Arch Bishop Ashe

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a friend of some of our family bill Renee Morris I consider him a friend of mine I know that he's a blessed man of God and God has raised him up for such a time as this I want you to put your hands together big god bless you - Archbishop Maher enough [Music] [Music] thank you Pastor Steven dr. crouch and Jan for this opportunity and for their vision to not be prejudiced and opened their hearts beyond what we're used to let's bow our heads in prayer father tis indeed always right to give you thanks and to give you praise this is the chief end of man that we may glorify you and enjoy you all the days of our lives so we join our voices with the unending hymn of praise that is sung by angels and archangels principalities powers Thrones dominions the many eye cherubim in the six wings Seraphim all covering their faces and feet fly to one another chanting singing and saying that you are holy the heavens and the earth are filled with your glory and as a secondary consequence of our worship we asked you to speak to us not as though we were babes but as though we were father's not from the outer Court but from the Holy of Holies we didn't come out tonight for the milk of your word we want the meat of your word feed us till we are changed from glory to glory from this vile image into the likeness of your glorious image oh god grant me your succour in your favor I'm now a chairman to take a call off of the altar to touch my lips the words that I speak this evening shall not be mine own but they shall be yours for the edifying of this night people in the name of your only begotten Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through your consubstantial spirit we pray amen and amen the Lord bless you it's a blessing to be here with you thank you well thank you for this opportunity again special thanks and God's blessing grace and peace on Paul and Jan for this opportunity and to to all of God's people I never considered a light thing to preach God's Word because God chose the foolishness of preaching to save the souls of lost men I'm gonna be preaching tonight out of Psalms 105 verse 17 a very particular a very unique passage of Scripture Psalms 105 verse 16 actually the text reads moreover he called for a famine upon the land he broke the whole staff of bread he sent a man before them even Joseph who was sold for a servant whose feet they hurt with fetters he was laid in iron verse 19 until the time that his word came the word of the Lord tried him until the time that his word came the word of the Lord tried him I want to preach this evening from just a thought subject something that you would retain after I'm finished what happens between when God says and when God does there is a process between when God makes a promise to his people and God fulfills the promise most of us fail in the issue of timing never an issue that what God said is not going to come to pass it is that there is a process between when God says something and when it comes to pass what happens in our churches aren't oftentimes those of us that are placed any importance on the gifts of the Spirit and the particular currents of the Holy Spirit especially on prophecy and this is especially now in this era prophecy is a big thing everybody wants a prophecy everybody wants a word from the Lord and I found out in many years that I'm not so excited about God's speaking to me anymore I am very serious about the word of the Lord it's not a light thing and it's everything the Prophet doesn't tell you that you need to be worried about so we're always excited about what God says but it's everything he doesn't say and oftentimes God will give you a vision of future glory to ease your present pain God oftentimes make make the promises to us in order to ensure that we are faithful through the process in other words when you're gonna get a problem you get a great prophecy get ready for all gamma to break loose see own Haiti for those of you that all speak Greek for all hell to break loose there is the process you will go through and when God makes a promise to us the process and this is what God says in the Book of Psalms 150 vision concerning Joseph that between the time when God said something to him and when the word of the Lord was fulfilled he had to go through something and the Bible says that it was the word of the Lord that tried him it wasn't the devil it wasn't his enemy it wasn't his brethren but it was the word of the Lord that tried him and a lot of times the things that are going through in our life is the promises or what we are going through is the result of God's promise in our life and that's good news that's good news because God only trusts this level of suffering to those people who are called to greatness an index to your future glory is your present pain the only way you'll note you know that you're called to greatness is because God can trust you today with things that he doesn't trust other people with and so you want to know how great your ministry is gonna be you don't need a prophecy look at the suffering you're going through look at what you're dealing with now because God doesn't trust that level of pain to just anybody it takes a particular kind of person a particular kind of person to deal with that so in the process between when God said something I tell people all the time what God tells you that you're gonna be a millionaire what he didn't tell you was you're gonna almost file bankruptcy when God tells you you and your husband are gonna travel all over the country and preach to millions what they didn't tell you would you be almost on the verge of divorce you know greatness always has a cost if you told me ten years ago that I would be here tonight or that I would be a bishop in the Orthodox Church I would have told you you were crazy take your Prozac and call me in the morning I wouldn't believe it because within the context of our lives it is sometimes impossible for us to add worth to our own selves because we are unable to see ourselves the way God sees us and so there's a process in between when God says something to us and when God does something and so when he releases his word his word is released into our life to increase our value not always just for the fulfillment of the word but his word is so precious that when it is released into like if it is fulfilled where we are it would have to come down to where we are his word cannot change his word is his most precious possession and so his word has to bring us to a process to increase our value so that when it is fulfilled men will not attribute anything that is not the dignity of God's Word hang out with me I know the end of the message just be patient there are some things if I went out and bought a chair or there's many pieces of furniture and if I bought a chair brand new it would cost two three hundred dollars and after you keep it for two or three years it'll be worth $40 and after you keep it $10 10 years rather it be worth probably $5 and 20 years you'd give it away but if you keep it 40 years and 50 and 60 years what has decreased in value increases in value the chair doesn't have to become a table it doesn't have to become a podium all it has to do is remain what it was originally called to be and the text of Pi increases its value when God delays a promise it is not that God is trying to destroy it it's not that God has forgotten me when God delays his promise he is increasing your value because people have bet against you there are prophecies out against you they said you're not gonna make it you're a failure family and teachers and people in our paths have already decreed and declared that that person does not have the tenacity they do not have this inner strength of character to succeed and God thinks on his word and releases a word against their word and says I will give them the power to overcome what you said simply by outliving them I have found out something being in ministry I can't outlive the truth but I can out live a life and you just keep living God through your life will give you the power to defeat the enemy you're trying to defeat them by swinging or swinging banners and slinging oil and and holy water or whatever you're doing in your church in my church's water and your church it may be oil whatever works for you that's fine that's not what destroys the power of the enemy what destroys the power of the enemy is passing the test of time his church said he said upon this rock I build my church and the very gates of Hell shall not prevail against it the church will remain after everything else fails and those that are called to participate in the life of the church and in the fullness of God's kingdom have something that the world and the unbeliever does not have we have eternity they only have a short period of time but we are called to be eternal creatures we are called to eternal life so time is not an issue for us it's an issue for them but not for those of us who have come to know eternal life which is Jesus Christ himself so Joseph this is a popular take all of you are familiar with Joseph allow me for a few moments to approach this through what we call an Alexandrian hermeneutics which is a way to interpret scripture in the Middle East Joseph was the favored son of his father and the Bible says that he had many brethren and they hated him because he was the favorite son of his father understand this because there is coming a passion on God's people the demarcation point for God's people is going to be the consuming passion of their life not how great we preach or how great we sing or the dignity of our churches or the beauty of our cathedrals it is going to be the underlying deal for the things of God the fire that burns within our dress that no man can put out and nobody can quench that tire is the demarcation point and when your Father in heaven has favored on you you will find out that people will not like you they will not like you simply because you have found favor with your father now let me help you here because the issue with Joseph was him and his brother and all had the same father but they had different mothers and our mother interprets oftentimes how we understanding see our mother the mother of us all is the church in different churches sometimes calls up though we all have the same father our mothers have poisoned us against one another so that we cannot fellowship and find communion and find common denominators where we were able to before so our mother has got us a little prejudice some of us got a Baptist mother and a Pentecostal mother and a Methodist mother and a Catholic mother an Orthodox mother but the question is who's your father [Applause] the Bible says that Joseph who was favored by his father received favor he was the son of Rachel who was the wife who his father loved more than the rest the Bible says that Joseph was the eldest born her womb and Joseph now has a vision and when he has this vision he has a vision that sheaves of hay bow down to his stars bow down to his and when he shares his vision with his brethren they become jealous they become jealous because he is stepping out of the norm and he's wearing a coat that his father gave up and his brethren hated to him because he would not settle for what they settled for the anytime there was a longing in you for more and you do not settle for church as usual and there is something inside of you that says there's got to be more than just Sunday School and Bible study and choir rehearsal that there's something in you that says if it's all if this is all Christianity is I don't want to be a part of it that there's something more to the kingdom of God than just come into church and paying a little bit of money and going home and living better than other people there is something dignified to this Christianity something supernatural and powerful that lives within all of us and unless we pursue it and unless we press into it we miss the purpose of God this is why I don't I don't believe it's an accident I'm ministering here on a night that is dedicated to young people because this generation that that is a sinking generation and what we preached yesterday does not meet their needs today and let me challenge those of you that are watching television today that there is a there's coming a mindset and a move of God and an outpouring of God's Spirit and what we preached yesterday will not meet the need anymore that milk and bread do not meet the need this generation is hungry for the meat of God's Word for the meat of God's Word and anytime you see a woman in the Bible it is a type of the church jari and his daughter was 12 years old in the Bible says that she died and when Jesus went to her the Bible says that he said she is not dead she is asleep can i prophesy to you that there are many people that said the church is dead but jesus said she's not dead she's only asleep and it comes to ladies Donner hello apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers and when he lays his hand on her she is going to recover and the first thing he said was give her meat to eat they don't want milk they don't want John 3:16 they want meat they want the deep things of God so there's a hunger in this errand there's this hour in the church for Moore and Joseph when he had a vision for Moore as long as you don't want more you'll find your city and everybody will be happy as long as you settle for just Church as usual in it that's fine but the moment there's something in you that says something is missing there's another level there's another place in God there's another dimension in God the immediately your brethren not the unbeliever the unbeliever is not our issue it does not the unbeliever that is our enemy it is our brethren we are equipped to deal with the unbeliever see I know how to fight an enemy I'm equipped to fight an enemy I am prepared to fight an enemy but I am not equipped to fight my brethren people that I expect to hear positive things for those that should be excited when God is doing something in my life those that should affirm it but oftentimes we will find when other people have settled for mediocrity and you press into the move of God and the things of God they will reject you because now their dysfunction has become obvious because you are no longer buying into their life the moment you step out and begin to ascribe glory to God and cover yourself with his presence all of a sudden they know and they look like the one that's messed up because you have stepped out and said you can settle for that level of something inside of me that says there's got to be more touch the neighbor and say there's got to be more I'm a preaching just a minute the Bible says that his brethren hated him and the Bible says that they immediately in their heart said we shall see what to become of his dream cough Joseph threw him in a pit and took his coat from him and desired to kill him let me help you here for a second they took his coat and this is awesome because the problem with Joseph was that he liked his coat he weren't comfortable with his coat his daddy gave him his coat he wanted the coke and sometimes we get comfortable with the first dimension of God's presence and when God calls us to the next level we are unwilling to move into it so God ordains our brethren to sit strip from us a lesser dimension of his presence to prepare us for another dimension we thought God was killing us we sinned and many of us are wrestling with the issue God if you called me why are you breaking if you called me why are you stripping me because sometimes you are released to increase some of you would still be flipping burgers at somebody's job had someone not fired you you'd have married somebody that one called to marry you'd have never been connected to somebody and they broke up with you broke your heart and you're depressed and mad but you don't know they were releasing you to move to the next level they would have held you down you would have still been there with nothing and nobody feeling bad about yourself and when they rejected you something you need to go buy some flowers and take it back to that person that says you ain't never gonna be nothing without me and said thank you because until you move out of my life I was not able to recognize what God had for me and the only reason I'm able to step into it today it's because you moved me and forced me to move into a place I couldn't believe yesterday they stripped Joseph took it threw him in a pit here's a side note the Bible says when he was thrown in the pit Michael that the only person that interceded the only person that stood in the gap his name was Judah the Bible says that Judah said let us not slay him but let's tell him to this life it's not by accident that the only thing that works when nothing else works is called praise Judah in the Hebrew for you Hebrew scholars God Allah a Judah Dada means to pray to show us your hands in praise yadah which means to exalt the name of God to praise the name of God where we get the word Judah from dad I got dalek without the hey at the end for you Hebrew scholars Dada will update the secondary root word literally means to be intimate Adam knew Eve Abraham knew Sarah gets the text you can't pray and not get pregnant you may come in here with no purpose not knowing who you are and praise and not understand who you are don't let people stop you from praising God somebody once told me you know praise is what we do until the preacher gets up I said shame on you praise is not what we do until the preacher gets up praise is what we do people who are called to worship they don't need a building they don't need an organ they don't need a choir they just need a moment praise is a lifestyle it's not preliminaries it's not we sing until the preacher gets there and some of us come late because we know they're gonna sing a long time and the preachers not gonna get up till a certain time and we omit the most important thing because preaching is what God through the intellect of the speaker gives to you but praise is what his people give to him nothing unless we spoken to him first hangout primary root word for your da is Yad job done it without the second a at the end yacht which means hand that's why praise is demonstrative you cannot worship and not move you cannot worship and not become involved I have a friend of mine who is a Hasidic rabbi and I asked him one time I said listen why is it that was at the Western Wall the Wailing Wall in Israel I said why when you're doing all of what is all this about I don't have a problem with that I like it I'll do it too you know but what is this about why all of this movement is abroad this is what he says when Israel as a nation in the desert and other nations were in the desert all they had their job and they would look over and see us worshiping and we would look over and see them worship so when we looked at them and they were worshipping Dagon and asked her and the Akkadian God and we looked at their gods and they were the beautiful golden and bronze and rock statue then we thought it is only appropriate that if you worship a rock that you ought to stand like a rock but Israel doesn't worship a rock we don't worship a statute so when you see us moving we're telling our enemies you better think twice before you come mess with us because your gobs are rock we can't move but if you praise them the way I like to praise them he doesn't give you the luxury it's not about you it's about him you're not the invited guest he doesn't come back the sick are healed the pound are delivered the sinner is insane Authority Dominion so when you praise you have power authority and Dominion I wish I had some engineers here because God also means axle and an axle is designed to turn maybe somebody out there watching me is getting this when you pray if you like the way things are going in your life you are one phrase away turning it around nothing praising to see praise is the greatest level of intercession we have many teachings on intercession but I got one teaching on intercession it's called the brain prays will change the way God thinks about you the Bible says that there was a Samaritan woman who came to Jesus and Jesus said where's your husband she said I ain't got none he says you're right you got five and the one you're with now ain't sure don't get mad at her so you're doing better than some of you Shanda shooter mesquita kickstarter hunter oh mama manager come on speak in tongues now and almost the docs but don't leave me out here by myself five husbands the one you're with now is it yours listen the way and the next thing she said the Jews worship here we worship here where should we worship notice she changes the subject from her mister it's great you're not getting it you're not getting it I don't care how messed up you are when you begin to worship and you begin to praise there is an a proprietary W that is connected to worship something takes place in our life when we worship where God looks beyond our nests and here's our voice and honors our life with his presence because it is only his presence that can change our life what makes us live right is nothing more than his presence it's not the rules of the church and the laws of the church and the discipline of the church it is the presence of God you can't change people because something is wrong you must give them something that counters the enjoyment and the pleasure that doing wrong does and gives them and only God's presence we have we have encouraged brought people to holiness without replacing the emptiness in their lives we must fill their lives with God's presence Joseph anyways is in the pity to a brought out of the pit and the Bible says he is sold to the Ishmaelites which is very powerful because the Ishmaelites the Ishmaelites are the result of Abraham's disobedience with Hagar the only God can take your mistakes from yesterday and use it to deliver you into future greatness other folks want to put you out the church for your mistake other people want to silence you other people are too ashamed to sit next to you because they've heard some stuff about you but only God only God can take yesterday's phone and use it to deliver you into tomorrow's future only God can take yesterday's Ishmael some of you feel like God will never use you and you'll never accomplish anything and you'll never go anywhere because you got some Ishmael's in your life but I'm here to tell you God will take your Ishmael and use it to deliver your Joseph into the place that God has the promise waiting for you now what I love about this is that the pit Joseph was thrown in the pit wasn't in the dream seems like the pit was some pertinent information seem like if God was gonna tell me anything in a prophecy before you stand me out prophet tell me about the pit that's important information and have you ever noticed the prophets always tell us about the glory and never tell us about the pit the pit ain't never in the prophecy never in the vision all you see God's gonna do this God's gonna use it you're gonna do great things you will do mighty things and then tomorrow all hell breaks loose that one in the prophecy why because God has to bring us through a process I'll field let me I'll come back to that in a minute but remember just remember that now he's brought out of this big take him by the Israelites and delivered the part of his house the Bible says when he gets the part of his house he serves over part of his house the Bible says he serves all the part of his house to the place that Potiphar does not know what he owns he trusts Joseph he only knows what's in his hand this is very important because God will never give you your own until you have been faithful to that that belongs to another if there's one thing that we have lost an understanding of in charismatic Christianity it is we do not understand the sanctity of serving there is always an underlying hidden agenda we're always serving to get so there's this whole movement now and in many churches you have armor bearers I love this everybody's an armor bearer now which simply means I'm gonna carry the pastor's briefcase till he lets me preach we don't we don't serve because it's right we don't serve out of humility we don't serve because there is a genuine spirit in us that wants to minister to other people and wants to serve other people we always have an even agenda underlying an issue this is why most churches suffer greatly in terms of leadership because you cannot develop leaders until you have developed servants and we have leadership classes but we don't need leadership classes we need some servant classes we need to teach people how to be humble and to serve for the sake of serving because God doesn't make leaders he makes servants and servants become leaders he gives us the grace to serve and to the sanctity of being faithful over that that does not belong to us I know that a mess with you because most of us want the blessing we want the success of ministry we want the big doors we want the big vision we want God to do great things for us at the expense though of humility we don't like that word we don't want to want to serve because it means that we have to sacrifice Jesus Christ as seen in the Gospels reflecting the theology that was established by the prophet Isaiah is referred to as the suffering servant this is very important because we have no concept of serving in the church people go to churches or join churches as many pastors probably watching today and you had a hundred people join your church and tell you the Lord sent me here to help you wrong answer you are the weakest link God has never sent anyone to a church to help it God sends them to the church because they need help a secondary consequence of getting help is you may be able to share your ministry with us share the gift that God has given in your life with us after your home after God has done some things in your life serving is something that the church has to be able to capture again now the Bible says he's serving Potiphar take care part of his house loving Potiphar being faithful over part of it up but forgetting division and then part of his wife sees him lust after him lust after the anointing why because he was wearing another coat and he didn't want to give that one up either and so God ordained part of his wife to take his coat second coat why because he liked that coat but that coat wasn't in division that wasn't part of the dream see some of us have settled sometime when you have suffered so much anything is better than what you had even if it's not what God promised so we settled for what's better but it's not what God promised so God allows a series of events in our lives to strip from what other people have given to us because God has something better for us and you will go through one stripping and another stripping and another stripping and this is what the true concept when the prophetic really comes when God really releases a prophetic word a prophetic word is released to strip it is released to break up it is released to bring us into a blaze of humility so that the glory of God can be revealed it is like Gideon who says in those vessels the glite that hidden in the vessel will not be revealed to you break the vessel and so there's a light and a glory in us but no one's gonna see it til it's broken and you don't have the strength to break yourself so God send someone else to break the other cop sins of series of events is that God why me what did I do wrong you didn't do anything wrong but there's a glory in you and I got a reveal it and it's not gonna be revealed until I allow you to go through some trial and you're not backslidden and it isn't that you haven't that you're not praying or you're not fasting you're not reading my word it is that you have a promise over your life the whole problem in your life is you got a promise if you didn't have a promise you wouldn't be going through what you're going through the reason you're going through it today is because God has trusted you with his promise and it is the thing that's keeping you alive but nothing else keeps you alive listen this is a there's different dimensions out of court in a court Holy of Holies Passover Pentecost Tabernacle first the blade then the corn then the full year in the corn 34 6,400 called Faith Hope charity Jesus Christ the Lord priests prophet King Passover Pentecost Tabernacle David was anointed the first time to wrestle bears the second time to rule Judah the third time to rule all of Israel Ruth is picking up the leftovers of the field 30 fold Boaz Caesars think she's kind of cute leave the best of the field 60 fold she marries Boaz gets the whole feel hundred fold see there are different dimensions to God's glory different dimensions to what God has for us I ran into you children unto you young men and unto you father's so there are different dimensions this is a 64 cope this is a lesser dimension it's good it's better than what you had but it's not what God promised we cannot settle what for what is better if it is less than what God has promised and some of you have had visions and dreams and purpose and prophesying if you look at your life you have settled and somewhere along the line you have taken the promise of God and put it on the show because you said it's never gonna come to pass it's taking too long it was a false prophecy somebody proper lied to me somebody missed it I must have back citizen ain't never happened and you gave up on it and God sent me here to rekindle the flame in your life and go pick up yesterday's promise and get you ready that's all I need the promise of God sustains you what's keeping you alive today is God from it I'll never forget I was flying from Biloxi Mississippi to Jacksonville on a plane that had propellers now I believe that when we moved from horses to cars we don't drive ride horses no more at least in California where I live we don't so when we got planes with jets we don't use propellers no more but this plane had propellers and so we're on this plane this plane is flying and it's I mean we plant a tropical storm and the plane is just dropping 100 feet under - tiffy gettin altitude again hitting a thermal dropping again gaining altitude and eat not so rough that this little old lady sitting next to me precious little grandmother grabbed my honor and screen half this plane can't crash cuz I'm on it I have a promise from God and this plane can't kill me til everything God promised me comes to pass and I told him it does pass you better stick close to me cuz I'm the only one walking off see some of you today the only reason you're still alive is because there's a promise the only reason you're still making it is because you have a promise they tried to kill you but they can't they tried to say your day was over but they couldn't because you had a promise from God and your promise in your prophecy and the word of the Lord that is trying you sustains you you can tell the devil any day you can't do nothing because I have a word and let me take it to the next level not only do you have a word but you are a word you are the Bible says you were chosen in him a clever mind you are a low guy in the logos you are a word in B word and so the Bible says that his word will not return to Him void but it will accomplish impossible everything that he sent it out to do which means you will not return to God boy but you will accomplish and prosper everything that God sends you out to do the Bible says she threw him in the pit I'm almost finished with my introduction give me a few moments the Bible says that he was thrown in a prison locked up now see I I believe that that Joseph is now purged he's gone through a process and everything that's going wrong in his life is not the devil nowhere in the textures have saved the devil did it it says the word of the Lord try him it was his prophecy put him in part of us out his prophecies room in the pit do you can't get mad at other folks when you know it's the word of the Lord that's trying you it's God's purpose in your life so in the midst of this process I know you've never thought of Orthodox Bishop could preach like this you come to my church on a Sunday morning and we offer several prayers and premium prayers and incense but tonight I'm in key being in Nashville's listen now he's in prison locked up why is he in prison not because Joseph needed the Midlands but God takes special people and places them in impossible situation impossible situation not because they need deliverance but because God has to remind the situation that there are some people that you are not allowed to destroy or hang out with me God put the three Hebrew boys in the fire not because they need to deliver it but the fire needed to learn there are some people you're not allowed to burn God put Noah in the flood not because no one needed deliverance but the flood needed to learn down some people you're not allowed to drown God put him in the prison to teach the prison now are some people you can't keep their own table put Daniel in the lion's den to teach the lion there are some people you're not allowed to eat God put you in some of the situation's you're Ian to teach your situation there are some people that ain't gonna backslide there are some people that I call curse God there are some people that were not going hell and are gonna lose their soul but they have made up their mind I'm going to press into the fullness of God's kingdom [Music] I wish you'd hear me by the holy ghost tonight some of you are going through some stuff and you're saying why and God said I put you in a family that doesn't love you to teach them that there are some people that go keep loving God even if they're not loved put you in a job that doesn't want to take care of you and it's barely meeting your needs to teach your boss man your little penny don't pay my bills my bills he's my torch he's the one that takes care of me Audio Bible shine City Oh summer so you're in a situation not because God wants to destroy you but because God seems you to bring you to the next level I've got to finish with my first point they got a clock over there but God is omnipresent he's an all-time at the same time he's interesting and interprets other men's dreams hear me very important because this is where God is getting well we are introduced to Joseph he's dreaming and through suffering he is ministering to other people's dreams God will never allow your dreams that come to pass so you make other people's dreams come to pass now I want you to see why Joseph had to go through this because God was getting Joseph to the place where wasn't about Joseph see most of us are called to ministry or to things in our life because we are trying to fulfill a need in our own life and we think a quick way to success is through ministry so God through the process brings us to a place of humility and says I am allowing you to go through this stuff so that you get delivered from your worst enemy you hang up Joseph interprets other men's dreams the Bible says now faith go one man dies the other man his dream is fulfilled and the Pharaoh has dreamed and this is what I'm getting and I'm finishing with this the Pharaoh has dreams when the Pharaoh has dream Joseph walks he sends word to Joseph here's how the Joseph interpreted dreams Joseph goes to interpret Pharaoh's dreams there always protects by his name now remember everything that Josephus went through everything that Josephus went through what's the word of the Lord it was prophecy that did this then it was the promise of God that did this to him do you understand that everything you're going through today is because of God's promise in your life God's purpose in your life he's purging you and processing you and getting everything out of you that whatever given to you when you are when your day of greatness comes you cannot afford to have anything in it that will break you up remove you or or cause you to not fully maximize that moment to take advantage of the full potential they got it made available to you through the process he comes and this is so important because Joseph the issue here is time time but time is not important to God because God is not bound by time God is eternal he lives outside of time time is created by him see prophecy is not not telling you what's gonna happen it's God telling you what's already happening you just ain't got there yet so that as far as God is concerned he has he doesn't have to be in a rush cuz it's already come to pass he's just waiting for you to get to that place where his word has already been released and had already been fulfilled in your life but that's another message for another time no pun intended here we go Joseph now interprets Pharaoh's dream all blessedly and he walks up to Farrell Farrell shares his dream and this is very important I want to read for you one verse out of Genesis 41 and pharaoh said unto joseph verse 15 i have dreamed a dream and there's none that can interpret it I have heard say of these that now can understand the dream to interpret it verse 16 and God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace watch this what is Joseph saying it's not in me this is what God was trying to accomplish from the beginning had the prophecy been fulfilled when it was first given it would have produced pride so God had to bring Joseph to a process so that when his day of greatness came Joseph did not think I did it I'm about to write myself a cheque are you getting this everything you're going to is to bring you to the place that you are empty of yourself that you can tell when when your day of greatness comes when your day and people acknowledge you and they say what if we did a wonderful job it's not in me what an awesome message it's not in me you sang wonderfully it's not in me look at this beautiful church you built it's not in me look at how many members you've gathered it's not in me one of the most dangerous things in ministry and let me tell you something I've not been doing this a long time but I'm a Archbishop in the Orthodox Church one of the youngest and 700 years of our churches 2,000 year history I have walked with men of God of all different calibers and one of the most disturbing things is how quickly our success goes to our head how quickly we begin to think we are God's first cousin and how we are old certain things and how quickly we lose the common touch the key to everything that we're going through is God is trying to keep us broken enough to the place that we never lose the common touch we can sings or we connected the people we're called to serve everything that God will fulfill in your life is not for you it is for others and when you come into your day of greatness it's not so that you can be great it's so that others can become great and he will use you to empower them but you will not empower them as long as it's about you as long as you think we're here to serve you as long as we think it's all about us at that moment so the Bible says the Josip now ascends to the place of the truth and pharaoh takes off his coat hear me and now puts it on Joseph and when he puts the coat on Joseph Oh bless his name now there are no other coats because he has moved into the fullness but the prophecy hasn't come to pass yet cuz the coat wasn't part of the prophecy the prophecy was that his brethren would power down to him and when the famine King cob brought his brethren from afar off those that were his enemy in the past brings them into its present and they do not know who Joseph is and as long as they don't know who Joseph is they don't know who they are because Joseph looks like an Egyptian and as long as they don't know who he is they don't know who they are and here's the key that they could take his coat but they couldn't take his dream they can take your coat they can take your car they can take your house they can take your clothes but they can never take the dream and the vision God has given to you and when Joseph stands then I'm finishing as quickly as I can when he stands there and his brethren are bowing before him his brethren are poor hungry broke and strangers poor hungry broken strangers and as long as they don't know who Joseph is they're poor drunk hungry and strangers and the moment that Joseph pulls back the veil from his face and they realized that this is not a stranger this person's not poor this is her brother their condition has not changed but their perception change hear me they still don't have nothing in their pocket and nothing in their stomach but they straighten the back out because they recognize who's sitting in the throne and who they're related to everything you're dealing with is an issue of your perspective God is trying to get you to understand that you are not an accident or a mistake you are related to the guy that sits in the throne and even though you have not always been perfect he has the last say so and even though your condition has not changed your perception has changed because you know you're related to the one who sits in the throne and as long as you are related to the guy who sits in the throne whatever he says goes this is why all you need to understand is that as long as you are faithful over God stuff as long as you are faithful over what God said as long as you are playful over what God has promised as long as you are faithful over God's promise as long as you are faithful over God's Word the only thing God wants you to know is you've been faithful over his word as long as you've been faithful over his promise dog said my word will fulfill this thing what's gonna cause you to come to greatness is his word what's gonna cause you to moves in the things of God in this word what's gonna cause you to fulfill the purpose of God is his word you don't need money you don't need credit you don't need houses you don't need pain you just need his promise and when you even say I may not have much but I have a promise and when you have a promise you can wrestle giants when you have a promise you can kill demons when you have a promise you can succeed when all the odds are against you when you have a promise clap your hands candy and feet and tell God I have a promise everything you've been going through was designed to break everything you've been dealing with it's not the devil it's not your mistake its God God who says you know I trust you I trust you enough to let you go through this because I can't afford that when I bring you to a place of glory I can't afford for your ego to distract people from my presence see hearing these are awesome days we live in and there are awesome men of God but here's this prophecy the days of great preachers are over the days of great evangelists are over the day when the fire in the pulpit has been seen is over the fire of God is about to fill the pews and no one the cameras won't be able to focus in on one person before it begins to use another and when they focus it on you'll begin to use another because it's not gonna be about us we're gonna come to the place I think it's not anymore it's not Varane it's not about Bishop - it's not about Stephen it's not about bill it's not about Michael pastor Michael Norman it's about the glory of God it's about fulfilling the purpose of God Korea bonds saraburi sure some of you have promises in your life and they haven't been fulfilled I don't know why I was invited to be here tonight no you don't know why you're here tonight but I know why God needed to connect because some of you have purpose and you're ready to you're ready to give up on it you thought maybe I'd maybe the reason I'm gonna lose cuz I did something maybe I missed god no no I crave worship God is about the releases purpose and you're not quickly lift your hands all over this building and father in the name of unity we're back people have received you we're so glad you've been with us or praise the Lord CBN has a worldwide ministry we need your love gift large or small to help keep the gospel of Jesus twing twing around the world so write today praise the Lord Co box a santa ana california 92711 en co bond 7 6 8 distinction be monetary o k1 p5 PA if you haven't asked Christ in your life call our prayer partners now
Channel: Lemonhead Productions
Views: 5,027
Rating: 4.9058824 out of 5
Id: lTHW_xfrPG4
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Length: 50min 50sec (3050 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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