Bishop Jackie McCullough - The Promotion of the Church

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yes all of the men as we know it is our custom to cover the house and we stand in a perimeter surrounding the sanctuary and we're stretching forth our hands as pastor Brian always say is not like this you're not under arrest it's in the form like this where we're covering the house amen amen let us pray Lord we thank you we thank you Lord for your mercy and your kindness God we think you got four brand new mercies this morning we thank you Lord God the first Sunday of this last month of 2019 and we can still say you are good thank you Lord God for your goodness and your mercy we anticipate what you want to say today how you want to touch us you see the needs of the house you see the needs of our minds and our hearts God you see the conditions that we are in and we only have you as our help we can run to no other thank you Lord God for touching your people afresh visit us in a special way saturate this atmosphere through word and song everything that's said and done let it be done for your glory I pray God that you would get the glory and no one else touch our Bishop the speaker of this morning strengthened her heart and her mind I think you got for making clarity actually to touch her voice God clear up her voice her throat in the name of the Lord Jesus as she stands and declare through your word this morning your word of healing and deliverance to set your people free and I thank you Lord God that you will get the glory in Jesus name Amen [Music] [Music] amen come on and stand amen on this first Sunday of Advent it's good to be in the house of the Lord good to see all the saints that came out this morning to the house of prayer and praise thought it not robbery to give the first day of the week to the Lord amen amen well in this Thanksgiving weekend it is Christmas time amen and for December we do sing Christmas carols I would like to sing it in November but you won't let me but at least we're going to kick it off with our Christmas hymns and the one thing you know I I listen to Pandora and I have a station that I named Christmas hymns and one of the things that they do is they give me both because he came to die so in celebrating the fact that he came because he came to die and if he didn't die and raised from the dead we would be men most miserable amen but because of that we have hoped today hark the herald angels sing glory to the newborn King I was saying this morning my favorite verse is verse three we'll start off with verse one man [Music] I'll sing glory to the newborn King peace on earth better see mom [Music] [Applause] [Music] nations rise join the triumph [Music] Christ is worn in there [Music] boingy [Music] last day Oh [Music] verges [Music] Jesus army man Oh [Music] the new party you [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Applause] - yeah [Music] me too [Music] patience [Music] Oh rise [Music] see [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi [Music] let us pray Almighty God give us grace that we may cast away the works of darkness and put upon us the armor of light now in the time of this mortal life in which thy son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility that in the last day when he shall come again in his glorious Majesty to judge both the quick and the day we may rise to the life immortal through him who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost one God now and forever amen you may be seated [Music] good morning bath Rafa I will read and you're hearing our Old Testament scripture for instruction coming from Isaiah chapter 61 verses one through three if you need a Bible the ushers are walking up and down now they'll be able to assist you or you can look at the screens on my left and right again that is Isaiah chapter 61 verses one through three Isaiah chapter 61 verses one through three here begins the reading of God's Holy Word the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all that mourn to appoint unto them that mourn and Zion to give unto them beauty for Ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they might be called trees of righteousness the planting of the Lord that he might be glorified so far the scripture please stand they will now read our New Testament scripture for admonition coming from the Gospel of Luke chapter one verses 68 through 79 again that is Luke chapter one verses 68 through 79 we will read this together responsively which means I will read the first verse and you will read the second and then we will conclude together at verse 79 again that is Luke chapter 1 verses 68 through 79 it begins the reading of God's holy word blessed be the Lord God of Israel for he hath visited and redeemed his people and hath raised up and horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David as he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets which have been since the world began that we be saved for my enemies and from the hand of all that hate us to perform the mercy promised to our fathers and to remember his holy Covenant the oath which he sware to our father Abraham that he would grant unto us that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life and thou child shall be called the prophet of the highest for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways to give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins through the tender mercy of our God whereby the Dayspring from from on high hath visited us together to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace so far the scripture please remain standing let us declare the declaration of our faith the Apostles Creed it could be found in your bulletins or on the screens let us begin I believe in God the Father Almighty maker of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead I believe in the Holy Ghost the Holy Catholic Church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and life everlasting amen when we say one Catholic and Apostolic Church we are not only referring to the Roman Catholic Church but the Church Universal and by one baptism for the remission of sins we mean the baptism of the Holy Ghost and when we say he the send it into hell we mean he went into the grave for more information on the Creed's please refer to your bulletins or our website Beth Rafi org under the heading why we do the things we do amen we salute our bishop this morning because in the house the streamers we welcome you into the house of the Lord and we welcome of course we welcome the Holy Spirit he's here when two or three gathered the Lord says there he is my bits amen now greet the person to your left right in front of you behind you get a name if you don't know them [Music] thank you yes and it's because he came to die that we have joy and that's why the song says joy to the world the Lord has come let earth receive her King and when he came he shed blood for me who was the vilest sinner amen amen come on okay come on Zion clap those hands did you bring your worship with you that's right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] pagers [Music] listen to all this doctrine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oi [Music] like oh yes I know oh yes I know Oh [Music] oh Jesus can take the visor my witness this morning we'll keep [Music] in LA Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I know [Music] I will keep continuum Oh [Music] know something Oh [Music] [Music] new members new converts come to the center aisle we're going to lay hands on new members new converts if you have a need in the house raise your hand and the ministers will come around and agree with you at this time the children are going to children's church the name of the Lord father in the name of the Lord Jesus God we come today just to say thank you God we thank you for what you've done for us we thank you all God hallelujah that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us not a very terminally grateful God only you could have done this only you could have brought us out of the muck and the mire and brought us to a spacious ways that we thank you for that that we looked about Bishop Bishop McCulloch we thank you for this one with a faith we thank you God for giving her a burden for your people and I love for your word and I love for the people God that we pray O God that you would keep her and bless her we plead the blood of Jesus over her and everything concerning her we know the changes are taking guard over her to keep her in our ways and God even the house God we ask that you would set up a defense call me Peter Carter defense around that house we declare no plaque no calamity shall come not willing we thank you O God that you're able to do it God we can talk to other people but only talking to you will change our circumstances so we thank you for taking Bishop all over this world and bringing her back safely and we don't take it for granted we say thank you we thank you for the leadership that you brought here we thank you all that I you set us in this house we pray O God that will be what you call us to be that will come read our course as you have designed and we looked up the President of the United States Donald Trump we pray O God that you would touch his heart touches mine Oh God in the name of Lord Jesus the king is in your hand and you can turn that heart any way you choose that's all guys we pray to you because only pray for our leaders will give us peace in the land and there is no peace but I'm reminded God when they ask about the hammerites and you said that the cup was not full so God we're gonna persevere God until you decide what you gonna do about it glory be to God because you are just God and your God and we thank you O God that you know all things because you are the Ancient of Days we call in the souls from the north south east and west we say come to this house where the Feast of the Lord is going on where you can be fed and raised up in the things of God then we hope those guys that are in need of healing got there so many in our congregation that are caring for aging parents Jackie will arts with her father and we pray O God that you will begin to move on the hearts of the people oh god they get to heal their bodies Oh God give them the strength they need to go on to the end God many of them are in the in the in the knowledge of the Lord and so God we know that you say you they're young and now they're whole and we've never seen the righteous forsaken nor the seed begging for bread and so god we thank you that these adult children are honoring their parents glory be to God their care we're their parents with love and would concern and we take you we left up the financial breakthrough in this house you reminded me how in Isaiah it talked about you breaking down the levee gates let it be the name of the Lord glory be to God we thank you O God cuz you're able to do it you fed cattle on a Thousand Hills is yours and God we thank you because all the wealth of the world belongs to you then you said you give us hidden riches and secret places and so we call it for now in the name of the Lord Jesus we God for to the service of the Living God be God or for the consummation of the ages glory be to God we know we have a work to do and you have the provision already available but that work to be completed so we thank you that you prepared us to receive this wealth you prepared us with the vision that you've given our Bishop and we thank you all God you all give us a space of grace to complete our assignment in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome to Beth Rafa many of us become very introspective as we approach the end of the year we may become excited that we have accomplished and experienced great things but for others it may bring feelings of frustration because things did not turn as expected wherever you may find yourself please be assured that God has not forsaken and God does not make a mistake every step of the way he will always use each moment for his purpose the purpose may not be clear right now but sooner than later it will reveal itself fully wait wait and trust he has never deceived you and never will on behalf of our senior pastor Bishop Jacqueline in McCulloch welcome to Beth Rafa where you can experience healing to heal by loving Christ bienvenido a pet Rafa muchos de nosotros NOS volvemos introspective owes a medida que knows acerca Mo's al final de la o algunos knows entusiasmo most a a ver la Grado Y experimented o grandes Casas pero a Moute rose puede traer less frustration por que las Casas no less result aren como esperaba non dacia que se encuentra por favor Tenga por seguro que dios no las abandonado nee say equivocal en cada Paso del Camino siempre you Sarika a momento para su propósito el propósito puede no está Claro en este momento pero tarde o temprano say revel era completamente espera espera econ fear el nunca lo anga na dou y nunca la hora de parte de nuestra Pastora Obispo Jacqueline M McCullough bienvenido abot Rafa Nandu stead puede experimenter Sanna Dodd para cenar por amor a Cristo be available Rafa bono data new virgin trees at respective alappuzha elephant Lani no pavo de entonces me Paul Offit canoes ago accompli I evolved Aikido gun shows me poder de xalapa Andre SRT male first ratio Karla shows new so so palpable a comp review a Volvo 2 VA sua da sua Kaduna possible name cuju news apparently a shack atop the symposium a l-little is virtual chat mama for something Ruby deposit were clear polymer metal Tao is Rivera plasma utterly utterly affect caucus in Nevada a metal P in LF you gotta be all on the dock you pass data to learn live exactly McCulloch given your bed refer over buoy experiment a like Ibiza forgive me Paulo musicals [Music] good morning Beth Rafa and good morning to our streamers we also like to say good morning to our bishop and our overseer as well as all of the leaders and the congregation this Sunday begins the season of Acton and briefly we want to talk about hope and promise when the Christian Church was in her infancy she decided that nothing would be more appropriate as an act of worship than to remember the significant moments of the Lord's life in the calendar year the liturgical calendar begins today with what is called Advent from the Latin term Adventists meaning the coming or arrival of our Lord to the earth one of the liturgical colors is purple signifying the preparation of royalty for the scene and please celebrate the coming of the Lord all over again this Christmas season with the community and your Lord the people that worked in darkness have seen a great light they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death upon them had the light shine for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counsellor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom to order it and to establish it with the judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform use [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning Beth Rafa it's a sweet spirit in this place and we thank the Lord for his visitation this morning it is my privilege and honor first of all to welcome our esteemed Bishop Bishop Jacqueline Eva color to the sanctuary this morning we are so grateful for so many things today and one of them truly is having her as the angel and Shepherd of this house if that's your testimony Kim a roaring round of applause one that is certainly overdue well do and deserve we thank God for her presence this morning while you're yet standing we honor our overseer this morning we thank you overseer we're gratitude is extended to you for your devotion and your faithfulness we love the Lord for you we thank God for you we thank God for Bishop George I'm ambassador time it up pastor George Hyman silent storm we thank you pastor George for your faithfulness and your service to this church and all the leaders in the house and all the people of God we welcome you this morning we have special guests in the house than our Bishop will recognize shortly to our streaming audience we thank God you've joined us today it is my privilege and honor to welcome any first or second time visitors if you're in the house with us for the first or second time kindly stand to your feet so that we might recognize you accordingly any first or second time visitors praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord please remain standing Russians are gonna come around and give you a little packet we ask that you fill it out and there's a gift in there and there's a car and a visitor's card we'd like you to drop it in the receptacle at the offering time so we keep up with is that okay praise the Lord all the saints of God around her please welcome her to the services this morning thank you we trust the Lord has a word for you it is time for your morning announcements [Music] Beth Ruffin Network News welcome the Beth Rafah join us as we celebrate this Advent season with an understanding regarding Christmas on Wednesday December 18th at 8 p.m. overseer Robin Edwards will be teaching on the Christmas story gift-giving hymns and Christmas carols and on Friday December 20th at 8 p.m. the origin and decorating of the Christmas tree mistletoe candy canes wreaths poinsettias Santa Claus and the celebration of Christmas and other countries and we can't leave out pastor Dana's wonderful eggnog shakes along with hot apple cider see you there and join us for our annual Christmas program it's that time once again for Beth rafa's annual Christmas program it will be held on Sunday December 22nd at 6:30 p.m. invites your family and friends for an evening of worship celebration and fellowship centered around the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ these have been your morning announcements any additional announcements will come from our bishop and put your hands together it's offering time in the sanctuary [Music] blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name of the Lord all right so for this month we are going to be looking at a topic the Lord is my shepherd and I would just want us to personalize that you know just to say to myself to ourselves the Lord is my shepherd amen and specifically today we're going to be looking at Ezekiel chapter 34 and verse 11 so that's Ezekiel chapter 34 verse 11 here begins the reading of God's Holy Word and just a quick note this is a Word of God given to Reverend Katrina just presented by me amen Ezekiel chapter 34 verse 11 here begins the reading of God's holy word for thus saith the Lord God behold I even I will both search my sheep and seek them out so far the scripture so looking at this passage of Scripture who is talking it is the Lord God Lord their being I don't I and that's used exclusively of God it is often used in place of the divine name of Yahweh which was later held by Jewish belief to be too holy to be uttered God Jehovah Adonai and Jehovah together is meant to reinforce the notion of God's matchless nests so what is God's matchless nests doing he is searching search means to seek to care to care for and so he's searching with a loving eye who is he's choose who is he searching for his sheep my sheep declares ownership it is his possession so he is seeking to care for his possession seek means to look after or to care for and knots only mentioned in Ezekiel 34 verse 11 and 12 referencing this specific definition amen so what is this scripture really telling us this morning he Jehovah Adonai the matchless one he is seeking out that which belongs to him to take care of us in a matchless way there is no one there is no system not even ourselves who can take care of us the way that he can he is again matchless in his ability and his love to take care of you so what does that mean for us his position that we do not have to seek to provide for ourselves because we already have much less provision that is set up we don't have to hustle we don't have to hold on to or hold back what he has given us which is due him we don't have to pinch off a piece of the tithe or the offering because he can provide for us in ways that are matchless we can cast our cares on him because he cares for us in a matchless way so there is nothing there is no one there's no system that can set is set up that can provide for us in a way that he can because Jehovah I don't I just repeated again so we hear it again is much less there is no one beside him there is none who can do it better than him there is none who is better than him in caring for us Jehovah our own I'm we're gonna take a look at just an example of this in Genesis 21 Hagar found herself in a precarious position she was in the wilderness cast out of her home I don't know if was okay what I said this morning but she was cast out of her home and she she is cast out of her home because actually because she set herself up she was put in a situation where somebody was trying to make something happen they were trying to hustle up a covenant that was already made by God God made the Covenant and they were trying to hustle up her covenants right so it's a man-made covenant they're trying to hustle up the Covenant and of course it didn't work right so now she got kicked out I called him her baby daddy because at this point is her baby daddy is not her husband the wife kicked her out the wife told the husband to kick her out right so her baby daddy kicked her out of the house and here she is in this situation she's in a bad place and so out of desperation she throws her son under the bush because she does not want to see her son die again not trusting the one who is matchless in provision right she's in the wilderness however however the Lord sought her out he heard the cry of the child and he sent his ain't his angel to say I heard the cry of your son he sought her out right to provide for her in a matchless way and so very interesting it's interestingly in the text we see where it was God she was in the wilderness God had to open her eyes to see the water that was there so the provision was there she just couldn't see it and the God who can provide in a matchless way opened her eyes to see the provision that was already there he opened her eyes to see the provision and then on top of that he signed a covenant if that is not much lessness not only was it something to provide for her in the moment but it was to her generation because he is just that bad and there is none who can provide the width the way in which he can provide he is matchless and like I'm God here right God has indicated here is God at his phone in Genesis chapter one and one when it says in the beginning God so before anything else was God was and God is and there's nothing that can there's nothing that can separate what is owned by him we were adopted by him we are his possession and so there's nothing that can separate us from him right so he didn't adopt us to have it out have us out here to starve that is not his way that's not how he functions matchless Ness does not function that way Jehovah Adonai in all of who he is provides for us so in just a moment we are going to be declaring our offering over our offerings right and please declare over your offerings understanding that he is matchless in providing jobs and better jobs he is matchless in providing resurrected stocks and bonds he is matchless in providing estates and inheritances he is matchless in gifts and surprises he is matchless in providing and finding money he is matchless in bills paid off because there's nobody who can pay off a bill like him and the thing is we don't have to take from Peter to pay Paul or run from Peter and go to Paul because remember if we borrow from Peter rebar from Paul Peter and Paul are coming back for their due when he provides it is so matchless and seamless and it is clean and we don't have to hang our heads in shame because there's no one who he answers to amen as we sense it am Bregan Bing bring in today's tides offerings I'm sorry go ahead bishop I'm sorry I know yes there are many of you that are out but yet you've been traveling many people are not here today I think because you're traveling or you're an area and you stayed home because you expect to the great snowfall and you live far away so you didn't want to get caught in the snow but you must pay your tithes and offering online all right you may not be here but the matchless God is expecting you to pay your tithes and offering so you could continue to be even more matchless amen so if you're not here and you're home don't forget they'll have it up there later on how you can do it online amen thank you so much thank you as we bring in today's tides offering and over and above giving we are believing the Lord for jobs and better jobs jobs and better job raises and bonuses raises and bonuses resurrected stocks and bonds Reza Reza stocks and bonds explosive growth in mutual fund explosive growth and mutual funds benefits and settlement benefits and settlement sales and Commission sales and commissions estates and inheritances states and inheritance gifts and surprises if some surprise interest and income interest in income rebates and return rebates hadn't returned checks in the mail checks in the mail finding money finding money bills paid off bills paid off debts cancelled that's canceled royalties received royalties receive old loans paid back old loans paid back multiplication and new businesses multiplication a new business we shall finance God's harvest we will finance the ministries of better offer it will finance and ministries that best offer we will bless others it will bless others and properly support our families and properly support our families please be led by the ushers thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm stole a bus is the way to Rises away Moodle sings alone I'm on my way my every can is away my sins away [Music] Jesus Christ my sister Jesus [Music] I stole a deed took my sins away my experience [Music] good morning Beth Rafa these are your morning announcements experience [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] good morning Beth Rafa these are your morning announcements experience Eve McCullough let's receive our sheets [Applause] [Music] years I spent in vanity and pride caring not that my Lord was crucified knowing not that he was for but me he died but mercy there was great and grace was one free and hard and they were multiplied to me there my burdened soul found what Liberty [Music] just sing the chorus merci [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so found me man you made me see it tell your neighbor I have mercy I have mercy is free is free amen amen [Music] thank God for all of the visitors this morning amen if you're visiting just standing how about what was your name yes yes [Applause] okay well okay whenever you can't cross the bridge just with me right here Amen god bless you give my regards to your pastor amen another young man is back there I've never seen you before Amen yes sir what's your name Damian amen it's so good to have you you probably were here and I didn't see you but it's so good to have you we love your mother a man just loved her and you're always welcome amen bracelet everybody shout praise the Lord brother Michael praise the Lord [Music] amen amen amen we have a wonderful visitor here this is your first time what's your name your second time you are here for the Thanksgiving service and you're back again amen and your name Patricia and where you from why oh that's what you did say White Plains and a Wanda invited you amen and you're back again it means you'll be back again amen thank you so much thank you we hope that the Lord will bless you for your coming today amen praise the Lord and then I have special friends they spoke to us this morning at the 7:30 the Watsons from Trinity in the Bahamas amen amen [Music] they passed a wonderful church if you're in the Bahamas check them out they know how to entertain praise the Lord and so good to see now please forgive me can't the camera in your first name again boy yeah thank you because you know I'll call this up-downs but Moya is home from college but Thanksgiving hey this should get on the call oh she gets on the call every night man yeah she chants uncle Breslow it's good to see her father we pray for you darling and one day I have happened of showing up in schools you know I was in the I was in the neighborhood of Jayla's school and they wouldn't let me in the building but I took a picture to show her I'm right outside just in case she almost died she he died she died a thousand deaths amen amen praise the Lord it's always good to let them know you are concerned and you care about them amen the doors of the church are open every day but we're just starting a great revival of our noonday prayer when they thank Reverend padding and pastor Colleen and the team for making sure that someone is here to pray at noon telling in that noonday prayer one of the biggest churches in Baltimore new psalmist was built on new day prayer amen so when you have a noonday prayer it's a wonderful thing remnant man all the remnant men stand see how slow they said we meet we meet tomorrow night with me tomorrow night at 8 o'clock yes you're a remnant man in case you didn't know we meet tomorrow night at 8 o'clock all right oh he may not be able to make it tomorrow night Amy god bless you praise the Lord okay Christmas Eve service here at eight o'clock and you see how powerful our Thanksgiving Eve the sister came and came back again so if the Lord can use those services to do so if you're on the side of the bridge Chris all right god bless you praise the Lord now we've been talking in a series I have one more message from this series is called about order in the church and it's from Ephesians how Jesus left gifts in the church to run his church tell you never to run his church to run his church and I know today hello streamers wherever you are thank you for tuning in I know today we try to run the church either as an estate or our dynasty or as a mom-and-pop store or as a bodega I don't know how and how y'all won't do that but there's so many ways that people run the church but I think we need to look at Ephesians and see how Jesus was not a sloppy leader he left the church in order amen all right yes I'm so sorry before I go on if they just family that's why I ignored them amen Jeannine and Korie then this is pastor georges sister and her husband from north carolina Amen we'll just led I'm so sorry and your elder your elder Cory yes and we know sister Jeanine she's eldress is an ultra Seiken say that to her it's so good to have you really good to have you praise the Lord okay so we know that God set up his church you know like a good father or mother that set up the business before they leave here so that the church can continue okay and he set it up because it's his church and so we first the first sermon in the series we talked about the order of the church the different gifts that he set up in the church then the second sermon was the purpose of the church why is he setting up a church and then the third message was the the protection of the church because it set up a certain way and it has a certain purpose it is protecting the church because the church is in a hostile environment is that clear now today we're going to talk about the promotion of the church what should the church promote everybody is promoting you go on Facebook it's right I was with my mom Jayla in in Bermuda and she was looking at certain videos but there were videos on here I never seen so much hair stuff in my life you know I'm saying and it was a regular person it was not a cosmetologist it was this young girl just talking about different here in different wigs and different I said oh my god this is a continuous I mean how much hair how much hair style but she's promoting hair and she has a website she has a YouTube and thousands of people watch what she does with her hair and it you shouldn't have to pay you know when in industries in the Pinder path or businesses they needed an advertising agency and they paid thousands of dollars to what sell themselves to get a brand to get a tagline to the logo when you see the logo you know what it is we don't have to do that anymore any any nays look at what that means any knave can get on YouTube and do anything you know I'm saying how do I pick my toenail whatever and they will have followers they will have followers because they're promoting something they're promoting themselves in promoting their ideas they're promoting their feelings if promoting who they are they're promoting what they want to be they're promoting their accomplishments young people that's all they - and they have a tag line they have hash tag I still don't know what you know I'm trying to figure it out but what hash don't tell me Amy don't tell me now but anyway it's still there's still hash tag and instagramming you know facebooking because they're promoting themselves now how should the promo how should the church promote itself or herself how should what should the church say about itself as soon as somebody says Church what should they think about you understand and and if you go if you take the poll you'll have thousands of different answers because the world doesn't know what we're supposed to be promoting and we don't know what we're supposed to be promoting so you go to a church and somebody would say well you know the church should you know feed the community well the church should do so and so and so the church should do what but that's not what Jesus said in his word I think you ought to go to the one who bought the church and established the church to find out what what I want you to tell the people about my organism I'm the one who is ahead so you should say when I say about myself a much but we say what we want to say because we think it's our church we think it's a celebrity's Church we think it's the denomination's Church it's Jesus's Church - your name is Jesus's Church so let's read Ephesians 4 and I'm gonna read verses 11 through 15 Ephesians 4 verses 11 through 15 and I'm reading from the King James Version he begins the reading of God's Holy Word and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in the unity of the faith and have the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive the text but speaking the truth in love may grow up into him in all things which is the head even Christ so far the reading in here of God's Word you may be seated so we're talking about the promotion of the church not selling the church where the church doesn't need to be sold we're not marketing the church tell your neighbor this is not a marketing strategy this is promoting this is declaring so we know the book of Ephesians when you open Ephesians what should we think about number one you should think about who is the writer who is writing the letter is Paul he's in prison and there a couple of letters that he's writing from prison he writes Ephesians he writes Colossians Philippians and Philemon so he's in prison but he's still working he's in prison but he's not sulking he's ministering so he's writing this letter and he's writing this letter this the distinctiveness of the book of Ephesians two parts the first part is declaring that Christ is ahead and the church is his body and he used that illustration so you can identified it because you have a head and you have a body okay so the body is where the head is where the brain is and the brain is what the control center of the whole body alright if something happens to your brain it affects your whole body understand now he's ahead and win the body we're not the head he's a head and we're the body alright so that's the first half of the book of Ephesians the second half of the book of Ephesians is how should the body react to the head how should the body do what the head says how should we do this in our daily life in our homes in our relationship in the church so it's a how-to okay the first part is a theoretical concept of the spiritual and theological concept of church head and church to Christ and His Church the second half is the practical the application of what it means to be the body of Christ is that clear very simple it's not a big long book like Isaiah with 66 which we could never handle many of us it's a very short book very short book but here here now in this particular verse in inverse of 15 it says the church should be promoting promoting itself how one speaking the truth in love so the church should be speaking the name of the church should be speaking the church should have the what oh so the church shouldn't be mute the church should always have something to say and weena took my frivolous talking here we're talking about specifics speaking talking proclaiming declaring defining teaching laying out what the truth not just a truth the truth now truth is not a wat truth is so we're not talking about the truth in in in in an algebraic equation x squared plus y squared equals Z square now when I talk my something like we're not talk about physics and chemistry you know whatever those are truths truth about science we're not talking about astronomy how far is Jupiter from the earth how far is it is Mars from the earth those those are those are scientific truths okay we're not talking about how to make in a pound cake from scratch those are basic truth that's how we live with certain instructions certain things on how to how to how to how to how to fix a pipe how to how to we're took my not truth what truth the truth that Jesus is the way the truth and the life no man coming to the Father but by him but possible the good news that's the truth that we're talking about that's the church's main purpose that's what we should capitalize on that's what we should be known for we should not be known for anything else the things that are coming out of that that we feed the poor there are things that are coming out of that that we visit the sick the things that are coming out of that that we promote education all of those things but the church immediately when churches mentions over zero where we know what you do we know you want to talk about Jesus and talk about the cross and talk about the blood when talked about we were one sinner and now we're saved you're gonna talk about you live holy you're gonna talk about you forgive your enemy you're gonna talk about you know you have mercy you're gonna talk about whatever all of those things that we're not talking about Church isn't talking about that turn on your television look up they're not talking about any of that but gospel is not the central piece of the church's message any more you know I listen to Billy Graham you know many of you might not like him because of other reasons I don't know and I ain't worried about it but I do know that I used to watch his his program and I used to work in the milligram crusade years ago when he came to the neighborhood and you didn't have to wonder what he's going to talk about you didn't have to figure out when he stood up to preach whether you liked the color of his skin or when you like whatever he's gonna talk about Jesus Jesus loves you Jesus died for you and if you accept him you in a spend eternity with it simple simple simple whether he's in Australia whether he's England when is in North Carolina a simple message well people should automatically whether you're Methodist Catholic or whatever they should automatically know there's some basic things truths about Jesus his person is character that should never be compromised it should always be clear whether the sitter likes it or the Saints don't want to hear it that's what the church should be speaking we want the church to entertain us that's what we want the church to do you don't have to have the church to entertain you know I'm saying so if we just entertain you you'll never have truth and if you don't have to think we live a lie and you be deceived all your life there's only one way there's only one way there's only what the truth the truth about you and your relationship with God which affects everything else about your life is that clear so we must speak who must speak who is the church you are the church so if somebody walks up to you and ask you about any particular issue in life you must speak what what Jesus has to say about this issue not what you feel not because the person is your friend not because it's you have some kind of sensitivity about the issue not because you're in it or you want to be in it no you speak what because nobody else will the pillar and ground of truth that's the assignment of the truth of the church and the church has relinquish its assignment so other people are coming in from everywhere speaking Kwasi what we should be saying our that's that's our job that's why we gather so speaking the truth speaking the truth the truth of the gospel the truth of the gospel that we were born in sin tell your neighbor truth but we were shaping in iniquity tell your neighbor truth we were born to pray today your neighbour truth I don't have to tell you tell your neighbor just say truth right away gonna make me think you don't understand what I'm trying to say you understand come on that we needed a savior that he died for our sins he shed his blood and his blood is the only blood that can cleanse us from our sins that we are justified though we stand before our God not guilty that he has accepted us as his legal child we are fully adopted nobody can unadopted we're being sanctified because we're ugly and dirty and lowdown and we need to be what sanctified you know you can understand people getting a makeover you don't get mad Oh before and after oh my god I can't believe that's huh well your soul needs the same makeover God needs to give you a clean heart so we thank God for certification cuz look at what we were before oh oh yes can't say that oh mercy Lord mercy look at where we were look at the things that he changed our minds about look at what we used to like and now we can't stand tell your neighbor Church I know that truth and look at what he's dealing with now come on those are truths that we don't trade off if we don't have this understanding as Christians I'm talking to Christians and I know I'm talking to the unsaved so you will understand why Christians talk like this you know you're getting mad when they say certain things but this is why we talk like this we consider that truth you have your truth and we have ours so don't get mad when we say we don't do that we don't believe that because Christians believe that Jesus is the only way that you have to repent if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you shall be saved for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the tongue confession is man to salvation truth no repentance no forgiveness though those are the things that we believe that we're not trading off Jesus was not just a man he was not just a carpenter's son he's God in the flesh Immanuel God with us and the Virgin shall have a son and his name shall be called Emmanuel God with us and in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Bible says and the word became flesh and we beheld his glory the glory of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth Jesus became man even though he was very god of very God very man and very mad when he came down to earth for me and for you okay so so those are the things that we believe and we hold dear you see him as a carpenter you seem as a man like Muhammad you see him like somebody else like a Buddha we see them as God that's truth for us alright if we can't have tea anymore it's okay that's true I can't trade that off for a cup of coffee that's truth for us all right now when we speak this truth the truth stands for itself and I just want to give you you know a few scriptures John 14 and 6 I said it jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the Father but by me that's one scripture John 17:17 sanctify them through that truth that word is true so Jesus spoke the truth the truth is written and we believe it okay so the truth is must be must be preached why must the truth be preached so that it will try that error what is Error to us anything that goes against what Jesus said what is Error to us anything that comes to tear down what Jesus says in his word era is that it's not my take or your take what I don't believe that no no no era is anything that comes to question to deconstruct to wipe out was revealed in the Word of God so the truth must be spoken tell your name of the truth must be spoken it is to oppose tricks fraud deception it is to oppose tricks trickery is in the church somebody mean trick right now and I ain't talking about that kind of trick my dad somebody's being deceived right now cuz it sounds so good you understand and then you might be offended with the church and when you're offended with the church you don't get it straight and you hop to another Church you're gonna be tricked because somebody's gonna say something to make you feel a certain way and take your side but it has nothing to do with that is it God's Word whether I'm offended or not whether I like the person or not the bottom line is is it God's Word but that's the only thing that's going to set me free you understand what I'm saying another seminar about how to think in higher consciousness is not going to set me free higher consciousness does not relieve you of sin you're still sinning higher consciously come on deep breathing is not going to do it a tarot card is not going to do it talking about six steps seven steps and eight steps not going to do it we're getting ready to go into a new year if your life is spirit and people are still going to make resolutions I did so and so this year but I'm not gonna do it next year I I was supposed to lose 20 pounds and by the first of the year I will go on my diet all kinds of resolution come on those are not that's not the truth I'm talking because in the real like us I'm saying by April we gained another 10 pounds so what what I'm saying is the truth that never changes the truth of Jesus never changes he is unchangeable he's immutable he is infinite he's everlasting he's eternal he's the same yesterday today and forever some websites are taken down today you were clicking them today they're gone today Jesus you can't click him on he's there forever that's the kind of truth I'm talking about tell your neighbor that's the kind of truth I'm talking about kind of stuff that we put our lives on or changeable people change situations change you understand ideas change ideologies change politics changes everything is changing but the one standard is Jesus one standard so I think I would put my life on that and say put my life 'land you can go to work tomorrow and they can fire you you can walk around thinking that you're okay and you're going and find out you're not okay come on these people in in California that built these multi-million dollar homes they didn't expect fire to wipe it out when they spent millions of dollars building it no nobody builds a houses he burned down no but that just lets you know how temporary how temporary things are how temporary people are come on be here today and go onto this sickness death you know separation situations you can't build your life there must be a solid truth but no matter what happens I'm still held together I will not lose my mind I will not fall apart because I have the truth of God's Word that says I'll never leave you I'll never forsake you Jesus is a rock he's a rock in a weary land that was the truth and that's what you need to know now when we speak when the church speaks the truth which what am i promoting what the church supposed to be doing okay when you and I speak the truth according to God's Word we are promoting we're allowing people to get a glimpse of who Jesus is by what we say but it's not only what we say is how we say it's a spirit I always say speaking the truth in love it it doesn't mean that you you you speak the truth smiling because you can be smiling and deadly you can be smiling you know love hates you you can you can say certain things and and and their heart is not in it but when you speak the truth when I correct a little Josh here future Bishop Josh right here you know it's just God just has a meltdown oh my god you make you make you you want to take it back the way he carry on I said okay okay I didn't mean I didn't mean at me but I have to say it you understand he carries on he carries I guess on but didn't know why he comes back he goes back and he says TT so and so and I I receive it and and then you hear him testify about it but it really affected him and I'm saying but initially it was murder yes it was you know like an Isis attack or something it's it didn't feel good it just toys the world down but later on you'll see him you see working through and he's at the age where it's not so complicated you know when you get old it gets complicated because then he getting slick on how to avoid truth and then you turn truth into another kind of truth but he ain't there yet I hope he ain't there he's still young so the truth hits we're supposed to hit but the reason why he comes back is because he knows I love him that's what makes a difference you may have a fit but you know you're gonna this relationship is not over this is not a severance this is not a throwing away this is not drop I mean the garbage can you understand it's not throwing him under the bus I hate that statement because if you throw in the bus you're just gonna be run over and you're gonna be dead but this is loving loving reprove exhort edify correction for him to grow up and because he knows that I love him even if he has a negative initial response he comes back to it because the truth liberates him in love you understand the person though you love him right Reverend well yes I hid for a lot yeah yeah oh yeah we've had some battles you know you know it wasn't it wasn't to disseminate him he wasn't to chop him down to the ground we had a real serious death it said you know I'm saying but we come back and we resume our relationship because he knows I love him hey man and when when when Pastor Robin tells me the truth I don't talk to her for a little couple hours yes you know I see her number come up and I just turn over I was saying nothing when I'm a color back because it may have caused this comfort it's supposed to truth comes to drive out ignorant arrogance pride Oh God it comes to attack stuff that's that's deceptive conceit game games games and when that's nothing it's you and the game fall apart you feel naked you want to go hide somewhere but then when you realize the person stuck their neck out they love it enough to go there with you you come back here with your fig leaves the minute covering but you know you want to be accepted isn't it wonderful when you can find some money to speak come on church there are lots of people who never experienced the church never experienced the church speaking never experienced the church speaking knowing that it hurts but still comes with the South the poor in the oil and the wine is that how Jesus deals with us he doesn't play with us no no he knows that we're not telling the truth when we pray these long line prayers he knows that we say yes now slobbing and and snotting and then get up and do our own thing he knows some of us here's a sermon and at the same time we we're preaching another sermon we hear something that we we start building up an offense and the defense against it he knows that but he wakes us up the next morning it amazes me you could cut me off in my folly in my foolishness you understand in my silliness he could cut me off in my little game whatever but he wakes me up and then he wakes me up with a song Pastor Robin I don't understand it or he wakes me up with the word he could just leave me to my full self but he keeps on loving me and keeps on caring for me and he corrects me and then and then he loves me up and then he he shows me the way and and when I fall down he picks me up that's what the church should do not every time you speak is gonna be received not every time you challenge and take a stand you're gonna be light not every time you hold up the banner of nisi that people are gonna be glad to see you you'd be surprised to know what people are saying in their mind against you what it's sitting up here preaching somebody say hallelujah don't know what that hallelujah me and you could mean I'm sending a bayonet right up in your head right now I wish you would sit down and shut up you don't know what people are thinking but you should not stop speaking you should always have a word ready the Bible says you should always be able to defend and declare why you believe what you believe don't keep your mouth shut because people look at you crazy as if to say yeah yeah yeah no you have to speak it and you have to speak it genuinely cuz you know if they don't hear truth they're gonna die that way sin and disobedience brings misery and they may not think you're doing them a favor but do it anyhow they may not think that you like them but truth is the bottom line if you love them you're gonna give them truth the only time you don't give truth is when you love yourself I'm not gonna say anything cuz I'm not gonna say anything I'm not gonna say you know why you love yourselves Peter you're one of them you follow him no I don't know him loving himself Peter damsel said you wanna know know what is he doing protecting himself you know when we crucified huh Peter many went to cuss him yeah what are you doing you're protecting yourself and the church is busy protecting itself don't want to stick my neck out don't want to be known that I hold up the Word of God in this particular area or on this particular subject no one don't want anybody to know this is where I stand you understand wanna be safe wanna be neutral can't drive a car far in neutral and because we're too busy protect King ourselves the church has lost this before you can't promote something that doesn't work if we do it right truth will stand truth will win truth will bring us the victory you just don't want to take the backlash well if I say something they're not gonna like me if I say something they're not gonna you know whatever if I say something they're not going to come to church if they say something they're not going to get the entire an offering if I say something they're gonna do all kinds of ways to avoid avoid working avoid serving whatever you know it's okay I would rather suffer the rejection of man than to live outside of the safety of God I'll wait till you come back if it's true they'll bring you back I can I can wait come on when you've been through hell you can wait when you've lived with all kinds of people you know the game you know the foolishness you can wait you can wait till they get their mind back and you can keep on loving them keep on loving them and truth will bring them his word will not return unto Him void stop fussing not complaining you do it if it's done in love then you don't kill them if you're really ministering to the person in love and even they don't respond you can't kill them if it's love your waits there you never love will we see I'm going someplace now I'm getting ready I'm getting ready I just shifted just trying to come back I'm trying to come back at this if it's love you were wait but all y'all who in a hurry yeah the only time it's not love is when you can't wait cuz love has the ability to weight loss cannot wait listen lust let me tell you what less I don't know where I got this from I'm almost finished lust lust is like the urgency to go to the bathroom you get that picture if you ever had to go I mean had to go it's an urgency you do all kind of stuff cuz can't you can't help me you got you got you gotta go you gotta go and if you don't go in there you'll go out here cuz it's an urgency well that's the weight loss feels I got to have it now I got do it now it's an urgency that's that's not love that's lust you're satisfying yourself but love says okay it's not time I will waves so when you speak the truth in love and somebody doesn't accept it and you discard them it wasn't done in love it was done for manipulation yeah well I didn't I've been sent five times and you've been hurting me five thousand times and you ain't done like yeah when you say that think about how many times a lot been speaking to you about a certain thing and you have not even budged come on put yourself put yourself right there come on put yourself down Hey Jane go out of the picture and put yourself there you still can't make that adjustment McCullar you still can't get past this but you want Jade don't to jump over here you ain't wanted to walk you want her to jump cuz you got some kind of truth look at the truth that the laws been a hammering hammering in your spirit driving it home trying to get you out of deception trying to get you out of conceit trying to get you out of the game of your mind your own Kingdom thoughts passes the knell and yet we can't speak the truth in love with our sister or brother that's why the church is in trouble because we don't know how to do it in love why are we doing it in love it says here so that we will grow if there is no truth there is no girl if you don't know you're not this is why the devil keeps you home from Bible study because he knows if you get the word you'll grow up it so saying yeah praise Lord if you don't get if I don't know I can't do it if I don't have the information that's why your children they really don't have the information you you talk to them like they're supposed to know they don't know you know it and you ain't doing it you know you got all this information you ain't doing it so how the porch I supposed to know their brains especially the front too low you think don't know so you have to say over and over and over and we hate to do it over and over cuz we so quick we quick to hit but very slow to do so all I'm saying is why so if you're speaking it in love you'll know one thing doing it so the person can grow now are you interested in growth are you interested in being right are you singing because you want to be right or you want the person to grow because that will determine how you say it I want you to grow I want you to get this I want you to get this that's why we that's why the church cannot stop speaking and the church has stopped speaking truth so we have a congregation of people that are not growing and their carnal and their petty and your cutthroats and they're lazy come on here and they're undependable and they're loose in their living because somebody's not holding up the unadulterated words now you hold it up and then you put it down you hold it up and you put it down come on your YouTube your too hard come on come on McCullar lighten up come on Brava you don't have to have catechism every Friday night you have the trance have transformation once a year have transmission once a year just have other activities just have activities so we could fellowship now they're all the carnal people come to give and carnal eyes [Laughter] it's a new word Patrice's a new word your make up words y'all say shade and all of that I can say carnal eyes so now the church is carnal and carnal people can't discern they can't discern between good and evil righteousness unrighteousness they have no power to overcome and the devil knows he has a feel state so that's why he keeps you home because as long as you don't come and get the teaching he knows you can be saved but you can still be his you can be available to him he can get you to do some dumb dumb dumb dumb stuff then you feel so bad you feel so bad now you don't really want to come cuz you don't want to know everybody know how dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb your bin and then you tells you you're not worthy you're not worthy to be saved you shouldn't even go there and raise your hand cuz you don't deserve because look I know what you did last Saturday you know that movie so all all all this whole thing about church you mean this whole thing about church is for you to grow up grow out of certain things come out of the diaper then come out of the pull-ups then they then put on the underpants you never seven same you you go from stage to stage so it's really something wrong why the church is still in diapers you got diaper Church and pull up Church come on when we would rather stay in diapers and pull-ups than to grow out of it and the only way I can't blame you because if you are listening if you're not listening to truth if there's nobody standing behind the sacred desk pounding it pounding it declaring it emphatically intentionally with a passion with determination telling you what the Word of God says and you're not getting counseling in prayer then you are going to stay in diapers and if you hear the truth and reject the truth there's a difference if you don't hear it but when you hear it and reject it that's why you're in diapers that's why you start like a whiny baby that's why you're still acting carnal his growth he sent the gifts in the church so we could grow it is an insult to God to have the church in in babyhood he's a God of progress progressive sanctification progressive sanctification progressive growth you understand that's why you don't want to come you don't want to come to church because it takes growth second Peter 3 and 18 but grow in grace it's an imperative it's not it's not an interactive do you want to grow come in little girl do you want to grow do you want to grow in the Lord doing the growing the Lord so social ease do you want to grow in the Lord baby no grow that's what you say that's what the scripture says you don't ask you know has no spirit that it's a demand if you're gonna promote me I'm the head of the church if you want to promote me to the world then grow you can't keep doing that same awful thing over and over again that's not you didn't learn that from me growing grace and then the knowledge of what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ gave me glory both now and forever now holy growing we're growing up into remember he's ahead and we're growing to look like him into the statue into the image now we will never look perfectly like him until he comes back it's progressive though it's progressive it's day today day today the things that I used to say and do I can't send him anymore cuz I had to grow out of it now he brought me out of it I don't want to go back in there I don't want to go back in that cuz you know I didn't take telling I didn't take tell her act like I've been here act like I didn't hear that like someone's wrong with my hearing I just went ahead and did what I wanted to do and kept stonewalling it oh but he had a way to make me hear you see Jesus ya know he had something set up what I hear your lord I hear you now say yes Lord yes yes Jesus yes yes yes yes snot flying Billy turning over oh come on hands up come on out of your belly you're crying yes Lord you don't want to go back in that stuff anymore no you grow you'll grow out of this you grow out of it into Christ you're not growing out of it to look better for yourself this is not self-improvement come on he's gonna make over of the old self to look better no I'm sorry you know when they do make overs on television if you've never watched them they always want to check what the person is doing six months from that time that they were made over because they say to them it is not just a physical makeover something has to happen to you on the inside to make you take it and keep living this way you know what I'm saying like like what do you call that that's 600 pound the weight people The Biggest Loser they watch them to see if that did not go get 600 pound more after they lose a 600 pound because it's not a physical thing it's an inward thing it's inward its inward you understand so when you're growing up now you're not growing up to be a better you you're growing up to be like Christ you're not trying to improve you what about you is improvable what is it about you that's improvable your attitude huh your take on the subject come on that's not improvable that needs to be condemned you don't improve a condemned house you're gonna start fixing chandelier and you know carpets paint the wall and the termites eating all the way underneath you understand and the inspector said I don't care how much when you put in this house you better get out of here before he falls apart because that's what we like we like improvement approach to life because we like to think that we have something in us that is workable it is so humiliating to think I have nothing it just kills our ego to think that that little bit of education that live in a culture that little bit of tradition is not worth anything my goodness go down that's why we don't like sovereignty cuz it mean to tell me he's the only one that's all okay he the only one that's all okay you mean they ain't no okay and me not one drop I hate to pop your balloon and I love to do it at the same time but there's not a drop of okay in you there is no sovereignty in you only thing in you is depravity if you don't believe me listen to the last time you cuss out your wife [Applause] with your own sovereign self so just just say Lord I'm so glad that you saved me and you gave me a second chance and I'm not trying to be you I just want to live the way you want me to live grow up in him that's the best way to live in this evil world he is your role model he's come to set it up so you can follow it come follow me and I will make you that's what he said and there must be something wrong with us for him to have to make us why didn't he say to be to come and you'll be fishers of men come you're so wonderful you got it all together just come and I'll tell you the technique no I got to make you in order for you to catch a man you got to be man Oh have mercy we don't like the making we'd like to think there's something to work with some if you don't believe it we're correct people and immediately become defensive you know what they're saying you know I know I didn't do this right but you want to recognize that I do do this right it's like oh my god you know did I commit a murder here then I commit a murder is this correction a murder is this instruction a bomb did I get a blow up something you mean to tell me that nobody can be wrong that there's something in you that you're right just this is the way you put paper wait I know how do I know how to put a handkerchief down no we taught my paper you're perfect with a handkerchief but you're lousy with paper when you grow up you know what you say thank you don't even pay the anchor chip no man just thank you for the paper instruction thank you is that what Paul said sat down one day feel several coming on pastor George come with me I sat down one day and I thought about this thing I thought about that I sat at the feet of Gamaliel thought about the fact that I went to the best university thought about the fact that I was a candidate for the Sanhedrin I was a little boy I was in the Harvard boy I was on my way to the top until I had an encounter and when I had an encounter it blew my whole world apart I thought I had a world I thought I had it all together until I had an encounter and when I sat down and evaluated my encounter this is my conclusion I count all things but uh for the excellency of the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ I don't understand why I was apprehended I don't know why he chose me how to everybody I don't know why he laid hands on me he could have ignored me he could have left me in my own self-centeredness but he chose me so don't ask me why I was apprehended but I know this one thing forgetting those things which are behind I don't care how wonderful they were I'm ready to give them up I'm reaching for those things which are ahead I press there was a mark on the prize anybody pressing in here come on and promote the church anybody pressing in here anybody want the prize of a higher calling anybody want to go higher come on church by your place open your mouth and speak the unsearchable riches of Christ don't sit back and close your mouth because everybody else has become mute define your faith declare your faith and live your faith repeat after me define your faith declare your faith live your faith if you do that then the church will be promoted people will say oh I know what that church believes I know what see you come in and I said okay here come Jane you know she's not gonna agree when you've had the discussion we know where she's going with this because you have to clear it you have believed it and you have lived there not cloudy let's take the cloudiness off of the church let's take the fog off the church tell your neighbor let's take the fog off the church come on well why they still think that you do tarot card reading why might why they still think you enter that kind of stuff because you haven't said anything [Music] when you say it and you live it you promote it when you say it and you live it you promote you to you and I said when you say it and you live it you want promoted when you shut your mouth and don't do anything you have not promoted this people are not sure about you tell your neighbor I want him to be sure about me come on stand on your feet I want you're about to be sure I'd have to wear no t-shirt I am the church just be the church I have to wear no cap just say what God wants you to say and you can't say it if you don't know it which means you have to study to show yourself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you can't just show up like a visitor you have to study hey you gotta show up and sturdy so you could shut the mouth of the liar so you could stop heresy come on church the church is in trouble because every heretical crazy person we give them a microphone to stand in the church and say all kind of crazy stuff that we don't stop them we let them stand up and do all the calisthenics and we make all kind of excuses well then the people like them and a people will come what what we want to draw a crowd but no no no no we don't need a crowd we need disciples we need followers of Jesus Christ amen amen [Music] so we want to promote the church amen the church is one foundation so Jesus Christ our Lord it is her new creation by water and by [Music] from to be is only bright with is all water and for [Music] electrum every nation [Music] our charter [Music] Lord one faith my word she blessed one holy [Music] and two one she praises with [Applause] toil [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] peaceful glorious [Music] me victorious me [Music] Church [Music] [Applause] [Music] yet she [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] me [Music] the Oh that will [Music] me Oh well [Music] [Laughter] [Music] together for the church amen now it's snowing outside and some of you have to go a little distance so I'm just going to pray and then we're going to line up for communion and take communion and get out of here and we will cancel this evening service amen because it's snowing and it's coming down and we don't want anybody slipping and sliding amen praise the Lord we will have Reverend Pat to preach for us and another time amen we'll make sure that she's rescheduled very quickly because we want to hear the word of the Lord that she had for 6:30 so just let me pray father in the name of Jesus we thank you for the church the church's honor is in the gutter so many things about us we have given up and relinquished because we wanted to be like other institutions we wanted to be perceived a certain way individually and collectively we have taken on the world's view we're taking on the world's feelings and attitudes we allow the world to give us counsel when you say blessed is a man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners we have sat in the seat of the scornful our delight is not in the law of the Lord and we don't meditate day and night but he said if we did it we would be like a tree planted by the rivers of orders who bring it for this fruit in its season leaves also shall not wither and what's whether we do shall prosper we're going back to that God we're going back because we have an assignment that must be prospered it is a will of God that people come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ is the will of God that the church become a force against the kingdom of hell it's a will of God that demons tremble when we mentioned the name of Jesus it's the will of God that people live holy and want to live holy it's a will of God that a new generation rise up and do the will of God it's the will of God that the church advanced because you're coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle now God lift the promotion to another level raise up a generation that will speak your word raise up a people that are not afraid not apologizing that don't have their hands over their mouth when they talk about you and your way Lord I know the heat is on but in the midst of heat we can reproduce like the three Hebrew boy turn it up but we're not apologizing we don't bow our we don't kiss to anybody but you and God you'll show up every time show up for your church so the undead course dinner Monday hiya show up for your church open the mouth of your two speakers shut the mouth of the liar and the heretic close your mouths gone and closed your doors but raise up a generation that will hold up the blood-stained banner raise up a generation and our settled their world in this settle their carnality tired of the world tried everything did everything now they want truth send truth seekers in this house ten people that said give me the truth give me the truth you don't have to sugarcoat it give me the truth you don't have to fix it up give it to me I'm tired of Lies I'm tired of deception I'm tired of games and I'm tired of politics I want the truth so I could be free I want my mind to be free I want my heart to be free I want my relationships to be healthy God thank you for those coming thank you for the doors being low but come on thank you for the hungry wouldn't be fair thank you for the thirsty wanna be satisfied thank you God for pulling them out of places of confusion believe other places are wondering they're like sheep without a shepherd come on in so Pima come on God you said you and raise up shepherds up send your shame up in here hey come on Sanjay Sanjay cope sick about him will feed them God will feed them does it Peter do you love me do you love me do you love me do you love me my color feed my sheep come on my color do you like me feed my flock come on my color do you love me feed my lambs it's feeding time come on somebody also told reactor come on it's time to feed you ain't on a profile it's time to feed it ain't time for a stage it's time to feed there's a hungry and the world is hungry for the Living bread lift him up for all the world to see he said if I be lifted up I draw I'll draw ultra come on God shopping my mind come on God shopping my mind come on God feed me so I could feed give me a new appetite for your word give me a new line to study your word so I could open the mouth of the food and open the mouth of the ignorant and open the mine of those who are confounded those who are lost those who don't know what to do give me a word give me a word give me a word give me a word to penetrate evil give me a word to penetrate darkness give me a word to live the brokenhearted give me a word to speak to those are in prison come on would you have second Church go out of the church you have a church are you in the church is the head of your church it is now come on embrace him make a new commitments to be the body of Christ hallelujah I don't hear your praise it I don't hear your place [Music] hug somebody and tell them I've got to promote this I've got to promote this come on I got to speak up I got to grow up yeah tuck up whoa see ya come on I got your move up I got to move up I got to move got to move move Shanna I know you got to go by the prize in here so I've got to go to the next level Shanna dang come on yet so I gotta stop running around talking foolishness I gotta stop hanging around for today saying nothing yeah I horseshit help me now come on I want more I want more tell your neighbor I want more I want more of his word I want more to say [Applause] [Music] I get your communion we want people to know Jesus is real jesus is alive and Jesus is true tell your name of Jesus is real jesus is alive and jesus is true now praise him like he's true [Music] come on I don't hear come on let your offense go that so many foolish let's go come on come out of yourself you're on assignment tell your neighbor your unassigned man's Canada do not know source I said you're on assignment intake OSA video tsukumo's shut up [Music] there's a whole household to you come on hear that out [Music] got it here so then animal sea shepherd ROC then about us hyun-seok shoutouts come on it insane you to be quiet didn't say me to keep your mouth shut come on er something really an animal chicas remember rubber ball ribbon live emotion comes media in the under obama he's a keeper call it out Oh sweetie yes Nana do sir go home and speak go home and open your mouth your mouth is shut say what I say watch God bring healing you better brace it is soos of us [Music] there's a praise in here I know we got to go in this appraising chef am I ever a new level a new level of authority come on you better grab it she called say Julie I saw get anything to do there's a whole group to see the music world come on near the prison we're not doing all of that with you sir get an idiot Superman suit getting it out of here you are but I declared you let's praise or one more time yeah go ahead an accident color if you're praising there won't be any accident there's a praise up in here shopping pinin inability of emotion tentative opposing I said there's a prese medium of all see Peggy are two salons are you in the church hi-yah that's it right there I can appraise it for just one minute the Church of the Living God [Applause] Carmen you're in the charger video Joe come on your locker [Music] [Music] second place [Music] ministers are lining up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Beth Rapha
Views: 2,924
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Id: XdZq448zO_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 24sec (8784 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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