Bishop David Ellis | "God's Goodness & Mercy" Pt. 1

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[Music] uh is is [Applause] is foreign oh foreign foreign uh [Applause] oh oh is oh fall down oh uh is oh it right is my boy time is bye i oh and one baptism in one god one god of us all above us all through us all and he's in us all it's in him we what is god's name what is god's name what is his name put your hand together can i get a witness here did somebody say yes god is good thank god i just came to tell somebody that the lord will make a way somehow somehow somehow the lord will hallelujah this is your glorious church of the air great degrees temple we're located on the northwest side of detroit on shaffer at west seven mile road we're certainly glad to come into your homes places of venus automobiles however you're kind enough to tune in to this service by way of radio and television god bless you we're happy to come on in your area we want you to always remember for us to continue to come your way and we certainly appreciate the help that you give us from time to time you that do contribute to this service and you that would like to remember we are located at post office box 21909 zip code 48221 post office box 21909 detroit michigan two four eight two two one and we're certainly happy for all of these fine distinguished guests uh mr walters zazulu who is the assistant president of south africa come on give him and his lovely wife with him assistant to mr mandela there in south uh south africa god bless you glad to have them with us and their entourage those that are with him and my good friend brother abdullah from the mosque on wyoming give him a hand also just waiting to have that brother amen i've been his group with him praise the lord and i'm certainly especially glad to have officer william boxdale of the eighth precinct who was injured there in serious gunfire sitting there in front of a behind officer uh ramona bennett trustee bennett who is a good friend of his they've worked together a long time there at the eighth priest and give him a hand god has spared his life when he was at death's door y'all don't hear me i said that death story right at death star god brought him back god brought him back come on touch somebody say god did it oh y'all don't know what i'm talking about god did it [Music] just let me just read this note that came in today beard bishop bishop david ellison congregation the family and children of such elita reynolds with sincere words of appreciation and thankfulness praise the lord for your prayers support and generosity throughout the time of her trauma her trauma the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous have so prevailed that says that the atheists miraculous recovery and restoration to wholeness has already taken place praise the lord hallelujah we praise god abundantly for you bishop ellis and the saints of greater grace temple who have helped us before held us up before the lord in supplication and prayer i praise the lord for being a very present help in the time of trouble as the lord continuously blesses and as we so faithfully trust the peace of god which passed all understanding shall keep our hearts and minds through christ jesus philippians 4 and 7 again thank you for your support in the service of our lord elder gregory el reynolds and family this is the young mother that i told you about who was lying at the point of death a few weeks ago suffered an aneurysm being the mother of 15 children 44 years old and got brought up back she's out of that hospital y'all she's out of that hospital y'all she is she's in rehabilitation and god's bringing her back come on here god's bringing her back somebody tell me what god can't do you don't know him you just don't know him he's a miracle worker he's a miracle worker he's a miracle worker he's a miracle worker down through the years god's god's been mighty really been good thank you really been good all thank you really been good maybe a little tired of participating but just tell somebody god's really been good to me [Music] he's the miracle worker he's the miracle worker [Applause] he's working miracles right now i don't know about you all but i feel like church here look at some of these folks and you thought they wouldn't make it and somebody said they wouldn't make it well along came jesus when somebody said you would never make it then came jesus some of you have been in intensive care and they thought you wouldn't make it but then came jesus that is somebody said you'd never be anything but then came jesus [Music] god bless you very familiar pastor today psalm 23. certainly glad to see attorney pitts cornelius pitts our good friend and brother thank god for him this precious mom who is like my own mom celebrated her 91st i think birthday the other day amen thank god for mother pits today they're one of the pentecostal warriors in this city amen from way back from the west side church pastored now by elder gilbert allen praise the lord once pastored by her husband the late elder pitts thank god for this lovely family and the great heritage of holiness throughout the pitts family all of those fine children i applaud them today for the way they take care of their precious mother who is alert and well and and they have her in her own home and her daughters are so very good to her they're taken care of that's beautiful you know sometimes when you get older they put you out your own house am i in the right church here amen but it's a blessing to have some children that are saying mama you stay home and there's enough of us we'll take care of you we'll take care of you amen amen amen and certainly they have to be blessed amen got to be blessed got to be blessed god bless you i want to read further into the word of the lord for just a little while here if i can have your undivided and most responsive attention prayerful attention here today a verse that i use so often in my discourse of leaving here and departing from the people of god in different places i've just been led and directed into this passage because i see much in it for you and i it's the last verse of this most famous famous famous uh psalm and it says surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever that's what i want to talk about today surely goodness and mercy shall follow me somebody ought to say oh [Applause] the days of my life you ought to look at somebody and say i will dwell in the house of the lord forever ain't going nowhere because goodness and mercy [Applause] shall follow me this is the most notable psalm possibly of the psalms and we can often become discouraged we can often and do often feel down in the dumps that's hardly a person around us that does not sometimes feel down with and without god's spirit you can get in a mode of loneliness and a mode of feeling depressed all alone unwanted that's a terrible feeling to be in but whatever one is going through he should realize and remember that the theme of this entire psalm is the lord is my shepherd and i shall not want now time will not permit me to go into all of the details of this psalm but uh you've got to understand if the lord is your shepherd you don't want anything then you've got to go back and check the record to find the relationship of the shepherd to the sheep amen see the relationship of the shepherd to the sheep is so very important for you to stay be stabilized and understand what this is all about you know we either came up in two-parent homes mom and dad and so forth uh we knew the strength of the family when the mother and father were there and they were able to feel a certain securities when uh either of them would show up in difficult times you all understand me amen when mom little boy was especially when his dad was coming he felt strong you know felt protected well the shepherd takes care of the sheep yeah he's he's parent to the sheep and he looks out for them he watches over them the wolf the bear the lion or whatever that comes to destroy the sheep the shepherd is there as a preventative measure in other words if anything gets to the sheep it comes by the shepherd amen the shepherd even lays before the uh door of the sheep house and protects it at night with his body so that anything that's going to get into the sheepfold got to come by the shepherd and if the shepherd allows whatever to come in and and get to the sheep remember he it has come by the shepherd and to bring this in a paradoxical way to us whatever comes to you and i it's already done got by jesus because he is our shepherd then if it gets by him he has allowed it to happen and if he allows it to happen then i say nothing but amen hallelujah thank god and i'm on my way it may not be to my desires but if he allowed it allows it to happen amen he knows what he's doing he's going to take care of me he's going to look out for me and being discouraged is one of satan's chief weapons i've got to remind you if it can get you discouraged and get you almost do anything just get you down and god knows we get down sometimes almost over nothing somebody didn't speak to me i i'm sulking and all down to somebody i heard somebody say something about me they walked right by me and didn't shake my hand all these frivolous and other things that i could name it keeps us discouraged things ain't going right at home again but remember god allows whatever and what you must realize here is if the lord is your shepherd you need to be a conquered sheep a conquered sheep is one that is corralled into the thinkings of god and the knowledge of god to know enough about god to survive any and everything that might come against him [Applause] i looked at some words that i thought were very beautiful for us here today uh it's a creed for the discouraged if i can say i believe that god created me to be happy to enjoy the blessings of life to be useful to my fellow beings and an honor to my country i believe that the trials with this which beset me today are but the fiery test by which my character is strengthened ennobled and made worthy to enjoy the higher things of life which i believe and are in store for me i believe that my soul is too grand to be crushed by defeat i will rise above it i believe that i am the architect of my own faith my own fate therefore i will be master of my circumstances and surroundings not their slave my failures of today will help to guide me on to victory on tomorrow i will not yield to discouragement i will trample them underfoot and make them serve as stepping stones to success i will conquer my obstacles and turn them into opportunities hallelujah the morrow will bring new strength new hopes new opportunities and new beginnings and i will be ready to meet it with a brave heart a calm mind and an undaunted spirit in all things i will do my best trusting in the infinite i will not waste my mental energies by useless worry wake up and hear me y'all i will learn to dominate my restless thoughts things i can't do nothing about it and look on the bright side of things i will you got to take this personally i will face the world bravely i will not be a coward hallelujah i will assert my god-given birthright and be a man for i am mortal and nothing can overcome me my my man i thought that was kind of nice you got to take some things personal and and the only way you can ever be successful you got to be a determined person amen and it doesn't have to it shouldn't have to take no one to drag me off or to put me up or to pat me on the back or whatever to determine what i am and who i am i got to get a hold to myself and know who i am tell everybody i know the lord is my shepherd and i shall not want i faced an experience i never faced before just the other evening when i landed in fresno california thursday evening and went to the hotel and checked in used my american express card and got the room and whatever and then left then went to eden went on to the church where i was to conduct the services and uh the next morning friday morning early before i arose to go and preach this funeral in the church there for our bishop's wife i received a phone call from my daughter she said this is your number one daughter and right away i got nervous or something happens i think you should call home and what happened whatever and uh she says that someone has tried to use the american express card you'd better call you've got to call and express mom say you should call american express and i immediately picked up the phone it's seven o'clock in the morning out there 7 30 in the morning and that's like 10 30 or 11 o'clock here and i talked to them and they after giving them some pertinent information to my account they knew they were talking to the right person and they said well someone has somehow never got your number and they have tried to charge thirty thousand dollars worth of goods from best buy in california i said well that's where i am i'm in california i didn't do that but check in and go to to sizzlers and had a steak and went on to the chat they said well some lady well what no lady with me no one had my card but there i was caught in a predicament and they said we caught it in time we're gonna have to cancel out your number here and send you another card because that number's gotten out there and you were about to be charged thirty thousand dollars well i thought about it in this little valley city that you can't only take a 727 into you got to take a little crop dusting sit up in there like this and the plane goes down propel it to engine job are in this little place i say the devil is big but when you belong to god isha surely goodness and mercy shall follow me hallelujah some of y'all think it's only detroit that it'll follow you honey surely goodness and mercy will follow you anywhere everywhere and we know here right now that that's the reason we still exist goodness and mercy and i have you to know here we got to have both of them to operate the goodness of god leaders one to repentance and the mercy of god comes to you and i unmerited so god just gives his mercy and his goodness to little old you because goodness and mercy does not follow us because of circumstances but god just loves us so much my god it ain't that we are so good or so great or so powerful or so holy or so righteous it's just because god is who he is that goodness and mercy goes with us at all times lord i wish i was in the right church here hallelujah how many of y'all know what i'm talking about unworthily we ain't a bitter good lord have mercy i heard you say talk for yourself but you ain't no good in your dwelleth no good thing your thoughts are evil actions are evil talk is evil but god being caught as he is loves us anyhow he loves these few little no good people insignificant can't even get up if he don't get you up can't even think if he don't help you to think can't even walk if he don't give you the power to walk and sometimes we've got nerve enough to stick at our chest and think we are somebody you ain't nobody i ain't nobody it is god's goodness and god's mercy that i'm not consumed [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah i'll be through here in a few minutes i hope thank you let goodness and mercy i want that goodness and mercy i'm gonna keep up with them when i look like i'm about to run off and leave it i want goodness and mercy to catch up with me hallelujah do you know what i'm talking about praise the lord i have a habit of whatever when i'm driving on the road whatever i catch up with i pass it thank you lord i i pass it and i don't hope to see it anymore after i pass it because i'm moving and in order to keep up with me they gotta catch up to whatever normal intelligent lawful speed that i'm at hallelujah and then you know sometimes you go by somebody and they'll come on back by you again but i i want them to keep moving because i don't want to play games because i'm going where i'm going and i don't want no hesitation here and and what i'm trying to say is whenever you're going where you're going make sure goodness and mercy hangs with you don't run off and leave it don't pass it up but remember these are the two things that you really need to be successful you need goodness and you need mercy and i just want to tell this room today and everybody in radio land and in the television audience it is god's goodness and god's mercy the reason we are not consumed i keep trying to burst your bubble of thinking is your sanctification that has you where you are and to make you think that's the reason goodness and mercy follows me but that's not it it ain't because of you at all somebody ought to say at all no kind of way but because god is who is because god is the great i am you can look at anybody on the streets that's in degradation anybody that's in problems you can say there go i but for the grace of god if it wasn't for god's grace you and i would be in the gutters god knows we'd be somewhere diseased and carried away but thanks be to god who giveth us the victory through our lord and savior jesus christ i don't care what happens here today i thank god for jesus do y'all hear me here i thank god for jesus for it is jesus where my survival is and as long as i have jesus i've got the elements that he uses to keep the enemy from overtaking me and from destroying me for when i look back i look back like david after the lion after the encounter with the bear after the encounter with bathsheba after wrestling with salah he could say surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and because i got goodness and mercy on my side i shall dwell in the house of the lord you can't get me out of here you can snatch and pull and push but i don't care what you say i'm here to stay hallelujah well i wish i was in the right church here we'd have some church here come on somebody tell somebody else i'm here to stay oh lord can i get a witness here can i get a witness can i get a happy witness i know how many of you really know that goodness and mercy gonna follow you how many of you really know but that's the only reason you're here today come on somebody how many of you really know that god is on your side that's the only reason you are surviving because you said the lord is my shepherd and i shall not want he just making me to lie down in green pastures he just leading me beside the still waters he restored my soul hey when i need restoration he restored my soul he leaded me in the path of righteousness for his name saying and yeah though i walk through the valley i can walk in the valley i can lay in the valley i can sit in the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil but i want you with me your rod and your step they comfort me i prepare it hallelujah my head with all come on we need all of my cup run it over some of y'all don't know about the cup but your cups gotta run over it's gotta run over on your salsa hallelujah just gotta run on out just run over with joy when you got trouble let your cup run over as he anoint your head with all just let your cup run over hallelujah as the table is prepared for you the enemies can't do nothing but just and all they can do is look at you and wonder what's going on my table is set now god has fixed my table and since you've done all of this for me lord i thank you truly goodness and mercy shall follow me when it looks like the enemy he's going to overtake me i'm going to look around and there is goodness yes i'm going to look around and there is mercy i've got to have them i've got to keep them with me surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life hallelujah what the church saying man [Applause] [Music] surely you ought to tell somebody surely goodness and mercy shall follow me hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah after i packed everything after i put everything in my bag that i think i got to have for the trip i better look back and see how i got goodness and mercy y'all know hear me i gotta look back and see i can't get out of here until i make sure i got goodness and mercy hallelujah you know when you're about to make a trip you're trying to make sure you got everything in your grip and your suitcase that you need hallelujah there's certain essentials that you don't leave out and i just i'm about to tell you as i close here today i just stopped by to tell you don't try to make this trip if goodness and mercy ain't with you if you don't have goodness and mercy don't you walk out these doors if you don't have goodness if you don't have mercy out don't you try to get up off that seat but because you've got goodness and mercy you can come on now and bless him you can come on now in praise and you can come on now and enjoy because you've got what you need goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life all the days not some of them but all the days all the days all the day glory to god hallelujah all the days of my life and i will dwell come on somebody i will dwell in the house of the lord hallelujah and what i like about it the writer didn't stop there but three chapters of four chapters down the road he said i'm gonna dwell in the house of the lord and behold the beauty of the lord i'm just gonna watch god bring me out i'm just gonna watch god conquer my enemies i'm just gonna watch god heal my body i'm just going to watch god keep me and shield me from the dangers of life i'm just going to watch god stop the lion tongue i'm just going to watch god shut up every lion's mouth i'm just going to watch god as he bring me out come on let's praise the lord today let's praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah surely goodness come on to be safe today step out now come on come on now no walking except you're coming to the office of the beast say this is your time this is your time this is your time this is your time this is your time let them out you all they want to be saved come on now right now [Music] surely goodness hollow all the days bring them all down from the docking from everywhere those are the church open to you goodness and mercy follow me come on come on come on come on step out today how about all my five young men that are visiting here today and hear from the rehabilitation center [Applause] i just wanna feel led today to ask you to come down just shake my hand as a group we're gonna defeat the devil in every kind of way all of you are the mean business with the lord i want you to line up here in the center they're spread out throughout the room maybe some 20 of them some have already come down and i just feel like giving you a special blessing today forever here let's line up in single fire don't be ashamed because god's gonna help you this is oh yeah gonna follow me let's play a softly for me church we prepare for these young men every sunday men like them like these are struggling with problems and if i didn't believe what i preached i wouldn't preach it but i know god's a miracle some of you god delivered you from alcohol drugs can i get a witness here somebody help me from a terrible life of immorality you know what god did for you hey thank you do you know you can do it for them it took bravery for these men to come down the aisle thank you lord to stand here all of us looking at them and saying they got a problem [Applause] but you know some of you and i who are not in this life we have a problem and the only time you look down on a man is when you trying to pick him up these young men volunteer to come to service every week our own such luella patterson works in this facility and she brings a life of christ to them they all respect her and look up to her stand up since louis they look up to her and look at her as a mother image our image and a saintly image and i believe god today i believe god i don't want these young men in the criminal element i want them saved you know that's the whole purpose of jesus coming to the world that he might save sinners somebody said well i'm too bad i got such a bad habit you're the one he wants you're the one he's looking for i bless these young men today i want you to bless him because for the most part those are the sincere honest and dedicated will never go back again they're glad to be free until you've been bound you don't know what freedom is they've spent their money on substances [Music] they've done some things that they're not proud of but they're trying to get home they're trying to get on the right track and i think it's my job and your job to help them these are our brothers our sons i want every blessed hand to be raised here pointed toward these young men [Music] tell the lord do it now [Applause]
Channel: Church VideoVault
Views: 12,661
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop David Ellis, David Ellis, Greater Grace Temple, Charles Ellis III, Spencer Ellis, William Ellis, Bishop Williams Ellis, Goodness & Mercy, Church Video Vault, PAWinc, Pentecostal assemblies of the world, City of David, Down through the years, Bill Ellis
Id: N2eenh_YTlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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