I Replaced My Twin, But Jack Gets Jealous! The Movie

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what happens when you replace a twin well watch here and find out we are in St George today and I've got Jack and Jazzy with me and we are going to meet not enough Nelsons they have 16 kids some biological and some adopted I want to watch teenage me Ninja Turtles no secret we're watching Teenage me ninja no Haven this is we're almost there be on your best behavior when my twins were little they did everything together they liked the same things they ate the same things they wanted to do the same things and and as they've transitioned into teenagers I don't take they're fighting more and more well you know what I wish I had a twin brother a brother would be better than a girl sister's way better than you guys guys you have a special bond as twins when we get there I'm picking a new sister as we pulled up I was nervous about the twins bickering in front of our friends what your problem ja don't you don't touch me he is driving me nut you are so obnoxious you are why stop touching me pull it together to the door hey guys on melis come here thank you it's so fun to meet you guys okay I know we just barely met for the very first time and I hate to sound paranoid but my twin is driving me crazy you're driving me crazy you're so quiet it's my time to Oh My Gosh guys Jaz really right now I can't believe you're doing this I could not believe how immature and embarrassing Chazzy was acting in front of our new friends you're cre a new twin Nel line up oh oh new twin right now this is so embarrassing okay so how many girls are in your family so we have 11 girls and five boys well that's simple boys out okay Sor bro now I need someone about my height so sorry guys obviously me I'm the shortest anybody without blue eyes has to go you need to leave all right last thing who's about my height I think it's kind of obvious Haisley will you be my new twin for the day yes go always my twins this is going to be so fun I know it's going to be so fun I can't believe I'm being replaced even though Jack was acting like he didn't care I could tell he was really hurt inside would my twins ever be able to make up or is this the end of their special bond guys I I'm really embarrassed I'm so sorry like my twins were fighting in the car they don't usually act like this oh it's fine this will be so fun for them all right I am going to show Sarah the remodel here so you guys can just go play and we will have din [Music] right let's go what I'm already being replaced so what do you want to start off doing what if we make a secret handshake okay maybe we can add him like a little like guess like this and slide out and then what a secret handshake Jesse promised me she would never do that with someone else that's it I need a twin breaker finally a twin sister this is like a dream come true if we're going to be twins we have to dress like twins I think I have some clothes that might like match what you're wearing okay you get changed and then we can be matching so excited to actually have a twin sister this is going to be epic cuz boys just get really annoying I'm ready you look awesome thank you just like me what should we do next Tik Tok let's go going to be [Music] so Luke right yeah you um Jack my twin sister is being super annoying she's trying to be a twin with your sister ha I'm getting kind of jealous so do you want to be my friend sister wait do you mean brother um yeah sorry um we have the same hair okay we're both 13 I have nothing better to do so let's do it we can match too you know come to my room it was nice to see Jack and Jazzy making new friends so quickly but I just kept hoping this wouldn't drive them further apart come look at my closet let's see if we have something similar or I have these looks like my dad's 80s closing um yeah let's just do that all right Paisley and Jazzy made up a handshake I think we can do better we can right yeah I can do this one I'll do that one me same sort of s they couldn't even beat us if they tried yeah let's roll with it 8s are in yeah I have an idea let's go see what the E twin sisters are doing Halloween is literally killing me there's all these things that haven't even come and I've been waiting for forever hey guys wow you like fancy oh my gosh 80s rocking the 80s kind like nachy we look way better than the girls yeah really like a competition thing going on yeah obviously well you guys look pretty nice two thumbs up woohoo yeah that went pretty well yeah Jack and Luke seem to be having a really good time as twins but it's making me a little nervous about Jack and Jazz's Bond you ready read look it's so cute go cute face we should go show our mom yeah let's do it m we just F the Tik Tok it's so cute oh my God so cute your twins for the day y okay how does your brother feel about that um I don't know he's probably feeling happy that he doesn't have to deal with me my stomach sunk as it seems that Jazzy keeps pushing herself further and further away from Jack so have you had fun I want to see your Tik toks a so cute Tik Tok dances we can do way better than that definitely let's go you guys are awesome so what are you going to do next we should do a twin photo shoot yeah so fun have fun bye guys let's go these Tik toks way better than little rooms let's use the golf cart wao that's way cooler than what they did [Music] honestly [Music] let's do the Tik Tok yeah all right let's do these photos this is going to be like an epic photo out let's try a dress [Music] one these are my sibling F dresses for like over the years oh it's so cute do this one okay I can do this one long but it will work it look so so funny let's do some pictures by the window smart than go now let's do it ready [Music] yeah oh my gosh you're look so cute that a this album is going to be awesome wait what Luke and Jack they're matching and they're coping us doing Tik toks what he must be so jealous we need to get him back I began to worry that the girls might get revenge on the boys so I set a little prayer hoping that Jack and Jazzy might work things out by the end of the day let's go je oh they're so cute Tik Tok I wonder why twin Rose is way better than twin sis yeah we dance way better than right oh well you guys did what is up with you guys we're literally clearly the better Twins and and you're over here trying to literally copy us have you guys seen yourself why are you copying us yeah we literally that do for you we're in the we in are better you see this we're the better twins oh my gosh you guys are you serious is this what this is all about they're fighting over who are the better twins so what is this team twin boys versus Team twin girls which are clearly better oh jeez all right we're going to put this to bed by having a final twin telepathy challenge are you up for it you're going down we're matching no you are not this is like what even is this this is called fashion obviously you don't know that okay but guess what the twin telepathy challenge has nothing to do with fashion Tik Tok dances if you're dressed the same what it has to do with is if you can read each other's mind so are you ready all the way it was time to teach my twins a lesson do they still have a connection or not okay this is how this is going to work for twin telepathy we're going to see if twin boys W twin girls can reach others Minds all right so I'm going to ask you question and if you get the same answer it means you're telepathic question number one what is your favorite color what is your favorite color okay I think I got it I got it you feel these Vibes BR I feel them I'm getting sort of a disconnection I think I'm still with my sister she ate a baloney sandwich sabotage hi your answers hi your answers 3 2 1 reveal [Music] GRE what what I thought your favorite color is pink wait I thought yours was purple I thought we were supposed to be twins wait what I thought we were too I got green I got blue I thought your favorite color was green I was starting to feel relief that no one was connecting but when it's Jack and Jazz's turn will they be able to connect okay clearly you guys struggled there do you want to try again yes okay next question is think of a number between 1 and 10 it has to be the same if you're going to be telepathic we got this there's only 10 numbers it's a one and 10 you can't tell each other we're not okay I got my number can you read my mind I think so this time you're going to catch my M okay I'm sending reinforcements I think I'm getting it I have something write it down never spongeb Square tank um what are you doing uh du reading each other's minds cuz we're Bros like that secret handshake no ours is [Music] better guys this is so boring I think we got this yeah 3 2 1 go wait no hey wait you no it was a nine this is how I R my nine look it is a nine it's a nine okay okay okay clearly none of you can do the twin telepathy very well so Jack and Jazzy let's see if you can do it get some stuck with the baloney girl we're going to see if your twinner minds can match up all right so you both to think of an animal and write it down now it was time for the ultimate test would Jack and Jazzy be able to read each other's minds and reestablish their bond and connection as twins I bet you couldn't even read my mind if you wanted to do you think they can really do it no all right are you ready let's see what it is 3 2 1 show monkey no mine was aan no you guys both wrote monkeys why' you copy me why are you copy me I wrote it first I told you I wait what you want to yell and finally Jack allowed his true feelings to come out let's try it again and see if it was just a fluke or if it actually it was a fluke it was a fluke final question if you guys get the same answer you have the same mind your favorite place on Earth read vs and go I be chilling they are my mind twin see if you guys get it the same or not 3 2 1 let's see what you you gotai and this was the moment that Jack and Jazzy realized they had a strong bond as twins they like the same things and have a strong emotional connection maybe we are twin maybe we are like it's hard to say but I guess we do have a special bond yeah I think you're right I'm sorry about fighting with you in the car you know what I think it's about time we watch Dumbledore yes I won let it be known next hey um we're still here yeah awkward twin handshake twin handshake pH and there it was Jack and Jazzy reestablished their strong unbreakable twin Bond then we can be quadruples for the day yeah go oh yeah yeah so we know what happens when Jazzy replaces her twin but what happens when Kalia gets a new sister these are my two daughters for as long as I can remember they've had the most amazing sisterly Bond but as Jazzy gets older and Kia is in a different phase of life sometimes they butt hit so today I've invited two Rock Squad members kyia hey and colani hey to help me test Jazzy and Kalia to see if their sisterly bond is still tight Jazzy you're never going to guess who's here is [Applause] itang with you guys I know so excited you guys are here cuz I have to Le Jazzy so I brought kyia and kaani over from the rock Squad to help watch Kia cuz I need your eyes on Kyler cuz you know he's kind of a crazy boy all right you guys have a good time we'll see you I'll gra okay cool all right guys I set up hidden cameras in the house so I can watch how these challenges go because I really need to know as a mom if my daughters are still bonded so let's see how they do so we know Kalia always has looked up to Jazzy as a big sister but today we'll be testing to see it if we can tempt Kalia with sugars and sweets to see if she can be influenced by us the Dixon sisters more than she can with Jazzy kalia's first test will be on the bond of influence we want to know if she'll listen to her sister Jazzy over the rock Squad I have an [Music] idea hey Kalia do you want to go to Fizz and get a sugary drink yes yes yes yes yes yes Jia it's Wednesday what's wrong with Wednesday uh we can't have sugar unless it's on the weekends that's our family rule remember oh right I mean it's only one drink right yeah your mom won't mind it's not a big deal if you get caught you're going to be grounded will my mom find out not if we go right now come on a fish drink I can't resist wait what about me somebody has to babysit I can't believe Kia actually listened to them I feel kind of bad leaving Jazzy behind I hope I don't get trouble but I sure love this all right we're here it's going to be so much any drink you want bun of sugar all looks so good that one how are you sug I'm so excited on Squad part of our goal is to have so much fun with Kalia that she totally forgets about Jazzy what did you say oh nothing that was close I want Sprite and watermelon and a peep on top well that's a lot of sugar do you think Jazzy will be upset um [Music] [Applause] that was so good should we have got one for Jazzy um oh you know what we should go shopping yes go shopping much on your favorite store you ready yeah come on kalia's second test is on the bond of compassion will she feel bad if the rock Squad convinces her to leave Jazzy out so Kalia failed the bond of influence let's see if Kone and I can get Kalia to fail the bond of compassion ready Kalo yep let's find matching shirts yes are you ready all right let's go let's go I always match with dy I love matching oh girl we're much more stylish we'll have a cute outfit and we'll all three matching it'll be so much fun I promise okay say [Music] so these are perect oh my goodness these are so cute this is so fun they're so cute I love these tops but what about Jazzy oh Jazzy doesn't need a top yeah it's okay I mean it's okay we're making our own memories our own memories won you f left out absolutely not no it'll be fine well if I was left out I would feel sad no I mean maybe next time I feel really really bad for Jazzy cuz she's actually a really good friend of ours but but I think it's okay because I feel like Kia passed the challenge of compassion so I think it's good all right it's been like a good couple hours and I'm really curious to know how the test is going so I'm going to call them and check in and see how they're doing see hello hi how's Kia doing so she unfortunately did pass first test of influence but she did pass the second test of compassion oh really what happened she felt really bad about not giving Jazzy a shirt and we felt so bad because we told her no okay I know this is really hard for you because you guys are really good friends with Jazzy but I want you to know you're doing the right thing I need to know as a mom if my girls are still bonded okay I can't wait to see the next challenge and test and see if she passes it or not so let's go okay thank thank so much guys keep it up you're doing great I miss Jazzy it's okay you don't need to miss her we're having so much fun it's time for test three the bonds of inclusion in this test the rock Squad will intentionally leave Jazzy out leaving Kalia with a hard decision will she include Jazzy or [Applause] not you went to go get sugar and one shopping yeah we kind of got matching shirts did you get for me me um no no we're just lost like having so much fun that we kind of like forgot sorry Jazzy okay well we're going to go do this Tik Tok come on Clea okay I'm coming let's find a place to set up the phone so we can yeah maybe like against a t would be good so let's put Kia in the middle and let's have me and K right here then it'll be like a cute little Trio can you scoot over a little so I can get in oh uh we are kind of doing it cuz we have like matching shirts and stuff like a little trie it was in this moment that Jazzy realized she was being left out why can't Jazzy join us um okay uh Tik Tik Tok Tik Tok hand angle like this here we go go 1 2 6 6 that was cute did that was so cute job you know what looks cute cuz we all have nice shirt you guys look so good but usually I do Tik toks with Jazzy it was in this moment that we realized Kalia cared more about her sister Jazzy than shopping sugar tick toks and other things however she did fail one of the three tests so we needed to provide a final test to see how strong the girl's Bond really is you know what it's kind of getting late maybe we should you know go upstairs bed okay come on oh my gosh I feel so bad this is definitely the hardest thing that me and my sister have ever done but it's okay because I think that KIA just passed the bond of inclusion but we have one more challenge this is the final Challenge and it is the bond of love so we're going to tuck her in read her a bedtime story and see if she passes so let's go the final test is the bond of love all right F Squad I just talked to ca and she let me know that they're about to do the final test and this is the one that's going to mean the most but I wanted you to know some backstory so when Jazzy was 6 years old she practically prayed Kia here she wanted a little sister so bad I didn't know that Kia was a girl until I actually gave birth and I cried so hard at Kia's birth because I wanted a second girl and Jazzy wanted a little sister and God answered our prayers and sent us a little girl and we were so happy we have a very special lullabi that we would sing to Kia both Jazzy and I as she went to bed each night and that song is good night my angel I'm just dying to know if Kia wanted her big sister to sing to her or if she was happy with kyia and kaani tucking her in here goes Bey usually my mom or Jazzy tucks me um well I'll just read you a bedtime story and see how you like it once upon a time there was a little pig who went off to see a rabbit this isn't the bedtime story that I usually like well this is going to be really good cuz I'm reading it to you right okay the tiger bounced so far and so wide that he bounced right into the pig excuse me sorry to interrupt but to get tucked in I usually have a blanket with me oh okay here here's a blanket there is that is that good yeah the rabbit said oh no and the tiger said I'm so sorry this story doesn't Mak sense that much I don't think you're very good at this well maybe Kylie I can do better or something okay I guess that was so hard she clearly wanted Jazzy and I obviously didn't do anything right in there so let's see how Kia does hi Kalia so I'm here to tuck you in get you ready for bed and I'm going to sing you like a little lullab it's one of my personal favorite songs so usually my mom or Jazzy would sing a lby to me oh well you know what tonight's a little bit different I'm going to sing you a song it's actually it's a really good song it's Twinkle Twinkle Little Star isn't that song for babies um no no no no what's a q song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star how I wonder what you are up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky he you didn't even finish the song Oh no offense but I really need my big sister I mean I can be a good big sister too but I want Jazzy okay okay I'll go get jazzy JY chy K like really needs you what so K and I tried to get to go to sleep and we cannot seem to do it so I know what to do okay hi are you having a tough time singing yes well how about I sing you your favorite song that's exactly what I need good night my angel time to close your eyes and save these questions for another day wherever you may go no matter where you are I never will be far away Jazzy you always make me feel better I love you good night okay close your eyes close your eyes she's asleep Jazzy we have something to tell you your mom put us up to these few tests to see if you and Kalia still had a sister Bond and and you guys passed wait no no no what my mom yes yes everything was all set up it was a total prank yeah so we basically just took Kia to go get sugar go shopping we got matching shirts on purpose which I feel really bad about and my mom told you to do all this correct so my mom was worried about our sisterly Bond I guess so but clearly clearly you guys' bond is so strong it is strong yeah we're sisters like nothing can get in between us like why would my mom even think that the bond between sisters is special something that cannot be replaced by anyone else and as a mom I'm so proud to see their compassion and love deepen as they grow together in our family what's up F Squad guess what today we're in La that's right we're on our way to go see Trinity and Beyond I'm excited because today I'm going to make and Madison Twins and J wait what without me this is so unfair why my girls have been bickering a lot lately stop it Mom and I think it's time to teach them a lesson do you want to be a triplet yeah what do you think it's not fair Jazz's always had a twin and I always wanted a twin trust me you do not want a twin Kia has always been jealous of Jack and Jazz's special twin Bond and now it's time for a test to help both Kia and Jazzy realize just how special their bond as sisters really is all right Kia the 24 hours starts here cuz you're going to be a twin for the day and be prepared it's going to suck I'm going to love this I've always wanted a twin okay I don't know what this twin thing is about but it'll be nice to get Madison to do something else so I can have some peace and quiet hello your mom called me earlier and said that we're twins so twins twins for the day my favorite food is pizza you want to be cool Twins and go eat some pizza yeah let's do it Pizza Twin Pizza Twin Pizza in the meantime John had a big big surprise for Jazzy this is your new big sister Jazzy like Kalia Jazzy is being assigned a new sister today hopefully by allowing the real sisters to have time away from each other it will give them perspective on their relationship and just how special it really is all right if we're going to be twins we got to eat everything the same let's start with orange juice orang juice oh how Gator Gator I like laser freeze okay look at them o they look like they're having fun as friends oh no we're not eating the same thing she's not eating Che Pizza I have to eat the exact same thing as you I guess we're not real twins though yeah you're definitely not real twins oh my gosh Jazzy is already starting to get jealous I wonder if she'll do anything to try to break up Kalia and Madison's twinship who you maybe we would eat the same thing if we were still sisters I'm just having a different sister for the day well she can be my new sister J okay if we're going to be twins we got to dress up like the SI I got us some cute jackets oh I love it this is going to be awesome let's put them on you look so good thank you no thank you we both look amazing while Kalia and Madison were partying it up Jazzy and Trinity were having a hard time finding something in common so we're just like chilling out of my room right now mhm don't really want to do hold on I'm getting a text you have a phone yeah all right if we're going to be twin we have to like all the same thing so what do you like I like purple I like purple too I like being silly I love being silly what was that I really love animals me too one of my favorite things to do is sing at the top of my lungs on top of a clip I don't really like that I kind of like just singing when no one's around when I have my privacy oh but we have to be twins all no one fine I like it let's go we got a clip up there okay right we're going to go outside and just chill on the waterfall let's do [Music] this you know the song uh Girl on Fire oh yeah okay I love 3 2 1 this girl is on fire this girl is a [Music] Jazzy and Trinity are totally spying on Kia and Madison right now do you think Jazzy is jealous drop a like And subscribe to give her some good luck who's that Jazzy she must be spying on her she got to be jealous that we twins why would she be jealous I think my mom's trying to teach us some kind of lesson mhm probably it's not going to work though because I love being your T well Jazzy is obviously suspicious of Kia having a little bit too much fun with Madison but so far Kia has hasn't looked back she's loved being a twin all right we just did something that I like to do now let's do something that you like to do okay I love to jump on the trampoline we should do the same tricks as each other that would be perfect they're getting along pretty well maybe our bond isn't as special as I thought can you do a front flip uh no okay here let me do it you got to get as high as you can and then just flip Kalia was absolutely terrified but I knew she didn't want to disappoint her new twin 3 2 1 [Music] go close what I've been trying to teach Kalia for years to do friend flub and she lets Madison teacher how about we just FP in the air all right three 2 1 you do gynastics I used to I did gymnastics and I'm pretty good 2 1 Jessie decided that if she couldn't teach Kalia to front flip she would teach Trinity a Tik Tok dance instead with the hopes that she could form a strong bond with her new sister you are a natural dancer thank you my favorite animal is a guinea pig what's yours a puppy a I love puppy too okay come here oh no don't you get squirmy this is Alice a hi Alice you cute why do you name her Alice well my sister kind of named her but I think she named her after aliceon Wonderland I hate that movie you hate it how could you hate it it's like the best movie ever I don't like the madter I don't like the creepy caterpillar and the Queen of Hearts is just mad well I kind of get it but it's like my favorite movie so I don't think we can be twins anymore Kia and Madison had this funny idea that to be twins they had to be exactly the same but they were definitely having differences of opinion let's see how Kia handles it fun I guess I like the movie just for you yes we can be twins again what this makes no sense she never compromises with me is Madison a better sister Than Me by this point J was feeling really discouraged it's clear that Jazzy doesn't want to lose Kia as a sister it'll be interesting to see if Kia chooses Jazzy in the end or if she decides to stay with Madison yeah you got to like everything I like and I have to like everything you like or else we're not really twins gosh this is making it harder to work out looks like Kalia is also starting to feel conflicted about this whole twin thing she has so much in common with Jazzy and she's realizing it the hard way well I don't care this guinea pig is so cute hey you little guinea pig come here come here okay if we're going to be twins we have to do our hair the same I like crazy hair no I like princess hair crazy princess crazy princess crazy princess crazy princess crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy I like crazy hair too why don't you ever let me do your hair well if we're not going to agree on the same thing then we can't be twins anymore how about if we don't be twins but we can be sisters that means we don't have to like everything the same well I guess we could be sisters yeah the girls decided to do ponytails because they couldn't agree on a hairstyle they seemed sad that they weren't seeing eye to eye and demoted themselves from twins to sisters because not all their ideas were identical well neither of us got our way I don't know how I feel about that all right time to sabotage I have two different shades of pink nail polish and I'm going to make them fight over it then maybe Kalia will miss me all right Kia what should we do next I think we should paint our nails well I like pink I like pink too but this one is better than that that's more of an orange I don't care I like it well I like this one well this one's better if we can't agree on the same color then I guess we can't be sisters we have to be friends well then let's just be friends okay then we're friends well it just happened again they demoted themselves from sisters to just friends I can tell Kalia is missing Jazzy but do you think Kalia will understand that her special bond with Jazzy cannot be replaced comment below meanwhile Jazzy is getting fed up with this whole situation so she decided to sabotage her relationship with Trinity to get Kalia back so I'm thinking like a Tik Tok right here you know yeah just so will you clean that up I mean it's your room you are clearly the one who dumped them over it's your room and I tell you what to do so clean it up Mass was a way better sister I wish I just had her back wait I know how we can both get what we want One Nail can be this color and another nail can be that color and then we keep switching back and forth yeah okay it should go mine forth mine for mine all right do it [Music] look at these fellow hi have you been having fun together yeah of course how did the T thing work out good well we started as Twins and then then sisters and now we're just friends so I can have my sister back uh-oh uh-oh no no yes I have not decided yet don't make any assumptions so you don't want me back as your sister oh you have to choose me or her oh no I can't watch who will Kia choose choose choose who's it going to [Music] be yes you love me I'm so proud of Kia for realizing just how special her Rel relationship is with Jazzy and that her sister bond is unbreakable even though she's not a twin no we can still be friends can I come back and play twins tomorrow sure this is my daughter Jazzy and this is her good friend Shay Bennett Shay moved to Scotland about 6 months ago and poor Jazzy it was so hard on her but tomorrow we go to Scotland and Jazzy and Shay get the chance to see each other again but I'm not so sure that their relationship is going to be the same so I've decided to test the strength of the relationship by putting them through three friendship challenges if they pass the test then they'll have an epic surprise if not they're going to have to jump in a raging Scotland River give them a like for good luck and don't forget to subscribe drop a comment do you think I'm right do you think they've drift it apart or do you think their bond of friendship will be stronger than ever you think we can do it I think we can I have no clue what is planed this first test is actually going to be the hardest because I'm going to put them in a very stressful situation so the first test is bungee jumping bungee jumping I swear I are the worst things to me this is a good test for their friendship to see if their bond is still strong or if time has made them drift apart and they kind of like go through the experience still l so what they don't know is that they each get two jumps oh okay two jums the second one I'll be like so far Shay seems way more nervous than Jazzy do you think they'll be able to relate to each other during this first test right now I'm not sure if they can connect like they used to the survival rate it's 58% survival rate and then that's the number we used to identify his body he ends up in the river don't say that M's all right guys I'm going to go on the swing so check out my channel to see me go on the you done anything like this before or no okay the lady she just said it is 40 m 130 some feet oh my gosh I remember the first time I was on a 100t Cliff repelling that was petrifying oh my goodness 130 this will be great good bond in experience I hope good experience and did you know you're jumping off a bridge over a rivm jumping yes just a safeer landing it snap go there's nothing we can't overcome if we do this yes together together it's go time oh Last Chance left here I feel like I'm going to throw up last chance you guys staying yeah we're staying you're staying you going to go Jaz okay guys we are in the car to drive to we Bridge called KY cranky is that what it's called KY cranky it's gy Bridge G Bridge you excited I'm really excited and I think every step of the way we get closer to the bridge it goes out by a not so I'm up there I really hope that they can pass this test of friendship because if they don't I have kind of a horrible consequence for them I don't think they'll like me very much one thing I'm really looking forward to is the Sha scream you'll hear it all right I'm going to go watch from the bottom I get to watch them jump so comment down below right now who do you think is going to scream the most I'm kind of surprised that Shay is more nervous than Jazzy I kind of thought it would be the other way around where he was like you know encouraging her along but it's reverse putting them through this experience together is only going to increase their ability to be there for each other during hard times comment below if you have have a friend that you would do something scary with and consequence is to jump into this River with their clothes on so Shan and Jazz here Bungie jumping off this giant Bridge they're attached with their feet so you basically jump head first that's just Su who do you think is going to scream more Jazzy or Shay probably Shay who do you think is going to scream or Jazzy or Shay Jazzy yeah Shay or Jazzy me oh yeah how do you feel about seeing your daughter jump off a bridge oh it's scary there are rocks under that bridge and the water isn't even that deep I can the bottom right now wait is Jazzy wearing his hopefully she doesn't get ret cuz she'll just die what did he say Cleo would do you ever do this I would you would jump off a bridge like that yes oh my gosh you guys I think Jazzy is going first I am like so dying to know what kind of emotions are happening up there on the bridge do you think they're freaking out do you think they're going to be able to do it right look straight ahead arms up out on my count and I F died here we go Jess's going first and Shay looks so nervous do you think he'll back out let's see if Jazz's bravery pays off oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh 3 two [Music] one gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh that is so crazy my she is so brave you guys that looks so fun that is so crazy [Music] J they pull them up like this so that her all the blood doesn't rush to your head that was super scary now that Jazzy is back will Shay follow her lead and overcome his fear of heights friendship is all about trust so this is the ultimate test to see whether they still have their special bond or not kind of scared it's so scary 3 2 1 he's falling well done looks like Shay overcame his fear of heights and took the jump but the question remains who had the better screen yeah cuz it's me snapping you got this JJ going backwards oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh how do which way was scarier that looks so scary oh he's going backwards they gained my respect that definitely is facing your fears that is facing go I'm really curious to see if it strengthened their Bond as friend I think it has to if you do crazy stuff like this with with other people you always have that memory you always like like you have that Bond maybe you and I should do it I how to go so I first did it and I was freaking out I was this close to backing out this close but then Jazz oh jumping off backwards is probably one of the scary things I've done how was it Jazz holy crap my soul left my body it was so terrifying I was up there and I was like okay I got it and she's like okay are you ready I'm like no actually maybe give me a second I didn't 3 2 1 go exactly 3 2 1 okay yeah looks like Shay and Jazzy have passed the first test maybe their bond really has withstood the test of time but will they be able to pass my next challenge did it like whip you or hurt you in the first all no I mean I totally forgot about everything after the second jump it's all vague I practically F like I came back up and I was like what happened did you do it again oh yeah sure but if I were to do it again I'd probably need a bit of encouragement from you I felt like I did strength my friend going through fear with somebody definitely definitely strengthens some stuff yeah I love how well they're connecting it's clear that they work well as a team and at least this aspect of their friendship has stood the test of time I could not believe you kept your form Jazzy that was crazy who scream the loudest I think did you try backward yeah I did what you first for your back definitely I I don't think I ever actually been that scared to jump off backwards like I was this close to that it's a good reality to check at how yeah unless they get stretched your fake after bungee jumping we travel to loch nest in the beautiful Scottish Countryside we are on the first of lock oh did you hear that there's a monster in the light there oh don't remind me you guys passed the first test of friendship which is going through something scary together how did it feel scary yeah it was actually one of the top 10 things I've done is quite scary yeah well that's amazing didn't you feel like it brought you guys closer as friends for sure so for sure the first test was facing fears the second test is a test of great what happens when they have to face off against each other well going head-to-head hurt their relationship will one of them be a sore loser let's see how they do in this second test of strength so strength we against each other yes obviously Shay and Jazzy do not want to be pitted against each other but that's all the more reason to make them do it an important aspect of friendship is supporting your friend even when it means setting aside your own needs if you know anything about Scotland they're famous for their Highland Games and in the games they have a Scottish style of wrestling and I'm going to have Raquel explain what that means I I should be demonstrating so Mom I need your help explaining okay when Highland Games come around they play lots of awesome games and sports and one of them is Scottish backhold wrestling when two competitors so two competitors will wrap their arms one shoulder over one shoulder under their hands have to have a good grip and when they call it you start wrestling and the person that gets them just show go down to the ground once they get down to the ground and fall then this person whoever is still standing win hey Kayden Hayden we got some weirdo over here playing the backpack what the he no more no more the person that is left standing wins or the person that hands don't break they will win so if rightel gets me down to the ground she gets the point okay no it's friendship either you win or I wins we pass the challenge there a winwin situation here actually this is a good point because you want to be able to win and you want to do it respectfully straight Dam straight Dam straight going to flatten me yeah the hair is bad got longer hair my son is poopy 3 2 1 go I almost lost you're up time to test a friendship I think chasse's going to win oh my gosh you guys the crowd has gathered let's see who they want to win Jaz in oh oh oh wrestlers take your marks so far things seem to be going pretty well hopefully they continue to be good sports but I'm a little nervous because they're both very competitive 3 2 1 start wo go Jazzy go Jazzy 3 two 1 point point okay St try yeah yes I was yes I was trying that was too easy no no I was trying through my life Jay insisted he get one more chance to redeem himself because he thinks Jazzy just got lucky what do you guys think comment below go oh my god well that was intense since it ended in a tie I'd say they were both good sports and passed this challenge let's move on to the final test all right the final test is a test of sentiment Jesse and Shay have been through a lot of emotional things together so let's let's see if their bond is the same or if it has weakened over time for your final bond of friendship test you have to come up with something sentimental sentimental on your own like together actually you know what I think I've got something in mind for sentimental let's head this way okay so where are we going so there's this thing that we do at a certain place in skull called The Hermitage there's logs stumps that have coins in them and the cool thing is you make your wish we are going to hammer a coin in and then we'll make a lovely wish that's so cool actually I think it's pretty intimate if you ask me [Music] yeah okay so we passed this absolutely beautiful waterfall but once you do that the log is just right up ahead sweet it's so pretty as you know the tradition is the towns or a coin into the log or the stuff and then you make a wish how about since we don't see each other very often we should do that we can see each [Music] other I think it was done perfect now our wish will come true cool thing is since we did two coins there's a devil of the chance that a wish will come true yeses no chance we be able to see each other well there you have it Shay and Jazzy clearly miss each other a lot and have a special bond of friendship that is unbreakable even with 4500 miles between them I think you guys passed the Friendship test I knew so it won't make you do the consequence it was Jump In this River with your clothes on oh I could not have done that I'm so glad ask my that is like so cold comment below if you were to make a wish what would it be and comment below if you guys knew along that pass and don't forget to watch the video we did on our Channel with h Adventure
Channel: Fun Squad Family
Views: 2,689,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fun squad family, emotional bonds
Id: VmK4gmB0LhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 53sec (2873 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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