nico Robin and Blackbeard himself may be researching the hidden history of the world as we speak discovering all sorts of funky clues that the straw hats have yet to stumble upon such as a rock named rocks there are a couple of problems with this though one being that Hancock quite specifically states that the new user of the marimaranami won't be able to undo the work of the previous user which makes me wonder if she's actually trying to do something like that in the past and the second is that according to the trustworthy words of a man in blue shorts rocks is allegedly dead but then again if sengoku believes that the petrification is irreversible then that would be as good as dead to him that is although to be safe if this is the case and I think they should really smash that fancy Rock statue and option number four is that Blackbeard wants the fruit just because not everything needs to be part of some sort of grand end game plan and Blackbeard has shown constantly that he is a master of improvisation he sees an opportunity and he takes it and in this case that opportunity isn't and pretty damn powerful fruit which teach wants to take and then Dev I don't know feed it to Stronger so that he can out some people with some very awkward Kinks sometimes you you just don't need a greater reason to do something than that but I would like to believe that Blackbeard didn't just assemble the Avengers we have at home to perform a Whimsical fruit extraction and it does make me feel that BOA Hancock's powers are going to be integral going forward if not to Blackbeard then to Luffy but let's get down to it this this is what we're all here for because it is time to decide who is objectively the sexiest Blackbeard Pirate and we are down to two Marshall D teach and Katarina Devon both Highly Questionable aesthetic existences in their own right with nothing in common except for their surprisingly similar bus size and our winner is the captain Marshall D teach with a very comfortable 20 of all votes so I guess the moral of the story is if you're feeling a little less than confident about your appearance maybe like your nose is a bit off or you're just you're a bit weightier than average Blackbeard just completely annihilated the close uses the groundline review we'll ever get to a wet t-shirt contest and if he can do that then you can do anything including using your newfound self-confidence to watch this next video because it's a good one like all of them and so I look forward to seeing you there
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 311,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R81hl05b0U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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