Bishop Veron Ashe "Being The Church"

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[Music] speak to our hearts and treat us not as though we were children or babes but as though we were fathers able to handle the needs of God's Word feed us not from the outer court or the Holy Place but leaders from the Holy of Holies women come out from milk of a bread we came out for meat so we are hungry for truth and we understand that the cost of truth is ourselves deliver us from us open up our ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church calls us to be more than just hearers but give us the grace to become doers of thine thank you whoo God that you will speak to us not only from thy word but from thy spirit reveal the secrets of men's hearts prove thy word with signs wonders and miracles visit us in unique supernatural ways that will cause us not to boast but to be humbled in awe of your majesty Father we thank you tonight for your presence and we will be faithful to give you the glory they are in the praise in Jesus name we pray amen and amen come on worship the Lord along with you one more time [Music] [Applause] come on worship the Lord come on say something to the Lord something don't don't don't don't don't applaud them don't applaud them say something to him when you when you go to bed with your wife at night you don't clap your hands you just whisper in your ear come on whisper in his ear come on love him love him God doesn't speak to people that don't speak to him that doesn't speak to people that don't speak to him speak to him speak to him you want him to do something new you got to do something new come on warship worship worship into enter into the bedchamber you cut all of us a time you came out to get pregnant tonight that's what you did you came out to get pregnant rosetta lava hosaka Ronde the east side there are times in a marriage when a wife is intimate with a husband and they only share the joys of that intimacy but there are certain times of a month that her body is fruitful and not only will she enjoy the presence of her husband but she will become pregnant and have a deposit for the future and I believe this house tonight is not here to just have sex I believe they're here to get pregnant I believe you're not here to just shout and have a good time like most churches but you're here to say God when you have more it's not about any emotional response it's about the next generation and those that are [Music] and I have ever believed anything before there is a church that God is raising a mystical or bless his name how many feel the presence and I feel the presence of the Lord the Lord is opening up the heavens and what fed us the Bible says that there was a woman who was bowed over for 18 years 18 is a multiply number of six 666 is the number of the beast 18 is 6 3 time there is a church that's been under the beast nature the Antichrist which Christ means anointing the anti anointing there's a church a woman who is bowed over which means that her vision is in the dirt man is made out of the dirt her vision has been in the flesh round because she's been under an anti anointing Beast Nature but Jesus is gonna lay his hand hello apostle prophets evangelists pastors and teachers and when he lays his hands on her the Bible says she immediately recovered which means whatever denomination or religion or ritual that she covered herself with before now she's gonna cover herself with the glory of God and the presence of his anointing see if you're satisfied where you are if you're happy with your spiritual 'ti if you don't feel the need for more if you come to church and we leave with them without any yearning for more then then you won't understand a thing I'm gonna say this week the things that God has given me in this season after the desperate [Music] therefore those that are saying God if I don't if if if I don't break through we don't break up I need you to visit me [Music] and those that hunger for his presence gregory of nyssa one of the great Cappadocia in father's writing actually sang a fallacious night Noah secret gregory of nyssa Cappadocia in father 4th century says that to study God is like to look at the Sun in order to see the brilliance of the Sun I risk being blinded the more I find out about God the more I realize I know nothing about God the closer I get the father you feel isn't it frustrating that sometimes the closer you get you the father you feel because you are studying you are trying to search the unsearchable riches and depths of Jesus Christ what will satisfy us is when we become like and so there is something that God's gonna I feel tonight God's gonna do something unique I'm telling you I miss more flights than most people who ever make it a lifetime I miss more dates and conferences I don't show up places and today on the way here I caught a later flight two accidents in traffic but I still got on the plane because the flight was delayed and I knew that was God because usually I'd turn around and just go home and I feel that God is gonna do something in this house for the Lord would say to this place bishop that this is a strange house it is a unique house it does not take those two anybody else wants you take the hungry and the hurting those that are rejected those that have tried to go to other churches but they wouldn't have them those that don't understand the passion of this house it has not always been easy but it has always been filled with God's grace and where there was not enough God revealed his resources God says I'm trying to do something in this area I'm trying to do something with those that are led by the spirit I am breaking the spirit of prejudice I am breaking the spirit of poverty I am breaking the spirit of spiritual blindness and ignorance people who go to church to fulfill the minimum moral obligation of the deprived soul god says that this house will be a prophetic mountaintop a summit God said that there will be this will be a house of prophets the Lord said it shall be it shall be a school of prophets it should be a house of prophecy shall be a place that people shall come and shall proclaim the word of the Lord and they shall prophesy over their families and their homes and they shall prophesy to the north the South the east and the West and they shall say there are sons and daughters that belong to us and we commend the North to let them go the sounds to let them go the east and let them grow the West to let them go the word of the Lord comes to this house and the Lord says even this building was a miracle but God says that I'm not through there's coming an outpouring of his spirit and it should not be burst from speakers coming from the outside but God said there shall come a hunger from within this house for the Lord says that there's a handful of people that carry the burden of Prayer only a handful but God said the spirit of prayer the fire of the holy spirit shall begin to burn in the hearts of men and husbands and sons and God said they shall meet and when they begin to pray God said you should begin to see an outpouring of his presence that should be unique shall be supernatural and shall be definitive with what God is going to do God says that there are things that I am doing even now I'm connecting you to government funds government monies God says and there shall be people that should begin to come and shall begin to try to figure out what I'm doing here and they shall try to bring their ideas and their things but God says in this era in this hour and this day I shall begin to cause provision to come to the people of God for what you make happen for him God said he will make happen for you God said because you have felt the burden of this house because you have been faithful to this house because you have understood the call of this house God said there shall come a unique anointing God said it shall be strange it should be it should be revelatory the Lord said it shall be so unique that it shall even begin to burn among the young people for the Lord says that in this era in this area and region God says that the young people have almost been cast aside and the Lord says that there's coming an outpouring of a spirit even on the young men and the young women the teenagers and even the younger kids in that and the Lord says that the spirit of prophecy shall come on them and it shall be pure because to many of you that are adults are already defiled and there's too many things in your mind that have adulterated you but God said God said he will raise up these young kids and they shall begin to declare the word of the Lord in the school while they're going to school God said prophecy and revelation during lunch breaks and evil shall become shall be released and and Don says that that that I shall pour out not just the measure Jesus said when he was at the wedding feast he told Mary when they ran out of wine he said go get me empty vessels hello empty vessels go get me empty vessels and fill them with water although empty vessels you're here tonight empty you're here tonight empty empty empty I've been going through for five years i five years I've been going through hell Gehenna Hades Infierno whatever you want to call it and the oldest fear spoke to me and said I had to empty you of everything so that I could fill you because I cannot feel anybody that's not completely empty I lost everything everything - even the clothes that were on my back I ended up homeless from having three houses preaching for Jake's Eddie long all those conferences within within two years of being diagnosed with cancer and having a half a million dollars embezzled and several other things I ended up homeless living in a in in a park too embarrassed to call anybody diagnosed with colon cancer and when I was there the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said now and I was in tears suicidal ready to kill myself and all this fear spoke to me now I have you where I want you bring me empty vessels fill them with water and when you pour them out see you will never understand your greatness as long as you think that what God is doing is for you it is not until you are poured out for someone else that your greatness will be revealed some of you are too selfish and that's the reason your anointing your gift your purpose in your destiny Arcia left and never reveal why some of you walk around hopeless not knowing what you're going to do it tomorrow because you only pray and ask for things concerning you you don't have any idea of the kingdom you're praying for a car and you driving up you praying for a new car and you ain't pickin up nobody with your old car there's people catching the bus you're praying for a bigger house and you got one room that you just put clothes in you don't even live in see it is not until we take what we have our resources and pour them out they we begin to understand the purpose of God I feel the presence of God I'm not gonna here let me let me go into the Word of God Bishop I am honored to be here you may be seated I'm gonna preach in a minute but bitching about it they it's a blessing to be here and uh to all of the men and women of God we we bless you and we bid you grace and peace in the name of the Lord Jesus I have been this is my first year in four years that I've come back in public ministry we've been going through some things necessary things and if you didn't if you didn't know that your walk with God is mountains and valleys just keep living the problem would be mountaintop calm Christians is that when you get to one mountaintop you have a better vision of another mountaintop that's higher than the one you're on so every time you get to one plateau what you do is you see something higher and a greater dimension of God and in order to get that you must come out of your plateau and then down into a valley in order to move back up to the things of God you cannot hunger for the future of what God is doing and hold on to what God did Joseph had three coats see there's always a 30-fold 6404 outer core inner core Holy of Holies there are always three dimensions to what God is doing there's always another realm that's greater than the last one Joseph first coat his father gave him and God ordained that his brothers took it because he would have loved that coat so much he never would have released it and had Joseph been attached to that coat he never would have got part of his coat and if he if he held on the Potiphar's coat and Potiphar's wife didn't take it he never would have got pharaoh's coat which was designed to bring deliverance to all of israel so you're trying to hold on to what God did and God is trying to declare what he wants to do there has to be a release of the things you are attached to I'm emptying of yourself that releases true revival some of you are saying God what are you trying to kill me yeah what's going on and God is saying I'm trying to empty you I'm trying to get everything in your life out so that I can show up the Bible says that there was a prophet who came to a woman she had one last meal and the Prophet asked for the one last meal doesn't make sense that's not good math that's not kindness that's not the Christian story God does not rob widows and orphans but God wanted to get in her barrel and God can only be all and if she had just one meal left he couldn't get in it because one meal would hinder him from being Oh do you understand why God's fighting with you on some things because he can only be all whatever God is resisting or fighting or you are dealing with conflict in your life over is because God is saying I want to be there but I can't be there with me and you so one of us gonna have to die see the Bible says that the old temple was torn down it was destroyed and and the Bible talks about the restoration of the temple the Bible says that you are the temple of the holy spirit now the temple had an evening sacrifice in the morning sacrifice the Bible says that Jesus died in the evening time he was the evening sacrifice but we are to present our bodies a living we are the morning sacrifice the declaration of the light that is coming now understand that every new day every not now I hope y'all read your Bible all throughout the week because I'm gonna give you you know I hope you knows but every new day the Bible says in the book of Genesis that every new day is the evening in the morning not the morning in the evening the daytime doesn't start when the Sun rises the daytime starts when the Sun sets every new move of God will begin in darkness every new move of God you will be feeling around not knowing what you're doing every new day beginning we are saying my god it looks like everything I don't have any vision any idea of what my future holds God says new day the evening in the morning of the first day God is bringing us into a place of blindness where we become utterly dependent on him utterly dependent on him how many of you are hungry first presence hungry first bread blessed are they that I know listen [Applause] so we've been I've been going through a lot I'm not gonna talk a lot about that but neither here nor there I am at a place now where now that we're back in public ministry we had already a couple of hundred invitations from people all over the world you know that you want him this isn't that and there is there's no excitement about doing this just no no I hate planes I hate hotels and I hate religious people I do I there is something in me that that after 10 years in major ministry 20 years in ministry about 10 years of experiencing the mega churches and all of these things there's something in me that says we have no understanding of what God is doing we have a Jezebel Church who paints her face in the window she Jezebel was a harlot and she sits in the window hello we are the windows hello bringing he therefore the tithes into the storehouse and I will open you up the windows of heaven I will open you up the windows of heaven and then I will pour you out a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive you are the blessing that God is opening up and pouring out but there's a Jezebel sitting in the window there's a false church there's a woman who's not a bride she's a concubine she doesn't want to get pregnant she just wants to enjoy sex she wants to shout and dance she wants to feel better she wants to her life to get better but she does not want to covenant and commit to relationship and intimacy and and prayer and fat and the deep things of God she wants to just have most people in the church in this era do not hunger for the things of God they are a Jezebel spirit that comes along not hungry for God they just want to enjoy intimacy they are concubines and not wives are you listening to me and the Holy Spirit is speaking in this hour that there's they painted their faces they they put on a religious face they put on the face the people that's nothing to do with makeup that has nothing to do with with what holiness is about or anything it's talking about a spirit you can have a a clean face long dress and long hair and be the most hateful religious person in the world and stink before God's presence and so God's God is challenging us and saying you have to get this false identity you got to get delivered from you see Jezebel paints her face because she's not comfortable but who she is she puts on her face that everybody that she thinks everybody else wants to see I'm real I'm real funny now because I found out the most of the people that I thought were my friends were not my friends I found out that there are people in the church that will speak in tongues write you a check and the moment that they see weakness they will try to destroy you because they are jealous of the anointing do you know why Joseph's brothers hated him because the father loved him there are people that will be envious over your spiritual relationship if there are not people that are envious of your walk with God you you you don't even understand it the Bible says his brethren hated him because the father loved him and gave him a coat because God's favor is on you and there are people that will connect to you trying to destroy you trying to hinder you trying to keep you from accomplishing it because the closer you get to God it reveals that their relationship is a false relationship so you can you can hide hypocrisy around a bunch of hypocrites it is easy to be religious around the religious but you can't hide religion among the passionate are you listening to me this is this is this is the thing that God is speaking to me in this hour God says I'm raising up a church watch all this I'm gonna teach on it tomorrow but let me just go into the word you let me just show you something that I think will minister to you in in the book of how much trouble am I going to get into doing how much trouble well let's look at this second Peter 2nd Peter 1 and 12 this is the a one of the epistles of the Apostle and I just want to read for you this passage of Scripture because it's going to touch what God is doing here Dom says that this building is just the beginning of what what I'm going to do God says that there's a uniqueness that is coming from my presence God says that there's coming you have been a church in this city but you have had to be a church by yourself because even when you try to connect to other churches or or fellowship or do things God said it was hard because there's jealousy see people don't like you because you're blessed people don't understand how you got this God said there were other people trying to get it God said that they were there were there were things going on on the and God says he gave you favor and so the Lord says because I have given you favor other people don't understand it and other people don't understand how you can do so much for so little God says that this house is the house for the hungry and the hurting for those that nobody else wants God said I've sent into this place so that I can raise them up to become a voice and a light to a city that's government and city officials have been corrupt secretly and God says I want to show this city that I can take those that nobody else wants and make them an ensign for the next generation God says I'm gonna take the illiterate I'm gonna take those that have been cast aside God said I'm gonna begin to speak revival throughout the Indian nations God said I'm visiting the plateaus and I'm going out into the deserts God says I'm going to begin to visit those nations God said there's two great prophets that are coming from them God said they have been rejected missed people but God said to great prophets are coming God said there's a major profit from the land community that God is raising up and God said he shall have many signs and miracles he shall not speak a word of English but God said he shall come and there should be interpreters and they should be like Benny Hinn there should be thousands of people even though he doesn't even speak English and God said a great revival will begin to come but it's gonna be a reverse revival oh I just felt that my little spirit God said in the past we in America sent missionaries to other countries but God shall send missionaries from other countries to us to teach us how to pray and teach us how to seek his face again and God said when we should have been fathers in the kingdom we shall become heirs are you listening to me about all this so in in in 2nd Peter 1 in 12 while I was flying you today the oldest fear I was praying and I was praying about being passionate with God and I told God I said God deliver me from me I'm over all of it I'm over it III don't even take pictures for ministry anymore somebody said they had to pull one off the internet and they said you know do you have any pictures and then the person that's helping me with my ministry said you know we need to go get pictures and I said I don't want to take pictures and I don't want to take pictures because they're not coming to see what how I look what does that have to do with anything they're coming to hear what I have to say I mean I'm not you know some entertainer I'm a prophet um and and and because I'm a prophet I'm supposed to be obscure see the Prophet should never distract from God's presence when you leave the presence of a true prophet you will not remember his personality or his character or his style you will remember that he was simply a voice when a true prophet leaves your presence the only thing you will discuss is God you will not be amazed by the prophecies and the accuracy and he knew my name and of course God knew your name the Prophet never knew your name and if you don't know your name you don't need a prophet you need a doctor there is a dimension in God and in soul I I am so turned off by where the church is gone and where ministry has ended up and and and there has to be a something in us that says God there there there's got to be more and I I say that and I've preached it a million times in many different ways but there has to be more the Bible says that concerning Melchizedek who was the high priest of Salem I have yet many things to say unto you Paul says but I cannot because you cannot bear them you ought to be teachers but I have need to teach you you ought to be eating milk eating meat but I have to come to give you milk because you are unskilled God says there are things that I want to reveal to you about the word but I can't because you can't even deal with milk passionate just the things of God real simple and God will bring us to a broken place empty us of ourselves humble us see let me let me let me we'll read this verse that way nobody says I didn't I'm making it all up or something they're gonna say that anyways but see there's a hunger they put it this way Saint another bishop - as long as you remain sheep as long as you remain animals you know we come with paper said that we are sheep we come into his pasture as long as you remain sheep God will never be intimate with you because Leviticus says a man should not lie with an animal as he does with his wife God would never be intimate with an animal so he has to bring you out of the sheep realm into the bride realm see revival cannot come from a building filled with sheep revival must come from a building a building that is filled with the bride because if she is the bride then she will become intimate and when she becomes intimate she will become pregnant when she becomes pregnant her breasts will produce milk and God will not bring in new converts unless there's milk to feed them and so if you walking around here bad just trying to be saved enough to get to heaven but you're not trying to be saved enough to be filled with God's Word and get pregnant with his presence see there's a church that's gonna get pregnant when she gets pregnant she's not gonna be able to fit into her size 4 she's gonna be pregnant what what fed her yesterday he's not gonna feed her today yeah and so so this woman will come and she would become pregnant and her breasts will produced milk so that the next generation of newcomers can come in and be fed and not die of starvation and be anorexic but the bride cannot remain the bride forever because God will not put a man's head on a woman's body so at some point she must cease to be the bride and we must become the sons of God but we know not yet what we are but when he appears we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is see he will put his head on a body the Bible says that you may grow up into him that you're big we will become mature enough to handle the heaviness and the headship of Jesus he told the other disciples that the foxes have holes and the birds have nests but the man has nowhere to rest his head see John the Baptist who was a prophet of the old move of God when his time was over the Bible says he was beheaded because there was a new head that came on the scene and the old prophet had to lose his headship because the true prophet Jesus was gonna come and declare the Word of God and so there is a removal of the old things the old heads up because Jesus is gonna come and speak and he's gonna put his head on the body the Bible says behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity is like pointment precious ointment that runs down Aaron's beard even to the skirts of his garment that is not talking about your hot links and sandwiches you settin outside that's not talking about Saturday fellowships and fourth of July picnics behold how good and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell together it's not talking about when we dwell together behold how good and how pleasant it is when brethren well together Jesus is my elder brother I am his younger brother behold how good and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity it is like the anointing the precious anointing that runs down Aaron's beard which means it's a mature head boys don't have beards men have beards the anointing comes down the head and then it falls on the body see Jesus is waiting for a body that's mature enough to handle his head ships of the anointing that's on him to come on you you don't need Benny Hinn to blow on you and anyone to lay hands on you when you get connected to the head and the anointing comes down but the anointing belongs to the mature because if you give the anointing to babies they'll start more religions and they'll find more doctrines but they won't find his presence that we may grow up into him which is the head of the body even the Lord Jesus Christ we are growing up into him that we may handle the headship the weight the weight of his anointing the weight of his presence and so there is there's a church there's a church that's not going to remain the bride they're going to become they're gonna become a body so that his head can rest on his body see you cannot eat yesterday's manna can eat it God commanded the children Israel every day you should eat the manner that I gave you that day you should gather only enough to eat it and the next day you should go there and I it shall appear and be there for you the problem is we're trying to live off of yesterday's revelation and God ordained that manna would be fresh every day you just you you you you have to get into a place where you say God open up that you open up your word reveal it to me you have to get passionate and hungry for the deep things of God you have to want to know him not not religion not doctrine not not any of those things none of those things but him he is the chief end of all philosophy and theology he is the primal idea that exists before before all ideas could exist he is the first world the first thought if God could think of first thought but God does not think a first thought because duh does not live or exist existentially and progressively God just is my tomorrow is yet to be experienced but to God it has already happened so God knows all things at the same time he does not find out he does not figure out he does not understand he does not come to the conclusion he knows it he's there already and so he is that thing and so on when we approach his presence we have to approach it fully understanding I didn't come to church to get saved enough to get to heaven are you wouldn't he I came to church because something inside of me said there's more we come and we're gonna talk about this tomorrow when we did with apostolic ministry in the kingdom and the what happens Apostolic See means and how it is important in this hour and era but primarily I do not get saved from only I must be saved too when we talk to people about salvation definitively they always end up with the same story if I asked any of you today tell me about your experience with God 90% of you here would begin with your new birth I said tell me tell me about your walk with garden you said well you know I was a drug addict 10 years ago when I was slinging dope you know five girlfriends you'd have all those stories but here you are 10 years later I wouldn't ask a grown man how old are you man yeah 38 I want to walk up to him and say what's your name Darrell I wouldn't say hey Darrell how you doing he reaches in his pocket pulls out his wallet and shows me a picture of him when he was a baby and says I was a few baby look at this like I had you know I had big feet back then but I grew into him praise the Lord his life is not defined by his birth you understand that his life is not defined by his birth if he continually makes reference to the one single event of his birth then I would say there's something wrong with him and yet the only important thing that has happened in most of our spiritual lives is our birth it is the only thing we make reference to it is the only thing we testify about it is the only thing that we have any true idea of the entrance of light because there has been nothing significant since and so what happens is we go through the emotions because we do not want to admit that we are not growing do you understand that jesus cursed the fig tree because it didn't produce fruit because it did not bear what it was called to bear see a fig tree supposed to produce figs when you walk up to a fig tree there should be figs on it that's what a fig tree is the effect Ria's the secondary consequence of fig seed God has placed his word in us his seed the Word of God is the seed of God the seed of God has planted in us watch now you don't plant tomatoes and get apples if God plants his word then he's looking for him and when he comes to the tree if he can't eat himself if he can't find him see he only recognizes you no game recognizes game he only recognizes himself and so God says to the church if you you you have got to move beyond just being saved enough saved enough so what you speak in tongues and you shout a little bit you may come up in jerk and roll on the floor they do that in Africa that doesn't mean it's an authentic spiritual experience authentic spiritual experience has very little to do with what we do here the Holy Spirit spoke something to me five years ago five years ago and when I found out about the embezzlement and all of these other things that were going on the Holy Spirit spoke to me said because in my mind I was saying God Here I am I'm preaching it these megachurches TB and all of these things that you know I'm living between two coasts I've booked I I have three million miles on American Airlines 700,000 miles on Delta another 80,000 miles and United it just all the you know miles I've been flying and dota Spirit spoke to me and said you are a great preacher I said thank you you are eloquent you have an incredible command of the English language you retain everything that you read the way that you say things speaks to my people you have fed them and touched them and brought them closer to me there's no what God spoke to me he's above Iran I will not judge you for what you do in public those things do not impress me it is how you live when no one is watching that you will find the greatest revelation of who you are it was then that I began to understand when we come to church we come to acknowledge to worship to glorify to be fed and to find needs to connect to those that are around us it is a shame that some of you can come to church and not even know the name of the person you're sitting next to not even know their need it is a shame that people will leave the building and have nothing to eat and not even a ride home and we won't even care this is not Church we build multimillion-dollar edifices and there are people that have nothing doesn't mean that we're not supposed to build those edifices see let me tell you something it's not the church it's not the corporate organizations responsibility to feed and to clothe and the house is your's let me say this to you and you get mad if you want I got a round-trip ticket for I got ya can get on the five fold ministry we'll talk about this tomorrow though I'm gonna at the second Peter Ola the five fold ministry apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher Apostles the five fold ministry has nothing to do with the unbeliever and he gave some apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints we bring in an evangelist into the church to bring in souls nope evangelists do not gather Souls evangelist gather crowds they're called to Saints not to the unbeliever the responsibility of salvation comes then through your witness not for you to witness handing somebody a tract that says if you die today where were you go heaven or hell it's not witnessing it is a cheap approach to a precious gospel it has lessened the gospel it has made it as simple as a thirty second experience when it demands a lifetime of discipline the Bible's Jesus says what man goes to war what King goes to war does not make sure he has enough armies to win who builds a house and doesn't make sure you has enough bricks to finish you don't come into the kingdom unless you fully understand the weight of responsibility that's attached to it watch are you with me watch it's not enough to be saved from I must be saved too I don't care what you did 30 years ago I'm okay that you a drug dealer I don't care did you what you none of that means anything today you've been here 30 years how many people have you impacted since we can't bring you pulses I have things to share with you but I can't because you're not able to bear them we cannot bring you to maturity so that the anointing can come down the head to the body we can't do that if you remain children are you with me watch it watch all right I mean even long let's go do what am I preach the second Peter 2nd Peter see Jesus curses the fig tree why does he curse the fig tree no fruit he's showing us something there not only does he curse the fig tree because it had no fruit the Bible says there's a man by the name of Nathaniel and Peter told him said come see a man who knows everything about you and the Bible said then when Nathaniel went there Jesus saw Nathanael and Jesus told Nathaniel in the Gospel of John sendeth annual I saw you when you were under the fig tree and the thing you said surely thou art a prophet now you have to understand Israel has fig trees like Arizona has sand I'm not much of a prophet if I stood you up and said today the Lord says you drove by like some a dirt patch of sand and stuff that's half of your backyard you that's a very general prophecy Jesus told Nathanael I saw you under the fig tree he was not speaking concerning the Fanueil sitting under a fig tree he was saying Nathaniel you think I just met you today but I knew you when you were in adam and adam sinned and covered his nakedness with the leaves of a fig tree the reason I cursed the fig tree Nathaniel and when I saw you I didn't see you today I saw you way back the reason I came is because you were in Adam and I knew that if you were an Adam you would always be trying to cover yourself with the fig leaves but I've come to pull the fig leaves off and cover you with myself Maimonides the great Hebrew scholar of the Sephardic Jews said that it was Adam and Eve who covered themselves with coats of skin to hide the brilliant Shekinah that God had given to them not the skins of dead animals like some people interpret the God killed an animal made robes for me he covered them with coats of skin God put coats of skin he delimited Adam and Eve to the flesh realm because before that they were covered with the glory of God he limited them to the flesh realm because they had lost a vision of the glory hey listen to me and now he wants to cover them with his glory again his presence first or second Peter 2nd Peter 1 gets hidden say verse 12 watches now let's start now and it started verse what is just go ahead and start yeah I'm gonna do all that I want to preach all of it but I can't verse 12 first 10 therefore brethren be even more diligent to make your call and election sure launch is therefore brethren even more diligent to make your call and your election shirt adornment I take osya adornment I take you see us call in your election in the Greek sure your call he has called you and he has elected you but because you are called and elected means nothing there's no Peter says Peter says you you want you because you're called because you're elected you think that means anything it means nothing he says that you have to be more diligent to make your call and election sure for if you do these things you will never stumble do you understand why we stumble why we stumble why we why we fall why we mess up we make because we have no vested interest in our spiritual maturity you you're getting it people who are hungry and see a goal a desire something that's tangible they're not gonna they're not gonna they're gonna do whatever is requisite because they understand the greater dimension they understand the prize the price they understand what God's gonna do so he says that you will never never stumble I love this I love this because what I'm gonna do with all thing but but Christians never call themselves Christians in the first century we were not called Christians it was an Antioch that we were first called Christians but we didn't call ourselves Christian means to be christ-like there is an arrogance there is an admonition there is um there is a statement that early Christians would have never embraced to say that I am a Christian people ask me are you Christian I said no I'm not I am becoming Christian see I'm being saved I have been saved from sin but I am being saved to him now it's not enough to be saved from and not saved to you if you're out there drowning in the middle of the ocean and I throw you a life this I have only saved you temporarily from immediate danger I have not saved you from imminent danger most of us got saved from immediate danger but we have not got saved from imminent danger immediate danger is drowning imminent danger is hypothermia if I stay on that life this the cold of the water will desensitize me and I will eventually die because I will lose all feeling so put me in the boat see the church saved us from but never saved us to got us out of sin but gave us nothing to do after that and so we come to church we get bored we get and the sum total of our revelation and prayer life is stuff we identified the presence of God by the things that we drive and live in and known and and prosperity in those things those things have nothing to do with anything watch Jesus to make you called in your lection show that's not what I'm talking about but he says but if you do these things you will never stumble for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for this reason now watch now when Paul says Peter says rather for this reason what reason the reason that you need to pursue your call in your election so that you will not stumble why do you not want to stumble for this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things though you know and are established in this present truth are you with me though you know you know and be established in this present truth this is Peter making a reference and saying that yesterday's truth is not good enough it is present truth it is that it is present truth this is the reason that the story of the gospel is only a historical story and has no power to save except it is preached through someone it is the foolishness of preaching it is not reading the Bible that saves man it is the foolishness of preaching because what happened 2,000 years ago means nothing to me unless there is someone who is living the crucified life today in front of me so that I can see what Christ did then through them not through their story this is why the Bible does not tell us to witness we knocked on people's doors and give them tracks and think that that's a witness the Bible says be a witness when I am being a witness I don't have to wear a bumper sticker I don't need a fish I don't need a WWJD I don't need none of those things my witness then becomes not my honda la bullsh I become a high on it none of those things my witness is the sacrifice life the cross must be preached it must be preached to the point that I am living a life sacrificed there's a message I preached in Denver about about the true meaning of sacrifice and I deal with with it it's on YouTube and you can get it one of the things that that got me more than anything is that when God brings Abraham and he tells Abraham to come to the children of Israel or rather he raises up Abraham he tells Abraham take your son Isaac and kill him bring him to the mountain and sacrifice him to me the thing that is disturbing of that text is that the story of Abraham has nothing to do with faith nothing Abraham was not considered a father of faith because he wanted to kill his son do you understand that God said give me your son and Abraham did not contend did not beg did not try to save his son's life the Bible said he got a son he got some firewood and got a knife you know why because the entire society at that time the entire society was sacrificing children to bow and to the Ashtaroth and to Ishtar to all of the gods human sacrifice in the sacrifice of children was common because men were trying to get to God this is the first time a God wanted to get to men and when he came to Abraham and asked Abraham to sacrifice his son it was not something to be glorified it it is what caused God to bring a new move of God is the Abraham who was a good man was still so affected by society he was going to kill his son and God said that's not the way I do things that's the way the old religion that's the way those people do things but I will provide myself watch listen to this watch us I will provide myself a lamb that's what God said now watch and when Abraham was about to kill Isaac the Bible says that an angel of Lord came to Abraham and said behold there's a ram whose horns are caught in a thicket of thorns hello the horns represent strength the carnal the horns Jesus his head was covered with a crown of thorns the horns were caught in a bush of thorns the RAM which would be the Lamb God said I will provide myself a land I will be the land God establishes from Abraham a cult a new religion Moses comes and begins to teach about the temple and in the temple he begins to get animals and there shall be this sacrifice and when there is sin you shall get this and when there is a peace offering you shall do this and when it is Passover you shall do this and when it is caught you shall do this and when it is Russia Shana you shall do this and when there's Yom Kippur you shall do this and you shall kill and you should take a Bullock and you should take a goat you should take a ram and you should take two turtledoves all of these things you shall do it you shall do it you should do it and what happens is they get so good at doing it they forgot why they were doing it they were killing animals and they had robes and buildings and beautiful beautiful temple and everything the way is supposed to do they were so good at doing it they forgot why they did it they got so good at doing it some of you are so good at speaking in tongues that you have not had an interpretation some of you are so good at dancing and shouting and shaking that it's not been the Holy Spirit it is an emotional response to something that's not God they were killing the animals and killing the animals and killing the animals there was the sacrifices release of life the release of life to produce and to provide and so here they are and God looks at him and says you guys have made a religion out of what I ordained to be a relationship do you understand it has nothing to do with the sacrifice the sacrifice is the symbol you're not getting at you and Jesus said when will dad Jesus says the reason they don't get it it's because it's hard for a man to look at a go and find anything he could relate to it's hard for a woman to look at turtledoves and see that there's a connection so prepare me a body let me look like them and show them what the animals meant the animals weren't payment for God God is not a sadistic entity that needs payment because you have ticked him off and made him angry God's not on Prozac the only person that needs a sadistic the only person that needs payment or retribution for for something done wrong is a person who is keeping a record and the person who has some self-esteem issues and and God doesn't have any self esteem issues he says I am that I am I Know Who I am you're the one that has issues not me so so God even even the payment the payment of Jesus or the coming of Jesus as an atonement an atonement is not payment see we make we don't understand when you go back into the Hebrew and you begin to understand the Masoretic text and understand what atonement means it does not mean payment Jesus does not pay for our sins God does not require his son and his son's blood for us that's just wrong I love other people but if I have a son that I adopted and I ain't gonna you know send him out to die for somebody else's I'm gonna guard and protect as my responsibility the father to garden to protect them to provide right so that would be sick for God to do that see God never required of Jesus anything never it was Jesus who said a body that has prepared me let me go no I come in the volume watch a body that's preparing watch now Jesus says I'm gonna become an atonement I'm going to become I'm gonna show him what the animal was see they didn't understand the goat but now they're gonna see me I'm the cross they're gonna get it see the animals were supposed to teach them that these animals are losing their lives so that other people could have life and maybe if they see the animal do it then they will sacrifice their comfort maybe this young couple that that don't even have kids but just got a two-bedroom house and they living in one bedroom but there's a single mother in the church who ain't got nowhere to live maybe they'll get ya I didn't give them a house so they could walk around I put a BMW in front of it but that extra bedroom is there so that they could sacrifice so that they could die to what's convenient because a new young couple doesn't want to open up their house they trying to have their own children don't want to let somebody else's children come on in but sometimes you have to live at the altar the atonement is the greatest revelation of deity because it is God showing us what he requires of us are you listening to me so that when we see it that's the power the preaching of the Cross the preaching of the sacrifice that why we must become like him not to walk around and heal the sick and raise the dead but to become sacrifice so that those that have needs will be met because we live a sacrifice life I cannot leave what I do not own I was being interviewed recently by a bishop and he was talking about him dude we were doing a TV broadcast and they're gonna air later but he says the bishop tell me you lost everything and I said yeah is it three homes four cars 15 full-time employees offices every suit every shoe every pair I mean everything I went it was crazy my bishops wrote my library 10,000 books seven biblical languages that I've devoted myself to studying everything was gone I was there and he said Bishop you lost him and I said everything and the notice bear spoke to me just as I said everything no respir said everything and I said again to the bishop I said yes man it's all gone everything's gone and the whole sphere spoke again and said everything and then it made sense to me the only thing of value that I have is him you get it you get it the only thing of value then I have his hint so whatever's lost he could give again as long as I do not lose that that's the thing that the one thing Davis is one thing have I desired of the Lord and that will I seek after can I tell you that your prayer list is too long I don't pray for cars and homes and clothes and money never have never had in there never will why I'm not tell you not to do it you do what you want to do I pray for his passion I pray for one thing I find one thing and all day I just said I want to be like you I want to be like you I want to find the power of the crucified Christ in me I want to be so selfless I want to be so empty that whatever I have is available and provided to touch the lives I was killing myself preaching I was going from church to church conference to conference I was talking to bishops and all they talked about was money and clothes and new airplanes and all they talked about was air conditioning units that cost five million dollars for their 30,000 seats all they talked about I was picked up in Bentley's and and and Rolls Royces and flown on citation fives and hawkers and flights all over the world that's what what what it all was and in the midst of all of that I was under such a way that I was having a nervous breakdown I was dealing with depression there were times I couldn't even get on a flight I would break down crying for no reason my body had began to manifest colon cancer because of the strain because you had to put on this false face to play games with these powerful men they were more like IBM corporate executives instead of humble Shepherds called to lead the flock of God I found myself lacking in prayer and the things of God because I had to play the game that they wanted to play I had to produce the tapes and the CDs and the DVDs and I had to make sure that my publicist was together and I had to book another flight and I had to get to another hotel and I had to do another thing and I need to take new pictures because people wanted to see what Bishop Ashe looked like in all of these things all of these things stopped to eat away at who we are and who we should be to the point that I was losing my mind losing my mind I didn't love preaching anymore I couldn't stand people I didn't understand it I didn't I didn't I didn't want it anymore I didn't want any I just wanted him and a friend of mine who was a missionary not a big Church sort of small Church in the Amazon the Amazonian Indians he has about 12 members he's been there for 20 years he pastors in the Amazon 20 years 12 people because the Amazonian Indians are so caught up in their indigenous cultural religion that there are very few conversions with any great success there but he has committed himself to 20 people for 12 people 20 years and he loves him his wife come here once a year to make enough money to go back and live in a hut with mosquitoes the size of hawks and carry your children away they got piranhas fish you can't even go swimming lose the arm and stuff I mean they and he loves it he doesn't get any big honorariums he doesn't nobody picks him up he doesn't have a package that he sends to the church like I do he just does what he does he knows what he does and so he called me one day and said God put you on my heart and he taught her to tell you let it go and I told you that what go he says God says let it go you don't have to live like this I said but what do you mean I said he says you don't have to live like this and I said okay what I received that and then I was going to get on a flight and I was trying to take care of shipping books and things to the next three churches and I didn't know what I was gonna coming to go and he calls me again I said man I'm really busy he said those spirit said you don't have to live like this I said I don't feel like what this I'm so you don't understand I got stuff to do I'm trying to get on a flight I got a book this one the flight is gonna be these things yeah all that the Holy Spirit says you don't have to live like that none of that has anything to do with that conference is not charisma magazine not TBN not tape sales or DVDs he wants you your life and if your life is lost in this overwhelming sense of responsibility which is only false religious obligation then people will not see him and you he says you don't deliver like this in and literally it was those words while I was having a nervous breakdown while I was in my house and they were foreclosing on it and I'd seen my car being towed by the repossession company and I didn't even have money I had a dog I raised Neapolitan Mastiffs and one of them had gotten poison and was dying in the house and I couldn't get him to a vet because my the person that worked for me had embezzled half a million dollars and disappeared left me with nothing not even money remembers Thanksgiving I had a Glock nine somebody a friend of mine who was an FBI agent who was it was given to him when he did it he did like his what 25 30 years or whatever and he gave it to me it was important to him Glock nine I had hollow-point bullets and filled it five nights I laid in bed crying with the gun to my head trying to pull the trigger saying I just want it to be over I'm over it but in the back of my head I heard my missionary friend with 12 members for 20 years with mosquitoes the size of hawks and eagles say you don't have to do this see it's not about the crowd it's about the cloud you got it you got it you don't have to live like this you don't have to live like this you don't have to live like this and I thought I'm a punk I'm not even man enough to pull this trigger I went through all of my ordeal but it was those words that said you don't have to see when we really are filled with God we do what we do because we passionately love what we do a true Christian cannot help but be like insult you it is something that you enjoy it's not something that you're miserable over it's not something you're we gotta go to church on Sunday it is something that is exciting and filled with life true sacrifice it is it is it is the life that is seen and for when I disappeared and I could only afford an apartment and had to get literally food stamps and stand in a soup line I was volunteering at a men's shelter for two years because I needed to get back to what real ministry is and real ministry is not private jets and fancy homes it is about touching people and I felt more fulfilled sitting with men who were homeless and lost their families and their homes and their kids and thought their life was over and then me tell him you ever turn on TBN and see this bishop with his long robe and big old gold cross that was me and now what I was doing was a ministry that was publicity that was tape sales that was books that was budgets that was business this is ministry see watch watch watch a man his wife was hit by an 18-wheeler taking her kids I dropped the kids off from school going home in the car when the 18-wheeler hit the car car flipped three times 18-wheeler actually went through a stop sign Fresno California her face half of her face was torn from her skull when the paramedics got there the police had picked up her ear her right eye and cheek and put it on ice they took her to the hospital to reattach all of the flesh she had been bandaged for three months her husband visited her every day and now the bandages were gonna come off there were terrible incisions this is not done there was no plastic surgery yet they were just trying to get the muscles to reattach and ascend using here he stands and the doctor is gonna cut the bandages from her head and this was his high school sweetheart this is the only girlfriend he had this isn't two or three he dated her all through high school and married her he didn't know anybody else you could see the fear in her eyes this is the only man I've known this is the only man I've loved how hideous will I appear to him will he reject me will he not desire me anymore because of what happened to me and while the doctor was cutting the bandages off of her face and pulled them aside terrible scar lip cleft and ears slightly side o still terrible the first thing the husband does is he leans over kisses her on the lips and says I like it I like it the kingdom of heaven is at hand three words for the greatest expression of the presence of God a man who understood the relationship transcends what most people think this was the mother of his children and at that moment the Holy Spirit gave him the right words to say to take all fear from her at that moment Christ was in the room in that husband and healed her from fear and anxiety do you understand that see the kingdom of heaven is at hand which means the kingdom of heaven is as close as your hand it is something that is in proximity to your presence the kingdom of heaven is not there or over there is here see the kingdom of heaven is not expressed through prayer meetings and revivals the kingdom of God is expressed when God reveals himself through you a young couple went to my church for years and I just bought a beautiful house there's a young lady in the neighborhood who was they had two trucks and she was walking home and they saw her with a pushcart and two kids and bad she's crying walking down the street he walks up to her and sister what's wrong do you need some help can I she says no I'm moving I just got kicked out of my apartment and I'm gonna have to go into a women's shelter true story he says he says no you don't she says I don't have anywhere else to go he says just you do me and my wife had this house my son just went to college my daughter's still going to school we have an extra bedroom he says I can take the garage I've been wanting to fix it up anyway so that your two kids kind of a place he says what do you want to do and she says what do you mean what I want to do you want to I want to go to school and do something and she said well I was thinking about it but I don't have the time or the money I have to take care of the kids he says no you know he says my wife stays home and I'm gonna talk to her but I know she would love with her son going off to college he's feeling a little alone didn't even know this girl's name moved her in the house two years later she graduates from beauty school her kids are in school she has her own apartment her own place three years later she has her own business opens up her own beauty salon a member of the church a member of that spiritual community loving God experiencing the things of God all because somebody said kingdom of heaven what see it's a simple need at that moment - that girl see salvation wasn't gonna come through a track that girl didn't need a track that girl needed a life changing she needed to see the kingdom you know what we don't invite people into our lives because we know that what they may see is not the kingdom it is easier to hand you a tract and not be responsible beyond the track that I give you because the track costs me nothing but if I'm being a witness I have to bring you into my life and say listen you gonna see some stuff some of its God some of its not I'm working through this thing which is gonna let you know you don't have to be perfect the biggest lie that people teach is that you got to get yourself together before you go to church cuz you want to be a hypocrite but if you could get yourself together before you go to church there's no need to go to church the church is the hospital for the sick if you don't have sinners in your church you're not doing the right thing I don't want to church full of perfect people I want a church full of people that understand pain so that they can reveal pain to others and say I've been where you've been I'm not telling you what I read in a book I'm not telling you what I learned in college I'm telling you what I know now his story is your story his story becomes your story he's light becomes your light he becomes the light your light is enlightened by his light the anointing the rest on Aaron's beard comes down to the body watch then real pouring revival comes Here I am now living in Berkeley and for a while to support myself I was lecturing at the University there when I was lecturing I met incredible incredible professor him and his wife teach she teaches sociology social anthropology and he is a theological professor and we became friends and they said would you come to have lunch at our house we would love to have you I want you to meet my kids she says I have 13 kids yes flaca you know she's skinny to us at 13 so I said my god and then I found out that she adopted all of the kids but she didn't adopt perfect kids when she went to the adoption agency she says I want the kids that will never be adopted because when people like Angela Jolie and you know Madonna adopt children you know they only get you know the best of the crop they want those that are the healthiest and you know she says I want those that nobody else wants and so she had kids that were and disabled and physically had terrible handicap sign when I went to the house for lunch she was in the kitchen and the wife came in she's come on in Veron she says I want to introduce you to my daughter she's 14 years old either she had a child and totally quadriplegic in in a wheelchair who couldn't even talk slobbering from her mouth she had never moved more than an inch in her life she said when I went to the adoption agency I saw her and she was eight years old and when I walked into the room she jumped like this and smiled and the social worker said to me she has been in our services for seven years I have never seen her move or smile and this woman said at that moment I knew that my purpose in life if it was to never do another thing was that to make this child who nobody else wants smile I thought the hair on the back of my head begin to stand you don't understand you don't understand you don't understand and she said this to me she said here she is she's 14 years old they said she would not live past 10:00 I was adopting a child were dying to meet two more years at that time her internal organs were already failing they said when she turned 14 and we got full custody and everything of her she said they said she could not have lived as long as she lived without me I told the social workers that I could not live without her this quadriplegic child that never said a word and only smiles every now and then has given me meaning in my life see at that moment I understood that I was standing on holy ground at that moment I heard the words of Jesus echo thy kingdom come Thy will be done at that moment I was more impressed with this woman than Juanita Biman or Jake saw Jackie McCullough or Stone king or any of those guys at that moment I understood that I was in the presence of something that spoke of God louder than TBN and tape sales it was God's kingdom revealed gloriously it was what all of us are supposed to be that light was so brilliant and so dynamic that I was filled with a sense of renewal and understood then for this this is nothing this is nothing it's what we do with the light and the life it is how we make our call and our election sure because it is a present truth it's not yesterday's story it's not the Gospel according to Jesus see listen he said lo I come in the volume of a book a volume is only one book there's only one chapter one part of a book lo I come in the volume of the book see Jesus is not the only book we are all living pistols she somebody told me one time said the problem with Christianity the reason that I cannot another professor said the reason that I cannot follow Christianity is an authentic spirituality is because there are four Gospels that contradict each other there are four stories and they do not match now I know there are some Christians who go along and say but yes it does and they gonna try to no they don't they don't match there are there are contradictions they're timing but see one is the Gospel of Matthew and one is the Gospel of Mark one is the Gospel of Luke and another is the Gospel of John see if you ask me what God has done for me it will be different than what God has done for you it is the same God it is just two different perceptions of the same saving grace do you understand that the reason I love I love this story do you understand that if the exactness of the story was so important Jesus would have wrote his own gospel he was not so concerned with the writing of the gospel as he was with the living of the gospel the reason he didn't write is because he understood that see if there's the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark and there's a Gospel of Luke and John and there's the Gospel of Juan and there's the gospel of Mary in this gospel of Maria and this gospel of Tom and this gospel of Bernadette there each one of us has a story see the Bible says in the book of John at the end that if all the earth were filled with books there would not be enough books to contain all of the wonderful works that he has done hello you are living epistle hello when the whole earth shall be covered we are the books and the earth cannot contain all of the story can't hold us a woman in Detroit Michigan while she was praying on her knees said that the Lord visited her and walked in her room she lived in a small apartment fourth storey in the middle of downtown her neighbors started showing up at her house at six o'clock when she would pray because he would show up and he would tell people things and speak things that nobody else knew strange woman now there are hundreds of people soon there are thousands they lined up on the streets every day while this woman falls on her knees to pray because she says the Lord visits her the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church because his one was a professing Catholic sent a priest to say find out if this is an authentic experience primarily was trying to prove that she was crazy so that he could get people out of this sense of hyper spirituality and he told the priest to ask her to ask Jesus something that would authenticate the experience he said when you see so the priest goes there and says listen the archbishop said that when you see Jesus the next time he wants you to tell or he wants Jesus to tell you what he confessed at his last confession because nobody knows that only Jesus would know it and so the next day the priest comes back and says do Jesus visit you and she says yes he did he says did you ask Jesus what the archbishop asks you she said yes I did what did Jesus say she said I asked Jesus what did the archbishop confess at his last confession jesus said I don't remember and a missionary from the Amazon called me and says Veron you don't have to live like this and a husband leaned over a hospital bed and kissed the mutilated face of his wife and said I like it and a simple businessman that went to church and sat in the back told the young lady you don't have to be homeless you can live in our home and a professor at UC Berkeley told me about a girl who had never moved more than an inch in her life and smiled once and this woman had a degree in social anthropology from Yale and spoke eight languages and had traveled and lived among 20 different indigenous groups and had published six or seven books then the doctor said this child couldn't live without her and she told them I can't live without this child and Jesus told an archbishop about his confession and said I don't remember your sins because when I forgive them I forget them see Christianity is not what we've made it it is far greater far more important far more impacting if we ever got this gospel if we ever lived like this there would be no empty chairs if we ever lived like this you wouldn't need a benevolence fund you wouldn't have to take up an offering to feed hungry people because you you know it astounds me place awfully prophetically the oldest fears moving now and astounds me that everybody thinks they're a prophet in the church God reveals to them who the homosexual is who the adulterer is God spoke oh she's a Jezebel the Lord showed me that one's trouble God showed me that man has he's an adulterer II and yet the Holy Spirit won't show you who doesn't have food for the kids this week who doesn't have books and who doesn't have a job on whose see I think if the Holy Spirit is going to speak he's gonna first speak concerning the things that pertain to the kingdom of God he will speak and reveal himself about true needs it doesn't take much to change a life when God has met your needs either when we truly become Christian with a Christian yet but where we're becoming we truly do it there will be no needs now it will cost you it will cost you a little more gas money it may cost you leaving earlier than you usually do and you'll always late for church anyways never cost you becoming more disciplined it will cost you maybe not being able to eat steak because now you're gonna have to try to feed other people so you may have to have salads very steak no carne asada just some chicken the price to sacrifice the cost see and when you have a problem when anytime watches anytime you don't get it any time you cease to be what God's called you to be the cross is the reminder that through his sacrifice life if he could give up - for me then I can give up two years of convenience in my house I can open up can you imagine if there was a church in the city who they didn't have to raise an offering for the poor because the members and the pews won't let anybody be poor that there is no member in the church that catches a bus because every service by the end of the service people said you don't have a car do you know come on give you a ride they live all the way in Phoenix doesn't matter it's a [Music] man asks you to go a mile go to if you have two coats and a man has none give him one if you're slapped on the face turn your cheek bless those that despitefully use you pray for those that persecute you see this is the kingdom of heaven see that's real Christianity real Christianity isn't about suits and dresses and long hair and long faces speaking in tongues real Christianity is a sacrifice life it is a life demands recognition it is a life that is so bright that men ask us what must I do to be saved the church makes altar calls because it has no light to draw men so we have to beg them like car salesmen to come in to the altar I won't do it they get mad at me all over the world because I will not make an altar call said why not I said because I'm not gonna beg men to take the precious life of Christ when we can simply live Christ in front of them and they ask us why are you different what is it about you can you can you imagine the revival can you imagine the outpouring that will take place in the church can i prophesy to you and I'll say this jesus said that there are some men that are eunuchs by birth there are other men that are eunuchs because men have made them eunuchs and there's some men or eunuchs because they have made themselves that way for the kingdom of God a unique a eunuch is a man who is designated by the king to take care of his wife but the danger in letting a man take care of your wife is that he may forget that his job is to prepare her for the pleasure of the king and may abuse and take advantage of the bride to fulfill his own lusts so the king has him emasculated so that he will not abuse the Kings wife but get her ready for the glory and the pleasure of the king in this day God needs men who will open themselves and say god this isn't for me my job is to prepare your bride not abuse not take advantage of her not enjoy her for my own pleasure but prepare her for your pleasure if we could understand this prison or upon Cyril al-abbas I this present truth if we could understand this present truth this present truth this present not yesterday's story not yesterday's glory not what Jesus did yesterday there is a crucified Christ right here there is a story there there is a message there there are no there's no no long we don't we don't need no more Jake's and no more why need us we need you to stand up and be what God has called you to be we need people we need revival in the pews not in the pulpit we need people that are filled with this presence sir not not arrogance but hunger for the things of God can I speak the word of the Lord as a prophet of God I may not have come screaming in hollering like you saw me on YouTube I'm old my back hurts okay you know I ain't got but one suit I can't sweat it out now I gotta make sure our last three days and stuff but you know but I still look good in Jesus name Amen oh there is something in me that are saying varan draw my people closer to me draw them draw them compel them to come close to me and if they come close to me I will fill their homes I will change their lives I will save their family families are not safe because they do not see you can't be mad because your family's not getting saved you have to say God then obviously my light it's not brilliantly shining see it's not about just stopping doing good used have you noticed that just because you stopped doing what you used to do all your friends didn't get saved you stopped dealing drugs how about all the other ones how come they didn't get saved because it has nothing to do with the cessation many will not come because your story is I don't sing anymore I don't cuss anymore I don't hoard money no no they will not come because of that story they will come because you have become passionate and giving and the guy was too stingy and greedy now is sacrificing his life and on weekends he's he's passing out something but we had a church mother in my church 78 years old Social Security $700 a month 700 ollars a month she had to pay four hundred and fifty dollars for her apartment that she lived in subsidized that's all she live done another hundred dollars for electricity and mortar and those things she had nothing nothing she had dedicated to food one hundred and fifteen dollars a month I can eat a hundred and fifteen dollars worth of food in two days 78 years old mother Jackson I lived with her for two years incredible woman of God prayerfully and a 78 years old she would go in Sacramento to Costco and take a little money and get a giant thing of peanut butter a giant thing of jelly and a bunch of loaves and she go to the to the thrift store the bakery thrift store and get some day-old bread 78 years old and made sandwiches got on the train and went to downtown Oakland and just passed out peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and told homeless people and drug addicts that the Lord loves them it says she tells you the magic baby I ain't got much all I got is this Peter butter and jelly sandwich but I got a whole lot of love she gave him the little sandwich and people would ask what are you to 70 by how did you get here you live in Sacramento and you know what she says she says she's a bishop I don't have much but a little bit that I have I don't deserve if I don't share it if I don't I'll feel like I'm taking advantage of his presence do you understand that we're not doing enough we haven't even really become say we've been in the church 30 years and I gotta say there's a woman in the church who said um mother Thompson she used to say this all the time when when God would speak to us like this she said baby I got save all over again today we are saved watches we are brought from glory to glory for faith to faith from hope to hope put yesterday's testimony assigned let those words never come out of your mouth again let it never be said what he did I want to know what he's doing if I come back here a year from now let it be said that this house is so radically embrace the cross that men not because of the choir or the preaching or the school the prayer meetings become because people have impacted and immediately watches the kingdom of heaven you got your hand you got it you got it watch your hand look at it look at it that's how close it is that's how close it is it's as simple as making someone a sandwich it's at hand see the kingdom of God is not in prayer meetings and not an oil and prayer clothes thank Laurie clouds and banners and loud music the kingdom of heaven is right there everyday it is around you and you walk past his kingdom without ever grasping it an embrace I pray that this house is so impacted by God's kingdom if you changed this city I pray that revival comes not to this building but to you I pray that your life is so filled with cross hallelujah that you are so changed that every person you come into contact you'll ask this question I have only one prayer remember I told you I have one prayer I have found this one prayer has changed my life over the last three years this is all I pray because sometimes you get in a situation and you don't know what's happening you know what's going on I told God I said God this is what I need from you I asked God this every person I mean the guy that picked me up from the hotel today the pastor I am whenever I need anybody anybody I ask the Lord this what do you say to me see five years ago I was asking God what do you want me to say to them you got it but now he that hath an ear let him hear the problem is we're too quick to tell people about God that we can't hear God through them can I minister to you that the person that you are sitting next to may not have a business car may not have a ministry license and may not have a degree and may not understand the Greek and the Hebrew but you are standing next to a light whose brilliance will change this world watch it now are you getting are you getting what I'm talking about are you getting it are you getting every crisis in my life now so what are you saying in the last days there shall be a famine but it shall not be for bread or water it shall be for the hearing of God's Word there's no famine for preaching got more preachers than we need some you got tape in your car DVDs in your house or you got more preaching and ain't changed because the problem is not with preaching there is a famine because we are not hearing but the Spiritist things it sure is quickly lay your hands on your ears speak to me Holy Spirit come on pray come on Prince dig out our ears speak to me Holy Spirit speak to me give me an ear to hear give me an ear to hear Jews say Canada Lobos in da da da da ba son Daryl above cetera la la la Mesita [Music] and Arabic ajju god we need you we need you si grazie condor abba-baba-baba ET la brasa you love my condo deliverable suit time come on come on son come on come on minister dig out our ears let me hear what are you saying through the person I'm sitting next to today what are you saying through the bum through the homeless person each person is a prophecy they're speaking to you there are prophets among us tuffets speaking the word of the Lord is coming from people that aren't even save and we can't hear it because we are self righteous and religious speak to us through our family who don't come to church speak to us because maybe we can learn from them what's wrong with us so that we can be a better witness God speak speak to us speak to us rock'n dough logos shine the Bible says he that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying and the original Greek it means dig out your ears got he's got wax in it it's got religious spirits in it that's hindering you from hearing what the word of the Lord is saying he's speaking speaking he is speaking kiowa Messiah but name is Shayla Oh God [Music] come on come on come on after the spirit of prayer in here some of you that are serious this word was for you listen come to make you shout or scream but this came to get you safe grando Lobos abba-baba-baba [Music] robo-dog oh yeah breakin down [Music] come on come on to see his face this message is for you come on seduce me say god I needed this I don't know I'm here but I know I needed this tonight I needed to hear this I needed to get my life back in the right place I needed to get a fresh perspective of your kingdom it's at hand it's an how many chances did I to review of the kingdom how many opportunities that I five I my own tried unable that you God speak to me my hand [Music] aha [Music] Laura bah-bah-bah buns Pratibha key soul a hunger for your hunger [Music] [Applause] come on come on come on hunger for down at the shame their rise of cry a desperate hungry crying for his presence God give us back what we lost take from us the things that have separated us from one thing one thing [Music] gondola Becky sometime [Music] oh god oh god oh god it is [Music] come on come on come on passionate give you five minutes of hunger and give me five minutes of pressing the kingdom of God allows violence and only the violent take it by force you ain't fighting with demons it's yourself when you do violence to your own comfort when you are willing to sacrifice yourself and do violence in order to enter the kingdom god save me [Music] [Applause] come on come truth not yesterday's truth not yesterday's June honey [Music] give it to the Lord today whatever you have give it back to him your two-bedroom apartment give it to him your one-bedroom apartment give it to him your car they've got no brake lights on it give it to him and tell her I'll use it for your glory [Music] there's people in here right now that desperately some of you know people right now that you can help an impact with the kingdom
Channel: Transformation Center. Official Channel -Word-
Views: 89,838
Rating: 4.6969695 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop, Veron, Ashe, Being, The, Church
Id: abuSySHlfhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 47sec (6887 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2011
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