Black Desert Easy Guide To Free Cron Stones - You Might Have 1000s Laying Around!

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[Music] so guys welcome to the channel sunny here and what if I told you that you probably have hundreds if not thousands of cronston on your account and you don't even know about it let's take a look so the item we're going to explore today and tell you guys how you turn into either a costume you can use or cron Stones is this here they integr pattern mystical shot you get it randomly when you're grinding all over the world life Skilling whatnot you can get it from fishing so you probably have a bunch of these laying around and you don't really know what to do with them well what you do is you can turn them into costumes and it's very very easy and today I'm going to show you how you do it and how you get really good value so the tldd these are worth 8.1 crownstone each and the way you do it is you make them you should make them here in hidle and I will explain a bit later why it's because of a special worker but cover that and how you get him later in the video so uh for me right here on the hi highle pass you are looking at um the high 3 fall you can get old Boon costume there's others but for me this was the cheapest one to get and you have these options here in terms of making the costumes and we did the math it's a very straightforward the only only limiting factor with making these is the weapon the weapon is the only thing that's going to be limiting you in in making this item here and we'll cover the design in a bit and the best one that gives you the most cronston per costume is the mainhand weapon box requires 20 patterns and it is the one does give you the most you got to get 8.1 on average per pattern using this recipe right here the rest of the items the ironing good the start Diamond they're very self-explanatory story um you can buy them or you can try and make them yourself the star diamonds are vly available on the marketplace if not I'll link in the description uh how you make them so um to get the designs the first thing you have to do is have one of these patterns in your inventory and talk to Reuben here in Calon you don't know where Ruben is he's just north of the the storage keeper you talk to Reuben with this and it's going to give you a quest hold a hero in carstein and there should be a followup to it as well you want to complete that quest line I've obviously done it already uh but it's very easy and very straightforward uh talk to him and do that Quest sign now once that is done it's going to open up for a daily Quest so here you talk to Clara the book seller Clara is right here next to um the general good keeper again in Calon so you can leave an ALT here that's what what I do you have an alt and every day you can talk to her and you can do a quest to become Kine you pick it up from here and then you can go and complete the quest on another character and turn it in here now the quest is very straightforward so the quest sends you over here south of Calon to the man lab area to kill chimeras you need to just kill a buns you need three drops um sometimes you just need to kill three mobs otherwise you need to kill like 15 but just go there you one shot them anyway you complete the quest and you get the design and now you can keep making those uh costumes for cronston now guys there is one more massively important trick about this that you really want to use and it's getting a special worker when you're making these costumes um the limiting factor the only thing really stopping you from making more is these patterns that's the the hard Bott leg everything as you saw is very very easy and fast to do do you want to increase your chances as much as possible to get some of these back when you're crafting and there is two ways of doing that one of them you guys probably know it's called Thrifty on your workers uh a lot of workers will have uh abilities that has a chance of recovering them um as you can see here thft A and thft C is what I have on my worker but there's also this special worker called deoa who has a special passive you can get some named unique workers talking to NPCs around the world and this is one of them he has the unexpected luck a by default he starts with disability and this is a super unique ability that gives you a low chance of returning 100% of one crafting material so that would mean if you are crafting these items here and you proce ability it then has a chance of giving you all the patterns back for a full craft and basically giving you free crunch Stones so it's a super low chance I have never had it pro myself on the patterns but it is there and if you're going to do this you might as well increase your chances of getting the most out of it as you're not going to be rolling around these patterns you will be building them up over time and then once in a while making them so my recommendation is definitely get this guy and I would also suggest to level him up first and start rolling for thft a b and c currently I only have a and C myself you can put them on a different note leveling them up I'm still rolling for my th B but all of these can proc and give you some of these patterns back to allow to craft more of the costumes for cron Stones so how do you get this guy well I'm glad you asked because you get him right here um south of hi highle there is this Farm here I believe it's called Coco Farm but the NPC is right here so you go to uh the NPC and you have to get 500 Amity with him and then you can buy him from the vendor a worker Noe and then you just right click and boom you have the worker now how do you get the Amity well there is two ways of doing it you can go up and you can greet if5 it's going to cost you uh some energy and it gives you some Amity it's basically one energy per Amity and you can stand here and you can spam this all day um it's slow it's bad energy for Amity but it is at least the most easy way of doing it alternatively you do the conversation game read down here what it says sometimes you have to fail the conversation and uh then you just keep doing it until you accumulate now uh quick tip put stuff on that gives you Amity uh me personally uh I use the 10 buff 10% Amity I have this lovely dress here gives me 15% Amity and then also any costume will give you an equip effect of plus 10% Amity there's a bunch of other stuff um as well that you can do but uh yeah get as much as you can there potions and all that so guys I hope you found this helpful uh don't sleep on these patterns personally I build them up a lot over time and then whenever I need to use them I'll start making the costumes as you can see it's very easy and it will take some time to make them but again it's going to take you way longer to gather them so just get going whenever you feel like it and hopefully you found a couple thousand crunch Stones L around in the inventory I'll see you in the next one as all the star diamonds still lot on the market I thought like that [Music] was
Channel: BiceptimusPrime
Views: 42,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crons, Cronstone, Sonii, Biceptimus, BDO, BlackDesert
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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