Biyahe ni Drew: Flavors of Batangas (Full episode)

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dan drew this salon in Buckeye unsecret Panama salon nobuta hay nada mas Arriba Ricardo Villa hallo hallo in Abilene - lhasa then I correct that gnam gnam gnam a champ ray you real secret now any type of bull a low union low slow Geoffrey kappahd minik sama-sama no boo-boo moppet I mean my McKagan bank went oh the owner owner found two women demean ramen ramen Menaka allow moment and Linda mommy that my god 1968 when Thomas NAT pop eyeless at evening ballot he go all right I ain't accessible it was set up at Bowie got Millar you put my name in Parramatta cmon Labuan ' Binga he give a Massa Massa a competent upon novella monoatomic went Oh Nabu Naruto Lama sagrado home boo-boo su chi o suffered lillibet at insa prevention and Batangas this is Athena Reich on a DeLaGarza Batangas I can't our volcano for some Viera even here that is the famous Tagaytay ridge usually and most often than not Ballack that young I did another from the Tagaytay rich I eat a Latin Tom Sal Vulcano now I'm sure kappa adam adam has a satellite I diabetics have a boot right boat right boat ride you so my dad is a bull right before that it's a tall volcano now it's been how many years it's been like man I think more than a decade since we last featured that volcano and I'm actually excited it's been it's been a while so we're here in that volcano and we're gonna hike up around 3.5 kilometers and we're gonna be using a Spanish Trail now for Eastern I almost died than 3.5 Overland ahead Marietta still an option now waiting so my nan caballo tie off don't come back I buy you are you Maha by oh sorry I'm 500 pesos Healey monopoly on Maga alas a trek pocket and I'll physically fit to me guy hit my booth and for Nolan to do the unlock a bucket so quietly in the cupola Vico use back pocket the hell among transfer open that door separator now you cannot not expand Estrella TV in your final destination server actually even if Antonietta able municipality Parata you you know starting points no but at all you put with the highlighted a picturesque view but more importantly pop hitting I'm saying you you get it up Dylan red lava lava well I'm guessing because it's a volcano and lava it's very very hot it's color red my batter now will add veto on volcano island you say to some Island come back a little volcano it has an island within a lake Venini Oliver barrows nano eighteenth-century lamina go on garlic Umaga spatter was a target and lava flow mula sabbaq sabbaq number con el dedo the corona to bits apologies number gasps doorknob oh I'm Dalek all right this is beautiful view my anything it with a little that indolent coming in muhuali Poisson muhabba Matterhorn with the own thinking fresh water and adding salt waters italic did a boy inhibitive unclassy mean stop it away Mahalo not is ein and loop a channel to big casino arrow and my own settlements neato sabaton guys makes a trillion around the lakeshore areas of the AL in love an entirely at some my manga bye bye Erica pan he's a samurai stand Italian but at the point I am Malibu door oh yeah Manny puto yes sir Narita Hawaii seasonal fish yes usually between summer suppose you Gandhi International would assign or not into Ramallah Beverly and Hindi and again and I know no feeds Hollywood the running last is a total under Saddam in a variety a cha ha class innum ennum vodka in in imminent island lagoon of Academy philosopher demo T yo mismo character open in Las Animas moons are even Falcon is already enough parameter ocarina in more general essential a beginner nothing spirit non-factor in Batangas canoe sorry you were only in season anymore Mileva to see me gong Sammy su na my typical so when I die Masaru Pinella do hello Papa Gollum shouidn't anything new with the most I know depending is a bone cement you said monitoring a hunting challenge a better setup me I come in metallic bond dates at a lake I'm not a bang in freshwater sardines a mundo anta Willis Bascom iCup agnatic when you know the Willis Maserati niba sallal engine cooling bases genetic monitor Willis the hill Baja matagalpa bag oh hi Wilma hi Natalia siharan tone seemed super hon and local government Allegan antlerless pero hindi / internal piggy ran a pack Abbas and hollows 50% and population a doe come hide and lon Nabila an International Union for the Conservation of Nature IUCN Celestine an endangered species Antilles as a society pioneers of Tonga's that was to in young Hindi my Samus a foodventure no antivirus hashtag sahibs our dynasty arrows again button gay no vinegar - Athena pájaro Erina pata in Batangas absurd in opossum play poker in at Caesarea maritima Casa Bay Park Avenue on La Laguna Batangas una nueva cedilla knockin cinnamon rule alone no info filigree mellitus avatar es la una política Pedro Garcia I am having go to a tangle alone very beautiful fresh food it on Monday the pasar malam is a phenomenal option market dynabar I mean behind it super Ganga's awesome a cerebellum camilan Guto dialoguing sorry wa imma be be lincoln a veto he does a partnered off as you see the patent and was stomping on cattle farming cattle farming 101 bandy-legged - latoya melancholy by themself happen finding pineapple beurre new processor you Systema actually this is a firm na mean normally meymaneh stops namond ito is for enough for disposal deterrence of immunity me mama chances now malaga when he began a missile anumana started to keep yes eventually capella vanilla then ready in a foreigner for param Billy happen on the dish happy as a tobu don't expenses Napoli stash Arden Maggie markup near hot a commemorate the Sun Masterson a man guarding the Lanza options about the Garcia life stop sending from other provinces like most part a panga Cena matrons come in habilis a vanilla how the neck conditioner conditioner Mindy toe so you may Hindi garlic Batangas lon in the point hakuna matata vitiligo couple purple techniques of Batangas maraming baja security misconception amoeba in case advantage Tampa da Gama triggers yeah but ragazzi show you I just leave stuff up it'll typically what sabaha the other it's in a minor elegant hell about what kinda new being able to monitor in the hundreds and uh after for a meeting come here on bio smile upon us i mean become a monarchist is an ad no sabe la camisa vanilla we're gonna pay me for a massage with Maya and EEMA no party number and I usually indeed indeed kilogram it was a experience for latinum on demand a Latin approach number of a synagogue ami after Mannion after Mario Malaga joined by Alaska second evolution on top point well I'm actually happens philosopher model A to D beta sub behind all those a tilt out in a function market them alive stock produced itõs a Batangas particular Zapata Garcia 1952 panel maximal insist eminent at the Benton Amana high up it's about the Garcia doing there is Omega like a people did Ron Perelman like the beta and we believe not available livestock product to the tank Baja cut about rockabilly Manila Evita Malala in Palenque given provisional acquaintance Ohio City for Lhasa behind me are icky direction a toe Sabah million para my Bentonville potato unladen Baja the guinea gametes adulterated Malaga Andy born at tenderloin the mandamus krav maga win state I'm oxtails SR captain category attempt a debate on cos I'm mobility at the param dhama possible ooh it's time to go look over below you that boy sitting here at a very a scene in Pune Nagato I mean are you the second generation second generation that was submissive booyah we have long shot and Hainan so inland regions number alone mm-hmm represent idea like that in our five minutes so talking a song is about you real secret now any type of doula low Union slow cooking three to 400 men a poblano pepper an alum copacetic I take our imam muda Luhan mm-hmm couple D tournaments this side of Batangas is there a different way of cooking with a low or pretty much the same maybe in a guy Bob Duncan side submit but Kabuto I understand you so I thank you Simon yeah me secret opposite mother puts up with a lot are usable in a telegraph who gets bigger so this big ass which is Cindy Collier who you Eber you didn't in ago at chambray you support elegant yeah hello young eager fire fire you Ross yeah better than that do you Wow okay alright so four hours Telugu shot how about he need I am vicunas about know me lamina Baja Sabrina Manila in E Honda I'm gonna sell you on who like sorry to I use in semanko Nelligan and bag on Hulu saponin below I feel most about yes about the ether setup but uh I'm gonna pay down your pond deathless you gotta gain an Afghan uni freshness he blue ass okay we then accessible in eval Wow at the pub a buidling a couple made me maybe beyond what you say about me only Abby yeah dodging cool alone and usually how much is this 400 400 okay okay I'd make some heavy arrows bar go to moola well going Hindi Padma too long now in your only think we're insane your conga no I'm finna Dead Island and bulla loop so we did it out in the auction market by the Google a we did it better than burrito a guy named Chuck Chuck now power saving mode with a hey Bob you know did one kilogram it in whole line GDP had that was Google and then yes Peter : wait but you get my point yeah tender test so bring the best all right I mean exhale it will set up a session have one did the best and Lumberton be a little a tenement nickname detest I owe you soup say Baba who in the Hawaiian first okay I said well even wahoo if you mix it a bit get the soup from Down Under do terminal assign you bro tapas you Connie I'll add separate oh you should like a Pokemon number hello Miguel get in over Nancy Lee that's our operating but is there oh ho oh and sorry new gen young Lhasa she's more than okay but the beef though is just this tender you know I mean I look up on bc o party lemon load them Baja Medina Muhammad and gain you can tap on be heroes I'm going on Batangas kokum para not ISA go - Sammy Nina I well I don't find him d Shalu cow shall I pour on pour on the mangroves and denied that they put up but open Tabata mix of Indiana aboot in the past and that button arrow under 1/4 then well angle it in at a phenomenal amount of engine in a goat on Batangas - I know it's a pina colada in and Goten Batangas I was 40 years ago Guto and my are Alito seen an AKC jeremyj by being a famous dancer with a lunar article and I love it I guess it was apparent I'll do I'll donate any not upon you sure you remember PDP another family say this a lemon Lube then again hold Edelman for a SMS at Point C it's a secret one percent now hindi bhama shadowing I appreciate you coming dog violent cuz I stick to the basics just leave you know but I appreciate the violin asila and the taste it gives coming from the soup more importantly be standard Paris is sovereign tender than beef while at home no Huang inna because I'm coming connection ban is a couple chewy meat food coma dials a food venture no support Angus no worries I got you covered by arrows it's a dilemma Allen Hotel de 2 billion bug Allah lasagna for the thing I'm Alito Mason grand staircase a salut boo say Oh old wood apparently made from old wood this used to be like a a warehouse before apparently but yeah they use that old wood and then they turn it into a grand staircase which is so beautiful I've been designing hotel I have to say it's just like off-the-charts burrito you got your sofa good comfortable sheets the pillows sorry I'm very ridiculous about the pillow sack don't dig us sucked on Lambert you eight hours of sleep no problem I'll highlight data I design off the charts banal I don't know I don't know - pretty good Thomas mi nunica Delon restaurant I'm up again made but Angus twist dude it didn't it off I guess kappa marentina featuring a monocoque a complex complex vanilla and an alum Lhasa Indiana lilamon Island beef ribs to be exact Karen dish Economo risotto Shah in Valencia any type of risotto chorizo Louis Photoshop now mobis entire none or us about the savings a new you Bhopal India an important element I cool I know unless again so you're not a partisan in digital I tomato chorizo risotto with Cap'n Morocco and a Blair chocolate glaze short ribs and have a deeper chorizo risotto humanity Ron I'm gonna happen chorizo devilish risotto but the beef apparently escaped Barako should I say copy Morocco actually meeting first time for Mahuta Kim meet my coffee I think why they're very proud of this dish it's very savory that is not enough it's very flavorful oily oil from chorizo which is so yummy but on top of that is different no matter what in very very tasty in the particular move on some parameter camping but I'm sorry Boyd in your element in Manila padam tatah patanty servo producto a is an annual cap in Morocco supported Shakopee Bravo Daruma epic man Valhalla 7 and Linea a cha ki young Pegeen Mattapan ottawa kanata pornography what has not been I think open bar who I know why your name also mr3 in welfare Opaka hoping but I offer gasps Navin a teacup in varaha food oh I think naturally healthy I am Aaron Aaron Mojave farm did support Angus then I hit him didn't you buddy but classy no coffee beans khutulun uncapping bajo at a young American ominous known as lab Erica show you piña homology between sorrow boostin excelsa show you Tina Wagner captain Barajas Delambre tena koe fish a empanada batata at the young Barack own app in America do you access a denominator booster ambassador this position on missus epictetus and the support the dry and the support grind a NASA payment processor for iguana boomba linemen milazzo by nimble ioan and is a punk but Angus the producto go up with la semana is dumb indeed abandoning somebody along so one is the two very focused on Apple classic a gigantic army mean sir you know Beretania Poonam in a you excess Pune hooli didn't winking at going up ago you you accessible by own kite Hindi boo you in style you know how long any 1991 known excellent mother go see Pat I hear me hunger my own a traditional Knepper on putting emphasis on yeah capping support NASA Bwana Burgos a top iron gimme giving it'll open Maduro Almaty me non-stop attention are seeing Devon come behind number go miramanee bitty bum class him ago a to the NATO it to Mumbai you pattern behind cutting position at I if I said it's a man of youth to prove a on passing by going behind cannon carry Korean you guys India of a number gone in the coop waiting for impersonatin become me that I say you don't be a row we put a totem additional maluma does my rabbit - I'm sarcastic so much my much my beliefs besito so yeah yeah a turnip or you're gonna give me try it off wait the conquering inland night perish a mechanic sure I can be home behind a pergola I trust you tie in Akiko sorry children when a parameter but you craft your supper go on up ago yeah Mahima go segment producer you know my letting amber gold mess masala papad make apart Nina sherry Gooley how did you do ksama point zero zero one percent Filipino population he leaked my number go that's why print a Taiwanese would all about Peter guzik aho and we're going around Carla my lab at Cap'n internal data attentive man pero una notte e bother knocking palette nee-naw nee-naw preciate condominium a lot thinner Nana they need a man in fairness couple you know how to dress em up a guy in computing now you know look I love you so Kakuma kylajo know a bit Latin appreciate Elega you gonna go put adhesive along partisan mana points to the sea this year 1% in 1807 a pre she think there is always time to change see what your palate constable iolite by go home and a pillock Mohini lamp and palasa satella man I made behind you never meet an ebow arena cyka affluent allow it will wonder another young below below is actually the turmeric possible andhaka panda an secretin impala Luton an adobo cedilha a nasa sankocha and some picture is actually the process of sauteing important in Ala Moana Park solution obtained embowered SANCCOB importante Alamo Punk Alan Mulally guy I'm Chokin Europe she's having a pajama tan doing the last adobo I cinnamon annamaria a goon Sileo not to boot doll as a 11s our new general in New York Naldo but for the very authentic adobo cedilha Kaylin and it one gamete and morning so hyung you know and so on TOEIC garlic's a cow national maybe beginning even I seem summer lieutenant Agata al but not eating him put any more thought oh hi you're in the right place ito and pants it the monk be KO samet by lincoln and this particular concept existed long before vehicle or per million among beaker took over in 1975 the Ganga nan na ro ro Nixonian as early as 5:30 they start cooking and they stop exactly at night at 8:30 with that limited time na kupuna fusilli or navaja la piscina Nong average of 70 to 80 kilos opens it every day for 15 to 20 pesos my instant AG ahankara wedding pants it Mickey hiya Mickey be good dignity arrows my auras are polluted and pancita a cigarette on panel reto I'm not competitive noona antowuk nana legend open seats observe Nikita noona and pan sit idle alligator Valley some--some a toy made our own maple at perishing conical no dial non-monotonic muhammad ali at the hill nang will happen on mana plastic fork a condominium and green iguana Kiba 1802 LeBlanc and galaxy l'olam la parte 1802 laugh at Shamu it's not Apache my big basic description of bitanga Sugano class in a gang I seen a sob sob OH nah sunday noon and barbecue stick nabina ballet in a para in a pool among at neon Karen me Barbra Krishna candy Bannerman the chopstick way of picking the noodles Hanuman you met Joe acaba go on Gina got me a plastic Fortner well as a box office hit I may get 40 years in the business up and sit among Pico dermatitis are 50 years in the business not be pink a blockbuster Nica le Seba lama tsongkhapa at piranha Capilouto tuna muna and Polana Sewell Hangang samogon Paran Keri maletto siharan gotta eat on analogous Babylon bubinga Barnum and some Ellicott Yasuhito Gonzaga I'm okay no markup or autonomy telecom you won't be I know I is somehow not the best it's a Panetta so I get to pull you right now okay okay notional okay Oh storia I see you put the personal said story short even Tywin who hair moon Wow Wow the whole time Malaya Penelope I'm a paramedic Malibu University vinca salon oh shut up you know gamer set up tonight so it must be being a high know doing I don't wanna go in with a little dumb in bicep and increase and Lipa coming out there they meaning that the waffles oh it's a momma tagging an ass and I ain't took the teen salute on Batangas I'm sorry apakah hobby summer tradition pyridine at ilium kalyana this is a final bad I must eat a purring Naga Albion group anima a bayonet or kill la mañana we burst an Iban superga hobby nama who would become a harem pant a meetin novel a Nutella me toe boots offended the kita guru torre de belem ceiling and fog a hobby see mommy Natalia I'm violence is a massacre nelu Meehan deters Batangas I find a palatable a young in your salami 1960 Wow Wow actually in sport I buried that when I mean we let support a be so Camargo and I said in your Mughals a parody poobah attitude and so but I'm new you para una poca wanna noodles but majority of traditional quarantine now he didn't get the email below me on my mark in a ladder I know you advantage using this key regalo Munna mas ANCA para McGinn - that's right oh mama Sahin are you okay so it's like a huge rolling pin Iannetta bio dr. bubay or Amishman smash I wanna or not the Second Amendment is a permissible okay no computer is happening okay no does create a national me Escobar you in Este repeating the giant rolling pin is a silent night dosa machine in Parma pantai bira Bagheera but William beautiful but as a final station for noodles in La Laguna Miranda he was a to be na my Manteca after a few minutes resonate on communicates a pollutant am loading Batangas and I bought all three yes but a Louisville varam MacGyver you eat the experience could've got me this time around I must heat up we go up from scratch under me noodles man Bailey apparently have been doing that I'll read the new beginning you you gambled I might see like that dormancy hindi Paula secret Osaka open palasa almec palpable exact in Surbiton gas release about ego octagon not eating monaco and maha bua on cuento sangmin oppa gangam you
Channel: GMA Public Affairs
Views: 3,021,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GMA, GMA Network, GMA News TV, Biyahe ni Drew, Biyahe ni Drew Full Episode, Drew Arellano, You love my job, travel show, Kapuso, Philippine TV, Kapuso Network, Philippine TV show, Philippine Celebrities, Philippine Showbiz, GMA Entertainment, GMA Entertainment shows, Batangas food trip, Batangas, Batas adventure, Flavors of Batangas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 45sec (2685 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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