Biyahe ni Drew: Exploring Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte | Full episode

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[Music] you might think it feels by the Ohio be heroes it's very private it's it's quiet so if you want a place where you can just relax sleep Oh borrow and renew that person and Thank You Lance I should add [Music] this is our summer from June July August September so that is an option for people like in the other areas it's really there so honeymoon reading Punta ha Miren lugar Nass works a bit one class in a panel horn at my buddy Ben Klassen up short [Music] dinner a unit on gusto Maupin ISA Kazama nan kalikasan [Music] how big is this area the pointing my enjoy in a monetary stock okay for now if you're looking at the gardens the trails you go this is like six sectors now and the Pomona hang up Europe in Iranian said Ganga toe sapa good put the Ilocos Norte [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] marbeth I Mahara thinks a buying a book point Chevrolet coding in Srilanka weed who me or ask a long way and Dan and you're via bus but if Adhamiya hate union supporters I'm tellin you man you made a short cut waiting room pod Paula WA nan is alura's hops land travel and the long auras pop on top of the pod a good news waiting mug side trip cyberpunk tourist destination say look was along the way [Music] a van in DINO palana piscina / cuentas a saccade nepata not oh on Kapur piranha and rock formation sabayon amber goes goo da di na upon Pocoyo SATA be alarmed Oh a bobbin and natural rock formation at all certain ko anyone appear above our now but la pizza bottom eat or not eat cinnamon ah ah tree dad then a corona and mineral displacements erosion at Panera open daily snow Sebago kept in a vowel nah I'm glad [Music] Sanae on Mari in element maternal on rock formations isn't viewed executed oh I'm sure maja I see parental Nam creating shots with the Kapoor pron rock for the Graham McCain Venera Negrito Catalunya moella Kapoor pro and Reformation Reba but the things up on the hood guy known as a sexy cat a restaurant but in Milan Berkeley no ha no I'm just kidding I'm just kidding what is very bleak me mountain view mountain view mountain view but to make it special okay right you know like iceberg iceberg right right okay well para una Linea and Sabin burns us in the dead live at emeritus nano Makaha La Silla see Martinez is an engineer and is an chef de man see that live para el Dylan he llegando BIA at sea Dena Mira Mina Federer Mahana put on Kwanzaa disability in Silla Nepal Pearlman Iran say some provincial naxaiites Americas are you saving that you are white you spoke with puddin well because it's a beautiful place okay wonderful also okay small spot in the deep rice field and then old let's tread okay why do people come to Berkeley all the German sausages right [Music] the wool and one German commander let's pray okay it's all about trying new stuff be adventurous sorry when you when you say German food okay okay we have the German corporals okay yeah German cabbage roll cabbage this is the cabbage roll potatoes yes it's all in one plate okay so this is like a platter this is the combination of all German okay all right so we have all related we call each other some kind if you want to try German food why don't you try this one we have the Caesar salad we that's okay okay that's that's a bit Western mm-hmm and only the gravy to six hours so it's slow cooking not even facial powder No it's done with rice so you have this is peanut better so you know the equal right I designed the in the Panda Express with coconut the peanut mmm-hmm and then the finger good character y-axis roles and then you have the chicken wings you have the baked potato screen under you in dips thank you yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] enjoy your meal oh yeah yeah I'll try good guten Appetit liebe the entire sizes are most scenic and most photographed tourist destinations of a good PUD and pappad viaduct in around Toledo para prokta to mean and do not Ilocos Norte sorry young man Cagayan Valley on 1.3 kilometer de Toledo - again the boondock are Necip opponent olympus Egon Parma was anima but oh no Hulu Milazzo have been bondo must be Neal Anil and Eliza elliptical sedan illegal sell garnet Oh Parimal is accidente class factored in an elevated human Nampa sonic day [Music] I animate me into Omaha Pierrot 6th and July in o'clock ok ok para hindi tamil eesha d na accidente de el equipo de semana potato na hindi a new motto daya shankar hiding sport i'm kitesurfing akan kite surfing japan bambina service or nato the denying local and international kite surfers [Music] Rafaela Assam alone 17 ternopil born at my shop in Kansai America Bagheera named Muhammed pass hide serving [Music] in Sahara Maputo 420 Pasadena Catalan sauteed but net give me some Gulai yummy ibaka ba ha ha bye now Buddha Lama Namgyal 1 kiloton kitesurfers Nobita sadhana is an Australian and even a nonlinear as a book [Music] I mean kiteboarding almost 20 years I started in the beginning and now I live here in the Philippines and we make kites in Cebu and this is my testing in my home grounds where we do our development this is a very awesome place for wind and it's very beautiful tropical I like a warm weather and if you can see there's plenty of waves that's up here in the north of the Philippines is lots of wind and lots of ways of Liberty Mateo Kissimmee dancing in t-money some champion kite surfer and a Pinoy MJ I used to do win chirping before I learned [Music] so much fun the feelings adrenaline more extreme it's really nice I like this time for slowly we're preparing also for next month we have a upcoming competition in Malaysia freestyle and racing in competition there's like three discipline is willing we have a freestyle racing and big jump but a gala a recording is getting more and more speaker here in Philippines because we have a lot of spot here into the shadows of kite surfing and I've been Lance in AMG at Dan pass any lessons I can best time is who booked on a kite surfing I'm Eliza mob one or two Bri I'm gonna build to learn kite surfing like takes three to four days it's like nine hours so from beginner until you're gonna be independent like you can stand up on the board so I should know how to film then we can learn quite serving is accessible to anyone I know people in their 70s that go kite surfing now and learning and doing well so well I have my son when he's about 4 or 5 he'll start as well so anywhere between 5 years old and 75 years old you can practice [Music] when people chill down and fight the loose New York perfect down upon me topic summaries to look at in the talk booty delong happy' fat io undo lagoon or muscular land on my local billion my era era beach I cannot do in Guilin are so honkin who yo periquito persimmon Altena familia / kadhai doing summer / now arena new garnet or dial white sand and beach at Azul Azul and Agra unsellable swimming eyes dies metallic lugar mera mera kaam editions restaurants at even even Beach of the Bautista Monica Torito all year round bukas on you learn at all dial back a tapas on summer at Maxim Alana Maggie Malone surfer stamina BC Teredo you're going to be stoked dude [Music] the semi-public way that usually editor you this is my Pablito put the hand in my surfers it's uh homestay and supper Batman on sati sati store so you can't go boy any my curiosity but I'm like I don't know why they don't Thank You Al Capone major DC god damn it out so don't be oh yeah we are obsession anyway but uh sorry sorry starts have a bad yes far better poem our participants Marin family three rooms for three rooms per person I knew three rooms stayin I need air conditioned to buy the Hat conditioned room alone waiting to do you mean good for everything season four so 350 per head Papa made a possible so debugging the portion of the season but because on ending and again please Papa may depend upon a book to be written 500 Frigidaire head you see I own a students up about shade for slow community are okay better still nobody not behind you need a maintained breakfast quite so besides that wonderfulness are mr. goodnight MA and tapas learn in Pyongyang room okay um fellow companion for sure one of its people but Maisie unhappy it's a good party boom good for eight bucks if you didn't add them in my master my stealing cars I'm a kind of cool for hit 300 for hitting anybody but I got the number but my cursor first no no sighs that was compared to do apparent main syllogism I mean now I know so if you know put them are their names then you make a third person so the Sarah Palin you named it the Mikasa and I park in a London Fog hapara Lily boots at dos hermanos Islands I'm twin rock formation at oh I see some elastic at the Natural Landmark beats of it would be myelin marring do mom's is La Palma Michelle barring Laguna enamel rock formation at all mula sapanta there as always Anatomy arrows when in doubt do not gain enough I simply want more unique rock formations will may bounce back and aloha so we don't do to number n gain at all Mikey Thurmond and the mountain rock and hope this Pagano opportunity oh I dunno por una mala Donatella man 30 meter small animals rock formation toe Nikita and pantalla became Anita like a car bomb battle dog could be my Buddhist Lancer get back Merak Banten or Lapita ama rock formation Gugu Sooyoung Coonan and Atrato para la mera the honesta big nugget at Mossad my mom mother AC - Here I am at all guard Kanaka son academic and angst or even an ideal place a boot boot for you morning Bugaboo morning come to my room this is one of the six villas that are available for occupancy it's good for two it's a five thousand plus plus cusamano gen breakfast for two and free activities tutorial kiona local folk it's very minimalistic and then they have like non painted balls saying in Egypt a lot about Hindi painted it it will definitely last forever and I dig this it's simple it's clean you can really nice bathroom amenities towel you got toilet paper the work shampoo free toiletries see looks modern very nice [Music] appala Naidu lugar de Oaxaca very very meticulous asana and meticulously no comforter and the comforter should match the temperature of the room maybe bond hotel rooms cocina Palin Larsen aircon barium blanket more Cassini piece number Lebanon Cebu yes but I'm really looking anyway Neto much doctor main temperature of course she can adjust them in the temperature but the comforter is just just just right that's it not too thin pillows for very comfy bed slept like a baby I could have a small you see the farm mountainsides and the beach more can you ask for hey it's uncommon to look the view is really nice very peaceful no signal you know go shopping I mean a la Machado signal for I mean for your cell phone so I will Metallica peace and quiet this could probably be your next destination wake up so you're learning for some very morning person oh okay this is our guest relations officer ah okay yes okay in the morning he does his swimming in the ocean everything again and then he is a very friendly to even kiss me if he was saying that what is him no job no job a pop a piggyback on high angle yeah he normally an actor he guides the girls but of course his first destination would be the river and then the river is over this at the end of the trail that's one of the reasons that one of the activities that can the thirties can do now yeah a beach at mountain resort at all ice walk Paris a mongoose to Melissa Mooney Mooney Oh Gaston even panin DeLeon and marina at McCune wine after dad pardon Ito Samaha McGowan gusto para la la la mulana boy well on cellphones oh right and gadgets [Music] well I can signal no only no sleep voila okay so there's it's really hard for the Wi-Fi but do you have your 3G capability and it's working for you because partly that's what you want that is what exactly when when one comes here for them you want like peace and quiet I think that's these are guesses we have trapped they come here and these are the children who realize that yeah they can survive a day at to edit on the third day they don't want to go home because they enjoy the river the dog right take also the ocean on their own [Applause] cool farm life or buoy provincial manicure resort the pants are you okay there's a trail of course you go to the tree and then you go see our organic farms adam bhai cool buddhist or high 20s on denim apollo money period we have a lot of herbs like this one and that's already the base here all they take me to my tank dumbbells but then the flowers are good also okay okay and then you have tarragon Union I'll again a new city with Aragon mint and then you do you see that blue flower but it's also edible that's what you eat for breakfast whatever we put in the plate all the flowers nothing against some kana and they are not on the leaves so at Mesa crater in Silla varam upon a dealing man in II Samuel garden we have a very composting Singh at Isabella humming waste it's efficient ways I already done Kumar in Canaan breakfast there are no flies to see willing like a lot number sovereign right so from the kitchen certain vinegar my engine he put it in the vermicompost Percy not the man I'm feeling guess in the serpentine Babou convey a great its to the docks they eat everything and vermicomposting ice and para-olympic Oh unnatural the fertilizer gamete and some marine ability so oh now you have to have you Burmese get a talk in a bullet they do wrong no knock on door tagalog ok Paquito mom I know a young man they called them the night crawlers so I'll is a bit active sila tropica Madelene ad hoc query logic but the around the incident another genomics it on our roof ok so I need mini behavior having pata a team our kitchen waste you Margo Laden right papazilla do tapas petite or you find in ela basta green in a hyena so Andy an champ a vodka kina Anila Maduro Pasha Etonian soil so this is very rich night in nutrients eat tuna anele anele again I mean salmon applaud so take them on the bus these are the organic vegetables already this is pretty much like a self-sustaining so yes efficient yeah yeah real sorry yeah actually this is what I'm trying to give them what they can do they're the local secret because the resort came about because of the community right are they gonna independent in and family name is being and loop on it or not mama are abandoning any net how big is this area not waiting my enjoying a monetary stop okay philosopher now if you're looking at the gardens the trails ago this is like six sectors now the land is owned by my great-great-grandfather which was passed on she made the real name on a Nokia you bet my one of my brothers we cannot tell any piece of her land and then I'm sorry mommy okay now great McGrady house kya problem family cinema informal settlers mogollons our yoga yoga Lainey La Casa de nada pero empowerment because I was teaching the refugees Ebola he diva but Sabina una Gaga Wayans even Nashawn but I think the you are incidentally I know a poor Filipino but jaga alone you put you stay put look Allah you didn't put your mama okay we have 55 minutes in the land of my mom and then here cuz we have like I have only ten permanent girls we don't read out because you would have liked to at least fifteen with the guards and the Guardian ears but but there are a lot of guests like the 3035 how many rooms how many people can you accommodate okay right now we the port in the room for do we allow the guests who stay we have like like 70 to 75 comfortably okay in the rooms right but they also have a campsite so they can bring their own damn yeah you can bring your own destiny holes have ripped tends to them right right so like for team-building you Nina loosen insomnia it's median but it this is our summer from June July August early September so that is an option for people like in the other areas it's raining there so comedian reading put the heart and then this is a rain forest it never really gets so hot Oh Liam perinea happened by the Milky Way this is a man adapting informal settlers allegory motto see at the Beth and I own a empleado NASA research a lab is being daggered for keeping the opponent stuff dissipation marami proper attitude pen and trabajo de todo Gaston Plateau yeah Wendy's posit a big dagger not automatically be deciphered a banker or not - topic was up seminar I mean Batman guy's name is free like an attitude Oklahoma gluto Knight Batman Pattaya classy loot oh that was not - Tori / open a formal housekeeping indeed any program and purpose of Medicine sort diet how discovered by the Milito male Philippine vibe when I mean working distance sample at Olin proto parable meta GUI to form familia por la mañana por la handle escuela y minibus Ibaka Haruna mas malok Ankita meal a bagger in karate Beth not so to Papa come Baba not to talk Amata for a facility for home to your supportive of mattias an Olaf Aaron Boone like Amina possibly an imam passive position bishop or Hindi papa Gallipoli phenomenal performer is phenomenal surreal in a new dynamic honeymoon resort at all week I'd nila Andina Mustafa knocked in the rain academic Bhutto in Santa call so for our employees whatever we sell because they sell so one half of that goes to them so it's an incentive addition now to their wages and their tips so that they also take good care of it and then one thing also is they they buy from the form one half the price employees discount but I mean Buddha yeah whole new Kadena my specialty with us honey oh honey Simona memory school okay how's that it's not hot i gallon veto similar night it's a bread let me cast oh okay probably I mean any hope you can see yourself did not buy I think you're just okay highlight me to you moon go with bug net which is a personal favorite but this one is very interesting that help in a me telling mulberry this is their mulberry lying now initially mountain God believes Pokemon vasila leaves murasa Melbury and of course the berry itself very curious how it tastes like and what it tastes like texture is to get momentum off by addition cabins now this is interesting than the hill being used our beef with wild madam guy cook in book nine wine NTD then I think about Nestor our plant is I'll listen it's a rock I'll sing to pray mmm I'm gonna measure after this duel the haunting alcoholic now that sound anyway I stayed okay you taste the beef I mean beef lady mihaela alligator sauce that'll mean beef taste residue low Morales I am in a wire good I don't know if you're munching down the balloon guy don't do my the bus you you flavor in wine solid hey cheer up around now how do you know are you a native white corn with basil and then they they roasted the grill it I usually know my other men I think up on gimme grill your after taste and see how yeah what a great compliment to your being dishes good citing few mom water pehoe but locally they call it water press so fresh Natasha the held water dress you are like the donors in having any mum your mum being lap wedding Tyrrhenian if they're trying to maximize their farmland that's what they're trying to do what the hot can hi non-event mmm okay the chicken gonna be cool go they have their shot on home good fish squid salad and inside ah returning like a on similar to 20 2017 yata Thomas Mercado uncle all right so they're maximizing the use of mulberry mulberry lying medicine on Mulberry juice Avila upon major dark in color Bosma toss you up see that there are from Mina but I didn't read mine that's only reason [Music] but a grape-juice this one we've got win something citrusy mint hmm I see it [Music] it's like a perfect vacation I'm overwhelmed [Music] I'm sure kiddo I'm gonna pop a sec yo Bugsy not be in luck snorting I'm not lucky hungry bill well up with i7d nice attitude for entire add sabayon etapa despise I'm gonna get a mnemonic and Ellen Wade farm 32 windmills and Paulo payoffs are 625 hectare in a bull dog a dog maja go on an 81 megawatts the for gentian windmill farm one megawatt can supply electricity to almost 750 homes 81 megawatts equals pain of a bath hey boss Thomas SR : Nevada me by noon and today [Music] at my perfect spot it ought to capture your visit so indeed Italians are one of the tourist destinations a couple is beside the apartment animal to restock combustion element Mooney Mooney on the picture pictures I'll get any remaining at the gondola view and genuine beach and towards to the left is actually it's the wind farm Caprice person Daniel deep Wien munguia there are added attraction tell again since a few years ago very windy area AOC cataloger indeed on kite surfing and it's just breathtaking [Music] adaiah kappa whisper sander in Atlanta the Anunnaki are essentially secret accommodations though it's a first rapping camp in the local story tale it's fun we have outer movies we have hammocks we have bonfire people can come here and they can they can cook their own food they can bring food and it's a fun activity with family the camp clapping hands we have five and each hat ideally should accommodate two people and then we have tents for rent and you can bring your own dance if you want basically we have the beach house which will cater more to the people with higher standards that come they want cable TV they want a shower bath tub aircon then we have the beach house also for that so normally what happens is that some some the parents would stay in the beach house the kids their few cetera would be staying in the graphing apps we can accommodate so far we've accommodated about 26 the most in one night one of the advantage of from North Beach camp is that we have what you call the trash rebate the raid on the owner weekday is 1800 per hat and then if you don't leave any basura you take home your trash then you get a rebate of 300 this way if you look around there's no basura there's no plastic and I'm really happy about it because it's working everybody has been taking on their trap [Music] it's very private it's quiet so if you want a place where you can just relax sleep and not worry about people stealing anything from you it's a it's really an ideal place it's good for bonding because you can all do one fire you can all cook it's a nice getaway [Music] Peter Fonda hanumana Pajero mullah say but a banker Benjamin dinner Irina momenta UN velocity Bambaataa Ahmad elihpa siegen crocodile a cocoon 'due canopy would I pay to Lena nanda a key contributor bond class shinobi arrow uncle Acevedo respeto otama parrillada sallykaus Naaman but NASA animal now yeah but magnum Canada to this you you
Channel: GMA Public Affairs
Views: 913,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GMA Network, GMA News TV, Public Affairs, Travel, Biyahe ni Drew, Biyahe ni Drew latest episode, Biyahe ni Drew full episode, Biyahe ni Drew July 12 2019 full episode, Biyahe ni Drew July 12 2019, Biyahe ni Drew July 12, Biyahe ni Drew 2019, Drew Arellano, travel Philippines, Biyahe ni Drew Pagudpud Ilocos Norte, Tag init feels sa Pagudpud Ilocos Norte, huling hirit sa tag-init, Patapat Viaduct, Maira-ira Beach, Dos Hermanos Islands
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 49sec (2389 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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