Bird Crap Everywhere!!

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look at look at this guy over here how's it going today good what are you doing what's this i didn't put it there i promise maywest is giving us little treats huh yeah do they know that's gonna get rubbed off the first time we hook a trailer up i think they they probably do that's kind of cool is this the last one well as long as you don't blow up another truck i would think so we'll try to do that you know to avoid putting these on i'll try it [Music] [Applause] so [Music] let's talk about how you got injured last night with the polisher let's talk about how this happened i'll show him he's been polishing rims because the guys that own this must have drove through acid or something and screwed up all the aluminum rims yep what i bet you you wouldn't believe how nice it so for those of you that don't know how vicious this thing is it will eat small children so i was in here was in here like that and something bad happened it got hooked and then my arm got down in there and ate my skin off and it it's oozing now it's it's a lot like in uh grade school when you fell down off of the off of something and get road rash you just fly down in the sand and elbow is scanned up well now it's my wrist so what what else happened when that all went haywire well there could have been a wiring harness also that got the in the wheel but this fuel gauge never did work i was told so it's fixed now so once again for the price of looks there's damage being done oh my how about how about the uh the block here we also had that happen this is the polishing block that you rub that polishing wheel on and what happened well it hooked there was a lot of hooking happening here that that also hooked but if we would have had cameras i don't think the camera up there in the corner would have maybe we could replay it it hit the ceiling 27 feet up maybe 28 and it hit the ceiling it hits you good thing i had my mask on i did not have my helmet on but i did protect my face [Music] yeah it's the price you pay so you just got the first pass on this now you got to hit it with the other one well you're going to have to do that because i'm wounded and whole i torah is that a ligament tendon tendonitis armament he says no there's something from my elbow to my wrist now i can't it even looks swollen oh it is it hurts bad we'll be going to the doctor i'm sure you know i did this polishing thing one time i did one truck and i said that's the last truck i'll ever do and he has to retry it at least once a year i did one that's maybe been four years ago and i swore i'd never do it again and now i mean it i think it costs about two grand to have a truck polished like everything polished well maybe we can your doctor visit might cost you more than that this will be way over that maybe state do you think state farm would cover me eric state farm we can try i'll call nate see if i'm covered huh jake jake you call nate nate no you gotta call jake who's jake jacob state farm like a good neighbor state farm is there that jake no i've got a nate [Music] the local the [Music] i think we need it just one i think mom said that yeah mom sent that she's looking for you you know it's always easy to spend someone else's money hey they got their pontoon oh my goodness look at that that's gonna be nice it must be in the water this year think of all the pontoon purchases of all the pop we can drink on this look she seems happier than normal nope not nope not a video so me and the big swede are gonna go get our hair cut together and we're gonna we're going to uh carpool together saving money don't what do you have what's falling out of your head you just love to be a jerk don't you now yours terrible you know what i should leave it like this look at how good we would look on jet skis this summer oh it'll grow back every time he gets this is fluorescent in here anybody want to change my wounded dressing what's that oh this is the greatest sound in the world how old is that well this is from 1982. it looks it amy got the has brought some smell that smell it let me yeah looks like something you put on your leather boot well i'm sure you could it looks very old it's it's for anything cow waters and goats it replaces vaseline or what no vaseline's got nothing on this i'm already winded we get to climb to the top of the grain like hey check out our hair do we look younger or older comment below [Music] what is it though i never did so it's kind of the same on you but me it's off like six pounds she said yeah man this is heavy 86 degrees out for a high today it's not it's not and say we did this is hot it's humid yeah we get to climb up there gonna be loud up to the top of the leg put this fan in that sucks out all of the these wings so i don't plug our spouts so we're gonna do it anyone want to climb up there for me see maybe these guys the guys inside here that magically do what they do do you think they could figure out how to get rid of this and put some sort of a crane maybe somebody makes one of them cranes with the winch or better yet electrical eric said he wants electric you look bigger than normal it's because i got my chest popped out you got that tight mid-length let's put it back to the stomach there's another harry potter thing going on here maybe maybe you could take take this for a walk grandpa's gravity wagons have uh seen better days it's a little rusted out oh my i want i want to make a deer stand out of this thing put a nice uh nice deer stand up on top of that that'd be nice portable deer stand is fun hope you enjoy your heights what i really appreciate is that the birds they sit on these and they poop on them yuck yuck yuck that is no joke like 60 to 80 pounds unbelievable right that was that was a pull wow [Music] [Music] there's got to be a better way than that oh my god so i failed to mention that this hasn't been working for a long time we've moved like what to 300 000 bushels maybe more through this leg without this working we've been having a lot of trouble with these doggone things yeah and let's just say this is supposed to keep all that trash from going into the downspouts to the bends and it is a high potential of clogging when they're not working you know this should be good talc oh my big handful coming [Music] the great thing about being up here is you have a beautiful view sorry about the wind by the way if the mike isn't taking it out but man that's beautiful we should be out there riding jet skis i agree that'd be so much fun for that big yacht it's all right so while i was up here i've greased the bearings because when you come up here you just grease we leave this grease gun up here all the time but i am not familiar with the size shaft like this i'm not used to working with stuff like this big so how much do you grease this one shot 20 shots 40 shots 100 shots i mean look at the size of that bearing and shaft wow once again i'm working my arms are so tired actually i'm doing okay we won't exaggerate life all right ready for the fan [Music] oh thank you which side which way does this go in motor in motor out motor out fan in here we go which way up or down fan fan and motor out no fan in motor out finally this would wreck a lot of stuff if it felt okay test fire it okay panic oh i was hoping for a griswold situation where all the lights come on you can see it from space i suppose you've never seen that movie no griswald's family vacation christmas edition whatever it's called uncle eddie you'd be uncle eddie i'm not even going to respond because i have no idea what is going over my head you and your window bag winnebago you guys ready up there yep go ahead [Music] no for god's sakes we gotta close it up now we gotta wrap things up here mission complete now we get to climb again down's easier than up as long as you don't slip and it's really easy i gotta hydrate i'm ready another load on wheels ready to go to town in the morning glad that project's over with i don't mind heights but i'd rather not have to be up there the last stretch well we went up there with an impact gun one two three go yeah that's winner i pick you that's two out of three nope oh my gosh i gotta go up there to get the impact gun and a screwdriver yep we left them both you want to take the rope i have to put it in my pocket that is that's downright exploiting i'll be inside boy i feel bad for him i'm going inside i got it i've been taking too long you know them track runners or when you're in high school and you left the soccer across cross country and you they run the kids so they're about to die and then 40 percent of the kids cross the finish line and vomit their guts out i've never witnessed that before in my life oh yeah okay so i gotta go around the bend keep a little bit wow my legs are just quivering i don't have the sheer thunder thighs as the big sweetheart i got too much weight to pull up you know i think that's the end of this video fair enough we appreciate you guys watching i hope you found amusement as much as he did of making this video i'm so glad i won that rock paper scissors better left next time see you guys next time you
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 240,533
Rating: 4.9863391 out of 5
Id: Jl1kx4N6YwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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