Bisexual Man Swipes 20 Men and Women | Versus 1

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(upbeat electronic music) (translators speaking foreign language) - [Translator] Sour Patch Kids? (translators speaking foreign language) - [Translator] A spectrum. (translators speaking foreign language) - I like your hair. - Thank you. - You look like a little broccoli. - It's real fresh. - it looks really minty. - I did it like a couple days ago, yeah. I'm gonna say not today. (electronic chimes) (steady tempo synthesized music) My name is DeVaughn Taylor and I'm a creative artist. - [Producer] What's it like being bisexual on dating apps? - I mean, it's very overwhelming. You have lots more choices. I'm definitely a little bit pickier when it comes to men. Pretty boy rockstar type is like very focused in but with women, I definitely have my types and stuff but maybe not as specific. (soft electronic chime) Hello, beautiful people. (relaxed electronic music) Hi. - Hi. - So am I gonna go left? - That's left. - For no? - That's right. - Right for yes? All right. - That's yes. And begin. - All right. (relaxed electronic music) You have a cute smile. - Thank you. - Come over too. I'm gonna say not today but you're a cutie still nonetheless. I love the hair, love the tattoos, we're in similar realms. Come on over. - Ooh, yes. - I love the tuck, come on in. You got all sorts of style, come on in. - I think it's always nice when someone says that you're like physically appealing to them. Yeah, it was nice, it's cute. (steady tempo electronic music) - [DeVaughn] I like the makeup job, it looks good. - Thank you. - I'm gonna go not today. Ooh, great smile. Come on in. - I like your hair, your choice is nice. - [DeVaughn] Thank you. - You look like a little broccoli. - It's real fresh. - It looks really minty. - I did it like a couple days days ago, yeah. I'm gonna say not today. (upbeat guitar music) - I got rejected. (chuckles) It was cute though, it's fine. I like the hair, I like the hair a lot. I would swipe right for sure. (upbeat guitar music) - Hi. - Hi, how are you? - I'm doing good. Don't worry you guys, I want this part to be over too. (everyone laughs) Everybody's like "Ooh, ooh." I'm gonna say not today. Hi. - Hi. - I love the color in the hair, come on in. And last but not least, I like the hair, I like the chain. I'm gonna say not today. All right. Woo. Woo. You guys are all so hot though. I love you guys. We can still be friends. I was like "Oh, is this gonna be like easier than doing it through a dating app?" But to just like kinda have 'em there and you get their reactions in real time, it was more intimidating than I thought it was gonna be. (electronic chime) All right, what weapons did everybody bring? I'm joking. - On a reality show? (laughs) - Joking. - Who needs weapons? What? - Sorry, I'm being a weirdo. - That's okay. - Yeah, it's all right. - [Producer] If you would have swiped left on DeVaughn, leave. When I say "go," that would be your cue to leave. Wait, not yet. - Oh. (participants laughing) - Deuces. - I was like yeet. Honestly I was like one, two, three, let's go. - She goes "Get me outta here." - [Producer] One, two, three. (electronic chimes) - I'm sorry. - Nah, you're good. Bye. All right. (anxious rising electronic tones) (electronic chime) (relaxed synthesized piano music) Hello. - Hello. - How's a going? - Good. I feel like I'm on "The Bachelor." - What's your name? - My name is Darian. - Moon River. - Fjorda. - My name's DeVaughn. - DeVaughn, nice to meet you. - Man, look at those locks. - Yeah I know, right? - I love the glasses. - You too, man. - [DeVaughn] You have a very infectious smile. - Thank you. - You have great style. - Thank you. What's that thing people say? "You know if you die, your ghost will be wearing the same outfit you were wearing all the time." - Damn, that's something I don't think about. - Right and then I'm like I'm not about to be a ghost wearing like Crocs. If someone's wearing Crocs, I'm so sorry. - What do you do? - So I mostly work in internet content and stuff like that. I stream on Twitch seven days a week. - I'm a musician. - What kind of music do you do? - Some like melodic rap, R and B kind of vibes. - I'm a realtor and I'm also a massage therapist. - I have recently gotten into like modeling. - If we were gonna do a photo shoot, what would be the theme? - Oh my god, shadow play. - Shadow play? - What's your normal thing? - I write for a horror movie website and some screenplays and I want to make some movies. - Did you just recently get the green in? - Yeah, I do different colors. - Love that, Ramona Flowers style. - Ramona. - [Drew] From "Scott Pilgrim." - Ramona Flowers. - I love that movie. - You get it. - Okay wait, what's your sign, bro? Wait, I wanna guess though. - Guess. - Are you a Taurus? - No. - Oh, what are you? - I'm a Gemini. - Oh, you're a Gemini. - I'm a Gemini. - You're a mellow Gemini, bro. - I know, I'm a Pisces Moon. We're not all crazy. - No, no. - What's your sign? - I'm an Aquarius. - You're an Aquarius? - Yeah. So we got that air. - My best friend is an Aquarius. - Oh, there you go. - Okay. So I feel the vibes, I feel the vibes. - Honestly with like dating apps, I never have the best experience. So I just wanted to see how it would be like face-to-face. - Yeah, I'm not really the biggest fan of dating apps. People might not put in the effort you want them to put in, you know? So it's like all right, let's cut the middleman out for this. - Yeah. - I see you got the tattoo and snake- - Yeah. - Necklace. Do you have any snakes? - No, I've actually never held one because I don't know where to go to like- - There's like little reptile houses. - That's where we'll go on our first date. - That's where we'll go. - To the snake farm, perfect. - Okay. - Okay. - Tell me about this one right here. - It's a Filipino vampire. That's a fancy word for it's the manananggal. When I was little, I never really liked myself or like the culture I lived with. - Interesting. - Nowadays I've started to embrace who I am and I got this tattoo to symbolize it. - Are you gay, bisexual? - I'm bisexual. - So you do think of it in like a spectrum percentage? - Yeah. I lean women 60-30. - Okay, that's about where I'm at. Tell me you are bisexual without telling me you're bisexual. - I fall in love with people's energy. It's always a vibe that makes me understand what kind of feeling I'm feeling, even just sexually with someone. - You used vibe and energy in the same sentence and that's very bisexual. - Okay. (laughs) - So you pass. Tell me you're bisexual without telling me you're bisexual. - I'm gay. - Really, you're gay? - Yeah. - Okay. - Did I win? - Did you win? You win for this round. - There we go. (laughs) - Well, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, man. - Bye. - Nice to meet you too. - Have a great day. - You too, Fjorda. - Thanks. - This is too much, everybody's so cute. (electronic chimes) - [Producer] Do you know who you would choose? - Yeah, I think I know. I think, yeah. Hey, girl. - Hi, what's up? - Snaps for you. (fingers snapping) You're the winner. - You picked me? Oh. - Yeah. - What's up? - I was feeling your vibe. - I felt it. - From the lineup, I was like okay, there's some energy here. - I think we felt it. I didn't want to say anything over there to everyone else. - I was like there's some energy here, you have such a like gorgeous smile. - Thank you. - Yeah. If we had a first date- - Do you smoke? - I do smoke. - Okay, well that's what we're doing. (laughs) - I think I might. - Make some music. Listen to some of your music, get some food or some. - Like yeah, I could totally see that, if you're down to hang. - Hell yeah. - I'd be totally down to hang. - Let's make it happen. - [Producer] Are you open to seeing her again? - Oh yeah, I hope so. I definitely I hope it actually ends up being like a real hang or something. - Yeah, I think he's attractive. I mean (laughs) the green hair is a questionable choice but no, he rocks it and he's got good energy. So I'd like to see how things go. Awesome. - Well, awesome. - Great. - Can I give you a hug? - Yeah, of course. - Nice to meet you. - You did a good job, man. - Thank you, thank everybody else- - That's a lot of stress. - For being here. Give it up for yourselves. - Hey. (clapping) - Yeah, great shoot. (relaxed ensemble music)
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 1,278,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, swiping 20 men and women, bisexual guy swipes 20 people, bisexual dating
Id: oXni_h2InIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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