Black Desert GLabs Update - 2 New Dehkia Spots, HUGE QOL Patch, Boss Scrolls Removed and more

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel sunny here and we're back again finally with a global app patch U it's not like there hasn't been global app for the last couple of weeks here we've covered them on the channel at twitch webp Prime but they were literally so empty dead boring and just irrelevant that I couldn't I couldn't be asked making a YouTube video about it uh it is what it is don't forget to tune in if you want to see all this stuff live every Friday but today we finally have a good exciting patch quick note about the the class changes I know a lot of you guys are looking forward and excited to hear about the PVP battle stuff um we're not going to get class PP balance for a while this is of course nothing announced but uh my guess is because they've done this in the past is that doing the taging event to collect data from Guild league and PVP in general where people are attacking and performance and then using that to have a better data set in terms of making the PVP balances going forward so I would not expect uh any like big uh PP changes until maybe a couple weeks after the TCH event ends and uh the last couple weeks there's been some bug fixes we have some of that as well again today with Valkyrie and assassin however today is a great patch so let's take a look here we're using black a Foundry as always link will be in the description for the full patch notes when you want to check the details quick rundown here uh cooking simplification Alchemy byproduct weekly and daily Scrolls update theia spots they are finally adding paku and Su for mine ocean pathing improvements UI improvements this is huge this is one of the biggest quality of life definitely all year um you're going to love this one some other changes and the class changes which again are some bu fixes on Valkyrie and assassin um first off they are doing the the bonus Quest on cooking they're simplifying that instead of having nine different one there's just going to be one type so they're unifying all these into just craft and hand over 100 pigle vegetables nice easy straight to the point uh then you have the choices here for Alchemy a lot more still needed especially with Imperial Alchemy but H for now they are removing the proc of these items here they removing the chance of getting the the big jackpot of 40 to 60 cfas it's extremely rare I don't know if I've ever gotten it but they're removing those and then they are adding plywood hardener a leather glaze and the mystical Spirit powder and they're increasing the chance of proing alchemy Stones uh base cafas and cronston so they do write down here they're removing the jackpot of cafas but they're increasing the rate of regular cafas so it will actually be a slight knit buff to the cafas um over time even with the removal of the jackpot so all in all this is fine removing some of those filler items um it's not a big deal it's nice here big stuff incoming so you have the daily and the weekly boss summoning Scrolls I have hundreds of these laying around in my storage because they're not worth running the only reason they are potentially right now is to get women stones and all that but in general they've been a dead item for a very long time so what are they doing they are removing them they are removing the quest you will not be able to accept the quest anymore the the return the the daily weekly Quest will be gone from the game they also after that patch for around two weeks after it hits official servers um they will delete all the Scrolls so once we get the patch where you can't get the quest anymore if you want to run them you're going to have around two weeks to run the Scrolls you do have if you do not run them they will delete all the Scrolls and give you a set amount of silver corresponding to the value of the scroll now we don't have the details on the value but the way they normally do this is they have the data how like what are the actual average drops it's like 0.01 uh Knock first scroll or whatever right and they'll take the uh the silver value on the storage the marketplace at a specific date probably today we just don't know it and they're going to give you the relative silver value with all the items on average in a scroll and it's probably going to be an untax Val that's how they normally do it don't uh hold the gun to my head don't quote me on on that but I would not panic I'm going to keep my hundreds of Scrolls in the storage I'm just going to get a nice uh check in a couple of weeks when we get this now a quick note about this remember Korea will probably get this patch on Wednesday and we normally get all of these things the following week so that would be 12 days from today um so again if you one run the Scrolls you can do it we'll probably get an official post with the uh the silver values before they get deleted but I'm just going to leave mine I'll get some silver I'm excited great cleaning up the inventory cleaning up all these quests but wait there is more uh they're adding the dicka lantern paku G and sulfur and it's exactly as we expected it will be just like Amman and hist it will be both of them will be 300 AP 400 DP recommended the loot is exactly as expected the treasure items will drop they will both be dropping de Raa earrings and of course the Cil necklace caon and Scrolls so just as expected the special drop will be dios and you'll be able to grind out your treasure map they did keep in which is kind of nice the mana's crafting clothes which is a crazy rare drop it's not that valuable anymore uh from sulfur that will still be dropable there so great nice love to see it uh this this is also the last of the grind spots we knew were coming to the game so there's still 3 months until hi highle ball we don't know if something is going to be coming and dropping in that three months because this was the last piece that was at least announced so um yeah we'll see what come next uh they are removing some stuff The Reef to make it easier to alop paath in the ocean uh and this one here this is the big addition on today's patch I am extreme remely excited about this I think this is one of the best quality of life the best simplifications definitely all year probably for multiple years in B this going to be great for both veterans and new players so what are they doing they are adding our integrated Goods UI for all the seals and exchangeable items so let's read a bit here an integrated gucu has been added that allows you to store and exchange seals in one place um you can read through all of this I'll just explain real quick what it is we have a lovely picture here so they are adding this UI all these items you have your inventory your Honda seals your Imperial seals um your Arena last seals all of this stuff and much more there's a list uh as well they will be removed from your inventory and they will be going into this UI so you'll see how many you have you can then click on the item and you can see over here like with the fish they exchange options so you no longer have to go to an NPC to exchange you can do that right here from the UI you will see it updating weekly for the weekly returns and all that the quest items all of these seals here they will be stored they will be unified and it will be accessible from everywhere um cleaning up your inventory and also making it way more approachable for new players to figure out what are these items what are they useful and I bet there's a bunch of you guys guys me included that's going to find out oh I didn't even know I had this seal laying around wait I thought I already did this quest for this seal you telling me I can get that 70 stack Oh I thought already did it's going to be amazing I'm excited about this um just absolutely great but wait there is more so not only are they doing this right which is awesome uh in the long term you can see all the seals here item sted in the greated UI these are all the SE seals that will be integrated in it and be usable from it they will probably add new seals over time they will definitely do that into the system as well but they don't want to add everything into it so they are actually removing all of these items all of these old like sweet candy back old shiny rings I get I still have some of these I bet a lot of you guys don't even know but this is like an event from 5 years years ago I think they're removing all of these the yellow termin coin all of this are being removed from the game and I have hundreds of these items laying around um just in case all the holders so what they're going to do is all of these old useless uh events not coming back forgotten items Etc they are going to be exchanged into a new item the reward seal event reward shal at uh our rate according to the value of the seals so you don't have to do anything once we get this patch all of those items are going to be gone and you will be sent this reward seal in exchange we don't know what you can get for this yet but it will obviously be an item where you can change it and there'll be a bunch of different things you can probably choose for it and then you can exchange it for that and be done with it um so the game is getting cleaned up it will be the V player going to get a ton of uh rewards uh clean up our inventory and new players will actually be able to easily approach events uh get a better understanding of the seals they're getting what to do with them where they are they're not going to take off space anymore less need to buy inventory and all that this is a huge W of a patch I am so excited about this one uh great great great so uh let's move on let's finish this off here they are um making the EAB Batali Cannon Quest easier there is a a chapter where you have to go to a cannon and shoot it somewhere they're now making it uh more clearly from where the location of the cannon is installed uh next up is um this UI here you can exchange three of any light stones into this they are now popping up with um what light zones you're exchanging so you don't accidentally exchange a strike because they look the same so that little popup you can see the three different ones that's the new addition to it not a big deal but it's nice um some Quest improvements with knowledge and not really anything and then we have the class changes here I do recommend reading through them um the tldr is this it's basically nothing some bug fixes there are some attacks that was missing a hit U there are some abilities at low ranks which you don't even use uh that had some box in it like so all these weird bugs on on Valkyrie and hassin some do have relevance for your general ingame play but it's very slightly does one where like one hit on um a a prime uh ability uh for valkyrie didn't go to the Target you were aiming at it hit someone else like this weird kind of small interactions so that's being fixed uh that's great but of course there's also one her shy um we're still waiting for the big PP changes however don't expect them until after the tech event they hopefully using that to collect data um so we'll see in the future don't hold your breath for the next couple weeks at least for the class changes but all in all uh I like this one we're finally back a good patch great quality of life new Grind Spots I'm excited to see it hopefully you guys like it as well let me know in the comments if this uh patch is uh something you're looking forward to or not I'll see you all in the next [Music] one
Channel: BiceptimusPrime
Views: 4,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yh1h3ZtVhBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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