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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome everybody to the first ever easter egg hunt for maurer dirt tone i am unbelievably excited to get in here and smash this map i think i i'm gonna be honest with you i think that this map is going to literally be beaten in like like an hour like straight up i i hate to say it i literally think this map is going to be beaten in like an hour because i haven't like like i wanted to just have this experience where the map comes out and then we play it for the first time i forget to hit that like button and subscribe to mr first in the world four five point he's got a point but from what i understand there has been some sort of exploit where people are like playing on local or something like that and the easter egg has been unlocked and apparently like tons of steps are already known or tons of things are already known in the game so i think it's going to be a really really short easter egg hunt which sucks i literally didn't want to do any sort of exploits i didn't want to do any of that i like wanted everything to be on stream and like be when treyarch intended it but i'm gonna be honest i think this is this easter egg is gonna be one of the quickest solves of all time i i hate i hate that that's the case but it is what it is it's it's really really annoying it is what it is uh it sucks that this always happens but oh well oh well it's it's it's just like it's just a big it's a big poopy butt but we're still gonna have fun with it we're still gonna have a good time and we're still gonna be this easter egg and then i will be putting out the tutorial immediately after we beat this so uh we'll we'll try to beat it me and bam are working on the tutorial as we speak and let me go ahead and um mute and we'll get in the party with the god squad here yeah all right boys what's the word uh try and join me noah we're gonna see that because i can't join you pizza can pizza can join me you just joined my party yeah you you maybe try and join chop and then we'll balance something i do not have an option to join i'm inviting you again shop okay milo all the boys are in my see if you can join milo or pizza because they're uh both in mine why doesn't oh okay i see you in here oh yeah i was gonna say i see y'all it says it says need one more player wait pizza party oh god chop left the party lost the next party from grubhub do the same thing you all just did yeah i'm gonna go to the main menu just to reset the thing right into the dashboard real quick you won't let me do anything okay if you're dashboarding i'm gonna dash as well just in case there's any other updatey stuff yeah fair enough to say fair enough um pre-recorded he's playing pokemon go bro i wish but the event starts tomorrow don't worry don't worry you're posting a video on knowledge 456 pokemon uh not today not today i did not get a noahj pokemon video ready today unfortunately don't forget to order breakfast from grub up true thank you alec black voids uh thanks for the five appreciate that cool thank you for the five yeah yeah i think so as well i think x2 what is your version number in the top right of your screen yet by the best looking gun ever i want to make sure that we've got the right thing i'm scared mine ends in wmcc yep okay same here so rarely 374. i only have an option to join milo so if milo gets in there i should be able to okay hold on hold on hold on my channel saying that their thing ends in an l you're the best in the community downloading cw for zombies now polish is wmcl and they just got game settings update just now i guess it because the the map launched like 20 minutes early last night but usually they send it this update live like 10 minutes before yeah um wm up to you guys qcl people know we'll know yeah we'll know pretty early we'll know in about two seconds you all ready how early will we actually know though i don't think we will yeah i i don't think we'll know for a minute okay let's reset lobby one more time i know what you have to do during the ride hope you get the brother seventies oh the game just literally loaded up with how we could try already okay back it up smack it out boys yeah everyone close up just because chad if you're trolling here then then i'm going to throw some tomatoes and execute xqcl dude it's very big xqcl i want to see an update on my screen last night donated but no mess yeah i think i've got money yell on the hunt if you can call it that he'll be hunting with you hey i don't know but i assume so that's what that's what it's like leading up to be you're gonna play some zombies boss chat we're ready wmcc is it is it wmcc is that the new one or the old one very quickly but i say i suggest we stay in spawn until round eight and then we push out and do pac-1 trail nine and get puns around ten but we'll know as soon as we leave spawn because as soon as we find a bunny rabbit part then it means it's like oh sure good point good point okay i'm booting game now then okay in my lobby treyarch has got to fix the local stuff going live early man it's spoils so much dude it spoils so much it's so annoying yeah the fact that like we already know like a good like seven or eight things for this quest like 15 minutes solved yeah dude it's gonna be so fast yeah yeah um okay i are all in a lot of you shop again i and then yeah yeah i see a full party i might need to restart my game oh wait i just got kicked to main menu oh and it says you're in my lobby milo uh maybe it's maybe it's just joining it does that sometimes where it's it says on my menu but then actually let's do it it's okay okay um okay launch brother let what was the what was like the xqcl thing that we were like was that the long patch i think i think as we it up now whatever like code we have is the right one what just happened wait what just happened what just happened to my computer oh what just my computer just my computer just shut itself off bro okay this is actually probably a good thing this is actually probably a good thing because now i won't have like some sort of weird crash in the middle of it okay my computer just crashed computer omega law computer omega lol dude actually just crashed all right we're already back we're already back yeah i uh oh i know i know that there was an error dude actually full on just died um okay let's see we're loading back up discord we're loading the game okay i'm on the main menu zombies i i restarted my game and it literally crashed my computer but i'm back now oh this is a disaster maybe you're entering you're in it's okay miles in bro cold war like i can like choose zombies league players because that screen i think if you can no no no no that's that's what i'm doing mine that's what i'm doing i'm at the main menu it's easier like but it should it should be locked though oh you're oh we're fine we're fine we're fine we'll find yeah we're chilling uh okay no jc if you can join when you restart your i'm booting the game now bro literally this is quite literally the hardest part of the easter egg is getting in a game together every time i believe it i agree i agree brother let's just ignore the bunny rabbit easter egg yep we don't we don't need it no we're we're just simply bullish on main quest yeah yeah so so it's just just you know there's not in the play right now or are we all in yeah i see three out of six right now so we just need no j okay i'm connecting to online services i'm checking files i am slowly zooming in i see a man about to shoot another man i see the world nice nice see the world sorry okay let's go yeah i think so are y'all running shotguns or m16s yeah i'm bullish on shotguns i'm going to run yeah i feel like to have at least just one in case we need range yeah beverage whatever happens all right boys uh eight rounds dude i guarantee this is gonna be the fastest easter egg solve man here we go we know we need clouds i don't know if we need to operate from what i'm saying it doesn't look upgraded i'm gonna be honest i feel like upgrading costs might be a waste of our time [Music] it's so sad i've literally had people like tweeting me steps during the middle of the night i'm like cool cool i'm glad this space prank is unlocking at 9am pst everyone's already figured it out i mean part of it was like the map just came out easter egg and also like people would be working on the what like the free wonder weapon quest thinking it's main quest so it was like more confusion and stuff now it's just like right from the get-go it just shows you immediately what is the quest of what isn't so i don't know yeah yeah i don't know i i i miss like sometimes drawn out hunts but i also don't miss being miserable for like four hours at a time and doing nothing like i'm not gonna lie i would i would take revelations easter egg every every single time yeah not not as a fan but as a youtuber because then viewers everyone was watching that yeah it was great i feel like the fact that everyone was in the same place trying to figure out the same stuff was cool like yeah yeah it was very like concentrated if that makes sense um it was but we all hated our lives for that period of time maybe a bit yeah hey my bank account didn't hate my life i'll tell you that fair enough hey i'm uh i'll admit it that was great dude yo i'm admitted no remaster revelation dude give me some more give me some more rocks to look for all about that can you guess don't know who's happening yeah yeah we got it we got oh we got homeboy's hands so i already have a tutorial we'll leave but we'll leave at the start of eight and then we'll do eight while we're turning on power nine while we park a punch and then just flips around turning and kill the puns okay lucky dog first room challenge yes a little bit we are flipping pretty quick though yeah the spawns are actually pretty decent you have four people here so round round eight we going to open up around nine if you have youtube premium it doesn't uh it doesn't you don't have to believe that round nine all right cuz round ten's panzers i think yeah yeah yeah so we want to make sure that pack punch is on before round time and we'll guarantee the puns dude say the the reset the reception of this map has all been super positive so far and it's really cool to see everyone is loving this map so far yeah yeah i i also feel like just design wise it's like a clear step within it so far i mean we haven't done the main easter egg but like everything that so far has to offer it seems like just a continuation and a step forward from what like firebase and d machine introduced yeah i think it's like a black ops three challenge yeah kind of yeah it definitely has more of like the classic zombie feel map to me anyway it's got like you'll one uh like design in some ways thanks for all the channel memberships guys it's going to be hard for me to uh literally like read everything during this because we're going to be focusing on everything but i appreciate every everyone are any of you guys when you turn are you getting that weird bug right like teleports yeah yeah a little bit i think it's just because we're across the ocean i think okay yeah oh my god have you ever been first in the world for an easter egg yeah i actually it's going to get worse from here boys prepare yourself actually have the most across all not try our games but across all zombies i actually have the most first in the world nonsense that will commence today i actually have the most verse in the world i usually always go this way yeah i think this way is a good way yeah like through the buildings traverse traversal is so fun i like it yeah it is i'm glad they figured out the uh repels because they were really jank before and you would just die on them i'm glad they figured that out before this map was used otherwise i would pass away they were not good on outbreak are we good to go like leave this on me i would say we flipped around eight and then go and we just killed zombies as we turn it on power yeah yeah yeah as soon as it flips to eight we'll just start buying and we'll kill zombies on the way good power every time i pick up a dead machine there are so many doors in this map it's actually nuts all right let's just stay until temperature yeah right here i got this one wait can you get both out here no no no no we're going to drop down we're going to go kill any zombies that you see as you go along yeah call of duty tweeted maradone has arrived in the undead or wait okay nothing useful dude the train is actually like train is pog freaky it gives me vibes i haven't felt in a minute just vibes just vibes kind of vibing dog [Music] actually okay i got a zombie there is also something there's zombies enjoy let's go okay uh you you all want me to go turn my pack punch real quick no no no do it right now wait wait dude now no ground now oh okay it's gotta be almost over because then we've killed a lot this time already yeah have you guys already upgraded mule kick oh my god okay there we go all right let's do this all right do it don't stop like it's not particularly like hard but i like the pack-a-punch like spawn ritual on this map yeah you need to do it you want to do ring of fight let's do in the top five okay [Laughter] no problem no problem i got the power right someone getting turned i'm gonna get the dish yes i'm gonna want it i'll get tons are we are we doing the quest for that wonder weapon yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what we're doing that's what we're flipping for so just keep on zombies i'll i'll get the satellite if y'all want to do that i'll watch tonight i got the satellites we'll keep killing zombies i think it just randomly spawns on one of them and you just keep digging until you get to it um this is really quick this is under 10 minutes of game time chat this is the we're slowly speed running the first round i was talking to my chat the other day like dude if you would have back in like bo3 the very first game been talking about getting boss fight ready people would have laughed at you and now it's like yeah kill finals yeah we need to need a zombie we can flip and then the puns will spawn in oh here we go milo come over here come to the room we've got one left hopefully this is the guy please ton by the way i have figured out that you don't necessarily need to be in the room you just need to get a brain rot zombie and then come over here yeah i've turned them like yeah yeah yeah run all the way over yeah you guys get those keys i'll go and kill the panzer yep i'll go get the hands brilliant punches in i didn't see why you smelling though okay these were not in my game yesterday trying to find the gamer uh panzer's on me wait well we're not in your game yesterday uh these little like green cylinder looking things like receptacle looking like oh yeah wait what okay uh they're little i'm gonna show you in a second i've got a hands around yeah there we go here's tom yeah there we go got it nice you got the house okay 300 more go dang it i think that's that's like that's like an interesting like the black light thing is kind of interesting yeah there's that body part you literally just have to play on local so dude i gotta fix that for the future i hate when the easter eggs are able to be done early it's so annoying you spawn klaus and uh yeah get the black light out i'm i'm pretty sure i'll just go get it on co-op when you spawn in class does only the person who spawned him and get the remote to control him i don't know yeah it's just the person that the purchases okay got it is it gonna be one black light or not bro this wait did you get the remote pizza i want to see if we can yeah i'm going to keep this zombie alive now because we can probably do the first step of these we're going to say a word okay that's good okay [Music] no you're good uh i'm looking for the one in the dressing room it's not on the chalkboard where's the other spots down by the stairs like on the floor like like the metal stairs that are in that room look down there to the left definitely uh 26 is number three okay does anyone remember the first one that i put oh okay i got it uh three eight three eight is one okay there you go we got him what the heck i got a zombie on top of me brother is that what is that uh i'm almost there there you go that's all numbers what are the numbers 38. i think it's did someone say third yeah did i say 30. whatever 36 okay yeah no jay's going because i have to input this 31 was two 28 31 26 13 oh 20 20 20. the last one's wrong the last one's wrong wait what is it 38 what 31 26 31 20 the yeah the last one's wrong oh we got grey okay everyone's right we've got to get we're going to get into this we're going to go down glitch to play it early i feel like i'm so behind i hate this so much man i just wish everybody was like on the same page and it was all like brand new and we all just were you know having a good good old jolly time figuring it out for the first time but that's too much to ask for in the year of our lord chat i don't know what to tell you where's the broken wall uh right here setting rally point that doesn't look very broken no we need to break it have we have we got klaus yeah i mean i need to lazy i know i know i was too outside when i saw the laser laser sometimes you just you just tunnel vision where if it happens okay now we need clouds we definitely need close-ups no i need points hold on maybe needs to be pack a punch if you're gonna use the laser question mark maybe maybe maybe but let's get close i've got points let me go and go class with it is there a class station on the ground or no oh i guess there's him klaus himself yeah yeah like the oh oh gee sorry i'm gonna buy it i almost have enough i'm trying mine the train um oh the lasers here okay extra tip for the good luck do you have the laser i'm ready to spawn in class yeah yeah you don't need the laser if you got clawson all right class is just going to do it here we go i'm surprised extra why is everyone thinking klaus is like embodied richtofen i know that's silly yes because silly man because there are only two characters in zombies pretty much so here we go you're gonna need to get klaus call him in with your little remote control right on this wall you can actually see on the mini map there's there's an area behind there i'm gonna call him in klaus any moment now station blocked me yeah i was gonna no have you called him yeah i i've been calling him multiple times it's taking forever to get here he's lost him like i could see him on the map check on your boy there we go so so you're going to need to call klausen tell him to go over to this wall he's going to go up to the wall [Music] big kaboom breaks that bad boy down and there it is oh and then he executes the zombie all right bam that's a step that's the step make sure you use it oh never mind the step after that is to melt the wall with the laser let's go later oh what you sent your dogs to collect me they are doing your world will soon only compatible essence is from specimen unknown well crystals will need to be refined to flawless level uh acquire specimen rich in exo element one that genetic structure contains an energy i bet it's the red zombies yeah oh yeah it hurts me ouch let's try the other bearings in the window weapon as well yeah for sure do these like okay these warheads are basically trapped or they're like do we gotta like break the field like this is stuck as well dude this area looks sick holy yeah this is wild it's very cool i'm getting like beyond vibes yeah a little bit i would like to say the same thing um yeah it says yeah yeah no that's been the problem this map man brain run is just not the one um do these hold on to these they all have the same symbol on are there are therefore green computers or just those two uh there's two there's like three down here yeah no there's a couple uh looks like we got a ladder round okay so so what is it what i'm on this bonus round we're on bonus round let's save these come over to the like try and get one to explode on on this oh sure okay well what was the quote that you all heard i was just reading this this board that has a picture of the massive device oh my god these things really do not mess about do they i'm just trying to explode i i don't yeah i don't know if we would i don't think we'll be able to save one this round yeah because they just exploded they get too close i mean what what what if klaus is well if we just put klaus in the machine this machine that i'm standing next to here is uh we're gonna some like someone has to go in there i'm assuming it's gonna be klaus and klaus has probably got something i wanna see my face yeah can we call him um like is he recharged uh he should be by now i'm just trying to bring him back in let's see if he can do anything here let me let me go look for him so um actually are you guys able to okay close returning give me one second i'll call him as soon as he's done are you are you guys able to save uh a tormentor yeah i have one on me oh what about your device oh yeah good job i'm trying to be good but they're really expensive like they're like i can't even buy them we can't afford that yet we two broke boys we broke boys oh let's tell you okay i'm calling klaus all right nice so there's no way you can save him absolutely no shot are you bringing it back to the left yeah no you're going a wrong way you're uh so do we know how to actually upgrade klaus like how do we turn it and make it turn we can don't know if we can definitely assume good luck we might let's let's try because this doesn't say anything about like in your district well actually maybe i feel like i feel like if we can afford it there's literally no reason not to okay let's wait guys guys i got him nice nice nice that's nice okay i think i did klaus do that they just turned off like those energy fields just went away if they're gone then class must down damn okay um and now the question is what are we doing so we got one more thing i think were those were those green things you saw know jay uh they're just kind of sitting around the map okay let me know if you find one uh there's one i think right up above where i am right now oh bro i thought he was going inside i got so excited oh there you go there you go it's different wonder weapons just got it wait what open it up it's different i got the part the thing from five ac this whole thing like an essence kind of stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah it's different wonder weapons do different things to the canisters i've now got the essence trap what are we catching with the essence from klaus klaus maybe the new special zombies yeah canisters do go in this thing no battery you all can get them as well be out here i need help over here i'm doing a canister's coming out is this a step oh i don't know so whenever you throw an egg station lower it spawns tempest okay all right here i'm gonna throw it in this big electrode yeah maybe can we can we cap like a tormentor yeah yeah can we get them in here real quick oh we out do we need him i threw it in this little teleporter thing oh my god i need to go well we've got to do something with this this is good no help dude it's this canister here we just need to do something with the canister again are you talking about the canisters we are sorry the warheads oh my god i can't turn on the jesus should we try and get disciples maybe we need to go there yeah we need to not in the round yeah yeah yeah everyone's on their gun y'all might want to ditch it yeah yeah just don't use your gun if you have brain run on it right now you've got another one get ready to break and also to get pucks i think we're toward the end of the round right now okay um i found two of those green devices i need to find one more so how'd you get the energy field off you just shot them with uh oh it's right here the uh the one that looks like i don't know the one the long one like the widthway one shotgun look at the halo gun you're not looking for him anymore no no more shoes like five oh okay okay okay yeah yeah okay no more essence traps this morning so maybe you've done something i okay i put all the canisters uh or the warhead canisters like in these the green like devices um so so chop when the when the thing went off you just picked up what three three things from inside that central device yep okay and then you put warheads into the commercial correct oh you want to yeah oh my if you go to the rooftop there's like that green like device on the ground and the empty canisters just went in there so that's in the middle so what if we just have to use the lure now around these and then like kill the tempest narrow to like fill it with souls or something that's what i was thinking it's not closing souls right now but maybe it needs to be like i have a tempest trap does anyone have a zombie oh wait is it a new round there's oh yeah it's a new round okay wait is it let's see i've got hella zombies spawning right now oh yeah i see the little canister inside there oh dear i think it's just very of the wonder weapon i think i'm getting really unlucky with the one i actually need so wait the only one you haven't got is like the brute shot one though that's the only one that i've not do you know the the heat seeking that's the only yeah what do you or did a soul just go in am i crazy i swear that i look like a soldier oh uh you use the lure traps and it it sucks in the tempest souls near it nice nice 100 percent okay let's go let's go wait we're at 100 you killed tempest near the through the green canisters that chop put down 100 why did you place them down does that only take one so chop literally i literally just killed a zombie right next to this thing and uh gone i feel like we might have to flip them around uh um can i see where you picked them up out let me go back there i want to see they're in the little room yeah the one that we opened up um pretty soon when he's playing like in the back i'm following you noah yeah they're they're just down here they're literally they spawn in right here but i don't see any right now yeah wait i think we have to end around okay so in the machine oh there's the temp wait what why is there attempted it so just to be clear you threw a essence trap down near the device and it sucked up a tempest soul everyone's like give me the essence oh you can only get one though i'm not i can't get any i think i think oh really who got one i got one okay let's just go let's just go maybe it might be one i wanna know it's one at a time i guess i don't know i i didn't get one um well we all don't want it originally how many have you all done like which canisters did you guys do did you whatever i didn't finish it it's still taking souls okay okay so the one in the street go back to the one in the street if you have it you're right you have a canister yeah okay so i'm here so i need to just get it like lower tempest near me um yeah you throw just throw the trap on and then you have to you have to actually wait for the tempest to get close like it has to be it has a direct line of sight it seems like yeah so i can just leave it here yeah leave it there and it'll spawn in the tempest and then we need to lure the tempest right next to it and then kill it when it's right next to this okay kill the tempest instead of suck it up yeah yeah kill it all right again it has to be close that one's close enough i think i would say there we go okay wait for the next one to get close come here oh we have two of them get to them maybe break line of sight so it has to come around the corner to hit us yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna go this way come here laddie there you go okay that that one's closed yeah that one's closed killed it yep sucked it up oh i'm carrying the the church canister oh my god i got amazing uh you go go down go down go down buddy yeah yeah i'm gonna love you oh oh dude that's wait that's actually i was i can't manifold so i need to go this way oh my god okay interesting now you guys gonna be nuts like yeah with this stuff that's exactly what they were thinking of dude this is there's a lot of uh uh what's called disciples spawning in okay place oh you count mantle okay we're good we're good you gotta go around discover me yeah you're getting needed for some reason sorry okay it's in nice nice nice uh think of it is there any more essence traps available for you guys oh my god this glitch dude not yet maybe we need to flip it around to another one oh we need to wait for the dialogue to finish the portal yeah good stuff boys we need more traps now how do we is there a way dude yeah what if everyone could grab one like at the same time i was a tormentor stuck hello that's unfortunate it's balling spawn i got one no i didn't grab it mine's gone i got it yeah okay so we grabbed at the same time i did the animation but i couldn't get it so it's just one unfortunately it looks like he gives you a bunch to start off with and then you gotta it's kind of like if you wasted it um let's come to the rooftop uh or the yeah one i've already done i've already done one solo so uh okay that one will be easier to do okay hi oh my god the wait the the corbett rooftop milo or the other one the one you're supposed hold on hold on you're good let's make sure we're on around 18 boys like take time out take some time for yourself upgrade your guns you know you know just self-care is really important you know what it is do this one right here do this one right here on me oh it's right here all right here we go these close enough you reckon and there's no way there's no way i think i think it needs to be a little i don't think this is yeah let them get like make sure they're like on the other side of that little and this one's real close i'm gonna kill this one oh nice i don't need something okay he's right next to it there so it's it's uh is it three tempest total to fill it it's looking like looks like it yeah yeah word come on okay that one said that one took it that one's okay okay okay nice yeah yeah so good but i don't think it's done yet you see one more yeah we're gonna need to go next round all right i'm gonna go upgrade hang on whoo mama oh chad this all right oh my god i am going yeah armor time for me yeah big time uh where is it gonna re-upgrade this let's go gamers oh okay we are we are video gaming today yeah we are doing video gaming um i'm gonna head up and go and get the head gear stuff because it's a piece of headgear i can go now all right uh hi was that yellow thing so i i saw it i saw the uh i saw the one where you shoot the top of the roof thing how do you get the other piece uh it's in the train station in the ghost station just then different variant of the wonder weapon that you've got to use to shoot in so it's literally one weapon but there's like but it's also it's not upgrading the wonder weapon which is like a bulk of the steps we're actually doing like different steps right now yeah god this panzer's still puppy guarding wonderful what are you doing dude wait so so what do you do to get the second one pizza uh i saw the home in missile variant like the heat seeking variant and then there's like a fuse box in the ghost station you got to shoot above your head like yeah i will go and try with this variant now and just make sure that you can you might be able to do with any are you using pistol right now yeah yeah okay so we need one more tempest for the one we're on i i i'll show you where oh god i didn't mean to do that f i'll show you guys where the other uh thing is when we're done with that all right this might be final okay nope travel to every single area in the game i just got that calling card oh same wait i i got i got it this morning and i never even went to other areas just amanda spawned into the map yo congrats dude yo i was messing around i don't know the final one though all right so we have two headgear parts uh someone want to grab the s truck for this last thing yep wait now wait we've already thrown an essence trap at it so we don't really need another one or do we yeah so you need some on there guys i think two of the souls we put in there didn't count they were too far away ah all right yeah only one is trapped around that's kind of rough yeah it is rough do you did you get it did you just grab it okay cool i'm wondering we haven't upgraded class yet have we uh no i don't it shouldn't work i'm not no i i think i i mean so far if we're this from the quest i don't think we're gonna need it i mean if we get stuck we'll do it but yeah yeah for sure for now right now i think we need the headgear and then the warhead and that once that comes together i feel like we'll have a pretty good direction of what to do yeah um let me know when you all got an essence trap i'll wait here for you unless you're going to go get it but i'm pretty far he's coming out we're on the way now oh yeah where is rooftop it's called corner roof no sir corbin roof bullish here we go all right here we go so just one more tempest that should do it so we need to flip through and even do the next uh generator than it looks like that's fine okay i wonder if there's a way to like force tempest close to you uh i'll carry it sure okay okay i'm really tempted to level up to attack much this gold hour but i really feel like we should have some ranged weapons so i'm going to do my m16 instead don't want another what's it called easter egg outbreak easter egg yeah absolutely donkeyed by legion watch out the train i'm in we're good need more salvage oh that's mangler hello oh yeah i'm gonna get a couple of zombies right when i glanced on my internet and the mangler popped right all right get ready for the next quote guys yeah yeah yeah i'm almost there and that one's good nice let's do it i think it's with you [Music] but they gave us extra mangoes when we put it in it looked like they seemed to like it yeah it didn't really matter yeah you all grabbed that um i'll meet you at the the next one oh we have a torment around okay where is the next one um so go to spawn and go to the zip line that goes like to the other rooftop wait oh oh yeah i got you yeah so uh actually i think they're quicker save this round this is actually amazing yeah if we can run away from those things yeah just only kill them when we group up because they will down you pretty fast uh where am i where am i where am i all these things like go red and turn off when you're done with them it's cool yeah yeah uh okay so yeah if you go to spawn i feel a little bit tired go to the thing just across from it this way yeah yeah you're close let's be real this one yeah i i think it's only three per sole box so if we can get all three these uh heads up these do change locations i think by the way these little green engines uh if you could stay away uh it just um draw spots and keep yours alive yeah yeah okay we got all three here let's just see okay we gotta like maneuver around oh my god the tempest or the what's it called i'm trying to see if i can get a spawn on another stop yeah i go i got one i got one spell another guy yeah yeah try to try to stay alive over there come over here they're just gonna beam us in this corner i know man come on now let's let's let's you got this back here because if we go back here and then we drag them uh i've got this one close hang on this one's on your oh yeah actually they're all slow they're slowly but surely every time they zap us they're getting a little bit closer this one's close this is close yeah you're going got it nice one nice this one's close nice let's do it let's make sure he's close make sure he's close that's pretty good yeah okay yeah perfect right let's go let's go let's go let's go okay so it's it's more than three souls maybe it's four four okay right i'll flip evil oh my god what what is on dude that's insane a bunch of gamers over there that was a lot i just saw dude i don't know what i just witnessed here to get the next thing um i'll be chilling but i think we see one more then we'll run it run it back i think it's i think it's five but we'll see five you think i think so that would be nasty if it was five have one of you got a trap already i'll go down i i'm here okay okay yeah yeah i was just going into the room hello disciple so off we go 460. you need 500 to go to purple rarity right yes yeah dude to be fair with the round that we're on you can just buy a purple one yeah yeah i wouldn't do that a lot of points in the pack a punch why are we doing trials uh to get more wonder weapons oh okay yeah that would be good that's so strong has anybody got an essence yeah i'm going the way to the thing now i'm just about to go up the uh ladder work all right i'm here yeah i need to i can't upgrade my weapon already chat so i get more uh scrap now you can do both okay yep here we go let's try and get the disrupters and stuff out of here if we can yeah let me kill disciples imagine being a disciple pretty close we could get that one yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna have to kill this one really long i got it okay it's ready i'm grabbing nice wait nice oh wait no it's not i think it's five man gee okay they're like coming the opposite way let me i can ring a fire here they're turning around hold up that's close enough surely oh ring of fire is nuts because it blocks their big projectiles noah can't you use mule kill okay i reckon that one in the front is scottish that's the one cut zone that's simple that's that'll do it okay i'm grabbing okay everyone run go go go who's got it oh i got it i got it oh my god okay i'm rappelling so no mantling yeah yeah no man playing no you're wrong with you dang oh there's boys out here oh my goodness okay yeah i'm coming right over to you chop by the stairs i once a year i'm just getting my thing upgraded oh there's louds in front of you with you one moment okay killing many men in here watch out for that man no trains please no train you're you're good to cross please no train go go go go go go go go go go go go i'm rotten explosions as well this is brilliant radio knight jumper last head gear piece thank you roland oh i'm out of armor can you make sure i got you i got you radio by jug for the last 10 year piece apparently sorry um here we go boys nice good job what do i do find a new head required that should not be a problem i think it's on the train okay i know yeah it is on the train i'll tell you why it's on the train because if you look that you've got to mess with this panel over here there's a panel that tells you how to get it where is this isn't that the thing that says it says literally it says recover from the train on a blueprint thing yeah like rico's rico's thingy yeah so what do you what are we doing this got it got it i know what it is it's this over here it's this panel over here what yeah here you go this is it i'm already right into it in this room where i am you can mess with this panel i literally just turned the dial and now we're going to cool down we've got to set all these right and then activate and we'll get the warhead i think the trains oh really yeah okay so you turned the lever and then like how do we set it correctly yeah what's this i do not i do i do not know how to say we need to save a zombie this is what we need to do oh my god this turning glitch is so annoying y'all have a pen got a feeling it could be like it could it could be like an emergency stop and when the trains don't pass me out today oh okay wait wait is this lost yeah yeah i say zombie zombies oh i get hit by the train okay oh my god i didn't even hear it coming let me try to let me try to get a kill can you watch a zombie oh my i what bro did you just get deleted that was amazing one minute dude they really just did them like that oh my god okay okay let's let's be ready and trying out yeah yeah yeah yeah cool down still not down so i think i think it's once per round similar to the stuff let's at least think about what what is happening say if we save one then we'll i can figure it out yeah we should have my type of stuff this i like this that's so funny bro oh my i think apart from the patterns where i think we're coming to an end maybe is that panzer dead yeah nice all right quickly live let's go bam can we get uh can we get a twitter clip of that can we get a twitter something that'd be great there's no way that's a twitter clip it has been entrepreneurs which is still cooling down yeah that's why i think it's not never ending it's maybe like you get one attempt per round let's be careful here this this might be we've got like two enemies left on the map yeah sure okay yeah there you go there you go i'm gonna go for headgear um in the bar question mark oh wait no no this is like a radio station in here there's a lot of radios hey yeah you might have to shoot something with the wonder weapon yeah it's going to be everything everything's been shooting with wonder weapons so far oh this radio uh yeah pizza bring up bring this thing here there's there's like four others in here oh true i think you're gonna need the wonder weapon everything's been wonder weapons so far it's gonna be it's gonna be pizza's gonna need to do it i think klaus could stop the train i don't know i also think that's it's possible that if he stands in front of it it just like rams into him like maybe we might need like upgraded wait why are we saying there's there's a few like there's a few of these take the zombie out and then just oh yeah literally right there yeah all the way at the right yeah brilliant first one dude but maybe okay well i can shoot like actually though is that i i think so oh that's not why you build it i don't know why you're building look at all the parts of the head gear uh oh clouds craft hacking item yeah i'm building it classic like me yeah nice i can help you help you hack into the main three yeah yeah okay okay so we maybe like summon him to the i think i'm going to summon him to the thing over here is the headgear on him now yeah it's on him what's he doing can you activate him to do anything on this train i don't know i think i think we should we should try and get him onto the tracks people are saying maybe upgrading upgrades upgraded though let's let's literally just get him on the tracks now because he's just standing there and if the train comes then it might he might stop it like we might as well get him standing on the track if we click that then it's going to do a cooldown a switch you try and stop the train without uh where you know i'll go with you know i'll just run wherever you want to i'll follow you get klaus on the train i just need a train to come through we gotta oh our lights are no longer red apparently so we might be able to did i lose my trial from dying too wait if the thing oh it's coming it's coming watch out straight yeah he did not stop the train i also just got donkeyed on okay so that happened we might have to have an upgrade then yeah yeah bro that's right that's confirmed step right if he's on the train we're good i'm bringing him to the level that's what chat's saying yeah okay so let's go let's go and upgrade him real quick it'll only take a few minutes klaus come come hey what a little pee you're not missing oh man i am down bad now no you're right bro bro what i i start the game back with zero salvage when i die has that always been a thing that should absolutely not be a thing if that's the thing get close to someone and i have no armor or anything bro sure what if i'm getting kills with klaus because we need to upgrade him we need like 50 50 kills we can also get into pack punches weapon but he's going down right now oh okay well as soon as he comes back in let's get let's get him to [ __ ] when he's working oh he's not gonna be else we got the dish already yeah let's what are the odds i could pee in a second i have to pee really bad oh we could we could pause it if you need to like we can i can be like 20 seconds should have gotten twice i wasn't planning on getting hit by the train chat no um yeah are you all cool play possible i just have to pee like really bad um like 20 seconds i'm sorry don't worry uh yeah i'm not even oh i can't pause actually i'm happy for us to pause it why not i can't i think they got rid of him it's not working yeah i just was doing it today it's all work i'm trying to pause it's not working for me and then scroll down to paul's match oh oh yeah oh wait yeah you're right okay it's like a separate thing okay give me like i'll be one i'm gonna speed run this speed run the wii okay um yeah that sucks dude you hate when uh you hate when that happens chat getting hit by a dang train yeah we're gonna tweet that clip of me getting hit by the train for sure for sure noah had a train run on him suss thank you thank you uh yes thank you thank you you got hit twice bro i don't know what i'm supposed to do i literally didn't hear anything you ever do the urine out of your body speed run out by the experience speedrun that was quick can we get crosstalk can i get armed i think it's still cooling down can someone hit the trial for me who has like 40 grand maybe yeah my man's got some big bands over there and he's got the water weapon does anyone actually stop the train my channel is saying that that's a thing like people were in the jungle don't let me switch the tracks anymore like it's not even an option really oh now it is now it is railway switch switch charger so does it is it is the light turning around no like what actually happens that is a thing since day one bring clouds down 388 where you put switch tracks we've switched the tracks we need to upgrade i think we need to upgrade them okay let's let's get him back in and go okay we'll try to find the things if they are yeah i'll go over there like it's not this one uh all right i'm hitting uh essence uh trial now now yeah there you go blasted sweet oh good my intel good i'm glad my intel carried over from my gold reward i had leveled up that's very very cool oh brilliant but not mine we either didn't solve as much it's not the one in your class either there's like what six of them seven okay so it's not it's like has anyone yeah has anyone found any of them yet no okay well the ones that i found hasn't got space on just noah you ever think about doing mega walls with fans if they win you send them an etv or something along those lines no i haven't been honest with you all right in the morning something like that all these panels like quickly yeah this last this last right here oh try and train train train please don't yeah i learned that the hard way brother let me let me let me let me get the panels on i i know the spawns i can uh one say okay i got one of them one of them's ghost stations you know that one is ben what do you mean go yeah i know i go station this is a guy's face yeah yeah yeah that's that's okay there's one uh okay so i know what that is we are going to check the hotel i can i can spawn klaus now if you want take class to the computer in the secret room with the green display maybe he can hack something in there let me let me uh i'll try if he's cool down i'll are we either gonna either gonna run him to the boxes that he needs to open for us or honestly we'll do that yeah okay i'm gonna come to the thing and see what happens milo the other one's inside of the hotel lounge chop bring him bring him to go station here and then get hotel lounge as well hotel lounge is the second one okay bang it nice one that's all are there only two houses might end the round where did you bring klaus to i'm behind you right now oh okay cool perfect you need to uh call if anyone finds an armor can someone can you ping it wait apparently we don't need him to be upgraded apparently that's what i'm thinking okay i don't need to do that okay take him take him over here then all right i mean he's already here he's already here let him let him get it and then flip the panel like we did and then get klaus on the track so let's flip the panel again where it says cooling down and then at that point get him on the tracks is that exactly what we did i'm pretty sure that's what we did and then we said oh it didn't work so we probably need to upgrade him no what computer did y'all want him in here i just try all the ones with the green screen on it try this one over here this one looks us what's he doing let's go sorry the guys that watched succeeded at this upgraded him first i feel like we should okay let's do it let's do it let's do it is he in now he's done now and he's got the first part already the floppy disk bring him to the hotel he's probably he probably doesn't have time left but i'll try did he did he actually grab the first part yeah do we do we pick up the floppy i'll check i don't think so i don't think he opened it oh god the train [Music] i think i think you have to upgrade him first before he can do those boxes these boxes are the upgrade now yeah hey you don't know if you like smaller nice more than the picture page coming uh oh wait okay what are we talking about upgrade are we talking about like when he goes in the machine and you have to guard him i saw people do that before they did these boxes yeah have we not done that i thought chopper didn't do that earlier did you not oh yeah we have to do this let's do it let's do it let's do it yeah yeah yeah is it how do we make it green how do we like we just he just gets tails we just need class together yeah we need 50 kills i uh sorry i thought that someone had already done that i thought you were working on that it's not even green yet we need to have them get okay okay so end around let's go can someone hit the trial again yeah uh if we take him to the package machine then we can end around wait take him to pack a punch yeah yeah you can take his pocket and he'll upgrade [Applause] i could be totally wrong but i have a very strong feeling we don't have to upgrade him but yeah yeah that's one thing i mean i mean just let him get kills let's do two for one he can get kills on the tracks down there while he's down there and then he can try if the train comes then he can try to stop it so the opposite side of muell kick is the one challenge okay the opposite side of my old kick yeah but we're gonna need to do the lockdown still just to be clear okay like if we want him up yeah we need to do the lockdown but i'm a bit confused as to what we're doing with the tracks opposite side of the mule kick and have him on the track the opposite side so look when we tried i'm not 100 sure if we need to flip the thing again so we've done it once maybe we can do it again so wait until the bell rings out right now i'll flip it and then you have them on the side of the chart i i i just flipped it it's ready i need this armor thank goodness is he sitting where is he bring it bring him no he's going down i think he's going away he just went away uh he might be cool down soon i don't know what the cooldown period is but yeah i think we needed to wait to hit the lever until we actually have klaus yeah let's put the round we really need to breathe because klaus takes a he's quite a long cooldown um uh pizza could you buy another uh trial yeah next train's coming i think we're really we're really okay so so the switch so i i just figured this out hundred percent the switch sends in a special train and as soon as the train goes by the switch deactivates there you go okay okay so it'll be once per round so let's do that and bring klausen yeah was that was that the train that just went then no it was the one before that there was there was it turned like red on the tracks and then it uh the train went by so there's like a visual to let you know it's the special one i i believe so it was red on the tracks okay so it doesn't matter which side it is because that was not the side that was opposite mule kick the one that you were saying it was yeah yeah this it was the uh one farthest away from mule kick is what were the red tracks we're showing okay the one furthest away yeah that's what i mean furthest away from mule king yeah so i think whenever we hit the switch it it has like it sends in a special train and we have to put him on the tracks during that special train okay let's do it i think we need to end around to have that switch be activable again and we may as well flip it around before we do classes off yeah oh don't hit me oh brilliant brilliant i did not even hear the sirens good job you get hit yeah i'm back in though it's all good oh you're back in what do you mean yeah i think i have a cellphone okay final zombie someone's got it and then that's it oh yeah it's a brain ride it's gonna no no okay so all right someone get clowns get close let's do it i'm coming i'm near them all right so um so just get him to the train and then we'll hit we'll hit the special train yeah all right wait on the tracks first and i'm going to hit the thing which track uh the far one the far one yeah you fear this one away from he's on or he's going he's going okay tell me when he's there yeah you got this you got this uh he's on all right hitting okay yeah yeah it's the far track go go go go go go go go go go go go yeah yeah go go go go go go keep it keep him on that truck yeah just keep them right there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah go go go you guys are responding to training yeah it's coming i want milo to voice running around sorry there's an ammo container nearby where's the train i'm not sure you're right with this yeah this is one this is not what happened in the just like in the last time keep him on there it's still coming it's still coming it's still red okay okay right right animal as well you keep them on there the train's well he's dead he's on the ground dead oh he got pushed by it yeah he got below the train now they're training whoa oh um did someone hit the trial again if you're able yeah i'll go through it you don't understand how bad the game screws you over whenever you die this is just so exciting solo yeah let's upgrade him i'll greet him i stopped the remote but my guy is not in the map that train wasn't on fire wait yeah i was gonna say that train was not on fire is that i think that's the special that was 100 of the special train i think we just need to upgrade klaus first one once he's cooled down i'll get him because i'll go and take him pac-munch's weapon i think he's out right now wait you can you can make him punch his weapon yeah yeah yeah and he'll get kills easy you just take him to the package machine yeah yeah okay wait really i thought you put him in the like upgrade station well yeah you have to do that but if you if you can have a fully upgraded gun if you're taking a package i thought i thought you get the package gun as he comes out of the station i don't know man i took him to the [ __ ] punch machine and he cocked his weapon oh interesting i'm going to go back dude i got an rpd oh my goodness pain no this is all good because it goes into the easter egg guys it's fine with uh with the klaus upgrade um do we want to just bring him in here so that we don't waste time bringing him over to the machine after we can just put him straight into it well he needs that he needs 50 kills didn't he yeah but yeah if we get the kills in the room then yeah yeah we or sorry we avoid having to walk him across the map and lose the respawn on him i mean after the 50 kills we yeah yeah let's do that yeah yeah in the also noah i don't want to hit the next trial machine for you just because i still don't have trouble packing all right can someone who is set up hit it yeah i've got one weapon because you've got one the weapon yeah it's not good is uh pizza the only one with the wonder weapon arena yeah yeah all right make sure we're calling him class right when he's ready yeah he's okay he's ready he's ready okay i'm just gonna wait for zombies to spawn for a second uh y'all are taking him to the thing i'm i'm bringing mr klaus to the room he spawned in there yeah so maybe we should get an insta kill i don't know if that will help him uh i mean brilliant are we 100 sure you can just take him to the pack much machine and pack him up this weapon because we should 100 do that if that's a real thing no no we're not we're just gonna put him because we have to do the lockdown at this machine so i'm going to keep him here and he's going to get killed sir just if one other person can come to garlic factory but not everyone because they'll i will i will do overwhelming okay oh i just i don't want the ring to kill the zombies that's the other guy okay we got it okay perfect so let me um and i'm gonna put him klaus go in the machine guys not working did he already get the kills did it turn green yeah it's green oh nice okay he should be able to go in there yeah i'm trying to get him in don't do it on it do it next week yeah there you go cool all right let's find the lock down get cool there we go uh chop can you hit the trials again yes you know this whole game's just like let me get another hit of those trial machines man bump me a trial brother i just need to get one more trial one more trials all i want man no it's an addiction at this point yeah listen there are support groups available for this guy is there a support group available for salvage not having enough of because i can i could i could go to that one yeah if it gives me a round of applause oh no what will we do without our ex-fill window chop can you let me get these last few i think i'm like four kills away my screen went blind okay it's back jesus christ okay i got a legendary there's that stuff there goes oh my god one second come on guys take it out of the box brother i'll be just fine yeah yeah yeah that's the right one right yeah yeah i uh yep okay klaus come here uh i'm gonna stop that's why he's not running right scroll down okay so let's let's hold zombies if we can guys um this bit we don't need to get any kills with class we just need him to walk to two things so let's just stay on this round yeah yeah so [Music] dude anyone got a trial that's the end of the round what a waste and i bought a ghost device you want to buy some trials oh my god dude i can't believe this is happening um okay so we're upgrading class right now did we just burn around yes is it a new round are we on same round it is new round oh no oh yes oh god okay can we try and stay on this round yeah i'm next to the class machine i'm just we just need to try and not burn through rounds where possible yeah you guys just need to get the two panels now and you're good yeah yeah that's it klaus recharging recharge faster streamer indeed if his cooldown sign was faster it'd be so much better maybe maybe like an easter egg before that maybe can you imagine it's probably like the machine why you can do them all in one go and we just don't know yeah we're just bad at video games there's a outside with an interactive computer and that's the next step you all are on have we tried that tent a temporary computer i mean we need to stop the train first do we know that stuff we're on there wow where's the tent there's two of them uh there's one there's not one right now oh yeah oh no sorry it's until false alarm is closed okay yeah i mean the hacker he needs to hack something that's like literally what we just completed so okay yeah rolling klaus final two things hotel and downstairs uh oh sorry lobby hotel lobby okay uh i'll try i'll try the other computer you all keep doing the klaus thing i don't because military's hit next to the radio yeah that's one of these um i i went there i didn't see anything there's nothing i did not see anything uh i tried the one near the trial station and i tried the one near the bar uh i thought we are doing the train first aren't we and then we can move on assuming sir yeah i mean i guess i'll okay milo how are you looking um uh i'm just doing the first fluffy upgrade nice you doing downstairs we're in the hotel uh i'm i'm like hitting the actual upgrade on him oh gg dude gg okay so so do you think he's gonna need to recharge before we can do the train step no i say we go i think it'll stay still well he's he's upgraded once we can do the second floppy now um oh yeah when i played before i did them both together i just haven't picked up the second puppy yet like i uh oh in the hotel i got one floppy i did the upgrade and then i'm gonna yeah okay if he still i bring him to the hotel yeah yeah yeah oh no i've done a hotel i'm doing i'm doing underground now ah i gotcha yeah yeah just because there was no buyer i figured out trucks tracks can be switched this round so i assume we're not gonna do it on 27. we're going to flip yeah i think so um chuck can you stay here and grab the grab the floppy when he yeah oh trust me wait is he despawning what's he doing he's right next to it brother oh my god that's so annoying ah cheeky monkey he probably landed like four minutes god bless train everybody trained no i was not on it i was literally not on it i was in the middle look i'm dead in the middle god damn it that sucks and now i don't have enough to triple pack no okay okay so so yeah we have we have three things right now we have the uh the floppy disk the other floppiness we have we're gonna go one out we need we got one he he was literally one millisecond away from the second one oh yeah that's what i'm saying we have one of them one of the two yeah we there is intel on the tent but this is like in conjunction with so this is a it's an egg step inside okay yeah it looks like it okay my god the class cooldown time is horrible it is really long okay well all things considered though we're looking okay they're looking great we're not gonna die dude yeah we if boss fight is related to round that we're on then we're gonna i won't be honest it will it won't be good i don't think oh actually i want to hit that mystery box yeah we're just gonna get more it does it does rounds where you just get like literally like 20 pounds during the round so isn't that it's very nice wonder weapon wonder weapon anyone need a trial yes oh my should be of service oh no come on klaus hang on let's go which room let's have a quick so you're gonna go right there and then run back to the wait you you called him that right yeah yeah yeah he's on his way okay there you go open up oh do we gotta bring it back to the armor uh thing we bring him back to the station oh my god why are there so many we can do the train this round i guess so we gotta hurry up though basically after we upgrade him we'll have to take him straight down i think he lasts a bit longer when you've done the second upgrade i could be wrong about that but he seems like he does so okay get him in there i'm gonna drop him crazy dude almost had it come on got no armor he's in is anything done nice okay so now so now we're attempting to stop the train yes or we should we should try the tents first because it takes like 10 seconds to check both tents yeah we've already yeah do you want us to bring klaus then ourselves yeah yeah yeah he's on his way on his way i'll check that out you guys keep doing the thing well you have to take klaus to the tents yeah yeah oh oh okay i thought we had to go i'll take him to attend if he won yeah but i think we need to do the train first wait trump is that you did you wait trump don't you have klaus who has class you want me to try in this ten here yeah let's try it there's and then there's another one at the other end i don't think there's anything in here that can be upgraded i need to go put a bit more the compute oh i just had a girl on him yeah he's gone he's gone they're not doing it yeah we need to get him [ __ ] i say we do train we do train okay i need to get this trial um what do i need i need perks real bad [Music] see cool down quick once it's upgraded what's this fire wait what is this fire be busting are we are we summoning from satan yeah what's going on i invoked the [Music] are you power i got returned armor bro give us this one sell us this for a tenner everyone will buy it guaranteed he will sit inside about the potential after this oh my god okay this is last time you're human bro you're still going to know me you are fuming yeah yeah still only one i just gotta wonder what trust me i why okay apparently there's a time step and apparently there's a time step coming out and you instantly get a game over if you don't do it inside oh [ __ ] yeah so you know anyone tell me what that what the steps like for that please yeah can we can we have a description of it as much as possible oh my god on the uranium step on the uranium okay oh [Music] is there a uranium step yeah okay do not pick up any uranium okay yeah yeah yeah just as a warning for everyone do not pick up uranium let's just wait for clouds to come back in okay we're trying to train thing again are we doing the training again yeah yeah i think so yeah that's next year but let me let me meet you guys down there so basically you just die if you drop the uranium and you don't do the thing all right see him just to smash two uranium stones as fast but they didn't even find one basically remember we can pause the game so like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we should make sure that we know what's going on before we run into those steps you got to deliver uranium to somewhere that has not been discovered do not activate a satellite you get time to that point okay okay keep the zombie away from there i'm at the crank right now limit if you want me to switch uh yeah i'm on the tracks with him give me a switch yeah go for it you take two damage ticks while holding it as well okay yeah he's stopping it he's stopping it he's already in position to stop it that's sick that's sick oh my god oh wow yeah okay so you can also upgrade them right yes wait yeah you gotta upgrade okay i just picked up two things but i didn't it was just intel be careful picking up things that are called bomb because that could end the round oh and the game we don't know uh yeah we got it we got to take this to the uh underground [Music] so do not activate the satellite is that correct yeah yeah do not activate the satellite okay warhead so do not do anything yet do not take it to klaus okay look for a bomb we got that still have access to the satellite right oh and then this is probably where you get clouds to activate the thing in the tent yeah and then that is going to activate the like whenever we talked about it yeah that's when the satellite yeah okay so we're close we don't have to activate the satellite then i say that once we want to hack the computers then it'll give us the option to do it but let's let's chill for a second yeah yeah yeah um i need a i need to pack punch this thing sorry you don't wanna end the round no no no no no no not really no let's wait for the cool down and close yeah okay are you looking for uranium you may be looking for your energy it's a one minute jug apparently wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we can insert a key card here oh yeah don't do it don't do it just in case because yeah yeah is this the satellite thing you need to pick up uranium craft it and then find somewhere to put the uranium in the part where you have to put it in is the part that everyone was dying on okay okay so okay um yeah first of all where did we get the key card from uranium goes into that pedestal i think that's what ben picked up in there apparently we're okay we can place the keycard in we're still apparently we're okay all right okay okay there you go that was just files okay we're just browsing the phone that did something though i think in cyprus projector okay there's nothing to do with hacking those computers right no so we are now going to do this but we just need to chill and just figure out what exactly we're doing can we can we pause it for two seconds just like pause the game yeah for sure let's talk to the shop all right internet chat room let's discuss um okay so yeah what what do we know for sure 100 so we know that as soon as we activate this computer the satellite we have to uh transport ethereum somewhere but we are we are uranium but we only have a limited amount of time and if we don't get it in them on time it's just game over yeah it's a bomb of some sort right five minutes oh five minutes okay so it's like uh that's a pretty substantial amount of time so it's probably a pretty hefty trek um okay another idea maybe gersh devices is something we need i've got a ghost device yeah okay gersh devices are somewhat inconsistent just so you guys know right now uh but what do you mean we can definitely try like basically sometimes it was teleporting me behind where i wanted to go and vice versa like it's do we know well it's a bit of a gamble from he mentioned a mega ton yeah he did yeah so we might need to get a mega ton okay let me let me read this the satellite will drop elites and they drop uranium and you craft a device on the workbench and then you have to put it somewhere in the five minutes but we don't know yeah so the satellite will drop elite megatons and then you have to drop they'll drop uranium when we kill them oh and then we craft the device on a workbench and place it somewhere but we don't know when where where we place the device that we craft on the workbench apparently so is that on the time crunch like renault to figure out where with uranium and then craft the device that's right ben yeah yes yeah so so microsoft uranium we bring the uranium to the workbench we craft the device whatever that is um and then with the device that's what we don't know what to do is that correct yeah it's the workbench to the right of the trails that we're going to be using we're not on the time crunch though once we build the device though yeah like we can build that and try and figure it out i think we might be on cringe so apparently you can pick up and drop the rocks and while you're carrying the rocks they damage you like two two two seconds yeah so that's the five minutes right so you don't have to fall during this minute oh oh that's during the five minutes so that is on the time crunch okay so when does the timer start um everybody's saying that like that entire sequence is on the time crunch okay so it's as soon as you hit satellite timer starts and then megatons spawn we kill the megatons as fast as possible we get uranium we go we got to transport it to crop next to the trials machine yep oh oh the try this machine not the bar oh yeah i guess it would be the try this machine you know because by the trials machine there's basically a tent with a poster in it that shows like uranium uh it's it's like some information about uranium and then it's got uh the uranium splitting and it's got like barium and like two other things okay um we can go okay take a look so that everyone's on the same page if you want so yeah yeah yeah i'm done the megaton yeah after we click this and megaton will spawn in next to pack a bunch and once he dies the five minutes starts oh so timer starts to kill the megaton okay yes yeah oh yeah because i guess you know becomes unstable at that point um yeah do you want to get okay let's let's let's let's yeah let's um i was gonna say let's unpause let's like take a look at what we're gonna be working with like y'all are you all ready for me to unpause yeah i think before we before we hit anything we should all go look at that uh next the trials because that is literally like the instructions yeah yeah yeah yeah they're still i agree okay so yeah pacman's right here the thing the tent is over here as well let's see we have uh here we have the rico's thing um yeah so just to the left of that there's a there's a poster thing with like that that i'm pretty sure just tells you it's like maybe uranium is like splitting or something right i mean every part of me says it has to be something in that secret room because that's literally where we're building the nuke yeah you would assume it's gonna be the teleporter in there so this over here where where my ping is this is where you build it into it you're uh you're right i was about to get this yeah i was talking about it yeah do you know how many you find rico's train car so we've done that yeah so this thing look you can see the uranium is on it's like inside a little thing that has rockets attached and then they're firing them at each other because it says to cleanse the corrupted uranium the rockets are the trains we play some how so the rockets do what do you reckon the rockets are they each train no rocket rocket so we need we need to okay okay that picture in the bottom right have you all seen that before yeah that's where i got the plum that's the blue yeah okay that's the bomb okay that was the item so we need to figure out hold on let me i'm looking at this picture can you pause again real quick yeah i'm looking at this picture i i think you get two uranium like drops whenever you kill the uh because each half of the of the what's it called the megaton will drop a [Music] yeah yeah 100 i'm looking at it it looks like i'm like almost certain it's really hard to tell based on this picture yeah yeah so there's two there's two uranium rocks i think we have to get both those uranium rocks craft the little rocket device and then we have to place them in a certain spot yeah we'll clash them together to stabilize the uranium we then put that into the rocket it's got to be in the secret room wait how do we pause real quick can you please put member only to stop this f-spam please no what do you mean by then put them in the rocket because isn't the device the rocket the device is the rocket yeah yeah that's what i meant like build it on this little machine right here uh get speed with them you get two of them you get two of them and then you've got to place both of them down somewhere that uh it's got to be in this room it's got to be here that could i think that could literally be anywhere the two rockets clashing into each other could literally be from like guard tower to guard tower type thing and it clashes in the middle and then drops what you actually need chuck can you pause oh that's a good show yeah like it could literally be too low any two locations in the map that face each other that have a line of sight i think that's what i think okay do you think it's the rooftops that from spawn to the other one because they're like the the pylons there and they like literally face right next to each other wait so what are you saying we do when we so we we craft the the so you kill the two megatons each half drops its own uranium crystal yeah and then you go and craft your device two rocket-propelled uranium crystals and then literally in the picture it shows them clashing together and it's talking about stabilizing the uranium so we need to do that so what are you saying what you're saying is the thing that like how do we fire them together because basically i think we i think we agree that we craft the thing that's that's what you craft rockets right you craft a device that is what is drawn in the picture i just put in the chat it's it's a little rocket with uranium in a little capsule basically yeah yeah yeah so do we need to like come on so so we need to like what i'm asking is we do we need to transport both of the separate devices individually to different places so we need maybe yeah yes it's gonna be somewhere they can collide but but this that's the point that everyone has died on so far it seems like let's find the spot it will be so clear because they'll be facing each other it'll be somewhere yeah let's take a look let's take a look around right now actually let's just scout some places yeah exactly so i'm gonna look at spawn because that's what i'm tending towards right now but and it's also five minutes so you have literally enough time to get anywhere in the map exactly yeah so that makes me think it's far away sure so let's take a look at let's let's take a look at spawn because in mind as well you can call the megaton like you can activate the satellite from the workbench up here you don't have to be downstairs where we were with klaus you can literally activate it here so yeah yeah oh yeah yeah there's another disruptor satellite thing right there too yeah so everyone be very careful not to accidentally hit one in a different part of the map where was the third one milo was there a third one isn't that what you just said you just is it in the tent there there's one in the tent one next to klaus did you is there another one besides that could be no those are the two that i'm talking about okay yeah could it be the two tanks possibly if we could like put them in and fire it at each other one of them's destroyed already uh on like okay so these two rooftops where i'm at spawn they face each other but there's no like obvious um like canister that these things like would need to go in i i there's no obvious place receptacle for them to go um so um is there a list of confirmed things that have been tried that didn't work so we don't retread old ground yeah um we're going on members only round honestly i think we just get to the end of this round and keep looking yes i'm sure now we can still grab those soul devices by the way yeah yeah that's instructions members only because people are not interested in helping with these strengths so that's fine there's gonna go members online if y'all want to chat you can become a channel again has anybody successfully found at least one of the places for it to go or no that would make it that would make it easy if they did but yeah you know be done i part of me wants to say i know i think i know but i'm not i'm not doing it okay so inside of the main room near the teleporter there's like turbine type engines that are like facing each other it would make sense oh yeah yeah i mean you're right one piece of proof of thought so um when you repel up and down you use like a rectangular metal box to to like to go up to people holding the uranium pieces just run out of each other right next to your poster with the uranium maybe possibly so we think we do on zip line i don't think so though i think i think it'd be awesome keep in mind it also can be it has to be able to be done solo so yeah um pizza could could you do me a massive favor yes could you could you upgrade my gun brilliant i knew that was coming yeah yeah that'd be very epic yeah i got you i'll i'll get the tier one upgraded yeah i feel like because the zip lines are on the workbench that's maybe a hint that that's what we need to do people are saying zip line but i'm not i'm not i'm not convinced yet yeah i like we we got to know for sure before we do that part of me wants to say like it could be two into the train track because then because obviously treyarch wants us to like but we have used the trains well valentina look like she comes off the trains for the boss fight what at the end of the trailer at the end of the trailer valentino like is on the train tracks for the boss oh i thought that was just like thematic that yeah i thought it was like just a thing i i think i i don't know yeah maybe maybe maybe um [Music] we can put it on a zip line apparently it goes zip line you literally have seen footage of that working someone's just said a streamer that i personally follow has just done it and it makes sense because it's like a platform what i've been saying zip line is on the thing like it's it's got the rocket and then next to it is a zip line and a rope so it has to be this one i think the core but the cover zip line i'm there now it has to be in yeah which one where are you the cobra building where it says cobra on top i i think that's it guys i really do i mean it would be a nice cinematic shot too like right above the street like that yeah i need to look at this as well you want to do it let's do it i'm down i think i think we should okay um so so this zip line and the other one just across from this yeah i think so we need to get one zombie we should really get one zombie first we're happy with nukes i think we still got a minute hopefully so you think you literally just attach it to the top area right here let's get both side ready right now let's get busted right here yeah yeah uh yeah let's keep zombies yeah keep zombies just because we are close to them what kind of upgrade are you getting a salvage upgrade no uh pack lunch upgraded point okay uh um here uh here i'm gonna buy this uh stoner off the wall okay let let's hurry up with this let's see how we open this yeah yeah yeah here i'm okay by the wall bye i mean okay here we go all right let's go i had the wonder weapon everything else i don't know if i can i don't know if i could switch this off you jump because i've already got one it'll just happen if you have a variant it'll do it i think just make sure you drop your wonder weapon okay don't pick it up okay uh brain is probably gonna kill everything oh i have a mule kick uh okay hold on grab your right back grab your gun oh yeah um oh shoot no we don't want to do that i need to drop this separately i'm just trying to get this one there's a wall weapon yeah we really need to need to get in there boys i approve pick up the one on the left i'll pick it up you just keep it i'll just go pack function you keep that did i actually just buy another ak that's impressive that i managed to do that okay i'm i'm gonna go inside the silence let's do it all right okay i'm gonna hit it yeah yeah go ahead all right let's let's get it chap here we go boys zombie i'm gonna hold zombie over here yeah yep yep it's a big hvac yup yup yup there's one down okay oh my gosh are coming out i'm specifically holding our round zombie over here you can kill all those okay okay oh my god i'm going down low frames right now okay i'm gonna kill the other one there you go right there's two uranium uranium's out you're in it was out one i've got one okay okay okay pick them up go craft them at that thing the other way another one other sway boys let ben try yeah it works hold it down don't stop got it okay sure and then straight to the building dude it's literally not working drop it drop it drop it let someone else grab it someone else grab it did i get it no i got it i'm building i'm building okay take it on me take zombie off me i'm i'm going oh my god oh my god okay i'm going up which side did you go right or left i'm i'm at the koba building now okay so i'll go to the left building across the street from it yeah yeah it's this place it says place device it says place device i'm gonna wait until yo man that's my place i i dropped it on the slide nice oh don't do that let me go first let me go first go go let's go chat okay oh my god okay the thing fell uh got it got it got it nice okay yeah now we got to go underground probably carry on zombies no i'm being hurt again though okay i'm just being hurt all right let's uh go underground okay it's gotta go with the rocket thing how are you supposed to do that solo is my question no you got five minutes it'll be fine probably getting ready yeah and it must have to pause there as well guys we're going we're going to the lab right yeah to the left yeah there are two satellites there are two satellites oh yeah let's do it let's show the other side go go go so okay we're gonna have to do that on to on another set of zip lines so it's probably gonna be let's figure that out the yeah let's find out first let's quickly find that out first i think it might be just the same ones because it doesn't matter right yeah yeah good point really good point yeah literally the same one yeah inside the claw stream uh oh yeah let me check the other tent yeah this one over here yeah so if this tablet is activated should i just do it yeah it is it is oh wait no it's not no no no it's not it's still good um we can here let me go check the original oh uh yeah okay class one is not like i can't hit clouds is it red or green green it's green okay but i can't i can't hit it maybe we can only do one per round uh maybe yeah this one's awesome is this the one we used to call it in right here yeah yeah that was the first one we used we used upstairs uranium tent so we can't we can't call another zip anyone anyone have any ideas maybe i think that one's red i think that one's red the other two are green a we just go to the next round b klaus has to hack it we haven't used his headgear yet to hack anything this tree what do we think we should hack the the actual terminals themselves to like turn them back on right i could i can call the clouds yeah yeah yeah i mean this one's green so yeah maybe bring him here to the military house yeah yeah yeah okay oh he's gonna kill zombie no i get it what's that enemy in the map is that a oh that's a megaton is it oh is it we got another magazine no megatons have a white outline around them this is i think this is a mauler i'm going to investigate why do you want me to bring claustrophobia upstairs upstairs this one right here right here okay coordinates yeah let me know if that works part of me part of me part of me thinks it's just gonna be uh what's it called next round yeah yeah same street fight if this doesn't work we should flip all right flip let's go i'll go i think we should flip disciples hang on we have a glitch zombie somewhere no he's right here oh he's nice nice round thirty boys let's go okay all right let's let's see if those things activated again and if they did let's get to the end of the round again let's not force this let's yeah take our time oh we could oh i can do it again i cannot spin yeah same same 10 or the military one yeah you can activate it again okay let's get to the end of the round let's get towards the other okay yeah yeah all right we're gonna have to do we're gonna have to go to the next round anyway we can force the next one if we really feel like it there's no reason to force this one we have to round flip one more time i'm gonna check to see if the original satellite can still be used yeah yeah i was gonna do the same also we should probably use the same zip lines because that like worked fine original original satellite yeah you could do this one here as well so you just have three rounds you have to do this yep okay yeah i do three times in a row thank you yeah yeah it's it's a full easter egg of threes yes sir how are you doing it's a classic treyarch classic see i will save one uh and um same same situation yeah for some reason one let me craft it kept like messing up so let's all stay in the exact same places let's let's let's get these rounds happening uh yeah if you want to come to uh come to the tent where we're gonna activate it because i need to get yeah there's a there's a really good camp spot if we want that i know do y'all want to go do that probably pretty fast uh over by wonder fizz or me and milo are yeah i'm really close to come down this hallway right here this way down here are you all going in the lab right just stand in here all the spots are in front of you here oh there's one behind us i don't know how many at least when i was playing on solo last last night the spawn point they were all in front of me okay oh yeah yeah oh we need to be careful with klaus as well yeah also also be thinking about this now yeah i'm gonna quickly go up here and buy quick revive just don't shoot the faraway zombies just shoot the ones that are close and then we'll know when we're good yeah um still got spawns are you sure i don't think they are they done with you guys i see a bunch of them yeah i got like just a few the thing is we don't want the rounds to flip so yeah we want to save at least 10 maybe yeah all right i've got a few here okay let's go okay you save we're killing right all right we're out of spawns here we're done i'm i'm i'm at backwards as well when you guys already responded okay coming in bullish all right let's go he's coming with us oh yeah they're at rooftop move your ass rambo are you guys doing the same oh there's a lot of uh ahmed zombies here yeah normal zombie where's the dude oh there he is okay let's get rid of those mimics so we have to do one more set of this as well as soon as we pick it up that's when it starts kill mimics first kill all mimics there's one more over here okay okay they're down we've got the euro oh there we go it's before you even pick it up okay i got one got the other one all right let's go but his work was not finished he began visiting me okay he told me what i had to do he gave me a path to follow how could i refuse how do you drop the thing by the way you crouch see okay wait um do you have to can you build them in the other tent or do you have to build them there i'm just going to the one that i know works fair enough fair enough they're working yeah got one yeah you're all going well we're doing the same things thank you okay i have the device all right let's do same zip line yeah are you gonna go right side or left side then uh i'll go left right okay actually let me get back down give me two seconds here just gonna let my health reset there you go so watch your health getting pretty low okay milo milo how do i drop it down you want to go i can i'm still fine if you're up uh you all got time yoga time okay three three two one yep nice nice bullish nice i got it nice okay and okay and let's put the round instantly kill the zombies you've got yeah oh maybe we should no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yeah oh yeah i'm almost there okay just in case it doesn't count let us know the moment oh boys one more yep come on it's stuff same same same procedure yeah it's in okay wait are we teleporting yeah yeah oh what's going on accidental boss fight let's go wait maybe things coming up nothing's coming out oh no oh no oh my god brother i already told you no my unpacked ksp is going to go crazy right now oh god oh hello she's stepping on that dark spread out spread out everybody in a separate area yo she's sitting on it chillin begins now that's so cool oh okay she's got she's got [Music] i feel like these aren't that let me try shotgun these are great against the armor no no no no this is careful careful she's uh ranged attack ranged attack yep oh i'm on fire i'm getting beamed right now armor armor let's go connie dumbo armor she's up top you can leave the room you can leave the room she's outside go go go she's immune right again no no leave the room physically with your legs yeah yeah yeah i'm out i'm with you leave the room physically you guys need to come up this zipline it's right here yeah go go go get rid of that element okay armor gun oh my lord uh there's a crafting table close by i'm gonna go never mind you can't go up you can't go up so if we just make sure we don't die we're okay here oh she's sucking up the zombies she's she's healing off the zombies oh okay never mind focus ponzi these are so chunky right now i need ammo yeah always make sure you're spread out she has like an aoe attack that she sends at range also make sure we're focusing the uh the the buff zombie dude guy first yeah yeah yeah all right armor gun focus damage nice focus damage for a second yeah watch out for the ranger yeah he wrecks your armor my god yeah it does so strong bro what the hell dude i just trying to use upgrades maybe switch to frenzy guard if you're out of armor switch to frenzy guard right now yeah fair enough i'm going to wait for kill disciples kill disciples so they don't bump zombies as well i need switched frenzied oh my god she laying into me dude what i do to you apart from shoot you a lot armor armor down go go go go go yeah there's ammo right here if you need ammo you could there's an ammo buy right here [Music] all right she is moving okay we're free we're free we're free let's go let's go let's go let's go boys uh up top one building up top on top pack a bunch right here if you need it grab a grab an upgrade on your gun baby i'm down bad keep going keep the points grabbing dead wire let's get up there yeah wrapped in table if we need it crafting table on the side here i need oh let's break his shield and then i'll go yeah i was weird maybe that takes oh no you guys there we go i'm dropping good and oh my god wait oh wait we have we have a tormentor around heads up these guys are going to be fast yeah yeah tormentors out we should we should get ammo though nice okay folks um watch out watch out range get under yeah thank you okay armor back on gun armor bro are we going i'm okay in this area uh down below somewhere okay nice i'm focusing on tormentors inside the shotgun right now a variant for anyone that needs oh oh god oh god uh huge might be teleporting bro give us a max ammo for the level there's an ammo pack right here ammo pack tacked up top right next to her okay let me grab that one teleporting sorry come on i was on stage uh go go find an ammo station if you need right now try to find your armor station because it'll teleport you anyway i'm going across the street right there armor station on my blooping i'm oh no i can't afford my armor dude dude i need to make a sulphur just in case i've got one i i have a cell phone yeah damage damage damage yeah yeah dead machine doing its job nice job go armor right right here buy ammo uh go go buy armor at the uh at the station right over here follow me follow me follow me station right over here for armor right here i have no idea where you are yeah i have no idea what you are dude uh oh over by pack over by pack over by pack oh yeah gonna go i'm gonna go to her i'm gonna go to her you're ready to teleport i think it's gonna do it anyway but i'm going yeah so we don't want to do it this is fine it's gonna be final phase right yeah it's back down backwards this is an insane boss still putting in get ready okay here we go we got full armor we got this boys let's go let's go boys let's get it are you all teleporting or not let's do it let's do teleporting teleporting okay here we are back in the room back back what we're doing easy damage easy diamonds i'm saving my death machine just in case there's some crazy attack that we have to break yeah yeah he's broken nice go go go go no watch out don't make eye contact when she does that baby you playing english let's go let's go chat oh my chat let's go capture capture let's go you cannot stop the forsaken he will consume this world i suppose this is the real reason why i'm here oh well it is important to feel needed wait this is sick yeah that's so good i'm saving my bullets for a rainy day why are you saving yours remember in full force he's doing it for the good of all people the good of the ball oh my god what an absolute wait he's doing it he's stopping the forsaken brother the full second is like the dlc season is not over it doesn't work his health is dropping though yeah it is there we go oh my god complete main quest done let's go i'm going in as well i'll see you later one is now free all you need to do is come and collect you have to run the boy boy are you a cypher sore eyes i really appreciate your assistance but regrettably i cannot allow you to leave berlin i'm trying to help you but you need to be ready portals hmm the director oh oh my god michael's got his cannon dude dude i'm so happy that's brilliant holy holy crap that was that was actually wild bro dude requiem all the bad guys that was the zombies [Music] bro oh my god worth the wait that was so sick dude that was like a long cut scene complete main quest and just having a trailer under the easter egg like you're on a timer and then you're on a timer again and then you're in a boss fight for like 15 minutes like hold up jesus can someone you look at your rewards look at the main quest completion 10 man heart bro what is yeah i mean i don't want to just say robbie's references but is that the chronorium that looks a little heavy book that takes i don't know i'm not gonna say confirmed but like that that's pretty sus right there i i think yeah the fact that like what other what other thing could it be if it's not the chronology let's just make the argument for literally anything else yeah uh it's a magical book that is blinding people which we know the chronologium does valentina is reading it and laughing maniacally which we know richtofen did when he read the corner it's got some some interesting gold like what's it called like gilding yeah yeah like oh it looks like the canary event like design which the coronary map i mean i don't know dude maybe hey at least it's it's got me asking questions that's a good thing holy crap bro what an experience hey let me just say all you all you boys gigi's gg's guys supreme any dirt toten map is fire supreme dude like that yes i don't know like i i kind of i kind of understand why we had to wait that long like i get it yeah that was a map right there that was an experience bro damn dude 10 man heart oh yeah that's the name of it 10 man heart yeah dude that is what did what did klaus hack with his head headgear yeah what did he do no idea actually no idea i thought he like i thought that allowed him to like pick up the thing out of the laboratory i'm not so sure that actually was the case oh my picture's blocking it oh my god i'm so sorry i'm like this this book is crazy no one can see it oh pain dude there's a lot i feel like there's like a lot of steps but we have to figure out once which which ones are actually needed like we did a lot i feel like we did too much then i don't know if we needed the hacker for anything did we yeah that's what i'm thinking like chat yeah is there anything that we obviously use the headgear for i'm trying to think like yeah unless you actually do need to watch the process but you don't need it before the train do you and people saying he hacked the requiem satellite but i don't we never used it to do that no well where did we get the disk from to actually activate those the disk yeah with the the floppy disk that we or the id card where did we get that from i think id card i don't know that was just yeah who's that as well well we had it we got to some point in the quest and we just know i think maybe it came out of the box that you got so there was an id card there and then there was the nuke warhead which was used to like not only do the new core headstep but also that id card later on yeah dude that was nuts bro what a what a map that had a cool boss fight yeah bro legitimately had a better boss fight than uh revelations we were all like yo give us another revelations dude and now we're all like nah dude no we don't need the boss fight i'm just not getting crazy with that oh my dude that was like the most fun i've had in a boss fight in a long time that was sad you know we've been saying that for ages children we said voyager despair was good because it took you around the map and and and i was like the best feature from it should have a good boss fight i just hate the rest of the map yeah and that was good really wait did klaus say there was another way just said that bro if there's an alternate ending this is like a greatest of all time i like i don't think so i cannot see that happening yeah but if there was you know a man can dream but i doubt it all right i'm gonna do a solo easter egg guide yeah are you are you all running it solo right i think i'm gonna go do a solo i think so well like you know are you going solo or are you gonna just what's your plan i don't know dude i have there's so much to think about because i wanted i want to do like the boss fight only video but i also want to do a solo on running right now but i also want to make the easter egg tutorial i don't know i'm going to try it i'm getting ready if you guys are doing solo no i if you want to do a co-op run i'm down to do a cop run uh i might also do a solo run if not uh i think i need to do a solo around he said in the trailer there was two endings all right what what and watch wait are you kidding me no he just said it's at the end of the thing and craig just goes oh and by that i'm alluding to when max says and it just beeps out so it's just going to be saves the crew by pulling them through a portion of their powers yeah i don't think the door is the best ending something else that's not that's something different that's not the main question i i don't i haven't seen any confirmation my chat's like obsessed with the fact that there's two endings confirmed but like no like there is no confirmation of that i don't think i don't know i'm happy with that ending something like you could help me turn around or go somewhere else instead of going and oh yeah just for everybody ask because i don't know if y'all can expand this as well we were not first in the world guys this easter egg was beaten like two days ago by data miners so it's been it's done been been beat years ago data miners literally have been playing this map for like two days so no we are not first the data miners have already completed this so fog now we got intel though boys the data mines don't got intel my chat is saying it's confirmed on reddit there's two endings how how is it what how i don't understand how that would be possible i don't know all right chat chat i'm uploading the uh the ending of the boss fight right now should we go for a solo completion right now should we go for a solo completion that's what i kind of want to do is just go for a solo completion what do y'all think solo run okay in the portal what if you just let his health just get wrecked oh yeah if you fail yeah there might be like a failure ending that would probably be pretty lame though yeah either that or the other ending is just x filling which is possible i suppose all right chad we're doing a solo run we're doing it so don't understand where all the conversation about two endings has even stopped yeah people some people are saying the like the door with the best ending but that's the bunny easter egg so that's not main quest um i don't know yeah i was gonna say like how was it confirmed on reddit those two innings i mean if there is if it's like substantial i'm down to run it back with you all and try to get a different ending but um i don't know really where that's all coming from yeah i don't i do not know i i uh like just experience everything for myself because i like was doing other stuff for most of it are you going solo now yeah i'm gonna do a solo run okay yeah i think i'm gonna do the same thing gigi's boys was a good time honestly for how much people were playing early and like telling steps and everything i feel like that was still a really fun hunt oh yeah how long did that last like what hours two and a half hours yeah about about what we expected more or less yeah not bad though all right that it was like it was a fun two hours guys i'm probably just gonna stay like single muted in here and if anyone has questions like we can just unmute and ask each other yeah i might do the same to be honest yeah i'm just gonna sing a movie believe that her father hid a nazi army in the dark i'm tweeting out a video of the ending right now all right i'm gonna get my run started boys uh thanks milo oh me and chop are doing the same but we're just gonna stay single muted so if we have any questions we can just unmute be like hey what did like what did we do on this step type thing okay yeah i uh i might not play solo that's the only okay that's fine well i'm just going to say a single mute if you have anything you want to talk about or whatever just feel free to okay yeah i'll i'll move for a minute i'll figure out what i'm going to do and then i'll let you know okay okay all right chat oh okay the tweet is now up ladies and gentlemen if you have enjoyed this the uh if you enjoyed the hunt go ahead and leave a like uh and retweet on that tweet that i just put out or what do they call it liking favoriting whatever whatever it's called leave a fave on the uh on the tweet and uh yeah dude this that was so fun man that was so fun this map chat can we all agree can we all agree that this map is a banger treyarch has made a certified banger with this map i truly feel this map has been the biggest banger so far of cold war i mean firebase z was good uh the machine was a really good launch map but this map is and with the zom the main thing being the zombie health changes went reverted like this map is certified banger certified banger oh yeah okay so the tweet is up if you guys want to be on stream i think it's lagging right now from the amount of people retweeting that tweet but if you guys could uh go retweet that tweet that'd be absolutely incredible man i i really really appreciate the retweets man if y'all enjoyed the stream leave a like as well we're going for the full solo completion right now um but yeah dude what a great map that was a great experience man for real for real for real i enjoyed that so much no no ifs ands or buts certified banger man we got a thousand points for that gallow wondering what what's the what's the like most optimal way to get like a ranked up gun wondering uh bam bam is do we have any bands in the chat room do we have any bands in the chat room right now um we're gonna we're gonna use this run so if you guys want to learn how to do the easter egg live uh we're gonna do that right now and uh bam is gonna record it for the easter egg hello streamer yes van is here okay we are going to uh use this run to get clean footage of everything for the easter egg guide that is what we're gonna do here so big poggy woggies um so we already have the footage for the um we already have footage for uh what should we call it i feel like power impact punch is so unbelievably simple that you don't need it i think power is so unbelievably simple that we don't need it right keep coming i i i don't think it's needed i i think if you're going for the easter egg and you don't know how to turn on power it's better to just stop there you know what i'm saying right right i i feel like that's just an absolute given absolute given so let's not let's not watch the tracks i'm just surviving so much getting hit by a train dude i still need to tweet out that clip later of me getting hit by the train that was so funny man getting absolutely smacked by the train [Applause] why are people saying yes i i don't know i i truly think that it's uh that it's uh not not required not necessary i won't say i'm surprised but we don't we don't do power tutorials for zombies in the year of our lord dude i can't wait for the speed runs on this map i'm trying to think and honestly it doesn't seem like very much rng speed runs actually might be kind of fire on this boys dude the train is great i i really love the train that was so many funny moments getting hit by the train and whatnot um okay let's go up here the great train incident of 2021 exactly dude exactly all right pack a punch this little thing is so cool looks so so nice another zombie kia okay got that done all right so let's go ahead and build klaus immediately stuff i wish these i kind of wish these dig piles respawn i think that would be a really nice like addition as if these big piles respond for people like me who get hit by the train and get a chance to get some more salvage back i can't believe if you die you respawn with no salvage i i i don't mean to toot my own horn here but i literally never die in zombies that was one of my first time fully dying out um and i had no idea that you literally lose everything if you die that is rough for new players that is really rough for new players satellite piece okay there we go all right beautiful we have a lot of salvage already too okay let's go ahead and open this up that's why you get tombstone i guess so man i'm a solo player so i barely use tombstone i guess so man uh okay so let's get let's end this round nice all right let's go and get turned on my shotgun let's get turned i want to take turned off a bit later but oh well we're gonna need some perks and whatnot okay so we have these things those are obviously gonna be used a bit later let me go ahead and go do my turned thing real quick let's go we need to go to the correct apartment time for a speed run i mean basically this is a speed run but we're also going to be figuring some stuff out like really locking down how some of these steps are done and whatnot here we go [Music] okay dude rain rod is going in right now what in the f okay so we have that done [Music] all right nice that done okay so we need the uh we'll go ahead and place the satellite dish down microwave dish whatever how do you do the uranium solo i'll show you it'll be pretty easy i'm i'm excited to see how the boss fight is solo man i'm really excited to see how the boss fight play solo all right let's see here let's see we need to go for so what do we need what do we need now we need the battery which is round 10 we need the head gear is there anything else we can do in the meantime we need klaus in order to get the i think we just need to go next round you're basically required to speed around it to round ten unless there's a way to certifiably spawn in a panzer which i can't think of is there a way that y'all can think that you would be able to 100 spawn in a panzer earlier what do you all think [Applause] um i'm kind of waiting for uh what's it called too oh yeah we could do the bunny easter egg all right let me see here uh where is we could do the bunny ass there's a money part right here okay i'll just do it all right so the first part to the bunny spot is here in the grocery store it is over here on the back side and boom right there bam you don't have to record the bunny stuff i'm just going to go ahead and do it you don't have to record that the second part for the bunny easter egg is over here sitting right setting rally points beautiful brother bro i need to take brain rod off man holy crap brain rock goes absolutely in yeah actually bunny easter egg might spawn panzer i don't think it does pretty sure i kind of want to get i kind of want to get rid of brainerd thoughts chat i'm getting rid of brain rot because it keeps ending the round and i i could just knife you get less chance of getting salvaged if you knife compared to when you use the weapon with your flashlight on it kind of a waste of money cry or napalm yeah i think i'm gonna go cryo it's just worth it so i don't have to worry about the zombie ending the round for the entire rest of the game where's the zombie hello yeah much better much better where's the first headgear part um i'll show i'll show you all how to do the headgear and stuff as well i don't need to do trials we're pretty much chilling right now man we we just pretty much have to get to round ten show boss kills panzers that's true [ __ ] i i think i probably at the end of the the easter egg i'll go for shield oh gosh that hurts i'll go for shatter blast before we go in the last step what was that i can't remember jeff what was actually the thing that sent us into boss oh it was this inserting the second uranium thing let's send us i was not expecting that to just send you into a boss fight there yeah bam so there's nothing to record just yet i just need i'll let you know when y'all want me to do the bunny easter egg i couldn't do the bunny easter egg um could someone tweet me just like the text list of all the bunny parts so i don't have to look it up so i can focus on playing that'd be that'd be great dude we're almost at 600 retweets on the tweet already man the easter egg complete tweet you'll kick for the trap step oh mule kick for the trap step could be huge actually do you all think that zombies will ever drop an armor for me down you go dude i feel like the story for this map is uh pretty spicy too chad i think there is a part over here as well yeah right here there's a funny part there's three done [Applause] three done and then oh shoot where are the other ones the director is obviously gonna be richtofen we'll see i guess i don't know i'm looking for the uh the bunny parts to be tweeted to me i thought there was one in this little alleyway but i guess not next to wonder fizz all right this will be number four of six there it is there's four of six done actually speaking of wonder fizz that's probably good i should probably go grab one at the super perk machine guys the uh super per you will now refer to the super perk machine wonder fizz as the super perk machine from here on out um okay i can't remember where the other two are i think they're up here i want to say they're up here got the wonder fizz bunny wait there's another one right here was there always one right here wait did we do this i think that was the same spawn sewer access and hotel room 304 okay hotel room 304 and sewer access hotel room 3-0 yeah there it is hotel room 304 and then last but not least is this axis um all right if next round if by next round i don't have everything i need we're uh if i if my next round we don't have a armor i'm just going to go ahead and buy it f it right might as well all right let's go down to sewer access oh gosh the train monka train chat manka train okay sewer access the part in here is i don't know i have never done this before because i wasn't cheating on the easter egg and playing it early oh there's okay here we go there we go there's the last part all right here we go wait this is the first time i've ever seen this what yo he's going in he's going in oh shoot oh wait whoa whoa i thought we were being cool here i thought we were being cool wait i just realized if this can give you the wonder weapon this is a hundred percent gonna be the meta sorry if this can give you the the wonder weapon this is 100 gonna be the easter egg it's gonna be it's gonna be the most oh thank goodness it's gonna be the most easter egg wonder what like uh speedrun of all time there's a lot okay i don't trust them they're dancing now but i don't trust them why are you not learning your lesson this is sick oh you don't get points in this room i don't think so doesn't seem like it anyway jeez man the reloads are insane should have packed a punch before coming in here dude shoot the money i don't think it does anything okay agree load oh nice okay max ammo love it or what now hello bunny oh wait what collect rewards on stage wait we pick a door this is so sick pick number three my lord um why on earth would i turn it down can i get another door wait wait wait i think i think i should have picked the other doors chat okay well i guess i i don't know if that actually gave us anything was that actually useful at all i think i got a bad door all right whatever wait what where are all these extra zombies coming from i thought i already entered the room extra points there extra points here the rng of the easter egg speed speedrun with that oh dude if you can get the wonder weapon out of there the speed run is chalked for me i'm gonna be so upset the speedrun is actually shocked all right so now we get pans around where's papa p come here papa pee ah okay let's get down to the last zombie here i need to pack a punch literally don't let me buy anything else before i pack a bunch chef don't let me buy a single thing before i pack a punch [Music] you chat not a single thing not a single thing until i packed punch this reload is driving me crazy i'm gonna be able to afford it oh my gosh so close dude so close dude okay let's go build klaus so okay do we actually know the real upgrade step for klaus does he just have to get 50 kills is that what the upgrade step is for him is that confirmed and do we have to upgrade klaus to uh to do that train step are we good yeah we're good um let's go build the big boy over here um is it confirmed and you need floppy disk is that confirmed [Music] sure it is developed the taste for further but you are probably safe but sometimes requires illumination your back window is open though only the weak retreat for shame um you don't need to upgrade you do need floppy disk does anyone actually know for sure floppy disk is a must oh wait is there anything else we can do with class while he's out aside from uh get kills is there anything else we can do with him while he's out right now um yes 100 percent break the wall oh yeah we could get him to break the wall good call chat good call actually i'm just gonna let him get some kills this is an earlier round i'm just gonna let him get some kills [Applause] i usually okay bam can you use this footage right here this is uh for how you upgrade klaus use this footage right here shoot klaus jeez louise man going absolutely in that scene had fully upgraded klaus oh oh even the cutscene had fully upgraded class yeah so use this footage and then include the clip when this uh when this turns uh green like whenever this turns green i'll show you it feel like you need to take some time for recharge i certainly do okay so klaus needs to go recharge let's go ahead and buy the pack a punch because i'm gonna lose my mind if i don't good there is still fighting you can klaus actually pack a punches gun i think he gets that just by upgrading okay so i need to do okay so now we need to do the i need to get two grand no more no less so we're gonna not kill any more zombies here actually we might kill one more oh shoot a double point really we gotta use the double points okay there we go we'll be thankful for those points a little bit later on okay so let's go do the safe part the safe step okay so number three is 17. so question mark question mark 17 chat question mark question mark 17. um we'll go there last drop down into the sewer uh okay question mark 3117 question mark 31 17. uh eight thirty 31 17 8 31 17. this is the code 8 31 17. that's really hard to tell if that's i think that's it [Music] thank you treyarch for making this work this way the zombie ignores you how do you find the black light you uh you go watch my tutorial i already have a tutorial up on how to do this here we go let's go baby there we go wonder weapon complete are you my new owner my name's cerberus property of requiem at your service okay ah i see requiem's rnt is still dropping lsd like it's 1975. okay bam uh save that clip i'm not sure where we're gonna include it in the tutorial like at what point during the tutorial we're gonna use it but include that clip we need that clip right there capture that and then save that in the old archives right there of us just shooting that with the uh cerberus make sure to open up all this other stuff um okay so then the ones in the radio part down here okay bam here's another clip this will be part of building the head gear um this will be another part of building the headgear go down here to the electronics shop oh apparently it can be hiding in it apparently i can be hiding in any of those goods enough cool okay bam there's another clip there's another clip all right i'm not gonna pick up the third one just yet i'm not gonna pick up the third one just because i don't want to uh i want to figure out what's actually required for the easter egg okay bam's got it cool beans we got those two clips um so now we need class to a break down the wall a he needs to break down the wall and then b he needs to uh what else does he need to do what's that what's the actual next step uh chad i need to go p real quick i need to go p give me two seconds i'm sorry i've been holding this in because i hate when y'all i know y'all hate whenever i go p but give me two seconds i gotta pee you're back all right we're back we back we back we are back didn't wash my hands don't care here we go um okay so what do we actually need to do next uh oh that dvd thing off um what do we actually need to do next chat literally every single one of you guys who are going to stare me right in my eyeballs and say that you wash your hands after every single time you pee are delusional and i i don't care um so do we know for so you guys are saying for sure we have to fully upgrade klaus that's what you guys are saying for sure all right let me kill him go ahead and call in klaus okay bam use this as a step man this is a step right here i will have to record the voiceover for all of this but so colin klaus marking waypoint coordinates and then this will be a step damn record this there is oh perfect and then it can include this in it as well once you are in the lab valentina must be stopped or take her into custody you sent your dogs to collect me all right so include that and then the next thing to include and get will be this in just a second we need to get the other upgrade part your world will soon belong to their life go clouds go santa claus baby dude i can't believe klaus died in this easter egg i can't believe it i literally said impossibly ryan and sure enough klaus died unbelievable valentino we need to consider more touristic measures we must close the gateway requiem find a way to seal the breach you must stop valencina that army cannot be allowed okay so i think you're just supposed to use the shotgun one to open these up oh okay so you just need to end the next round so bam just include that clip of me uh doing that so include include that entire clip sit down you take it from me all right i thought you had to shoot them but i guess they just go down naturally i'm not even tired okay wait for the next round pick those up and then pick that up that's that full sequence of events okay cool now now we know you literally just have to go to the next round there you go um okay let me [Music] okay so we are going to go up here and then the first one and then so do these spawn points change chat do these spawn points change i feel like we didn't have the same one last time i feel like we definitely didn't have the same one yeah they definitely changed okay so you're gonna find this place it down these guys make sure they're close enough now make sure you don't die holy crap dude okay and then bam this is a clip right here [Applause] most curious the n-section harvester is designed i should have grabbed some armor before this oh you can definitely mantel that what line him up i'll knock him down this stuff is stressful on solo holy here we go do you know what this bomb that when is and open to breach i'll bet my ass that's how valentina got into the dark ether wait wait hold on if we build our uh clip um stop valentina oh my gosh all right um repair this good stuff okay so so it looks like there's just a random assort a random amount of kills whatever whatever dr gray calm yourself calm yourself elbow okay yeah definitely want uh i'm gonna get some speed cola before we go any farther as well is this easy uh kind of it said to kill her or capture her i wonder i i mean honestly that'd be very we we're gonna have to do some easter egg hunts to see if there's a second ending i think for sure all right grab that stuff and then we're gonna go ahead and place the empty canister down bam this is another clip here yeah we're obviously gonna have to do a lot of like speeding up one time through this there's one there's two come on tempest boy a little bit closer a little bit closer okay grab this hey there's number two and then we're gonna grab another one of these yeah honestly this is like one long flip that'll just need to be sped up like this whole entire section because we're doing easter egg stuff this entire time all right here we go and then last but not least we have the third i need some more blue so i'll just upgrade my armor am i am i witnessing a speed run basically all right and then the third canister so are y'all cool if i say just find the three green glowing canisters around the map because i mean there's like gonna be like a billion spawn points and honestly they're really easy to find they literally look like that when they're done and then they are green and glowing when they're not done seems pretty easy so we didn't get it here this time is this done yet oh this is done pog okay so we'll show that in a separate clip so that is that really is just klaus getting killed huh we just need to run around look for the boy here not in here stamin up is very useful man stamin up is very very useful right bye jug i didn't see it by jack but i trust you chat you've never you have never steered me wrong before chat no no [Music] treyarch please i will give you anything i will give you one million dollars dude no shot no shot oh that fixes it pausing and unpausing pog pog we did it oh yeah it is over here okay so you find the third one place the canister toss that down all right here we go third one bam [Applause] all right that was a really easy one okay sick [Music] all right charge canister let's get it wait are there no zombies spawning in for this one oh that makes it omega easy look both both ways before you cross the tracks always every time should not be a problem okay almost almost no difference even if you found the warhead it would still be too late you are out of time okay so let me try this so you can switch the tracks okay here's the question boys here's the question do we need do we need um what's it called the headgear the first upgrade the second upgrade what kind of upgrades do we need for klaus what series of upgrades do we need so i am reluctant experience [Applause] twisted than focal honestly a class's work is never done switching tracks come on class let's see let's see if this is it okay so let me go up let me go up let me go let me go up do the first upgrade who doesn't just love following orders all right so enemies down here we go this is the clip right now you need to here them is so we're gonna try it with just the first class upgrade and see if that works okay so that is the upgraded version okay that is the upgraded version let's bring him down to the sewers again oh gosh okay they're gonna not get hit by a train here okay so klaus is gonna go for a nap a little nappy poo that's fine all right we need to get down to one last zombie here so we can try this out yeah we're doing another completion right now uh for the guide here okay let me save like a couple zombies all right we almost have enough okay 15k for the upgrade good stuff oh we need we need to do class first though okay i'm gonna save the money for klaus i'm saving it for class um okay cool cool cool we have the dark ether portal down there so now we need to see if just having the first upgrade makes him eligible to stop the train and if it's not that we're gonna try the headgear and if it's not that then we're gonna try the uh two discs upgrades [Music] how do you get the ability to switch the tracks you just get far enough in the easter egg that's all um keep missing the intel by mule kick and it's in tall it's all right it's not not a priority all right we just need to chill for a second let's recharging all right we just need to wait for him to recharge klaus's recharge time is uh is a big boy for sure claus definitely has a big boy recharge time you just need one disc i've done it what if you need zero discs though i want to figure out the literal bare minimum you need to beat the easter egg the literal bare minimum i can confirm it's not the headgear i did it without it okay cool cool you only you only need headgear with the satellite step okay got it i thought his research time was round based i don't think so i think it recharges on its own i've done it with no floppy disk okay i i i i if i had to guess it would just be the normal upgrade that's what i would say because you just need the normal upgrade yeah the normal ray guns on this map as well yeah okay so let's activate klaus come on klausy boy come on klaus running all the way here we go [Music] [Applause] maybe you could do it okay so he gets into position to stop the train and then you switch the tracks beautiful beautiful are you surprised that they stop the train you should mom rico's note okay so we got the bomb that is not how you get the id card okay bam so that's a clip right there i should take this off to destroy the west you are operating on bad intelligence i'm afraid okay so and then clip right here replace the warhead so there we go you missed the id card you missed the key card next to the intel are you serious bro i looked i looked around that whole train let me go look let me go look i'm gonna be i'm gonna be real disappointed with myself if i actually managed to miss that i'll be real real disappointed with myself all right let's see here it popped up right when you took the intel was it like hiding behind where the intel actually was all right let me go pack a punch let's go let's see let's see what we got let's let's let's survey the land jesus said it was on the train but i i was thinking maybe he was like panicking he picked up that intel thinking it was the id card but let's see okay so we have tier two dude the pack-a-punch came on this map goes so hard i love it um so you can't call in the satellite thing from here or can you it was on the edge of the same seat as the intel closest to the aisle okay let me see if there's still the option to stop the train again because that would mean that we did miss it the uranium let's see is the is the track option still here it is still here thinking you're right chat id card required we don't have the id card boss is recharging okay we just gotta wait we're gonna stop the train again you move too fast away from it yeah all right we will do it again we will do it to gain chat you can stop the train multiple times if you fail yeah yeah so i'll just make sure to say in my tutorial that uh don't miss it it's easy to miss don't do it uh huh uh huh all right klaus there we go deployed i think it takes a few seconds before you can actually command him to do anything all right so let's see you fail does he do it does he do it again okay all right okay so you can stop the train again oh my gosh what a boss dude okay there we go it was like hiding under the intel notes first i infiltrated the kgb then omega and convinced them to reactivate and then you can put it into the browser files i bet this is where klaus you need to have class upgraded we learned from our content i bet this is where you have to have class upgrade organization has known about this entity oh yeah this is it now you need the headgear okay we're we're learning the exact steps you need to do this which is really really good sit down you take it from here right all right so let's get let's get to the end of this round and then we will do everything else okay so bam here right here is where we're gonna put the uh right here is where we're gonna put the clips of the headgear and i'm gonna get the third one for you in just a second here at the end of this round right here is where we're to put the in the tutorial all the steps we're getting the head here the head here is super easy to get at least super super easy don't forget to buy elemental pop bro the the point the points are few and far between right now i'll tell you what they are few and far between uh should we go for a triple pack punch on this gun or should we go for a double pack punch on the shotgun what do y'all think all right so okay so bam here is the clip of getting the third okay we're good here's the clip of the third part bam i'm gonna come to the train tracks shoot that electric board okay there's the clip of getting the third part and we are going to go over here and we are going to right up next to him craft the hacking helm shop well done i have now hacked into the satellite access terminals are now available around the city knock yourself out that way i do not have to i love class okay so that's the clip and then we're going to activate them what do you want now and you want me to go there can't wait all right command them to uh this is terribly disappointing honestly i do not think you'll appreciate it all right so you're gonna activate the hacking help several access points go me okay so then you have the satellite ready i'm gonna i'm gonna wait till i'm gonna wait till the end of this round so that i can get a clean recording of everything did klaus just shoot me i think klaus just shot me we go to the end of the next round just so i can get a clean recording for you guys on the tutorial it'd be easier to just do it now but we are not going to do that you get this wonder weapon from the box you can yes right so there's three disruptor satellites there's three of them all right let's get down to the end of this round and then we'll do the thing i love shooting and accidentally killing zombies it's very satisfying okay okay that's every time i hear those bells i know right all right so we need i'm gonna let i'm gonna let klaus uh run out of juice here go home class go home class also chad remind me to put shadow blast on the shotgun before we go into boss fight yeah oh no he's dude class is going in why is he so good upgraded dude aren't using mule kick i mean this is the first time i've had enough points actually to use it stop klaus go over here story of my life i'm sorry okay there we go oh thank goodness class was too strong man extraction no longer an option this was too strong all right bam here's the next clip i'm just going to show where all three of these are so the first one is going to be right over here this is the location of the first uh satellite disruptor station the second one is going to be over here on the opposite side of the main area you're gonna be able to activate the satellite disruptor station there oh god [Music] okay we're good geez man i i'm traumatized by the train so this is deactivate this deactivates whenever you do it okay and the and the third one is gonna be right here whenever you're ready to go connect you're gonna activate it and we're gonna go kill ourselves the panzer or the uh that's called megaton it's gonna be a little tough in solo actually all right here we go you should know the mega talks to your engines oh that was the last zombie no oh shoot okay to smash the corrupted symbols together do you have one of those that's what's ideal right now you're uranium device okay we are gonna take it over here all right and then the first one is gonna go there second one all right this isn't as stressful as i thought that's a little bit more stressful when the pans are sponsored okay this right here all right then we're gonna go on the opposite rooftop over here we're gonna put it they're going to cause big kaboom drop the uranium on the floor okay pog let's go easy solo step right there uranium is no longer corrupted so now instead of dying in a joint explosion you can die of good old-fashioned radiation exposure it's a scurry picked on the lab go back to the lab hop over and then we place it right there well this is these are some good spots for uh for this double points right now i gotta say man okay hey dude this this wonder weapon is incredible man it is so much fun to use it really really is man user mod all right so now we need to head up to the second one this activatable yet or do we have to go next round all right we activate the second one you're gonna do this twice initiating firing sequence firing in three two one okay go up here command apex hvt has been tethered these guys are a little bit stronger than the last one holy oh no oh my gosh i was so nervous for a second but his work was not finished he began visiting me i was so nervous for a second that that was over i was like no it's trapped in there how could i refuse the rice plant to be fulfilled someone had to free their art all right here we go my father chose me let me heal real quick y'all up grabbing it again dude this is going to be a big ether shroud part for the speedrun man this is going to be a real big ether shroud part for the speedrun okay we're gonna do the exact same thing again uranium go back down i probably should have gone to the other building first but oh well three minutes left no one panic chad are you panicking i can i can sense the panic i can sense the panic in you chat don't panic chat it'll be okay all right here we go oh shoot did i put it i put it in the right one first i need to go left this time all right all right let's let my health go back up i know that explosion i mentioned it is more like a miniature nuclear blast berlin would be a crater so maybe pick up the pace we got a level three of the sir uh cerberus i need to go this way no panicking chat all right here we go and boom that's the clip for the second one hey nice wait does this start the boss fight right here i don't think it does but it might wait does this start the boss fight on this rock here we go i mean effort bro if this starts the boss fight i'll make do oh shoot i accidentally dropped it up there wait where what oh my god it was complete invisible last thing we need to convert raw ethereum crystals to flawless [Laughter] oh this really starts it now huh i already told you you are too late oh all right is that you what have you become my name is all right here we go solo easter egg boss by boys let's get it the maturity of okay good to know literally dip out of existence when she uses that attack okay let's buy this was there a uh buildable table anywhere shoot was there was there a buildable table anywhere oh right here right here buy one of these let's buy a death machine as well you attack on so does it automatically teleport you if you're too late i'm not here to find out shatter blast yeah i do need to do some chatter blast bro these things shred your armor shoot i am out of ammo that is not good ammo give ammo please you will pay for your influences cash is gone i really don't like the diffuser one man i really don't like the diffuser okay whatever whatever we're going for it let me repair my armor one more time okay yeah ammo is 10k i can't buy it i'm so i i'm going without the shadow blast we're just we're sticking to the wonder weapon we're sticking to it boys here we go we can do this we can do this boys let's go [Music] okay just bring on that attack break line of sight okay that attack hurts good to know stop getting your shield back okay she wasn't done i thought she was done with this area show them our fury [Music] the uranium didn't break for you you could build it yeah i could build it nope you didn't have any issues with this no oh god i'll do the boss fight thanks now holy f man um okay here we go good luck to me i guess hahaha no [Music] keep on coming i'm not even tired no here we go all right i'm buying some perks real quick i don't need shadow blast i think we're fine without it i know i still have my death machine i'm using it i'm saving it for a down there's no reason to use it when i'm doing fine or when i have no armor there's no reason for me to pop it out or prematurely here um all right we have perkaholic oh god i hear panzers already i'm not even down there yet [Music] oh death machine going live bye it was foretold do i not kill her what if i don't capture her what if i don't capture her the mission it cannot what happens if i what happens if i don't man what have i done how did this happen what happens if i don't though father give me another chance bring me back to the ether i can still lead us to glory father why have you forsaken me what do you think keep waiting for content bro actually that's that's a pretty that's a pretty sick thumbnail right there that's that's pretty good look over here valentina oh it automatically did it it automatically did it he will come soon i suppose this is the real reason why i'm here oh well it is important to feel needed go klaus you beautiful son of a gun if you want me to survive you could try doing something should we let clouds die i mean we've already seen that we've already seen the cut scene i'm gonna let class die i'm gonna let him die i'm gonna see what happens if you let him die maybe try trying this shroud is literally a blessing in disguise i'll be the same the clowns no no salute the man the mythologies your ally raptor one is now free all you need to do is come and collect him boy are you a cypher sore eyes i do appreciate your assistance but regrettably i cannot allow you to leave trying to help i feel like i feel like they should have just already been on the rooftop for this scene like instead like he should have done that like it should start here like the card scene should start here like you just find you find him on the rooftop and then he shows up and tries to kill you that would be so sick fluffy too all right boys who do we think the director is who do we think the director is first in the world doc that wasn't even the first time that i did that that wasn't even the first time that i did that her powers are growing her powers are growing chat and there it is ladies and gentlemen and there it is i hope everybody here enjoyed the stream not only did we get a fire first ever attempt completion but we now completed our first try on solo as well i love this map chat oh what's up um are we 100 sure how to lower those like energy things in the main room yet i think it's just waiting around okay i did mine just happened unmuted let me know if it was the same in your game but i literally just i ended around and then they lowered i didn't i shot them with the laser thing and they uh didn't do anything and i didn't get a new upgrade or anything but the startup next round i got a quote and then they lowered okay and did you use the exact same variance as me for the wonder weapon uh i used the laser to melt the wall put to get the uh essence trap which one did you use i didn't do anything for the essence trap they they just came out oh okay i literally just went to the next round unmuted let me know if it's the same in your game though yeah i will be holding okay all right chat two easter eggs up two easter eggs down baby two easter eggs up two easter eggs down i mean the easter egg is it was easy to solve but obviously cold war's going for easy solve easter eggs i i mean like at the end of the day i think it's more replayable when the easter eggs are easy to replicate rather than having like uh basically if i if i could choose anything it'd be like really really hard steps like the rock step in revelations that take like weeks to figure out but there's not multiple spawn points i want no multiple spawn points but i mean that's my ideal i know that that's not everyone's ideal some people love the easy easter egg some people are like yeah give us literally all the spawn points so it's harder i don't know i think it just kind of depends on the player uh and what their preference is but i i i think we did really well today easter egg guide i am working on it right now i am working on it right now as we speak well bam's already working on it my editor he's already working on it bam the legend uh so we're gonna get that out we're gonna get that ready for you guys literally asap and um extremely hard to solve but easy to replicate yeah exactly that would be mine so yeah it's a waiting game it's until it gives you the max ammo i think and then you do need to shoot the box to get the essence trap i think you might have just accidentally shot it are you sure it just popped out for me i literally i don't remember shooting it i think it was very delayed like it came out way later than the other stuff but it didn't come out by itself weird okay i just shot it as soon as the things went down and it instantly came out as soon as the things went down you shot it with which gun the like the five spread the five spread yeah interesting you need to shoot it can you so can you shoot it with any variant you shot it when you entered the room because well if you i think you got it man i think yeah cause i i had the laser one so i guess you shoot it with just anything yeah yeah okay cool okay sounds good i'll let you know yep all right chat uh but i'm gonna go ahead in the stream here if you guys have enjoyed please please please leave a like please please please subscribe easter egg tutorial literally coming out in like two three hours max i gary i'm getting hey you know what you know what actually i'm gonna give you guys the newer jay guarantee easter egg tutorial coming out hour and a half on this channel right here on this channel right here wait until the very very uh or sorry wait till the very next round hour and a half easter tutorial is gonna be out okay tomorrow we're gonna do the free reagan easter egg all that kind of stuff so uh more content coming yeah all right boys easter egg tutorial i'll also tweet when it's out so make sure you follow me over on twitter i love you all i appreciate you all i will see you all in the next one peace out guys great easter egg hunt a lot of fun see y'all
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 1,595,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noahj456, noah, noahj, gaming, black ops 3 zombies, Black Ops 3, Noahj, NoahJ456 zombies, black ops 4, custom zombies, zombies mods, zetsubou no shima, revelations, black ops, black ops cold war, black ops cold war zombies, call of duty zombies, call of duty 2020, cod 2020, treyarch, reveal, trailer, call of duty black ops cold war sniping, sniper, black ops cold war multiplayer gameplay, bocw, cod bocw, cold war sniper gameplay
Id: xhMazf6ISeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 44sec (14324 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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