Black Walder Frey: Repugnance & Rage | Character Analysis | ASOIAF

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physical strength was a requirement of knights not Lords the nobility of the Seven Kingdoms operated instead through shrewd deception and convenient alliances this style of living set them on edge yet it was the price to pay for the fineries of life yet there were some who still could not Escape their grimy reputation so it was with house fr try as he might the late Lord Walder could not shift the tide of public opinion in regards to his family but one of his descendants was Vier than the rest this was black Walder fry hello everyone and welcome back to exploring fiction one of the countless spawn of the great fry Clan black Walder quickly gained a reputation for both moral corruption and un metered anger he did nothing to dispute the claims made against the Integrity of his house instead seemingly fueling them with his behavior and when at last the phrase Rose higher than ever before he was present for it all black Walder fry represented the worst qualities of his Brethren a pure personification of all that was wrong with house fry and maybe even the nobility at Large so who exactly is black Walder fry and why is he such an interesting character let's explore black Wilder fry was born on an undetermined year to Sir Ryman fry and his wife at the twins he was the grandson of Sir stevron Frey and thus one of many great-grandsons to Lord Walder fry himself he had two brothers Peter fry and Edwin fry the latter of which he thoroughly despised the feeling was Mutual black Walder fry grew up at the Twins and surely was spared from boredom merely due to the amount of relatives surrounding him at all times still the other phrase soon learned to tread with caution around him as black Walder quickly gained a reputation of being stubborn bitter and angry throughout his whole life and even up into the present black Walder refused a wife preferring instead to stay unmarried this allowed him to take up relations with many women in his time and it is even rumored he slept with the wives of multiple of his own Brothers what's more affairs may even have risen between black Walder and some of his blood relatives and the lineage of many fry children became questionable due to his promiscuity black Walder fry was a lanky thin man with a pronounced black beard and hair setting him quite apart from his homely brunette Brethren yet it was believed that he received his nickname not from his physical features but from his emotional ones for black Walder fry possessed a Fierce unquenchable temper as well as his corrupt attitude toward others and the World At Large though only briefly black Walder fry first appears in The Narrative of A Song of Ice and Fire in book one A Game of Thrones as the Stark family begins to crumble and crack under the full pressure of Continental Politics the young wolf Rob Stark marches down from Winterfell intent on aiding his father and defeating the Lannisters but in order to meet his enemies head on he first has to pass over the green Fork which means marching through the Twins and the realm of Lord Walder fry sent to negotiate with the bitter old man is Rob's mother catlyn Stark and when she enters the Hall of house fry black Walder is in attendance he watches and listens as catlyn promises Rob's hand in marriage to one of Lord walder's daughters in exchange for crossing the green Fork peacefully while not present in A Clash of Kings black Walder fry is mentioned in passing at Winterfell big Walder fry explains the complicated family tree to Bran Stark and points out that by lineage black Walder is fourth in line into the seat at the twins however when sir stevron fry black walder's Grandfather perishes at the Battle of oxcross black Walder climbs to Third and among his many brothers uncles and other relations he truly seems to have the ambition to seek Lord walder's measley throne but for now black Walder fights beside Rob Stark in the westerlands proud on the offensive in the war of the five Kings in A Storm of Swords black Walder is not only present in the narrative but plays an important role he still travels and fights for Rob Stark and is even one of the chosen men to lead troops over the walls in the storming of the Crag but the Western Castle instead of bringing the young wolf great victory users in only Strife Strife which turns to rage for black Walder and the rest of the phrase for Rob Stark is injured in the battle and is forced to take to bed in enemy territory nursing him back to health is Jane westerling and after they sleep together Rob quickly marries her so as to not smear her honor even though he is bound to marry a daughter of Lord Walder fry he breaks his vow the phrase are understandably Furious Black Walder Chief among them after all his temper hardly stays in check in peaceful times he threatens to kill Jane westerling and though Rob would have his head for such an insult Jane stays her King's hand as his father Ryman fry abandons Rob and takes his men back to the twins black Walder follows suit abandoning their oath breaking King later Rob sits in reflection with his mother Catelyn and determines that if sir stevron were still leading the frey troops he may have been able to reconcile with them but with Ryman and black Walder at the front he stood no chance finally the chance to make amends presents itself to the young wolf and with his remaining forces in tow he rides for the twins to attend the wedding of his uncle edmir Tully and the man's bride to be Roslin Frey black Walder is among those who greet Rob at the river spanning castle and grey wind attempts to attack him and his Brethren though he is the only one not to fall off his horse during the wolf's aggressive tie raade black Walder is still troubled Jane westerling is absent from Rob's host an unwelcome sight indeed the event to be known forever to history as the Red Wedding then precedes and Rob finds it strange that black Walder fry is so subdued however he mustn't Wonder much longer as the massacre soon begins and in the chaos catlyn Stark sees black Walder killing gleefully and fiercely among those in opposition to her son and his men the young wolf is dead and with him the strength of the north for their part in the scheme the phray gain new found prominence as well as infamy across the Seven Kingdoms and they join up with the crown in an attempt to squash What opposition remains from the war black Walder fry leads the attack on seagard and even forces surrender there he only grows more feared and more renowned and his own kin continued to reflect on his treacherous ways such as sleeping with the wives of his own Brothers though he is once again absent in the flesh from A Feast for Crows Tales are still told and updates are still given of black Walder Fry's fate Post Red Wedding still riding high off his Victorious campaign at seagard black Walder hunts for the Outlaws who hung his kin Peter and Meritt fry questioning local peasants he learns of the existence of Lady stonehart and begins to track her through the riverlands the former Lady of Winterfell is more cunning in her reincarnated form however and black Walder loses her near the neck and later after the death of Sir Ryman Fry on his return to the twins sir Edwin Frey confides in sir jimie Lannister that he believes black Walder is behind the death of his own father sir Edwin explains that he fears for his own safety as he is now all that stands between black Walder and the succession to which he'd seemed so distant not only is black Walder vile and cruel but it seems he is treacherous and selfish Beyond forgiveness as well and though he does not appear even in name in a Dan with Dragons the future of black Walder fry hangs like a thick fog in the air across the riverlands house fry is the lowliest on the totem pole of nobility they are not as proud as the Lannisters not as honorable as the Starks not as boisterous as the baratheons they are only A step above lowborn but they are still of the upper cast of society and so the other houses treat them as such but only enough to maintain manners and out of all members of house fry the most despicable is black Walder fry which places him in a company all his own while his Brethren are viewed with General disdain by others black Walder Garners a more cautious gaze for he is not only Sly but also ruthless and deceitful he beds the wives of his own brothers and maybe even some of his female relatives if the tales are true and does so proudly even the Lannisters hide their shameful acts of lust with greater success and on the field of battle black Walder fry is a formidable foe so much so that even the great Bryan Tully wonders whether he will be sir Jim's Champion during the siege of riverrun black Walder seems to embody the most Savage the most extreme aspects of his house as if all the worst traits of the phrase are maximally present in his very nature in his brief reign as King in the north Rob Stark utilizes black Walder though only tolerating him and learns to recognize the man's Tendencies well enough to realize something is a Miss before the Red Wedding black Walder is too calm and subdued and then when Lord Walder Springs the Trap and sheds the blood of his guests black Walder joins in the massacre satiating his blood Lust by butchering many of Rob's men men who he'd fought beside in the war of the five Kings of course black Walder and the rest of the phrase are rewarded by the crown and he even goes on to take seagard for his new Masters but regardless of of whom black Walder truly serves who he is never changes he is still a twisted lustful man with a quick temper and an indiscriminating sword there is even suspicion among his kin that he is plotting the downfall of all who stand between him and the lordship of the crossing given black walder's established personality it is quite easy to believe honor and humility can only only carry one so far in the Seven Kingdoms but thankfully for black Walder fry he needn't worry about being harried by such traits though the end fate of black Walder and the rest of house fry has yet to be determined what the former has done and said so far paints a clear picture of personification black Walder fry was a blemish upon an already crude picture a a foul aspect of a house already disregarded he was cruel toward his family and enemies alike and rivaled the most angry men in Westeros with his temper and lenience upon violence to resolve Conflict at best black Walder was tolerated and at worst downright loathed little respect was earned by his words and deeds though as a whole house Fray was known to be conniving and pesky black Walder fry was the embodiment of repugnance and rage so that's all for this video leave a comment with your thoughts I'd love to hear them leave a like if you enjoyed And subscribe if you're new here I'd love to have you visit my website Russell awells for exclusive fiction reviews and more and sign up for my mailing list for 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Channel: Exploring Fiction
Views: 7,558
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Id: unQYjt0ibRY
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Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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