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good evening I am back with another episode but I'm not going to upload it till tomorrow but I want to have it already recorded because I got a big day planed I might not have time to record videos tomorrow as many as I want so today is still Tuesday May 14 2024 thank y'all for tuning in for another episode I really appreciate it I'm I'm gathering my thought where I want to go with this one because this one is very important for a lot of people especially for myself something that has helped me still be here we're not talking about being successful something that has helped me be successful or helped me make money or help me have a family this is something that just helped me have just gave me the ability to just still just be here when life and people were trying to take me out of here by any mean necessary but we ain't going to talk about life right now and how it will try to take you out of here that what it's supposed to do you're born or die we going to talk about people and how people most people believe it or not are haters most people are selfish see I had to learn these things the hard way when I'm about to run down by y'all and you can believe it or not I it don't matter cuz that's the title of this video letting you know and before I go on any further let me let me just break down the title and what I'm hoping to accomplish with this video there are some people out here that's that's listen to me that's easily hurt by other people that have been done wrong by other people people that not just regular people people they loved respected looked up to and turn around and find out them people didn't feel the same way about them there are some of you that listening to this video right now that are disliked hated and despised by people you don't even know people you ain't never done nothing to but just be yourself live your life live your truth you might be part of the LGBT community whatever you might be a Christian you might be a Muslim you might be the J word you got to be careful about saying that you might be black white what have you man woman whatever you are however you was born just how you was born that somebody that despise you just for that there's a lot of people out here that don't want to see you happy don't want to see you successful you may not even and when I mean Successful I don't mean financially you may be successfully happy successfully at peace with yourself and there are people that despise that the fact that you at peace the fact that you smile there people that hate the fact you smiling nothing else you might be riding around in a bucket you might be riding in a grocery basket pushing it down the street run behind a grocery basket pushing and hop in it and Coast that might be your transportation a wind diction basket and that's but you smiling that still somebody to hate that to hate you for that and you ain't got nothing but a grocery basket somebody hate you somebody despise you sick crazy world we living in I was at one time I hated what I was going through in life one point in time in my life my life was so hard sometime I can look back an Ang no crying type dude sometime I can think back over some of the things I've been through and it make me want to cry even though it's years ago I have made it through long time through I can still think about some of that stuff and I want to cry and I want to go outside somebody head that one of the time where I hat don't need to be around me when I'm thinking about some of that stuff cuz I might go upside your head for nothing simply because I just know you a hater normally I don't do nothing to hater if they don't do nothing to me every now and then a hater can keep it wrong and and I've been known in the past for people that I knew was haters to do some things that that that I'm I'm shocked that I'm still here though some people could have took me out for what was you know out of Revenge so I've reached the point now well like I I I used to uh before this YouTube and thing that I'm doing now for business is my size Hustle but before this I didn't allow people no access to this the most access people have had to me in years cuz I know how effed up people really are I don't put nothing past nobody I don't care no about the love being shown to me I I I appreciate it but I don't I don't put much stock in it I didn't told y'all that I don't put much stock in folks talking about how much they love me and love my content my I don't put no I'm just doing me I just do what I do whether you like it or you don't like it I feel the same way the people that don't like me that be on here complain and calling me out my name whatever I don't worry about them either no different than I worry about I don't worry about either side I do what I do whatever on my heart whatever I feel like talking about that what I do and let the car follow what they made the reason I'm like that and I'm trying to I'm hoping that somebody uh take heed to what I'm saying because of the peace that comes with it the strength that comes with it the power you want to you talking about power money power and respect I'm going to tell you where the real power come from and it ain't money where the real power come from is not giving a [ __ ] I said it earlier on another video about I forgot what it was about was just telling the dude about the power of not giving a [ __ ] oh about his uh baby mama she couldn't stand you know but this applies to many other areas in your life the power of not giving a [ __ ] I have mastered it so people that be playing with me thinking I'm some type of joke somebody to play with don't try me in real life as a matter of fact I hope you you a be example and my channel going to Skyrocket from what they find out what the [ __ ] I did to you when you come playing with me I don't allow people around me this thing right here is the closest I've allowed people access to me in a minute because I know people are full ofish most people I don't like don't like them we just F of them quick no remorse no sympathy no nothing I know how Wicked evil despicable most people y a lot of y'all don't believe that oh big boy you so negative I'm telling you what I know you better listen you ain't got to listen you ain't got to listen I'm just trying to tell you you ain't got to listen you a got to believe me thank the sit around here in that fa fantasy we're thinking majority people out here is good people I know better I didn't swam with the sharks I rousing with the cross I graduated with honors From the Block cile the Frozen child Mobile Alabama look him up cile the Frozen child one of the greatest rappers to not make it but anyway so I know about the evil that is in Mankind's heart include my own and I just look at people playing with me on here that don't know you just don't know so I you know I I I I come back every now and there Snappy comeback whatever I'm I'm I'm cool ain't no big deal because I've mastered the art and the power that come from not giving a [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] I'll make a video or a title like the last video about the clan and what h a lot of Y don't even didn't even watch the video just saw the title Uncle Ruckus you're so offended by every goddamn thing how are black people so offended when that's all we do is slang the N word at each other daily all day all day black people hate each other but you see me put a title like that on oh shout out Uncle Rus you calling me Uncle Rus and you the main one I I love black people let me hear you confession who calling me a sell out Uncle Ruckus let me hear Let me hear you confess out your mouth that you love black people I'm doing it I love black people despite the title of the video that y'all didn't even watch before you commented didn't listen to the message the message flew all over you little empty ass head how many times have you heard Uncle Rucker say he love black people cuz I said I'm Uncle Ruckers right but I'm see her saying man I love be some black people I fight for black people but I know we screwed up we [ __ ] up nobody hates black people like black people I know that for a fact as a matter of fact that's who gave me the power and the knowledge and the understanding of knowing that I need to have that power of not giving a [ __ ] cuz I've dealt with only black people all my life black people taught me how to not give a [ __ ] y'all talk [ __ ] cuz I said you know the CL whatever y'all got such a problem with the CL right but well y'all coming at me ready to do me something right cuz I made a video on YouTube that's not uplifting the clan I'm uplifting black people putting down [ __ ] y'all came at me like I'm like I'm really talking about I want to be cuz you didn't even watch it you hate me so bad which like I said I don't give a [ __ ] way you ain't take the time to just watch the video scared I going to get a view so you can understand where I was coming from I tell you what y'all do you're judging me cuz I'm trying to be successful with what I'm doing I'm trying to reach people where they at in school School teachers and the school teachers on here tell you the best school teachers are not the ones with the most education they're not the on with all the accolades and this and that the best school teachers are the ones that can reach the kids where they at that can get the kids to engage with them not the teachers that stuck on their wav it's going to be my way or the highway you going to learn it this way you ain't going to learn it at all them teachers suck the way I do things I make you engaged whether you pissed or happy you're engaged so now that I've got your attention now I can start speaking to you lot of y'all ain't got sense enough to figure out and understand what I'm doing when I do what I do I do that's all that matters because it's my channnel I'm the one responsible for the channel and making sure you're successful not your haters the T everything I do is a calculated move I came with that title about the clan but I was talking about something totally different but while you on here hating it worked you clicked and I ain't talking about just no clickbait it made people watch and the people that actually watch be like oh I get what he saying oh my bad the ones that actually took the time to watch and that that got sense enough to pick up on the message not the messenger but even if you don't have sense enough I don't give a [ __ ] the power of not giving [ __ ] my mind is at so much peace when it come to dealing with other people because I'm telling y'all there's power that you see there's power in the name of Jesus there power and not giving a [ __ ] about what other people think about what they feel long as you do right just do I'm telling you don't don't mess over people a that Ain what I'm saying do the right thing and don't give a [ __ ] about the rest if you know you doing what you supposed to do doing the right thing don't worry about these little crazy ass folk what they out here thinking and these sensitive ass men and these masculine ass women don't worry about none of that don't give a [ __ ] that's power great power that comes with that you want peace of mind if you struggling ain't got peace of mind your kids getting on your ner your wife getting on your nerve your husband getting on your nerve all these folk getting on your nerve your boss the job try not giving a [ __ ] watch what happened watch how your mindset change watch how your pieace of mind come you ain't going to he said like this I'm not trying to be politically correct if if I a't if I'm out of here off this channel I don't whatever I'm driving a truck every day I'll be at work more I'll be anywhere else I'm at work now so hopefully that let you know what I'm about I'mma find a way what will I doing for YouTube finding a way what I do after YouTube find a way unlike some of y who must think this you know this it for me and guess what I don't give a [ __ ] what you think whether you think it is or whether you think it ain't whether you like the video whether you don't like the video that's power and not giving a [ __ ] if you out here stressed out about somebody your man cheating your wife cheating your hug whatever try just don't give a [ __ ] do what you do let them do what they do cuz whatever they do ain't got nothing to do with you you can't make folks happy you can't please people you can't do none of that make yourself happy focus on you and what you doing they happen to agree with fine if what you doing they don't agree with fine do you agree with it is what matters we ain't doing no people pleasing over here if y'all a figure that out by now I'm telling y'all don't people please and I damn sure ain't doing it if I make a video that you like you just happen to like it I was making it for you too like I'm speaking what's on my mind there people with videos channels where they feel themselves playing with rocks in their hands probably soothing or something do they care the majority people don't like it no somebody like to watch them play with rocks in their hands and they don't care about the ones who don't if you don't like what I'm talking about I don't give a [ __ ] I like what I'm talking about guess you watch my video before y'all do more is it call them I'm editing I don't edit nope I'm watching them I like I like that [ __ ] I like it so that's what matters to me if I said something to offend one of y'all I don't give a [ __ ] cuz I know you ain't forced to be here if I said something to make you not like me no more well you used to like me now you don't like me no more you might like me again now you might not like me no more you I don't give a [ __ ] I don't about nobody cuz I know ain't nobody really loyal to you for real they only as loyal as you are pleasing them anybody can switch up on you and you have to understand that at any given time your biggest supporter can be your biggest hater your best friend can be your worst enemy your brother can be your killer a lot of y'all don't believe that and I hope that you never have to find out that I'm telling you the truth maybe you be able to live in that little Fair tale World in The Matrix where you think you know this how you know it's like it's supposed to be uh-uh your own brother can be your killer same person that was singing your Praises yesterday could be plotting to kill you today I don't put nothing past nobody so when you switch up on me I don't give a [ __ ] I don't and I want y'all to understand you must especially in the terome you you ain't got to you you can still be la like the Smur or whatever you can still you can be that but if you got any kind of sense if if if you're tired of people effing over you if you're tired of people playing with you if you're tired of people taking you for granted if you're tired of people doing you any kind of way you better listen take on the power of not giving a [ __ ] Watch What Happens watch how things change watch out people how they treat you change if you that person that been getting walked over all your life you've been a woman in a relationship that always was good to the man and he wasn't hitting on nothing of you was a man that was always good to your woman and she never would try it don't get it twisted I'm not saying F over people I'm not saying mistreat people I'm not saying be low down to people I'm saying don't put no expectations on people that they good and great this and that most people are wicked and capable of doing some terrible things so you best to be prepared for anything when it comes to dealing with human beings that's why I don't give a [ __ ] maybe you don't want to live like that maybe you want to live your life where you still have hope and big Bo you know I'm still getting married and big Bo you know what I'm saying me and my girl or me and my man you know hey I understand there are a scripture in the Bible that said with great wisdom comes great sorrow it's okay to want to remain ignorant so you don't have to be in sorrow from knowing too much from knowing how when you know how Wicked and cruel the world is that ain't something that make you happy now I ain't sit here telling you that it don't make me happy to know what I know I'm not happy about that that I know what I know with great knowledge comes great uh sorrow with wisdom whatever it's Sor it's written in the Bible the more you know the sadder you get be careful about seeking out knowledge be careful what you ask for I remember a long time ago asking you for your might sound like a joke I ask God for knowledge wisdom and understanding what I do that for now I know what they mean by when they say be careful what you ask for you just might get it now that I know I don't want to know but it's too late now I know so with that comes great sorrow and the mindset of how to deal with it which means don't give a [ __ ] ain't nothing I can do about none of this it's bigger than me it's bigger than you all you can do now is try to make it up out this son [ __ ] with your mind still intact if you don't know how to use the power of not giving a [ __ ] you going to lose your mind out here dealing with these people dealing with the world not just the people the world you have to master the power of not giving a [ __ ] so use it as you will or throw it away either way I don't give a [ __ ] get it got it good bye
Channel: Big Ward The Genius
Views: 34,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 89BYjnTrGbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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