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good morning family good morning good morning today is still Saturday June the 8th 2024 I am back with another episode about ready to go get this day kicked off start off with the gym then go pick up my son so until then I want to thank y'all for tuning in for another episode as always I'm truly grateful and appreciative I'll never forget and I want to remind y'all about the live tonight 7:30 p.m. Central Time right here in the place to be and we have two topics I want to discuss starting off with if y'all don't already know which is something I said I wasn't going to do no more I was done with with but it's been people stead coming at me want me to talk about these things so you got to get a people what they want so politics and religion whether you're democrat or republican why whether you believe in God or you don't why what's your beliefs what are you a Protestant Catholic Muslim Hebrew Israelite whatever you are we going to talk about it and we going to talk about why why you believe what you believe if you up for it if not I do all the Talking y'all just have to listen to me so y'all welcome to join in and uh I'm looking forward to seeing y'all we're going to keep the comments to five minutes so other people that want to get in can get in and I'm keeping the time to an hour and a half not during a three hour tonight sweet people uhuh not tonight plus some of y'all was saying that was too long so hour and a half is the max at five minutes for your time to talk and if you have a lot to talk about I let you do most of the talking so I want to eat up your five minutes with me Ram so I look forward to seeing y'all let's have a good time keep growing keep learning each other keep learning keep teaching so see y'all there tonight and this topic here is a topic that I used to talk about a lot and I used to get a lot of flack for it that's where I get my name when they used to call me Uncle Tom [ __ ] sellout what have you cuz my people a lot of us don't want to accept the truth we like living in the fantasy world of how we think things are instead of what they really are during this time when I was on this real heavy when I first started CU there was a very important thing to me my community the black community in the state that we were in or that we are in that was really important to me and I came on here on fire trying to thinking I can change it so in the beginning that's mostly what I was talking about politics conservatism what the black community needs and Def when the troll showed up I even had guys making videos threatening to come down here and whoop me and see that that ain't the gun I'm going to use so don't let I know a lot of yall say big what it don't mean that we don't care nothing about no big Jokers you know what I'm saying but that ain't the gun I'm using I just felt like showing it cuz it look good and I'm working on going to the gym today see this right here see my head so y'all can get a understanding of how big that some [ __ ] is this my head look at it compared to this the camera don't do it justice but anyway but thank the God I'm using if you know what I mean I had Joker because of my stance on what's going on in the black community and what we need to do to fix it how the Democrat policies played a part in the black community being in the condition that it in I had dudes threatening making whole video I can see their face where they from who they are so when it come I can see him there he go right there there how stupid these dudes were but they were so in their feelings they didn't even care see I'm the type of I'm going to do something to you I ain't going to tell you if you done cross me a I ain't going to let you know I'm mad at you no evidence no Witnesses no crime no jail time but no these folk I'mma do this I'mma do that I'm all on leaving all kind of evidence what I'm going to do that's called ain't going to do nothing if I'mma do something I ain't going to tell old school I learned some things out there them streets from some real steppers but anyway so um I had these people threatening me on YouTube videos what have what they going to do big Bo I'm coming to see you telling y'all tell big Ward when you see I'm coming to see him I'm going to do this I'm going to do that so I I didn't track the Dude down know what he look like way he live and everything I'm just waiting on he ain't showed up yet he even took the channel down cuz I heard he was making threats to other content creator somebody got in his ass I don't see his channel no more cuz I keep an eye on him see what he's doing see if he made more videos about what he going to do to me I don't see a channel no more so I'm come to find out somebody I heard through the grapevine he was making threats to somebody else too the way he was threatening me and they got out his ass I was doing that I was just gonna wait for him to show up self-defense that's all I was G to do but anyway so me making those videos about what I'm going to talk about right now created a lot of enemies for me and I don't care so I'm back again cuz it's still going on ain't nothing change is getting worse and that is black- onblack crime black on not just crime killing so as the title of this video States black lives don't matter to black people now we had Colin Kaepernick rising star in the NFL quarterback and been to the Super Bowl everything he win making millions of dollars and got a chance to make millions of more he was on his way but because the police killing unarmed black people he took a knee black lives matter police out here killing innocent black people right he all on TV doing football games in the NFL that ain't got nothing to do with police killing black people he out there putting them folk on blast the NFL they ain't got nothing to do with it that why he lost his job not cuz he was protesting but because he protesting at work on a job that had nothing to do with what was going going on that why they blackball him not cuz he was protesting he had the right to protest somewhere else not on our job you're not even Pro you would even protesting NFL Colin you protesting police brutality but you protesting on the NFL business messing up the money fool the money that they paying you but then whatever happened with that I got call a [ __ ] for my views on that I don't care it's facts so the point back to the matter hand so you got all these groups now black lives matter whatever black lives matter Colin Kaepernick other celebrities big names Al Sharon you name it coming out against the police killing black people is that wrong yeah I don't want police the police ain't supposed to be killing unarmed innocent anybody black or white but it seemed like it was mostly black cuz that what the media and the agenda the propaganda was promoting that police were killing all black people but it was a lot of white people police were killing too just to make the news as a matter of fact if you go look at the stats because there are more white people in America white people were getting killed more by the police than black people you wouldn't know that by looking at the news you would think the police only killing black people no there was a narrative an agenda being pushed to keep us divided so there for they know black people when you blow that racism whle we go we come running when it's racism that's the only thing going to get us moving nothing else so they got to keep that agenda going the white folk attacking the Black Folk and then the white folks that ain't got nothing to do with it they wondering why black folks coming against them like I ain't did nothing nothing so therefore we still hundreds of years later after slavery Jim Crow all that we still black and white can't figure it out that we don't hate each other they trying to keep us hating each other so we won't come together and get at their ass but that's neither here nor that what it's talking that what it's about so we got all these protest the George Floy incident Sandra bla all these different people fando Castile the list goes on and on of us protesting for black lives matter when the Poli police take the black life all we raising hell Colin Kaepernick taking a knee other players taking a knee the NFL in an uproar called we don't need this this is bad for business now they got beef go they problem going on they got rid of kyin Kaepernick he G he can't get a job no more oh they discriminating against him black lives matter when it comes to police killing Black Folk which is very minor number but you wouldn't know that according to the agenda pushes so you would think black people really care about black people call when the police kill a black man or black woman oh we [ __ ] we ready to ride so you would think if you ain't know no better if you w living in the actual black community if you weren actually black like me or an African-American man I'm really caramel something kissed by the skin like Lauren Hill said or whatever hell something kissed by you know brown skin or whoever s that song y'all see me so but I'm classified as African-American black whatever you want to call it I don't give a dam about none of that so if you me in my skin my community you see otherwise you see black people don't give a damn about black people black lives matter don't mean a damn thing to black people black lives mean absolutely nothing to black people sometimes black people's their own life don't mean nothing to them because we risk our life doing stupid stuff to where we mess our lives up end up in prison or dead cuz we doing stupid stuff that will harm ourselves that black men in prison right now to where their life even matter to them cuz that's how they ended up in prison when even thinking about their own life if I do this my life is ruined and they did it anyway so black lives don't even matter to the black life the individual himself will endanger his own life because he don't care nothing about himself why is that that's deeper than what we going to discuss right now of why black lives don't matter to black people people that's too deep for what I'm going to talk about right now we just addressing the fact that the majority of murders and murderers in America over 53% of the murders committed in America were committed by 133% of the population in America which is the black community black people we make up 133% of the United States population but we committed over 53% of the murders and we were over 53% of the murder victims as I said black lives don't matter to black people so what that stat means is over half of the people during the killing were black and over half the people that they were killing were black the victims black people killing black people and some of y'all might say well big war that's because proximity which means white people kill other white people because they round white people black people kill black people CU they round black people that's the argument for that why the number is so high well I got a couple questions for you since it's the reason is because black people are around black people that why we killing more black people since that's your answer white people around white people more why isn't 53% of the murders white people killing white people yes white folks kill white folks at a small number and they make up the majority of the population but yet them killing each other is very small Chinese they around each other same way black people around each other proximity right that what yall see Chinese around each other go look at the percentages of Chinese killing Chinese is it 53% it's pris full of Chinese people that's can kill Chinese people it's prison full of white people that's can kill white people so forth and so on you just name the ethnicity you go look at the numbers CU y say because it's who you're around the most is who most likely you going to end up killing or getting killed by if that's y'all answer why doesn't that apply to other races why is the statistic the number not that high as did with us I'm waiting I'll wait if it's because of proximity how come when I was growing up and before then in the 70s the 80s 60s 50s on back during time before the time we living in now why wasn't we were still black people around black people but the murder rate was it wasn't like that it was not like that I grew up in the black community remember I'm 52 years old I was here we wasn't killing each other like we don't and we was po H we back when we have nothing overall black people making more money now than we ever had but yet we destroying each other now more than we ever have we got more financial gain we got more possessions we got more freedom and we the craziest we've ever been but W black lives don't matter to black people but once upon a time they did see in the 70s I went born in the 60s but I got I know people I grew up around people that grew up then my parents grandparents whatever grew up you know 60s 50s 40s 30s would have it would tell me about how time was and I saw for myself how time was when I was growing up as a kid I can go anywhere my neighborhood and my parent not have to worry about me there were other people in the neighborhood watching all the kids but some went down they would call each other you know Big W didn't call me Big W up then but you know I'm just Big W around here on top of Miss Miss lith house big Ward around here throwing bricks in the old them abandoned hous with that busting the windows out whatever we was doing your mama was in end up knowing about it but what what wasn't going on was black folks killing Black Folk like animals shooting each other down the street like dogs wasn't happening was there black on black crime yeah a fight fights somebody might have got stabbed here and there but a fight it wasn't a murder we was doing that it was nowhere close to what it is now and black people have always been around in proximity to other black people this ain't nothing new black people being around black people during some of the roughest times in America for black people was less black- onblack crime the F50 is 40s Jim Crow you got all that going on black people po as hell didn't have nothing couldn't get good jobs had to go to the back of the bus had to drink out of separate water Fones and we weren killing each other like we doing now and y'all want to CH this called the proximity no it's because black lives don't matter to black people somewhat on the line whoever did whoever responsible for it is not what I'm talking about right now but somewhere down the line black people were taught we went from black power I'm Black and I'm Proud Black People Unite black Unity we went from black people love loving each other somewhere down the line the the wires got crossed to where not black people hate each other we hate each other that's the cause that's why the black- onblack crime is so high what caused us to hate each other that's another thing we have to dig into but the reason is we hate each other black people can't stand black people black lives don't matter to black people unless it's a that's doing it and the only reason matters then CU now you got some outside groups instigating putting out on Front Street to keep the racism narrative going they don't care about black people either they just want to keep us divided as far as the black and the white thing so they can stay in power that's that that's that's all about they don't care about no cop killing no black folk but they're going to make the news but yet One Cop kill one black person it's everywhere the same day a few hundred black people killed a few hundred other black people ain't heard a pee no Al Sharpton no Colin cck taking a knee no marches no protest nothing only thing you going to get is the family of the victim at the park releasing balloons that's it and having an anti violence rally just friends and family members not the whole Community not the news not marching and protesting and taking to the streets over to stop the black onblack crime never happens only when there a white cop killing somebody black then we going to protest and tell City down what if we had the same energy every time your neighbor somebody you know seen uh and witness black kill somebody else black what if we took to the streets then protesting going to the house of the person that did The Killing and standing outside picking and protesting a black murderer live here what have you whether if we took that same energy for black-on-black Crime maybe we can change it will it change it I don't know all I know is black lives don't matter to black people the proof is in the pudding it ain't got nothing to do with proximity cuz we've always lived around each other but we wern't always killing each other way we doing now even when times was harder you think black people got a rough now there was a time we we couldn't get good jobs no education none of that we couldn't work at them plants we got the the [ __ ] jobs poverty was at an alltime high back then in the black community and we still didn't have the problem we have now the black onblack crime we in the same proximity end explain that to me y'all who always come at me saying where it's called black people live around black people the most so that's who you going to kill who you around don't no other race of people have the stats that we have of killing each other like black people do and we've always been around each other but we' never had this problem 40 50 years ago in the 70s and what have you I grew up there go outside and play all day long no problems no driveby no gang banging none of that you had the little gangs that might you know what I'm saying the worst they would do they would be against each other another neighborhood and it would fight that's it you can actually stand around and watch the fight you got to worry about gunfire they would knuckle fight that was it and then we go right back to playing when the fight over go home eat watch cartoons look rasal what have you and go to bed safe and sound in the black community we weren worried about none of this now you can leave your door open at night in the black community back then black lives mattered to black people we respected each other it was love it was respect what happened I don't know now maybe that's something y'all can discuss but it ain't got nothing to do with prox us living with each other in the same Community same neighborhood cuz we always have and it wasn't like this and y'all know it if you think of paying go back and look at the stats in the 1970s of black-on-black murder what were the numbers then nowhere near what it is now and we always live around each other now some will say father in his homes that could play a part in it lot of reasons could be that's not what I'm discussing right now all I'm discussing is is black lives don't matter to black people unless it's a white cop that took the black life but if was a black life that took the black life crickets nothing it didn't even happen we're used to it it's normal no big deal it don't even get talk in the barers shop no more cuz it's normal is expected but black Liv matter right I doubt it don't matter to black people so all I can tell you until if we ever figure this out if we ever to figure it out and get it fixed all I can tell black people is still away from around large groups of just black people I I just sad to say that I Believe In Truth not fantasy if you want to be safe in America as a black man you got to stay away from around as many black people as you possibly can we hate each other we hate each other if you don't know that by now you're in for a world of hurt black lives don't matter to black people get it got it good bye
Channel: Big Ward The Genius
Views: 4,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KK_hk8yT0ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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