Bishop David Abioye | The Faith That Works

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a Jesus precious name we have prayed join me this - we welcome for the false teaching Bishop David a billion [Applause] thank you hallelujah please lift up your two hands let's give quality thanks and praise to go this morning no one like him no one like him are you sure he said in your voice give him thanks Oh mom give him thanks some more give him thanks some more give him thanks or more blessed be your name Lord in Jesus wonderful name we have given things heavenly father this morning we thank you for you are good and your mercy endures forever in humility we stand before you and we ask that this morning you would teach us you would touch us you were translators you will transform us you will enlighten us you empower us and all the glory shall be returned to you all who believe that prayer say loud amen please be seated and if you can give Jesus another big hand it's worthy of our praise thank you lord sheilo 2019 I'm breaking limits I want to this morning quickly appreciate my father whom God gave me the privilege amen he gave me the privilege to meet him just a few years ago and ever since I started following the journey has remained great amen you are wondering how a few years that has been January next year we'll make it 40 years they're mine is that know very few considering the number of years ahead and enjoying this privileged relationship forty years ago I met with a man who showed me the way who inspired my zeal who and fired my faith and I want to this morning deeply appreciate my father again Bishop David o in a poem they opposed over this commission for all of the blessing I've been a student ever since then and I'm here to graduate and this morning Amani teaching practice so give me a good will give me a prayer that this teaching practice will be impactful this morning in Jesus precious name thank you very much sir this morning it's my privilege to bring God's Word out of the much treasure that we have received through my father understanding the faith that works understanding the faith that works this topic suggests that there are different kinds of faith and not all of them work and all we doing this morning is to examine individually is my faith working or not what kind of faith do I have if it's not working why is it not working and how can I make it to work because the ultimate of faith is to work faith is God's tool in our hands to work fate works wonders faith works healing is that they just shall live by faith they just shut walk out his life he let us walk out our salvation with fear and trembling so faith is a tool in a workshop where we can make things to work not all kinds of faith walks James chapter 2 for instance verses 18 and 19 gives us a clear understanding that faith may not walk and it can't walk yay amen say thou hast faith and I have works shew me thy faith without your works and I will shew thee my faith by my works there are believers that there is one God thou do as well even the devil's also believe so on a general note you can't claim you have faith if you don't have proofs faith without works is dead there is living faith and there is dead faith there is passive faith and there is active phase there is also the kind of faith that scripture recognizes that is called the heart of unbelief and the heart of faith and that's where we're heading for this morning understanding the faith that works what kind of faith is he that works it is the heart seated faith faith that is born out of the heart so the journey of faith begins from the heart and with the heart if your heart is not right your faith cannot walk Fred cannot be there if your heart is not there the soil of faith is the heart faith is a seed that requires the soil of the heart to make it work as Martha faith produces according to the quality of heart just like seed produces according to the quality of the soil the seed is good but the soil has question faith is good but the heart of man should be queried this is why the scripture admonishes that we put our hearts right we engage our heart right Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 13 the heart of man is expected to be engaged if faith most works Jeremiah 29:13 Isaiah 29:13 incidentally we see that will engages our faith is looking for engagement and that engagement is the engagement of your heart if their heart is not there faith cannot be there you shall seek me and find me where you just search for me with all of your heart with all of your heart it demands all of your heart for you to have all the faith that will produce all of your heart if you want all of your fails to work the same Jerry marriage of the 30 was 21 for who is this that engages her to approach unto me saith the Lord of Hosts in Isaiah chapter 29 verse 18 he said with the amount they are close to me but with their heart they are far from me there are people who make empty confessions of faith there is the place of confession but there is a place also of Concepcion Concepcion is what makes confession to work until fate is conceived in the heart confession would end in frustration so the big question this morning is waste my heart how true is my heart how right is my heart for the eye of the Lord run to and fro all the ends of the heart second chronicles chapter 16 verse 9 seek him for a man whose hat is upright before him we have the story of a man a king in second chronicles of the 25 verse to who even do is saw the Lord but not with this a perfect huh it did that which was right in the side of the law but not with a perfect heart so you see there are categories of heart of man and then of course as I said earlier we have what is called the evil heart of unbelief we have to deal with distant to the root Hebrews chapter 3 verse 12 it talks about the evil heart of unbelief now if we take it from verse 11 it tells us that the reason why they could not enter into the promise is because of their unbelief because of their unbelief because of the unbelief then in verse 12 it except that we should take heed lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief stone hearted no matter the teaching of the faith has no access to him and then he talks about the hat of faith there is the heart of unbelief and there is the heart of faith the same eBrush of the 10 was 22 as I speak by the unction the backs of this commission I command that that Evo had a firm believer and anyone here this money be damaged and I mean least to you right now the heart of faith look at that passage again Hebrews chapter 10 verse 22 very important let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of if the soil is good the seed will produce if the heart is good the faith will produce having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience questioning everything that has been spoken suspect in every testimony that is been shared they say by faith somebody really was raised from the dead is he are you sure he really died are you really sure somebody said I came to Sheila last year and God has told me into a bolonia reduce this thing now I can it was happiness only I've been in this church for the past 10 years I have not seen anything it can happen evil heart of unbelief I pray again this morning that God would give to each of us a heart of faith our conscience will be cleansed from every unbelief this morning somebody who believed us a lot a man [Applause] what was the secret of party apostle is that I believe all things believe in all things believe in all things believe in all things but this I confess acts 24 verse 14 on to thee that after the way which they call air SC so what ship hide the God of my father's believe in all things believe in all things and Jesus said if you can believe all things are possible believe in all things which are written once it is written I believe once it is written why am i claiming to be healed because God said so why are things working for me the way they are working for my father which available I believe I believe his testimonies I believe one on that percent is testimony now a few weeks ago I was reflecting on my followership and I said to myself I may not have understood everything from the onset but there was no time I doubted anything no time I may not have understood everything that this man say but there was no time I doubted anything and what is the proof of it my followers you because you can't follow a man that you don't believe especially consistently you can do that I believe I believe God I believe his prophet I believe my father that's why every good thing happening to him he's reflecting in my life to the glory of God and the same thing can happen to you and this morning I see your faith working I see your faith working do you know that God's Passage to your life is your heart there is nothing God can do for you without your heart that's why God gave Saul another heart and the day he gave my mother had was the same day oh those signs came to pass for summer chapter 10 verse 10 as he was going from him God gave him another heart and as soon as he got another heart OH those signs come to pass your signs are within your heart let your heart be right and everything good happening to our spiritual father will be happening in your life Joshua and Caleb took their place with Moses because your heart was right we also have what we call sense based faith which is what obtains in the world today in the world of philosophy and especially in many of the teachings going on going on around the church today motivational teachings and all of that sense base faith where you can see the proof but there is the Hat seated faith which is born out of a revelation knowledge so we are talking about revelation elation your heart is the worship of faith your heart is the resting place of faith Romans 10:10 if thou believe in your heart if you believe in your heart not in your head faith has no connection with the head it is a heart your head may be so loaded with information yet without production in your life the production in your life is the proof of the faith in your heart there are many who teach it and a few who produce it that way teacher of faith and have no evidence would make you a laughingstock once I had got7 said many years ago they said law if you don't prove it in my life don't use me to preach it and we can see it today without being told faith is imparted your heart is the cooking pot of faith once faith enters into you the cooking commences it may take a while but the meal was something ready God measures our faith to deliver our deal blessing he measures our faith that's why I says it's accordance it is to you according to your faith Matthew 9:29 it is to you according to your faith the big question therefore as Jesus as his disciple is where is your faith where is your faith Luke 8:25 quickly therefore we want to examine in a few points what are the characteristics of faith that the character ease of had seated faith had seated faith what are the characteristic that is how do I know if I have a hat seated faith how do I know the good thing about God is that it tells us what to do it tells us how to do it it tells us where to go it tells us how to get there is an open secret that's why everybody can testify if you know the way you will produce the heart if you are not producing the art simply put you don't know the way number one characteristic of hot seat at faith is faith the heart of faith is always restful if faith is seated in your heart it to make your life restful rest rest men of faith are men of rest they are never awful um collected rest if you are not restful then faith is not in your heart it may be your head Hebrews 4:11 those who believe have entered into the arrest they have entered into the arrest they could not enter because of unbelief Jesus took his disciples on a journey mark chapter 4 verses 35 to 38 Matt chapter 4 and the same day when the even was come is said unto them let us pass over on to the other side let us pass over on to the other side and we understand later as soon as he entered the boat they all shall remain what did he do he went and slept he went and slept why once Jesus said let us go over he was already at the side it was already a decide what's the implication of that once God tells you you are healed take your rest you already he he said it to you before the sickness came so when the storm came the stump templates because Jesus already arrived at the other side faith is stressful I have had gossip and study from the onset that this ministry is going to be very great when the church was few when the church had no coal oh yes after you say we thank all for where we are but I'm not surprised at where we are I already knew we will get there rest from today go will give you rest by every area of your life go will give you rest but the disciples because they were operated by sense knowledge experience on the see Peter and others are being great fisherman they understood the geography of the sea in the night so the essence was working and calculating Jesus was resting since will trouble you faith would give you rest calculating where we money come from calculating you are too small to cater for yourself past the holiness of faith faith means God Takuma arrested the stone came so had bitten the boat yet Jesus was resting no matter the boat the wind blowing the boat of this generation economic security people are apprehensive trouble there reminisce rest to the people of God what do you rest on rest on the world rest on the world second chronicles chapter 32 verse 8 rest on the world is the Caspian when the enemies came to trouble them with him is an hammer flesh bet with us in the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles and that people rested themselves upon the walls of Israel once the world says it go until arrest God has spoken that every limit around your life will be broken what do you do like your master Jesus did take your race take your race take erase data trust in the Lord shall be Osmonds ion which cannot be moved some one to five verse one number two characteristic of had seated faith it challenges opposition even though rescue Jesus was resting the disciples who were lost for what to do Master don't we cut our parish sense parishes Saints based faith parishes as far as they are concerned were finished already destroyed don't you care that we perish and Jesus resolved no discussion faith does not discuss faith does not explain it manifest he rebuilt the wind and Sidon to the Sea while you are resting the enemy will come to trouble you what you do stand to the stop peace be still and the wind assistance these are not things who yes is in your heart can a pregnant woman know that diseases which she can't see she said she doesn't know she's pregnant you don't really can see they said well you know the answer is if it is there it was a problems come to provoke our faith and faces I'm here I'm here in a book the stone hey what a man of one disease that's what faith does it turns ordinary people into wonders number three hot seat that fate reacts spontaneously to a negative report it react spontaneously to a negative report a loving sincere doctor came and said 27 you have eye blood preasure no thinking about no I cannot have high blood pressure spontaneous reaction no no a few years ago I was sitting in my office and my ass was scratching me and the voice of the devil kid Apollo you know it's a very strategic person want to scratch it no I got back home trying to undress and as to before the mirror is they look at the mirror as it's not necessary something was answering inside me it's not necessary it's not a nice room the following day I go to the office and I saw a stop putting on the booze what's happening he said he had a pool ooh that's the applet I wanted to cut me yesterday I was not available [Music] spontaneous reaction hallelujah so you need to be you need this hat seated phase number four this faith speaks false it speaks for it makes declaration if you cannot say it you don't believe it 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 13 we also believe where for naturally we speak we speak people faith naturally speak they speak what they have had they speak what they are told they naturally speak believe in your heart and confess with your mouth first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 10 open wide your mouth and our fill it some it 1 verses 10 to 16 Johnny level from 40 to 44 Jesus give thanks and then he spoke Lazarus I am waiting for you come forth I observe that Jesus never answered useless questions it made no comment that will contradict this way they came to Jesus Mary said if you are here my brother would not have died Jesus in the answer he said let's go to where she is lady there are people when they talk to you they can kill your face somebody wants solution it was healing and Institute is excuse me sir can I have 10 minutes with you for what just to tell you the genesis of this sickness when I'm inside people I tell them don't tell me the genesis I already have the revelation don't technogenic this is too far revelation is there already I saw Jesus and his question he always has been what do you want he doesn't waste time receive your healing check for your hand come on Lazarus Tompa he was never wasting time they said there was no food for 5,000 people one of disciples said master we have I flows of bread and two piece of fish but how can this go Jesus said make them sit down he did no explanation faith makes no explanation it makes declaration it makes manifestations faith will always speak faith will always speak number five and we conclude with that hat seated faith presses persistently against all hearts it knows not only about turning back faith presses keeps pressing that was the secret of doom initial blood and brain battle EOS they press they press the woman whose child needed healing she prize who have all of those stories Marcin 921 Mach 25 Mach 5 24 to 30 pressed must get it because the heart wants it the body generates the energy for it once your heart wants it you see your body moving it becomes so natural and stress-free that's why faith must be built in the heart in closing how do you build hats it at faith keep hearing the word until it paints a picture which cannot be doubted keep here in the world keep here in the world faith building is a process faith will first hit your head if you are not careful your head were right and rejected by keep pressing let it pass you until it find a resting place in your heart keep your inner wall that's why see faith comes by hearing firstly and here second stage and here it hostage and hearing and hearing until a picture is painted which cannot be doubted you made out words they took another pictures keep hearing keep hear keep hearing here mo here mo and here mo until doubt is damaged when faith increases doubt reduces as faith escalates doubt goes downward let your faith grow from hope to trust their faith of Abraham began with hope and ended with trust he became fully persuaded fully persuaded fully persuaded a hope against hope he believed in God the quality test would be not a study 1 it strengthened his faith and from there he entered into trust interest Romans chapter 4 verses 17 to 21 number 2 keep thinking the world meditation Philippians 4:8 think on these things first current May 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse 15 meditate upon these things number three keep praising God until you see the manifestation keep praising God in this world some 54 verse 6 and verse 10 I will praise God in this world I will praise God in this world Romans chapter 4 verse 20 he was strong in the faith giving glory to God your faith will walk from now since evil heart of unbelief has been taken from you your faith will start what him and your faith will not stop working if you believe that please arrest your fit with me raise your voice and begin to declare my faith is working my faith must work it worked for Abraham it must work for me it worked for Peter it was for Paul it's work for my father in the house my faith must work my heart see that faith must walk give him glory give him praise exalt his name lift him on high somebody celebrating celebrating thank him because the evil heart of unbelief is not from you thank you because the heart of faith is planted into you you are on faith ground you are of this is Fred brown Fred must enter to you somebody speak faith must enter to me I'm afraid not I'm afraid on a mammogram faith must enter into me in Jesus precious name one thing faith does is to sink and for that reason the choir is ready they will lead us singing and glorifying God in Jesus name if you truly believe you were saying if you believe you will dance if you believe you will jump if you believe you will leap if you believe your celebrate come on let's go
Channel: Nene Susan Ekuvero
Views: 13,535
Rating: 4.8245616 out of 5
Keywords: bishop david abioye, bishop david abioye on faith, david oyedepo, nene susan ekuvero, david oyedepo 2019, shiloh 2019, shiloh 2019 hour of visitation, canaanland ota nigeria, shiloh 2019 breaking limits, winners chapel, faith tabernacle ota nigeria, winners, lfc, bishop david oyedepo 2019, bishop david oyedepo messages, david abioye messages, bishop david abioye 2019, bishop david abioye messages 2019
Id: 0o7QtaouGLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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