BDO Money Making Guide - Grinding / Life Skills / Passive / Gamba

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yo what is going on guys pansy here back with another BDO money making guide it has been a long time since we made one of these so it is well doing update so here we are I hope that whether you're a beginner player or a veteran player you'll find some useful information in here and we're gonna break this video into four sections that's gonna be grinding life skills passive income mostly by life skills and Gamba now one important thing to keep in mind throughout this video guys is there is a great deal of variability when it comes to making money in BDO class Choice your apdp your consumables uh your region your skill level as a player how practice you are at a rotation how much Mastery you have for life skills there are so many variables that go into making money in BDO so just keep it in mind if I say 500 mL an hour and you're not hitting that you know just tweak things around try it out do some research and maybe you're super correct and you make two 300 more than what I estimate I'm gonna try to keep these estimations as conservative as possible because I don't want to misrepresent some of these grind spots or money making methods but just keep it in mind guys take everything with a grain of salt because there are players from various regions that are watching my video this is going to be based on PC so console players my apologies but yeah just keep that in mind when we're going through all these various methods now before we get started let me tell you about the sponsor of today's video today's video is brought to you by raid Shadow Legends raid is the number one turn-based MMORPG on the market and brings you AAA quality gameplay straight to your phone with over 650 unique Champions hundreds of artifacts to equip mix and match your builds to overcome any foe but this month raids got something extra special happening they've released a new legendary champion based off MMA and pro wrestling Legend Ronda Rousey as well as taking on dragons and Ice golems with their bare fists Rhonda's backstory is pretty cool taking some inspiration from her background in Combat Sports born to a minor Banner Lord Ronda trained hard to become a formidable Warrior during a tournament Rhonda's true potential as a fighter became obvious as she took on four nights bare-handed eventually she would make her way to the arena city of valazar kicking ass and taking names until she became the queen of the Arena to celebrate ronda's arrival and raid use the special promo code raid Rhonda to get a bunch of awesome loot perfect for leveling up Ronda so she's at the top of her game and this month raids got a massive new content update with tons of new features including a brand new dungeon and the introduction of artifact Ascension battle through the sand Devil's necropolis and earn the precious oil needed to take your artifacts to the next level and additionally there are a bunch of new Champions being added to the mix as well including some really cool holiday champions for those looking to get into the fastest Spirit you can get Rhonda for free right now whether you're a new or a long time player just by logging into raid all you have to do is log in and play raid for 7 days between now and February 28 and Rhonda's yours also if you're an Amazon Prime member be sure to claim your exclusive raid rewards right now but there's more new players use my link or scan the QR code on screen and get a free starter pack worth almost 30 dollars this includes a free champion verges and cool in-game food you'll find your rewards in your inbox for the next 30 days only so be sure to check out raid Shadow Legends the link will be in the description down below alright folks let's start out with section one that is grinding grinding is the simplest way to make money in BDO and it's the most common way players tend to make cash this is what you do from the very beginning of the game all the way into late game and it is a really good way to make money they buffed it consistently over the years and it is the best way to make money at the high end now it does take a lot more effort but that's what makes the game fun it's fun playing your class using different classes going to different grind spots that's what the game's all about right so if you want to get started on this journey you would want to get full pen to Volo gear now if you don't have full pin to Volo gear you want to play through seasonal servers and you want to progress your gear learn the game learn to learn the basics of the game get the ins and outs down and then you can get started with a grind so if you don't have full pen tovala then you'd want to start off at Poly Forest this is a great place to start grinding at like around 150 AP you'd be pretty comfortably grinding here and you can expect a solid 100 to 200 mil an hour as a new player here and you can take it all the way to level 60 at least and this is just an overall great spot to get started with but once your 200 AP or higher I would recommend going to Valencia so there's two spots in Valencia specifically I'd like to name that is sulfur mines and piloku jail both of these spots are excellent grind spots I love these spots for my seasonal characters I generally start here at 200 AP and you should be able to comfortably start one-shotting the mobs here once you're able to one shot the mobs that's when you can efficiently grind here with the blue loot scroll and agris you can expect anywhere from 300 ml to 400 ml an hour consistently and once you're a bit more advanced and you're try Harding you can make more money but overall this place isn't the best money making spot with tavala gear there is one spot which is legendary in the current state of the game that is centaurs so once you're at full pentavala gear I recommend coming over to centaurs and this is the best money making spot for a very long time I know some people are like I don't want to go to any other spot because it feels like I'm wasting my time because centaurs makes more money I know I know you don't have to stay at centaurs all the way till like 300 AP or something guys don't worry there are different places you can grind but centaurs is excellent once you're at full pen to vola gear if you're using the right class and if you're going with a blue loose girl and agris you make a solid amount of money so let's say you're only using a blue loot scroll I think you can consistently make around 400 ml plus an hour if you're using a blue scroll plus agris and you're playing the top classes that is like Cirque Circa awaken Musa and awakened Valk and that's just a manga few there are other classes which do really well as well but those are my top three picks now if you're using one of the top classes you can expect anywhere from 600 mil an hour to one bill an hour but one bill is really tough to hit you have to hit the maximum amount of trash loot you have to have a maximum drop rate and yeah it's really difficult to stack it all the way up to the max but it is possible it's not unheard of but realistically you're looking at 600 700 Mill an hour comfortably even if you don't have everything maxed out and if you're not try Harding but overall centaurs is a phenomenal spot this can carry you very well into the late game but that is with agris without agris there are other spots you want to consider so as I mentioned the Alternatives at around full pentavala is going to be sulfur mine and piluku jail these three spots can carry you really far into mid game mid game is anything after full pentavala and the general grind spots that I'd like to make note of is one pratuga is an excellent spot after you have full pin to ball you can start grinding here but I would only grind here while you're looking for your artifacts but otherwise in terms of money overall places like centaurs is better so I really wouldn't recommend going there after you get your artifacts then at around 272 AP you can start grinding stars and super efficiently I think that's when you can start doing the regular rotations like Cliff main rotation or Temple and be really efficient with it you can start sooner like personally I was grinding star's end from all the way to 45 AP way back before reboots and stuff so certainly you can grind here much sooner I'm just talking about when things get super efficient at the primary rotations star Zen has been passively buffed over the past couple years um just in general like cafro drop rate increases and yada yada but overall I think you can expect a consistent 300 to 500 mil an hour over here depends on what kind of Buffs you're running if you're grinding on arsha if you have a lot of drop rate bonus but that's up to you how much you invest into your account but it is a solid place to grind on a lot of people still grind there now at 272 AP at 331 DP that's when I started grinding at sakraya sakraya is a cracked spot because this is one of the normal spots that we're pre-dating Elvia but still kept up in terms of money per hour it is not unheard of to get over five six hundred mil an hour the reason why this place scaled so much is Once after the reboots came through we got super strong and every class is trash per hour went up significantly the amount of kafers that drop up here went up and the price of frenzy draft went through the roof sometimes it even hits like Max price and that alone carries it getting those Abyssal Essence and turning it into frenzy drafts is so good over here and it's something that you should definitely do if you're gonna grind here this is such a comfy spot to grind at and I personally enjoy it a lot now sakuria centaurs and any other spots that I mentioned these can carry you all the way to over 281 AP now at 281 I was actually grinding at Orcs but honestly in terms of efficiency I'd say wait until like you're closer to 289 or 290 AP around that region because you start getting much more efficient in terms of money per hour you'll start reaching the upper limits of it orcap is a phenomenal spot it is one of my favorite grind spots because it's so close to town it's just right next to Heidel and it's so easy to get to you're not traveling to the far reaches of BDO to get to some awesome grind spots so that's why I really like Elvia sarandia and at around 289 AP and anywhere from 345 to 370 DP you can start grinding here and bloody Monastery quite comfortably 345 is really low and you can get like clapped hard but that's when I started grinding as a striker Striker is just a lot tankier than most classes so him at 3 45 was like other classes at 365. it's a it's definitely a night and day difference you can expect around 500 to 800 mil an hour here grinding efficiently my Striker definitely hit that 800 Mill an hour mark many a times and this is just a great place to grind now definitely get all of your cups for your accessories uh grinding here those are your main goals and after you're done with that you can still focus on grinding just purely for money but in addition around that same AP range I like to go to Jade Starlight Forest it was a pretty comfortable grind down here um just going through the Marny realm every day and just grinding with agris doing the daily Quest nearby because those will give you a solid amount of kafras so overall combine the daily quests grinding with agris because you can grind for a whole hour with actress here it's a really good accurate spot and yeah with a blue loot scroll I was making about 700 mL an hour now I can't do that four hours a day because I'm relying on the dailies and all that stuff but it was a solid grind it was a very comfortable grind and I definitely recommend you grind here for the labresca helmet after which you can just revert to any of those spots I mentioned previously just for money making the most important thing is going to be where your class really shines where you feel comfortable grinding where you can get to pretty quickly if you leave your character at the grind spot or near there that's fine but yeah I think those are going to be the main things to keep in mind in mid game and then once you're past that 295 AP Mark I think you're considered at the very early stages of late game so once you're in the late game you can still grind all of those spots I mentioned but there are other spots which make even more money now for moderate amount of money but an insane amount of XP gaifen Razia underground is so good it is just such a nice spot it's not a massive rotation or anything you're in one spot and it's just a comfortable grind only thing is the mobs do hit quite hard so you have to be on a tanky class or have at least 370 DP so just be careful with that you can expect a solid 500 to 700 mL an hour and at in some cases once you're like really high AP 305 plus you can start pushing 800 to a bill depending on your RNG so gaifin is a really good spot and an excellent spot for gaming XP so someone like me who's hard stuck at like 63 or something right you can you can definitely make some gains down here and it's definitely worth grinding here for the XP and then finally once your 300 hundred plus AP or 305 around that region that's when you can start considering grinding calpheon Elvia pretty consistently now you can grind here sooner like I've I've grinded in calcium hex Sanctuary on Elvia hex Sanctuary at 295 AP but it's just not that efficient um I make more money elsewhere kind of so you could go there for drops but I recommend being 300 to 305 AP before you start here that's when you start making the really good money um places like hex sanctuary and trolls they become the best money making grind spots in the game and we'll carry you on all the way till hard cap in addition to these two spots there is one more thing I'd like to mention is grinding for the merchant ring by the time you're at 300 AP I think you're at the spot where you can consider grinding it now there are some places which are quite difficult for example Crypt uh Crypt is something that you're gonna have to be super careful with when grinding at because it has a lot of damage coming through by the time you get all the other pieces you should have more than enough gear to grind here and uh actually go for the final piece or you can Duo it or do some Shenanigans go see Monster hunting or something to get the get the final piece or trade there are alternatives but I think this is a good goal for you to have and it's something fun for you to work towards I say fun I take that back it's just it's just a really worthwhile goal to work towards you know money am I right so um in addition to Crypt Owens is an excellent spot if you want to grind with your Bros if you want to go with the boys and you know do a grind spot together play play this game like an MMORPG yeah in a party so at the really efficient levels like early on you might only make like 500 mil when you first start out I started off at 295 AP and I was able to take a hit because I was a striker otherwise I'd be one shot but once you're able to take take a hit once you get good with the rotation it takes a lot of practice there's a lot of intricate details and ins and outs that you have to work with the team and really progress with your team or you know join an experienced team already and things to pick up and learn because those mechanics make the difference between making an insane amount of trash loot versus you know a mediocre amount what's the point of going in and grinding it as a three-man group if you can make way more money doing Orcs or something right so you gotta actually play it well but at the upper limit I've seen uh some reports of over 600 to almost a bill an hour once you get really really efficient and once you're paired with a really cracked group so it does scale it does scale and most importantly you get the merchant ring piece there I think that's why everyone grinds there anyway so keep that in mind these are the final two spots I'd like to mention but in addition to just the grind spots there are a few things I need to shout out if you are looking to be a grinder if you want grinding to be your main money making Source in BDO there's a few things you want to keep in mind you want to max out your family Fame that's really important because at 7000 family Fame you get 10 drop rate that's huge we didn't have that before and also you get a reduction of 1.5 percent uh Market tax that's also really nice that adds up over time and lastly um in terms of drop rate you want to make sure you have uh your ecology maxed out getting all the way up to 10K or close to it if you can at 6 000 you get 20 as you can see here I haven't really grinded in too long of a time it's just not what I do anymore so I haven't really pushed it but I will in the future if I do switch back and finally make sure you invest in consumables like having the best drafts it's really important like doing Elixir rotations at a very high-end spots that makes a lot of difference that really increases your money per hour you don't you don't want to waste these at earlier levels it really won't make much of a difference doing it at Star's end or something but once you're at Ash Forester something when you're going for the merchant ring it's important to build up your supply stock of The Elixir so elixirs are always going to be pretty much bought out because they're in such high demand as you can see these pre-orders so you might want to progress your Alchemy and make your own or something but do keep this in mind this doesn't have to be something you jump on right away but when you're going towards the late game you will want to start building up a stockpile so when you're grinding you want to use the best consumables you can without wasting too much money some of these elixirs are quite expensive so you know try using the best uh meal that is simple Crown meal or Exquisite depending on what you're going for and always try to grind with like a frenzy draft if you can survive at the spot and such so just those little things do add up and using your best perfume and stuff those all carry some weight it's about mid-maxing once you do something 100 hours then you get pretty good at that spot right these little additional Buffs make a big difference over the span of 100 hours a thousand hours like getting to Max gear it takes that long so just keep it in mind work at it it it is a progressive game so you don't have to do all of it at the same time at once right off the bat but over time try to get there all right now let's move on to the life Skilling portion the first thing you think of when you hear life Skilling is probably Gathering now there are two active life skills which make you money in video that is gathering and hunting there are other life skills involved but their money per hour is significantly lower nowadays and they definitely need a buff especially trading which is do a rework and they still haven't put it out and bartering definitely needs to have a significant increase in money per barter refresh I think bartering needs to literally be quadrupled in the amount of money because you spend about three to four hours completing all your refreshes generally and that's without any stockpile so in three to four hours to earn like two bill I think that'd be worth it but right now as it stands it's like 500 to 700 mL 800 mil depending on your RNG so bartering really isn't worth the time anymore it used to be two years ago but at the moment everything else has left it behind now I'm not gonna teach you guys exactly how to gather or hunt I have a very in-depth hunting guide it'll be linked in the description down below so you can definitely refer to that when I talk about hunting but in this section I'm just gonna go over all the top money makers that are notable to me and these might vary depending on your region because life Skilling is something that is very region dependent in terms of the prices because some servers have a lot more life skillers and that is much more of the meta than other servers so just keep that in mind when it comes to Gathering there are several things you can gather for money my two favorite things to gather are first Lions they are really chill to grind and um gathered their really nice in terms of money per hour at 2K it maxes out at around 500 mil an hour you get a little bit more if you were to use agaris but honestly agris regathering is definitely less efficient than for grinding you only use agress if you are not gonna grind if you're like me and you never grind anymore so only in those scenarios you want to use your address but lion meat is really good and then my other favorite thing to do is definitely Scorpion and snake meat they're right south of Shira ruins right here and it's a really chill rotation very little competition here and with both of these spots lion and a snake and Scorpion meat you can cook really good sub meals and sell them directly or you can use them for Valencia but right now as it stands it's really not worth going all the way unless you're really cracked Mastery that is nearly Max so in terms of money per hour um yeah Lions is probably going to be the best in terms of raw silver but you never want to sell the meat directly to the market when you look at the market you'll see that there are so many pre-orders online meat snake meat scorpion meat and that means people are willing to pay the max price on the marketplace to buy these the reason being is they can just buy it cook it into sub meals and sell it immediately and and they sell for a lot of profit if you go to bdolytics and you put in Lion meet and put in your Mastery and stuff it goes all the way from like for me personally with near 1800 Mastery or so it's like 1.8 Bill an hour so obviously getting that much lime meat to cook for an hour it takes time you're not going to be directly uh translating one hour of gathering to one hour cooking but this is something definitely you should know when you're life Skilling don't just sell your raw materials this guide is about maximizing how much money you're making right this is a money making guide so I'm going to tell you exactly what to do you want to get your raw materials whether you gather them or pre-order them over time it doesn't matter how you get them but after you get them you definitely want to cook them you want to build up your cooking Mastery to a point where you're making good profit off it otherwise stockpile it but you can just sell it directly to the marketplace if you really can't be bothered but I highly recommend you don't that goes for all Gathering that goes for hunting uh when we go over that section but overall if you want just Ross over then you might as well go grind because the amount of Mastery you need to be making that 500 plus mil an hour from just Gathering and selling the raw materials you need like 2K Mastery that's Max Mastery for gathering in order to get there you can get that kind of money from grinding in way less time than it takes you to get 2K Mastery understand so if you are gonna go Gathering definitely cook those meals if you get materials if you get them from Life Skilling you want to either cook or do alchemy and then sell them always know if you see an item at Max price then understand they are in high demand because they make people more money they're not sitting there just for charity buying these fruits you can turn it into a lot more money so similarly all meat if you see that Max price be warned now another spot I like to gather quite often is pilgrims so over here you can get a lot of rough Stone rough Stones really nice because you can use it for Alchemy to make metal solvents and metal solvent with decent Mastery can be like almost 700 mil an hour with Alchemy I believe once you get a high Mastery like almost 2K Mastery with Gathering it translates to about one hour of gathering to one hour of alchemy so that's good but generally uh I use my rough Stone to make my own utensils I set up workshops and I start crafting my own Alchemy tools and um cooking utensils because those are usually on pre-order they recently raised the prices for cooking utensils and Alchemy tools so that's good they finally did that but they're still on high pre-orders usually so now that it's died out it's a lot easier to get your pre-orders so if you are looking to sell them to make a workshops and sell these you can but it's really not that great of money in terms of profit like to make a advanced cooking utensil making your own you save like maybe 200k silver so you're not really profiting a huge amount and there are other ways to turn that rough Stone into cash as well so I really wouldn't bother with this for money I would just make your own Supply but pilgrims is essential in order to Supply your rough Stone or those utensils if you're going to life Skilling route now along with that you'll probably be cutting trees in order to get some logs so usually I run around Ash Forest to do that and I purely do it just to fund those utensils and cooking and Alchemy tools so just keep that in mind there are a few other additional steps to just making money if you're trying to do alchemy and cooking but the game does give you a lot of these utensils and stuff it's really not that difficult to get for example with like Imperial cooking seals 500 of these will get you a supreme cooking utensil so that's like for me it's like one every a couple days a little more than a couple days so it's really easy to stack those up and get those as well next up is hunting as of this year early in 2022 hunting got buffed to a point where it became the highest Money Maker for Life Skilling now that's not to compare with like cooking or Alchemy I know those numbers can get much higher but how are you going to fund those items without doing Gathering or hunting right so so you can realistically just compare like Gathering to hunting and then compare Alchemy and cooking if you really wanted to compare anything but for Gathering wise um the amount of meat you get is significantly less than hunting if you want to get red meat you go hunt for your deer and you're making way more red meat per hour than you would with Gathering and that's not all you also get blood and hide in a one-to-one ratio the hide isn't that valuable but dear blood is quite valuable you can use it for dark pudding and you can sell it directly to the marketplace for a little extra silver usually you'd want to keep an eye on the fluctuation of the prices but uh my top picks for hunting is going to be for your deer which is really good Shadow lines which is a good combination of money and XP and then the frost wolves which are located here near the shrine of Silent prayers there are Frost there are bears as well I think Frost Bears or whatever they're called um trickled in here so you want to kill all of those and deer and that are probably going to be the highest money makers depending on your Mastery so for example a 1200 Master yet for dear deer I was making about 400 500 mL an hour and 1200 Mastery is pretty easy to hit with 1500 masteries making solid 600 mL an hour and at like 1700 to 1800 Mastery I was making well over 700 to 750 ml an hour sometimes higher depends on RNG but on average around that so all in all how you want to compare whether you should be doing Gathering and hunting versus grinding is the amount of effort it takes I think Gathering is the least amount of effort in terms of your intensity and your keyboard inputs then hunting and then both of those are significantly less than grinding so depending on how much effort you want to put in for your time uh you'll be rewarded accordingly so choose what you want to do choose how you want to spend your time how sweaty you want to play the game now guys definitely check out my hunting guide the links are in the description down below they're split into three parts the first teaches you all the basics the second teaches you how to level and the third teaches you how to make money with hunting those guides will carry you all the way through your hunting journey and it explains a lot of the things that I talk about here how to make money by hunting is not just hunting but you have to transform that material using zero time that means time you're not playing the game to cook and then maximize your income you could just translate your one one hour of hunting into silver and just directly sell your stuff to the market but then you're not truly being a life Skiller you're more of a grinder right why go that route and Hunt while you can just grind and make way more money than hunting so definitely check those out um these methods I talk about in this section these are my ways that I make money while life Skilling actively there are other ways I know there is trading that still exists even now I know I know I know they didn't get the rework yet and we're still waiting on that but I really don't recommend it because there's a lot that goes into it and a lot of knowledge you need and effort you have to put in and it's over a large period of time I think just doing these methods that I mentioned right here could out earn that in the long term all right now let's talk about the passive money making I made a separate video on this going over how I make 500 mile an hour realistically it's actually 700 Mill an hour minus about 200 million loss because it takes material and time to make my Imperial boxes that I turn in but if you combine all of those that's a pretty good amount of income that's almost 15 Bill a month so that's not money you can just ignore right so passive incomes are really great for people who don't want to play intensely like you don't want to log in and grind for three hours a day I used to do that it wore me out trust me uh if this was 10 years ago I could grind 10 hours a day and not be phased but time has changed so have I so let's talk about passive income there are multiple ways you can utilize your life skills to make passive income and the most notable ones I went through in the video I made recently I'll put that in the link in the description down below as well but let's just go over these oh in a higher level so first obviously is going to be cooking you can AFK took four hours and buy AFK cooking you can make a lot of money this is not going to be money that's like a bill an hour or something but it's like a hundred Mill an hour 200 mil an hour and that adds up because you're not putting in any effort you just have to set up your character every 15 minutes or 30 minutes depending on what your cooking speed is and that's just money that just keeps coming in only thing is you have to supply yourself the cooking utensils how you do that is up to you whether you have your own workshops or you're only relying on pre-orders or doing your cooking daily and saving those up and doing your Imperial cooking turn-ins and saving those seals off to turn in for Supremes whatever but there is a costume that is the um cooking utensils and such but the amount of money you get from it is much more now let me show you how to calculate this so on screen we have the website video Linux what you want to do is you want to log in here and you can use multiple tools here um the most common tools I use is the cooking and Alchemy ones so for cooking here's how it works if you're looking to see what makes you the most money by market cooking that means you buy all the mats off the marketplace or you can substitute some of them for things you've gathered or hunted but you go over to Market cooking here and this will show you a big list of everything so now let's start filtering this out let's say we're looking for the most money per hour you'll see these obscure meals which are very difficult to gather materials for and have insane bottlenecks for example cam jungle Hamburg that is a lot of money per hour but you have to get the line me in order to cook for one hour with a king for king of the jungle Hamburg cooking at a speed of let's say 2.1 seconds uh per cook then it'll take you about you'll need about 53 000 line meat in an hour you're Gathering about 12 to 13 000 or 15 000 whatever your number is and that's a lot of hours in order to get to this point so this isn't the true value of cooking because there's a lot of time that goes into Gathering these materials and of course there's the other stuff too pickled veggies which are easy to do tough for it pretty easy but all in all it does take time so whenever you come into videolytics the first thing you want to do is do your settings put in all your information your weight unused weight in your inventory your masteries your cookie masteries um for slow cooking and speed cooking that is with a silver embroidered clothes and make sure you change this if you have those uh 10 hour Buffs that are coming out with events and stuff which give you like minus one second cook speed and stuff so all that goes into it but all in all this is how you calculate how much money you make per hour by using videolytics but now let's say you want to do AFK cooking so a lot of time you'll be cooking easy to make meals like for example pickled veggies so these are really easy to make because it takes very little effort to get these mats so for example paprika you get it from NPC now vinegar you can make very easily yourself and leaving agents sugar you get from NPC vinegar pickled veggies essence of liquor these are things that I like to cook AFK and they don't give you much money itself like the amount of money I'm getting from like a hundred thousand pickled wedgies it's not a lot from The Pickled veggies itself it's also the rare products and the butter which comes from the byproducts so you get the witch's delicacy and you can change it to whatever you want to make it as so if you say you keep it as which is delicacy you're gonna see you're not gonna be making much money at all because you're missing out on a huge portion of that income but if you were to say you're going to turn it into milk and sell it this is how much money you get if you turn it into butter and salad this is how much money you get so that's all zero time so whenever you're going AFK you can set your character to be to be processing but this will give you you an estimate of how much money you can be making per hour it's not much like this is like 10 minutes of grinding for some people right so it's not much at all so the advantage of this is you can keep this going for so long if you're just at home and you're not playing the game and it's just zero time that means you're not spending the game time doing anything in game but your characters out there making money so there's essence of liquor which is pretty easy to make and uh vinegar which is really easy to make as well so these are really small sums of money but they add up over time and this is something you really want to take advantage of if you're trying to level up your uh contribution points or your cooking and it's just something that keeps the money ticking along when you're not actually playing the game now it's pretty sweaty to be constantly managing all of the things that are going on but this still does make you good money in the long run so you have to decide how you want to play it's up to you this is your game this is your journey you decide how you spend your time how you spend your effort if you want want to play strategically and do life skills and play with the market by you know taking advantage of when the prices drop you buy and then you cook and then you sell stuff all these little factors these fluctuations you see these are opportunities everything fluctuates and it's a pretty quick into fluctuations you're not waiting three four months for it to fluctuate these are constantly fluctuating so look at the price here 1 200 for wheat versus 1 600 and almost speaking of like 1 650 even higher sometimes so that is a huge percentage of money you're saving by uh buying low then using that to passively cook and then selling though all the items you get from it so these are all small intricate details that play into your passive income when you're trying to cook now with Alchemy it's a bit more difficult because it's a really difficult journey to level up Alchemy compared to cooking itself so you're not really out there making the same kind kind of judgment decisions to constantly do AFK Alchemy as it is for AFK cooking Alchemy you're gonna have to get the materials through Gathering and hunting and then turn it into higher products to make money off it so how you spend your time how you spend your resources that you gather how you build up your storage that all goes into how much money you're making so my odraxia storage it's a bit light right now because I sold a lot of stuff but you know there's still quite a bit of products and uh materials in there that I'm saving up for at the later date so as a life Skiller you will constantly be thinking about how to build up your storage how to build up your stockpile that is really important for example you need carbs right so if you want potatoes and stuff uh you can buy them off the marketplace because they sell them all the time but look there are fluctuations here too you don't want to spend uh the peak price you don't want to buy these for like 1500 when you can buy it for 1200 or 1300 right so this goes for all the maps CC except for like meat which are all always on a pre-order so like these meat are going to be difficult you just put in pre-orders and they trickle in over time you cook with it you sell them now you could be hunting as well and again Gathering these meat but it's still worth putting pre-orders up for all of these things because over time that adds up and that is profit so you want to take advantage of various income of resources in order to progress and make money as a life Skiller so if you're hunting and Gathering that's great that's your active income then you gather Resources passively by utilizing worker nodes by setting up a worker Empire to gather all those minute little things like for example figs and Nutmeg date palms and all that then you're putting up pre-orders that you can use to get those additional income of meat that you might not be gathering that often like scorpion meets snake meat lime meat so all of those tie in together in order to make you income over time by life Skilling so guys I will say putting up pre-orders and buying resources off the marketplace that is also passive income right so there's a lot of meat which are going to be on pre-order you see these zeros you can be putting up pre-orders for all of them constantly refreshing those and use video lytics always to understand which is going to make you money and which will not and always always double check and do your math that is really important in BDO whether you're enhancing whether you're doing life skills be cognizant of prices be cognizant of the economics behind it the fluctuations what are bottleneck resources and all that it all ties into it like taking these into account that passively affects your income now let's talk about the actual passive income method so for example in my previous passive income guide I go for what I do with fishing fishing is really good I have an ALT character which I have specifically to fish and I have her parked over at Valia right now because most recently we had an event where we made a lot of passive income by fishing and really take advantage of those that like those koi events with the termian festivals or whatever they're called those are really nice similar events come through like every other month or every few months and you want to have a Fisher ready and be able to take advantage of that even if the fishing events aren't around I still make a decent amount of money overnight by fishing if I leave my computer on I know I know it costs electricity to keep your computer on but I usually do for other reasons so it's not that big of a deal for me you do you I personally wish we didn't have to I wish that our character kept fishing even if we logged off I wish our work notes kept going on even if we logged off but that's not the case I did put in a suggestion I doubt it's ever going to take place but you know anyway so in terms of fishing you want to be fishing and then turning in those fishes to an Imperial Fish turn in so by traveling to a greater distance you make a lot more money from doing it or you can be lazy like me and just run over to like say uh the Imperial fishing vendor right here in Valia or run over to English if that's full and whatever you can do it's still money in the bank now fishing is definitely not the most amount of passive income you can get by AFK activities obviously there's cookie and Alchemy right but there is another there is training training is actually pretty good now um since the recent reworks were that it wasn't like a huge amount of changes to it but you know now if you're taming horses in around dubancrone they can go all the way up to tier VII they've revamped the loot from turning into imperial seals for training which really increased the passive income so I can't give you a real accurate estimate but it's definitely more than fishing some people told me they're making over 100 Mil a day just by AFK training but overall training is a good AFK method to make money a lot of people you'll see in duvincron af King on wagons with four horses running through here that's what they're doing divincron is going to be the best uh place to do that because intriguing there are multiple places with really good um horse spawns which can get you really decent tier horses definitely check that out next up is going to be Farming Farming is amazing uh they recently revamped it a bit so now we're making a lot more money than before before I used to make like 100 ml a day and I'm like damn that's nice but now it's like closer to 200 mL a day if I can hit five Farm runs every day so it is a bit tedious to do that I know it is sweaty though to come here back to the computer every four and a half hours to do that but if you are able to you can make good money like every run average is about 30 to 40 mil for me some days I only do two runs some days I'll do all five it's uh just pretty much up to me in terms of how much I feel like playing but it is a good amount of money for example if I'm doing magic on peppers they take 10 slots per plant so in each plot of on each large fence I'm putting only one plant in so it takes a lot less time for me to manage these crops than it would if I was planting you know 10 crops in a in a plot or if I'm planning two in a plot when I'm doing magic hot peppers the only reason I do this uh I'll go on record saying it it's because I'm lazy there are other things which are much better to do which are much faster growing than hot peppers but this is purely out of laziness it takes me one minute to do a farm run that is come here and breed until I have 10 seeds to replenish my stock and then I harvest the rest and sell it if I want or I stockpile honestly I do a lot of cooking so I stockpile everything but I do count it as money earned because they're worth a pretty decent sum of money so it only takes me one hour to do a farm run and I do four or five a day that's only four to five minutes I'm not kidding it really is that quick to do it once you understand how it's done and once you get used to doing it I've been doing for a year so literally takes one minute and these magic hot peppers they do stack up they do add up in terms of price like look 85 000 of these here just sitting here and each of them are worth almost 40 000 silver each so obviously I'm gonna use those for cooking in one way or another but in terms of raw silver it's pretty good they revamp the money you get from the buy products too they changed them so now you're only getting one byproduct item called the blush Leaf you turn 20 of these in for stone tail powder those add up you get a lot more fruits from farming now these mysterious seeds give you a lot of fruits by utilizing them so these are used for targeting fruits in a focused manner so you can if you want a specific fruit you can definitely get those a lot easier than we used to be able to as you can see I have close to 700 plus of these so that's like almost 14 15 bill worth of fruits just sitting there I I'm just lazy I'll use them someday but overall farming solid way to make income very little effort or high reward all right now next one let's talk about processing now this is something I don't do enough I have a lot of mats just stored up and I really need to start doing it I just been putting it off but it's something that is really easy to do um you definitely want to have the the outfit for it from the cash shop if you're going to do it on a long-term basis that is event venison costume it allows you to process things directly from your storage instead of having them in your inventory makes it a lot easier I'm sorry it's pay to win it is what it is you know what game you're playing but overall processing is not something you do directly to make income it's not an income making method unless you're turning which is delicacy into milk into butter or something like that generally what you do processing for is to use up your zero time to make intermediary materials so for example if you need flour or dough and buying them directly at the marketplace isn't an option now I I'm just using this as an example guys but for example if I'm cooking something which needs that dough I can use my zero time in order to uh process it and in turn that'll make me money in the long run because now I have the dough to make those meals right so all in all that's the kind of thinking behind processing it's not something that you do just to like buy things off the marketplace process and sell for profit once upon a time there was a scope for that but at Mass processing definitely took care of that so that market doesn't exist anymore but it's something that supports your other life skills that is processing um for Alchemy or cooking and that allows you to make more complex things instead of having to buy them directly or you can buy the mats cheap and if you have good Mastery it's saving you a little bit of money only a little bit it's not much but you know it is what it is it's not the best but it is it does have a place in the game all right now for the worker Empire so one of the most notable ways to passively make income is definitely a worker Empire in the higher ends of your Empires you can be making over 100 Mil a day no problem there are plenty of nodes which give you a good amount of income and a plenty which are quite valuable like for example I get a lot of cards I get a lot of fish from uh doing this because some of my meals definitely need fish and how am I gonna get it other than worker nodes I have to buy it off the marketplace there's no other way for me to get it there are things like nutmegs which are bottlenecked by the worker nodes and stuff and there are things which are really useful like date palm because uh that's really good XP for cooking so all those things are gathered from worker nodes and you can easily buy things from nodes by putting in pre-orders and just buying them off the marketplace but this is something that's pretty passive this is probably the truest form of passive income in the game because all you have to do is feed your workers and it's pretty easy to get the food to feed them I have an old guide which I made about building a worker Empire it's still valid um you can check it out I'll put the link in the description now just a few notes to that guide it was a long time ago it's probably less than six months into the game when I made it so um feed your workers grilled bird meat they're more efficient than beer um since that time a lot of new things were added for example back then we didn't have uh dragon uh o'draxia probably I think we might have had Dragon but we didn't have o draxia for sure and we didn't have a mount mountain of Eternal winner at the time there are a few useful notes here like there's another chicken chicken node and there's also a Thornwood sap which is uh useful for if you're a hunter there are some nodes around here but overall you want to make sure you target things that you're going to utilize it's really not worth doing this just to sell it back to the marketplace if you're a life Skiller you really want to find things that you're going to utilize yourself for example here I have Spirit Leaf this node it's so close to the bass note of Trent and and it is one of the highest money making nodes in the game from what I heard uh Lumberjacks rest area near Trent super close and those Spirit leaves do add up they're worth uh quite a bit of money so definitely pick that one up but overall my old guide it's still it's still valid only thing is now the Market's changed a bit so my recommendation since we make a lot more money per hour than we ever did is always go for things that you're going to utilize if you're a grinder then that's different just go for the thing things that make you the most amount of money per day there are plenty of spreadsheets and tables out there I'd recommend following up on the life skill Discord they have a lot of useful resources that you can utilize to identify those nodes and go for the money per hour so life skillers so life skillers focus on getting items that you utilize for Life Skilling while Grinders focus on just getting whatever the hell makes money and you can sell it directly to the marketplace alright guys now for the last and final section that is miscellaneous in a sense but it comes down to two things Gamba and a Marketplace Gamba means gambling that means enhancing and shenanigans like that they do make money like there are plenty of people who make money just by enhancing there are plenty of people who lose their entire Bank by trying to just roll the dice and pin roulette or something silly don't do that be smart about it if you want to be successful at enhancing the best thing you could do is probably just watch biohack or salt on Twitch and just learn by watching because there's no secret to it they're not hiding anything you clearly see how they're making their money right there and you have to be meticulous calculate the cost of everything calculate the cost of every material you are using every Blackstone memory fragment a hards and Sharps wow they're actually sitting on the market now isn't that crazy once upon a time this went on for months but things like that calculated down to a t only then you'll be able to make money in the long run because when you're enhancing basically you're like the house in a casino you're not the guy who's coming in and rolling big and making mad money off luck what you're going to try to do is play the odds and eventually you'll have a little better luck succeeding than you do have at failing that means not enhancing successfully more times than you fail but within the rate of what breaks even you're trying to make those odds a little bit better so you're beating that break-even point more times than you're losing to it and to do that you have to minimize your costs everywhere that means how you're obtaining your Stacks how you're building your own Stacks the game gives you so many valks like so many stacks that is just handed to you and all of those have value things like concentrated magical black gems they take Hearts Sharps black gems black stones and by adding up all the prices depending on your region maybe you're getting your own hearts and Sharps from Gathering maybe you wanted to you're getting them from hunting and you want to convert them into Cash instead of selling them directly to the marketplace you could strategically use them to enhance and be very meticulous on the costs and be very careful what kind of odds you're taking and make it out on top at the end and all that comes into how you strategically place your resources if you want to make concentrated magical black gems and you're getting your own hearts and Sharps you're gonna profit then selling them directly to the marketplace it's a really easy way to do it a lot of people buy mats right off the marketplace and go make concentrated magical black gems and sell them and make profit of course you need to be careful when you buy this prices because if you check everything at Max price and if you're buying all the amounts of Max price and you're making concentrated magical black jumps chances are you're losing money you don't want to lose money you want to make money so whenever events come out whenever login rewards come out you'll see these prices drop these prices didn't magically drop on their own they were influenced by outside sources so if you're an enhancer you would want to be stockpiling so if you're someone like salt or biohack and you're constantly enhancing and making profit you'd be waiting for these moments where the prices drop and then you just buy it as much as you can because you know the price is going to go back up and profit off it so at the lowest end look at this 1.12 1.2 mil that's insanely low for something that sits at a Max price of 1.6 that is a huge percentage right of money you're saving and all of that goes into how you're making money by enhancing it at the end of the day whether you're enhancing black stars or boss gears or whatever it doesn't matter because what you're looking at is the cost it takes to enhance the odds of you succeeding that enhancement if you're going on a roll which uh it gives you 10 chance to succeed you're going to probably have to enhance it 10 times to break even to be able to hit that odd right if the chance of succeeding in enhancement is 10 then you're going to have to theoretically uh enhance it 10 times in order to succeed if you get it before then then great if you get it after then you're losing money but the amount of money it takes to actually enhance repair and everything that goes into it to allow you to make those 10 enhancements those are all things you need to calculate and keep in mind make your own spreadsheets and do all the boring stuff in order to understand is it worth enhancing now there's only so much I can tell you because I personally don't do this I don't like gambling I don't like that stress but some people find it very fun a lot of people play the game for that and more prior to you I think that's a great way to play the game that that must be very enjoyable for you that's a lot of dopamine coming in right so nothing wrong in playing like that but just keep in mind it takes a lot of meticulous planning take advantage of the marketplace fluctuations fluctuations are your friend understood now let's talk about something that ties into that fluctuation right the first part of our final section was Gamba enhancing the gang gave you so many of those plus hundred Stacks how are you going to use them that hundred stack has value to it right but there's something else that I constantly mentioned throughout this video that is a fluctuation of prices whether Whatever item you're using to life skill or whatever that item fluctuates in price now one thing you can do especially if you have a merchant ring then they play a whole different ball game those people are raking in hundreds of billions of money through various methods that us normal players cannot do but for the most part what you want to do is take advantage of the fluctuating prices so for example look at memory fragments when they fell down all the way to here versus being sold at a peak price that is a 400k profit because of the tax Max even if we bought them at the cheapest point we probably wouldn't have been able to make money because we lose money from the tax right maybe someone with Merchant ring would have been able to capitalize on it but there are other things that are more commonly uh utilized like for example uh Sharps and hards right when they felt their lowest Peak and then they go back to their highest that is a huge margin that is a huge margin that even your tax won't be able to wipe out so let's actually do the math the calculator or any other tax calculator to find out if it would be worth it so here we are at I'm gonna go to the Central Market and we can hit the tax calculator right here now let's take a look at Sharps if we're saying we're going to sell something at 3.5 mil a pop right and we have a value pack and we have over 7 000 family Fame how much are we losing out on tax so for selling something at 3.5 mil we're losing 500k silver so that gives us 2.9 mil in profit so when you have that let's say we were to buy it at 1.9 mil if we bought it at 2 mil even with the loss in profit if we were able to sell it for Max price we're making profit right it's money it's as simple as that it's calculation it's difficult to get things for that cheap but if you can you make money and that's just basically the law of Economics right buy cheap sell High only problem with BDO is it's not a free economy it's not a free market and the tax hurts but things do fluctuate take advantage of events take advantage of login rewards you will see fluctuations on the market if you find an opportunity don't be like me and make a video about it take advantage of it and make mad money after it's gone then brag about how much money you made but you won't tell anyone how you made that money uh so all in all guys it sounds simple because it is either you make profit or you don't but there is scope for making money in BDO through Market fluctuations I'm not gonna go and expose all of those those items I just did the most simple and straightforward items for now but there are other other items that you can take advantage of now the real thing is when you combine those Market fluctuations not just to sell it right back for a little quick cash but when you take advantage of it through life Skilling when you take advantage of it through enhancing that's when you truly make big money in BDO so everything ties together and BDO is not something you're supposed to just go dive in hardcore into one aspect of it if you do you can you can play the simple life but it's when you combine everything together and put it together that's when you make an overall difference and how much money you're making per hour it's not about just brute forcing it's about how you want to play the game it's about building yourself a system that's what I did recently I decided I wanted to make three Bill a day how am I gonna do it well there's a lot of aspects that go into it I do active life Skilling I get passive income I do AFK methods like cooking all all of those things combined together plus a few other Shenanigans I do that I keep to myself all those combined together gives me over two to three Bill a day am I putting in the same effort of grinding for two to three hours a day no I'm doing a lot less in terms of effort but I am utilizing my zero time a lot more heavily than other players there are many different ways to play this game and these are just a few of the things that you can do to make money in the game BDO is a journey people always say that but you have to remember there is one Golden Rule to BDO you spend time you make money that's it that is the most basic rule and the truth of video you want to make it to the end game you want to make it to 750 gear score or something absurd you're going to be spending a lot of time video translate time into money so don't lose sight of real life I I know it sounds silly to say this this day and age I'm sure a lot of you guys are older guys and you know this but I still have to say because there's those people there are those people who are going to be grinding for 10 hours a day 12 hours a day trying to make as much money as they can to get ahead in the game it's just a game at the end of the day I'm putting this information out there to enable you you guys this more smartly utilize your time and in a sense save yourself time IRL so whatever you take away from this video in this guide I hope it really does help you guys and I hope you're able to make smarter decisions IRL and how you're spending your time videos a very complex game but at the same time it's quite simple and that's it for today's video guys thank you so much for watching I hope you found it helpful please do like comment and subscribe if you did check me out at I'm pansy and finally once again big shout out to the sponsor of today's video raid Shadow Legends check them out in the link in the description down below take it easy guys I'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Pansy
Views: 148,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BDO, Black Desert, Black Desert Online, BDO New Player, BDO How to, Pansy, Pansy BDO, Imperial Cooking, BDO Money Making, BDO Beginner Guide, BDO Money Making Guide, Beginner Money Making, How to make Billions in BDO, bdo money making guide 2022, bdo money making 2022, bdo imperial cooking, impansy, bdo beginner tips, bdo money making tips, BDO Bartering, BDO Training, BDO Alchemy, bdo worker empire, bdo workshops, bdo afk money, BDO Money Making Guide 2023, bdo new players
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 23sec (3443 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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