Birth to Death of an Adopted Grinch! The Movie!

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the evening was cold the snow was packed tight as I delivered my green little baby that night oh honey is it time the baby's coming the doctor the doctor are you okay the screams rang so loud everyone began to shush when the Grinch popped right out as green as a bush oh my it's uh something myy oh he's adorable oh what in the why is it green that is not my brother no I I I I cannot do this I cannot do this [Music] what do I really look like that oh you sweet thing you might be different but I love you and no one would know why my babe was born green except one little hille brat on the scene who sniffled and sneezed at the party that night and created a poison that caused quite a fright yes well ever since my husband left it's been very difficult kids I need some help can you take care of the baby while I finish dinner a he stinks oh I'm not changing that diaper e you're worthless is a baby baby yeah but it's a bit different baby let me see let me see let me [Music] see e it looks like a greaten monster I found a present for a cute baby not a monster it's ugly get out get out I told you no matter how rejected my little boy was I as his mother would reach out with love e playgrounds I love playgrounds will you be my friend ew get away from me you little green monster owie why' you knock me down I just want to show you my lucky plunger ew plunger that's weird ew e get away from me e Merry Christmas o please it's time to go [Music] home my god get away from me get away from me I'm the hey are you growling at my dog get away what are you doing you little green booger you got to get out of here right now okay okay good rids little ruffian almost got it yes hey that little green guy just broke into that car stolen phone yes I'm going call the police 911 what your emergeny oh hi buddy how was school today good but when I was walking home this dog was chasing me while I gra at his dog I was just trying to protect myself oh that mean dog almost got my little Grinch I'm so sorry sweetheart hello this is the police we just got a call that your son was breaking into someone's car Grinch did you break into somebody's car no he didn't you can either go to jail or pay $110,000 in Damages $110,000 I don't care what that guy saw my son did not do that my Grinch was stirred up in anger and hate and as my boy grew his heart seemed to quake [Music] ugly green [Music] must [Music] [Applause] weighed down by ridicule pity and spite the Grinch was determined to show his true side all the kids were making fun of me at school why would they do that I fell in love with this girl there and she doesn't like me when people see who you really are they're bound to love you just like I do not when I get called like a green monster and a green booger oh that's so cruel oh you know I have the best idea you have a Christmas party tonight what if you get her a very special gift but what should I give her you should get her something that's important to you I have perfect [Music] thing look who's here he looks so bad I got you a present thank you you've got to be kidding me oh my gosh what do you think he got her an onion are you e serious e that's the worst gift ever what is wrong with you that is hideous soad be nice who would give someone an onion you're sour as an on love is for losers no one will ever love me anyway by the time Mike Grinch had turned 21 he was turning to eggnog to try to outrun the shmear the learing the pain of rejection and that's when he turned toward his bad reputation finally 21 I'm finally 21 best day of my life look at [Music] that warming up already well this egg dog stuff sure make me feel dizzy you know I was thinking I haven't called the fat man lately Let's uh check in on him hello hey Shana um who is this this is is a Rudolph's veterinarian Rudolph's veterinarian I mean I mean he's going to be okay but I'm sorry his nose didn't make it who is this is this a PR call stop calling here stop calling who's Runing up party yeah yeah that's party what are you doing have you been drinking eggnog again no I I promised I never drank eggnog over here I need to smell your breath oh you lied to me I told you I was going to bring you misery no more eggnog well if you say no more egg dog that means no more fun I can't do that you're breaking your mother's heart I can't take this anymore I've had enough of you I've had enough of Hill I can't drag it anymore I'm out of here no grin come back stupid Christmas I hate it stupid presents I don't want any more of this to over I hate christas I'm leaving and never com back that night was the night that Grinch ran away he couldn't handle pressure he just couldn't stay although my love still ran for him deep the weight of his loss caused my dear heart to weep I need to find some new clothes or something let's see what's this I don't know maybe that make a good hat so homeless and told my Grinch did become and his heart did beat as an angry drum and in his attempt to numb all his pain his heart did shrink and his brain went [Music] insane I thought it'd be more fun being homeless all right let's try [Music] this yeah woohoo that was awesome W all right we're going have to come back to that later hey you Cho get out of here time to dry off here supplies well if I can't be happy it's Christmas and no I can't stupid Christmas stupid Santa stupid presents the Grinch was a lost poor soul in the night he was looking for love and an end to his Strife hey how B St get out of here geez what kind of society do we live in You're a Mean One Mr Grinch you really are a heel you're as cuddly as a cactus you're as Charming as an e Mr grin you a bad banana with us greasy black peel no wait you're a mean one you are a mean one I'm a mean one Mr grge I really am a he I'm as cuddly as a cactus I'm was Charming as an e Mr G I'm a bad banana wither greasy hey leave me alone piece of garbage hey thank you Jesus well at least here I have all the company I need hello hello how are you how are you I'm fine I'm fine oh real mature saying everything saying everything that I say I'm an idiot you an idiot fine I'm going to talk in a whisper so that way by the time my voice gets to the walls and reverberates back to my ears I won't be able to hear it you're an idiot time marched on through the bitter and cold till his bones were creaky and his hair grew old the life of the Lonely the bitterness too made his frail simple heart shrink the size of a screw until one day a spark of hope came in the form of a friend and Max was his name did you bring me a slipper to keep my feet warm that's a good dog look at that it says Max hi Max thanks for the slipper that's a good boy what are you saying Max what do you mean I smell funny I don't know when was the last time you took a bath someone's in trouble really we got you need my help yeah okay okay lead the way let's go let's go fate would have our paths cross again and a test of true love would finally mend the heart of my Grinch in his last dying breath as he gave his dear life for his mother's interest oh I'm always nervous to cross the street looks clear oh no my son my son so what can we learn from my son's time on Earth you should always be kind and help others feel worth and so you will find that being Divine means sharing your love with all humankind and now you'll never believe what happens when we adopt the grin guess what guys what I have a major surprise for you today are you ready yeah we are going to adopt what last time we decided to adopt Fay a little girl today we're going to adopt a little boy would you guys like to do that yeah but what my kids don't know is that we're about to adopt a green monster Mr anti- Christmas himself the Grinch do you think they can handle it think they heard that he's here don't forget to like And subscribe come on let's go well I'm just going to walk right in hey how are you guys it's the the hi grin so I guess you are my new adopted family huh yes you guys guess what Grinch really needs a home this holiday season and we've decided to adopt him yay oh okay um oh no are you sure about this he's probably going to ruin Christmas no no no we cut this we're going to help them change we're just the family you need but all of a sudden my family decided to disappear oh well I got to call my girl bye and I have a math Dy here so bye yeah well I got to go take a shower look at the time you got to go feed the hug I'm out of here well I'll hang with you grin that's amazing Tyler thank you grince I'm so excited that you're my new brother I know it's awesome huh mhm guess what uh best new brothers do what we open presents but grinch it's not even Christmas time I know but like that's what you get to do with cool older brothers that are grinches my mom might get mad who cares it doesn't matter if your mom gets mad it'll be okay okay all right I love presents yes I told my mom and dad I want this for Christmas and I got it I got a log is this for Jazzy or something what the what are you guys doing we're opening presents that are underneath the Christmas tree hello don't you know the rules you have to wait until Christmas to open presents you're going to be in big big trouble mister look I only opened one present Kyler's opened like four or five yay this is so much fun I'm telling Mom mom what is it what is it gr and Kyler are opening presents what is going on he started it this is not okay don't you know the rules what rule oh Grinch you never open Christmas presents before Christmas morning I guess because you didn't know I'll let you off easy Kyler you're in timeout uhoh I guess opening presents is pretty fun I'm going to go find another sibling okay grin I'm going to teach you how to make hot chocolate hot chocolate so basically get some powder right and then you put in a little courage from the heart hold on I'm good at this nice good job what's even in this stuff chocolate sugar milk that sounds disgusting put some water in it this is what's called a microwave a microwave oh done what's that wait what oh you were just messing with me yep what else does it need ooh I need some marshmallows I'll be right back marshmallows I got something better sh oh that's weird we couldn't find any marshmallows I don't know maybe we ran out but hey look I've been mixing it for you just for you ew what's in that mustard cuz I knew you'd love it Mom the Grinch ruined my hot cocoa no I did that's not a down WR let's wrong the Grinch putting mustard in my poot I did not you said mustard I left to go grab some marshmallows oh he said marshmallows mustard and pours it in my hot cocoa marshmallows I knew the Grinch was used to stirring up trouble but I was hoping that with a mother's patience and love he would begin to change they both do start with M do you think he misunderstood you no look at his face would I do something like that I'm not really sure but grin you're going to be a member of our family we need you to be nice okay nice why don't you guys take a break from each other why don't you go find Jack for a little bit okay all right all right see you later kayen I miss you already hey Jack where you at man hey Jack Jack where you about Jack oh hey buddy how are you doing my best brother ever ah ooh what does crush mean does that mean like smush or something like that no it means you like them you like them or do you like like him or in my case do you hate hate him you know what I'm saying you do I get it hey let me help you with this hey that's I know it's okay though it's okay so um what's your girlfriend's name why should I tell you come on oh Susan right here wait a minute that's like an old lady name what what are you talking about let's see Susan you are cruises for a bruising it's not even that funny all right all right all right jeez jez Louise God you're just like Caden why don't you call for your mommy why don't you good idea Mom oh crap what I was just joking bugging me I'm not bugging you what's going on what's going on he took my phone he's texting my girlfriend and he's texting weird things Grinch is that true I mean yeah but they were true I suddenly realized that the Grinch had never had a parent before maybe he just needed some structure and boundaries in order to behave I need you to get along with the kids or I'm going to have to set some boundaries if you don't be nice you're going to have to sit in timeout boundaries time out what are you even talking about so you've done two things that have made the kids upset so far and we want to make sure that you don't do that again can you handle it yes why don't you go try and find uh something fun to do with Jazzy Jazzy okay okay Jazzy I'm going to be nice to Jazzy well you see the common denominator here do you see what what what it says what tell me what what you guys doing here sorry I cannot hang out right now I am doing school school what's that school I never even heard of school is this your teacher your teacher comes to your house he's my tutor yeah your tutor what does that even mean tutor you know what I'm saying no okay I'll do find something to keep myself busy okay okay hey check this out l i I'm going to show her what a real tutor is this is the fartmaster 3000 totally going to say Jazzy up in front of her teacher oh my gosh so check this out Christmas ready for this okay so e if you need to use the bathroom please excuse yourself me why are you blaming me it was you it is not becoming of a young lady to do that just use the bathroom he calling me Grinch are you kidding me did you just set me up is that your fuzzy brother I'm doing school right now you totally embarrassed me why would you do that you said you wanted a tutor tutor oh I'm going to tell on you Mom Grinch is being mean come here not again Grinch what's going on I was I was having fun with her with my fart Master Okay fart Master what's that you push it and it makes fart noises and her tutor thought she was farting it's not even funny that's not cool oh I'm so sorry Grinch I gave you two warnings but guess what you're going to have to sit and time out 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes in time out I was getting fed up with the Grinch's misbehavior hopefully a consequence with would straighten him out Grinch you're not in hooville anymore in our family you're going to have to be nice all right 5 minutes think about your actions think about my actions do I at least get my phone while I'm in timeout no timeout for me I'm a grown Grinch I don't have to do this I'm going to go find my uh buddy Brandon oh honey guess who I am look what this is is that real thislet toe close your eyes has the season God what out you're supposed to be in timeout Mister um the timer has not gone off that's 10 minutes in timeout 10 minutes well fine if I can't get along with anyone it's time for me to stir up some Mischief myself stupid woreless family I don't know why I wanted a family in the first place they're not going to love me for who I am and I'm going to give them a little bit of me to remember me by it looks like punishments and boundaries we're just going to make him rebel I don't want to be adopted this family stinks not to mention I haven't seen a single roast beast [Music] anywhere there that looks better looks like my work here is done get rid of stupid oh my gosh Grinch what are you doing all you guys do is yell at me and get mad at me oh Grinch you're in so much trouble you don't put toilet paper on the Christmas tree it looks like snow I thought you guys like snow on your Christmas Stree oh my gosh Grinch please you're ruining everything it was in this moment that I realized that the only time Grinch had ever received any attention was when he was naughty so I realized it's time for some trust and responsibility come now it was time to try something different family meeting all right family our new family member Grinch has never had any responsibility in a family before so today I'm giving him the opportunity to do something special for the family do you think you can take Jazzy and Jack Christmas shopping oh yes please please my strategy is if I can provide an opportunity for the Grinch to do something nice for the family maybe his behavior would change do I get your credit card uh sure yeah score awesome thank you so much have the best time woohoo let's go come on try safe never did I do the right thing I would soon come to regret this decision all right you ready to go christm shopping yeah all right we're going to go to my favorite spot it's never once let me down hey guys come on is this wait uh what are you doing aren't we supposed to be Christmas shopping look at this people just leave these out on front of their driveways and you can come shopping right here uh oh my gosh look at this don't tell me Kalia wouldn't love this uh I don't think c will like that I don't think so either here you hold it you got to wrap it later look at it inside ew e all right I guess I can find uh I think of somewhere else we can go to find Christmas presents all right all right come on let's go all right guys let's go caroling gr style are you ready for this do you have your song in your mind yep ready to start singing 1 three 1 2 3 hallelujah hallelujah hello why'd you do that wasn't that awesome come on let's go let's do it again go Grinch you can't do that you're not being responsible although Grinch was trying his methods were a little unconventional which was still getting him in trouble you're right you're right you're right get food it's cold okay all right food we can do food to food yes where are we going we should go to Chick-fil-A I always e Chick-fil-A with cows so is that where you get cows um no it's a chicken place all right guys here we are Chick-fil-A you know what do you guys want three chicken sandwiches yeah perfect I can totally got this hi thank you for choosing Chick-fil-A can I get a name start your order yeah my name is Grinch okay what can I get started for you um can I get uh three Chick-fil-A chicken sandwiches no chicken extra pickle please no chicken pickles will be 81 Cent give me the chicken you want the chicken drive away all right thank you bye pleasure chicken how does this thing work so you're going to stick the chip it goes in like this yes that's weird all right so we can go now you want your car oh we take it back yep have a good night we're going to starve we're not eating pickles I'm trying to be responsible your mom was saying you don't eat enough vegetables so I threw on extra pickles what's the big deal I hate pickles should we have gotten onions on them do you think they have onions oh my God amazing the Grinch is single he's looking for a girlfriend don't answer that I mean are you anybody want to give me their digits thank you you guys ready for your stop it got the pickles here's yours Jazzy and here's yours Jack just does the bun here's your side of pickles we should have got more than that but either way you guys can share the pickles oh that's a stuff right there guess we could just do the sauce I mean I'm fine with that oh [Music] jazine wait wait that makes me look bad you need to clean it up I got to look responsible does this look like muster e mission accomplished let's get back to the house I think you did a very bad job at being responsible Grinch you made Jazzy spill in the car yeah cuz you're such a crazy driver hey I've never driven before what are you talking about you mean you don't have your license a license a license for what I give me that wheel hey I drive the sleigh every Christmas Eve okay what's the big deal how hard could it be tired of this I'm going to tell on you tell me for what can't believe you don't have your driver's license look no one told me I had tockles and your Chick-fil-A sauce and the bread take all of it listen hey guys we're going to keep this between us right we're not going to tell Mom wait wait wait that was so why why we have it was just fine we were having a good time he got us sandwiches with only pickles who doesn't like pickles it was in this moment that I knew the Grinch needed something different he needed love okay okay guys I've heard enough I'm sorry Grinch you need to go outside the rest of us family meeting now all right family what we've been doing isn't working so I think what he needs is to feel kindness he has never had anyone be kind to him before you mean no one has ever been nice to him before never that's so sad I'm trusting you to teach him what kindness is can you do that yes my family was up for the challenge but I wondered if they could forgive and show Grinch love Jack I have the best idea okay Grinch where are you so typical I've only been with this family one day they call a family meeting and who don't they invite me they just leave me right out of it why don't I need parents I didn't need brothers and sisters either we let's see you gave me a gift with Santa Claus on the top mhm I guess it's a thought that counts right yeah yeah what's this well I was going to wait for Christmas but I felt like you needed it now so yeah it's a a sweater we know you had a really rough day and we wanted to do something nice for you well I can't say I've ever had a a present given to me before really I mean it has a Christmas tree on and not really my thing but uh I guess thanks you're welcome you're welcome it's handmaid so hope you like it let's go show the family yeah come on no one's ever done anything nice to me before that's a nice Christmas sweater you got there Grinch yeah Jack and Jazzy gave it to me she even got a Christmas tree on it that's very sweet Grinch we want to sing Christmas songs with you do you want to come with us oh yeah okay sure why not a grin I have the best Christmas song ever for you Jingle Bells Batman smells an egg batmobile lost his and R got away that's my kind of song I like Batman Smells I have an even better idea what's that have you ever heard this song before you're a nice one Mr drench drench you really are a dare you're a cudly as a pillow you're charming and sincere Mr GRE you're my new brother and I love you so dear it was in this moment that the Grinch finally felt the love from our family but would he choose to be adopted and stay wow that other song they wrote about me was so mean that one was all nice and warm and fuzzy how'd you guys do that rhymes Let's Go sing it for the family all right let's go hey what do you guys been up to we've been singing songs huh yeah a that's so sweet yeah Grinch we want you to know that you're really welcome here we are so excited to have you be part of our family gr are you blushing I mean maybe a little bit well we had a family meeting and we all agreed we definitely want you to be part of the family but only if you'll have us a real life family yeah that would be epic yeah we have the spirit of love so you're welcome here we love you how about a Christmas family hug yeah okay make it quick hey I'm kind of digging this all right woohoo and just like that Grinch was adopted by our family for the holiday season
Channel: Fun Squad Family
Views: 2,531,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fun squad family
Id: m6mlB8h9Lkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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