What GOD FRUITS Really Mean in One Piece

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what does it really mean to have the fruit of a God in one piece I mean we're already at the official anniversary of gear fifth which happened all the way back on March 28 2022. this was the first time that we got to see Luffy use the powers of the so-called sun god Nika but now we're still left with questions like are there other God fruits out there or did Nika really exist at some point and what does it really take for a devil fruit to earn the title of God in the first place I mean the government fought to hide this name for 800 years now so there could very well be other ones hidden in our midst as well and for now at least Luffy's is the only one we have to go off of and the first time we heard of the so-called Sun God was all the way back in Sky Pia where we were introduced to three additional Gods being the forest rain and Earth Gods and I think it's worth mentioning that Oda could decide to just not incorporate these Gods into fruits at all but I wouldn't be much of a theorizer if I use that excuse now would I so I want to take a bit of a deeper dive into what makes Luffy's fruit different from all the other fruits we seen so far and then discuss what the other God fruits could be like if we do end up seeing them and of course who might have those fruits today because up to this point we've seen three main types of devil fruits being logias paramecias and zones of course but there are also important subtypes like special paramecias and mythical or ancient zones katakuri is the only special parameise that we've seen so far and he was kind of an in-between of a logia in a paramecia and then on the other hand mythical zones can have a lot of different abilities that almost make them a mix of zones and paramecius and yes sometimes there are logia properties as well like Marco had his healing Flames for example and kaido covered himself in magma Etc but road to laugh tale specifically mentioned them having powers akin to paramecias so I feel like that's probably a little more accurate at least for now and a lot of these mythical and ancient zones and the one special paramecia that we've seen and the one God fruit that we've seen have all come pretty recently in the story so it kinda feels like the law line between these different classes of fruits has begun to become blurred so I almost look at these classes as like a three Circle Venn diagram as opposed to three completely distinct classes and I think this is really important because while Luffy's fruit is supposed to be a mythical Zone it has properties that are only supposed to exist for paramecius and both kaido as well as road to laughtail corroborated this road to laughtails said specifically that zone Awakenings do not affect their surroundings instead they take on a whole new appearance with increased strength and such as well the appearance part we obviously saw in gear Fifth and it was dope as all hell but we also saw Luffy affect his surroundings and he did so quite a few times kaido even said bluntly that Luffy's appearance is more akin to a Zone but the actual Powers were more like a paramecia Luffy even went on to stretch kaido himself which kaido also kind of commented Luffy shouldn't really be able to do this shows us that there is something unique about the properties of this devil fruit and I think this is how we can start picking apart what a God fruit really is Luffy obviously has some unique properties even compared to other fruits that we've seen so far and that leads me to the idea that what makes a fruit a god fruit is that it has properties of each type of devil fruit this means that these fruits aren't quite Bound by the same rules as most other devil fruits and I mean a God is supposed to be a master of every domain right so this logic does kind of make sense and I think it fits really well with what vegapunk's theory was on devil fruits where he said that they're about reaching the furthest branches of evolution as if doing X or Y finally became possible and I find it really interesting that each of the three types of fruits almost represent a very different aspect of nature in a way I mean the lokias represent the environment with fire magma ice Etc the zones represent the living creatures of the planet obviously in the paramecias essentially represent the limitlessness of human imagination or Ingenuity for lokias what would it look like if we saw the quote unquote different branches of evolution for a specific aspect of the environment well if we use magma as an example it would probably walk talk make decisions and even reproduce itself and if it went one step further it would probably make the whole environment around it into magma permanently and that's literally what happens when someone eats that fruit and then awakens it and now we don't have the Awakening confirmed for sure but it seems pretty likely that the reason Punk Hazard is the way it is is because aokiji and Akainu awaken there while fighting each other it's like logia fruits allow us to see the fullest possible extent of a specific aspect of nature because they lend their powers to the user and the user lends their intelligence and will and such to that element so that they both evolve in a way and maybe some of you are wondering well Luffy hasn't shown any logia properties yet and I promise I'll get to that in just a minute for zones it's that same idea but for certain species of animals if we use leopards as an example if we were to see them evolve even further it would probably look like Lucci a smart trained assassin who is made more lethal by adding the strength and quickness of a leopard and the fact that Lucci has had a Killer Instinct since he was so young just like a leopard does is probably what let him successfully awaken it as opposed to becoming a Mindless Beast like Shaka mentioned and like we saw an impel down but because Lucci is the type of guy to take advantage of all those leopard powers and even take them to new heights he was able to awaken and maintain control and for paramecius it's the same idea again but for whatever aspect of human imagination the fruit is connected to I mean for Law's fruit for example the fruit represents what the ultimate Doctor could do and maybe the reason law was able to successfully awaken it was because he trained to be a doctor from a young age and could imagine or dream or whatever word you want to use how to use those powers to the fullest I mean even Eustis kid rest his soul was seen to be an engineer as a child and got the magnet fruit and he successfully awakened it probably because he's been using metal for as long as he can remember I brought up more examples in My Dreams video but the whole idea here is that each category of fruit shows us the fullest extent of some element of the world around us and all of these factors I just laid out about the logias the zones and the paramecias should explain what makes a god fruit so special if each of those three fruits represent different aspects of the world around us wouldn't it make sense that a god fruit would then carry aspects of each of those I mean a real God would probably have a hand in the natural elements of the planet and the whole universe for that matter the creatures that live on the planet are in the universe and the thoughts and Imagination of the people living there right I feel like I'm getting kind of philosophical but gods are usually people who rule over every domain which again is represented in each of the types of fruits I mean fire is usually beholden to just being fire and a leopard is usually beholden to being like a leopard and doctors tend to be best at doctoring but Gods aren't usually Limited in those ways right that's why they're called Gods so I think think utilizing properties of all of these elements of nature and being at the center of this Venn diagram is what makes a fruit a god fruit and having aspects of each of the three categories is a perfect foil to Blackbeard who broke the rule of having multiple fruits when he ate the guragura no me meaning he now has a logia and a paramecia and there are a ton of great theories at this point for what his last fruit will be but many of us assume it'll be a zone so he completes the trifecta so if my theory about God fruits having capabilities of all three is true then that is a perfect counter to Blackbeard who is cheating the system to get all three fruits I mean we don't know how he's doing that exactly yet of course but we may find out pretty soon now that my man Teach is finally pulling up the Egghead but we know people aren't supposed to have multiple fruits right there's something special about him that lets him break the rules essentially it's a perfect representation of how Luffy does things the right way and earns his stripes while Blackbeard is always looking for the easy route to get to the top and in the world of pirates Bo both are fair routes to take and both could end up giving you the power of a God but what makes Blackbeard so formidable is the fact that he can take devil fruit Powers temporarily which has been his trump card again and again I'm almost positive that we'll get to see Blackbeard take Luffy at a gear fifth with a black Vortex because like we saw an impel down that will make Luffy vulnerable like everyone else then Luffy probably takes a quick punch to the face or something to be honest but like we also saw with law hockey can cancel devil fruits so I imagine that'll play a role as well but either way the point is that both Luffy and Blackbeard will likely end up having properties of all three fruits making this truly a battle of the gods so now that I've covered the zone and paramecia aspects of Luffy's fruit pretty thoroughly let's get into the potential logia properties and I'm sure some of you clicked on that thumbnail wondering if I was going to push the resin Theory some more then I'm definitely going to mention it but if you've seen any of my laugh rotail videos then you might remember that there is one island in the grand line that seems to have a lot of the same properties as Luffy does with his fruit and that island is none other than long ring long land where everyone stretches longer and taller than normal because they feel free which is exactly how Luffy's Powers work and I suspect that this could be some kind of permanent effect from the fruits prior Awakening and while we aren't 100 sure how Loki Awakenings work and even road to laughtail skipped right over this info which is kind of odd it seems like they leave a permanent effect on the environment and like I said earlier our only supposed example of this is what happened at Punk Hazard we don't have it confirmed yet for sure but it seems pretty plausible up to this point and if this is what logi Awakenings do then it makes a lot of sense with what I said earlier about how they represent the environment and maybe Joy boy is the reason that everyone at long ring long land stretches just like Luffy does instead of it being as simple as ice and magma it's freedom and remember what I said earlier about kaido being turned to rubber by Luffy's powers and how he stretched into a bubble in a jump rope that's essentially what's happening to the people of long ring long land but just passively I mean even the bamboo was stretching continuously for 10 years which allowed tanjit to become the world Stills Champion so this is at least one example of how Luffy's fruit could have logia properties thus fulfilling the idea that godfruits have all three types within it but I do think there could be even more to it than that rubber initially comes from a type of sap from a tree and this is also where a lot of the resin theories spawned from at the end of chapter 1043 where Luffy's hair looked kinda goopy and maybe this could be somewhat of a hint to Future logia properties and I'm not even saying that Luffy will have to actually turn into this resin stuff but I don't see what's stopping Luffy from controlling his body enough to basically take on an almost liquid state right almost like katakuri if he can bend his body at will as it is then the option should be pretty much Limitless I mean the reason katakuri was a special paramecia in the first place was because he was in between a logia and a paramecia and I mean that fight happened in the mirror world for a reason because these fruits are almost mirrors of each other right there are so similar so maybe Luffy will eventually be able to warp his body just like katakuri was doing whether that be using future sight to warp his body around people's attacks at will like he did or making himself almost liquid to avoid barrage attacks or whatever it is I can see Luffy tapping into that as he begins to hone his fruit more and more and then this led me down another path what if longering long land isn't the only place where this Awakening has affected people I mean if the powers are all about stretching taller than normal and freedom and all of that stuff then what about the Giants could the Giants also be a byproduct of stretching like Luffy and joyboy were able to do I mean there's a reason why the government and big mom keep trying to recreate or team up with giants yes they're powerful but maybe it's also because Joy boy had his own giant army at some point in the past and that's what made him so formidable and maybe he got that Army because he made them all grow with his devil fruit I mean we know zunisha is an absurdly huge elephant that was friends with joy boy so maybe there is something to this the Giants also live a really long long time so you could maybe even say that their lifespan was stretched or something as well and now that we can basically confirm elbaf is friendly with Shanks who is obviously friendly with Luffy who has joyboy's powers I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if elbaf is another one of those ancient Kingdom Allied Nations so maybe long ago Joy boy just made them all grow into Giants just like we saw Luffy do against kaido and that started the giant race in the first place but now I want to talk about some potential ideas for the other godfruits being the forest rain and Earth Gods and if you saw my last Chopper video that you know where I'm going with the first one because I think it's entirely plausible that every God fruit will be some type of hito hito I mean we know the first one was already and Oda could always change the other names of fruits be godfruits if he wants since he changed Luffy's all of a sudden but I think a sound starting point for this discussion would just be to start with the ones that share a name with Luffy's fruit already and choppers is a good example and I don't want to rehash all of that because it was literally my last video but trust me I know you're probably gonna think green bowl is the forest guy out but just check that video out I promise it's not that crazy I mean there's a reason that cherry blossom trees are so important but next I want to talk about the Earth God which I think could be sengoku who also has a mythical hito hito fruit but it's the model of a Buddha who is basically another deity as it is and I can recognize that this seems like somewhat of a stab in the dark here but think about it sengoku's Buddha form came with shock waves that are almost like earthquakes not that dissimilar to the types of quakes that Whitebeard was using and you know earthquakes kind of seem apt for an earth God not to mention that sengoku has an afro which resembles the Earth as well as the one piece and everything else so I can see why he'd be the Earth God in this scenario and the last one of course is the rain God and I think it's going to be buggy and I know he doesn't have a hito hito fruit like the other ones but the only other one we have belongs to Oni Maru which is the hitohito model on yudo and I really doubt that this guy is one of the Gods in one piece and for buggy I actually have a few you really good reasons why he would be the rain God specifically one he's the failing upwards version of Luffy and if he managed to make it all the way to be a yonko then him having a god fruit kinda makes sense as they're kind of parallels of each other right and reason two is that maybe he can eventually break his body up into a bunch of different raindrops so I want to shout out a video from Power Vision that talks more about this and I believe Randy Troy's talked about this on stream before if I remember correctly but if you think about it laws fruit and Buggies fruit share some similarities but they're almost opposites buggy can break his body apart like law can break other people's bodies apart and law specifically said that he's way stronger in the rain because he can use shambles with whatever raindrop he wants instead of needing a rock or something to swap with and maybe buggy will end up being able to break himself into a bunch of different raindrops to complete this inversion entirely I mean if law fought buggy buggy could just break himself up into so many pieces that law just couldn't cut him and even if he did what's it matter you know buggies used to it and maybe buggy can eventually reduce himself to an almost Atomic level or something thus being like rain but not exactly which is kind of a different type of Freedom if you think about it Luffy and buggy have always been kind of opposites where Luffy is weak to slash attacks but resistant to physical buggy is almost immune to slash attacks but he can get hit with physical ones so maybe Luffy's body has Freedom by stretching in any form he wants but it all has to stay as one connected stretched out unit where buggy can break himself down into the most fundamental particle and maybe rebuild himself in any number of ways it's like the two sides of Freedom you can warp yourself into what you want to be or you can break yourself down and rebuild it however you want both would let you alter your body at will in opposite ways and I think that just makes a lot of sense given the parallels that these two have had since the beginning of the story and that's it for this video guys please make sure to hit like And subscribe and maybe check out one of these two videos that you should probably already see on the screen later
Channel: Dak's Saké
Views: 155,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #onepiece, #onepiecetheory, #godfruit, #gear5th, #sungodnika
Id: kMvTwG3qZ2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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