Bishop Thomas Aremu | Faith Requires Good Conscience For Delivery

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watched him over the years and I've seen great speaking at all times our saintly speaking at all times join me this hour as I work on Bishop to Mazzara moon hallelujah so we lift up our two hands to heaven and I appreciate the law for the powerful what we have heard and the first teaching in the second teaching and all the concluding commentary by the apostle Addis Commission certain light has been delivered on two rows give him tongues mention specifically the aspects we are God as appear to you lord thank you you have done it again we'll give you all the glory in Jesus Holy Name in Jesus Holy Name God is apparent to us again by this world that I'm privileged to deliver and I know the grace of on this commission and the grace upon the Apostles over this commission we have me to add a lead to to what has been delivered before in the name of Jesus cry father send your war with power bless your people again glorify your name in Jesus Holy Name put your hands together for the Lord and please be seated I can see a great privilege for this opportunity given by my father and the Lord to bring this word free in this hour of visitation well have so much of the world that you wonder what earth what God always have something to say and as we have received the grace upon grace from God servant over the years the literal we can deliver is what shall be brought now I'm grateful sir god bless you sir now understanding the faith that works he had this very well defeat at work does not work along that is a powerful force a powerful spiritual force born in the heart of a man who as powerful as it is cannot be alone that's it Tim walk in the world of the Spirit faith is powerful taking the shield of faith we are wheat you shall be able to quench all different that of the wicked one professor I can't do it alone I can't go all alone I need others first Timothy 1:5 let's see the great team of faith that works now the end of the commandment is charity does love you no faith walk by love out of a pure heart that is is rooted in the heart and of what good conscience and then look at where faith is arranged charity pureness of the heart good conscience and then you have faith of the vet that works I believe that before we live dismantle all this necessity the mixed faith walk will be added to us via the world so I'm taking the aspect of faith requiring good conscience for delivery faith requires good conscience for delivery that is the expected result may not be there if good conscience is missing first Timothy 1:18 is the main text first Timothy 1:19 who do you feel that is take it very well grap it with all your zeal walk on your face but answer good conscience the word and means contraction its joined them together not just faith no matter how strong you think in faith and a good conscience we so Marvel put away the thought it doesn't matter it was a matter they have or defect we some haven't put away concern if they have made history wreck they have crash along the line they couldn't fulfill destiny they were frustrated instead of in celebrating the ended of so bad the cross landed as pertaining the fulfillment of their destiny that will not happen to anyone here in an emoji subscribe now what is conscious what is cautious the question is of a quality of the heart the reproves us when we see true force when we are right the conscience is part of the made up of your hearts in fact one of the capital made of of your heart thus you have the soul within the so you have the intellects the emotions that's all this you have the spirit the heart and major organ of your heart he's the conscience the conscience the conscience so the believer consciously prove sane and approve righteousness and if it is not right it's not right no matter how we pretend to if it is not truth is not truth no addition the conscience is that in money toward and make it only easy for you to go into wrong action except you a stop all of it excite you keep on ignoring your conscience at least if not completely eliminated as a human being wrong action would be reducible BRS minimum a tremendously God has asked us to do in this world walking in the world walking in the will of God doing the will of God from the heart require the conscience the conscience when I say this that the conscience is the spiritual law forcement agent the laws of God are there the regulations are there the instructions are there but there is an agency of spirit called conscience that God has packaged with regenerated spirit to ensure that you are guided along the line a lot of people ignore their conscience to their own destruction if you offend your conscience at the point it will no longer be helpful to you you totally like the conscious it does in line you put some things down which are not correct he tells these statements are not correct you put black and white together and you call it white because I said no well see because you have the right over your conscience is just a helpful guide into fulfillment of destiny you can stick with whatever you want to do in spite of the conscience with wrong want to hand in the shipwreck from today from sheilo 2019 breaking all limits my god will give you a good conscience in the name of Jesus cry in the name of Jesus Christ let me mention these three voices that we are confronted with management of spiritual embody and each of them speaks freely is the voice of the body that's why you can feel awed a vehicle and feel pain and feel comfortable and feel disconfirm feel arrest that is the body that's the voice of the body and what of the soul the voice of the soul is the thoughts you know if you do not to manage these voices you follow your negatively you follow by it your face is sight for your face is correct because you have only the voice of the body and then say as a multi Katinas are so easy proverbs 23:7 so dots is the voice of the soul and it's always with you if you don't want to manage your torch you can go anywhere I wonder anywhere I'll be candid Jung's from anywhere and begin to process it but good news we have the stronger voice and that is the voice of the Spirit so conscience is the voice of your spirit man if you can give up her hands and authority and acceptance to the Dominion of this voice good news you will fulfill your destiny immigrants Taha in the name of Jesus Christ so managing these voices we need to know how to manage them stop following your negative feelings lest you fall into error I feel I think it's you let me say this before I go forward that the conscience is a personal spiritual property given on the dependence of grace to every believer in Christ and look at it to let you know everybody have it John 8 9 a woman was caught in a grocery and he brought him to Jesus and Jesus if any of you have not committed this kind of offense that he believed us to lift up his stool and when they have had it bill convicted by their own conscience can you see that that's what the Holy Ghost do to complete off or say the conscience no confliction no compassion until a man except knows and I said that is wrong he cannot go for true repentance my prayer for you is that by the Holy Ghost and by the god of shaloo your culture will be awakened in the name of Jesus cry so we have various type of conscience the good conscience which is a major targets in this teaching the pure conscience the evil conscience the caution that is seared that is stressed out by lies and hypocrisy so it's wicked you have a weakened conscience all this other but all make it weak you who can make it good you thank God for the grace of God about you have a plan to play in possessing a good conscience a good conscience oppa most of these categories of conscience he's the good conscience r23 one there is the good conscience may you depart from this mantle with a good conscience porn honestly be holding the consent men umbrella I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day good conscience and not only de are 2460 the self or the Apostle knowing the place of a good conscience herein do I exercise myself I play my part and God had a disgraced to have always a conscience point of offense towards God and to us man if you have a good conscience you go to calculate how to defraud your brother how to borrow money which you know from the beginning that you will not pay and then with the size of our churches you go from one entrance to love entrance and begin to change entrances so that you will now come across the manual purpose you are to defraud I believe this room for repentance in shaloo calculations that tonto manifestation is a function of you groaning your conscience in order to have your way I pray that God forgive all disobedience to the concept beginning from this Sheila 2019 in the demo Jesus fire by the way what then is a good conscience from the name good conscience that will you have the bad one good conscience it is holy ghost feel conscious the holy spirit motivated conscience the conscience that is alive to God always quickened by the power of the Holy Ghost and the conscience that is allowed to walk as it should be does a good conscience alive to God allow to work towards the fulfillment of your destiny conscience for your information checking through the Old Testament is a lie consciously so is a gift of law and a gif of Revelation to the New Testament believers right from the day of Jesus will get to hear about conscience and propose begin to right grantie revelation from God all conscious good caution see earth conscience evil conscience so conscience the work conscience came of that items in the New Testament and no time in the hotel sermons which is God gives you and in a monitor to prepare well for you until her you enter eternity with Christ you will not miss your portion in the name of Jesus cry in the name of Jesus tract and the name of Jesus cry good conscience is connected to greatness and that's why they lock him through Moses but grace and truth came to Allah Jesus track and the man who wrote about the good conscience is apostle grace first Corinthians 15 and whatever I am by the grace of God and the captain telling us about the concept the pure conscience the good conscience that means without a good conscience faith may not deliver the expected result now let me talk about how you can build away from good conscience be--we're of Lincoln or with Idol thou shalt have no other God beside me the worship of either seeking after all the goal in some sixteen verse four he said no sir una tardado the Asaro shall be multiplied you know one your own after God your conscience will be weak a weakness we take you out of faith after some time if you heart of unbeliever as well as we have had in the FASTA chain and there anything anybody tell you say does mata we know others once we have been in distresses I'm not touchy yes in the church what are you telling me again why because a little by little you have the butter from the Living God thou shalt have no other God besides me and enforce correction it's seven we see what part I don't worship looking for herbalist consortium with medians can't deliver how big there is not in every man that knowledge for song with conscience of the idol you follow I do it will give you some questions on to this hour the conscience of Idol I caused the spirit of idol worship every link you have with the idol people from your generation I command it broken today the influences of Idol and I don't worship over your Christian life is about this drawer I plead the blood of Jesus for every so here the every claim from idose community i do family i do' ancestral spirit that we have fed your conscience I command a deliverance in the name of Jesus now faith and good conscience there's a relationship let's relate the two together faith and good conscience greater faith dimension is impossible without a good conscience and I explained that your faith may not deliver suspect until you know and understand how to manage your conscience this is what a good conscience does it is your guarantee to assess the good word of the Lord when your conscience is clean and clear revelation speech if your heart is open to receive the ray of light from heaven God does not deal with her it is with our heart and in our heart is that organ of fates call conscience was it in by purity that's why say blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God they will see what how to see they will have revelation of God blessed are the pure you can't be purer than the purity of your conscience so if you can assess the world because of possession of a good conscience now faith remember hearing so is by revelation of the world that we have had the process you possess a good conscience then receiving light into your heart from heaven this be possible and what is fate acting on the Devine world acting on the light that you have been given from heaven MOSFET acting on the war on the good words of the law that's why you see the relationship so - good conscience forget about great effects you know why you should operate a good conscience 24/7 faith is not to be treated like a spare tire they only pick in terms of breakdowns the just shall live by his faith so faith is expected of the part a pass of you here good conscience is the energizer of your faith and the increase of your faith then it means good conscience will be 24/7 in opposition that's why whenever the devil strike you are updated you won't be thinking of what to do you be spiritually smart with faith that works with a good conscience at your disposal even a home of Jesus and because you are calling the name from a free heart free spirit the presence of Jesus is made manifest you see Jesus coming to the scene and a miracle oh c'mon Naraku will be by the law give you understanding as a pastor I've seen twice people die why the service is going on and why I stood at the altar to minister I'm not talking of going to coma now nobody has told me that day that somebody will die in the course of ministration in the church and that was South Africa the woman collapse and then form out pass on and the tumor city should bring her to the altar so I called you a sociopath sir please take him to the overflow I will be there so I see manage myself to rondo the short program neatly and as I was coming out of the church the associate pastor said he we could not I know the implication of someone dying in your church in South Africa can be closed down now we don't even know we are depressor come from so as I was going oh the scripture I know about is in the dead were gathering together in my heart I was moving like it real i lured with properties my conscience tells me that if you don't for the rest of this woman you will go for it you have a - may you not fail the situation that we tab defer to her you will know you have it do you know you have to resident to deliver your prayers in job because you are not confronted common husband now this is a dead woman certified not going to comma form out already I kept on saying the god of liberation will help me we shall never be put to shame so I God before God dear I've already said DTC's right here has to explode I got the woman I was in looking for what to say there was an explosion from my heart by this commission to liberate mankind from all oppression of the devil you foul spirit or you chakra from the woman shook and that was it ice okay take him to us with you let's know when I did something wrong how I got I just there was nothing it was pure let the spirit of death you don't know which it was very with me - next you better maintain or vain face are you hearing me and a good conscience trouble you don't know what this communist I said God and whether you like it or no your faith will always face fear attracts hot challenges negative situation that only God is your bailout I want to say to you make sure you are possessed with faith and a good conscience what is relationship as we around enough faith is of man's art is a spiritual force is of man's heart the conscience is of Masad so they say to walk before you can deliver anything from fate in fact I call conscience and author of it leave it or take it and I know after the seal or 2019 your conscious will come alive modder ever before and the deadness present will be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ so a good conscience is inseparable from possessing a great fate and when your conscience is offended faith is weakened so don't find your conscience cooperate with your culture here are the voice of your conscience be guided by the information or the conscience the suggestion of the consent the energy of the conscience therefore measure from your concepts that's why when I did that we don't look Oh God is already here look inside of you you have what behind you that is inside of you say this is what to do and when you do it in a pure conscience and with faith at work you come back with a testimony that's what will be happening to you from now in the name of Jesus cry in the name of Jesus cry in the name of Jesus Christ what am I saying Roman 1010 with the heart non-believer so faces of the heart but prefers 4:23 got your heart with all diligence everything that is there God it will don't let it go guide it work on it because after we proceed the issues of life issues of faith is from your heart the issues of conscience is Roja so guide it don't corrupt you with Bahrainis I mean Berenice of the heart is a function of bitterness and strife contention make sure your heart is free from all the mundane things or the corrosion of silly so that you have a robust spirit to operate as a believer and get you will o go down you want to break limits you need faith that works and a good conscience the Lord give you understanding we support the apostle ark 23:1 a man of good conscience we say him in a romance now one a man of good conscience in all good conscience so he says lifestyle I said the Trinity cars I line not romance Noir I said the truth in trial I know my conscience also bearing me witness may you have testimony of a good conscience beginning from this meeting in the name of Jesus Christ now how do you update your conscience one minute studied the world a vision 526 that you may sanctifying with the washing of water by the war so you wash your culture with the word meditation study digesting it retaining it and then number two pray on fasting that we empower your conscience to deliver he said this can go ahead not accept my prayer and fasting he says because of your unbelief but then he is not enough even in fasting for empowerment so your concept can be empowered by a regular fasting as a 58 six to eight say then shall your light break forth and when you live report then you can break the limits and get the blood Hebrews 9:14 and get wha the blood you begin to plead the blood of Jesus over your culture for that works to be porch so that not in the city not is corrupted not is working not his lucky Hebrew 9:40 because almost authors are bored by the conscience by the blood how much more shall the blood of Christ who through eternal spirit often said true with us for to go toward your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God are you servants of God then the blood must pour your conscience for acceptable stay worship the law give you understanding finally engage in godly living godly live exercise yourself on two colonnades for samosa for seven to eight it when God said this is where to go just go there you are you will have a boost in your conscience you have heart strength your concept by obeying the will of God exercise yourself in the commandment in the instruction follow what she says because they know more than you and by doing so you're coming out with a good conscience and a walk in faith your life will never be the same again how to live in amen stand on your feet give them tons for the world I began to plead the blood of Jesus afresh or your conscience the blood of Jesus over my conscience the blood of Jesus plead the blood of Jesus over your conscience new you with a new conscience Emma from Sheila 2019 the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus over my conscience the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus are empowered by the blood from all filthiness of the Spirit and of the body perfecting holiness in the fear of God Thank You precious Lord in Jesus mighty name we are pray put your right hand on your chest I commend you to God the God of shitload the god of this Great Commission you are liberated from your past processing good conscience who says that faith that works begin to break limits by a walk effort and a good conscience god bless you give him thanks god bless you put your hands together for the Lord and please be seated
Channel: Nene Susan Ekuvero
Views: 5,743
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: david oyedepo, nene susan ekuvero, bishop thomas aremu, david oyedepo 2019, shiloh 2019, shiloh 2019 hour of visitation, bishop thomas aremu messages, canaanland ota nigeria, shiloh 2019 breaking limits, winners chapel, faith tabernacle ota nigeria, winners, lfc, bishop david oyedepo 2019, bishop david oyedepo messages
Id: mSyNtqTdlzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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