2018-07-21 - Soquel - Henry Wright - The Bones of Elijah

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in 66 they were gifted with three sons and now have four grandchildren please welcome Henry right it has been a very good camp for us hasn't it and I have appreciated your words of affirmation as we have sought to carry out the assignment given thee by the leadership of this outstanding field congratulations on what you have done thus far in the evangelism offering but congratulations on what you will do even more we recognize that the work is not yet finished and our most important responsibilities as we talked about this morning as being involved in that mission I'm going today this evening begin with our passage of Scripture second Kings the thirteenth chapter verses 20 and 21 this is an amazing piece of Scripture alright let's read come on then Elijah that was a very pitiful start let's start again then Elijah died and they buried him now pause pause if you study the Bible over the years as I have you you you since from the Bible that setting you up for a bomb and they buried him okay what's happening that's read and the rating bands from the Moab invaded the land in the spring of the year so it was as they were burying a man that suddenly they spied a band of rapist and they put the man in the tomb of Elijah it's common it's about to come the a bomb is about to explode see why is the Bible telling us this they put the man in the tomb of Elijah and now if it's a movie the the drums are rumbling in the background and the tension is building read on read on and when the man was let down help me and touch the bones of Elijah he revived my subject the touch of Elijah's bones let's pray lord help me amen oh I'm trying to calm down now we're gonna read a statement from Ellen G white I'll be ready did we get it did we get that thing fixed or do I have to just read it okay you ought to just precious back there may the Lord bless you let's read the promised blessing claimed by faith brings all others in its Train it is given according to the riches of the grace of Christ and he is ready to supply every soul according to the capacity to receive there's more start start they caught me off guard let's go if all were willing all would be filled with the Holy Spirit now that's what she's discussing she's saying there's there's something there's a there's a blessing that if you've got that one blessing all other blessings would come with that blessing and she's talking about the holy spirit what is she talking about we Don wherever the need again poor start let's go wherever the need of the Holy Spirit is a matter little full of there is seen spiritual drought spiritual darkness spiritual declension and death whenever mightor matters occupy the attention the divine power which is necessary for the growth of the church and prosperity of the church and which would bring all blessings and it's trained there she goes again with that same idea if you can get this Holy Ghost blessing then all other blessings will follow is lacking though offered in infinite plenitude what does this statement have to do with second Kings thirteen twenty and twenty-one you know life on planet Earth presents us with varying opportunities and priorities and even though we as Christians you know we talked about we're waiting for the coming of the Lord and and and and you know stuff is not that important to us the fact is if you live on this planet long enough that's what you be honest for a minute you do become a little possession oriented am i telling the truth and and and and and we we have phrases and we took praises we talked about you know my house and my car and my this and my that this this this ownership syndrome creeps into our corpuscles into our mind and we began to measure ourselves and others by the stuff am i right about it I am whether you say Amen or not I'm right about it and we try I can recall I can recall I had just taken a call to become the the secretary of the Columbia Union and then president of a conference now was the secretary of the Union I had moved for the first time in my life in 1987 to the Washington DC area well I I had I had you know I'm a passenger I'm I'm putting three three children through church schools not a lot not a lot of stuff not a lot of money a lot of stuff and I had this I had this Pontiac ste Pontiac SD on the ball is a very nice car even had a thing where you could blow up your own tires it talk to you told you when you needed gas all this kind of stuff you know started started making cars like that but now it was on its last legs I mean it's it's it's it's that the windshield wiper on the one side didn't work the air conditioning didn't work a little scarred and scratched up and I'm driving up US 29 to the Union office and in in in in DC area in the summer it gets hot as blue blazes the summers there are brutal and driving along you know just enjoy myself and and and and pull up at the stoplight next to this guy driving one of these no Mercedes xbz JD pfff you know that's what they do to make you feel good you know and they they psych you out this is not just a Honda so Honda's II well it's just a Honda really busy had nothing to do with nothing and the guys got on a nice white shirt and tie his air conditioning that's working now I got my windows down but he drives up beside me I'm talking about focus this thing about priorities and stuff she's telling us if we would put the Holy Ghost first all other blessings will come in its train pull up to the stop light next to the guy he's all comfortable and this dummy hidden Riemann rule right because I don't want this guy to think that my air conditioning doesn't work yeah I'm talking about getting psyched out and so and so Jackie this dummy rose up his windows it's 97 degrees and this and the Lord said Lord fixed me he made sure was one of them long holding lights so I'm sitting up in that car sweating like a pig but determined you know he's cool I'm gonna be cool he ain't he's not gonna think because he's got his big old Mercedes SG d EF DDD that my opponent ste you know and I'm praying Lord let that light change so I don't die right here making a complete fool out of myself over a prize I'd and stuff merciful God the light ain't too green I've only had the strength to roll the windows down even though they're electric windows now I want you to smile I'm loosen you up because I'm going somewhere with this you see we read a text about a man whose boobs were so full of the power of God that when a person who was dead touched his bones come on somebody the corpse got up now picture the scene it's an ancient funeral I see the mourners lined up behind the the burial group carrying the body on their shoulders the the priest just quoting from the Torah very somber and sacred and the hired mourners of crying aloud and the widows behind maybe the family and the kids they're marching at all as they wind up into the hills there's been a string of robberies and a band of Moabites attacks the funeral everybody starts running but the the pallbearers and I'm here in the Paul Bearer say you know we we we we don't want to be you know disrespectful but we got to get going here and bloody man is dead so you know he he not gonna mind what we do and so they see a hole or you listen to the pastor I'm just telling you the story in my own words and they tossed the body into a hole and the hole happens to be the place where Elijah has been very do you get the picture then the Bible says that the man bounced up alive well when he wakes up he realizes that everybody's running he sees the Moabites it's probably the first time in history that the corpse outran the pallbearers getting back to town did I did I paint the picture for you and and and the Bible has not stuck this story in its pages just to entertain you so what in the world is going on here it's the final miracle according to scripture associated with Elijah and I mention this because Elijah performs more miracles in the Bible than anybody else but Jesus he was the servant of Elijah remember that and if you go back to 2nd Kings first Kings rather the 19th chapter you find out how Eli jump and Elijah got hooked up Elijah's been told by the Lord your time is up taking you on a WoW and so he lied Chuck guided by God goes to this farm sees this fine young man bowing at the oxen walks up to him takes off his cloak over the Bible is so dramatic drops it on Elijah's shoulders don't say a word but Elijah recognizes the moment goes home tells us parents and leaves the oxen leaves the farm and goals to follow Elijah well that soon after the Lord decides to take Elijah up and according to the Bible Elijah says look you don't need to bother me or follow me you've gone about yourself Eli she says oh no no no no no I'm gonna stay with you till you go up and so no matter how much Elijah tries to get it Lysa to back away he will not do so stays with Elijah right down to the very end and he actually sees Elijah go up but before that happens go to 2nd Kings to 2nd Kings - and let me read you something amazing about priorities 2nd Kings 2 verses 1 and 2 and it came to pass when the Lord was about to take up Elisha reading God's Word into heaven by whirlwind that Elisha went with Elijah from Gilgal verse 2 and the Elijah said to Elisha just stay here please for the Lord has sent me on to Bethel but Elisha said as the Lord lives and as your soul lives I will not leave you verses 7 through 10 and 50 men of the sons of the prophets when it stood facing them at a distance while the two of them stood by the Jordan now Elisha took his mantle rolled it up struck the water it was divided this way and that so that the two of them crossed over on dry ground Elisha and Elijah together and so it was when they had crossed over here it is here's the moment we just read it if you will put the Holy Spirit first remember we read that how many blessings come oh that was a week all how many blessings come oh oh god is saying if you will focus your prayers on something that's eternal all other blessings come in its train and so here it is asked what you will as me before I'm taken away from you and Elijah said please let a double portion now Elijah was a powerful man this was the man this is the man who stood against 800 prophets of Bale on Mount Carmel one of the best stories in the Bible Elijah said I want some of that and more huh you see folk we're asking God for so many things we want a car we want a house we want to get well we want to get married we want to do this you want to do that but the old toughened Ellen White said hey don't focus on that ask God for power that does not wear out ask God for power that does not lose power ask God for something eternal and all this other stuff will be added as God sees you have need and Elijah got the message he could have asked Elijah for all kinds of things he said no what I want is spiritual power when I was sitting there at that lake and finished my story you thought it was not ain't finished with it they'll talk about this dummy sitting there hand on the wheel sweatin trance for the light to change the Lord spoke to me Nord spoke to him I'm not making it that Lord spoke to him up spoke to me cuz he knew he was dealing with the fool he said Henry I'm gonna burn that Mercedes up I'm gonna burn this ste up are you listen to me ladies and gentlemen God is only concerned about preserving in you that that is eternal all this other stuff is just dressing for the journey huh it's just dressing for the journey and you can see the power in Elijah in Chapter three one miracle in Chapter four five miracles in Chapter five six miracles in two miracles in chapter six six miracles and in the next chapter two miracles power power power because he made God's gift the priority how come that's going and say it listen we don't need to spend a lot of time on this tonight let's go on and say how come they're not more church services in the church where we spend time praying for the power of the Holy Ghost begging God confessing before God laying things out before God letting things go before God putting things aside we're praying we turn God into a slot machine praying for this that on the other and the thing is all this stuff you're praying for the new car the house he's going to burn it up nothing wrong with having a nice house give him something to burn I mean yeah nothing wrong with Alexis there they don't burn do they melt real good a lot of lexical melt real good they melt better than Ford's he's gonna burn them all up God got saying you gotta be poor and naked without don't get attached Elijah what can I do for you I don't want anything that you have Elijah but what I do want is something God gave you only I want twice as much and the stuff was so powerful in him even when the man died I would get a hold of this thing with me when the man died his bones were powerful hey but now wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait God is not God is not partial you you can be a Novation I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i come on your Galatians 2:20 getting that I but what right say it Christ does what lives in me you see you're supposed to be dead in Christ come on now buried by baptism I would somebody but listen to me preach now you are supposed to be in the grave cells to be destroyed but your orders still have the kind of power in your life that brings somebody else back to life somebody who is broken somebody who's afraid somebody who's ignorant if the church was filled with dead people choked up with the Holy Ghost then the church would be the powerhouse that God needs it to be if any man be in Christ finish it he is what the Greek says a new creation see God intends to get rid of all of you there's nothing about the original you that God can hold on to he wants total yes sir brother thank goodness he wants total renovation and thank you folk that's scary because there's humble and pious as we like to be fact is most of us think too much of ourselves and God knows it and that's why he keeps working to destroy working to remake working to change we're buried Romans 6:3 and for we're buried so Elijah's bones send the Christian Church a powerful message put that elder might save me back on the screen please put it back on the screen oh here there it is ready read whenever minor matters occupy the attention the divine power which is necessary for the growth of the church and prosperity of the church and which would pause there supposing the person who's just been diagnosed with cancer does not get on their knees and beg God to cure them of cancer but gets on their knees and ask God to fill them with the Holy Ghost supposing the person whose marriage is falling apart rather than spending time on your knees begging God to save your marriage God fill me and my partner with the Holy Ghost hey that'll take care of the marriage problem somebody say man out there we are praying the wrong prayers with the wrong priority in the wrong order what God wants is a church begging him for the ultimate power that he says will win the world I was I'm done I was I was I'm tired y'all preached my heart out this morning I was on my way back to school tell one of my favorite stories have you've heard it before that some of you listen to me on YouTube it's alright I'm old I tell the stories over and over again I was on the way back to school back in back in the 60s and when you get to be 76 it all gets blurred you know we're gonna they must let them back on this it was a 65 65 I had my first brand-new car 1965 Chevelle see the old folks I heard the young folks said up what you know what Chevelle it's a shitty small shitty Chevelle cute little car and I picked it out myself turquoise turquoise seats turquoise steering wheel oh yeah four doors that's the white let's the car got married I'm married Carol in that car Joe Votel the ceiling was coming down but it's new now and and and I had I had gone home for Thanksgiving picked up some of my cousins and my brother we're driving back to Oakland well back in those days there was no interstate 65 you drove all the way through Nashville Tennessee on route 31 it's late at night everybody sleep drive up to the signal traffic signal just happened to drive up beside a little Volkswagen I'm the same idiot you know in that car that other same dummy just a younger dummy at that time light change from red to green me and the Volkswagen took off but he he stayed in front of me all the way to the next light you know folks I don't know no issue pride so as the light change I decided just to use a bit more gas you know I mean just go and put the fella in this place sort of like change from you know red yellow green I use a bit more gas and jumped off to the next light take care of business right now the post Lang was in front of me all the way to the next light well my other brothers sitting next to me in the in the car everybody in the backseat is asleep and I don't know you know leash you know younger brothers are produced for one purpose to agitate older brothers that's why they're born that's why they're born and so I hear this little so what's your problem fella huh I saw you you you couldn't you couldn't have that bus right so without wasn't tryna one tryin to do nothin like that you know I know I'm not powerful I'm preaching about power I know what my sermons about like chains again but this time you know I just we got to settle this now but this is ridiculous trait six and gentle little four-cylinder engine here let's go on and do it might change and now I I let it lose not full bore but I let it loose all the way to the next slight tickle saying alright Hank as we followed the Volkswagen to the next night well I didn't know this the folk in the backseat had awakened they said hey hey you can't you can't of course you know that the younger brother fulfilling his reason for birth oh man this is ridiculous brand-new car come on come on well this time I just forgot you know I'm a young path I forgot about being a young pastor I don't care now about reputation forget debt it's time to get down to business I rolled up my elbows put them on that steering wheel put my foot on the brake put the put the gas pedal down to get the engine ready ready for that light to charge everybody said let's go Hank let's get him let's get him light change from red to yellow to green in my car scroll out in and a demonstration of power six cylinders pulling with all their might following the Volkswagen poor with me to the next light so I looked over at the guy he's kind of chuckling and he does this so light change I pulled over of course behind him that's where I belong behind him as I pulled behind him that's when I saw that the back wheels in that bug were sitting out beyond the wind of the the fender with the fender wells great big tires as I got out I could hear this Volkswagens engine jiù jiù jiù jiù jiù jiù jiù jiù jiù decision even as good old southern boys he said I got you didn't I you know yeah don't feel bad he said let me show you something pulled up you know the engines in the back and they're in place of a Volkswagen engine was the engine of a Porsche I got news for your night folk there's a God in heaven who wants to give you power and I read in Ezekiel I'm gonna take out the old heart hey I'm gonna put a new heart in you I'm gonna replace the engine of Henry right but the power of the Holy Ghost you will be able to do things you never thought you would do I filled with the power you've made me a priority and the church will become something that God has always wanted it to be a place where dead folks come back alive in the power of God I want that power what about you I said I want that power what about you stand on your feet with me as we sing to him pass me not old gentle Savior I don't want him to lead me out when he gives the power hear my humble cried while on others our calling do not pass me by [Music] come on everybody [Music] sing the song [Music] the name of Jesus Savior [Music] now the spring raiding of [Music] Oh your heart [Music] yes now Jesus wants to hear you call his name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time call the name of Jesus everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] just keep playing softly Jackie Spirit of God has impressed me that I should open the doors of the church one more time maybe somebody just didn't have the courage to come down here this morning you know you need a engine transformation you want the power you've been trying and failing and you've gotten disbelieving about what God can do bring yourself to him he will change your engine it's just someone who will walk down here tonight say Here I am Lord God bless you God bless you God bless you come on up here god bless you god bless you let me take your hand others are coming others are coming god bless you god bless you I need some pastures a common sand with these dear folk we're coming forward just stand around them some patches on each side god bless you others are coming don't want to let this last chance for a harvest take place Pope give God glory this is wonderful this is wonderful I was one of close out the Lord said no no this is not your meeting Henry it's my meeting it's my meeting god bless you young man see you coming somebody else maybe even a child if your child is saying I'm gonna come don't hold them back bring them up come up with your child teenager come we see you we see you isn't this wonderful folk a manifestation of God's power even in the last few seconds of this camp meeting God bless your brother having the courage to get up first and come on down god bless you you broke people loose you became a witness for others somebody else would have come now quickly before I close others are coming come on folks let's sing that chorus one more time they might help somebody Savior Savior come on now sing it sing it call his name Savior Savior everybody together come on now [Music] singing [Music] I'm gonna pray wanna pray thank you Lord for reminding me that I'm not in charge of anything forgive me for even thinking of it closed out without doing your will for these precious ones with common you know why you brought them claim them they've come forward to change out the old engine hallelujah they want the touch of Elijah's bones they want to be the dead in Christ to revive others clean each one but each of us want to be an Elijah but Lord our prayers need help and I want you to challenge Lord this congregation that in the morning when they pray at night when they pray rather than going through a long list we just read it if we will get that first thing done all other blessings will come in its train so no more prayers without asking for the Holy Ghost no more prayers without asking for the Holy Ghost no more prayers I will even loosen up our pockets for the for the cat meeting offering [Music] thank you for allowing me to come here with my precious wife may each of us return home safely bathed in your goodness and I thank you for using this old preacher one more time in Jesus name Amen please be seated you dear ones who've come if you would just go out maybe with these pastors if some pastors came forward [Music] thank you please be seated they have some closing announcements and things thank you [Music]
Channel: Vince Gonzalez
Views: 25,562
Rating: 4.7173147 out of 5
Id: P-uOGZD1bqI
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Length: 41min 44sec (2504 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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