My Philippines: Baguio

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buggabugga you are mean my name is Ingrid my akut a couple of years ago I joined a national talent competition representing my province this helped me pave the way for a singing career and also hosts a local morning show but as you can see I'm also a registered nurse by profession but today is your lucky day I am going to be your local tour guide to what we all know ask the summer capital of the Philippines located at the southwestern portion of the Cordillera region baguio city is one of the few places in the Philippines that enjoys a cool climate it is known for its mountain scenery vibrant art scene and of course its rich flora but finding a different animal a yang su for sure not even in an onion this time I'm going to take you to new spots for sure in-game you finally Keita so that you can update your list for more options the next time you come and visit my barrio [Music] as you've seen earlier metabolic Napa was a nursing and what I can say is that telecon up a toxic amines and up a stressful can as much as possible I tried to come home param Maha parallax myopic and wine a champion macabre charge I am a full-blooded ego rata I was born and raised it as a barrio and the eldest among five siblings at and abhidharma cataloging my childhood memories neato banana poodle it's your neck Cooley common and pad balsa pine know moo-ha-ha mean and say or even copy bhai now in action Freeman he become our ally Morton is that when you get to share family bonding but my picnic summer places cattle a bit on about Ali giving them pine trees myself on hanging so those are the things that I'd be charged SAP and when I come home [Music] Concannon I enjoy an athenian presscon hanumana porno the autonomous inner-city my kitten Athena mother Ganga hangeul Allah maybe to tie my own salmon Kosta which is one of the newest destinations 30 minutes away from town the Pelican among captures the old Baguio Casa de he may Malaysia crowd and of course and Jenna of uno app lagonda hawa blah blah and here with us is the operations manager of mal Costa mum Verona Acosta mom tell us the story behind mount Costa so he Acosta family they had the property it used to be a strawberry farm because they used to produce jobs in wine but in the 90s the market plummeted so they had to stop production because of that the land became idle for so many years and since the siblings saw that the land was put into waste they wanted to use it into something that would actually make use of something at the new destination here in the north which now you can see now a small pasta I see I'm excited to see the garden yeah let's go around so we have two trails the blue and yellow trail right now we're in the yellow trail where you will see a lot of landscape designs but in the blue trail you'll see more of art installations when we were developing the land we made sure to preserve everything that's natural the contour of the different terraces the natural streams and the trees we did not cut a single tree here at Mount Shasta wow that's really admirable kissing an anti-dependence money developing some peace at the same time preserved for a new nature nothing yes that's right [Music] [Applause] [Music] so there you go I hope you enjoyed the quick tour online for you for Miss veedol now how do you think would mount Kosta promote young cordial and culture nothing smart cos I get away from everything that's modern and civilization and technology so it's actually representing the old value all right so since you're here in Mount but I'll give you the opportunity more to relax and explore yourself with a different garden Thank You mr. ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] in butter Dakka Dakka you are me my name is Ingrid my akut I'm going to take you to new spots before sharing the new panel kita so that you can update your list for more options the next time you come and visit my barrio [Music] located at the southwestern portion of the Cordillera region baguio city is one of the few places in the Philippines that enjoys a cool climate it is known for its mountain scenery vibrant art scene and of course its rich flora the lagoon man among bog you has a lot to offer this is more than just a summer capital because it despite the cold weather it will always feel warm inside I'm Sara Ganim on telegin Ballack Ballack on because the place is always evolving and aside from that this is a place that we can all call home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sir Alf Gonzalez is actually a professional writer representing buggies it's a different competition citizen Filipinas I am problema nati did so buggers actually traffic so the best way to go is to ride a bike or talk to coach and I'm so proud because just recently buggy city has been named as part of UNESCO's creative city network which means that they make use of creativity to promote sustainable development and Baguio I'm finna unis Omashu Demopolis alyssa hannon at OU and we're very fortunate Kasane Anita tires a sama Pina kappa bodytalk entices nutella gana mana proper wat phnom Cordilleran culture wow the move smells familiar by the way guys mom carla receipt oh is the manager owner of cafe Yaga dubbing Cordilleran dish this one is the Ananke lad if you only eat this if there is a special occasion weddings usually you put my piece back it's very difficult kasi to make this dish I want you to taste the pnina pnina is the Cordilleran blood sausage we smoked this here in the cafe we have to put video card is it good yeah but small experiment I'm from going again normal saline guy usually you more places numata us and Milani minuto terrible so we have different kinds of vegetables [Laughter] [Music] big you laughing Mohammed ah so this is you know spicy challenge be no more are you eat the Iran cheela first of all don't panic pick a nut and it's actually better to counter personal you know last I didn't notice any additional shine but and then second kana I also need put top yeah it's very different from the Tino Lola well first of all cos it's a ritual food the procedure is also very different in aplicación blood Danza flesh chicken but the bernie is feather and looked at our ancestors I see you some class gentleman preserved meat is you Kimmy in you Tina Biggar save ourselves a bit so ye RINs so person comfort food eat Assad it's heavy and I become smashing I purchase Mikey kneeing and etad and the other local ingredients from the communities can say we want to let them continue to produce sure it's all solid yes - well yes generation they are not eating money and we hold a lot of workshops we also invite for the lien artists who want to show their work here also have bazaars for local products and Cordillera trouble this is a place that you should not miss out every time encounters about your steep [Music] this time we're going to check one of the newest and most Kika boutique hotels in the city so I am guys Nandita Natasha camiseta hotel Nikita you know mine guys la escuela Instagram Abijah I'm Sherman olivet mi eaton fancy stop salaka serenity fanatic I am guest Makita you know man from floor to ceiling very intricate elegant designs nila and very chic [Music] hello good morning you see the angle daddy toe fighting picture ends we hear a lot from our customers yes sir it's my first time to see such an exquisite hotel mm-hmm anything is finishing you from behind this lets you know come you say the hotel is part of the comes here a group of companies which is the company at the boutiques my wife which is the chief designer created a hotel wherein you feel the lifestyle lifestyle that we feel the consetta customers should have wild and gradual soon exciting sure sure I'd like to take you around okay [Music] this is the mapping rule Wow carry yourself sir it was Natalie voice your wife know natalie is our door sir incoming Sarah Natalie Portman's Wow we do name our rules after our endorsers a/c so how many rooms but do you have a lanai we have a few rooms but that were planning to expand next year and each room has its own personality wow this is my kind of room I feel like this is the Christina room this actually means after my wife Judy Sylar very unique way Omaha furniture spooning Oh Sonia Lucy laughing oh ha ha if you know these all our furnitures they have our logo so these are all custom-made ok I'll show you the rest of the place ok sir a long thin one I mean with degreaser canina palmetto bluish Lita naman neutrals and monochromatic I'm Sarah hotel is actually a reflection for brand the consetta boutique clothing line like this is our small boutique it all started with this brand and then it is expanded to the hotel and which is all over nothing so this is a veranda and that since we opened there have been a lot of requests for more range so we're actually planning to expanding our open space here with everything that I've seen I can't wait to bring my family especially my sisters I'm sure motto to asila oh yes yes and now we feel it's a perfect fit for Baguio because I do know that bog is a hub of creativity and as you can see the whole hotel is about creativity [Music] Wow keep onion among guys that was something really special at this point if I'm panicking supermoon a mug and wine and mug chillax let's go to a place that I know who signed in a delicate a lager some of my friends all the way from Manila [Music] [Music] known for its World Heritage Sites sand dunes rock formations and beaches Ilocos Norte is the province where the old meets the new [Music] if you're looking to know more about the Philippines rich history or get a bite of the provinces well-loved buzina it's a must to explore the ins and outs of Ilocos nor there apart from the usual tourist destinations in the province Ilocos Norte is also known for its wind farms which are considered to be a famous attraction to both locals and tourists but what some may not know is that these windmills contribute greatly to the energy supply of northern lisanna the energy Development Corporation or EDC wholly owns the 150 megawatt vergis wind project in Burgos Ilocos Norte ABC is committed to developing only renewable energy now why Borgo because the wind conditions there are right at certain times of the year the wind is very strong if you go up there you'll notice there's a constant breeze and those are the kind of conditions you need to generate wind power with 50 large-scale wind turbines the Burgas wind project is the biggest wind farm in the philippines occupying 600 hectares covering three barren guys to maximize the spare parcels of land EBC installed a six-point 82 megawatt solar plant adjacent to the wind farm just like wind solar needs certain conditions the Sun has to be shining at a certain intensity for a certain period of time for solar to be viable and we had the wind farm and we found out that the conditions were correct for solar so it was like begging to be developed since the start of its operations the Burgas wind farm and solar plants have also helped better the livelihood of the residents in the surrounding communities we noticed that people tend to like to take pictures in front of the windmill so the wind farm has become a little bit of a of a tourism destination so in that way it also helps the community by generate awareness of low-cost and also tourism related jobs are created and though the Burgas went project can only be seen from afar you can view its impact all across the province poring over its historical sites landmarks and in each home you come across [Music] [Music] [Music] hi sir Chris I ain't greedy wout I think I don't poverty to my ki actually guys this is not my first time here me and my friends from unalaq's come here every now and then and we're very fortunate because we have here sir Chris or does he is a beer advocate and of course the order of craft brewery Cheers between even more you know one of our mythical ales you know that we have more of those this is my favorite but I haven't heard I think of the other mythical you know much you know yeah I mean we only have like six beers and I mean Nagas one of them's like wanted to be rich here but yeah I have here some of those spheres and there you go oh wow we should play a game here again okay yes which beer am i describing so the description beer appearance and hopefully you'll get it this is based of the mythical al Sabbagh of being a convenient as well mmm-hmm Emma got stuck on Viera Oh No oh he gave you your first beer not oh yeah it's called communion god of the sky so what do you think among the hard years here is to come here to meet income instance society the more you see the signs the heavens yeah especially buggers take known for that I think it's this one it's correct yeah so if I get my answer in mechanic's nirupama economy oh I got it great next minute and is it's called dalam dialogue dialogue is the guide of the other world oh this one everyone away answer I just pay attention to your story okay I'm pretty beard not all right it's a little bit of coffee roasting the next one is called to go look out people of the lab you can go so take a guess okay so I only have two options left thanks kids this one oh this this is proven it's more on the bitter side higher alcohol has a little bit of bread ready characteristics Cheers which enjoy is my first time though [Music] I am a International Day and last but not the least episode yo nunca do my and Daniel kapatid Malaga sweet delicious but it's not fruit base I think I'm gonna like this time for sure you will pretty sweet from all the skills that you have uncomfy every element there's no such thing and again it's based on Conan erratum demand Pizarro that's right boobie Turki and there must be 30 days or something new nah I've must have feeling Samoyeds I'd like to try you have a say it's Milosh I see dude oh sorry cheers my man did you survive your breath oh look I do I look eye to eye don't smile don't smile poker faceless or else it'll be seven years of bad sex Oh [Music] my nipple when I do pizza and craft brewery instructional 2011/2012 in my garage it was actually a collaboration between Arnold Miguel and I so yeah Mesa denied and since I'm from buggy I'm very proud of this place yeah what better place to bring you know this product other than budget actually we have 67 variants now Sony Dorothy alumni me as a Susan I should take upstairs and see the other side of the brewery oh wow [Music] the Sabine River of mementos a tap routine I am NOT ourselves it's a rooftop devoutness 360 degrees view of values and my MA performer student amigo every dance so its food and good music this was really appetizing so what we did here so you don't you so it's infused without here exactly [Music] but right let's see very necessary and this is the ever-popular read bladder so animal marine is no monster subtract it was symbolic worker gives the smokiness of the mid-america mean but it's very fancy yeah energy summit dialog appears and of course a Bartow Meredith made on fish and chips in the modern even amongst as a lager beer diamond chicken quesadillas nemanja a certain event we call it B remover tiramisu did I miss you with a quiz that's all you know hopefully you enjoy it [Music] son dominating upon tyne today it just shows to prove that there are so many new spots details about your city but you know what body becomes more alive especially at night Tiananmen Mara police answer precipice Anu we are here at cafe clutch this is a very very special place for me and we are so lucky because cause a Manhattan is evening sea at the end and sir Alfred you know this place is a marriage of the very cold climate of value and the wonderful warm coffee that we make the shop has evolved into something where this has become a hub of artists we are new homegrown artists you get to display their wares and we have an audience to appreciate them do your thing okay because aside from being a nurse I am this hi guys I hope you're still enjoying yourselves by the way can you be alone guys Catholic lunch is really not a new place in town it's been here for like 16 long years but it's a very very special place to me because this is really where I started [Music] kaffeeklatsch is a german word literally it means coffee gossip it movie emphasis on the gossip because ideally what it is about this about friends coming together that's the intention of this place being a cozy place where friends could really just come together talk about anything or their cares in the world from all the places that we visited the food that we've tasted to all the interesting people that we've met we've heard all their stories the lagana mangog you has a lot to offer this is more than just a summer capital cuz he despite the cold weather it will always feel warm inside and set up nanometre a galvanic polygon because the place is always evolving and aside from that this is a place that we can all call home my name is Ingrid my jacket and this is my vodka [Music] [Music] parts of an adventure seeker navigable whether by air land or water Meredith and Laila Talon and this is my time [Music]
Channel: CNN Philippines
Views: 444,568
Rating: 4.8373742 out of 5
Id: 7U4KWnT3sWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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