Escape the LifeGuard for 24 Hours! Dad Sinks & Shark in the Pool!

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what's up guys Channel get started guys today as you can see run another swim in there yeah that's right guys today I decided we are going to do a fun video in the pool because summer is getting close to over and so I brought a professional lifeguard say hi lifeguard so I brought the professor laughs got over two days so that I can just swim around and have fun and we don't have to worry about these little girls getting into trouble so we're gonna go ahead have fun and let this lifeguard control our day for 24 hours first things first guys it's time to jump in go to number behind you he jumped right over you girl alright which one are you going for where's my spoon Kona right here alright can you get it only one per person Oh Madison I'll take this one you can have your ice cream cone [Music] that make you happy lifeguard we're going lookups these kids can never listen not even her dad can follow the rules dan yeah it's not lifeguard it's pretty picky about his rules come on everybody out of the pool code Brown out of the pool Oh girls this better not have been one of you that is gross we're gonna need that trend whether you kid false alarm false alarm whose camera is this alright guys so apparently my camera was in there with like some leaves on it made it look like Co Brown Co Brown but there's no code Brown we can get back in the pool no I'm just gonna relax out here girl oh wow lesson let's go no running by the pool oh my grace you guys we were buried on barely going fast at all everybody knows the first rule of swimming is don't run by the pool they're gonna slip and fall I'm gonna have to go save them and I don't know what I'm gonna I should not have been a lifeguard today I don't know [Music] seriously we got a couple three-year-olds in the hot tub all by themselves [Music] I've got to go take care of these kids my shorts even the lifeguard thought he farted guys is really starting to bug me this is no longer do with life curse sets now okay the lifeguard no matter what we've gotta escape this guy with the silly hat on was he happy like yes guys this stinks look at this they funded me they got me all wet this is not what I signed up for I am out of here oh man guys that like heart was not happy now what do we do for my third just jab me the lifeguard he's the life guard always all right guys there's a new lifeguard and I'm gonna get a higher perch so I can see everything that's going on come guys okay guys this is gonna be so awesome with dad being the lifeguard he lets us do whatever we want it doesn't what's good you look the rocks ah I'll just watch you from here you can get lost yourself if you say so let's go guys well she's off not you what's wrong guys this is gonna be awesome escape the new life lifeguard mom's Guam who's he how he likes the waterfall [Music] they say the state chin I found another lifeguard that can hopefully do better than the last one and actually stay at the pool while we're swimming there he is right there mr. lifeguard I run a tight ship guys I think it'd be more like a drill sergeant that's right this guy is gonna take care of these kids and make sure everything stays safe outside I'm gonna go inside and get ready and we'll be back in bed Wow you're crazy so I'm not gonna get in there they got great crazy okay you guys don't pin one at a time I don't want to be diving in there having to save you guys every 10 seconds Oh Oh what is it with these kids they never listen to me don't they know that I was an extra on the movie Baywatch come on guys no noodle trays no noodle trays come on guys off the train I hope they didn't eat 15 minutes before they start swimming he's darn kids [Applause] hey hey hey no splashing that's a no splash zone hey little boy don't splash like that seriously guys isn't that just like one of the basic rules of swimming yeah its basic swimming 101 all right well getting in and hopefully we could just do whatever his rules arts we'll get in trouble okay oh good we got another adult here now I don't have to do everything myself hey lifeguard can you turn this light on shoot see bud there you go [Music] let's watch the right boy let's go in the water hey Tiger neck hey hey sit wait your turn no wait guys that could have been really okay that you understand the ramifications of your accent let's get crazy Trinity always landing on all right hook up [Music] I'm not here to pick you up no cannonballs what are you like 12 years old no cannonballs yeah no we've got to get rid of this guy listen we've got to get rid of this lifeguard what do we do give him only get we get rid of you die I guess I mean like he is just sitting up there we could probably just do that alright guys let's go ahead and turn on the waterfall and see if we can scare this lifeguard away [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] gosh that's it I'm out of here [Music] that's awesome treat now we could go jump off the waterfall let's do it all right guys we're going to jump back this waterfall because we knew no lifeguard wouldn't let us do it come on Trin it's gonna be awesome guys this is so awesome now the lifeguard is gone and we can do everyone one [Music] [Music] what don't worry buddy I'll save you [Music] [Music] hold on I gotcha I've got you buddy oh my god [Music] yeah yeah well I'm not gonna swim if there's not a lifeguard trim trained it's fine drain Hey all right guys apparently Trinity does not want to swim without the lifeguard passing what do you think hey man all right guys so we're all outside ready to jump in the water except for Trey and obviously because she doesn't want to swim today but since Moe never gets in the pool we're gonna volunteer mom to jump in first so mommy gets to go jump in go go over there and jump all right we're gonna get over there to get a jump in guys keep going keep going no one more one more [Music] all right guys she's scared come on ready that Sun is gonna be down in like half an hour you got a hurry jump in you guys I don't know just gonna do it whatever us might have to go over there and push her head it's your last chance if you don't jump someone think I'm pushy okay give me four seconds inside four three two all right come on I'm pushing if you don't jump I guess not you called alright nothing go jumping alright guys so what what's super scared because we didn't tell her that we were heating up the pool it's actually like 85 degrees in the pool right now so it's really warm so you jumped in thinking this thing was like 59 degrees all right guys let's get in the water the world trade I thought you already gonna have a life by today Turner you looks like you took a red swimsuit and put some white tape on it [Music] you guys I've got an idea what we can do so you can go over there we're gonna grab some squirt guns and squirt some good yeah guys we're gonna go guys why won't these people listen to me they're crazy why don't they listen to my rules I'm here to protect them what nothing just hungry nothing we can't be in the pool though that's a rule messin the lifeguard sees every day [Music] before I have the best math never make marshmallows let's go eat a delicious delicious snack what all right you guys we might be able to use marshmallows but we gotta be quiet because you know who is right over there okay these are huge we're good hey he's in a pool that's disgusting marshmallows really it's gross you guys if you guys have ever touched in marshmallow when it's wet they feel disgusting gross all right Madison are yes we're gonna go warm up in the hot tub because this is not as long as I thought it'd be super hot after being in that cold water different a hundred degrees all right guys this is super hot but it felt good after being in cold pool no mom just gotta get in just jump in just jump in ready three two one jump like tingly burns tingly burns I don't know why the waters overflowing Matson's in the water overflow when you got in yeah I got it you guys I sure am glad that I wasn't the lifeguard today because trying to be like our Trent is like Claire over there I was the wrong choice to be a lifeguard today it's way nicer in here well we don't even need a lifeguard now they went to the hot tub I might as well find something else to do skating person good because I don't want to spend 20 hours over stayin out of the pool guys and white wine here I'm getting back into the pool me too all right well you guys have fun I'm just gonna stay hot for a little bit all right guys I'm not really innocent hot dog cousin is getting super hot I have a really good plan but I have to get out I gotta run in the house really quick so I will see you back out here in just a second [Laughter] oh you guys so as you know I wasn't a real shark so I hope you liked this video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Trinity and Beyond
Views: 64,116,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trinity, kids videos, videos for kids, kids, for kids, youtube family, challenge, funny, madison, dad, beyond family, escape the babysitter, escape the lifeguard, escape, lifeguard, lifeguard controls our pool, lifeguard safety, pool safety for kids, life guard, lifeguard outfit, gone wrong, trinity lifeguard, shark, shark in the pool, shark in pool prank, prank, escape trinity, 24 hours, lifeguard saves, sinking in pool, lifeguard controls our day, pool prank, family, escape video
Id: nMblkRqnzBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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