20 Minutes of Cut and Removed Content From Bioshock, Bioshock 2 & Bioshock Infinite!

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so I've been covering cut and removed content from the Bioshock series for quite a few years now and it never ceases to amaze me just how much is actually cut from each individual game for example BioShock Infinite had roughly three to five games worth of content that was removed from the finished product which still blows my mind to this day but I do understand that some content some Concepts and some ideas just genuinely need to be removed from the finished games so with that being said I do have a whole playlist on these particular videos down in the description below if you want to check it out after this one but I wanted to give you guys a solid 20 minutes of cut or removed content from the Bioshock series so that being said would you kindly sit back relax and if you enjoy the video by the end leave a like And subscribe it's free and it helps the channel out a ton so without any further delay let's get into the video so for this video I'm going to be going in order starting from the original Bioshock and then moving all the way until the Burial at Sea episodes so the first BioShock piece of removed cut content was that it was supposed to have a single ending now originally Bioshock was gonna have one ending with a sort of ambiguous ending so it would have been up to you to interpret what that would have meant and can Levine actually remarked in an article which I'll link in the description along with all of the sources that quote there are a million different things you can do in every combat you can play it in a million different ways looking into the future for the franchise there's something I want to figure out that by the time you get to the ending of that choice path you have a sense of your impact on the world through lots of little permutations rather than a giant like ending piece if you follow my meaning so yeah Bioshock having an original ending or just a singular ending is kind of crazy when you think about it in hindsight because now we have multiple endings for both Bioshock one and two so I'm glad that one was personally removed next up we have the research machine now this isn't to be confused with the camera that we actually receive in the game this was gonna be another machine like the circus of values or the ammo bandito machines so this would have been more or less to obtain your research rewards and as I mentioned it would have been similar to those other vending machines you would have given an item to receive an item in this case it would have basically been your overall processed and finished photographs that you took so that one I'm glad didn't make it in the cut because it just seems like it would have been awkward death to take the picture then go to the station develop your photo and then rinse and repeat it just seems kind of tedious in my personal opinion now when I say the two words dual wielding you might think about dual wielding weapons like having two shotguns out or two pistols or something akimbo'd like from the Call of Duty series well initially in Bioshock 1 we were going to be able to have some sort of dual wielding mechanic however that was implemented in BioShock 2 instead of Bioshock one and what we would have gotten in BioShock one was Jack being able to use a weapon with one hand and have it out and ready while also being able to use a plasmid with the other again out and ready at the same time again it was cut from the game and ultimately placed within BioShock 2. we're gonna move on to a level now and this one is my personal favorite this is one that I've talked about many many times on the channel and I've actually brought this up quite a few times especially to Ken Levine himself during our interview and that was the Rapture zoo I could only imagine what type of animals would have actually been kept in the zoo and what would have happened if they were exposed to Adam what kind of fights could we have gotten into could we have fighting an animal like a gorilla almost like a brute splicer type gorilla or a giraffe for that example to me that is just an insane thought to think about but ultimately it got cut and I know the developers were actually really upset about having to remove this level because they really wanted this to be in the finished game and I think it would have added perfectly to Fort Frolic especially with how hectic that whole area is but alas we will never see the light of day of the Rapture Zoo unless someone wants to make a fan mod out there if you do let me know I will definitely record it and I'll review it next we'll be looking at the original gatherers so push the little sisters aside we're going to be talking about some weird [ __ ] here so on screen now you can see in early quote-unquote humanoid gatherer which looks absolutely terrifying and other than that they wanted to do other things that I've mentioned in the past like a crippled dog in a wheelchair the frog with a funnel up its ass Etc there was a ton of ideas that they had but finally they decided I don't know out of where but to use the little sisters and it worked out for the best personally so also there was another thing cut from the little sisters because he wanted to leave the choice of morality up to the player so there is going to be sort of an angel and a devil risk and reward factor for either rescuing or harvesting which we did get a version of that in the game but not to the extent that Ken Levine wanted it and also at one point in time their eyes were going to be glowing red instead of yellow so the more you know so there was going to be an actual fourth type of Big Daddy that was in development and unfortunately it didn't get past the art stage and that was the slug bug Big Daddy every time I hear that name I think of the Volkswagen and the actual slug bug game I would play with my younger siblings but that's besides the point so basically this you can see on screen would have had the sea slug or a sea slug type of creature almost attached to the Big Daddy on its shoulder almost parasitically if that makes sense again it was cut during the concept art but the overall concept art for it looks pretty badass in my personal opinion here's one that I wish would have made the final product because take a look on screen right now and tell me this thing does not look sick this is the atom anomaly and this was an enemy concept that was even brought out before production of the game began so in the very very early concept stages now this would have been an amalgamation of a lot of different things you could have found all throughout Rapture some of which would have been weapons some of which would have been tonic advertisements all mashed up together to create this almost Abomination type figure I don't know if you want to call it an enemy I don't know if you want to call it a machine regardless it looks sick and I think it would have fit perfectly within the horror scheme and the horror aspect of rapture let me know what you think down in the comments so the final three cut pieces of content I'd actually like to talk about within bioshocks portion of this video can actually be found within the Museum of Orphan Concepts if you want to check out a video that I made on that quite a while ago I'll put a card at the top right hand of the corner of the screen for you all you have to do is click on it watch it then come back to this one if not I'll leave a link down in the description below the first one is stitchy which is also known as a ranged aggressor and it was the first splicer ever created obviously it does not look like the splicers we know in the game so that one is definitely one I'm glad got cut out and one of the lead artists Sean Robertson actually labeled it as probably the worst abortion that a rational has ever made so that is hilarious to me next up we have the yam hand and again it was an early concept from a splicer and it just was not made for rapture another Creator which was Rob Waters said it kind of made you wonder what the heck is going on under that dingy burlap sack and yeah what is going on because its body is so disproportionate to itself that either he's been working out his left arm a lot or something else is going on and I don't want to know and then finally we have the missing link and this would have been more of a monstrous splicer and this would have been basically at the point where a human who is splicing up too much was on the verge of becoming a full-blown splicer where they would have lost their minds again it was cut from the game but I think this one would have made the most amount of sense to keep in the game but I trust irrational I trust Ken Levine and I'm glad that they made the right choice with this now let's move on to BioShock 2. moving on to BioShock 2 we have some absolutely badass concept arts for a lot of enemies a lot of those including splicers the first one I want to cover are the Crawlers and this was supposed to be a rather disturbing looking model as you can see on the screen now it would have had an additional mouth on the back of its head obviously caused from mutations from splicing and just the overall exposure to Adam and this one would have been terrifying to fight it really gives me spider splicer type Vibes but can you imagine shooting one in the face and then all of a sudden it turns around and has another face that one would have been terrifying especially on your first playthrough of BioShock 2 but that's just my own personal opinion staying on the topic of splicers let's look at the aqua splicers because there was rumors that there was going to be a lot of underwater combat during the underwater scenes in BioShock 2 which would have been incredible but that is just a little bit of a side note from me you can see on screen now these things would have been terrifying to come up against and again this only made it past the concept art or around the concept art stage and there were gonna be two forms one when you were inside of rapture it would have actually walked around like a normal human or as close to a human as possible and when it was in the water it would have been swimming around just like nothing and again you would have been able to actually fight these things so to have not only worry about the splicers within Rapture you would have to worry about these things too in every single underwater level you would have to worry about them it would have added a little bit more danger and a little bit of awareness to the game as the player when you progress through these levels in my personal opinion these next four I'm going to try to do in a rapid fire succession type mode because although they are cool Concepts they're just that obviously Concepts and there's not too much information known about them first and foremost we have the jesters and these I assume would have been splicers that maybe were in Fort Frolic and were stuck there and just kind of adapted to their surroundings by splicing within their costumes again not too much is known so I can't really go in depth about them next up we have Rapture survivors these would not have been splicers at all these would have just been random civilians that you would have encountered in Rapture as Subject Delta and obviously they would have tried to scavenge as much as possible in order to survive whether that's weapons things like guns swords Etc they could have hoarded Adam as well if they needed it but ultimately again it was cut good idea but I don't think it would have been good in concept next we have the original Alpha Series and these look terrifying than what we got in the original game obviously they would have been a lot more mutated and a lot more beefy in terms of their overall frame so I would have loved to see them in the game unfortunately we weren't so blessed in order to get that and then finally we have the demo daddy this one I know a lot of you guys enjoy and I just enjoy the name but it was also known as the egg daddy as well this one is an absolute unit of a big daddy and for whatever reason again it was cut it would have been more of a military style defense of a big daddy so I can imagine that they would have surrounded Rapture in order to protect it from people trying to get in or trying to attack it but if they made it inside of rapture I have a feeling these things would have been a pain in the ass to fight let me know what you think of them down in the comments section below please very quickly before I discuss the little brothers which is going to be the last piece within BioShock 2 I'll be covering I have a very quick question for you guys do you want to see this become a potential series obviously there is enough removed content in the Bioshock series that I could potentially make three four or even a part 5 of this video in particular so if you wouldn't mind being so kind let me know down in the comment section below or subscribe if you're new and enjoy the content or you can even leave a like on the video all of that helps and it's greatly appreciated if we can hit anywhere from 100 to 300 likes I know that's a big gap there but if we can do that I'll make a part two for you guys deal feel now let's talk about the little brothers and then we'll move on to the three to five games worth of content in BioShock Infinite so the little brothers would have been just like the little sisters they were made in order to help gather Adam Unfortunately they would have been a failed experiment and from Ronaldo tie on I hope I pronounced his name right which is one of the concept artists he says they were supposed to be like little sisters but they were a failed experiment little brothers were supposed to be aggressive so they couldn't be used for Gathering unfortunately like I said we didn't get them in the game it would have been nice it just was not in the cards now let's move on to BioShock Infinite now in terms of BioShock Infinite I really want to cover and discuss the characters that were either removed in general or heavily altered however there's one thing in particular I would really like to discuss and that is that BioShock Infinite was actually going to have a multiplayer there was going to be two different modes from what we already know the first one would have been border patrol and it would have been a tower defense Style game and the second co-op mode would have been spec ops unfortunately all of these were cut even though there was a heavy portion of it already designed and we do have a couple of screenshots of what some of the levels would have looked like which you could see on screen now and I think if we would have had multiplayer within BioShock Infinite it would have gave that game a lot more longevity and a lot more to do within the game itself do you think multiplayer would have worked out in BioShock Infinite I personally think it would have let me know down in the comments your thoughts and opinions so the first character we're gonna discuss went through a lot of alterations within the development of BioShock Infinite and she's one of the main characters that being Elizabeth originally she was going to be 17 years old instead of 19 or 20 around that ballpark we actually see within BioShock Infinite but the devs felt that she was too young for the actual game obviously and the first overall prototype would have been labeled as the Gibson Girl and we could see this from a couple of different reveal trailers that they put out she would have been completely mute which I don't think would have added for a good character in this case in terms of BioShock Infinite where Elizabeth can actually point out information for you but the only things she would have actually been able to provide were pointing different directions or throwing you ammo and salts like Elizabeth does in the finished game so let me know would you have preferred the Gibson Girl Elizabeth or do you like the Elizabeth that was in the final version of BioShock Infinite next up we have the original Daisy Fitzroy again we can go back to the early E3 trailers of BioShock Infinite more specifically I believe it's the 2011 one where you can actually see a white Daisy Fitzroy and I believe she's Irish if I'm not mistaken correct me if I'm wrong but the concept art that you can see on screen now shows a completely different character model for Daisy Fitzroy and eventually they switched her completely which I totally agree with it makes more sense within the context of the game and then they just gave this character model the code name of Vox lady so she could have just been used in the Vox Rebellion you could have just thrown her character model in wouldn't have made that much of a difference but I ultimately believe that the character change the race change and the actual accent range or the dialect change was absolutely imperative to make Daisy Fitzroy who she was within BioShock Infinite although they're labeled as enemies I wouldn't consider the automatic gentleman enemies per se essentially they would have been servants or as we know Colombia they would have been automatonic slaves to the rich of Colombia we would have seen them all throughout Colombia and they closely resembled the dollar bill machine and the Vigor machine as well so again I don't know if they would have been hostile if you went up to him I'm sure they would have been especially when they know that you're the quote-unquote false Shepherd but it would have been nice to see more enemy diversity within BioShock Infinite speaking of enemy diversity we have the claw daddy which is one of the most badass looking ones that I've seen yet and just look at the concept art for this thing it would have had a crab-like exoskeleton that would have actually grabbed people and ripped them in half that sounds so sick just from a gameplay standpoint though can you imagine the executions that Booker was doing with the sky hook you imagine the claw daddy doing that with someone random from Colombia just grabbing a citizen and ripping them in half or if they got a hold of Booker or Elizabeth and seeing the chaos that would ensue that would have been incredible and this one in particular seems like it would have been awesome to actually fight let me know what you think down in the comments please again we're gonna have another sort of Rapid Fire section here because the next couple of enemies I want to talk about there's not too much information on them although their concept art is absolutely incredible so this first one is within the same reveal trailer that the Gibson Girl model was shown there's an unnamed or sort of a prototype enemy this kind of looks like potentially a turret or a security camera sort of enemy but let me know what you think next let's move on to Electro gloves this was an enemy that was cut fairly early in production and it would have been a powered exoskeleton which I imagine through some sort of shock jockey where it would have shot Firebolts of electricity out of its hands at enemies again similar to how shock jockey is used next we have the enhancer and for whatever reason it was also known as snake oil that one just doesn't make sense and it was cut from the final version of the game they have a potion or a sort of selection of potions on their sides as you can see in the actual screenshot and they would have used them almost like grenades so I wonder if there would have been a poison type if there would have been a blinding type a burning type Etc so that one could have been rather unique to come across within BioShock Infinite the final one I want to talk about in a little bit of detail are the Fink Factory workers in game we see that they actually can roam around freely you know walking all of that the original design of them would have been strapped to a machine to where they could only work in a specific area without moving without sitting without resting without laying down you can see the concept art on the screen now it would have been absolutely brutal but I would not have put it past Jeremiah Fink to do something like this to his workers and then we have the freaks these would have been extremely mutated people and their heads would have actually been locked inside cages and they would have grown up to about 9 to 10 feet tall they would have had all of the characteristics of a splicer that was trapped in Colombia but these just look absolutely terrifying and I could only imagine coming across them let's say in Comstock house or that part of the game so there's that the final thing I'd like to discuss within this video on the topic of BioShock Infinite is 2K Marin and this would have been a huge what if or what could have been situation so 2K Marin obviously had a huge part in developing BioShock 2 but mainly in my personal opinion they created the best DLC that we've ever received in BioShock that being Minerva's Den so originally 2K Marin was going to create the first DLC for BioShock Infinite this would have taken place on a section of Colombia that would have been set in the ocean not sure if it would have had some sort of ties to Rapture I'm sure it would have whether it was Columbia discovering Rapture Colombia going to Rapture and invading the possibilities are just endless and honestly Limitless but apparently it wasn't up to standards so the whole idea and the whole concept was just scrapped irrational then took over the development of the first DLC and lo and behold we get Clash in the clouds that is a bummer if we could have had anything like Minerva's Den in BioShock Infinite that would have been phenomenal and it's such a letdown to know that this could have been a possibility but at least in my personal opinion Ariel at C episode one and two I know it's pretty divisive I personally enjoyed it I know you might have enjoyed it as well or you could have possibly hated it but could you imagine if we had something equivalent to a Minerva's Den in BioShock Infinite how drastically better of a game and overall experience that would have been what could have been what could have been indeed so ladies gentlemen and everybody else watching I hope you enjoyed this video I love covering cut or removed content so like I asked earlier if you want this to be a series please let me know by either leaving a comment leaving a like or subscribing it's all completely free and it does greatly help out the channel also if you want to stay up to date with me outside of YouTube or if you want to stay up to date with videos in general ringing the bell and turning on all post notifications is the best way to be notified when I upload or when I live stream and if you want to talk to me outside of YouTube social media and my Discord server are the best ways to do that the links to which will be in the description below come and join our community we have a wonderful one there and I would love for you to be a part of that with that being said a couple of videos should be popping up on the screen now if you want to check those out and with that being said take care stay safe and I will talk to you all again very very soon have a great day my friends take care
Channel: TheBioshockHub
Views: 26,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 20 Minutes of Cut Content From Bioshock, 20 Minutes of Cut Content From Bioshock 2, 20 Minutes of Cut Content From Bioshock Infinite, Cut Content From Bioshock, Cut Content From Bioshock 2, Cut Content From Bioshock Infinite, 20 Minutes of Removed Content From Bioshock, 20 Minutes of Removed Content From Bioshock 2, 20 Minutes of Removed Content From Bioshock Infinite, Removed Content From Bioshock, Removed Content From Bioshock 2, Removed Content From Bioshock Infinite
Id: t_m5QA2hbuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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