Biyahe ni Drew: Hidden treasures of Bulacan (Full episode)

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[Music] saguru allahö celesta Hanauma Papa Chelan moon Vito and Northern Gateway windows own Milazzo Manila sat at Olin Miami na ho today in Cocina Pamela revolutionary O'Neal emilio aguinaldo dito et de Yamaha Logano piscina Nagila Anupama lon ah Hawaiian Ito duckbill our mana by Anika to redeem ourselves del Villar regarded Villar Paraiba at my I'm King getting vetoed malama allagadda and seen in Catalan live Francisco Baltazar octagon or Abelardo Cooper kinda hanna more I didn't get a moose again Marren parent I am Pinoy food depot and a Bennigan's at in accounting please I'm problem alone Malaya onion Vanina yeah even a fancy modern divisive alopecia Manila one Italian behind yeah so forgive us happenin we're a mean omelet bar go neguin modern owner in homes there are possibly and he a taper in support anymore McDonald Buddha I know Sam us a guy go money guy on put the ding Sabina Mamata the heroes in a group home upon tan Buddha [Music] [Music] come suzhou Mohini I get a lump uncle Metro lon lion-o provincial bilasa Manila Hungary get down Buena medicina Joyride empowered before [Music] oh my god oh yeah historical to millennial dishes farming to handicrafts a domain Authority elevated by Sousou node and maspiro me found twists and turns in bula can I know samosa by KO hello samosa Geico San Ildefonso good hand and salute the destination our team I'm bound I hang on avoidable Han para Hylian you bum da ting fistful vendor am i adding an epidemic that environment or maximal a schemata named Angela is about unknown 2002 okay on the Korean sham seedling Queen and Houlihan see - Sheree do run like a mean hangman but even an angle like me to the register in the photo mm-hmm business oh no madam I am a farmer did - honey long could be named Kusaka what I did 180 pan a papaya yeah because a you mean prepared naman farmer la gasolina what Stephanie Molino papaya ready nine siblings moderna para milena papa Pune [Music] look at that unpackaging you in my business I been easy to do Oh mom again convenient my the lamb forever mahiette sheep are so high in seven Makita no money at all from my mother Antonia [Music] sixteen [Applause] yes be a hero's board support tutoring affirming kasama veggie pic and peace in offering a farm simply loan get a scan and blue light at Baba Yaga Muto so for another guy [Music] 250 pesos an entrance visa far oh and venture sky where the moon subbu humbug buddy hold on ha hey why not [Music] Sam oderno parks asana tract or enemy in a gamete Zappa Guerrero is a tosa inu to rounin farm salmon a Sujata coumadin Amata's so sapa go bananas kappa lo mejor de barajas Piniella my idea Pino promote monogamy so obligate own an Italian aluminum stir gently seminar farm [Music] saturday Papa Darmody tomato makes it go tightener indeed mechanical eye or some alignment in the end I'll deny that track so you tell me properties even this is worth it dad they're propagating the third option eleventh and echoing in agony me mr. Rana Saheb jaan farm at Alinea propoganda young to resmoke of the things farming but they thinks agriculture so it's good for her for our younger generation to learn more about farming and possibly pick up farming as a career that hell I think for a certain time they people just want to do office work Ottoman illa illa Kodama rely on human eye your opportunity discipline animal an opportunity non-negotiable that it's a farm ok that's why it is a good ant farm it's not just about you know pick and pay which they have but I think it's it's really about creating awareness again palisade younger generation para what that thing 50 years 100 years Mira paradigm Maha and life through to us I gotta make Sabina Hey the marina and Athena Monica honglei mcboot I am Anna Peterson GU light president pollute Oh God Eddie attorney nervous nominee Neil is a very neat oh it's a little silly making dynamic villain cocina it's farm-to-table fresh [Music] fresh and affordable veggies plus exciting farm experience for a good cause possible ah [Music] Susy not only foodventurer behind a loop with a pen is a Messina una pilota she know you know kanuto para mi prima deep tagalog words nothing never criticized for polluted for a direct bag I love translation Amundson soliton Gracie near the top assume sir press release at the nebula hon aeropolis ill intent on clashing River in some Italian venture by the moment a jet ski with no paddle boarding for the great boarding but with a TV I don't Sam I was a Geico I don't Sam I was a Geico [Music] [Music] dito so Malala City ABI Ciera nebula Han Nikita Pentagon cradle of democracy in the East or do an embrasure salon and hula no hado Taliban William Tito and one hundred twenty nine year old Paris Road Church bought bahagia bussiness in behind succeeds upon an Moonen Republican a filipinas vetoes in Baja numbers way in agronomy Caleb in Lebanon City Embry 1898 Abu Bakr's non-congress ona Malolos young guard in Omaha delegate in Allegheny General Emilio Aguinaldo para Micaela Costanzo de combate a sample Elena's [Music] Albertus Wayne Museum the man ID atic appreciate animal in a mom about us I'll see Barnabas for in living batas Pambansa I'm Silvana Malolos omnigul malecon yang [Music] yelling me back it is among a lumen by Sir Thomas T suhan Street Nagi Oh peace even our government agency no Benoni general emilio aguinaldo mr lumic eyes are hiding it [Music] oops [Music] [Music] daya you open Hanukah Stila and patina it log nahin a Hallows Eve Opera material and inna gamax our pocket economist in Bharat Desai [Music] [Music] [Music] i'ma go do an opposite marina what's up a garden I mean dilute Oh excited now finish Prada garma grand finale Papillon I mean cook demo a you okay poppy nassau call paper presentation literal nap in a swamp akka in alpena tourism traditional in upon him a decibel hi that's a curious scale for enlasa lorenzo bernini curious conan lhasa una tecum BAM creme brulee creme brulee the hell they were cygnus-uno Geum sawol from aloha daily after distant died up pero young textured and creme brulee much creamier must plan as I said that's guru my beliefs on ipagora magic bow bow very young essence on chrome Tremblay don't it Sangma lacking creme brulee both subpoenas o ET new rule in ERISA and Bhagawan and Millicent Namanga good gorya I'm missing a manga I go ASSA you guessed it cerveza of beer at manga no piranhas Rasila liebe animosity Panero aluminum gear at pollutant ela and manga in sorrento means endow a man cumin guar disabil - Louie nah Yahoo look nama-hatta Pinero and manga Shobana nah my beer actually Otago on balcony Rambo nagulu till anime manga sell Obito pero nasarah panel man serie sri suta de now get on the singer manga learning appetizer and side dish talk normal [Music] anger gorya hyperbole Tamarian the Saba hide it why hog is curving miss Witt Nagoya in sarena it broke I'll go gorya Amelia masa at he knew Goomba I'm viola Samana Tina by Italy new to semantics up my son caffeine come diet fad down no matter [Music] Panozzo Neela Cigna manga at gorg Aurea Willa haenyeo para Mis a llama visa [Music] good morning yes 6:15 and Omega automatic Aparecida Co and Vito Helvetica Tyson food on to my left we brought dear father romantic edita years ago by the forum will have partisan about sex I'm pretty sure it's am so press on some Rafael River adventure I'm you know their adventures will hunt [Music] Vito Italian in English are at be obsolete OSA public unknown 2015 perfect of her family bonding team-building at camping Musa Internet it'll add cinnamon top aside Aldens monopoly midlife Samoa facilities Milla Tamar TVP an arugula ito puede machete [Music] Kalani on jet skis Bulacan take note the arrows uncut river I'm not giving you 30 to 40 feet I'm lolly meet Oh Oh exciting but someone on chillax mood you have until my yeah water bike plan semana under gonna mind waiting subbu hanim wakeboarding I dip among water after mister lugar ha sido panco paddle board at Indy complete our adventure convened Imam Ali Levitan lugar Sahin an ATV [Music] Tom O'Neill a supercar didna saffron toffee Cairo young pagana how I think I've eaten mahalo inna padam padam Paraiso put up a grind it off now so Brown laughing long so many lies so I guess near the top assume sir pressure will be a satin on Bulacan they'll give outside the Menomonee me Magan done totally and leaders have Houlihan parable excellent get done class in River in some Italian venture by the moment going jet ski with a paddle boarding for the great boarding point coming a PV but we are going back to the river they have this piranha loboc river type of crucible River modena parma lying lying back at my yo-yo buffet costly I have to make a reservation but it's a yo-yo buffet you guessed it right different types of grilled dishes de la vía pork belly longer needs a heap on a cannon at the kneeling in yeah you see I really like hello I'm sorry apparently Mata you put the Jan butter may experience an island Jacuzzi jacuzzi how jacuzzi Oh circus a Pokemon during boot you darling and to begin you make Papa relax in your parent therapeutic bar semana tau or mapo-gu the real and voila shucks Oh crocodile that lasting a six yeah so how about home behind guy chillax : d totally relax made your very peace and serene and just talking laid-back know their fur guy you never know oh wait long does me carry off he did I think I went down i Mannion okay right there hello artisanal river cruise 750 pesos per head and buy it at Hangang Apatow I'm cash Alito I'll set up dissimilar Palama discoveries are the arrows from traditional to more exciting activities [Music] I'm major tripping sucide enough and River adventure we haven't been twist a little glamorous camping or glamping by the river [Music] Rebecca paralegal aha Huhn chef Linda pidemo a la cebolla hon another ham from ba ba da i'm chicharrón he don't be nasty conductin and Santa Maria Barragan combust in Omaha to him not even one class in the teacher on mark the de Caballero a pedigree vanilla and char on festival I know put the partner Komachi Sharon I'm Santa Maria my sukham asanam anomalous and societal a monocular in Syntagma liebe it's a brand I belong mahi tango Arnhem Tsukasa sama lullo's [Music] una Kino collect anomalous event a and capacitances a noggin a tuba octopus EB Newberry totem that only goes is in Baja [Music] after three weeks resto Masuka na 100 best songs included oh come direct and be bellisima Lana Glencoe bootleg Impala not bad hold on teacher on at Zoo accessor annexing River glamping 10 little marina Little River I love it couple of a seasick and Pampanga apparently made chicharrón um Dullahan and there's a dinner with a minimum of piggies suburban behind that started way back in the 1900s early nineteen hundred's are you 11 I think what follows after that the Van Etten your mobility returned again they don't waste any part of anything and what better way to enjoy teacher on then dipping it suka specifically su Carranza garlic some Manolos or suka Nogales Anita New York Malala man huh perfect match Man - Sharon says wants Assad Anton oh oh c'mon I gained and Ichiro Ana Hubble new ballot but a Tamela Mann portraiture on chickie chickie run to natural until a patron bongu skin teacher on Cheryl apparent oh dalsu [Music] alibi but I do one at the end with so god it's Martin but the tire may just go Hindi vanilla bath yeah mmm I think this time Kalyan quite a man on something sweet about me at the hologram ballina Bureau data center forever adventure treehouse of live I think that gonna dig house fun honeymooners Wow overlooking the river oh shut up gonna need them on a chunk Wow are these two mugs you have a Jacuzzi inside your room and Kelleen deep I'm a girl either ever wanna oh my god 15,000 pesos and overnight rates are sorted all kind of good for two to six be a toaster mind you mama grilling your way through the best [Music] make a summer night on free breakfast at use of amenities and gas hose [Music] good job though good job son Rafael river adventure by Willis among Mississauga 300 horse a glass scar tissue - look this is a cottage number one and get them I set up the hell not that sliding doors so sharply if you want to be if you want to keep your privacy all around home additionally yo la Pinedo Suzuno de ello on modern via here open a tema de la da Mosta Branco Casillas and Island talented skills you know and I'm especially for you Wow I don't sigh Melissa Geico I don't Sam it was a gaggle [Music] I so Google about how to kill for begging it for you [Music] ito Bustos black Gandhi funkiness I don't have our Young's a go-go well I'm having my hog oh yeah planning on doing an arrow he didn't even know Bustos our NASA festival Ito I'm feeling language yeah I know mommy hey Kumar Garciaparra Mohandas I'm gonna be Santa [Music] no yes [Music] it's a palpable it ambassador bomb and past Ilias the ledger sea island cleaning I'm sandy Gunilla had 25 years Tanguma Goa a 20 team then a mysterious Illuminati a secret Oh humbug is a lien chan be a hero [Music] than the markup or info and I thank you for Bashar noona battalion atomic it so it didn't win vinegar on you for the past 25 years tanpopo you traditional pasta less than a bottle at man of the Pharaon until hindi neelam blue team goddess palpable Gilligan meets a Pagar la bestia sublime [Music] what's the hot about so that's a fourth we have got 150 pairs on been tired of us devious new campus ingredient for young shelf life and I know how to learn [Music] Hindi kappa ha ha cool bucket you know Taylor no past Ilyas unbelievable in a canyon lands will be Carabosse milk and aliens in our union Dinah vertical to in processing and Patty to be a boy Oh medium I didn't but my Lebanon again young Angelica Melania board talent like a debate well Olympic ago a boy [Music] [Music] sir alonne chorus widow vienna poem consistence in here comes Papa Papa Papa who'll buy a real and mysoline uncle on the island [Music] I didn't sign up [Music] [Music] [Music] mama Oberg on packaging do some supper and say Oh our intervene speaking of banishing SWAC sodality never school and handicrafts business at all Sabourin deadline sama low lows Magua Solanum instagram-worthy boxes we didn't negotiate Oh Samana familia Willa Hannah bright I wouldn't be a hero not enter arts and handicrafts [Music] begin pencil back upon a sheep in a hole I add the marrow opening exporter packaging daga but I'm a Poisson pelota syllable so you do I'm sure you wholesale to different stores vanilla alumna nambeesa lungs after Manila and eaten a packaging so on Marisol and 70 workers Takuma go on an angle some danke hole cutter out [Music] poor mother Sita in Honda and Yamaha setting out of school you of the animal and again another sailor give productive a linear service in negotiating almost eighty years back of William setting in you inch new Laramie for having Busan to Luna and then again we'll have a again couple of Christmas thanks to Jamie's comes will be beginning on a de gallo fun books I'm gonna mahabhava to Durango more Adam bucks but maybe the whole ABC's hey untie cinnamon nobody's always so he [Music] boom but having about Bosma Tunguska [Music] vahanam entire Sebago hoon discovery a la pequeña lhasa is lapa Marwan what is the sample [Music] can he turn autom on a seafood the tonig aliens tomorrow an island but I'm feeling Co banana right nandito a toaster McCauley well and problema that man tomahawk you are moving morality in is leppävaara wine Salib the house is an arsenal boot right well as a fish partner Malolos litres of fish board been a boxer hamas in food Wilden is that keyboard at Alamos on the guidance is laughing re I think mine I eat the void keep on John tonight an opinion of course fresh and genuine others right now when you leave my hippo named Simon beer I'm just ordered I mean your highlight I fish balls not just your ordinary fish balls but it's fish ball now allowed sir it is unfeasible agasa be bid is a marina is that you know who Lisa is lapa marijuana wait wait Dexter Annette check them off future parish and fish water nothing a fight but anger in texture but I can sleep rough eliminated tonight conservatives engineer on a charter gotta fill up in each other the lung dumped on it shall I tell em a chair that damn police company come on I'm Dan pallet is an arene and demo the mahaki doesn't appear appear in a hollow and Dino Tsukasa and a char and unbelief ground beef ground pork Alamos a golem where did I miss one I'm a crab if a pep or the moon of Oba superheroes Italy pentathlon foodventure active monomer of a kind potox Amelia's [Music] and bulletins tradition and historical food nila Herodotus I am Yardena during I'm in the hot lung modern to total agony Nahan optimum Elena's families my students here comes your yard malala's yard my daughter's is the first and only food and fashion bizarre here in Belarus meet Oprah Barrow NEBOSH and food part yak na hindi mala lost an appetite most pressure at Latin America indeed oh and 25 pesos SWAT NASA budget the Haditha say emerge Malolos wide variety non-food from simply Yuri how services Hargens sophisticated the international food like Japanese food first American atiba pass para melon parent I am up in Ojai food Depot and abilitynet in a hunting twist like burritos Camaro adobo sorry carry with Paco all seafood the manga but even sauce at maramatanga happy Tommy happy be a hero My dear Buddha had a meaning go he nodded and I look at the nan [Music] Kelly Mouton Connery no more Allah Allah I think upon him he put up unseen I'm gonna pop a bag you say of my own bubble ah I'm dumb come on okay look Eli Lapp on I'm in Busan [Music] our arsenal email and cool Nina Sian da Hill John while a pupil at CCC an acoustic open cow America [Music] I don't Sam out should I go you
Channel: GMA Public Affairs
Views: 533,373
Rating: 4.8094525 out of 5
Keywords: GMA, GMA Network, GMA News TV, Biyahe ni Drew, Drew Arellano, You love my job, travel show, Kapuso, Philippine TV, Kapuso Network, Philippine TV show, Philippine Celebrities, Philippine Showibiz, GMA Entertainment, GMA Entertainment shows, Bulacan Adventure, Barasoain Church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2017
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