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good evening again y'all well afternoon rather and I am back with a video man and I'm probably going to piss some people off with this probably going to lose some subscribers but hey it is what it is nobody that been following me for a minute know that uh I don't cut no corners I don't sugar coat I don't [ __ ] I speak my mind right so I was uh I ain't going to lie I I was at work where I'm at work now and I was at my last delivery right out here in Walmart and I heard I was eeve dropping on two women talking about how their friend found out that her boyfriend is on the download and say uh she didn't even know it that that you know cuz he you know he don't look like he gay or whatever you know what I'm saying she don't even know it and I was like look y'all there's all kind of ways to tell if a man is on the download it going to be some kind of sign they can't completely hide it and they were like well how you know how you know you must be gay I like nope I'm secure in my manhood I'm 100% man I have nothing against gay people uh I just so happen to have gay people in my family I grew up around gay people I done hung out with great gay people uh kicked it I done did business with gay people I was I was on the I'm I'm going say the street games drug dealer SL you know Hustler start and did business with gay people in the street cuz they some of the best boosters uh Hustle they get money so me being 100% man I ain't got no kind of question about my I don't care what nobody else think I'm securing my man so I'm able to top it up do business hang out with talk [ __ ] with anybody gay or straight I I ain't worried about that they don't they don't intimidate me I'm not afraid to be around them I don't kill nobody think oh you be talking to them gay folk you must be gay I don't anyway so anyway throughout my years of gay people I know friends or whatever I talk I'm I ask questions I'm curious as far as what be on your mind what make you the way you are were you born I didn't ask some question like were you born gay did you choose to be gay uh so forth and so on and we'll be sitting up on the Block choing up talking right and are there tell me about guys that look like straight thugs that they've been sleeping with I'm like for real such a sh yeah man he he he loveed it you know what I'm saying they be like they talk them gay people going to tell on you if you if you s if you're sneaking around with a gay dude he going to tell on your ass so I you sit down and just listen to all the stuff they talk my family member that's gay friends they gay but anyway so what I came up with over the years they was they was break it down to you how you can tell when a dude is on the download so I'm going this information with you ladies and some of you men that might be hanging with a dude that's on the download you don't know it and not that you care about it being gay but you Le want to know because for years I had a friend that was gay on The downlo I ain't know it and I was wondering why people you know people say I was gay and I didn't know why cuz I'm not not knowing that because the Dude I was hanging with that we were friends for years I didn't know what he was doing the way people saw me hanging with him all the time we riding out by ourselves together smoking Blunts and hanging out you know what I'm saying folk think we you know think we doing some [ __ ] I didn't even know I didn't know what to look for so over the years now I look back on some of that the behavior that he used to have some of the things that he used to do I should have been able to pick up on hold on this dude he he like that not that it would have M like I said I'm not homophobic I don't give a [ __ ] but you know but I would have known that so why people saying I'm gay and I don't know why now I would I would have known so here are some ways ladies and fellas that might be having a gay friend and you don't know he gay to identify a download mail cuz it's a big deal it's a big thing especially in the black community with the download brother if you gay I don't see nothing wrong with it but just be who you are don't be lying to people don't be tricking people especially women don't be in no relationship you know you gay just be honest but anyway so here's some giveaways that you need to look out for and just not not saying just mean he's on the download that ain't what this mean but it's it's something that you should look at if you see these things you should be cautious and keep an eye on it now one of these things is I'mma piss y'all off with you what I know God's INF fraternities especially the Cs God INF fraternity and the reason I say this is because most men most strong solid 100% heterosexual men they don't want to hang out with a bunch of other dudes my my brothers my fat Brothers they don't most me now just don't mean them dudes gay all of them but y'all know a lot of them are and it came out over the years where you got openly gay C getting married now you know what I mean so don't act like y'all don't know they in there so if your guy is happen to be in a fraternity not that don't mean he gay I'm I'm I'm going reiterate that but it's something to look at most men don't want to hang out for no long periods of time with a bunch of other dudes unless we watch in a game or something like that or at a football game okay so fraternity member they spending them cers watch out for them cappers they be doing that shiming and [ __ ] and and squatting down to the ground and wiggling that that's I always thought that look suspect to me that don't mean [ __ ] I ain't hating I'm just telling you what I've been told over the years so fraternity Brothers fraternity members especially cers when they be doing that [ __ ] shiman and what they call it shiman or whatever they be wiggling their shoulders and going all down to the ground kicking their feet up and whatever that's that ain't masculine to me but anyway another one now all men I'm I Ain I ain't going to say all men most men cuz you got some women that like it in the back door you know anal sex there's a lot of women that like that and as your man he should be willing to do mostly of what safies his woman but if you happen to have a man but that's pretty much like he love an Sega all he seemed like he want to do every time you look around he asking you can he put it in your you know in your butt y'all already know that's a dead giveaway like I said I've done it with a woman before that what she like I've done it before but that ain't my favorite like I just got to have anal like uh baby when let me go let's do that you know I I could care less about that I like to but if I happen to be with a woman and she into that I'll do it for her but she would not have me sweating her to go in the back door if your man ladies every time you look around he want to do anal dead giveaway dead giveaway it is what it is if your man like to watch Love and Hip Hop and them type of reality show like that real man don't watch that your boy suspect I can't I can't stand to watch the type of show loveing hip hop and uh love whatever y'all know what I'm talking about if your man love to sit down with you and oh he watching by himself watching that crap you better watch him he's suspect like I say a none of these things what I'm saying is guaranteed that he on the download but it's a great possibility if you see any of these things in your man that he on the download he uh whatever friends he do have male friend especially one in particular friend every time he look around they arguing with each other and falling out men don't you your argue and fall out with their homeboy if you got if your man got a homeboy they every time look around they falling out with each other they mad at each other they going off on each other they in a relationship real men don't do that with their homeboy we might have disagreement or whatever but if real man have a disagreement with their homeboy they going to cut that [ __ ] ass off or they going to sell it right then they going to be done with it a going to be no back and forth over and over again but if your man every time look around he come tell you that that damn [ __ ] shut your suck man he he was that [ __ ] I ain't [ __ ] with him no more I'm sick of him with that [ __ ] we we just got into it and then a couple of days later he back hanging out with show and so and then a couple of days later he come telling you again then got into another argument suspect men don't get into argument with their friends like that back and forth back and forth when a man get into it when he when he fall out with the homeboy it's done they probably going talk for years but if if your man back and forth back and forth with his friend organ that cool organ that cool organ that cool that that man and woman Behavior so one of them is a man and one of them is the woman trust me he got and talk behind a friend back to you even though you're his woman he always gossiping and talking about the the the daily te what's going on who did what who said what talk about a friend behind his back you know [ __ ] you know what I'm saying he be know he telling you about his friend and you his woman CU ain't going to do that he's suspect he gossiping behind his friend back to you talking about his friend behind his friend back to you he's suspect you find a man if your man got a friend got friend got homeboy that he could talk on the phone with for hours that ain't a family member his mother somebody like that if he can talk on the phone like just hold a conversation on the phone for hours with another man he's suspect men can't do that most men can't sit on the phone for no hour talking to another dude it's hard for me to talk to a woman for hours I want to see you as a person we can get on the phone talk make plans make arrang to see each other and we'll go from now me sitting up for hours on the phone talking to another man about just idle chatter men don't do that if your man can sit on the phone for hours with his homeboy just talking about in and everything he's suspect most men can't do that sit up there and talk on no damn phone with another man for hours like women do that I be wondering how y'all do it talk for hours girl gossip and talking [ __ ] about people men can't do that so if your man is able and is not a family member not a mama sister brother somebody like that just his friend or whatever he able to talk for hours on the phone ain't somebody calling him sitting up playing what you going to do for the game where you going to watch the game at and you know talk for 5 10 minutes make plan make arrangment be done with it that's how men do if your man s there for hours on hours at a time you looking at your man like damn he be talking to a friend for a long time on the phone men don't do that he's suspect I ain't guaranteeing he on the download but you better watch him man cannot do that I cannot sit and talk with no man for no hours on the damn phone if he ain't no family member of my mom or something like that I ain't talking on no damn phone for a long time I ain't going to do it and the main thing you need to watch out for hold on y'all and the most important and main thing the the the best dead giveaway is if your boyfriend man husband whatever he is he despises gay people he hate especially gay men he can't hold on y'all and he just always always talking about how he I can't stand them gay [ __ ] this an Abomination they'll be shaming theel I can't stand them I hate them every time you look around your man hate gay dude with a passion cuz most real men I don't care about what no G no God way panties he don't bother me long as he over there he mess with no kids or nothing like that he grown he do what he want to do more power to but your man for some reason he despised gay folk especially gay men he hat them with a passion like getting killed his mama or something he just hate him most most straight men ain't sitting around worried about no gay dude we ain't worried about what some dude wearing panties and make up what he doing with his life we don't care as a matter of fact as a straight man I wouldn't care if all men were G but me that's more coochie for me now I I got my pick of the coochie CU all the other men got I wouldn't care that more for me I get all the women now I ain't got no competition so if your man is beefing just despise and hate gay folk with a passion for no reason you can't figure it out is because he on the download he hat himself because he gay and he don't like it that's why so I know I'm probably going to piss some people off with this video but it is what it is y'all know me by now so take it how you want have a blessed day
Channel: Big Ward The Genius
Views: 135,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zO8mdXyGrGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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