Black Guns Matter founder: Most Americans see the 'fake media' CNN is

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Class war not race war. Every race is poor they just trying to divide us.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Cretin001 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hopefully people of all races will team up to destroy CNN and flip a big bird to the FBI who uses them as their mouthpiece for propaganda and dividing Americans.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
joining me now is my dear brother maz torreira he is the founder of black guns matter uh marge you know we often make the separation between the group black lives matter and the people so are you surprised about this because i know i'm not i'm not surprised by this at all it's par for the course man listen they got one playbook the playbook has been exposed the the frustrating part is the fact that the american people still allow it and i can't even say the american people are tricked by it we allow it right so this isn't surprising i mean we're seeing we're seeing big tech hide behind government you know section 230 and basically manipulate so no this isn't surprising at all to me like i think most americans see you know the the fake media that cnn actually is so you know we we talked about darren seals and you know back on the ground in st louis and ferguson when things are happening but many people in the community have been calling them out even seeing into their face check out this clip the other night where a person goes straight up to sarah seidner and lets them know the real deal check it out tell me what you think about what's going on what i think about this is all the press and all the extra i do makes this worse you think so yes when people want to protest they shouldn't do it in front of a police yeah courthouse like that you get what the i'm saying i mean i know it was graphic but it was real it was real and the people in urban america that's been the work of us at black guns matter we're tired the reality is people like you on fox that are putting out a genuine message resonates with that demographic okay and now what's happening is because of all of our smartphones and technology we see them we're being more vocal about it these are our communities that are being manipulated by extreme left media telling a story that's not accurate and people that have conservative and libertarian minded values in those urban centers outnumber the small amount of people that have been manipulating and doing things and this is this is again we we've been seeing it for a long time but now there's more and more people that look like me that wear hoodies that wear jeans that don't always have on a suit and tie they're being much more vocal about it and i love it i love it yeah every time i see you got your timberlands in and you'll do it on fox news you'll do it out there in the street and that's why you've been successful but tell our artists about this libertarian movement because you you have the work to show you have the people that are behind you and so they i want them to know how you've been so so you know successful at it so one we we're dealing a very basic premise and there's there's a very serious overlap between conservative principles and libertarian principles need principles neither one of those are 100 perfect nothing is but basically we all live by the premise of you know don't hurt people don't touch their stuff don't bother their things i think all americans urban suburban rural are there and that's that's more of a libertarian you know philosophy in that regard and i think there is that overlap and we got to create that space because we see that the left is going to become extremely you know all of the beefs that they have between their different types of feelings and their issues when it's time to come address our freedoms and our liberties they get on the same page so i think it's very you know how we've been successful is making sure that that liberty message is there but not isolating our brothers and sisters in the conservative movement as well because we got to get organized they they have all of the media you know fox is holding it down but you know we we in round 11 and it ain't much time left so we got to organize and we have to those have to be liberty based principles marge a lot of people don't know this about you though but you go around the country and you teach people gun safety i mean a lot of people talk about chicago philly baltimore and how to get control of those communities but you go down there and do the work you can't listen if you call yourself a conservative all of these conservatives that we see all over the television right if you don't see them actually doing work in black communities white communities asian communities brown communities poor communities that where it's needed the most right they're just talking and it's no disrespect no actually it is it is disrespect if you're talking and not doing no participation to me i don't need you to really talk you know so we have to be there these are the areas where leftist policies especially in regard to gun control which isn't about safety have a tactile and hamstring those communities our work at black guns matter is going there educating the people getting them to vote in a different direction more in alignment with their constitutional and human rights especially as it pertains to the second amendment and these classes are free to all you know so we just love that everybody's continued to support this message is for all americans but we have to do the work especially around this this violence issue we have to do it in the areas boots on the ground where it's needed the most the brother that's doing the work the great maz torre thanks man thank you my brother
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,648,188
Rating: 4.9003415 out of 5
Keywords: cnn, project veritas cnn, cnn video, cnn black lives matter, cnn black lives matter video, cnn blm, fox news cnn, Maj Toure, fox news maj toure, cnn maj toure, black guns matter, fox news black guns matter, media bias, fox news media bias, cnn crew, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news prime time, fox news primetime, fox news primetime today, primetime, primetime fox news
Id: Uo80D42DxUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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