What Happened to Cathay Pacific?

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the hardest hit Airline by the pandemic that's got to be Cafe Pacific and last week Cafe got hit hard by a discrimination scandal in this video I'm going to share with you my latest Cafe in Flight experience and we'll talk about all the issues [Music] back at LAX today is going to be a very emotional trip taking my mom traveling together mom hasn't traveled for four years overseas already four years we're going back to Hong Kong four years no travel no duty free now's shopping time in Hermes it's nice [Music] [Applause] so we're in the Qantas first class one world first class Lounge this is the first time my mom actually traveled in a wheelchair and what I realized is it takes more time you have to arrive at the airport earlier because everything takes time we took some time wait for the person to come and push my mom and then also going through a security check coming to the lounge on a wheelchair everything takes more time thank you thank you bye-bye have a nice trip take your time [Music] okay I have a cranberry juice so it's a full flight today I chose this seat actually one window one aisle because I can attend her very quickly instead if I sit together in the middle I have to walk across the galley and come down so this way works out better I have a window and she's right next to me as well I can't even remember when was my last play on Cafe it's been three or four years right this airline has been hit the hardest due to all the lockdowns in the pandemic and I think now consequently this Airline took longer to recover because Hong Kong opened the lake compared to the rest of Asia foreign [Music] are you guys back to Flying now right yeah what did you do three years ago last three years last three years well quarantined quarantine as a size as a size method oh you how many times you quarantined noodle so this is the wonton noodle yeah [Music] it will be alive I tell you I don't have jet lag I am dancing upside down if you have a good trick about how to relieve jet lag and how to get rid of jet lag I would like to hear from you in the comments I slept really well nine hours not feeling energetic they're about to serve the last meal before landing 20 minutes to land to Hong Kong exciting to be back after three years a couple of things I like about this flight is the food is very Hong Kong food very comfy and and it's also a nice comforter quilt for sleeping there's a couple things I don't like about the flight is the Wi-Fi there's no free Wi-Fi you can't even get free Wi-Fi for messaging or a business class there's nothing for free and the airplane is a little old now it's mid age 10 years old the cabin looked the same before covert it looks a little bit tiring oh my God we just had this powerful go around feeling power from the engine search and saw the whole Airfield and now probably gonna have a big tour in Hong Kong and gonna line up the land look out the window I can see the new Runway of Hong Kong the third Runway and the other one closer that's the uh driveway to Macau that's actually a highway [Music] so during my flight the staff were really busy I noticed Cafe has cut one's crew on each long-haul flight so all the crew has to help out and they are really busy and I think the cost cutting is burning off the customer experience for sure and I think the long term it might not be a smart money saving strategy is gonna cost more down the line now I used to live in Hong Kong when I grew up and Hong Kong is not a cheap place especially the real estate working aviation in last year is just not viable to pay off the rents and the bills so a lot of people that I know personally has shifted away from Aviation they used to work in aviation as Engineers now they work in other Industries you know the pilots has moved lots and lots of people have shifted and Hong Kong has a long way to go to recover a track all this Talent back the countries who opened the Border first ripped the rewards but clearly Hong Kong is not the case so last week when I was in Hong Kong there was this big discrimination incident happened of how Cafe crew mistreating some of the Chinese Mainland Chinese passengers it went viral on social media there's so much noise and so much comments some even left comments on my Instagram page the bottom line is there should not be any discrimination to any anyone in the service industry but I think Cafe has a long way to go to regain the trust of these Mainland Chinese passengers unfortunately the negative news always travel faster than the positive one I just want you to remember there's still a lot of good people work at Cafe Pacific which made the airline please don't forget them my channel is all about to promote aviation industry and share positive wipes on Aviation last week I went on a very meaningful flight taking underprivileged Hong Kong teenagers on a cafe Community flight across Hong Kong you know just one flight that may change the Outlook of these people [Music] good morning so good to be back in Hong Kong where I used to live and today we're going to have a special occasion hello how are you good to see you good to see you today today charity flight charity flight yes foreign [Music] children haven't flown before to experience Aviation with their Mentor together so we're gonna have a full flight a joy flight over Hong Kong um [Music] [Music] wow so at the gate here I met the CEO of Cafe Pacific Mr Ronald lamb got a few busting questions want to ask you about the aviation scenes right now in Hong Kong now Cafe was one of the hardest hit Airline we knew what happened last three years I think Cafe is going to come back and regain what you lost indeed we were the hardest hit airline in the world during the pandemic but because of that we have done a lot of deep transformation which has prepared us well to come out strong and we are already on a building Journey 50 60 percent What's Your Capacity right now compared to pre-covered we have already exceeded 50 right now when it comes to passenger capacity between Cathay Pacific and HK Express combined and we're on track to reach 17 by end of this year and our old goal is to reach back 100 by 2024. you have a lot of airplane parked how many more airplanes you plan to reactivate we have reactivated most of our aircraft already and we now only got less than 30 aircraft steel Park in Australia and we plan to progressively bring them back in the coming months today's Captain is actually a lady candy from Cafe now tell us about the flight plan today are we gonna see Hong Kong from the top so it depends on the weather if the weather is okay it's a good day then we can see Hong Kong so we can see some famous buildings and we can see some landscape as well yeah how high you think the the flight attitude the attitude my plan now is 28 000 feet 28 000. all right we can be hired looking forward to yeah yeah and we will stay within the Hong Kong airspace well foreign [Applause] I'm with a Second Officer Julian here he's also the emcee of the event and you just told me they also been look around the aviation experience just like what I do they went to catering absolutely like last year and in December they have been to the tour of the Cathay Pacific City and they have been the simulator have seen the stuff in the carpet and they have been to the kitchen and how the chef is making the meals for our today's business class kick [Music] s [Music] government foreign [Music] come on come on enjoy I'm Christina Hall and I'm the second officer on the Boeing triple seven today I'm so happy to be an ambassador to be with other students to be on this line actually my Aviation journey is a little bit wavy because I come from a fine arts background um I do oil paint Ceramics and stuff like that I never thought that would become a pilot so I saw a poster from aviations and saw female cabin crew and her um and a captain's on it which is a guy so I can only picture myself as a flight attendant and I became a flight attendants afterwards and then after a couple years being a flight attendant I discovered my passions in flying until one leisure travel flight that is the flight that I'm going through with my friend's wedding in Colombo and but the fly is full of horrible chips I can never get on with the staff ticket so Captain was so nice releasing that jumpsuit to me so I never know that jumpsuit is located in the cockpit so I went to the gates went to the flight at over the door and sold at 207 degree view and I just thought whoa this is such an office with four instrument lights and I sit down a lots of operating crew coming in deal with different stuff and then the captain and the first office are very professional then I thought this is the job that I really want to do even that they are both guys and I never able to picture myself but then I said this time I'm not letting this go I'm I want to be a pilot foreign nice time flies fast when you're having fun we're about to come back to the land such a meaningful like when I was young I didn't have a mentor it took me a long time until I hit 37 to figure out my true passion then I left my day job and I go into Aviation full time right I think today a lot of passengers first time flying they're a little bit nervous right but I'm sure a flight like this will create a huge impression in their upbringing in their life and maybe more people will join Aviation [Music] just landed back on the fur Runway which is a new Railway in Hong Kong and this was the sea and they reclaimed it and they opened it last year one of the cafe 747 was the first to land and the center runway in Hong Kong now is under maintenance during the landing you see dark clouds then you see rain then you see Sunshine coming through right I think that's life you never have as always clear path but you know through the darkness you're going to be positive and motivate yourself and then the sunshine will shine on you [Music]
Channel: Sam Chui
Views: 833,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cathay Pacific, Cathay Pacific A350-1000, Cathay Pacific Business Class
Id: V6SfdA82SdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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