Can We Disappear Without a Trace? | Weird or What? | Ft. William Shatner | Documentary Central

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[Music] you know i've been around for a while i've met some interesting people done some crazy things do you that there wasn't much that could take me by surprise you'd be wrong [Music] the world is full of stories and science and things that amazing confound me every single day incredible mysteries that keep me awake at night some i can answer and others just defy logic can we suddenly disappear without a trace three men vanished from a yacht off the coast of australia there was no trace of blood there was no damage to the ship were they abducted by undersea aliens in vermont almost a dozen people disappear from a remote mountain wood all they ever found was a few empty bullet shells were they attacked by a suspect and in tasmania a pilot's chased by an unknown crap before disappearing to possibly say it was murder was he shot down by a ufo yeah it's a weird world and i love it [Music] the mary is the last magnificent energy this 280-ton brigantine was found fully sea-worthy and floating unmanned in the atlantic in 1872 abandoned by her entire crew and passengers all their belongings and six months supplies were still on board untouched what happened throughout history tales of vanishings have mystified and baffled us can people simply disappear from the face of the earth this extraordinary story is regarded as the greatest maritime mystery of all time or it was until 2007. april 14 2007 three men set out on a cruise off the eastern coast of australia for des batten and brothers peter and jim tunstad it's the adventure of a lifetime a five thousand kilometer eight week voyage that will take them past some of the most spectacular coastline in the world judy sharp is a queensland attorney it was a journey that was in the planning for some considerable period the three men each undertook various courses including first aid des the owner of cass ii is an experienced amateur sailor who's made several trips in the area des batman had a long standing interest in boating and had owned a number of vessels in the past including a 40-foot cruising vessel jim tunstead had significant experience in sailing smaller sailing boats he had competed in 14-foot skiff racing regularly in the past it will be the longest journey any of them has attempted the purpose of the journey was to transport the kaz to from early beach back to western australia where the batons lived the voyage was ambitious to say the least the three men set out from able point marina on a beautiful sunday morning people who saw the men before they set off on the journey on that morning describe them as being in good spirits jim decides to capture the moment for posterity the last record of them is some video footage that was taken on board because too uh we think at about 10 05 a.m so a couple of hours into the voyage ahead peter tunstad was fishing off the back of the boat and des batten was at the helm everything was normal in their final contact with the outside world des checks in with a radio operator on shore a routine precaution a local marine rescue volunteer had radio contact with the men but the yacht fails to show up at its next anchorage on cape gloucester and calls to jim tunstad's cell phone go unanswered three days later the cast ii was spotted by the australian coast guard miles off course and drifting aimlessly photojournalist cameron laird is one of the first to reach the missing yard the ship was abandoned and and it was just floating adrift in the ocean with sails just blowing wildly in the breeze and you could tell clearly that something was wrong when the search and rescue found the boat they lowered crewman who went in and checked to see if there were anyone on board rescuers find no sign of the crew but even more alarming they find evidence that whatever took place on board must have taken them by surprise keys were still in the ignition of the boat the maps were still laid out on the table sugar and tea bags were still in the kitchen fishing lines were still on board there was a laptop still running at the time there were still life jackets on board the orange fluorescent life ring was still on board the the safety boys were still attached to the boat everything looked fine it just looked like that someone had driven the boat into port and parked mysteriously the only thing that's out of place is an ordinary piece of fishing line there was fishing line and a lure tangled around the port side rudder and that was where peter tunstad was seen to be fishing the authorities launch a massive search and rescue operation by air and sea they sent search and rescue helicopters and big swing planes i think also maybe the army were involved with some army aircraft as well the cast ii is towed into port where the police and forensic teams comb the vessel for clues there was no trace of blood there was no damage to the ship there was no broken glasses or anything in the cabin nothing gun toward it happened the three men were never found to this day the case of the cast ii remains one of australia's most enduring unsolved mysteries nobody really knew whether the men were dead or alive and they had disappeared in such mysterious circumstances nothing could explain the fate of the men sadly that should really never have happened you know i love the ocean boats are my passion wind in your hair the smell of the seed makes me feel alive but i got to tell you this story is weird or what i mean we all know that sailors have to have respect for the sea right but here they are on a perfect day on a perfect boat what were they doing i mean let's face it what could possibly go wrong almost anything what happened to the men on board the costume cryptozoologist adam mcgurk thinks it was something monstrous a giant squid we now know that these animals live in our oceans and went virtually undetected aside from legends and stories from sailors saying that they encountered or were attacked by a large squid-like animal mager says the giant squid has gone from legend to reality as scientists have studied the elusive creature up close in 2007 fishermen off the southern tip of new zealand actually captured the largest recorded specimen of a colossal squid and it measured 33 feet long from the tip of its head to the end of its tentacles and it was estimated to weigh about eleven hundred pounds but could a giant squid account for the loss of the castew's crew mager says the animals have attacked small boats before especially in the warm waters of the pacific in 2003 there were a couple of french sailors attempting to circumnavigate the globe all of a sudden they lost control of their boat and on the rear of the ship they found a gargantuan squid wrapped around the rudder making it so that they couldn't turn or control the boat in any way after some time when they stopped the ship the squid released its grasp and went down to the depths and they were able to continue on their way but this is a perfect example of a very close encounter with a giant squid although the creatures aren't aggressive they are inquisitive and constantly on the lookout for a meal a colossal squid may look up at the surface and see the bottom of a boat and interpret that as a large fish that it might like to go after or possibly even a whale and throughout history several whale carcasses have been found with extremely large sucker marks on their skin indicating that they have either gone after the squid to eat them or been locked in some type of struggle or battle with the squid so i think mostly a squid would come up to the surface out of either curiosity or a necessity because it's chasing prey and if it were to encounter a small boat it would try and explore that boat using its arms and tentacles mcgirt thinks if one of the creatures did intercept the odd it was quite capable of sweeping the crew overboard a colossal squid actually has very sharp serrated edges on its suction cups in order to grab a hold of prey and prevent them from escaping you're basically at the mercy of the squid at that point did a giant squid attack the cast who or does the key to the mystery lie even deeper there are extraterrestrial beings who have encounters in the ocean three men disappear from a yacht off the coast of australia were they attacked by a giant squid psychotherapist barbara lamb agrees that what caused the cast ii tragedy came from the ocean depths but it's weirder than any cmos there's no doubt in my mind that there are extraterrestrial beings who do have encounters in the ocean with many human beings lamb is convinced not only is the cast ii crew still alive they are being held captive by aliens using stealthy underwater vehicles a uso is an undersea or an unidentified c object we do feel convinced that there are these usos as well as ufos of unidentified flying objects lam learned about usos from a surprising source her own patience she got them to reveal buried memories of alien sightings through a controversial technique called regression therapy okay does there seem to be any presence of anyone in addition to the light regression is a form of hypnosis where a person comes in with a particular concern maybe an event to find out the details that he or she does not remember consciously so the form the process is that i conduct a nice 10 or 15 minutes worth of deep relaxation suggestions and the person does become very nice and deeply relaxed and during that process of the relaxation i suggest that the person is going to go back to whatever that issue is or that event that they want to know more of the details about so when we get into a fully relaxed state then i just ask questions about you know what are you aware of what are you seeing what are you feeling what are you experiencing in any way and the person in this very relaxed state is now having images and awarenesses of details from that experience in the case of regressing somebody to what we think might have been an extraterrestrial encounter we go back to the first little glimpse or hints that something unusual might be happening this could be something that happened last week or last month last year last decade even 30 or 40 years earlier if that's what the person wants to discover more about so i give the suggestion that they go back to those first few moments of awareness i would say maybe one quarter of the people who come to me have had extraterrestrial encounters do you hear a voice as this is happening right now i said no he's talking to me through my mind over the years her patients gave such detail accounts of usos lamb had to accept they were real one client who lives right close to the southern california coast has many times seen a disc shaped craft shooting up from under the ocean this craft kind of docked with or attached to a building that seemed to be down on the floor of the ocean some of the stories had chilling similarities with the cast 2 incident i know one man who lost his entire family that was on a huge yacht they sailed from bermuda in the 1950s about oh 10 different people on it disappeared nothing was ever found no life ring nothing did undersea aliens kidnap the cast due sailors or is the solution more earthly police constable patrick mccloud works in the marine unit of the toronto police service the ghost ship scenario isn't as rare as people think we find vessels all the time that are abandoned macleod is confident the disappearance of the cast who crew is no more than a tragic accident i think what happened to these fellows on the kaz 2 was simply a man overboard disaster how can he be so sure mcleod points to a single clue found by rescuers the tangled fishing line looks like one of the guys was fishing and his lure got tied up on the back of the rudder he might have been down there trying to free it fell overboard his brother jumps in to save him and the other fellow might have been a panic what began as a simple mishap quickly spiraled out of control with dez trying desperately to rescue his friends try to come back to save them and during the rescue fell overboard himself once they're off the vessel there's virtually no chance of them getting back on the kaz 2 catamaran even at its slow speed would be uncatchable by the best swimmer in the world did the crew of the cast ii drown because they couldn't catch up to their boat constable mccloud is going to test his theory by staging an experiment today we're here in a controlled situation to see if a swimmer falling off the back of a boat can actually swim to catch up with it when it's going approximately 12 kilometers an hour an inflatable dinghy will be towed at the same speed as the kaz ii a trained police swimmer will play the role of the sailors derek you're gonna fall overboard like something's happened but try to get back to that dinghy as fast as you can and see if you can get on board okay let's go guys constable mcleod will measure the dinghy speed with a radar gun three two one pulse they get the dingy moving at four kilometers an hour less than half the cast to speed but even at this reduced philosophy derek simply can't keep up even in a controlled situation in a pool with a very fit person a very young person a trained person that he was still unable to catch that dinghy at a much slower speed than we thought the kaz 2 was going there's no way that these older gentlemen are going to be able to catch that vessel they're basically doomed were the men on board of the cast ii snatched by a sea monster were they abducted by undersea aliens or did they simply fall overboard in a tragic accident [Music] almost a dozen people vanished from a remote mountain forest all that was left behind was empty bullet shells you know these days modern technology is made hiking through the forest easy you've got a gps in case you get lost go straight ahead digital compass tells you what direction you're headed in shock-proof watch hunting knife safety visibility they make stuff to protect you from just about any situation but there's one thing that nothing will save you from it and that's a forest that swallows you whole bennington vermont is a historic town set against the breathtaking scenery of green mountain national forest but it also borders on an area native americans have avoided for hundreds of years believing it to be inhabited by dark and vengeful spirits glastonbury mountain joe durwin is a local journalist and folklorist glastonbury mountain comes across as a creepy place it's high and dark and remote and heavily wooded and there's a ghost town there is sort of this old new england aura of haunted houses and dark forests and mysterious secrets one of the region's most puzzling mysteries is that of james tetford on december 1st 1949 james is making his way home after visiting relatives ted ford was a veteran who lived in bennington he had taken this bus countless times but tonight he attracts more attention than normal there was a setting of james tedford in um st albans vermont he was seen by a friend there during during a stop but when the bus pulls into bennington all is not well james isn't there he was seen on a bus by 14 witnesses at one stop and then by the next stop he was mysteriously gone and all that was left behind was his luggage police are called in to investigate but no trace of the man is ever found we don't know what happened to him after that but james's disappearance isn't the only unsolved missing person's case in the bennington area exactly three years earlier paula weldon is hiking the long trail one of bennington's most famous tourist attractions paula weldon was an attractive 18 year old student at bennington college she left the campus on december 1st and she went walking up the long trail towards the top of glastonbury mountain despite the cold paula isn't alone in the forest other hikers see her as she disappears around the bend they think nothing of it until they too round the corner paula is nowhere to be seen she was seen by several people on the way and then at some point she simply disappeared police and the fbi mount one of the biggest manhunts in vermont history it was probably the most extensive of any of the searches it was one of the first times helicopters were used over the area to look for someone paula has never heard from again even more puzzling is what happens to mitty rivers a local guide and outdoorsman mindy rivers is a guy in his 60s very experienced in the woods he was hunting with his son-in-law uh he went into an area called hell hollow which he knew quite well and he went off by himself for a little while and he was never seen again mindy has vanished almost with a near shot of his companion when uh his relatives went to look for him he was nowhere to be found and they searched for days there was massive manhunts and all they ever found was a few of his uh empty bullet shells on a trail these and five other mysterious disappearances between 1945 and 1950 lead the area to be christened the bennington triangle the legend of the bennington triangle is this apex of weirdness and uh mystery sort of a almost bermuda-like triangle but on land then in may 1951 a potential breakthrough the police come across something they've never seen before in the bennington triangle cases a body it belongs to a hiker who disappeared the previous autumn of the disappearances in the bennington triangle that i've heard of only one really stands out as being resolved partially at least in terms of a body being found and that's a woman from massachusetts named freda langer the autopsy doesn't reveal how she died and even more perplexing she's found in an area that has been searched previously police now wonder if a serial killer is on the loose abducting his victims both on foot and in vehicles the public dubs him the bennington ripper usually with serial killers you see a lot of conformity in the the types of victims with these disappearances you don't see that you don't see similarities in age gender background clothing anything the theory is discarded for lack of evidence in the end all we know for sure is that they were not found who or what is responsible for the victims of the bennington triangle can people simply vanish off the face of the earth author christopher noel isn't so sure there is a strong possibility that these disappearances could be related to sasquatches or one sasquatch in the area given that there have been many sightings of these creatures over the years in the bennington area the sasquatch also known as bigfoot is a legendary ape-like creature thought to inhabit the forests of north america noel has been studying them for years a sasquatch could easily snatch us off a trail could snatch more than one of us if it wanted to it's quite possible that there was a rogue sasquatch probably a male who was operating outside the normal range of sasquatch behavior he points to an incident that took place only 20 years before the first bennington triangle case a man named albert ostman was taken from his campsite and carried to a small box canyon where he was held captive for six days the victim not only survived he escaped to tell the tale the world's earliest documented bigfoot abduction he described what it looked like how they behaved in very exquisite detail that hadn't been known at the time and has been confirmed over and over and over by sightings down through the years there's just been too many reports of intimidation behavior and sightings of sasquatch here in the bennington area to discount this possibility especially around glastonbury mountain i spoke with a man last year who had been in a hunting trailer on glastonbury mountain and he and his buddies had woken up in the middle of the night when the trailer was shaken violently and nothing else is going to be shaking a trailer like that they opened the door and they saw something in the dark but they could see it running away on two legs it would just be absurd to rule out this possibility without looking into it more deeply especially considering the context of sightings and intimidation behavior that we have here in the in the historical record did bigfoot abduct the bennington triangle victims if so why was only one body ever found i'm sure that these creatures if they abducted these people took them far away from where people ever go into the thick thick parts of the woods high up in caves and we just never would have happened to cross them see i don't think this is fair something weird happens and boom poor old sasquatch takes the rap again did he kidnap the victims i don't i don't think so and and here's why bigfoot is described in reports as a hairy ape-like creature 10 feet tall over 500 pounds with large eyes a pronounced brown low set forehead covered in dark red hair the enormous footprints for which it is known are 24 inches long and 8 inches wide and get this the creature is commonly reported to have a strong unpleasant smell by those who claim to encounter now i have one question how on earth could a doofus like that take anyone by surprise is bigfoot to blame for the vermont vanishings or was it another kind of killer when they're hungry food is food eight people vanished from the bennington triangle in vermont were they kidnapped by bigfoot bennington hunting and fishing guide george prouty says no i think the only animal in this area that would attack and kill a human would be a mountain lion we know there's big cats up here when the food population is uh is low and they're hungry food is food brownie has no doubt the animals have what it takes to take down a fully grown man the mountain lion is a big cat they're very protective of their game what they kill they usually cart away even my size a 200 pound person a cat like that can drag and actually carry up a tree put put on a limb and and take their time to devour it and after a period of time you'd think even the clothing would be visible yeah a denning animal an animal that goes into a cave or a den which a mountain lion that has young that's where they're going to be they're not going to be up in a tree somewhere the clothing is all hidden it's it's all gone once the food is gone and the clothing is there there's no way to recover it it's in it's in a it's in a cat den or it's in a place where it's not recoverable prouty says details of the vanishings match the way big cats stalk their prey it's always been a single person and when a a mountain lion goes on attack that's their ultimate goal is to get one individual singled out from the crowd then that's the one they're going to choose to attack did a mountain lion devour the victims of the bennington triangle how does this explain james tetra vanishing from a move and bus astrophysics author morris franks thinks the missing people fell victim to an exotic phenomenon of modern science a hormone the wormhole is a tunnel between two points in space and time where if something went in one end of the wormhole it would come out instantly at the other end no matter how far away that other end may be in other words not limited by the einstein's limit on the speed of light 186 284 miles per second as the speed of travel but instantaneous communication wormholes unquestionably exist at the subatomic level there's no question about that and apparently there is no limit to the size to which a wormhole can be made could a human stumble into a wormhole frank says it's happened before to none other than the us military 1943 the united states navy wanted a technology to make battleships disappear from enemy radar and they commissioned albert einstein and nicola tesla to work on the project it was called the philadelphia experiment all this is shrouded in secrecy and some weird things happened including the u.s eldridge disappeared spontaneously from philadelphia harbor and showed up in norfolk virginia hundreds of miles away that the only explanation i can think of if that happened would be a large wormhole now experts on wormholes such as kip thorn and david deutsch would tell you it takes too much energy to open up that big a wormhole it's theoretically possible but it's not likely because of the energy requirements to open up that big a wormhole but on the other hand they did have a megawatt generator on the uss eldridge powering the electronic equipment that tesla designed and apparently they were able to do something and the the only explanation you can find in quantum physics is the wormhole did the u.s government create wormholes to hide battleships was the same technology used on the victims in vermont if the people who went missing in the bennington vermont area were sucked into a wormhole i have no idea where they came out it could be anywhere on this planet it could be anywhere in another galaxy were the bennington triangle victims snatched by sasquatch were they killed by a mountain lion or were they pulled into an intergalactic wormhole where or what [Music] a pilot is chased by a ufo before he vanishes without a trace he says it's not an aircraft last year there were 900 000 missing persons recorded in north america that's nearly 2 500 people who vanish every day it's a scary thought isn't it i mean the good news is most of these cases are easily explained kids running away from home husbands running away from wives or the irs but there's one case that doesn't fit into any category and that's because it happened in mid-air october 21st 1978 a cessna 182 takes off from melbourne's moravian airport at the controls is frederick valentin a 20 year old flying instructor with the australian air training corps his story has been documented by author reg watson he had a passion for flying and because of us it already knocked up 150 flying hours he wanted to become a commercial pilot frederick is bound for king island a short flight across the bass strait that separates mainland australia from tasmania bass strait is the most fascinating place there has been a number of underground earthquakes there so it is a very dangerous area a volatile area and many boats if you like mysteriously go missing valentik had planned to leave marabon airport to go to king island to meet some friends there visibility was good it was excellent flying weather it's a little more than an hour's flight time to king island airport so far it's been going smoothly it was only going about 120 miles per hour full tank um it had been weld uh well looked after there was no problem with the the aircraft itself it should have got to king island without any problem but 47 minutes into the journey frederick notices another much larger aircraft flying at the same altitude valentick was traveling about 4500 feet in elevation and the question that he asked moorabbin are there any aircraft below five thousand delta sierra there seem to be a large aircraft below five thousand manning the radio at moorabbin airport is air traffic controller steve roby he checks the board there's nothing else in the area suddenly the other aircraft makes several high-speed passes above and below his much smaller system it seems to me that he's playing some sort of game he's saying it's traveling under me within a short period of time he's saying it's a thousand feet above me then he says it's coming towards me he asked the amazing question he said are there any air force craft in the area moorabbin said no the craft then veers close enough for frederick to get a good look at he said well it's long shiny like metal it's got a green light and sort of metallic it's all shiny on the outside obviously he's not familiar with it suddenly frederick's engine begins to sputter in its controls malfunction but now the strangecraft is performing even more frightening maneuvers around frederick's plane it's travelling of incredible speeds he said it's vanishing it's orbiting me now robbie asked the young pilot to repeat his description of the unidentified aircraft frederick's answer is children that strange aircraft is covering on top of me again he's hovering it's not an aircraft he says it's not an aircraft and then it goes off it's frederick's last transmission roby desperately tries to re-establish contact but all he hears is a metallic clicking noise that ends with radio silence it was presumed that frederick has smashed into the sea and as a consequence a search was arranged frederick cesta is equipped with a radio beacon it should be easy to locate but as rescuers search the mystery only deepens no wreckage no body and no oil spill was ever found over three decades later reg watson is convinced the australian government still needs to get to the bottom of the case what i'd like to see happen with frederick valentick is that the authorities admit that something peculiar happened i get angry with the authorities i really would like that some type of salvage operation would go off the coast of victoria to see whether indeed his aircraft is still there now if ever there was a genuine mystery this is it and here's why it couldn't have been an accident you see your chances of being involved in an air crash are about one in 11 million you've got far more chance of being killed by a bee stick or choking on food or climbing a ladder or falling out of bed get it what happened to frederick valenti what did he see before he disappeared victor vigiani is a paranormal investigator who studied the incident he makes the case that frederick was attacked by the only vehicle capable of the maneuvers he described an alien spaceship one of the things that we know for sure is that this craft did circular things around his craft so it would hover below it would hover above beside and he was sort of looking all over the place and watching this thing come and go and dart normal aircraft can't do that the gianna says frederick wasn't the only person to see the ufo that was arrested it was also visible to witnesses on land there was a family of three or four and two adults and one or two children who were driving along the road and actually saw the valencia's craft moving along over the ocean and the ufo above it the ufo's technology was so powerful it was able to the cessna's engine and instruments the electromagnetic influences that are part of the ufo phenomenon are manifested in the avionics there were many instances where pilots have seen their instrumentation go just completely wild or be shut down completely but in montana back in 1967 a series of nuclear missiles there's a missile installation nuclear missile insulation and about 12 to 15 of these missiles were in silos at what they called oscar flight and below the uh the surface of the ground in the bunkers the launch commanders reside they watch everything going on and what happened was uh captain robert salas who was the launch commander at the time at ecco flight got a call from one of his guards up on top and saying there's ufos just flying all over the coming and going here we don't know what that's going on and so captain salas said listen just stay cool don't get carried away they had their weapons drawn ready to do whatever and he hung the phone fine and a few minutes later the same guard calls back and he's completely frenetic this man is just right off the right off the wire he's off the dial he's he's excited he's he's can barely speak and he says there's a huge glowing red object right outside the gate huge massive and we don't know what the heck it is and then captain salus monitoring all of these things listening to the men talk up above then the guard says the the thing is just taken off this is gone and as soon as the ufo retreated or left the scene 12 of his missiles intercontinental ballistic missiles were shut down put into a no-go situation they were unlaunchable they went down one at a time this is something that captain robert salas has to the states that has never happened before at least to his witnessing but why wasn't there any wreckage simple the plane didn't grant my personal opinion is that that craft in some way was taken on to the ufo vigiani is sure the authorities know it and have covered it up the general public has been conditioned to do is seek out those other explanations not just the human mind seeking rational arguments the cover-up has also very psychologically conditioned us to go for the rational argument well it's only this well it's just a weather phenomenon well it's just a flock of birds was the cessna taken on board by a ufo or did frederick conceal his true intentions this is somebody that actually planned his disappearance a pilot disappears off the australian coast after an encounter with an unknown craft was he abducted by a ufo new york city-based private investigator steve rambo doesn't buy it as much as i'd like to believe an intelligent life somewhere in the universe because it's lacking in most of the places where i work i really don't subscribe to the ufo theory rambam specializes in tracking down people who fake their own deaths if you look at this case even superficially you'll see that this is somebody that actually planned his disappearance but frederick had his whole life ahead of him why would he want to disappear 20 years old he's first experiencing the stresses of adulthood he's entering the job market he's starting to wonder what he's going to do with his life he has a young girlfriend who is is putting pressure on him about the future after he disappeared she showed a lot of signs of instability she didn't work or essentially go out for about seven years i can tell you when i was a 19 year old guy there were a couple of times when i wished i had a plane i could get into and and go away from uh from my college tests and my girlfriend at the time and whatever i've got to tell you there are people of that age with less pressure on them who don't have a plane available to them who who manage to get up and fly away how does this explain the ufo attack brandon thinks frederick made it up for the couple of weeks before he disappeared he expressed unusual sudden interest in ufos it's a little difficult for me to believe that this fella all of a sudden gets sucked up into the mothership but if frederick was a faker why did he do it to escape he has a plane at his disposal which he has gassed up for 300 miles flight even though he's only got to go 40 miles he probably needed some getting away money and that plane was worth something i think that plane was either sold or sold for parts everything was easier in 1978 life was easier um today if you disappear i know everywhere you've been up to the nanosecond before that disappearance i know your credit card usage i know your wi-fi activity i know your cell phone within a hundred feet i know uh who you spoke to who you emailed i know your friends your family your likes your dislikes all in a database i i can tell you that now when we i've been doing this for for about 30 years and i can tell you that in 1981 and 82 when i backgrounded somebody my initial intake file if i was really really lucky was about 20 pages that was a huge file today if i background you and i do initial intake on somebody who's disappeared if i have less than 500 pages it's a shame rambam thinks we can solve the mystery all we have to do is look in the right place if i had to bet i think he's flying planes somewhere certainly not under his own name but uh there's somebody that that looks quite like him with his background i've worked with police in australia uh there are no dummies i think they've kept this open because they know darn well this kid was not sucked up into a ufo did frederick valentick fake his own death or does the answer lie elsewhere mark wallace has been a commercial airline pilot for almost 30 years i've actually narrowed it down to one theory as to what's happened if you're a brand new pilot this is one of the more common problems that leads to crashes they get disoriented wallace thinks frederick's big mistake was the time he departed 6 20 p.m when you're a fairly new pilot that's called visual flight rules you're looking at the sky for reference to keep yourself uh right side up as you get late in the day the water looks black at night you now have a black ocean morphing into a black sky you're losing that defining horizon for pilots to look out as it grows darker frederick grows more disoriented you can't really see the horizon anymore it's very easy then for the airplane to start to go into a bank and you don't feel it if you're an inexperienced pilot and you can't feel the plane banking and you look down at this instrument and it shows the airplane in a 30 degree bank you don't believe it so you don't change the more the plane banked the more it lost altitude until the cessna simply fell into the sea but why didn't searchers find any wreckage the bath straight is a massive strait of water between australia and tasmania and it's got a lot of ocean currents as the ocean whips down from the great barrier reef even though it's not very deep it wouldn't take much for that what whatever debris there is to end up who knows where but what about the mysterious craft that harassed him my first thought was that it's some sort of a military aircraft you know someone's fooling around having a little bit of fun with the guy i wouldn't put it past the military guys to to go out and basically do an intercept you know a practice intercept on an aircraft did frederick valentin crash his plane into the ocean or did he fake his own death was he shot down by an alien spacecraft we may never know weird or what so there we have it three stories of unsolved vanishings three men disappear from aboard a yacht in australia were they attacked by a giant squid a series of people vanished from a remote vermont forest did bigfoot kidnap me and a pilot was chased by a strange unidentified craft was he shot down by aliens you decide join me next time for more stories that will undoubtedly be weird or what [Music] you
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Keywords: Documentary, Channel, Watch, Videos, Full, Free, Stream, Documentaries, Series, Doco, Season, Episode, YouTube, Movies, Netflix, William Shatner, Weird of what?, Star Trek, Animals, Monsters, Aliens, Conspiracy, Thoeries, Thery, Conspiracy theory, William, Shatner, Narrator, William Shatner Series, captain james kirk, captain james t. kirk, captain kirk, captain kirk impressions, impression, impressions, reviews, shatner, william shatner capt kirk, william shatner captain kirk
Id: jT9OcNYhWTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 2sec (3062 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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