Black Desert Guide To Darkseekers Retreat - Ator's Shoes & Kabua's Artifact

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[Music] hi guys welcome to the channel sunny here and uh the new spot is out for a shoes and I've been grinding it a bit since it came out and I've been getting a lot of questions here on the stream at Twitches Prime about the spot like gear RS all of that um so here is basically the the tldr breakdown of all the questions I've been getting first off what kind of gear do you need for this uh the number one thing you should have is uh your AP the spot is a lot easier than we originally thought with the suggested gear of 310 420 um you can definitely be grinding this spot at 390 DP um the biggest issue here is going to be your damage and you want to make sure that you have at least a th000 total AP the way you see that is I would suggest using plug all the Buffs in and everything you can go under here and then you can see your your AP plus your monster AP that's the total AP that you want to have around a th000 and that's with your add-ons on um with full Buffs on uh skill um Buffs all that stuff so for example I would CU block get 26 AP then 30 AP from my add-ons etc etc at least a th um you really want to be using house buff for 15 AP and you also want to be using uh probably friendly draft you can use full Elixir rotation it's slightly better uh especially if you're lower DP it helps a lot with our ability but it's more AP on freny plus uh courage perfumes right everything there stacked AT AP next up is the accuracy depending on your class you probably want around 850 to 900 accuracy that should be enough for for all classes here um personally I'm sitting at uh 8:46 accuracy and I only have misses on my 0% accuracy abilities after getting Buffs and debuffs on and everything don't forget get to invest into the note up here you have dark seers Retreat invest into this get some uh points in there the not is right here pretty easy in terms of the grind spots and rotations I will include the the link to this image here courtesy of Korea uh I think we got this one from Hui Hotbar this is roughly the way it works you'll probably seen this image a lot and the TDI is you basically go and find any two or any three mobs next to each other uh the top speed Grinders are doing uh like four mobs um four packs they respawn very quick so depending on your gear and class and clear speed you'll need either two or three mobs and you just run around and you find some now let's take a look at artifacts now for artifacts you should definitely be using monster AP artifacts if you get the new ones here use those the light Stone combos is a big question and I I've done the math on it and and this is how it uh shapes up if your class still needs death blow death blow is number one so that would be classes like sock cker it would be uh Awakening witch um shy classes that still even with the 30% crit rate add-on want to use death bow that is the number one for those for other classes like Warrior which doesn't need crit rate uh the best combo is actually either watch your back or allout attack it gives 24 total AP and then 5% crit damage or back attacks now back attacks is better it's more damage but only if you get back attacks so for me I've currently been using this I will be switching this up for allout attack for 5% crit rate instead um since it's not about how fast you kill the first mob it's about how fast you kill the last mob and for me I've been not getting full back attacks on all the mobs so um the last mob alive is one I'm not getting back attacks on so getting crit raate will help do this the same is true for using uh the back attack crystals versus the corrupted crystals try it out fill it out if you get consistent high back attacks back attacks wins out if not crit damage wins the third best uh light Stone combo is going to be the demium one so in order you have the death blow if you need it then it's going to be allout attack or watch your back depending on your back attacks rate and then the third one will be potentially vicious Shadow but most likely you will be one to running demium 30 demium AP it comes out to being 25 and a half AP value and that is really good AP super strong here it's also relatively cheap so that will probably be my third pick for light Stones crystals again real quick this is the setup I'm running at the moment uh you would probably want to put a Viper in instead of the the AP crystals if you need it I don't need it on my class so I run full AP on this this is pretty much the cookie car as much AP in there as you can get the other spots in the urit region they all have these gimmick things going on this place really doesn't you just hit the UPS you kill them there is a cc but just make sure you uh Dash behind and do damage and you should be totally fine you should be getting CC there's no real gimmicks there's a couple of events that happen one of the events is a mob spawns you kill it very easy stand still and then you get shared by mobs that die very quickly great event definitely make sure you do it kill all those mobs they drop have the same drop chance as regular mobs so it's basically just a free search of Monsters the second event is when a ball spawns uh you kill the ball you get a guaranteed Ember and then the ball will stay up for a while and it will send out a pulse that stuns all mobs in the area and when you're out grinding here you'll probably notice that sometimes you go to your pack and it's stand still it's stunned is because somebody in a different rotation has gotten the event and is stunning your mobs the the the range is huge on it that's pretty much it for the mechanics uh just max out damage and Blast away so um how many drops per hour are you getting well it obviously depends on your drop rate and your clear speed it does look like whenever you are clearing three packs uh three to four packs with the hitting respawn times max out drop rate you should be expecting around three uh Embers and hour and are roughly the same of the fragments that are used for the artifacts in in terms of trash loot power currently I've been uh doing just a little bit of testing I I'll do some more testing after I change my crystals around but I'm doing um 8.7k trash an hour with yellow loot scroll no acres and I am over clearing three so that is by doing four spawns that I'm getting that trash if you're doing three you should expect a bit less but yeah um as long as you are able to over clear two mops for sure and you you have to do at least three you should be good to go and you should probably be expecting between two and three ERS an hour in terms of the trash however this is a very Acres efficient spot so I highly recommend that you're using your acres here uh probably just run blue loot scroll with acres and then if you have enough loose Scrolls then you can run yellow loose scroll when you don't have Acres up there is quite a bit of of trash at the spot and it sells for a nice chunk of chains definitely make sure you're using your acres here super AC efficient four Buffs let's just do a tldd you can use the full Al rotation but you really shouldn't need to and the damage is going to be not a whole lot more the mobs are demium so being able to use demium elixir does help but corrupted freny is more total AP than even the freny elere Plus demium uh personally I use this I use 15 AP house buff I use of course my church Buffs my tint buff I use Simple cronal corrupted frenzy courage perfume my horse buff so if you have the Cocola windset that's a 5 AP horse buff I have that so I try to pop that every hour as well every single part of AP is very very uh big here because they have a lot of D if you're unsure how this works I do suggest checking out my off guide in the description guys I hope this was helpful if you have any questions don't hesitate to leave a comment or drop by the stream at tw/ Prime see you all in the next one Merry [Music] Christmas
Channel: BiceptimusPrime
Views: 10,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wD4GM6aNn7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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