Bishop Oyedepo | Faith-An Access To A World Of No Limits

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give the Lord Jesus a shout of Fame [Music] hallelujah a man my prayer that this shall be the tonight shall be a night of encanta indeed for every one we serve a god of times and seasons och of the 6-3 after today many revivals and on the third day he was also somebody is changing position tonight [Applause] God is raising somebody to another level tonight sometimes God was speaking that when you come to the land that your father has promised you the shop saw all manner of plant woman of trees and he shall be holy for three years on the forty are you make it an offering to the Lord from the fifty are you keep eating from it without aim five years first five years and legal to the church began to have some expression the second five years an explosion the explosion is all just be conscious of the timeless of God and walk your way inside it this is the third day and a body has to believe is changing position tonight [Applause] moreover this is a seventh or the 21st Sheila and at the end of every seven years who make a release somebody slavery is ending tonight somebody's servitude is ending tonight [Applause] somebody is finally ending tonight every ward session is an impartation session under spirit entered into me when you speak on to me I said one day Satan has no power over you somebody has been important at 8:40 got rused the spirit enters when the heart is open the spiracle enters this Billa cannot enter I know if you open your heart I commit it wasn't for this way no he doesn't somebody's waiting for Saturday when God is ready today is ready today is ready today somebody's receiving that impartation of the spirit of faith tonight [Applause] thank you Father give the Lord of B&O praise and please you may be seated when the mantle of the spirit of faith upon again fell on me it was via the world it was the world it was in this session like this it was not ok let's go and see him in the office it was wrong what session I and I bust into Tia's uncontrollably I love to get myself together in the public meeting but it was beyond me and I hadn't lost it to me my son David the baton has been passed over to you inside you the only one I don't know but I know how I took it anybody to come follow me a million people into college I was upon Moses and give points to 70 elders he can impart on everyone on at the sound of my voice tonight amen my prayer is that no one will be left out of God's agenda for change of level also catch a revelation it changes your position as we behold as in a glass we are changed every revelations are them to effect a change of position a change of position as we behold them and if you see me when I'm caught up it shall be yours as should behold a mass in a glass we are changed changed from glory to glory as by the Spirit of the Lord as by the Spirit of the law so guarantee you know in that meeting I was sitting up panting and craving then suddenly I saw the face of Connecticut changed to that of a little time and I saw oil coming down through his cheeks to his suit and then something electric was fired into me and my never changed you know somebody's here tonight a man assuming ten is strong broken focus on what the Holy Ghost has been from this hall tonight someday we'll be fired into [Applause] let me tell you the truth I don't know any pressure zero anxiety you know the many of them the spirit of faith it brings you into races undeniable resonant touchable rest that must enter into your life toward night Pretender represents all rest in your life most pack and go tonight [Applause] that I believed do enter interest therefore limo just and get intense focus because God has ordained to launch you into the realm of no limit and faith is the gateway to it and the spirit of it is guarantee boys keep changing levels without sweat without struggle now that is your portion here tonight [Applause] thank you Jesus we are all in that series exploring faith on the standard faith as our asses to the realms of no limits no limits sometimes who are about fall understaffed and eight and then ten and we began going then forced 10,000 for 20,000 excess of 30,000 today zeroes race I prayed my god we bring you into your era of rest not by power obey my every feet is an accomplishment of the spirit of faith what motionless aforetime will feel me I began to list the Giants through faith who through Saudi youth Kingdom right right they won't join the corruption of hair I told us go up always their own righteousness this talk them out of liars they quite the furnace of fire we might receive their dead back to life through what through faith put a human flesh inside if a thief honest I'm not frying fried has enough oil to fry him up but no faith will break that limit there was no smell of fire on them so it's not this not this may be belief faith we're talking about but the sheet of it something you wouldn't you don't know holding the shield of faith something were holding angular coordinate that Israel are the teacher of saying this in your hand as a whip we're too noisy you have praise God now tonight many will return with the shield of faith the shield of faith is the spirit of a many will return from here tonight with the spirit of faith in your hand no dose in your heart is in your hand you will eat at any time you want and it answers we were involved in the kind of accident sometimes or potential accident and then did driver heat one substance on the highway and the cow was rude some way am i well said it was easy no don't see too many too dissimilar morality I said we are now hitting that people about six inches one foot the custard in command under any condition I therefore decree tonight an end to all Glee to make this happen [Applause] is the key to the war forest is the key to our award of arrest is the key to reward of rest and where you are dressed we are provoked the supernatural of God bastino I be exalted in the exalted among the hidden so that rest is the platform for supernatural manifestations faith brings you interest which provokes supernatural manifestations on his own accord beasty and you will know that I am God as a being sorted on the earth I shall be exalted among the hidden beasty it takes faith to be still in the midst of stone Jesus why are you so fearful fail I was sleeping on the pillow because I'm in the RAM / list a few of us Emilia to any produces anything to me no I'm smarter than them I'm just address pleasing Jesus I'm Joseph says toshow over tomorrow I'm too short now we don't want more RAM - sure I'm walking with the one who is in charge of tomorrow and there is nothing negatively metamodel that and what you ask somebody's blessed give the Lord a big hand afraid , sell my holidays here I'm changing position today today is the third day of the Shino of release my only list is tonight say conversing [Music] look at that isn't a symptom holding you can say my only list from you is tonight [Music] thank you Jesus give the Lord a big hand Oh pray understand in faith us our asses to the world of no limits that's your asset and that's my Asus let me quickly foster goes through these light from heaven what is it that empowers failed to break limits what's in it that caused his faith to empower us to become limit breakers what is the faith that empowers believe us to become limiting breakers let me thank you Jesus now please know before I start that without a right heart you are not a candidate for faith to deliver so your heart is no right to have no path or not in this matter you don't have a path or Lord with God without a right heart we have the principles of freedom we have the power of it and we don't he can assess the principles of faith when it takes only men and women with the right heart to command to experience the power of faith that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of gay men but end up power of God 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 4 so so there is the principles of faith and that is their faith he said my speech and my preaching was not with the enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and please sell for me this thing mm aha some really see do you say you dumb and then release that those words of him you have no part not in this matter because your heart is not right with God your heart is not right with God - come rely on my aunt Tilly and still unless prefer to walk God is not a magician God is not we had a value a whole lot teaching on conscience the power of conscience in putting afraid to walk and see your faith walk so if you are not instantly right hard you are not a candidate deception should go manipulation should go not a past of a few years of self quite a number of things in my life things who can believe and that's why God give us that strong word on Redemption aunty you are not every Fonda is saved not every elder he said not every pastor same not every Bishop Bishop primate bishop there are manual you never experience all things become new everything that's the oh yeah I just not there oh well now born again I know how it is no right you become another Ganassi you wicked not he didn't order he defied your all the lies are look at the roads at this road that is - OH - more so he laid upon the child your heart is no right of no part or lot in this thing please welcome God is not a magician we call we call no Scripture we ever comes to out another all we professor on your street we did Mary meditation I know you not depart from me ye that work iniquity we need a right heart to maintain a fruitful work with and it's by faith we walk along beside we need a writer who need a ride you need a ride you need a right heart but thank God I say and I will give you a new heart I would take the heart of stone away from you and I will give you a heart of flesh then I'll put my spirit with the liver and to told you to a brand new person somebody's experience the dilemma he allowed the same let me are your loudest amen let me hear your loudest amen what is in faith that empowers believers to operate in the realm of no limits number one let's take what I said now as introduction number one faith provokes the hand of God upon the believer what believed our report unknown to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed what does the hand of God offer it offers one favor and the King gave unto me according to the good hand of my god that's upon me Nehemiah chapter 2 so the good hand of God was it unleashes fearful God's people are not afraid like fever nothing flies like faith I will give this favor in the sight when we never go and destroy the Egyptians overflow or fever overflow of overflow not by their favor thou hast made me to stand out but made my montego's down strong where you hide your face and withdrawal of favor am trouble so God's favor causes God's people to try on with our sweat but really God grant divine speed in a pursuit the hand goes upon alive Jah and the out round the horse and the chariot of era to the gate of Jezreel the and of God unleashes supernet aura speed there are people here today God will fast your life forward supernaturally something that will not happen in 50 years we happen like a dream within 2020 I said the year 2020 will be a year supernatural speed not everything will be changing level everything will jump in level will be jumping levels will be jumping levels career Magneto's slept last night as a prisoner slab the following aired as a prime minister what is speed what breaking all protocols all protocols you are not a native you don't belong to any political party you don't have any identity anywhere I mean I you are coming from prison convicted of a rape to do massive changes that came along on his life now in the name of Jesus by the hand of God that your faith will begin to provoke such jump off levels like Joseph will become you experience I mean Joseph's experience is a definition of breaking limits it is clean it is clear it's unmistakable therefore in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and this tour tonight we are gonna power to change your position by revelation the heart of God we keep attending to your life the kind of favor that has never been recorded in any book honor will be located many people here [Applause] you're not no misfortune anymore what is in faith that empowers believer to operate in the realm of no limits fed provokes divine intervention not weird after we divine intervention at will do you believe that I'm able to do this area okay thirty years according to your faith be it unto you divine intervention provoked at we as we you are provoking by faith they were bringing that man through the roof you know the story Jesus saw their faith is am responsible committed look the service of commitment and as they broadly chop down demand on paralyzed take up those sins are forgiven the apparent go this way I've never seen it in this fashion when you're on fire on any subject you have committed God you have committed God to intervene you have committed God to intervene you have committed God to intervene I don't know what matters confronting you as the praise of your faith in God and in His Prophet that's what is listen to do in the Curtis party faith angle and faith in His Prophet believe in the Lord your God you shall be established belief also is profit and so shall you keep taking level to prosper me to keep making satisfactory supernatural progress supernatural progress you believe in God he confirms his war you believe in His Prophet the Grace on the Prophet the manufacture of the guilt over the begin to manifest in your life so tonight most mark the end of your being on the same spot whether you like it or not profits are here to stay on the earth prefer to be here TG so certain you must hear them to move forward they said look said somebody else too but they have Moses and the prophets they won't hear them do hear anyone that is wrong and so destinies are tied to what is going on now so if you like this content if you like connect some destinies are tied to what is going on right now because this prophet is sent to you that's why you are here wherever you may be under D today this prophet is said to me that's why I called you there that I drew you there I am saying by the hand of the Lord that you will [Applause] Lazarus ate for dinner today I'm not coming back again today is today Jesus - Steve is there somebody community there is somebody calling media that somebody whose faith is committing me there somebody's trying me by its way know what you're gonna do Iran what do the one side this is your side by faith I set you free faith disapprove of divine intervention don't stand as it will happen someday it won't happen not your fate multiple your faith must cut my way cos it was happen now it must happen now it was upon us now somebody's setting is basically from sickness somebody be set free from disease now the oppression of the Deaf is confirmed and somebody's life so we got free number three what is in faith that empowers believers to proclaim it Luke chapter 18 verse 42 48 we saw the woman with Israel or who touch the hem of His garment and the healing power of true power desired change of story faith draws on the raw power of God for your desired change of story faith draws on the raw power of God for your desired change of story faith draws on the raw power of the only important God the all-powerful God the God we do not it is impossible for your desire change your story the power of God says to faith and destroys the seeds of impossibilities the power of God the power of God so when your faith is at work you are tapping into the power of God for your change of story if they let the flow of blood stop this sauce notwithstanding it stopped she has spent 12 years I wasted hard living off on physicians who lobby but when her faith came alive it tapped into the power of God and gave up for free what she was dying to have there are many people here tonight your situation concerning the power of God so with your faith on the life the situation bound to you tonight that situation paused to you tonight so first he kills the hand of God and they provokes for you from heaven I'm faith provokes the flow of the power of God into your life that will stop the workings of the weekend on your life number four faith commits God to confirm his word it commits God's integrity to confirm his work if we believe look yet your best faithful you cannot deny him sir every night not may pass away but my word will never pass away God is not a man that he should lie no sir a man as you depend when faith comes alive God integrity is committed to confirm his ward this I shall follow them that believe and so they went forth and preached everywhere God also walking with them confirming the word with signs following confirming the word with signs following I never said we will build this church awhile yeah I will say I do occupy to say I have enough small sense to know that it is practically impossible by any human logic or techniques or new technology is not possible or the natural technical factors are contrary but when God says it his integrity is committed to confirm it so whatever God you believe come across integrity to confirm that it took my infirmity not that it was caught me to take at the end it was delete and parse couldn't get across some fellows truncated is doing but already I saw because nobody does what he sees I believed it would Lansing and I declared it and I'm committed I did I can never be sick 40 years plus ago 40 years yes I've walked myself to some dead end in terms of tiredness we do two days three days four days and you are not sleeping you're likely to be tired but I don't need anything them to sleep for a few hours and come back you remember the books to run away what is the rest as it is as I walk that my body samseong it has been some enough like that or not that you can you see you're running risk I believe it is kinder for many years you touch it look from next door there is somebody here tonight the end home - you're struggling for survival [Applause] I don't know how you feel I've not been on vacation for 38 years I'm having a nice time with Jesus I'm enjoying myself and say oh that's what I'm as far as I am I'm happy nice times you know something your story must change tonight don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong about going on vacation there is nothing wrong I'm telling you the truth oh no apostle Osman appointed to date so have a nice time the good news is you will not be caught sick anymore [Applause] he said normally inhabitant of the city shall say I am the happy times of that land shall say I am sick so love enter that land tonight the land that kept me sickness free for forty years it is just himself - what was x 72 - is plastisol bastard first he sicknesses that raise I'm not supposed to live to am free and in sickness free life now from today I welcome you to the sickness free [Applause] you believe me let me have your confident email I check the scriptures Jerry matter to one Latin verse 34 none of the inhabitants of the land shall say I am you have entered that land of rest they are sworn to bring go to that land of rest and welcome to the land of rest no more oppression of the devil on your life the battle over your head is over tonight [Applause] that is one of our young ladies here she is it one over twenty-two the doctor had to come to the house that we have long been seeing you for a long time he said it was a set me free now as at that time lady Nia's is no no sickness Jesus took care well as I age so a strength was growing I pray that this night marks the end of I am sick in your life [Applause] if that is an embodied line in sickness tonight everybody on a sick man anybody from your household on the Edna torment of the weekend I said the same word of deliverance and rescue to them in the name of Jesus we will save it now in the name of Jesus receive it now in the name of Jesus [Applause] thank you Father know most of our that health is worth over time nothing is more valuable than life health and vitality next to salvation and that is offer for free in Christ you don't have to pay for N equals twice therefore all health issues all that is and my voice is turn to testimony [Applause] operating in the RAM of No Limits and commodities that has a flaw see know how hard it is as physical strength among others those who do know their God they shall be strong and these are do what wake up today good and tomorrow that's not to come and exploit know all the man leading in one thing or another in the world today we are men of extraordinary strength man of extraordinary strength you are joining that team tonight they will look for those hospitals are no fine do anymore the doctors make on college they have lived complain you know after Bartimaeus gotta say he's able to sit back again with those blind people no I went home in color he went home in grand style now you are living every form of healthcare activity from tonight [Applause] don't get me wrong it is not saying to go to hospital all you need to be sick to think of it do you go for weekend a hospital is a way when I'm going to Mayo Clinic for a weekend no they are for those who are sick and have health concerns so if he takes sickness and had concern from your life what I will be there you know say I just came to see you can I sleep here for three nights so apart from going to deliver your children you will not be found on any hospital bed again [Applause] low areas are involved in any motor accident again [Applause] no one's up involved in any motorbike accident again as a 33 on verse 24 and inhabitants are not saying I am sick the people are very honest shall be forgiven their iniquity and that is prophetic about the error of redemption so we are not supposed to be sick again because the same day our sins were forgiven he is rightly healed our bodies by his stripes in heal our bodies so in the name of Jesus by the authority of that war you are not least dead of money happiness of the Lord - I never say again I am sick thank you Jesus you know oh yeah the word of the Lord now wherever you are take off your shoes a man the word has gone into this earth and will be seeping into your body and in the name of Jesus tonight marks the end of the siege of sickness and disease in your life [Applause] I decree that tonight marks the end of sickness and disease in your life in the name of Jesus that terminal disease is caused by a little they were bringing somebody in from Kota Wallace here what we mad for 20 years Stockman responding change as they cross the gate into zero all the demos left now we are not at the gate of cinema now here a program you are around the world is an extension of Sheila Graham therefore with your source of the feet on the ground of we are you are now you shall no longer say I am see [Applause] you shall no longer say I am sick [Applause] sickness is handed in your life tonight concise destroyed in your body tonight every time in our diseases Dominator your body to me [Applause] your third day of change of position is finally here [Applause] your resources we know not be wasted into your huh in the name of Jesus the name of geez false miracle here and the first she Lou was one of our precious ones that was crippled for 32 years I used to call it 23 when I saw the paper I saw it was written 30 20 30 to the sentence right is as she low on faith something like dude dropped on her body and the Budi rusev now notice that she was young when she turned 60 and climb the water by herself I said I was the woman I was he'd a raise from being crippled 1989 I'm sure my feet today now what a misery everything that is dropping of your body now we never enter back into you blood pressure is order hypertension is over diabetes is over [Applause] whatever drops from you on this ground today wherever you are stunning we never he ain't until you lie that testimony is about God who militant the operation of the devil by releasing that 20 year old madman from martyrs so every oppression of the devil that came with through toshi-low I command those demons out of you [Applause] be set free in the name of Jesus [Applause] please don't ever mock prophetic instructions you don't become a victim now one day I asked the people to take the highest currency they may have in their pocket um place it on the ground and put your feet on me because they would not have financial concerns anymore so after minister to the people I do remember to tell them to take the money off for your auto service so somebody uses only to carry so many may not ask us to take this money they may ask us to common collector sir it was mmm as soon as he took that money all I said please don't worry take off that money from agronomist it everything turned upside down for himself so he has no form an official executive of the place where it was the holy war cell of those mister people till prophetic instructions for mockery they end up as victims cause cause without a because the trilithon it all without any cost the tree much of the job go said to me this is handy to bottom a no cosigner cover not universities and as a how is a live flat on this floor before me and I would take over the Chancellor before all the peroneal students at the appearance Monday think is mad they can take anything I just live flat on that floor see we are communities today those holidays who was service informal it was with 120 million in month 120 million million a month wrong and we didn't feel it because it took over by a raw instruction that only sensitive and those who choose to embody them for the Lord we take I lay down on the floor heat Camus a what are you doing here after turns around and then which were later with my new shot please don't ever block the strange walks under strange act of God in your life I've been in it for years and I know it works now with everybody whose feet is on the ground tonight you will never say again I am sick somebody's death while he honored somebody's called Blaine you are beginning to see now [Applause] somebody came out with poison the poison is not little less now somebody or the decision of Baroness the Baroness is all gone somebody under the spread on the marital span of a before the spine is broken now [Applause] thank you Jesus give the loaded behind and gets it what is faith that empowers believers to operate in the realm of No Limit faith as power to quench all the fiery darts of the devil it has power to level all the barriers on the part of your progress it has power to level all barriers on the part of your progress it's a true faith they subdued kingdoms Hebrews chapter 6 of us 16 the Bible said above all taking the shield of faith we are we shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the devil and so they went they were thrown into the fiery furnace and the fire had no power on them neither was there a smell of fire on their bodies because they trusted in their God they trusted in God faith as to quench all the fiery darts of hell set against your life and destiny faith has the power faith has the power faith has the power twenty years ago maybe eventually sometimes here that I was opened a place to minister and after ministry I was drunk with the faith of my superiority over besides our power which is a standard understood open your number I say with every sinner I don't mean somebody called me which way practice in which would you like to start stop and it's too low what do you say anytime want to stop blood we get on the highway cause the vehicle to Thomas or I'll sock the blood of the victims I said what oh well people like us are coming when we says it all the way we clear all well we sense a higher power what power defeat power what power v what power stuff it would power the Fed what power does it what power don't it makes various cleared away on their own everybody are assisting your assess oh darling of no limit I see them clear the way for you they will be sad for you from places you least expected oh no we below continue from the four corners of the earth [Applause] Yanis on businesses today just in one location before she lost 20 20 were across many nation [Applause] there are certain Korea's today does seem to be going down the drain but in the name of Jesus you will so be located as a global you should be located as a global solution provider Yoga Nabila be allowed a sermon [Applause] let me alone a sermon let me your Lord estimate [Applause] whoo-hoo Roscoe 1982 every time the law spoke to me you'll be speaking from one spot and to be broadcast live on the screen across the nations of the earth now that's not easy to consume because there was no internet technology that time not here so the question is wait to be speaking from one spot and the world behind you at the same time it was not conceivable day no so hard from them but it will not be less than 140 145 150 nations that is hope to the service now because you believe it Boreas clear the way 12 it isn't me they'll find the name of Jesus everything limiting your access to God's ultimate plan for your life I command them brought down [Applause] now this is the prophetic page of Darla pressure Bundy I know it was a great beauty came down from heaven and NASA hit again it was flitted into Splinter houses and the same fire upon the author of the great house was born in on the earth of the smaller house so we are able para data tonight is part of that splinter house and the so fire Bonnie here now is born we are you are somebody will testified this night of his own liberty this night [Applause] the barriers are broken the chains are falling finally what is the fear that empowers believers to operate in the realm of low limits faith and grafts believe us into divinity they are by Apollo's to accomplish the impossible Romans 11 17 to 23 if some of the branches be broken off and thou being a wild olive tree was grafted in among them and with them be partakers of the root and fatness of the olive both branches but if thou dost thou be honest not the root body Rudi now that we say the branches were broken off that I may be grafted in yet because of all believed they were broken or I his turn by faith be not high-minded but fear so well fed in place of what is working in God begins to walk in you when unbelief comes you are disconnected well fate comes to a grafted so engraftment into the ability that empowers believers to do the impossible it's an engraftment you are grafted into God God is grafted into you and then you begin to function and the frequency of God and the frequency of God are the frequency of God is that by don't believe I'm looking up I never come back to finish I've crafted a again so it's a new ending opportunity every time fate comes alive on any subject you are grafted into God at that moment whatever God can do you can command it to happen so it's not for that of poverty some reason we are pretty some ways we are in collaboration faith at what brings the hand of God to be on your life that it was filled amen that equals device speed praise God it provoked divine intervention at we you are God operating together glory to you that's what is in fact so it's wisdom to keep building your faith to keep building your faith to keep building your faith so that this manifestation has become real in your life that's what works thank you Jesus thank you Jesus give the Lord the biggest amen now for you to spill in these manifestations one thing you most generously God is your tongue your tongue your tongue because life and death are end up fat asses sits in the heart but has its expression in the mouth so it is Tong fired faith that delivers whatever you are ashamed to say what is a shame to confirm what you are not going to say who we never see you shall have what about you see before mochas whatever you say before gainsayers you shall have whatsoever you say what I said I cannot be sick who are very mad at me but that's the statues they don't have any program no religion with them a little ego am I sick now you will say see one of our precious ones here was bill money to buy some demonic woman who we call every morning she was waiting on the Lord for the flow room are you doing here say to that person God a story the following message is that God has done it my heart my just magic I just a new solution same party won't change your story please listen to me I give to the mouth and wisdom that normal person can't resist no gainsay your mouth is to silence renovates is a popular mouth wide and hopefully but my people are too civilized for that they will know how come to me so I gave them to the size of your heart I gave them open to their own hearts loss and they walked in there are all concepts they want to be respected don't talk like Papa you better be careful I was myself a little boy who love God and believe God heartedly I've lived by faith to this point oh I believe in God and this day was when I said I can ever before it was a matter of mockery Akasaka never was a child 1982 this is what is resonating I've never I've never been I've never been hungry if you can say it you will see so if I can say I will see if I can't say I won't see if I can't say I would say if I can't say I would say two months to completing this project the roof was not completed and I was in Connell and God said to me it took me only six days to create the world and the Funes arrow I will not need to finish our ability to build so much so I came down and two months to what became a new song as I say after me two months too much say it again say it a minute if you are shamed of me I know my world and this weekend under generation I will also be ashamed of you before my father and his holy angels so you can say you won't see it if it's too big for your mouth is too before you have if you can't see it you will see let everyone hear that carried a new form of element in his body say by this prophetic intervention I am finally here I am free at last from every tectonic or pressure and I'm free forever madness is all by my life the technical prison is over in my life my little spell is broken from my life Carla stagnation is over this best friend yo is over I'm scaling new heights in ministry I'm getting new heights in my business I'm Skelly new highs in my career give the Lord a big [Applause] give the Lord the bigges Clapham no faith fire word is prophetic you know the Bible is a most order prophecy so every time you pick the Word of God and you release it through Lama by faith he's prophetic and he said if we said to this mountain be the only movement us to the sea I shall no doubt in your harbors I believe that what a sensation come to pass whatsoever you say so it is prophetic every ward off a release from the mouth is prophetic you are bound to see it if you refuse to doubt in your heart if you are sad like the father sent the son Jesus do sin sickness in him go to imagine failure in business in him could you imagine marital failure in him could imagine terminal disease in him so whatever can be semi crisis he laga in your life because at the photos and we saw saying I what a man can't imagine now listen to me I runny nose for a long time and I concluded it must be because of dusty road one date of God to me if Jesus were driving on this road Willy's knows baloney I say no no is it there is not a toast so I went somewhere to preach I took the achieve away they thought will be basically is top 40 it's time to engage your tone to win the battles of your life release your tongue to win the victory over your party my wife said she had miscarriage as it cannot happen can I have my food please it there was no how you feeling today more than what I say what I say by faith is created by God you shall have what you say when you refuse to doubt it in your heart all those amazing things about our faith and power source open it with and with no devil as an answer to it no the pregnancy was sustained no Priya point on it now in the name of Jesus Christ from today those six manifestations of faith shall begin to sort forth in your life so shall it be in the name of Jesus you know why I put on my shoes I would never say the next 40 years I'm sick whatever the Holy Ghost teaches through you it including inflamed Reston I mean just because it is not possible for me to die on is not neither will any of you die your time mangoes will die at 100 [Applause] remember the profit award and as a sister file our beginning from verse 20 there shall be no more there's an infant of days no an old man was not few these days for the child I the choice are diarrhoea 20 is our number of days as numbered by God but when anybody goes on it is a chide idea so wearable water life forget about it up with Jesus or studies no debe contaminate your life and the one that's continent that Santa's on his or life right now under the sound of my voice that but it is the clear dawn envoy Eden emojis on us your days social Uslan be also - social your shrine be get the Lord one more time I be coffee [Music] amen Lolita wrong now how about saying the wonders of faith in this message message a nice applicable to anyone in the body of Christ it is important to find your place into the household of faith the family of Jesus wherever you may be tonight under the sound of my voice and you know not to know that you know that you are not born again yet whatever is born of God overcomes by faith onto a born-again faith can walk such walk in your life so wherever you are you want to say yes to Jesus tonight somebody said I'm not sure if I'm soprano there you are not you can't be saved I don't know therefore wherever you are tonight you want to turn your life over to Jesus across the nations of the earth I'd like to pray with you please turn to your feet everyone I want to give you someone life for Christ come to your feet god Bless You God bless you God bless you stand to your feet wherever you are this or night of change this or net of change whatever is born of God only overcome to walk and yoga called by faith God bless you somebody else is standing up all across the globe and inositol be felt up and aku here you want to turn your life over to Jesus please stand to your feet stand to your feet stand to your feet god bless you God bless you God bless you remain standing please now they are also people here tonight and need to rededicate your life to Jesus reconnect back to go and enter into the rest whether you want to return from wherever you might have gone away to Jesus I am ready to receive we are able you are placed onto your feet we want to rededicate your life to Jesus I begin to experience the overcomers life that pertains to the believers please stand to your feet god bless you god bless you now everybody standing both the force on a second call please move over to the I closest to you church officials are there to welcome you they I just move about today I close as to you I'll be praying for you at that spot in all the other locations please approve your area a pretty hot area the Apostles are waiting for you there to receive you as we pray together from here please approach the altar area wherever you are approach the altar area wherever you are around the world at this time in the name of Jesus Christ amen amen new birth is an experience Monica know by Jesus paid for it with his life it's real is how abou is torture with fillable it's no myth may tonight be that experience in your life please officials make sure that all the ones outside or the ones on that attends taking care of in this prayers shall we bow our heads for prayers all over that are standing for this prayer at this time those who are still coming to the front please find your video file with the end video species amen pray this prayer after me with your right hand lifted up and your heads bowed before the Lord Lord Jesus say it loud Lord Jesus forgive me all my sins wash me with your blood I know you died for me on the total you rose again that I may be justified right now I accept you as my Lord and my Savior and I believe my sins are now forgiven Joseph I by your blog i'm saved i'm restored back to the faith i am nature of God thank you Jesus for saving my soul thank you Jesus for the story member to defer I will serve you all the days of my life so happy Jesus amen keep your hands up as I pray father I pray about these souls your grace has brought them in that the same grace preserve them I cover each one of you with the blood of Jesus remain covered without blood or the days of your life no force from heads are drawn back from following Christ you will serve him to the end you will make happen at the end of your journey and the name of the Lord Jesus shall be glorified in Jesus precious name congratulations congratulations charge give the Lord a big hand for this precious soul [Applause] amen please complete those forms of puzzle to those church officials around with you shall we all rise to me give the Lord the biggest offer in Jesus precious name we will pray we are better sing this song and close there now that my battles over I am more than a conquerer now that my bar two is over I believe the party's over tonight I believe that those prophetic watery unsigned airline I believe that those prophetic was as answered in their life is over I am more than a conquerer I'd like to sing that prophetically and as a second II science and wonders Article II as a second it sighs are wonders our ticket Lee now waking up in the monitor brand-new world hallelujah now leaders in the song now that my party's over I am more than a conquerer you are singing it you with your eyes closed you are dancing the way you don't care is looking at you my back is over maybe not but you over you're over now part is over I am more than a conquerer come on our lesson [Music] my duties [Music] hallelujah God us never left himself without a witness I saw a dancing dolls I mean Oh Florida experience as something that's taking place in your life take your paper your box I'm just dance here we dance to get back to Google I never do something has taken place in your life some some ten has been broken some days holding you down I will shatter all the nations of the earth all that I've experienced the touch of God in your life as the storm continues and we'll keep celebrating Jesus take your Bible take your bath come to the front and then we celebrate go with you and closing this service this down is a miracle dollars this does is a change post Opposition down and as what does in a course change your position hallelujah common ah [Music] my father [Music] [Music] your freedom [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] buddies are people [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm free [Music] we some Sunday [Music] whoa [Music] you know what [Music] [Music] now you play okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] Antonia thank you Jesus amen give the Lord Jesus the biggest club offer everybody please be seated for a moment we'll see that removing all these centers please five minutes only take your testimonies we have the record for the others and we will keep them reference you when we need more details for this mighty Arts of God in our means that the LORD thy God in the midst of his mighty it would say you rejoice over you with singing for this triumphant instant testimonies one more time give the Lord a big laugh oh please a time or a we are running off you'll hear your name you'll come down quickly there and there we go degree about six or seven hallelujah under Philip for 20 years as suffered from prostate cancer gonorrhea a mild stroke all three Jesus set him free right now to the glory of God [Applause] came from where came all the way from Accra Ghana amen first prostrate cancer gonorrhea on my stroke or cleared off in one moment give the Lord praise hallelujah on what you cou sheep working for 32 years I suffered from hernia but right now in the midst of the service Jesus set him free and it's ready grace Tunde for 40 years has had a long on the neck but in the midst of the declaration that love instantly disappeared as a circle to the glory of God hallelujah from where from where from a bottle praise the Lord hallelujah of long window net disappeared on his own give Jesus a bigger hallelujah our Tanaka Eva Gabor and Adebayo for seven years as had an inflated stomach but in the midst of the declaration that inflation disappeared she said a glory of God our DeLuca impede up or amen hallelujah Aswad victim osahor had is just as is he Oh baby instruction to put his feet on the ground a stick came out of his ear [Applause] refers to partner [Music] give it a lot friends everybody [Music] hallelujah or synergy Benedict for seven years has suffered from all such things under usual body movement but right now as this as he stepped his foot on the floor Jesus set her free as his friendly bucola robots has had for 20 years chronic runny nose but right now in the midst of the declaration either set up free as Israeli is over a map blessing for three years has had psychosomatic disorder but as she put her feet on the ground instantly Jesus set a free hallelujah Samson Abigail for 17 years are suffer from Pasha stroke but right now in the midst of the service Jesus set up free the stroke of a broker Nord shall we all rise tonight to many to number job chapter 9 chop bust anestis walking great wonders great a is I want us without number our God is a doer of great things fast fighting now and warn us without number every testimony as an act of God an every testimony significant charge lift up your two hands and thank God for this mighty deliverance tonight and confirm his word enemies good impress everybody amen all these testimonies are declared permanent your encounters would go tonight on with his ward is the clear permanent all across the nations of the earth she Lord 2019 shall be your manifest cillo of relief God is releasing you from the ramps of concerns to the realm of command God is releasing you from the prison house of life into your palace before the eyes of all this is a confirmation or whatever profitable you receive tonight it is a live of a testimony and so shall it be thank you Jesus the top your two hands and give God tongues please go back to your seats as we close in the service tonight what hallelujah in the name of Jesus please load up tomorrow Friday's Friday on is our celebration of the nation's the education of Sheila babies the education of Silla marriages and I pray that whatever you see with your eyes tomorrow are to desire will be replicated in your life no destination be stranded again in the name of Jesus every blessing proclaimed upon the nations shall answer like fire every blessing proclaim upon this nation idea the host nation shall answer with fire every planting of the devil in the life of anyone or she Legrand shall be rooted out forever and soul shall it be a few been blessed tonight lift up those two hands and give God thanks uncelebrated four wheels give the Lord a big hand oh praise God sitteth on we are your shoes you are treading on the hands of the devil from how it's made your feet like brass I saw dress which are your strenght be thank you Jesus as you are putting your shoes on will you be giving thanks to God for the much blessing we have received to 9 for the much blessing we have received to 9 God is faithful it's worthy of our praise 291 people came out to share their testimonies tonight this is the Lord's dream it's marvelous in our eyes Thank You Man thank him it's never too much thanking him bless His name bless His name that Morocco's continue the testimonies continue many many of us on your way going to your place the miracles are manifesting more healings taking that to accomplish yet when you wake up in the morning in the precious name of Jesus keep giving thanks to God keep thanking him from the depth of your heart keep thanking every maybe you saw only a little sign of your healing tonight as you thank him like the one leper it will be perfected on your way going it to be perfected maybe you are sentenced lightly or slightly as you go those two I shall be fully open giving glory to God the healings are perfected the miracles are perfected the faithful God has done it and whatsoever you do it shall be forever give him glory give him praise give him praise now rise to your feet and one more time with your hand and say thank you to Jesus say thank you to Jesus say thank you to Jesus say it again thank you Jesus blessed be your name blessed be your name blessed be your name thank you and thank you and thank you King of glory thank you and thank you thank you and thank you blessed be your name in Jesus precious name we have given to him tomorrow the sessions commences with sheilo prayer our 5:30 a.m. God is waking you up into a brand-new day brand-new beginning to the glory and praise of his name in Jesus wonderful name joyfully let us share the goodness of a lord and fellowship show him God's goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever amen sheilo 2019 breaking limits congratulate your neighbors as you go I've of every no Marshall ministers are not prophetic event for any reason Asia lead to the open of new and strange chapters to the life of every participant there are many many people to lead our identity sheilo 2019 with tony estudiar on so much we never amount to anything in your life watch it then we come powering down to you this will be different in your life connect XI Lu will be the donor of a new deal for your life
Channel: Nene Susan Ekuvero
Views: 76,214
Rating: 4.7470083 out of 5
Keywords: david oyedepo, nene susan ekuvero, word of faith on the go, shiloh 2019 breaking limits
Id: Wu75Z22GYdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 51sec (6471 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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