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good afternoon family welcome back for another episode hold on hold on yeah welcome back for another episode today is Monday June 10th 2024 thank y'all for tuning in and uh I really appreciate it this is an email topic I'm back on my email from Big w@ myyahoo.com big w@ myyahoo.com if you have a topic or something you want me to discuss hit me there I got you so this one let me get straight into it it says I'm a 32 year old man been married 12 years so got married at 20 I believe I'm fortunate enough to have selected a good woman overall she doesn't SM smoke or Club she had never given me a reason to suspect any infidelity so he don't think she cheat she ain't gave no reason to think she cheating that's great on the other side I have cheated multiple times so you cheated but you don't think she have and she ain't gave you no reason to think she cheated but you have cheated multiple times let's keep that in mind y'all and had a drinking problem at one point and was big on clubbing now I have a great paying job and handmer all the bills the issue is she doesn't show me any respect she's not a disrespectful person she has much respect towards others but none towards me she second guesses everything I do or say our sex life is almost nonexistent any decision I make without kids she goes against me I feel like I'm only a check for the most part she was like this in the beginning but not to this extreme but the signs were there I don't know if I lost her respect or if it's just not there I have mixed emotions on leaving and separating our family or staying somewhere I don't feel appreciate it would like your opinion Lord do I really y'all do I really need to do this but since he asked here we go you don't have no reason to suspect respect her of infidelity of cheating on you you ain't got no reason at all to think that I made a video yesterday saying some men are delusional too in case any of you women or men didn't understand what I was saying when I said some men are delusional too here's your example he cheated multiple times on her her but he don't have no reason to think she's cheating he don't have no reason to think that her lack of respect for him the lack of sex that they're having and got nothing to do with her getting her revenge let me explain something to you Geniuses out there that that's a genius that's not Big W genius cuz I'm the only genius let's get that understood cuz obviously this guy ain't no genius if he thinks let me explain something to y'all in a man out there that's in a relationship or married and you got caught cheating and she didn't leave you she stayed with you you best to believe she going to cheat back especially if you paying all the bills know she ain't going to leave not right now she going to leave eventually but she got to get her lick back hell has no fury like a woman scorned I don't care how good of a woman is I know most women say don't cheat just leave you don't know how you going to feel when that when you in that situation when you caught up in a situation where you love that man you've been with him for some years y'all got a family together and then you kept them cheating not going to just automatically leave like that you going to be confused hurt don't know what to what am I going to don't know what to do and then here come King dingling walking down the street and offers you a shoulder to Crown on next thing you know you and King Dingle ain't going to be cheating on your husband and for you as a husband to say you had a good woman you know you you were fortunate enough to find a good woman I don't know what kind of woman you think that good to where she can catch you cheating multiple times you drink a lot and you Club a lot you run the street how good of a woman do you think you got the where she ain't going to get you back bro women love sex just as much as men if not more I had some women that were some of the like had me scared they were so freaky and kinky in what they wanted to do and they couldn't let the some women that I been cheating with me couldn't let their husband or boyfriend know what they was into cuz he wouldn't accept it but I'm accepting I'm understanding you want to do what sweetie okay he don't like you doing that okay hey I got you come I got you he ain't got him he just don't understand you like I do I ain't proud of that I'm just telling you my point is women are into some freaky [ __ ] just like men so therefore if you got a woman and you married in a relationship and she ain't want to give you none don't think she doing without it pleas and when she know you cheating or have cheated whatever quite natural she she ain't really got no sexual desire for you no more especially if she been turning Pooky and r on for you I want the find out you been cheating you know what that does to a woman or to a man to know that the person you've been faithful to cuz everybody has an opportun especially women and have plenty of opportuni to cheat even if they didn't they have had opportunities and for her to know she turned down and and the cheat with guy with bigger wood than you more money than you doing better than you may look better than you and everything she turned them down for you cuz she married her in a committed relationship do you know what that does to a woman to find out youve been cheating and she done turn down King Ding for you oh she F to get some Revenge buddy I don't care how good of a woman is she is she was a good woman when she was turning them down you cheat on a woman you done created a Savage men can't cheat better than women ain't no such thing as a good woman when it come to you done cheated on her and she know about it and she been turning down dude for you oh that good woman [ __ ] out the window bro you just an unleash a Savage she doing stuff with them other dudes she wouldn't do with you oh you going to learn little daddy you going to learn and know she ain't going to give you no reason to expect she cheating cuz they cheat better than us you ain't going to catch her until she for you to catch him you ain't going to suspect a thing you thinking you just got a good woman that caught you cheating she loved you so much that she forgave you you really believe that but yet all the red flag it down she don't give you no respect but she respect other people she's a respectful person she just don't respect you and when I tell guys all the time the only thing man to care about in a relationship or marriage is respect not love damn love I want and demand respect and you ain't getting them the writing on the wall you just can't read let me repeat that the writing on the wall you just can't read you say you pay all the bills right so guess what she doing with her money preparing to leave your ass you ain't got to worry about separating the family she going to do it for you you ain't got to worry about separating the family she going to do it for you and if she don't separate the family that's only because she just going to let you take care of her while she out there getting her back blowed out and you don't have a clue and just come home don't get you n and you still paying all the bills and she know you ain't going nowhere even though she ain't getting you n why not stay there with you she ain't getting nowhere she don't trust you she don't a't want you no more a woman can stay with a man she don't want if it's other benefits to staying with him and you just said you paying all the bill that's a great incentive for a woman to stay with a man she don't want bro you don't you know I can't say she would have ruined it later on down the road but you ruined this marriage you said she was disrespectful in the beginning but not to this point no you just you just reaching for straws now trying to look back and make an excuse for why you cheated and she was that damn disrespectful that disrespectful in the beginning if she was like this in the beginning you shouldn't have married her so that lets me know I see through [ __ ] right so that lets me know she wasn't that bad in the beginning you made her that bad who going to stay good to a person even if they don't leave who going to stay good to a person that got caught cheating multiple I can't believe you don't understand that you got to be catfishing me you got to be just seeing let me see if big war going cover this topic let me [ __ ] send him this [ __ ] see if he going to cover this I know it ain't no [ __ ] I'm just exaggerating being sarcastic I know you really believe that you got a good woman and that she forgave you for all the cheating you got caught doing men are delusional too she out there getting better wood than you ever gave her getting Tong you you ain't never gave her by a dude that ain't giving her no money hell has no fury like a woman stor we can't cheat better than a woman we can't cheat worse than a woman they going to be they when when they espe when they CAU you now when they just doing their thing you ain't did nothing wrong when they just being greedy they going to be kind of you know be careful with it and still come home and treat you good cuz they don't want you to find out your woman don't care she showing you everything you need to see that she getting the popping out there you just don't want to see it you in denial you delusion everything you describe about what she doing is telling me she getting it popping and you just don't want to accept it because you know is most likely due to what you did is it an excuse for her to cheat cuz you cheated no she didn't have to cheat but realistically speaking you can't honestly think somebody going to accept you getting caught cheating she might have forgave you the first time who knows she might have been truly into it after the first time she called you but you say it multiple times that ain't happening hold on y'all huh okay that's fine all right okay I'm on so uh hold on y'all see you cut a truck off hold on yeah I hate to be the bar bad news man but she doing it and she doing it well but but uh that's the best way I can tell you any man out there listen to me if you cheated on your wife or your girl and you got caught and she don't leave you don't be bothering that woman don't be chasing her falling her down running through her phone none of that stuff looking for her to cheat cuz you ain't going to catch her and she going to cheat I guarantee you if she didn't leave you she going to get some get back I don't care how good she was key word was I don't care how good she was you ruined her the same way men ruin good women let me repeat Let Me reverse that the same way women ruin good men men ruin good women so she might have been a good woman in the beginning like you said she ain't now now well I ain't going to say she ain't a good woman she just ain't a good woman in you no more and you did that she might be a good woman to PUK and Ray out there but she ain't no good woman to you no more and she don't want to be she proud of it she happy about it every time she give them sloppy toppy or whatever she think about how she she just laugh to herself how she going come home and kiss you every time she doing a sloppy topping with poing R she laughing to herself cuz I'm going to go home and kiss this he I'm teach him by himself so just know when you kiss her when she come home that funny taste you taste that's Ray Ray the family over it's hard to survive what you say you don't what you did and if it was the other way around if you done caught your wife cheating multiple times I would tell you the same thing that that marriage Ain get out of there get out of there you wasn't thinking about the kids of the family when you were you know doing your thing and doing it so sloppily when you got caught godamn and what you thought she was going to do she ain't showing you no respect she be she show other people respect but she don't show you respect the other people ain't cheat on her you did what should you do what should you do I'm going tell you what you should do you can stay there and leave her alone about whatever she doing if you want to keep the kids together if she if she wouldn't to stay with you and let you pay all the bills you say you feel like you just a check cuz that's all you are you right you feel your feelings are correct you are just a check but here's your two options don't be in there following her around harassing her what you doing where you going all that cuz you don't have the right to do that cuz you did your thing once you do your thing you give them permission to do their thing you broke the Covenant I don't know what the whatever the Bible say what uh Gino Jenning say whatever I ain't talking about that I'm talking about real life you gave her permission to do whatever she out there doing when she caught you and vice versa now she should have left you but she Ain have to when people in a state of mind where they don't care they don't give a damn they ain't worried about what the Bible say what G Jenning say what nobody say all they know they trying to relieve this pain and embarrassment that they going through and they think they can do it that's what they going to do if it mean go laying with somebody else if they think they going to make them feel better they'll do it until later on they find out they they it don't make them feel no better but until then they going to try it they wouldn't to try anything to get over that pain you done CA and vice versa I do the same thing everybody ain't strong enough to just up and leave you when they catch you doing the wrong cuz they wern't expecting it they weren planning for that so you don't know what you going to do when you face with that situation you put her in a situation to where now she probably out there can't stop cuz as the saying go a lot of time what they getting out there in the street is better than what they getting at home so my two suggestions let her cheat in peace and you just be there for your kids don't bother her and you can stay there until the kids get grown then get a divorce or you can get a divorce now either way y'all getting a divorce it could be on your term or her term but y'all getting a divorce now you can stay there and wait till late on cuz she might be waiting till the kids get grown to divorce your ass that's probably why she ain't left she want you she going to stay till the kids are grown this just my I'm guessing why she ain't left you even though she didn't caught you cheating numerous times I'm just guessing why she haven't left cuz she wait till the kids grow up you pay all the bills as you said so she going to let you take care of everything when the kids get grown she going to be saved up her money over all them years to where when the kids grown she got plenty of money to leave your ass now she ain't wor about the kids growing up without her father cuz she probably stand just for the kids right now same reason you stand she stand for the same reason but while she staying she ain't giving you no coochie she ain't giving you no respect she be like f you if you want to leave leave she don't care if you leave or not cuz either way she going to win if you leave her she still going to win cuz you gonna be paying child support and all that type stuff and if you stay you still taking care of her she win win so she ain't know her for either one and she ain't getting you nothing so she ain't worried about that either and you still there so that's what's going on she going to stay there until them kids get grown then she going to leave so you can wait till then like she doing or you can go and leave or now if you don't want to be with nobody that's out there getting their back blowed out that's out there doing to you what you did to them oh she getting you back she getting her leg back player and she hitting harder way way harder than you did I promise you that whatever she doing is way worse than what you did women don't play when it come to cheating and especially when it's Revenge cheating so my two two suggestions stay till the kids get grown then get a divorce I get a divorce now but either way the divorce coming you did it man up to it do better next time in your next relationship but this what he done get it got it good bye
Channel: Big Ward The Genius
Views: 5,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X2vXXtcztkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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