Bishop David Ellis: Elder Charles H Ellis Preaches ''The Vision Shall Come To Pass''

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[Music] [Applause] pastor Charles Ellis mrs. Ellis the Ellis family I had the good fortune several years ago to meet Bishop Ellis and speak with him briefly and last August I had a housewarming and I at my request I asked him to come down and pray and bless my home he did so most graciously and I will be forever grateful I sing for him now [Music] ah hey Hey [Music] uh-uh [Music] Oh a fine away strain change the beauty [Music] Oh [Music] Oh the show [Music] it was bad Bhaiji he Jesus on high [Applause] we never never shadow chisel and we you will not love never grow Oh [Music] we'll never grow we [Music] never grow [Music] never grow now [Music] why we never [Music] ah me we'll never [Music] [Applause] never grow bro Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Wow [Music] yes [Music] you get yet sack [Music] if you grow and you [Music] where we'll never [Music] we got a money buddy going man we gonna grow [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mangal [Music] [Applause] [Music] my mine is me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we gotta move [Music] well my mind is made up which job entails I'm mad I'm going home [Music] that's what he was they all signed it a seal along Chicago and join him every Sunday night rockin Chicago from 8:00 to 9:00 on Sunday night channel 62 telling this crazy world there's number one lon [Music] one faith one baptism to our chief prelate and all of the Executive Board of Pentecost in the world to offer zhiting prelates to all city ministers and preaching friends everywhere that have come in the audience my Chicago church this year god bless you and all of our close friends and family that's here today Phoenix Arizona Albuquerque and my diocese god bless you for being here on this great celebration for our dear brother into my family I find something law that will always be my sister-in-law all of their children grandchildren my nephew of the child fellas third to all of my brothers and sisters all of our family this year from Chicago California son got about the Sigma to be here if you will would you just stand all of our family all the others family we ain't back necessary where you make that just just stay and just stand someone got homesick meds wheelchairs to be here god bless saying I want to thank those of you that got up and allowed our family to have seats may the Lord bless you for being so kind I won't take but a minute because you all know how it is I'm not lost for words but I'm too heavy to give words so I will be very brief and he would say all right you through now we don't have all day but this is his day and we want to make it well my brother stood Toula in his best stocking feet that most basketball players on the court because he stood for dignity righteousness and justice for all and holiness my brother's sisters family members are left behind even though it's very difficult very difficult at this time but as I looked around the day when I came in us all of our family and friends we have more left to love then with the Lord has taken the Lord to ask us can he have us because first of all we don't belong to him I said the Bishop Johnson and some of the bishops when they came to my aid and thank you all of you especially the bishop Davis who passes our home Church come just stand but your babies come just stand with me chief because this is where he comes from my father's Church he left my sick wife to be here and I think he just have that right to just stand with me he always recognized my family my father's picture is on the wall in the church needless to say Bishop Ellis took care of his family but I want to say he took there's family long before he was able to take his family he didn't just start taking care of his children when things were lean and mean when we live together after my mother had passed I become an invalid stroke he became my father and he always want to be my daddy I told him I got older brothers he said shut up listen to me I wanted to run for the bishopric he said no law now but you ain't gonna listen I really lost came up again he said don't run but you know listen I ran I lost another third time he said go falling I went for it and I want he was so happy that I finally got back to Chicago wanted to see me in Chicago he was happy and I was in the city of Chicago once again he took care of all of us whenever we needed some money or something campus - beautiful care marry our oldest sister who will never forget ticket care at all of us I called him a few years ago when I was building in San Antonio I said I need $21,000 right away not right away he said you listen to somebody and tell him how to bill you and me $21,000 but the next day it was in the mail and I paid him every penny back before I paid him back I was man came around selling some Muslims and I told him I call him say hey Doc I'm thinking about getting me a miles let me say Negro don't you dare buy a grave before you pay me my money pay me my money Binda [Applause] so I'm going to my seat many good things we could say but we'll be around and certainly we didn't when your show loves what I'm trying to say you'd have to talk love those of you all sister Kay and others that knew me you know we had a relationship I'd call him every Monday what'd he want now and when I didn't call how come you didn't call me but in the last few weeks he began to just talk talk talk talk and it told me before a few weeks ago maybe a month we were kidding about our last arrangement I said I'm in Chicago now and I'm trying in transition of taking care business that church is taking a good business for me I said I want you something outta me go to San Antonio right away and take care of my family take care of the Jonathan Ellis whom he really loved his nephew there he'd say give up the church there he can take it on you ain't doing anything no way and I say it take care my family and he just abruptly said and some happened me get to Detroit help Chuck be there had to change the conversation just like that doc I did it it my search for all of us great officers because doc said his house in order and we didn't want nobody coming in here trying to say what the Lord told him in the spirit told in this church is together we are together great agree still God bless you may the Lord strengthen all of you today after this my family will need your prayers because he was the leader of our family he was my mother's Million Dollar Baby I was a baby but you don't mess with David because all of them would come and get you my fine nephew is coming now pastor this great church God is gonna strip at him we're him with him and this would be Doc's request who knows more about a father than his own son who worked more entirely in this church then elder Charles Hayward Ellis the third who is able to lift us today but our pastor [Music] the atmost Alex people should see him like to receive him yesterday my fine fu named after my wits and father [Music] the future my brother was the gospel preacher gospel preacher in his own way [Applause] [Music] we surprised a lot everybody certainly giving honor to the pre-op Presiding Bishop Paul Alexander Bowers and to the assistant presider and to the more delicious the executive board the other presiding bishops other bishops ministers saints friends giorgia family agreed agrees temple family and certainly to my family we greet you in the matchless name of Jesus things have gone so well this week it's been hectic but things have gone well I'm not sure I quite knew the meaning of the scripture the Lord is the strength of my life until this week we don't mean any disrespect to protocol but you all know my bed wasn't much for protocol anyhow but this is great agrees temple my dad always told me if you're gonna be a leader you've got the lead and I figured that we might as well start leading today [Applause] maybe I cannot do the best job but there's no doubt in my mind that I am the best man for the job we want to thank everyone who has just I mean the support has been so overwhelming say what you want about church folks you know I'm sorry it's the mayor elledge and all of congressman Conyers congresswoman Barbara rose Collins I'm sorry judge worthy all other being civic officials we have so many judges here and other political figures here who were not recognized Mike there was a great friend to politicians I want all of them to stand because we didn't have time to recognize you but you all know the bishop supported you and you supported him all public officials please stand get these fine people to have [Music] and certainly miss Franklin we thank you you were my dad's most favorite gospel singer most favorite bar none he liked Marvin and the Clark Sisters and Fred and them but he said you know they even got away from them old songs [Applause] my dad loved them old songs but this family just thinks everyone who has done so much going out of their way to make us feel comfortable to to to just attend to our needs the greater grace temple church family has just been tremendous has worked on tiring Li and we salute you today for your spirit of cooperation my dad was everything to me and I don't want to really stand up here and try to recount the episodes of our life in our history because I can stand up here until Jesus comes and still would not exhaust the great love admiration and respect and relationship that we had I think God because I think that my dad and I were probably a rare combination of father and son it was hard for me to get to the place where he would ask my opinion on things and the irony of it is that I always thought I could tell him something and when it finally got to the time that he said what do you think I found myself speechless [Applause] not able to say anything but you know I thank God for the tremendous opportunity that he has extended to me just to help my dad all of my grown life that's all I ever wanted to do was make his load lighter and I thank God that he allowed me to do a little bit of that but I just want to bring you very briefly a word from the Lord because I believe that that's what we need now we don't need another tribute we don't need another song but we need to hear word from the Lord in the book of Hebrews the eleventh chapter verse 13 there's so much here that I want to read but the inference of time would just read the thirteenth verse most of you who are Bible readers are familiar with this chapter anyhow theologians call it the Hall of faith and it says these all died not in the faith but in faith not having received the promises my dad was a great faith preacher he preached the faith top faith he lived faith and I began to learn my older years Christendom of being saved that if you're gonna make it over here on the Lord's side you gotta have there's no a fan's about it it's not an option but you've gotten ahead it faith is so much so important until the writer said without faith it is impossible to please him but he that cometh unto God must believe that he is and here's a reward of them that diligently them that continues to seek him faith faith faith faith faith but just shall live by it those that are mobile cell wall pipe the guilty are justified by it great mountains can be moved by it real men and women in Christendom will stand firm in it the sick I heal through it righteousness comes by it and the true Santa God dies in it the writer here in the eleventh chapter he identifies a cloud of witnesses who personifies this great undying me begins to tell us as we read all throughout this 11 chapter y'all know the story by faith Abel offered up the card a better sacrifice than King by faith even walked so close with God until God just one day took him out of the presence of me by faith Noah built off when there was no chopper raining when they called him crazy he kept on building by faith Abraham left home left his father's house left all the comforts of home where you're going Abraham I don't know where I'm going but God said going by faith I'm on my way by faith Moses was eatin all of the niceties there all of the pleasures there just a supper with the children of God by faith Joshua fought the battle and the walls of Jericho came tumbling down Oh ain't getting no help up in here without faith we may think the life has its pinnacle in the wealth his prosperity in same material things but the bishop would always let us know that it's more than that you're sanctified life your walk with God your life as a believer it's not a life of things and danger because the things which are seen are temporary but the things that are not seen are eternal more delight than this smaller life in jewelry more to life than cars than clothes more to life than cars and just having your name on the billboard is more delight than being able to pick up the phone and get the mayor the governor or the president in a moment's notice Nicodemus was a man who matches this description he was a man who had things going his way he was a man who had a great name he was a man who undoubtedly had great wealth but when he met up with Jesus he didn't care nothing about what kind of committee he sat on her how much money he had in his pocket how many chariots he had in his fleet he said he must be born again that's what the Miss Apollo Theater don't get so caught up in material things until you forget what you're really all about don't get so caught up into the things of this world until you forget why God really save him yeah he didn't save you to stop you from smoking yeah he didn't save you to stop you from lying yeah he didn't save you so you can get a Mercedes Benz or raise on the job but he's saying you that you might not never but the problem that we had as children of God we begin to get see as we begin to walk with God we begin to think that everything is supposed to go our way we begin the finger at the moment we become savor the troubles that trials and the problems of life will cease but honey let me tell you something here when we begin to get save you will realize that sometimes that's when trouble begins but because we get saved but the wrong reasons we begin to think that when God allows trouble to come into our life when God allows headaches to come into our lives when God allows sorrow to come into our lives up then we believe that God is suffering from mistaken identity yeah how in the world could God allow the bishop man who touched so many lives out of this world the magnitude of the out of the world beside me there is none other we begin to see the prosperity of the wind we began not to understand how these things could come and how other things could continue to go on now but you know I believe that they feel sometimes like what David felt when he said you know my foot almost slipped because I began to see the prosperity of the wicked yeah I am trying to live everything that I know how to live and it seems like trouble is on every hand and here's somebody else is shucking and jiving and they seem to be promoted elevated and less abundantly but let me tell you something God is not by I take great consolation when I hear God say I am NOT suffering from out Hamzah I am NOT suffering from memory I am NOT suffering from mistaken identity yeah I am NOT confused I am NOT losing my vision I let something bad happen to use you might not understand it now but just by and by you understand I like the way second Timothy put it when he said nevertheless the foundation of God it standeth sure having this seal the Lord knoweth him that is you see y'all might not understand this but let me break it down to get this way you'll see there are some people who are not living save lives and God's gonna allow them to be blessed just like the sea no God is less let me put it this way yeah I know who my daughter he is her name is Guillermo Nicolas in the kitchen yeah and he eras little friend Bianca is with her I by Kiera and ice-cream cone yeah I'm also gonna buy Bianca and ice cream corn yeah there are some kids in the Train yeah red might look like my ears but believe me when I tell you they ate in my ears but nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure the Lord nor theme that I hear if I'm treating my own kids yeah I'm gonna treat the ones that I hanging with me yeah if my kids up and they've got friends hanging around but when it's time to go home be able to get home but God's not looking like him he's only looking for that are called by here names that are called according to his purpose come on and see [Music] what together crazy I was amazed who bassy yeah give me a little more volume he knew that he walked my face in 1960 he left Chicago the leader that punk chirps against the advice of many of his friends mr. negotiation yeah but shirts out of bed Bobby's mr. Ellis in 1970 he motivated from Puritan and that's over here the seven-mile thing in 1974 he declared by face that we shall burn it in 1976 the vision came to pass and we burned the mortgage in 1980 he declares yeah better we sell buildings we couldn't get money from no bank nowhere yeah but he went on by space yeah they said man you crazy yeah is the recession time interest rates are sky high but the subsea the just shall live by faith I'm walking by please and not by sight in 1983 the vision it came to pass in 1987 by baekje the clash yeah we sell burnish in 1989 we burned the mortgage when he saw children going to school on the rough conditions yeah he gave them a safe heaven to be educated and founded the grated vegetables Christian schools when the people of the church couldn't borrow money from nobody yeah the bishop declare my face yeah we'll have the great vegetable chef Federal Credit Union when the members needed quality living with rich he declared by face that we shall have the greater grace temple garbage when printing costs is sword he declared my faith yeah the greater grace temple prayer when we found out that we didn't have anything that we could trust me he said have faith in God when travel became too enormous the bed by baekje decrease the greater grace temple travel impresses because he believed that God blesses that sound that's dad he is old he their Creed by faith now but Ellis Memorial funeral home and told you yes it's your business Lee when he found out yep better visit must leisure the people of God about 20 acres on seven mile is side washing and declare that born to you this day in the City of David a savior which is Christ the Lord God allow me to show you my glimpse of the city of being with the erection yeah Ellis manor apartments for seniors the finish the city yeah but he found a city yeah whose bounty city and builder and maker is God yeah Moses said yeah the just what I want you to carry on yeah my daddy came over sure the Saturday night before Christmas and lead out the blue he said son this is how I want it shut this is how I want it bashing and I stand here to tell great a great simple this morning that I hear the Lord see Moses my servant is dead but he's paying SAS Allah and the people of the is Rosh yeah we gonna cross over this Jordan the Jordan River it represents feels yeah it represents waist up it represents unpleasantness it represents discomfort no remember name yeah he didn't want to go in the Jordan River yeah but it was a nasty rumor I hear the Lord say yeah the Jordan yeah we're gonna cross it yeah he's saying great and very simple yeah we're gonna cross it yeah we're gonna cross over sorrow yeah we're gonna cross over tears we're gonna cross over confused yeah we're gonna cross over disappointment yeah we're gonna cross over pain yeah we're gonna cross over Greece yeah we're gonna cross over sadness we call a crossover headache yeah and a honey yeah I want everybody yeah that'd be longer greater grace temple let grab somebody by the hand and tell them neighbors Bishop's ass come - did you hear what I said tell them God said the busy sound come the pastor see it like you mean it God said the vision sound come to pass see ya yes [Applause] hallelujah [Music] the visit shall come to pass ain't nobody don't turn us around ain't nobody gonna block our way ain't nobody gonna stop the program you point down at the floor and tell the devil you a liar and a deceiver too but God's not through blessing me tell that name of God's not through lesson to you if you believe that put demands together and praise Him [Music] the visit cell come to pass the visit cell come to pass the business sale come to pass the bishop is gone he left us in good hands he took care of business y'all he took care of business [Applause] and the vision shall come to pass and when that vision comes to pass we're not leaving the bishop at Grand Line y'all hear what I'm saying we're not leaving the bishop at Grantland Cemetery we're taking him to the City of David is his vision [Applause] [Music] somebody said what if the mayor don't give you a zoning toy I told him I learned from my daddy I won't do it until an election year [Applause] the bear is our friend but just in case we have some trouble we know how to do it Councilwoman in it [Music] we're gonna take the bishop now we're going to deposit his remains into the wall at gremlin cemetery we're going to make a deposit my babies buried out there just a year and a half ago mousse didn't think I was gonna be able to make it through that but God brought me through [Applause] this is the biggest deposit into a cemetery that I will ever make but - no I have consolation because he's not going to stay there because the Bible says but God Himself is gonna make a withdrawal but Paul said for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout the voice of the Archangel with the Trump of God but there in Christ's arise first we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet him in the air those of you that are in the temple in the fellowship hall that did not have an opportunity to be in here live with us we thank you for your patience we thank you for your understanding [Music] as my brother said that many more places we could have gone but this is God's wheel his will has been done the Bishop's race has been run his book has been closed now God's got lead up for him a crown of righteousness - the greater grace temple family be strong in the Lord and the power of his might to the gorge of Hamelin you all are gonna miss him to the police Corps chaplain Corps we thank you for everything that you've done the mayor of the city type Adams your church just reached how and showed the spirit of ecumenical fellowship and cooperation you know I love you all of the ministers clergy civic leaders we thank you may heaven smile upon you st. James you loaned us your busses Oak Grove here me tax if there's anything that could do so many churches came to our aid and for fear of forgetting somebody just let me say that everybody thank you pray for us as a church family pray for us as a personal family [Music] but we're gonna leave by saying God is good all the time and all the time God is good and I know he's good because he's strengthening me right now they have a smile upon you the God's blessings be with you as we now prepare to tuck him in [Music] and to secure [Music] everyone stand to your feet please [Music] as the music that we have chosen [Music] is cute at this time [Music] god [Music] mom [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so more than mine [Applause] I helped across on [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] layaway tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we gonna Oh me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Carlos Gibson
Views: 67,277
Rating: 4.8146005 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop David Ellis, Greater Grace Temple, Bishop David Ellis Funeral, Bishop Charles H Ellis, Aretha Franklin, Aretha Franklin Sings, Bishop William Ellis, Gospel, Detroit History, The Black Church
Id: HsyiIHK7vV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 7sec (3307 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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